Imperialism Unit Exam Review 14

Imperialism Unit Exam Review
The unit exam will be worth 100 points and will be given on Tuesday, October 13. The
exam will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions worth 2 points each (40), 5 short
answer questions worth 4 points each (20), 5 document-based questions worth 4 points
each (20), and 20 map locations worth 1 point each (20). You will be expected to
complete the exam during class on Tuesday, October 13.
All of the multiple-choice and short answer questions will be derived from the
following general questions.
1. What were the motivations for European imperialism?
2. How is the White Man’s Burden related to Social Darwinism?
3. What factors contributed to the rise of nationalist movements in response to
4. Distinguish between direct rule and indirect rule.
5. Where was Italy involved in African colonization, and with what effect?
6. Who was King Leopold II, where was he from, and where did he colonize?
7. Who were the Boers, where did they live, and who did they fight?
8. How did German involvement in German South West Africa foreshadow the
9. Explain the importance of Otto Von Bismarck and the Berlin Conference.
10. What influenced Gandhi’s nationalist impulses?
11. Why was journalism a key ingredient in Gandhi’s recipe for nonviolent resistance?
1 12. Explain the Open Door Policy and why it was significant in American history.
13. How did western nations respond to the Boxer Rebellion?
14. What was Sun Yat-sen’s model for democracy?
15. What was the nature of the rural/urban conflict in early 20th century China?
16. How did Japan emulate the western military model?
17. What was the impact of Japan’s war with Russia?
18. List and explain the four theoretical justifications for American imperialism.
19. Who was Frederick Jackson Turner and what was his thesis?
20. What were the components of Mahan’s formula for becoming a world power?
21. Who was Matthew Perry and how do his accomplishments relate to American
22. Why was Queen Liliukalani an important historical figure?
23. What were the causes of the Spanish American War?
24. Why was President McKinley hesitant to go to war over Cuba?
25. What territories did the United States acquire or control as a result of the Spanish
American War?
26. Describe the causes and controversies of the Philippine American War.
2 27. What were the complaints of the anti-imperialists?
28. Explain how the United States obtained control of the Panama Canal.
29. Explain Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
30. Which President was associated with dollar diplomacy and where was it used?
The map locations will require you to locate the following 20 places:
Gold Coast
South Africa
South West Africa
Philippine Islands
Be prepared to answer questions related to the document “Imperialism and the
Negro” by Kelly Miller on the back of this page.
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