TEST REVIEW 11. 19. 15 Warm Up – Review For Test • Answer these questions in your notes: • 1. Describe the positive and negative effects that imperialism can have on the weaker country • 2. What is Social Darwinism? How can it be applied to imperialism? • 3. How can nationalism lead a country to want its independence? • 4. Describe Gandhi’s philosophy on resistance? Why did he choose this style of protest? Provide an example that displays Gandhi’s style of protest. • 5. Name and describe each of the MAIN causes of World War I. How did each cause lead to the beginning of the war? CREATE YOUR OWN TEST QUESTIONS Using your notes and study guide, write a test question for each section: (5 questions total – 4 short answer, 1 multiple choice) •One question from British imperialism •One question from Imperialism in Africa •One question from Consequences of Imperialism •One question from World War I Notes (Causes) •One question from World War I Notes (Fighting and End of War)