Linkage, recombination, and mapping of genes • how are genes arranged on a chromosome? • how are linked genes transmitted? • how are genes mapped? • linked genes cannot segregate independently during germ cell formation Mendel’s law of the independent assortment of different pairs of alleles does not apply • linkage can be overcome by crossing-over Recombination frequency of unlinked genes is 50% A P B A B A B a b AB x testcross x gametes: a b a b a b a a b AB A B parental type A A b recombinant type B ab b 50% a B recombinant type a b parental type ab Linked genes are not independently assorted w = white P1 F1 F2 males w y+/ w y+ w y+/ w+ y 1/2 w y+/ Y 1/2 w+ y / Y 0 0 1 w+ y+ / Y wy/Y x x w+ y / Y y = yellow w w y+/ Y y+ w+ y parental types complete (100%) linkage (only found in exceptional cases) recombinant types Linked genes are not independently assorted w = white P1 w y+/ w y+ x w+ y / Y F1 w y+/ w+ y x w y+/ Y F2 males 4484 w y+/ Y 4413 w+ y / Y 76 53 9026 w+ y+ / Y wy/Y y = yellow parental types 4484+ 4413 x 100 = 99% 9026 recombinant types 76 + 53 x 100 = 1% 9026 A test cross allows to analyze linkage on an autosome pr vg / + + + x pr vg / pr vg pr vg pr = purple vg = vestigial pr vg / pr vg pr vg 1195 parental types: 89% + 1339 pr + / pr vg pr 151 + + / pr vg recombinant types: 11% + vg / pr vg vg 154 A test cross allows to analyze linkage on an autosome pr vg / + + + x pr vg / pr vg pr vg pr = purple vg = vestigial pr vg / pr vg pr vg 552 + + / pr vg + pr + / pr vg pr parental types: 100% 519 0 recombinant types: 0% + vg / pr vg vg 0 Chi Square Test can null hypothesis of no linkage be rejected? c2 = 5.84 c2 = ∑ c2 = 11.7 (number observed - number expected)2 df = degrees of freedom number expected P reject null hypothesis Curt Stern, 1931: Recombination of linked genes by crossing-over genetic markers: : physical markers car = carnation dark ruby eyes Bar deformed eyes Recombination frequencies depend on the distance between genes Recombination frequency = percentage of recombinants in a testcross Recombination frequency RF is measure for distance between genes that are linked on a chromosome RF of 1% = 1 map unit (m.u.) = 1 centiMorgan (cM) A. H. Sturtevant, 1912: A 3-point testcross vg pr b + + + vg pr b 1779 + + + 1654 vg + + 241 + pr b 252 vg pr + 118 + + b 131 x vg + b 13 + pr + 9 4197 vg pr b vg pr b RF: vg - pr: 493 + 22 x 100 = 12.3 types 3433 parental (no crossover) 4197 pr - b: 249 + 22 x 100 = 6.4 4197 493 recombinant types (single crossover) 249 vg = vestigial pr = purple b = black vg - b: 493 + 249 x 100 = 17.7 4197 vg - b: 493 + 249 + 22 + 22 recombinant types 22 (double crossover) vg 4197 12.3 17.7 12.3 + 6.4 = 18.7 pr x 100 = 18.7 6.4 b 0.123 x 0.064 = 0.0079 (0.79%) 0.0079 x 4197 = 33 vg pr b 1779 + + + 1654 vg + + 241 + pr b 252 vg pr + 118 + + b 131 vg + b 13 + pr + 9 types 3433 parental (no crossover) 4197 Coefficient of coincidence = (c.o.c.) 493 recombinant types (single crossover) 249 RF: vg - pr: 493 + 22 x 100 = 12.3 4197 pr - b: 249 + 22 x 100 = 6.4 4197 chromosomal interference: crossing-overs do not occur independent of each other recombinant types 22 (double crossover) 33 expected Interference I = 1 - c.o.c. = 1 - 0.66 = 0.34 number of observed double crossovers number of expected double crossovers 22 = 0.66 33 Genes that are far apart on a chromosome behave as if they were not linked: • recombination frequency between such genes is that of unlinked genes (50%) • can be linked through common intermediaries: a-b-c c-d-e e-f-g linkage group best way to create a map: combine data for many small intervals • use of mapping functions Groups of genes that could be linked by recombination experiments are called linkage groups: • as soon as analysis nears completion the number of linkage groups will eventually equal n, the number of chromosomes in one set of non-homologous chromosomes The Drosophila genetic map: X 2nd 3rd 4th