108 Economic results annual report 2014 9 FINANCIAL results • Analysis of the 2014 financial year • Main financial indicators of the Coca-Cola Iberian Partners Group 109 110 Financial Results ı Analysis of the 2014 financial year ı Main financial indicators Analysis of the 2014 financial year A good result in a difficult context Albert Pérez Corporate Director of Planning, Control and Finances The 2014 financial year has confirmed the upwards trend of the economy that started at the end of 2013, following six full years of recession. The Spanish GDP has once again started to record positive figures, having grown by 1.4%, principally driven by exports and a slight increase in domestic demand. The monetary policy decisions carried out by the Central European Bank for stimulating the euro zone economy during the past year, have especially helped to ease the Spanish risk premium and have contributed to restoring part of the trust of the economic actors. However, public debt continues to rise and it is estimated that through 2015 it will account for over 100% GDP. Private sector debt continues to be a concern, and Spain is on the brink of deflation. All this, together with high levels of national unemployment which continue to sit at above 24%, has prevented this initial recovery from being reflected in the real economy. In this complicated context, the financial results that we have achieved as Coca-Cola Iberian Partners have been positive. The lowered standard of living provoked by the crisis still remains. For this reason, our business is among those which will feel the effects of recovery further down the line. Ultimately, this has been a good result in a difficult context, which has only been possible thanks to Portugal’s positive performance, with a higher turnover, the upward trend of net market prices and, mainly, thanks to the efforts realized by Coca-Cola Iberian Partners in the successful handling of its consolidation process. The main impact that we are absorbing right now comes from the general fall of prices in our sector, as the volume of sales has remained at levels which are similar to those of previous years. Turnover in Spain declined by -0.6%, while in Portugal it increased by 5.4%. This has meant that the company’s final turnover result stands at -0.2%. With respect to consolidated revenue, we ended the financial year with a figure of 177 million euros and an EBITDA of 322 million. Throughout 2014 the company has worked to unite the structures and processes at the eight bottling plants which have combined to create the current company. This integration project has been the year's main focus and its synergies have brought about the good result that has been achieved, thanks to the economies of scale and better negotiation with suppliers, the rationalization and optimization of annual report 2014 Main financial indicators of the Coca-Cola Iberian Partners Group Thousands of euros INCOME STATEMENT (1) 2014 2013 Net Revenue figures 3,009,592 1,834,713 Operating costs (2) -2,678,079 -1,701,746 -92,996 -60,848 238,517 72,119 Allocation for depreciation of fixed assets Operating costs Financial results Results of common business activities Extraordinary results Pre-tax earnings Corporation tax Consolidated revenue for the financial year Earnings attributed to minority interests -830 -1,471 237,687 70,648 - - 237,687 70,648 -60,851 37,334 176,836 107,982 267 -147 Earnings attributed to the parent company 177,103 107,835 EBITDA 331,513 132,967 BALANCE(3) Fixed assests 2014 2013 802,507 840,683 Consolidated goodwill 816,211 816,211 Deferred tax assests 103,255 127,748 Current assets 620,763 660,321 Liquid assets(4) 228,968 110,015 Total assets 2,571,704 2,554,978 Net worth 2,071,708 1,894,896 External stakeholders 788 2,043 Long-term provisions 8,584 9,892 Deferred tax liabilities 37,696 46,560 Short-term provisions 14,764 105,868 Debts to credit institutions, capital lease and other financial assets. 54,616 94,793 Short-term debts to multigroup companies Lenders Total liabilities CASH FLOW STATEMENT (5) Consolidated result for the year before taxes - 3,089 383,548 397,837 2,571,704 2,554,978 2014 2013 237,687 70,648 Adjustments of the consolidated result 9,612 174,693 Changes to the consolidated working capital 21,583 -199,743 Other cash flows from consolidated operations. -67,903 -1,683 Total cash flows from consolidated operations 200,979 43,915 Investment payables -72,742 -3,740 Divestment receipts 67,985 5,151 Total cash flows from consolidated operations -4,757 1,411 Receivables and payments for equity instruments - -282 -28,169 -50,446 Receivables and payments for financial liability instruments Payments of dividends and renumeration of other equity instruments Total cash flows from consolidated financial activities Effect of changes in exchange rates Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents -10 -79 -28,179 -50,807 -16 -3 168,027 -5,484 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 48,087 53,571 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 216,114 48,087 (1) Statement from the consolidated profit and loss account of Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, S.A. and Subsidiary Companies corresponding to the financial year that ended December 31st, 2014. (2) Without amortizations. (3) Statement from the consolidated balance sheet of Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, S.A. and Subsidiary Companies at December 31st, 2014. (4) Including short-term investments. (5) Consolidated cash flow statement of Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, S.A. and Subsidiary Companies at December 31st, 2014. 111 112 Financial Results ı Analysis of the 2014financial year ı Main financial indicators capacities, and the extension of best practices to the whole organisation. The results obtained in the first year of operation as one single bottling company demonstrate that integration yields the expected results in terms of financial capacity and management, allowing us to deal with the growth and development challenges that the company will have to face in the next few years. Mª Carmen capilla Director of Administration and Finance “The 2014 result has been possible thanks to Portugal’s positive performance, the upward trend of net market prices and, mainly, thanks to the efforts realized by Coca-Cola Iberian Partners in the successful handling of its consolidation process”. B) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN TOTAL EQUITY Opening balance May 31st, 2013 Profit distribution Non-monetary contribution Business combination Adjustments from converstion (IFRS 1) Final balance May 31st, 2013 Total recognized income and expense Capital Share premium Parent Company reserves Results from previous financial years 60 - - - - (1) 1,517,000 275,262 - - - - - - (5,323) 1,517,060 275,262 (5,324) - - - - - - Transactions with stakeholders: Acquisition of treasury shares Capital reduction by amortization of own shares (60) Changes to the consolidated group - - 114 Dividends - - - 1,517,000 275,262 (5,210) Total recognized income and expense - - - Profit distribution - - 6,294 Balance May 31st, 2013 Transactions with stakeholders: Changes to the consolidated group - - - Dividends - - 85,000 Other Balance May 31st, 2014 - - (47) 1,517,000 275,262 86,037 annual report 2014 Main financial indicators of the Coca-Cola Iberian Partners Group Thousands of euros A) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNIzED INCOME AND EXPENSE Consolidated result from the income statement (i) 2014 2013 176,836 107,982 Total income and expenditure directly allocated to net assets (ii) Subsidies, gifts and legacies Tax effect Total transfers to the consolidated income statement (iii) - - - - - - - - 176,836 107,982 Total consolidated recognized income and expense attributed to the Parent company 177,103 107,835 Total consolidated recognized income and expense attributed to the external partners 267 (147) Total consolidated recognized income and expense (i+ii+iii) Reserves in fully consolidated companies Treasury shares Net income attributable to the Parent company Adjustments for Changes in Value External stakeholders Total - - (1) - - 59 - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1,792,262 - - - 9 2,310 2,319 - - - - - (5,323) - - - 9 2,310 1,789,317 - - 107,835 - 147 107,982 - (60) - - - (60) 60 - - - - - (335) (221) - - - - (79) (79) - - 107,835 9 2,043 1,896,939 - - 177,103 - (267) 176,836 101,541 - (107,835) - - - - - - - (978) (978) (85,000) - - - (10) (10) (244) - - - - (291) 16,297 - 177,103 9 788 2,072,496 113