A N N U A L R E P O R T 2014 | 2015 This past year was one of accomplishment and celebration in Downtown Santa Monica, beginning with a series of fun and informative activities for the community in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the Third Street Promenade, one of the most successful public spaces in the world. It culminated with the expansion of Downtown to include Lincoln Boulevard, and the passage of the Colorado Overlay Zone, which will provide the additional cleaning and active management necessary to preserve the quality level of services people have become accustomed to in Downtown once the Exposition Light Rail Line arrives in early 2016. Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. (DTSM, Inc.) unveiled a new summer program, Picnic on the Promenade, where residents, Downtown employees and visitors are encouraged to break bread and enjoy cool ocean breezes, abundant sunshine and our eclectic mix of street performers. We experienced record-breaking numbers of skaters at ICE at Santa Monica and produced many festive holiday happenings. And that’s not all. The Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Board of Directors worked closely with City staff on the creation of the Downtown Specific Plan, which will guide how land is used in our dynamic urban center; advised Big Blue Bus on realigning routes to better connect with the incoming Expo Light Rail; and tackled challenging issues impacting Downtowns across the country. We unveiled new map cases and directories, as well as our decorative pylon at Wilshire Boulevard, all of which represent the first phase of an infrastructure pilot program that will ensure the promenade remains vibrant for another 25 years. We have continued to provide high-quality maintenance and hospitality through our ambassador and marketing programs, helping to highlight all that is wonderful about our Downtown, which is thriving both economically and culturally. The DTSM, Inc. family is excited about the present day and what the future holds for Downtown Santa Monica and hopes you are too. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another prosperous and productive year. TA B LE OF CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT Organizational Management Visitor Experience Development 3-5 6-13 Character & Cultural Development 14-15 Community Advocacy 16-20 Economic Development 21-24 Governance25-26 STATE OF DOWNTOWN Sincerely, Trasnportation27 Residents28 Housing29 Kathleen Rawson Patricia Hoffman CEOBoard Chair Economics30 Retail31 Employment32 Office33 Tourism34-35 Development Map 36-37 Safety38 2 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Maintain a strong, efficient, effective organization capable of making solid internal decisions as well as formulating external advocacy in the best interest of Downtown Santa Monica. Mission Statement The mission of DTSM, Inc. is to work with the City of Santa Monica to promote economic stability, growth and community life within Downtown Santa Monica through responsible planning, development, management and coordination of programs, projects and services designed to benefit the community as a whole, which includes Downtown businesses, property owners, residents and visitors. “Over the past decade, Downtown Santa Monica has evolved into a dynamic and vital hub of activity. It continues to be a major driver of our local economy and attracts top tier companies that want to call Santa Monica home. Downtown is a sought-­after place to live that offers world­-class amenities within walking distance, making life without a car a reality. The City of Santa Monica values Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.’s ongoing stewardship of the area and their commitment to ensure that our Downtown is clean and welcoming to all who live, work and visit. Their contributions help maintain Santa Monica’s status as one of the best beach cities in America.” Downtown Zones – Elaine Polachek, Interim City Manager The Downtown Santa Monica Property-­Based Business Assessment District (PBAD) encompasses the core of the Downtown area bounded by Wilshire Boulevard to the north, 7th Court to the east, the Santa Monica Freeway to the south and Ocean Avenue to the west. The area is broken into three zones, with three different levels of service and benefit. Assessments vary depending in which zone a property is located. Parking Structure P10 P9 Parking Structure P WILSHIRE BLVD WILSHIRE BLVD 1 Bhaki Yoga P1 Parking Structure UCLA Family Commons P2 Parking Structure ARIZONA AVENUE P P7 A FW Y COLORADO MAIN ST Tu nn el Tunnel S A N TA M O N I C COLORADO Parking Structure P8 Parking Structure P 1 Block To The Pier & Beach BROADWAY SANTA MONICA PLACE P PIER SEVENTH STREET P5 BROADWAY Zone 3: Downtown ZONE 3 Parking Structure P6 Parking Structure Consists of 2nd and 4th Streets, including public parking structures, Ocean Avenue corridors and Santa Monica Place. SIXTH STREET SANTA MONICA BLVD ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 FIFTH STREET FOURTH STREET P3 PROMENADE SANTA MONICA BLVD Zone 2: Bayside/Ocean Includes the remainder of the Downtown District generally east of 4th Street to 7th Court. Parking Structure THIRD STREET Attendant on duty SECOND STREET P4 Parking Structure Palisades Park Encompasses Third Street Promenade pedestrian mall, inclusive of the three blocks fronting Third Street between Wilshire Boulevard and Broadway. OCEAN AVENUE PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY 1 Zone 1: Promenade ARIZONA AVENUE NORTH ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 3 ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Financials The following financial statements reflect DTSM, Inc.’s budget allocation and financial position that supported our programs. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FY 2014/2015 JUNE 30, 2015 JUNE 30, 2014 Assessment Revenues $5,599,515 $5,255,708 Other Revenues $1,389,252 $1,317,660 Total Revenues $6,988,767 $6,573,368 Economic/Business Development $359,817 $359,544 Marketing/ Promotional/Branding $2,090,062 Operations STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FY 2014/2015 JUNE 30, 2015 JUNE 30, 2014 Cash/Cash Equivalents $2,965,558 $2,399,650 Certificates of Deposit $– $– Property/Equipment $90,891 $158,385 Total Assets $3,056,449 $2,558,035 $1,788,886 Liabilities $350,940 $534,387 $190,081 $181,488 Total Net Assets $2,705,509 $2,023,648 Ambassadors $1,416,289 $1,466,305 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $3,056,449 $2,558,035 Maintenance $1,429,794 $1,323,693 Management/General $536,716 $528,068 Special Projects $192,735 $155,952 Homeless Support/Programs $103,309 $96,637 Dolphin Change Program $20,934 $20,977 Total Expenses $6,340,367 $5,921,550 Additional Revenue A vital strategy in maintaining a vibrant and strong Downtown is seeking out revenue generating programs that can support DTSM, Inc. initiatives, aiding in their longevity and growth. ICE at Santa Monica, the Parking Structure Advertising Program and sponsorships are the primary sources of income that complement assessment dollars and enhance annual operations. ICE at Santa Monica Sponsor Wall 4 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Parking Garage Advertising Program Civic Pride DTSM, Inc. plays a significant role in shaping the future of Downtown Santa Monica and therefore it is imperative for its staff to foster strong connections with the community to better understand its needs and wants. DTSM Inc. staff members are required to volunteer with social service organizations and community groups such as the Police Activities League, the Buy Local Santa Monica program and the Santa Monica Conservancy. DTSM Inc. also dedicates funding to help local organizations reach their goals and sponsors community events that are free to the public. Santa Monica Symphony Annual Sponsorship Santa Monica Conservancy Walking Tour Brochure PAL “Best Gift Ever” Wrap Party Westside Hunger Coalition Success Breakfast Sponsorship ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 5 VISITOR EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT Position Downtown as a unique, exciting and broadly accessible experience-based place, retaining substantial demand and high value. Picnic on the Promenade Sonic Submarine Cinema on the Street Downtown Events A key component of DTSM, Inc.’s Operations Plan is to organize events and promotions that attract locals, customers and visitors to Downtown, while reinforcing the District’s brand and authenticity. This year, DTSM, Inc. accomplished that with a variety of special events designed to target and appeal to diverse Santa Monica audiences. They include an outdoor movie series dubbed Cinema on the Street, an electronic music festival called Sonic Submarine, and Picnic on the Promenade, a series of informal picnics at the Promenade’s Center Court complete with live music, classic board games and free periodicals for employees, residents and visitors. To help Downtown merchants promote themselves, they are encouraged to provide free services or discounts and to engage with picnic-goers. 25th Anniversary This past year was especially exciting and memorable as DTSM, Inc. celebrated the Third Street Promenade’s 25th Anniversary with a series of community events, including a parade featuring local high school cheerleaders and a marching band, an ice cream social and outdoor concert, plus an informative symposium on the pedestrian mall’s history and role in revitalizing a struggling Downtown. 25th Anniversary Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Pro Tem Terry O’Day Former Mayor Denny Zane tells the story of Third Street Promenade at the 25th Anniversary Symposium 6 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Santa Monica High School Marching Band parades down the Promenade for the 25th Anniversary Celebration Winterlit During the winter holiday season, DTSM, Inc. spreads good cheer with a series of free, family-friendly events and festive decor. These events, promoted under the Winterlit banner, include a holiday tree lighting and Santa parade, ornament decorating for youngsters and nightly Menorah lighting ceremonies and snowfall. Each of these events are geared to attract locals and create traditions for the community, as well as drive sales to retail and restaurant locations in the District. Tree Lighting in Santa Monica Place Holiday Ornament Decorating Third Street Promenade Santa Parade ICE at Santa Monica ICE at Santa Monica’s triumphant return in November 2014 solidified its reputation as the place to stay cool during the holidays. In its 8th season, this community gathering space was more popular than ever with record breaking numbers of skaters, birthday parties and skate lessons. More skaters means more business for Downtown Santa Monica. In a 2013 survey taken at ICE at Santa Monica, 87% of respondents indicated that ICE was their primary reason for visiting Downtown. After skating they said they planned to dine and/or shop in the area. Menorah Lighting Setting Records! 58,954 Skaters ICE at Santa Monica Grand Opening Celebration ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 7 VISITOR EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT Maintenance Downtown Santa Monica streets and alleyways require tender loving care to keep their sheen. Maintenance teams sweep, scrub and pressure wash millions of square feet of public streets annually and remove thousands of pounds of trash and graffiti. This improves the appearance of all public spaces, creating a pleasant environment for residents, workers and visitors. 3X/DAY • Clean and maintain structure restrooms (including restocking hand towels and other supplies) • Clean and maintain elevator interiors • Empty structure trash cans and replace trash bags • Walk structures removing loose trash and debris WEEKLY DAILY • Mop structure stairwells, restrooms, landings and lobby areas • Report non-functioning lights in structures, including elevators • Spray and wipe down handrails in structure stairwells • Spray and wipe signage and trash can surfaces • Spray and wipe walls in structure restrooms, lobby areas, stairwells and landings CONTINUOUSLY • Remove graffiti, flyers and handbills from structures • Clean and deodorize trash can liners 8 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. • Emergency maintenance issues, such as spill clean-ups, are attended to immediately Itemized Maintenance Reports Records of all actions completed by Downtown Maintenance Ambassadors are documented and tracked for progress. DEBRIS BY ZONE TOTAL Zone 1 89,400 Zone 2 70,081 Zone 3 36,500 STICKERS BY ZONE TOTAL Zone 1 643 Zone 2 760 Zone 3 391 GRAFFITI BY ZONE TOTAL Zone 1 197 Zone 2 802 Zone 3 243 Pressure Washing DTSM alleys and streets are pressure washed on a regular basis and parking structures are cleaned, top to bottom, semi-annually. In FY2014/15 DTSM, Inc. implemented a modified power washing schedule in recognition of the drought. It includes a deep hand cleaning of each parking structure in place of one power washing. This cut the use of water by 30%. MONTHLY • Zone 1: Third Street Promenade, 2nd Ct. and 3rd Ct. alleys • Parking Structures #1-#6, #9 and #10 (Main Areas: lobbies, elevator landings) EVERY 2 MONTHS PRESSURE WASHED 2,125,258 square feet of public street REMOVED 96 Bulky Items 1,242 Incidents of Graffiti 1,794 Flyers and Stickers • Zone 2: 2nd and 4th St., Ocean Ave. (including all intersecting side streets and alleys) ANNUALLY • Parking Structures #1-#6, #9 and #10 (Full structure clean) • Parking Structures #1-#6, #9 and #10 (Hand detail) AS NEEDED COLLECTED 19,060 pounds of trash 555,235 VISITORS used the public restroom in Parking Structure 4 • Downtown Hotspots (areas of need) ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 9 VISITOR EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT Hospitality Downtown Santa Monica’s Hospitality Ambassadors are the eyes and ears of the District and provide a welcoming smile, assisting guests and employees with a host of quality of life issues, from finding a lost child, to navigating parking structures or taking pictures of guests with the Downtown dinosaurs. Ambassadors are available 18 hours a day on foot and on Segway to provide concierge services, keep sidewalks and public restrooms clean and collaborate with the Santa Monica Police Department and social service agencies to address quality of life issues. 2015 STAKEHOLDER SURVEY RESULTS Ambassador Services 35% 45% 15% 5% Quality of Life Interactions ISSUES FY 2012/2013 FY 2013/2014 FY 2014/2015 Abandoned Items 153 183 365 Aggressive Panhandling 47 82 25 Filming Without a Permit 85 69 84 Public Disturbance 230 306 176 Sleeping in Public 467 449 415 Skateboarding Bicycling/Skating 10,556 10,868 9,931 Smoking 18,472 10,859 10,071 Provide Directions 52.9% 41.2% 5.9% 0% Hand Out Maps & Brochures 52.9% 41.2% 5.9% 0% Visibility on Foot 10 In 2014/2015 Downtown Ambassadors offered many helpful tips and referrals for businesses throughout the District. 45% 58,287 Pedestrian Assists 25% 41,712 Business Referrals 8,060 Restroom Directions 4,301 Shopping/Dining Tips 128 Vehicle Assists 6.7% 108 Arts and Entertainment Referrals Very Good DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. 20% 10% Visibility on Segway 26.7% 20% 46.7% Good Fair Poor Meet the Team As a leading provider of security, cleaning and customer service personnel for Businesses Improvement Districts, Block By Block hires, trains and manages DTSM, Inc.’s Hospitality and Maintenance Ambassadors. Scott Crandall Regional VP Paulita Elliott Operations Manager Niki Svara, Assistant Operations Manager Vincent Green, Downtown Community Liaison Testimonial “Downtown Santa Monica continues to thrive as a vibrant city center which serves as a focal point for residents, business owners, and visitors. The Santa Monica Police Department is proud of its long-standing collaborative partnership with Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. It is because of the strength of this ongoing relationship that our Downtown continues to be a safe and enjoyable destination.” – Jacqueline A. Seabrooks, Chief, Santa Monica Police Department Thank You Notes from Patrons: From: Amber Santa Monica, CA From: John Santa Monica, CA From: Nik M. London, United Kingdom “My husband and I were out at dinner tonight when it began pouring rain. We found ourselves 2 blocks from our parking structure with no umbrella, but your wonderfully kindhearted employee (who was on his lunch break I might add) came to our rescue. He walked us the entire way to the parking structure under his umbrella while he stood in the rain, all the while being as pleasant and friendly as one could hope. We tried to offer him a tip as gratitude for his selflessness, but he refused and instead gave us the opportunity to reach you. He absolutely made our evening and we extend our dearest thanks to you for the services you and your affiliates are doing for “I had no idea that you guys were around, and feeling utterly desperate and hopeless in finding my lost driver’s license and ATM card, I filed a report with one of the Ambassadors on the Promenade and gave them my phone number. Not expecting anything, I received a call a couple hours later from a friendly gentleman by the name of Eric and heard the relieving phrase: ‘Yes, John, we have your license and ATM card.’ I was ecstatic and raced there as soon as I could and met the friendly gentleman. Thank you so much for saving me the headache of having to go back to the DMV to get a new license and cancel my ATM card!” “My wife and I visited Santa Monica from London, UK, in mid-April. our city. Thank you for your time.” During our stay, we were desperately looking for somewhere to print tickets for the basketball game, which we had purchased online. We approached one of your ambassadors, Cory, to see if he could advise where we could go to print the tickets. Cory was amazing!! He very kindly took us back to his office, where your colleagues very kindly printed the tickets and made some recommendations about how to get to the Lakers game, and where to eat beforehand. I wanted to write because Cory was the perfect ambassador for Santa Monica, and we were very lucky to have met him. I hope you will pass on our thanks he really added to our visit to Santa Monica and we are very keen to come back! You’re all welcome to stay in our house in London, if you can cope with the weather!!” ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 11 VISITOR EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT Infrastructure Improvements After 25 years, infrastructure on Third Street Promenade showed signs of aging. In 2012 the DTSM, Inc. board kicked off a pilot project to update key components of the bustling pedestrian mall, including new directory and map cases; repainting the light poles, trash cans and benches; and installing new landscaping and a drip irrigation system at the dinosaur fountains. This system, coupled with over 2,000 succulent plants is expected to save approximately 14,500 gallons of water per year. Finally, the pilot project features a decorative wayfinding pylon to inform visitors of their location on the Promenade. The pylon also includes opportunities to communicate Downtown information to pedestrians. The new elements have been concentrated at Third Street Promenade and Wilshire Boulevard to provide visitors a real life depiction of what the future holds for the Promenade. Updated District Map and Directory Wilshire Pylon Backlit (SantaMonicaCentric.com) 12 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Downtown Information Backlit Wilshire Pylon Backlit (History of the Promenade) Wilshire Pylon and Map Case Freshly Painted Benches and Trash Cans Dinosaur Fountain Succulents ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 13 CHARACTER & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Protect and build upon the reputation of Downtown Santa Monica as an authentic, diverse, culturally significant and forward-thinking urban district. A consequential charge of DTSM, Inc. is to promote Downtown Santa Monica both locally and internationally, reinforcing the District’s brand promise of a neighborhood that is welcoming to everyone. With that in mind, over the last year DTSM, Inc.’s Marketing and Communications Department devised a comprehensive advertising campaign showcasing the area’s diversity, and its laid-back, yet sophisticated beach vibe. Advertisements appear in local and regional publications and radio stations. 14 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. FANS, FOLLOWERS AND CHECK-INS Fans: 12,273 Page Likes: 12,579 FACEBOOK Downtown Santa Monica Followers: 9,132 TWITTER DTSantaMonica Followers: 1,534 INSTAGRAM DTSantaMonica DTSM, Inc. reinforces our brand campaign with an informative and fun website and blog, creative and engaging social media posts highlighting local businesses and activities, as well as carefully crafted media tours highlighting the District’s award-winning culinary scene, wide-ranging retail options and passion for living healthy lifestyles. DTSM, Inc. staff continually monitors media coverage and engages with journalists to ensure an accurate presentation of the District. DowntownSM.com is the primary information source for residents, visitors, employees, businesses and property owners. Downtown Santa Monica’s biggest fans visit SantaMonicaCentric.com to enjoy lively blog reports on all District happenings. MEDIA IMPRESSIONS Third Street Promenade: 130,128,106 Downtown Santa Monica: 282,301,311 Total Impressions: 412,429,417 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 15 COMMUNITY ADVOCACY Research and monitor the state of Downtown and proactively advocate on issues of importance to the City and Downtown stakeholders. Board and Committee Meetings The board and committees of DTSM, Inc. focus on issues related to Downtown development, transportation, parking, and other policy matters, with the ultimate goal of establishing a Downtown that is welcoming to everyone. Staff prepares reports that include independent research and information from City staff for the board and committee meetings, allowing members to have informed discussions on public policy so that members can better advise the City Council and City commissions. Downtown Specific Plan The City of Santa Monica is creating a new Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) - a planning document that will shape the future of land use in the District. The DSP addresses the vision and principles, development design, circulation and mobility, and economic diversity proposed in Downtown. This year, monthly meetings were held with the Executive Committee and the board, with a chapter-by-chapter review of the draft DSP, and direct feedback given to the City. DTSM, Inc. staff will continue to work with City Planning on land-use, circulation, and historic preservation, making sure these elements are adequately represented in the DSP. 16 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Expo Light Rail Preparations The DTSM, Inc. board and staff worked extensively with City Planning to prepare Downtown for the incoming Expo Light Rail. With ridership expected to reach 60,000 people a day at its peak, planning and forethought have gone into preparing Downtown infrastructure to welcome its new visitors. Communication is a key factor in the success of any development. In FY 2014/2015, DTSM, Inc. staff informed thousands of Downtown stakeholders and visitors on construction plans for the Colorado Esplanade, street closures in conjunction with area construction, and provided direct contact through the Ambassador program. As a major access point into Downtown from passengers exiting the Expo Line, 4th Street is critical. To provide a welcoming environment, DTSM, Inc. staff worked with City Planning on the 4th Street Lighting and Landscaping Project. Letters of support for grant funding, as well as recommendations on preliminary design concepts, were provided to assist with development. Input provided by staff ensured that elements used in the design are consistent with existing Downtown infrastructure. Parking Structure #5 is a crucial location for providing services to Expo passengers. DTSM, Inc. staff partnered with City staff to redesign the structure’s ground floor and choose the design firm. Input was provided on design specifications for build-out of the structure, to provide appropriate amenities, including restrooms and attractive storefronts. Development around the station plays a key role in an Expo passenger’s experience as they enter and leave the District. DTSM, Inc. staff engaged with City Planning on development of the station site, taking into account first-last mile connectivity, and provisions for multiple modes of transportation including shuttles and Transportation Network Companies (TNCs, e.g. Uber, Lyft, Sidecar). Big Blue Bus (BBB) continues to be an integral player in improving circulation in the Downtown, particularly in conjunction with the Expo Line. DTSM, Inc. collaborated with BBB to ensure optimum use of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) site at 4th Street and Colorado Avenue. BBB’s revised routes will allow the best use of the TOD site, the Expo station and the remainder of Downtown. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 17 COMMUNITY ADVOCACY Colorado Avenue Overlay Zone and Lincoln Boulevard Expansion With the arrival of Expo, DTSM, Inc. expects an increase in the number of visitors to Downtown and must prepare for their arrival. Part of that effort is the creation of an overlay zone for Colorado Avenue to provide an enhanced level of services to the area. Lincoln Boulevard properties would also become a part of Downtown Santa Monica’s Property-Based Assessment District (PBAD). Staff conducted extensive outreach to the property owners in each area, advising them of services offered in the Overlay and in becoming a part of the PBAD. Nearly 70 property owners were contacted, with petitions and ballots sent as part of the official voting process. In FY 2014/2015, the Colorado Avenue Overlay Zone was enacted, and Lincoln Boulevard properties were added to the PBAD as their own zone within the District. Services for both areas will begin in January 2016. Budget Breakdown 18 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. REVENUE SOURCE BUDGET Pre-Expansion Revenues $6,504,332 Lincoln PBAD $456,500 Maintenance $133,833 Hospitality $157,667 Capital Improvement $110,000 Marketing $55,000 Colorado Overlay $357,500 Maintenance $176,000 Hospitality $181,500 Big Blue Bus Contract $25,000 Total Operating Budget $7,343,332 Traffic, Circulation and Parking DTSM, Inc. continues to work with the City to implement policies and programs that will alleviate traffic congestion, facilitate circulation, and encourage use of public transit options. This year, City Planning re-introduced the Go With the Flow program, mandating “right-turn only” out of Downtown parking structures, and “right-turn only” into the structures. The program is implemented during the weekends from Memorial Day to Labor Day and has proven to be an effective method for improving vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Bike share was introduced to the City and Downtown this year, with residents and stakeholders choosing the name “Breeze” for the 500-bike program. Downtown will be home to 16 bike share stations, allowing visitors, employees and residents to take a short jaunt from place to place, for business or pleasure. The City also introduced an employee trip reduction program this year — Go Green. Funded by a grant from Metro, all Downtown employees were offered money in the form of gift cards when using public transit, biking, walking, or taking a carpool to work. DTSM, Inc. helped promote the program, and staff used the program to change their own commuting patterns as well. With the new shared economy, the use of valued curb space in the Downtown area became a major topic of conversation. DTSM, Inc. board and staff provided input and feedback to City staff on curb space allocation plans and in addressing vehicles for hire (e.g. Uber, Lyft, etc.). The board and staff encouraged Council to consider the following: • Allocation of space to include options for a Downtown circulator and consolidated valet program • Minimization of taxi stands and private tour bus stops • Consideration of shared uses for curb space, e.g. commercial loading and unloading during morning hours and centralized valet during evening hours • Optimum use of the Transit Oriented Development site at the Expo Light Rail Line terminus for shuttles and vehicles for hire DTSM, Inc. board and staff look forward to continuing our work with City Council and staff on improving circulation and parking options in the Downtown in the near future - particularly as Expo becomes an additional transportation option. Santa Monica Breeze ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 19 COMMUNITY ADVOCACY Human Services DTSM, Inc. maintains the vision and implements programs to make a positive impact on Downtown’s homeless. We partner with the City and local agencies to end the effect of homelessness in the community. Homeless Count In January 2015 and in partnership with the City’s Human Services Division, DTSM, Inc. staff conducted a count of unsheltered homeless individuals and families, including those in vehicles and encampments. Characteristics of homeless behavior have evolved, including more nomadic behavior creating fewer boundaries for homeless migration between cities. Consequently, the numbers of homeless individuals in the Downtown increased in 2015. Unsheltered Individuals 2014 2015 % CHANGE 59 96 +63% Dolphin Change Program Since 1993, DTSM, Inc. has been responsible for the collection and dissemination of money generated by the Dolphin Change Program. This program has provided the Santa Monica community and visitors with a means to give responsibly to established social service organizations that help the homeless. This year, DTSM, Inc. awarded $10,000 to the California Community Foundation, who in turn made disbursements to those organizations. Since its inception, the grant program has awarded a total of $235,000 to local service agencies. Chrysalis Chrysalis is a trusted partner with DTSM, Inc., helping to accomplish the goal of reducing the impact of homelessness in the Downtown. Through Chrysalis Enterprises, participants in the program are able to build their resumes and re-establish themselves in the workforce. 2014 Awardees — Westside Food Bank & CLARE Foundation 20 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Chrysalis employs two teams of two workers to perform custodial tasks throughout Downtown Santa Monica. In addition to picking up large debris, cleaning up spills and collecting trash, Chrysalis team members respond to maintenance calls from Ambassadors. This transitional program has proven to be successful, with many of the Chrysalis workers moving on to full-time work. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Partner with the City and Downtown stakeholders to maintain a balanced, diverse economic environment and promote the prosperity of the community as a whole. Property Owner Assistance DTSM, Inc. continues to assist property owners within the PBAD, as well as those wishing to set up shop, to ensure their projects and plans are consistent with City municipal code and Downtown’s development guidelines. Conditional Use Permits (CUPs) and variances are reviewed by the appropriate DTSM, Inc. committee and the board to review proposed uses and any potential impacts to existing Downtown businesses, circulation, or future Downtown plans. This year, DTSM, Inc. assisted The Georgian Hotel, The Cheesecake Factory, ArcLight Cinemas, Laemmle Theaters and others in their CUP or variance applications. Retail and Business Mix DTSM, Inc. has continued to retain the services of York Consulting, providing updates, insights and consulting to help DTSM maintain a thriving retail sector. The Downtown continues to boast a vibrant retail mix, with a variety of options for shoppers as well as a robust selection of restaurants. In FY 2014/2015, Downtown expanded its coffee shops and eateries to include Philz Coffee, Simply Salad, Steak and Shake, The Independence Tavern, Aestus, and Santa Monica Yacht Club - to name a few. Additionally, visitors can now shop at SIX:02, House of Hoops, Ron Robinson, It’Sugar and newly renovated Banana Republic, Clarks, PacSun and Lululemon Athletica. Flagship locations of Chilli Beans and Nasty Gal - both on the Promenade - also opened this year. “Santa Monica’s Downtown is the economic and social heart of our city. It’s also the hub of the ‘Silicon Beach’ startup technology scene. This is where creative young companies want to open their businesses, where visitors from around the world long to stay, and where local Santa Monicans spend fun nights out on the town. The transformation of our Downtown into a world-class destination took strong leadership, and we’re grateful to Downtown Santa Monica and our city leaders for their phenomenal work.” — Laurel Rosen, President, Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Merchant Support Downtown’s merchants play a critical role in the success of the District and contribute significantly to the area’s authenticity and vibrant nature. In recognition of their role, DTSM, Inc. is constantly reaching out to our merchants to keep them informed, address any outstanding issues and help them promote their goods and services locally and abroad. DTSM, Inc. holds quarterly merchant meetings, produces a monthly memo and a quarterly publication known as The Beat, all of which are loaded with information on events, construction impacts, City Council actions and initiatives, and DTSM, Inc. actions and advocacy. DTSM, Inc. regularly updates its maps and directories so that visitors can easily find businesses they’re looking for and each Downtown business is featured on DowntownSM.com and SantaMonicaCentric.com. To promote Downtown merchants during the great recession, DTSM, Inc. partnered with the City to create the Buy Local Program. As part of the program, every February the Buy Local Committee produces the Most Loved contest in which residents, employees and others vote for their favorite local businesses. Those with the most votes are rewarded and included in promotions to help further drive sales. Of course these merchants wouldn’t be successful without their hard-working employees. As a reward for their dedication, employees are able to take advantage of the Downtown Employee Rewards Program, a rich selection of discounts and special offers available only to those who work in the neighborhood. DTSM, Inc. created the program, which is supported by our generous merchants. “DTSM and Buy Local SM go hand-in-hand. DTSM helped to launch the Buy Local SM campaign, which is now one of the largest in the country with over 800 active local businesses. This campaign helps support our local merchants and offers great amenities and services to our residents and employees. DTSM is also a sponsor of the Most Loved SM contest, Tis the Season to Buy Local for the Holidays and other fun programs throughout the year. Buying locally makes a difference. Purchases made at Santa Monica businesses last year raised over $7.5 million for our local schools.” — Jennifer Taylor, City of Santa Monica Economic Development Administrator DTSM Merchant Meeting 22 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Buy Local “Most Loved” Campaign Data Resources and Information Sharing Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. publishes annually its State of the Downtown. In the second year of its enhanced publication, this document provides updated information and critical data on Downtown’s major touch points. The State of the Downtown reports on trends in the Downtown, including population, housing, employment, transit and development. DTSM, Inc. is positioned to become a data resource for the community, through primary and secondary research, providing valuable data and information on industries in the Downtown, legislative policy research, economic impact studies, and sales tax generation specific to Downtown retail. The Beat is distributed quarterly to Downtown property owners and tenants, keeping stakeholders informed of events, City Council actions and initiatives, construction impacts, and DTSM programs. EMPLOYMENT 2013/2014 State of Downtown Report TRANSIT HOUSING DEVELOPMENT The Beat — Quarterly Newsletter ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 23 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Springboard Pedestrian Counts Downtown is host to many residents, employees, and visitors each day. This year, DTSM, Inc. implemented a pedestrian counter program to gain an accurate assessment of activity in Downtown - specifically Third Street Promenade. Counters were placed along the Promenade to provide an accurate count of visitors to the area. This information will be used to ensure an adequate number of Ambassadors are available on the Promenade to assist visitors. Mystery Shoppers DTSM, Inc. has been working with a “mystery shopper” organization for several years to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Ambassador and Maintenance Programs and make improvements as needed. Shoppers, acting as guests, interact with Ambassadors and observe the general environment on Third Street Promenade, in parking garages and the surrounding area. Results are reported back to DTSM, Inc. staff, providing insight on every aspect of a customer’s experience. MYSTERY SHOPPER AVERAGE SCORE* Hospitality Ambassadors 91.7% Parking Garages 93.5% Garage Maintenance Staff 92.0% Downtown Walking Area 92.6% Visitor Welcome Kiosk and Kiosk Ambassador 95.6% Landscaped Areas 99.6% *Scores based on a scale of 0-100% 24 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. GOVERNANCE DTSM, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 13 community volunteers who represent a wide array of Downtown stakeholders. The Board of Directors works in conjunction with DTSM, Inc. staff to meet the organization’s objectives and provide superlative operations, maintenance, hospitality and marketing services. Governance Selection Process: • Board members are selected to terms of four (4) years beginning July 1st of each year. Directors serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms, unless they were appointed to fill a premature vacancy. Directors shall be city residents or people who are employed, own property or hold business licenses in the City of Santa Monica. • The Santa Monica City Council selects six (6) board members, and Downtown property owners subject to the assessment select six (6) through an open election process. • The City Manager of the City of Santa Monica or his/her designee serves as the 13th board member. Board of Directors Board Meetings The following community stakeholders pictured below served as Board and Committee Members for DTSM, Inc. during the 2014/2015 fiscal year. Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month at DTSM, Inc. headquarters, 1351 Third Street Promenade, Suite 201. Agendas are posted on DowntownSM.com, and the Santa Monica City Clerk’s website. The clerk also maintains a list of all board members that includes their address, Patricia Hoffman Board Chair, Resident Rob Rader Secretary/Treasure, Ovation, LLC Barbara Tenzer Vice Chair, Tenzer Commercial Brokerage phone numbers, e-mails and the length of their terms. Committees Executive Chair: Patricia Hoffman Members: Rader, Tenzer, Tucker, Van Tilburg, Warfel Meetings scheduled as needed Bill Tucker Vice Chair, Tucker Investment Group, Inc. Bruria Finkel Resident Juan Matute UCLA John Warfel Vice Chair, Metropolitan Pacific Capital, LLC Julia Ladd Santa Monica Place Elaine Polachek City Manager’s Office Johannes Van Tilburg Vice Chair, Van Tilburg, Banvard & Soerberg, AIA Sarah Letts Community Corp. of Santa Monica Barry Snell Accounting Firm of Barry A. Snell Audit and Finance Chair: Rob Rader Members: Snell, Tenzer, Zehm Meetings scheduled quarterly District Issues Chair: Johannes Van Tilburg Members: Finkel, Hoffman, Ladd, Letts, Tenzer Meets second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am Access, Circulation and Parking Chair: Bruria Finkel Members: Ladd, Matute, Polachek, Warfel, Van Tilburg Meets fourth Tuesday of the month at 9:30am Debra Zehm Equity Office Properties ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 25 GOVERNANCE 2014/2015 Staff The effectiveness of an organization can be measured by its staff’s capabilities, experience and passion. Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. recognizes the importance of maintaining a positive work environment that encourages collaboration and educational advancement. DTSM, Inc. attends and hosts international and regional conferences that feature industry experts presenting the latest research on Downtown management. In addition, a staff retreat is held each year to allow team members the opportunity to learn more about their co-workers’ responsibilities and brainstorm ways to work together to enhance the organization. Kathleen Rawson Chief Executive Officer Mackenzie Carter Director of Marketing & Operations T.J. Harney Finance Manager Steven Welliver Director of Policy & Planning Laura Borsecnik Office Manager Kevin Herrera Sr. Communications Manager Stephen Bradford Venue Manager Tinamarie Conant Facilities Manager Cheryl Brier Executive Assistant Chris Brown Operations Coordinator International Downtown Association Annual Conference - Ottawa, Canada DTSM Staff at ICE at Santa Monica Grand Opening California Downtown Association Conference, hosted by Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. 26 DOWNTOWN SANTA MONICA, INC. Collette Hanna External Affairs Manager Thank you to our sponsor Santa Monica Place Winner of the prestigious VIVA “Best of the Best” Award for excellence in design and development by the International Council of Shopping Centers, Santa Monica Place is known for its amazing stores, breath­taking views, delicious food and a fresh, open air­design. Santa Monica Place continues to enhance the vitality of Santa Monica’s world famous Downtown. We are very pleased to be connected in every way to Santa Monica n ­ ot only as part of the iconic and dynamic city streetscape, but as partners with essential organizations like Downtown Santa Monica, Inc., which helps make our city a compelling and desired destination for visitors from all over the world. We value the incredible energy of our unique setting and all that our neighbors at Downtown Santa Monica and Third Street Promenade bring to this unparalleled city and its engaging Downtown environment. Our retail and dining offerings are designed to complement all that Santa Monica offers, with two exciting department stores (Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom) and an array of top t­ ier specialty retailers ranging from Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co. and Burberry to Nike and kitson. Our sunny lower l­ evel Plaza and Dining Deck embrace the beachside location. To further compliment the center’s contemporary, luxury retailers and high­profile dining options, Santa Monica Place is expanding its retailer line­up this fall with the opening of ArcLight Cinemas, Karen Millen, Starbucks and The Cheesecake Factory. Earlier this year the shopping center welcomed Uniqlo, Diane Von Furstenberg’s DVF, SPANX and a new flagship store for White House|Black Market. Santa Monica Place is the connection to the heart of the city and is located two blocks from the beach and just steps from Third Street Promenade. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 2015 39 Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. 1351 Third Street Promenade, Ste. 201 Santa Monica, CA 90401 www.DowntownSM.com @DTSantaMonica DTSantaMonica DowntownSantaMonica