Step by Step Social Skills Intervention

Step By Step Social Skills Intervention Program
Are you concerned about your child’s social emotional development and ability to play and interact
with other children? You know that your child has wonderful qualities but their social skills are
poor, in part because of the specific traits attributed to their diagnosis. Children become
frustrated because they desperately want to have friends and don’t know how to establish and
maintain relationships with peers. Simple exposure to social situations is not enough for some
children to learn these skills; they need to be explicitly taught.
Typical concerns related to social skills development include difficulty in reciprocity, initiating and
maintaining interactions, maintaining eye gaze, sharing joy, empathy and reading social cues of
others. This makes it difficult to develop and maintain meaningful and fulfilling personal
relationships. This is a lack of ability not a lack of social interest.
This program addresses the needs of children ages 3 through 16 who need one-to-one or small
group. Support services may be provided at home, in the community, at the Step by Step EDUPlay Center or any combination of locations depending on the focus of the intervention. Services
are offered year-round, in 6 month cycles. Groups are 1.5 hour sessions.
Step By Step EDU-Play Program process:
Step 1.
Phone referral and intake
Step 2. Assess and identify needs in relation to social skills and social emotional development
in collaboration with the family and upon recommendations provided from all current
reports and/or any other interventionists working with the child.
Step 3.
Develop intervention strategies and an intervention plan
Step 4.
Implementation of intervention
Step 5.
Assess and modify intervention as necessary
Step 6.
Transition to a less intensive service or exit service
Services focus on development of the child’s skills in engaging with others and accepting
others in reciprocal interactions and Play:
 Initiating appropriate interactions with others
 Self Regulation
 Conflict Resolution
 Two way Communication
 Self esteem
 Development of advanced play skills
 Transition to settings where one-to-one support is reduced and the child is
successful in all settings.
 Parents must participate and are encouraged to learn and practice techniques and
tools to help their child in successful interactions.
 Parent involvement may be met via coaching, video review, view on the monitor
and review with the facilitator, parent meetings and conferences.
Tools and strategies may include peer mentors, activities on reading social cues (thoughts and feelings),
facilitating reciprocal interactions, use of social stories, Role play or rehearsal, video or tape recording,
art, music and drama. An assessment of communication skills is necessary to determine the use of multimodal communication tools such as Picture Exchange Communication, visual schedules, and sign language
or augmentative communication (computers and switches); Sensory strategies for self-regulation are also
used to assist with anxiety and organizational skills.
1814 14th street, Santa Monica California, 90404 (310) 581-0590, Phone: (310) 581-0590, FAX (310) 581-0589 E-Mail:
Step By Step EDU-Play Programs
Social Skills Intervention Program
An intensive model for Social Skills Training
Our emphasis is on modeling, coaching and training families and caregivers to
use appropriate prompting and cues to maximize each child’s potential.
The focus of our program is promoting skills in engaging with others, building
and maintaining relationships and participating in activities with a clear
beginning, middle and end. We also work on making appropriate choices,
entering into and exiting exchanges using appropriate communication skills.
It is important to identify motivating activities and to building on the child’s
Intervention may be provided one to one in the home, community or EDU-Play
Center or in small groups and play dates at the EDU-Play Center.
This program is intended to provide the tools for successful relationships that
will result in joy and fun for children and their families.
For more information or to sign up Please call Ana Ramos Social Skills Intervention Director
(P) 310-581-0590 (F) 310-581-0589
1814 14th St. Santa Monica, CA 90404
1814 14th street, Santa Monica California, 90404 (310) 581-0590, Phone: (310) 581-0590, FAX (310) 581-0589 E-Mail:
1814 14th street, Santa Monica California, 90404 (310) 581-0590, Phone: (310) 581-0590, FAX (310) 581-0589 E-Mail: