Cartilage Specialized connective tissue Cells: Chondrocytes in lacuna (chondrogenic cells, chondroblasts) Extracellular substance (matrix): ground substance collagen fibers, elastic fibers Features: no blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves (metabolites exchanged by diffusion) Covered by perichondrium (except for fibrocartilage and articular cartilage) Kinds of cartilage Hyaline cartilage • Collagen type II • trachea, nose, larynx, articular cartilage of long bone Elastic cartilage • Collagen type II • Elastic fiber • external ear, epiglottis Fibrocartilage • Collagen type I • intervertebral disc, pubic symphysis, articular disc Hyaline cartilage Semitranslucent The most common cartilage Perichondrium outer fibrous layer inner cellular layer Chondrogenic cells → Chondroblast → Chondrocytes (appositional growth) vascular Chondrocytes Matrix Growing long bone Articular cartilage: no perichondrium IL-1, TNF- → ↑ metalloprotease ↓ collagen and proteoglycans synthesis osteoarthritis Hyaline cartilage Semitranslucent The most common cartilage Perichondrium Chondrocytes lacunae fat droplets, glycogen, rER in cytoplasm Cell division→ isogenic group (Interstitial growth) Matrix Hyaline cartilage Semitranslucent The most common cartilage Perichondrium Chondrocytes Matrix Ground substance chondroitin sulfate & collagen fiber Ground substance: sulfated GAGs (chondroitin, keratin), and nonsulfated GAGs (hyaluronan) Protein core, GAGs 100 chondroitin, 60 keratin aggrecan Hyaline cartilage Semitranslucent The most common cartilage Perichondrium Chondrocytes Matrix Ground substance chondroitin sulfate & collagen fiber Capsular(pericellular) matrix Territorial matrix Interterritorial matrix Amount of sulfated proteoglycans Capsular matrix >Territorial >Interterritorial Age changes: 1. Cell loss, basophilia (proteoglycans ),more matrix, 2. Calcification bone 3. Asbestos change:fiber bundle, Asbestos Elastic cartilage Perichondrium Chondrocytes in lacunae Matrix: ground substance collagen fibers elastic fibers orcein (special staining: orcein, resorcin fuchsin, Verhoeff‘s hematoxylin) External ear, Eustachian tube, Epiglottis elastic cartilage, elastic fibers (HE: Verhoeff’s hematoxylin) elastic cartilage, elastic fibers (stain: elastic van Gieson) Elastic fiber : black collagen fiber : red Fibrocartilage A combination of dense CNT and hyaline cartilage No perichondrium: no appositional growth Chondrocytes: smaller, arranged in rows Matrix : ground substance ↓, collagen fibers ↑ Type I &Type II collagen Distribution: intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, menisci of the knee fibroblast Gomori trichrome staining Fibrous cartilage Fibrous cartilage Development Mesenchymal cells (chondrogenic cells) Chondroblasts Chondrocytes surrounded by the cartilageous matrix Lacuna: small cavities for chondrocytes Growing chondrocytes: basophilic cytoplasm clear Golgi area Growth Interstitial growth: cell division occurs within lacunae Appositional growth: chondrogenic cells formed new chondroblasts from perichondrium perichondrium chondroblast Appositional growth chondrocyte matrix Interstitial growth Kinds of cartilage Hyaline cartilage Elastic cartilage Fibrocartilage Amorphous matrix, type Cartilage matrix, elastic II collagen fibril fiber bundles, type II collagen fibrils Cartilage matrix, type I collagen fiber bundles, Perichondrium (appositional growth) Perichondrium (appositional growth) No Perichondrium Eosin Orcein stain, resorcin fuchsin, aldehyde fuchsin Light green, eosin fetal skeleton, trachea, nose, larynx, articular cartilgae of long bone external ear, epiglottis, larynx intervertebral disc, pubic symphysis, articular disc, insertion of some tendons and ligaments Bone Tissue: a specialized CNT Cells: Osteocytes in lacunae, cell processes in canaliculi (osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts) Matrix 1. Organic substance: bone lamellae (35%) 90% collagen fibers (type I collagen), ground substance (GAGs glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins ) 2. Inorganic substance: (65%) complex calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite crystals) Bone tissue 1. Ground bone section : inorganic structures (bone lamellae, lacuna, bone canaliculi) 2. Decalcified bone : Decalcification agents: formic acid, EDTA organic structures (periosteum, collagen fibers, cells, vessels) Paraffin section HE stain 1. Periosteum: covering bone outside Dense CT, periosteal cells (osteoprogenitor cells) 2. Endosteum: covering bone marrow cavity endosteal cells (osteoprogenitor cells) 3. Sharpey’s fiber – anchored with bone (tendon or ligament) Periosteum: Dense CT, periosteal cells (osteoprogenitor cells) Masson’s trichrome P Architecture of bone 1. Mature compact bone 2. Mature spongy bone (cancellous bone) Architecture of bone 1. Mature compact bone 2. Mature spongy bone (cancellous bone) Structure of a compact bone 1. Haversian systems (osteon) 2. Circumferential lamellae outer & inner 3. Interstitial lamellae Ground bone section Haversian system: (osteon) 1.Haversian (central) canal (blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves) 2.concentric lamellae (4-20 layers) : 3-7 μm thickness/lamella, collagen fibers & osteocytes (in lacuna) 3. Volkmann’s canal (blood vessels, nerves) V (Volkmann’s canal) Ground bone section 3. Volkmann’s canal (blood vessels, nerves) (Volkmann’s canal) Decalcified bone section Cement line Cement line Defined the outer limits of Haversian systems Collagen-poor, calcified ground substance Cement line Architecture of bone 1. Mature compact bone 2. Mature spongy bone (cancellous bone) Spongy bone (Cancellous bone) Branching trabeculae & spicules No haversian system (irregular arrangements of lamellae) Lacunae & osteocyte Mature (lamellar)/compact bone Immature bone (nonlamellar bone, immature, composed of structural units the first bone to be produced in called Haversian system (osteon) a developing fetus): Growth process random organization of its collagen fibers and osteocytes Immature bone (woven bone): nonlamellar organization, Bundle/woven bone, interlacing arrangement of collagen fibers, Hematoxylin stain Mature (lamellar) bone: cylindrical Haversian systems, Eosin stain decalcified bone cross section Cellular components of the bone Osteogenic cells: inner layer of periosteum, endosteum Osteoblasts : basophilic cytoplasm (rER), produce osteoid (uncalcified bone matrix) Bone-lining cells Osteocytes: surrounded by calcified bone matrix Osteoclasts: bone resorption Periosteum: Dense CT, periosteal cells (Osteoprogenitor cells) Embryonic Mesenchyme Spindle-shaped; Pale-staining cytoplasm P Masson’s trichrome Bone-lining cells Bone remodeling cease Flat cells, Attenuated cytoplasm Gap junction Active osteoblasts (basophilic/rER) Calcified bone osteoid osteoblasts bone marrow Bone-lining cells Bone remodeling cease Flat cells, Attenuated cytoplasm Gap junction Osteocyte (in lacuna) SEM: osteocyte Decalcified section • • • • periosteum, collagen fibers, cells, vessels H & E stain Calcified bone Goldner’s trichrome stain osteoid Osteocyte Formative osteocyte : active Quiescent osteocyte : inactive Resorptive osteocytes EM of Formative osteocyte EM of quiescent osteocyte active osteoid inactive osmiophilic lamina : calcified matrix Resorptive osteocytes: • rER, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes • no collagen fibrils in pericellular space • Function: remove bone matrix (osteocytic osteolysis) Resorptive osteocyte active Formative osteocyte Osteoclast Large, multinucleated cells, resorbing surfaces (Howship’s lacunae) of bone 150 μm; 50 nu Osteoclasts : HE stain Osteoclasts : Mallory stain osteoclast osteoblast Bone (dark blue) Calcified cartilage (light blue) Osteoclasts : Goldner’s trichrome stain Basolateral region Howship’s lacunae Clear zone Ruffled border Extracellullar space: hydrogen ions, collagenase, hydrolytic enzymes Ruffled border (leaf-like): active sites of resorption, abundant lysosomes (acidophilic), mitochondria 本次學習重點 軟骨的基本結構(perichodrium, chondroblasts, chondrocytes, matrix etc.)及growth patterns 3種軟骨的組織學特徵 硬骨的基本結構 (osteon, osteocyte, osteoblasts, osteoclasts) (cell size, location, ultrastructure features, functions)