BIO201 Crimando Vocab 2 BIO201 Histology Vocabulary Review

BIO201 Crimando Vocab 2
BIO201 Histology Vocabulary Review
Basic vocabulary is the foundational step in learning a new subject. This brief list touches many of the terms
you will be learning in this section of the course. Use your notes from class, lecture powerpoints and text for
references in answering these.
Fill in the blanks as you take notes in class or read and study from the text.
Study of tissues: _____________________
4 Primary tissues: _______________, _______________, _______________,_______________
Tissue forming linings and glands: _____________________
Tumor of epithelial origin: _____________________
Tumor of connective tissue origin: _____________________
Single-cell layer epithelium: _____________________
Multi-cell layer epithelium: _____________________
Flat-shaped cells: _____________________
Square/roundish shaped cells: _____________________
Tall-shaped cells: _____________________
Mixture of tall and short cell shapes: _____________________
Variable-shaped cell epithelium layer: _____________________
Mucus-producing cells: _____________________
Dry protein on skin surface: _____________________
Space inside hollow organ: _____________________
Most abundant primary tissue in the body: _____________________
Embryonic connective tissue: ____________________________
Most abundant protein in the body: _____________________
Liquid, gel or solid material that cells and fibers are embedded in: ____________________
Ground substance in cartilage: _____________________
Ground substance in bone: _____________________
Viscous slippery ground substance: _____________________
Cell that produces collagen: _____________________
White blood cell: _____________________
Red blood cell: _____________________
Inflammatory cell that secretes histamine: _____________________
Fat cell: _____________________
Cell actively producing cartilage: _____________________
Mature cartilage cell: _____________________
Cell actively producing bone: _____________________
Mature bone cell: _____________________
Little cavities or holes where cartilage and bone cells reside: _____________________
3 types of loose connective tissue: _________________, ________________, _________________
3 types of dense connective tissue: _________________, ________________, _________________
3 types of cartilage: _____________________, _____________________ , _____________________
2 types of bone tissue: _____________________, _____________________
Sheath of dense irregular connective tissue surrounding cartilage: ___________________
Canals that run longitudinally through bone tissue: _____________________
Tree-ring like or onion-like layers of cells in bone tissue: _____________________
Group of cells and central canal in bone tissue: _____________________
Liquid ground substance of blood: _____________________
Nerve cells in nervous tissue: _____________________
Cells that protect and nourish nerve cells in nervous system: _____________________
Cell processes that act as receivers on a nerve cell: _____________________
Cell process that acts as transmitter on a nerve cell: _____________________
3 types of muscle tissue: __________________, __________________ , __________________
Stripe pattern of light and dark bands in some muscle tissue: _____________________
End-to-end junctions connecting cardiac muscle cells: _____________________
Duct-glands: _____________________
Ductless glands secreting hormones: _____________________
Replacement of damaged cells with same type of cells: _____________________
Replacement of damaged cells with scar tissue mostly collagen fibers: ___________________
Soft, capillary-rich new tissue formed during tissue repair: _____________________
Vitamin that especially enhances epithelial growth: ______________________
Vitamin that especially enhances energy production and red blood cell production: _____________________
Vitamin that especially enhances collagen and connective tissue production: _____________________
Vitamin that especially enhances calcium uptake from diet: _____________________________
Vitamin that especially acts as antioxidant, reducing cell damage from oxygen radicals: __________________
Shrinkage of tissue: _____________________
Pathological death of tissue: _____________________
Sudden death of tissue due to being cut off from blood supply: _____________________
Death of tissue due to insufficient blood supply, usually with infection: _________________
Programmed cell death: _____________________