Loudon Chapter 4 & 5 Review: Reactions of Alkenes CHEM 3311, Jacquie Richardson, Spring 2010 - Page 1 There are many different ways to think about splitting up the reactions that we’ve covered so far, but one way that will be very useful later is dividing them up by what types of groups are added. 1) Reactions that add 2 non-H groups: All of these go by the same mechanism, forming a halonium intermediate (a three-membered ring with a halogen cation in one corner). Dihalogenation: CH3 H H H CH3 Halohydrin formation: H Haloether formation: CH3 Br H H Br H Br2, CH2Cl2 Br2, H2O CH3 Br H H OH H Br2, ROH CH3 Br H H RO H H H CH3 H H H Mechanism: CH3 H H H Br Br Br CH3 H CH3 Br H H Nu H H H Nu Depending on conditions, Nu can be either Br , H2O or ROH. It goes for the more substituted carbon because there's a bigger partial positive charge there. If Nu is either ROH or H2O, there's one more step at the end of the mechanism where it gets deprotonated. 2) Reactions that add 1 H and 1 non-H: These can be subdivided into those that follow Markovnikov’s Rule, and those that don’t. a. Markovnikov-style reactions: These are the ones we covered in Ch. 4. CH3 Hydrogen halide addition: H Acid-catalyzed hydration: H HBr H CH3 H H H CH3 Acid-catalyzed etherification: H CH3 H H H Br H H2O, H2SO4 H ROH, H2SO4 H CH3 H H H OH H CH3 H H H RO H Mechanism: CH3 H H H H+ CH3 H H H H rearrange? CH3 H H H H Nu This particular molecule won't rearrange, but some molecules will once they form the o carbocation - remember that 3 carbocations are best. Again, depending on CH3 H H H Nu H Loudon Chapter 4 & 5 Review: Reactions of Alkenes CHEM 3311, Jacquie Richardson, Spring 2010 - Page 2 - conditions, Nu can be either Br , H2O or ROH. If Nu is either ROH or H2O, there's one more step at the end of the mechanism where it gets deprotonated. The downside to these reactions is that they all go by carbocation mechanisms, which can lead to unexpected rearrangements. On top of that, H2SO4 is a very brutal reagent that can mess up other functional groups. A good workaround to the problems of acid-catalyzed hydration is… CH3 H CH3 H 1) Hg(OAc)2, H2O, THF Oxymercuration-reduction: H H 2) NaBH4, NaOH H H OH H Mechanism: CH3 H H H Hg OAc OAc OAc Hg CH3 H OAc CH3 Hg H H H O H H H H OAc CH3 Hg H H HO H HOH The oxymercuration mechanism is very similar to what we saw for dihalogenation. OAc CH3 Hg H H HO H CH3 H H H HO H NaBH4, NaOH The reduction mechanism is based on transition-metal chemistry, so you don't need to know it. b. Anti-Markovnikov-style reactions: CH3 Radical hydrogen halide addition: H Mechanism: H HBr, ROOR H CH3 Br H H H H 1) Initiation RO OR RO ROH + Br H Br 2) Propagation CH3 H H Br H CH3 Br H CH3 Br H H H + Br H H H H Br 3) Termination: any step that involves 2 radicals getting together, for example: CH3 Br H H H CH3 Br H Br H H Br Please note that this works only when bromine is the halogen being used. If you try to do the reaction with chlorine or iodine, it will ignore the radical initiator and just add Markovnikov-style. Also, there are other options for what to use as the initiator – AIBN is another choice, instead of ROOR. This reaction, along with anything else that happens via radicals, can be broken down into three types of steps. Loudon Chapter 4 & 5 Review: Reactions of Alkenes CHEM 3311, Jacquie Richardson, Spring 2010 - Page 3 1) Initiation creates the radicals that will actually be used in the reaction. Most initiation steps involve creating two new radicals from a non-radical, but there can also be steps where the radical that actually does the chemistry is being formed. Propagation lets these radicals do their work on the molecule, so the number of radicals in conserved from one step to the next. The radical that you have going into the propagation section should be the same as the radical you create at the end of the propagation section. Termination involves any two radicals getting together and killing each other off. There are many different possibilities, but showing one or two is normally sufficient. 2) 3) CH3 Hydroboration-oxidation: H Mechanism: H H 1) BH3-THF 2) H2O, H2O2, OH- CH3 OH H H H H H BH2 H CH3 BH2 CH3 OH H H H2O, H2O2, OH H H H H H H H H BH2 prefers to add to the less substituted carbon here, mostly because the sterics aren't so bad but also partly because of electron density. Since this step is concerted, the H and the BH2 add to the same face at the same time. (As a side note, each of the three Hs coming off boron can do this reaction on a separate molecule, so by the end of the hydroboration step you can have up to three R groups dangling off of the B. But I only show one, for the purposes of clarity.) The mechanism for the oxidation step is not something you need to know, but the result of it is that the BH2 gets replaced with an OH group that's pointing the same direction as the BH2 was before. CH3 3) Reactions that add 2 H: We only know one reaction in this category. CH3 H CH3 H H2, Pd/C Hydrogenation: H H H H H H 4) Reactions that break the C=C bond entirely Reduce with (CH3)2S (a.k.a. DMS) or with Zn, H2O H3C H O O H Ozonolysis: CH3 H H H O3 H3C H O O O H H H For both workups, the C=C double bond gets replaced with 2 C=O bonds. But for the oxidative workup, one other thing happens: for each C=O that has an H directly attached, you replace one H with an OH. H3C H O O HO Oxidize with H2O, H2O2 OH