Y4-5 Curriculum Topic Web (Traders & Raiders) Autumn 1 2015

Maths Overview:
The units covered in the first half-term will include:
 Place Value & Number.
 Addition & Subtraction.
 Geometry.
 Fractions & Decimals.
 Time.
English Overview:
As well as guided reading sessions and cross-curricular
literacy opportunities, children will study the following
literacy units:
Beowulf – Stories with a historical setting.
The Saga of Erik the Viking.
Holcombe Brook Primary School
Year 4/5 Topic Web
Autumn 1 Term 2015
Raiders and Traders
Children will use a range of historical and online source
materials to research and organise a timeline of significant
events in history between AD 410 and 1066.
They will use maps and plans to discover where Saxon
invaders settled in Britain and they will work in groups to
explore everyday life of Anglo-Saxon settlers. They will
learn about the famous monk, St. Bede and discover why
he is such an important historical figure.
A history based topic on the Saxons and Vikings!
Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were
rife and fear reigned! Find out about where they
came from and how they invaded Britain.
They will find out about Viking invaders and will learn
about the struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time
of Edward the Confessor. They will learn about Viking gods
and beliefs about death and the afterlife.
Children will work in pairs to make models of Anglo-Saxon
homes, choosing from a range of materials and
Science: Physics: Forces
Children will look at a range of different forces: gravity, air
resistance, water resistance and friction. They will develop
an understanding of balanced and unbalanced forces and
their effects. They will investigate how mechanisms, like
levers, pulleys and gears, help us to use smaller forces.
Computing: Digital Literacy
The computing focus this term will be animation and
digital images. Children will use stop frame animation
software and iPads to create Anglo-Saxon and Viking
inspired animations, using models and figures created in
art and design lessons.
Children will maintain a simple part within an ensemble,
using their voices and playing musical instruments.
They will make Anglo-Saxon charms and pendants by
rolling and cutting air-drying clay.
R.E.: Islam: What does it mean to belong to a religion?
Using sketching techniques, they will draw pictures of
different Viking gods.
Children will explore the basic beliefs of Islam. They will begin
to understand the importance of Allah to Muslims and some
of his characteristics. They will be familiar with the 5 pillars of
Islam and the 5 daily Salah.
MFL: French
P.S.H.E.: Linked to the school ‘Passport for Learning’
 Tuesday am
Children will think about new beginnings as we start a new
school year, considering school rules, rewards and
Lessons will be taught fortnightly.
Multisports with Mr Cowling
 Friday pm
Games afternoon (see separate timetable)
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