2015 Newsletter Term 3 Week 1 - Corpus Christi School Kingsville

Corpus Christi School
Term 3 Week 1
15th July 2015
Prep 2015
Over the next two weeks I will have the pleasure of
meeting all our new Prep children, and the families, for
2016 which is always an exciting time for all involved.
I remind families to ensure they have made an application
should they have a child commencing next year. If
families know of others who have yet to lodge an
enrolment form I ask that you remind them to do so
Curriculum Overviews
Throughout the week, classes will be posting their
Curriculum Overviews on our website. These overviews
communicate to families the work and topics in which
children will be engaged throughout the term. They can be
accessed via the ‘News’ tab.
Our School Yearly Calendar is also maintained on our
website for your viewing and as it is regularly updated, we
suggest you visit it often.
380 Geelong Road, Kingsville Vic 3012
Telephone: 9314 7303
Fax: 9315 2996
Email: principal@cckingsville.catholic.edu.au
Web: www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au
After care: 0401 501 661
Email: oshclub.corpus@gmail.com
A Prayer for a New School Term
Lord God, at the beginning of this new
term teach us to be your hands and feet
where we are, at the beginning of this new
term teach us to love as you love us, at the
beginning of this new term teach us to pray for
those in need, so that You are honoured and
glorified. Amen.
By Annie Barnsdale
John 6: 22-29 ‘Do not work for food
that cannot last, but work for food that
endures to eternal life, the kind of food the
Son of Man is offering you, for on him the
Father, God himself, has set his seal.’ Then
they said to him, ‘What must we do if we are
to do the works that God wants?’ Jesus gave
them this answer, ‘This is working for God:
you must believe in the one he has sent.
Calendar Events
School iOS (Apple) App
After a long delay, our school
app for Apple iPhone, iPod or
iPad is now available and can be downloaded from the
Apple Store or through iTunes at: https://goo.gl/2p39ug
Our App has all the features of our old Tiqbiz version
including newsletter alerts and the ability to submit
student absences. It also has direct contact links, links to
our website, Facebook, calendar dates and so on. It will
allow us to send out push notifications to our community
so that everyone is always up-to-date with what is
happening in our school.
Our school app for android
was released a few weeks ago
and can be downloaded from
the Google Play store.
Both mobile apps can also be accessed from the bottom of
every page of our website. Download now!
(Including Extra Curricula Activities/Celebrations)
13th -31st Year Prep 2016 Interviews for families
24th Student Disco: 6:30-8:00pm
3rd School Closure Day: Staff Professional
5th St John’s First Aid School Program
7th St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Mass
17th School Athletics Carnival
18th Scholastic Book Fair
26th Book Week Dress up Parade
28th Footscray District Athletics Carnival
4th Fathers’ Day Breakfast from 7:30am
Fathers’ Day Stall from 9:00am
7th School Closure Day: Staff Professional
Year 4 Girls visit to Mt St Joseph’s SC
11th Footy Dress Up day (and Pie Day)
16th Year Prep-6 Learning Conferences 2-8pm
(Students finish at 1:00pm)
Note: Our Full Yearly Calendar is available on our School Website
at: www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au
School Fees and Levies
Thankyou so much to all families who are up to date with their Fee and Levy commitments for 2015. The
introduction of direct deposit has certainly enhanced the process as well as facilitating regular automated
payments. Accounts for this term will be sent out to families shortly and all payments need to be finalised by
the end of this term (unless alternative arrangements have been made with me prior). Any arrears need to be
attended to immediately.
At Corpus Christi School we make every attempt to ensure that a Catholic Education is accessible for all
families. If you are having difficulties in attending to payment I invite you to a make an appointment through
the school office to discuss options.
Student Portfolios
Thankyou to all families who have returned the Student Portfolio. As teachers are continually updating the
portfolio, we ask that all portfolios are returned by the end of this week.
School Disco
This year’s School Disco will be held on Friday 24th July between 6:30pm and 8:00pm.
This is the social event of the year for our children and, after an absence last year due to
our building program, should prove a huge hit!
This event is ONLY open to children (Prep-6) who attend Corpus Christi School.
There will be adults assigned to the various supervision tasks throughout the evening so we
ask parents to just drop their children off and return to collect them at 8:00pm sharp. If you would like to
volunteer to assist on the night with supervision, ticket sales, canteen sales etc. please complete the Reply Slip
below and return it to school by this Friday.
The cost for the School Disco is $5.00 per child, payable at the door on the night. Once inside, children will
not be permitted to leave the hall until the conclusion when they are collected by their parents.
Drinks and snacks (including our now famous Candy Bar) as well as show bags and glow sticks will be
available for purchase on the night at the Side Show Alley stall.
Our school disco is always a huge hit on the calendar and this year will be no exception. Be there or be
School Closure Days (Term 3)
This term we have our School Closure Days: Staff Professional Learning Days scheduled for Monday 3rd
August and Monday 7th September.
On these days staff will be:
Name: …………………………………
* Updating First Aid
(including anaphylaxis) qualifications
* Developing e-Learning skills
Eldest Child’s Class: …………………
* Exploring our Catholic School Identity
Students do NOT attend on these days
Have a wonderful holiday!
God Bless
Anthony Hyde
I would love to help out with the School Disco on Friday 24th
July between 6:30pm – 8:00pm (Please arrive by 6:15pm).
Signed: ………………………
OSHClub News
After School Care Program
Hi families; welcome back to freezing Term 3! This week we made something resembling kinetic sand in an effort to
make playdough, then made some actual playdough, both of which were great fun and keep remarkably well – let me
know if you’d like the recipe 
Next week we will be painting all week – leaving the painting table set up all week is one of the many benefits of
having our own space! I have a few op-shop shirts for smocks, but if anyone is able to donate old tops for smocks, they
would be most welcome. We will be playing outside as usual if weather permits, and if not, we will be dancing and
playing with balloons inside to burn some energy.
Please have your children booked in to OSHClub if they are to attend that day. You can book them in online ahead of
time, or call or text the program on 0401 501 661 for a last minute booking (late booking fee will apply). Please also
remember to let me know if you need to cancel your child's booking - if you've missed the deadline online, leave me a
message on the program phone letting me know your child won't be attending. As per procedure, I will call the parents
of any child attending without a booking, or booked without attending to ensure they are where they are supposed to
The Reflection Journal is always on display and we welcome your input - check it out to see what we've been up to and
write in it, such as comments, or requests for copies of photos. I'm always grateful for your feedback. Answer this
week's question, write in the feedback book or just have a chat to me or Emilia about your suggestions. Any and all
input is appreciated - come to play, donate some dress-ups, sports equipment or craft materials, share a recipe, or ask
us to add to or change the program to better suit your children.
REMINDERS: If you need to cancel ASC please do so on the internet by 3pm on the day, or pop in to let staff know
you are collecting your child so that we know where the children are. OSHClub is open 3:00-6:00pm. There is a
$2/minute fee for each child that is picked up after 6pm.
Next Week’s Activities
After Care
Painting &
Painting &
Balloon games
Painting &
Painting &
Painting & Disco
Musical Statues
Information for Families
OSHClub program phone: 0401 501 661
Coordinator: Kristen Assistant: Emilia
OSHClub Head Office: 03 8564 9000
All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember enrolling is Free!! Please create an account online at
www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on-the-day
bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.
Building parent-school partnerships
Teach your
kids about
time and place
WORDS Michael Grose
My mum used to tell me, “There’s a time and place for everything
Michael, and this is not the time and place to behave like that!”
My mum’s words came back to me as I
watched three kids (tweens and early teens)
try to out-wrestle and out-shout each other
while they waited in an airport queue with
their parents. Their noise and wrestling quite
obviously disturbed and interfered with
fellow travellers, but their parents made no
attempt to rein in their behaviour.
I couldn’t help thinking that there is a time
and place for this type of behaviour and THIS
Time and place is a brilliant
socialisation lesson for children of any age
or era to absorb. It starts by asking yourself
as a parent: “What does this social situation
reasonably require of my children at their
age and stage of development?”
In the above case it’s reasonable to expect
tweens and teens to be able to stand in a
queue without disturbing others for the ten
minutes that it took to get service. It’s should
be easy for that age group to show some
self-control and consideration for others.
That timeframe maybe a stretch for under
fives, but some parental attention to distract
them from being bored may do the trick.
The principle is the same regardless of age
or a child’s developmental stage, but the
application varies.
Socialising kids
It’s a parent’s job to socialise your kids. That
is, it’s your job to develop a sense of OTHER
so that they become aware of how their
behaviour impacts on others. Many kids
have L Plates when it comes to behaving
in public so they need your assistance to
behave according to the requirements of
the situation – or according to the time and
place. You do this by:
1 Giving your kids social scripts
There are times when kids don’t know
what to say or how to act in different social
situations. “Here’s what you can say when
you meet Mrs. Smith…..” is the type of preemptive social scripting that benefits most
boys, kids on the autism spectrum as well
as kids who need extra help to get on with
2 Regular behaviour rehearsal
Practise appropriate social behaviours at
home so kids know how to behave around
others. For example, you can role-play a
restaurant situation by serving your kids’
meals at the dinner table and expecting
them to use their manners.
3 Just-in-time prompts
It helps to remind in positive terms how kids
should speak and act around others before
entering a social situation or a special place
such as a church, airport or restaurant. “In
church most people…….”
4 Teaching good manners
Manners are social guidelines that teach kids
how to behave around others. While some
conventions change over time, basic good
manners such as saying ‘please’ and ‘thank
you’ never change. They are the basis of a
civil society. Kids are never too young to start
learning manners.
5 Respectful use of consequences
While the best discipline happens before an
event (through behaviour rehearsal, prompts
and teaching manners) there are times when
the only way to get a message across about
time and place is to DO something if the
kids’ behaviour thoughtlessly or deliberately
impinges on the rights of others. And the
best action may be WITHDRAWAL from the
place or activity that they are doing. That
may mean that the kids (and you) miss out
on an activity or being in a special place
but such lessons are rarely forgotten and
reinforce your important messages.
Time and place is a great parenting
message for kids to learn. It’s about
consideration for others; it’s about selfcontrol and above all else, it’s about fitting
into different social situations.
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© 2015 Michael Grose