6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 6.3 Discussion Questions: Wilson, War, and Peace 1. Predict what will happen to the strength and confidence of the Allies when American soldiers join World War I. Witness History: War Enthusiasm 2. What do you think was the purpose of the song? (to motivate troops) 3. Do you think it fulfills its purpose? (Possible answer: Yes, it fills listeners with pride in their country and a desire to volunteer.) Section Focus Question: How did Americans affect the end of the World War I and its peace settlements? 1 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 I. America Gives the Allies the Edge Locate the key term convoy and the vocabulary term mutual. The Allies devised a strategy to protect their ships from German U­boats. See the illustration p. 191. Merchant ships and warships traveled together in a which provided the merchant ships and the warships protection from U­boats. convoy , mutual 2 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 1. What was the goal of the Allies' convoys? (to provide mutual protection to warships and merchant ships from German U­Boats) 2. Was the strategy successful? (Yes, fewer ships were sunk by U­Boats.) 3. Describe how the entrance of America led to the end of the war. (The German military weakened with each battle, and the Allies' hope for victory increased. Eventually, the Central Powers were forced to surrender because their troops refused to fight any longer.) 3 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 4. Results of World War I: 5. Predict the outcome of the Peace talks that followed: 6. Read the History Makers p. 190 and summarize the importance of Pershing's role in the war 4 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 II. Wilson Promotes Peace Without Victory Fourteen Points, self­determination, and League of Nations These terms all refer to Wilson's ideas about how to end the war and prevent future conflicts. 1. What was the League of Nations ? (an international organization in which leaders of nations met to settle problems to avoid future wars) 2. Describe what Wilson meant by "peace without victory." 5 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 III. Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference reparation ­ (payment for war damages) 1. Predict the problems with making the defeated countries pay the victors for war damage. 6 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 Germany was not part of the Paris Peace conference. Also, there were differences between Wilson's goals and those of the other Allied leaders at the peace conference. 2. Why might Clemenceau have been more concerned than Wilson with making Germany unable to fight another war? 3. What was the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference? 7 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 IV. America Rejects the Treaty Read the Vocabulary Builder term and definition contradict . 1. Consider how the treaty contradicted the Fourteen Points. Predict how this might lead to problems in Germany and on the home front. 8 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 2. What were the different views in Congress regarding the treaty? (Some supported the treaty as it was written. Irreconcilables were isolationists who did not want the United States to be involved in world politics. They wanted the League of Nations removed from the treaty. Reservationists were in favor of parts of the treaty, but they wanted parts of it changed.) 3. What was the result of the conflicting views? (The United States did not ratify the treaty.) 9 6.3 DQ.notebook December 07, 2012 10