Practical Latin Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered. Slide 11-1 Review Say the Latin numbers 1-10 together. unus duo tres quattuor quinque sex septem octo novem decem Slide 11-2 1 Proper Nouns A Proper Noun is noun that names a specific person, place, or thing. An easy way to identify a proper noun is by a capital letter. Common Noun Proper Noun country USA state Kentucky boy Marcus Slide 11-3 Vocabulary and Meaning Roma Italia Maria Marcus Hispania Rome Italy Mary Marcus Spain Slide 11-4 2 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word Roma Meaning Rome Derivative Roman Slide 11-5 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word Italia Meaning Italy Derivative Italian Slide 11-6 3 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word Hispania Meaning Spain Derivatives Spanish, Hispanic Slide 11-7 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word Meaning Derivative Roma Italia Maria Marcus Hispania Rome Italy Mary Marcus Spain Roman Italian Spanish, Hispanic Slide 11-8 4 Latin Prayers Benedic, Domine, nos Bless us, O Lord, Slide 11-9 5 Practical Latin Quo vadis? Where are you going? Slide 12-1 Lesson Twelve How many letters are in the Latin alphabet? Which letter is missing? Say the Latin vowel sounds aloud. What are Latin vowel pairs called? What does the letter J sound like in Latin? What are the two sounds for the letter C? for the letter G? What is an action word called? How do you know if a word is a verb in Latin? What is a word that is a person, place, or thing? How do you know if a word is a noun in Latin? What are special nouns that name a specific person, place, or thing? How can you tell if a noun is a proper noun by just looking? Slide 12-2 1 Prepositions A Preposition is a word that shows a relationship between two words. It is easy to think of prepositions as words that show location. The word position is in the word preposition. Examples: under in above with by Slide 12-3 Vocabulary and Meaning inter sub supra ex contra between under above out of against Slide 12-4 2 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word inter Meaning between Derivatives interrupt, intermediate Slide 12-5 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word sub Meaning under Derivatives submarine, subway Slide 12-6 3 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word supra Meaning above Derivative superb Slide 12-7 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word ex Meaning out of Derivatives exit, extraordinary Slide 12-8 4 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word contra Meaning against Derivatives contrary, contrast Slide 12-9 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word inter sub supra ex contra Meaning between under above out of against Derivative interrupt, intermediate submarine, subway superb exit, extraordinary contrary, contrast Slide 12-10 5 Latin Prayers Benedic, Domine, nos Bless us, O Lord et haec Tua dona and these Your gifts Slide 12-11 6 Practical Latin alma mater nurturing mother Slide 13-1 Review Recite the Gloria Patri together. Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto Sicut erat in principio et nunc, et semper et in saecula saeculorum Slide 13-2 1 Pronouns A Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or pronoun. It refers to the person, place, or thing without using the name. Pronouns include the words: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Example: Mary is pretty. Mary has red hair. Mary has a dog. Mary is pretty. She has red hair. She has a dog. Slide 13-3 Grammar – Verb Endings o I s you t he, she, it mus we tis you (plural) nt they Slide 13-4 2 Latin Prayers Benedic, Domine, nos et haec Tua dona Bless us, O Lord and these Your gifts quae de Tua largitate which from Your bounty Slide 13-5 3 Practical Latin alma mater nurturing mother Slide 13-1 Review Recite the Gloria Patri together. Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto Sicut erat in principio et nunc, et semper et in saecula saeculorum Slide 13-2 1 Pronouns A Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or pronoun. It refers to the person, place, or thing without using the name. Pronouns include the words: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Example: Mary is pretty. Mary has red hair. Mary has a dog. Mary is pretty. She has red hair. She has a dog. Slide 13-3 Grammar – Verb Endings o I s you t he, she, it mus we tis you (plural) nt they Slide 13-4 2 Latin Prayers Benedic, Domine, nos et haec Tua dona Bless us, O Lord and these Your gifts quae de Tua largitate which from Your bounty Slide 13-5 3 Practical Latin stupor mundi wonder of the world Slide 14-1 Review Review the four parts of speech that we have learned up to now. A. Verb- action words, Latin ending- o B. Nouns- person, place or thing, Latin ending- a C. Preposition- words that tell a location or relationship (ex: in, on, under, by, with) D. Pronouns- replaces nouns or pronouns Latin endings-o, s, t, mus, tis, nt Slide 14-2 1 Adjectives Adjectives are words used to modify (change) nouns or pronouns. They describe a person, place, or thing. Example: The noun being modified is car. Adjectives could be: blue, new, shiny, fast, sleek, loud Slide 14-3 Vocabulary and Meaning altus multus bonus longus novus high, deep much, many good long new Slide 14-4 2 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word altus Meaning high, deep Derivative altitude Slide 14-5 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word multus Meaning much, many Derivative multiply Slide 14-6 3 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word bonus Meaning good Derivative bonus Slide 14-7 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word longus Meaning long Derivative longitude Slide 14-8 4 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word novus Meaning new Derivatives novel, novice Slide 14-9 Vocabulary and Derivatives Latin Word Meaning Derivative altus multus bonus longus novus high, deep much, many good long new altitude multiply bonus longitude novel, novice Slide 14-10 5 Latin Prayers Benedic, Domine, nos et haec Tua dona quae de Tua largitate Bless us, O Lord and these Your gifts which from Your bounty sumus sumpturi we are about to receive Slide 14-11 6 Practical Latin Nunc aut numquam now or never Slide 15-1 Lesson Fifteen Today we will review our practical Latin sayings. How do you say the following information in Latin? Hello (to 1 person), (to more than 1 person) Goodbye (1 person), (more than 1 person) Teacher (female), (male) Student (one), (group of students) Stand up (1 person), (more than 1 person) Thanks be to God My fault Sit down (to a group of people) Friend (single), (group of friends) In the year of out Lord Slide 15-2 1 Adverbs Adverbs are words used to modify (change) verbs. They describe how, where, when, or why a verb happens. This is easy to remember because VERB is in the word Adverb. Adverbs can sometimes be identified by the letters LY at the end. Example: The verb being modified is walk. Adverbs could be: quickly, slowly, quietly, now, never Slide 15-3 Vocabulary and Meaning clam numquam nunc saepe semper secretly never now often always Slide 15-4 2 Latin Prayers Benedic, Domine, nos et haec Tua dona quae de Tua largitate sumus sumpturi Bless us, O Lord and these Your gifts which from Your bounty we are about to receive per Christum, Dominum, nostrum Through Christ our Lord. Slide 15-5 3