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INNOVATIONS is published by the Friends of the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i.
If you have any news, comments, or suggestions, please call us at (808) 586-3010 or visit our website at
John W. Landgraf
President, Friends of the Cancer Research Center
Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i
Lynette Lo Tom , Bright Light Marketing Group
Sharon Shigemasa, R.N., M.S.
Public Information Officer
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i
Contributing Writer
Betty Mastrantonio, CFRE
Director of Development
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i
Contributing Writer
The Cancer Research Center of
Hawai‘i Mission Statement
The mission of the Cancer Research Center of
Hawai‘i is to reduce the burden of cancer through research, education, and service with an emphasis on the unique ethnic, cultural, and environmental characteristics of Hawai‘i and the Pacific.
Filipino Immigrants
(continued from page 5) affects Filipinos in Hawai‘i; share their insights on barriers to cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and survivorship faced by Filipinos; recommend actions to reduce the cancer burden; and contribute input to a strategic planning tool that will be made available to Filipino organizations and agencies to facilitate partnerships with other cancer stakeholders to promote good health for present and future generations.
Successes and lessons learned will also facilitate capacity building strategies for cancer and tobacco control measures for other Asian groups. This aids in positioning Hawai‘i AANCART to become a full project site in the next generation of the Special Populations
Network five-year funding cycle.
Cheesecake Factory’s Very Grand Opening
(continued from page 1) continues.
Guests enjoyed a delicious assortment of appetizers and cheesecakes and a sumptuous buffet. Entertainment was provided by Shari Lynn and Fascinatin’
Rhythm .
“It is our privilege to host events that benefit the community in which we do business,” says
Factory’s founder David Overton and
Gordon with beautiful calabash bowls.
With 545 seats, the Honolulu restaurant featuring an eclectic décor with
Hawaiian-inspired touches, is the chain’s largest and its
“It is our privilege to host events that benefit the community in
73rd location in the
United States. The popular, upscale casual dining restau-
Howard Gordon , The
Cheesecake Factory’s
Senior Vice President of
Business Development which we do business.”
Howard Gordon
The Cheesecake Factory and Marketing. “The fact that we can do this with great food and entertainment makes it a wonderful experience for everyone involved.” In appreciation of rant, which serves lunch, dinner, Sunday
Brunch, and late night meals, has been attracting crowds since its December opening. The menu features more than
200 items including 36 types of luscious cheesecake. The Cheesecake Factory is
The Cheesecake Factory’s generosity,
Landgraf and Friends Director Nathan
Minn presented The Cheesecake located on the ground floor on the
Diamond Head-corner of the Royal
Hawaiian Shopping Center.
S PRING 2004
Exciting Work
Director’s Message
Aloha and Hafa
Adai! (a Chamorro greeting),
Representatives of the University of
Guam (UOG) visited the Center recently to discuss our exciting work
Dr. Carl-Wilhelm Vogel resulting from the $3.6 million
National Cancer Institute grant. We are assisting UOG to develop its research infrastructure and expertise as well as to train its students to become future researchers.
A long-term goal is to increase the number of minority scientists (particularly of Pacific Island ancestry) who will participate in cancer research and other cancer-related activities. The results will be very important and will provide valuable information in the battle against cancer.
On February 18th, U.S. Senators
Daniel K. Inouye and Daniel Akaka presided at a hearing about the Cancer
Center. This was a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor,
Health and Human Services, and
Education hearing, on behalf of Chairman Arlen Specter .
Those testifying demonstrated the important role the Cancer Research
Center of Hawai‘i plays in national cancer research. The other issues addressed were the Hawai‘i 3R’s program and the anticipated demand
(continued on page 6)
U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye chaired the Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor,
Health and Human
Services, and
Education hearing.
Generous Friends
T he much-anticipated opening of The Cheesecake Factory in
Honolulu provided a windfall for the Friends of the Cancer
Research Center of Hawai‘i and the Hawai‘i Children’s Cancer
Opening benefit, attended by more than 650 people, generated more
Foundation. The restaurant’s December 6, 2003 Very Grand than $30,000.
“We’re grateful for the overwhelming support of the community and the generosity of The Cheesecake Factory in donating 100% of the proceeds,” says John
Landgraf , President of the Friends of the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i. “These donations will tremendously aid in the Cancer
Center’s much needed research projects.
“It was a wonderful evening to benefit a worthy cause,” Landgraf
(continued on back page)
Celebrating The Cheesecake Factory’s Very Grand
Opening are Nathan Minn, Charles and Pamela Seidenstucker, David and Sheila Overton, Susan and Howard
Gordon, and John Landgraf.
2003 Terry Fox Run/Walk Events at Hualalai and
Wailea Support Cancer Research in a Big Way
T he Friends of the Cancer Research
Center recently received more than $26,300 from the 2003 Terry
Fox Run/Walk at the Four Seasons
Resort at Hualalai in September. This was the fifth consecutive year that the events at Hualalai have benefited the
Cancer Research Center, with the dollar amount of each year’s donation steadily increasing. Seventeen volunteers from the Center flew to the Big Island, compliments of Aloha Airlines, to provide staffing assistance at the gala dinner and silent auction and run/walk.
In mid-November of 2003, 22 volunteers also traveled to Maui with
Aloha Airlines’ assistance and worked at the Terry Fox events at the Four
Seasons Resort at Wailea. The award to the Friends from those events is still pending.
The Terry Fox Run/Walk and its related fundraising activities are an
(continued on page 4)
Expressing Gratitude
President’s Message
Dear Friends:
The Friends of the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i ended
2003 with a bang. In mid-October, our organization was notified that it was chosen as the beneficiary for the
John W. Landgraf
Very Grand Opening of The Cheesecake
Factory. In less than five weeks, we sold more than 650 tickets to the December 6 event, thanks to our partnership with the Hawai‘i Children’s Cancer Foundation. I want to publicly thank the generosity of The Cheesecake Factory and its Founder David Overton and
Senior Vice President Howard Gordon , for donating 100 percent of the proceeds from the evening to support cancer research. (See front page story.)
We extend our fond aloha and mahalo to Friends board member Frank Haines , who has retired from our Board. He is a founding director and has provided us with sage advice, guidance, and friendship over the years. At his stage in life,
Frank says it’s time to really enjoy life and will spend more time with his grandchildren. We also extend our appreciation to Vi Dolman , Glenn
Shizumura , and Jim Wriston who have agreed to serve an additional term.
Next, I want to commend Nathan
Minn for taking the lead again in spearheading our fourth annual 2004
The Mauka Makai… Voyage of Dis-
covery. We do know that The Mauka
Makai will be held in September, 2004, and we’ll be able to confirm the location by our next newsletter. You can be sure that it will be as unique as the previous three events.
Last but not least, I sincerely thank all of you Friends who generously gave to our Annual Giving campaign which raised $16,000. It is the support of
Friends like you that will help us one day find a cure.
John Landgraf
University of Guam and Cancer Research
Center Faculty Meet
Representatives from the University of Guam (UOG) and the program steering committee recently gathered at the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i to discuss plans for developing joint programs in cancer research, training and outreach that will benefit both the University of Guam and the Cancer Research Center. This comes as a result of the Minority Institution/
Cancer Center Partnership grant from the National Cancer Institute. Among UOG and Cancer
Center faculty in the back row, Dr. Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, Center director and lead investigator, fifth from left, followed by Dr. Helen Whippy, UOG Vice President, and Dr. Harold Allen, UOG
President and principal investigator. Lei bedecked members of the program steering committee in the front row left to right: Dr. Moon Chen (UC Davis), Dr. F. Allan Hubbell (UC Irvine), Dr.
Sanya Springfield (NCI), and Dr. Harold Moses (Vanderbilt University).
National Research
Asian American Cancer Initiative
Focuses on Filipino Immigrants
I n 2003 the Cancer Research Center received a $30,000 award from the
National Cancer Institute (NCI) to participate in the Asian American
Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training (AANCART). The award funded the Cancer Center to conduct fact finding and a needs assessment of the status of cancer in
Hawai‘i’s immigrant Asian populations.
The results are now being used to guide strategic planning and develop appropriate interventions to increase cancer awareness, encourage clinical trials participation, and increase the number of Asian American and other professionals involved in cancer research through education and training.
AANCART is the first federal program, among the NCI’s 18 Special Populations
Network programs, and the largest aimed at curbing cancer in Asian
Americans. There are currently eight participating AANCART sites across the nation.
The Hawai‘i AANCART project’s needs assessment revealed significant disparity among Hawai‘i’s Asian groups. According to the Hawai‘i Tumor Registry, of all the types of cancers diagnosed between
1995-2000 among people of Asian ancestry, the three most frequently occurring cancers were prostate, breast and lung. Filipinos represented the highest percentage of cancer cases at 58 percent, followed by the Japanese at 17.5
percent and the Chinese at 13.7 percent.
According to the 2000 U.S. Census,
Asians represent 3.6 percent of the
United States population, with Hawai‘i leading the nation with 41.6 percent of its 1.2 million people reporting an Asian heritage. As a state, Hawai‘i has the fourth highest percentage of foreignborn residents in the U.S. Filipinos comprise the largest immigrant group in
Hawaii at 61%, compared to all the other immigrant groups combined. Preliminary findings from the Hawai‘i Tumor
Registry show that foreign-born Asians,
(continued on page 4)
– 2 –
Elections and Accolades
Dr. Bachmann Elected Chair of American
Chemical Society – Hawai‘i Section
D rs. Andre Bachmann and Bonnie
Warn-Cramer , Cancer Research
Center of Hawai‘i researchers, have been elected Chair and Chair-
Elect, respectively, of the American
Chemical Society (ACS)-Hawai‘i Section. The chair is elected by popular vote. Both are with the Center’s
Molecular Carcinogenesis Section of the
Cancer Etiology Program.
In the history of the ACS-Hawai‘i section, Dr. Cramer is only the fourth woman to be elected to the office of
Chair-Elect, who will move to the position of Chair next year. Other ACS members at the Cancer Center are Drs.
Robert Cooney , Adrian Franke, and
Carl-Wilhelm Vogel .
Among the projects of the ACS-Hawai‘i
Section is participating in the annual
Hawai‘i State Science & Engineering Fair as judges in which the chair presents the winners with an ACS award.
Founded in 1876, the American
Chemical Society is the world’s largest scientific society with more than 163,000 members at all degree levels and fields of chemistry. ACS plays a leadership role in educating and communicating with the public about the role chemistry plays in identifying new solutions, improving public health, protecting the environment, and contributing to the economy.
It also advises the federal government on scientific and technological issues involving chemical sciences.
The American Chemical Society - Hawai‘i
Section was established in
1922. Its membership includes chemists, other scientists, and individuals
Governor Linda Lingle (center) and Lieutenant Governor
James Aiona (left) proclaim National Chemistry Week in
Hawai‘i. With them are members of the ACS - Hawai‘i
Executive Committee including Dr. Andre Bachmann of the Cancer Research Center (third from left).
interested in chemistry and related disciplines.
The local section helps to implement national programs and serves as a liaison between members and the governing bodies of the Society. There are more than 300 members in Hawai‘i.
Poke Champion
Kerry Kakazu Wins
First Place in Sam
Choy Poke Contest
F or the past 12 years, Dr. Kerry
Kakazu has valiantly entered the annual Sam Choy Poke Contest on the Big Island in the non-professional category. He has been a semi-finalist seven or eight times and was the second place winner two years ago. Undaunted, he once again competed in the contest last year and came away with the first place finish. He received a $1,500 cash prize for his “Lemongrass Poke Cups.”
Kakazu serves as the Cancer Center’s assistant director of operations, responsible for building and maintenance and information systems. His many challenges include coping with the space issues at the current Cancer
Center facility and relocating some faculty and staff to off-site locations.
Kakazu did his postdoctoral studies at the Cancer Center from 1989 to 1991.
Prior to returning to the Center earlier this year, he had been director of academic computing at Chaminade
University and an assistant professor in the biology department.
Kakazu began cooking in high school and enjoys preparing appetizers, especially seafood. He admits to doing most of the cooking at home for his wife
Ruby and himself.
– 3 –
A display of Kerry Kakazu’s award-winning
Lemongrass Poke Cups.
Expressing Gratitude
President’s Message
Dear Friends:
The Friends of the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i ended
2003 with a bang. In mid-October, our organization was notified that it was chosen as the beneficiary for the
John W. Landgraf
Very Grand Opening of The Cheesecake
Factory. In less than five weeks, we sold more than 650 tickets to the December 6 event, thanks to our partnership with the Hawai‘i Children’s Cancer Foundation. I want to publicly thank the generosity of The Cheesecake Factory and its Founder David Overton and
Senior Vice President Howard Gordon , for donating 100 percent of the proceeds from the evening to support cancer research. (See front page story.)
We extend our fond aloha and mahalo to Friends board member Frank Haines , who has retired from our Board. He is a founding director and has provided us with sage advice, guidance, and friendship over the years. At his stage in life,
Frank says it’s time to really enjoy life and will spend more time with his grandchildren. We also extend our appreciation to Vi Dolman , Glenn
Shizumura , and Jim Wriston who have agreed to serve an additional term.
Next, I want to commend Nathan
Minn for taking the lead again in spearheading our fourth annual 2004
The Mauka Makai… Voyage of Dis-
covery. We do know that The Mauka
Makai will be held in September, 2004, and we’ll be able to confirm the location by our next newsletter. You can be sure that it will be as unique as the previous three events.
Last but not least, I sincerely thank all of you Friends who generously gave to our Annual Giving campaign which raised $16,000. It is the support of
Friends like you that will help us one day find a cure.
John Landgraf
University of Guam and Cancer Research
Center Faculty Meet
Representatives from the University of Guam (UOG) and the program steering committee recently gathered at the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i to discuss plans for developing joint programs in cancer research, training and outreach that will benefit both the University of Guam and the Cancer Research Center. This comes as a result of the Minority Institution/
Cancer Center Partnership grant from the National Cancer Institute. Among UOG and Cancer
Center faculty in the back row, Dr. Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, Center director and lead investigator, fifth from left, followed by Dr. Helen Whippy, UOG Vice President, and Dr. Harold Allen, UOG
President and principal investigator. Lei bedecked members of the program steering committee in the front row left to right: Dr. Moon Chen (UC Davis), Dr. F. Allan Hubbell (UC Irvine), Dr.
Sanya Springfield (NCI), and Dr. Harold Moses (Vanderbilt University).
National Research
Asian American Cancer Initiative
Focuses on Filipino Immigrants
I n 2003 the Cancer Research Center received a $30,000 award from the
National Cancer Institute (NCI) to participate in the Asian American
Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training (AANCART). The award funded the Cancer Center to conduct fact finding and a needs assessment of the status of cancer in
Hawai‘i’s immigrant Asian populations.
The results are now being used to guide strategic planning and develop appropriate interventions to increase cancer awareness, encourage clinical trials participation, and increase the number of Asian American and other professionals involved in cancer research through education and training.
AANCART is the first federal program, among the NCI’s 18 Special Populations
Network programs, and the largest aimed at curbing cancer in Asian
Americans. There are currently eight participating AANCART sites across the nation.
The Hawai‘i AANCART project’s needs assessment revealed significant disparity among Hawai‘i’s Asian groups. According to the Hawai‘i Tumor Registry, of all the types of cancers diagnosed between
1995-2000 among people of Asian ancestry, the three most frequently occurring cancers were prostate, breast and lung. Filipinos represented the highest percentage of cancer cases at 58 percent, followed by the Japanese at 17.5
percent and the Chinese at 13.7 percent.
According to the 2000 U.S. Census,
Asians represent 3.6 percent of the
United States population, with Hawai‘i leading the nation with 41.6 percent of its 1.2 million people reporting an Asian heritage. As a state, Hawai‘i has the fourth highest percentage of foreignborn residents in the U.S. Filipinos comprise the largest immigrant group in
Hawaii at 61%, compared to all the other immigrant groups combined. Preliminary findings from the Hawai‘i Tumor
Registry show that foreign-born Asians,
(continued on page 4)
– 2 –
Elections and Accolades
Dr. Bachmann Elected Chair of American
Chemical Society – Hawai‘i Section
D rs. Andre Bachmann and Bonnie
Warn-Cramer , Cancer Research
Center of Hawai‘i researchers, have been elected Chair and Chair-
Elect, respectively, of the American
Chemical Society (ACS)-Hawai‘i Section. The chair is elected by popular vote. Both are with the Center’s
Molecular Carcinogenesis Section of the
Cancer Etiology Program.
In the history of the ACS-Hawai‘i section, Dr. Cramer is only the fourth woman to be elected to the office of
Chair-Elect, who will move to the position of Chair next year. Other ACS members at the Cancer Center are Drs.
Robert Cooney , Adrian Franke, and
Carl-Wilhelm Vogel .
Among the projects of the ACS-Hawai‘i
Section is participating in the annual
Hawai‘i State Science & Engineering Fair as judges in which the chair presents the winners with an ACS award.
Founded in 1876, the American
Chemical Society is the world’s largest scientific society with more than 163,000 members at all degree levels and fields of chemistry. ACS plays a leadership role in educating and communicating with the public about the role chemistry plays in identifying new solutions, improving public health, protecting the environment, and contributing to the economy.
It also advises the federal government on scientific and technological issues involving chemical sciences.
The American Chemical Society - Hawai‘i
Section was established in
1922. Its membership includes chemists, other scientists, and individuals
Governor Linda Lingle (center) and Lieutenant Governor
James Aiona (left) proclaim National Chemistry Week in
Hawai‘i. With them are members of the ACS - Hawai‘i
Executive Committee including Dr. Andre Bachmann of the Cancer Research Center (third from left).
interested in chemistry and related disciplines.
The local section helps to implement national programs and serves as a liaison between members and the governing bodies of the Society. There are more than 300 members in Hawai‘i.
Poke Champion
Kerry Kakazu Wins
First Place in Sam
Choy Poke Contest
F or the past 12 years, Dr. Kerry
Kakazu has valiantly entered the annual Sam Choy Poke Contest on the Big Island in the non-professional category. He has been a semi-finalist seven or eight times and was the second place winner two years ago. Undaunted, he once again competed in the contest last year and came away with the first place finish. He received a $1,500 cash prize for his “Lemongrass Poke Cups.”
Kakazu serves as the Cancer Center’s assistant director of operations, responsible for building and maintenance and information systems. His many challenges include coping with the space issues at the current Cancer
Center facility and relocating some faculty and staff to off-site locations.
Kakazu did his postdoctoral studies at the Cancer Center from 1989 to 1991.
Prior to returning to the Center earlier this year, he had been director of academic computing at Chaminade
University and an assistant professor in the biology department.
Kakazu began cooking in high school and enjoys preparing appetizers, especially seafood. He admits to doing most of the cooking at home for his wife
Ruby and himself.
– 3 –
A display of Kerry Kakazu’s award-winning
Lemongrass Poke Cups.
Filipino Immigrants
(continued from page 2) when compared to U.S.-born Asians and
Caucasians, have a lower percentage of cancer diagnosed at an early stage, a higher percentage of cancer diagnosed at a late stage, and lower rates of cancer survival. Among the possible reasons cited for this disparity is poor physicianpatient communication, resulting in inadequate follow-up with physician orders. The language and socio-cultural barriers are other reasons for patients’ discomfort in verbalizing health-related complaints and for the inconsistencies in following physicians’ orders.
The AANCART program at the Cancer
Center will seek initial partnerships with
Filipino leaders to develop a strategic planning tool that will address cancer disparities in their communities. An infrastructure and capacity-building award of $100,000 has been received from the NCI’s Special Populations
Network to carry out the planning phase of the AANCART project in preparation for minority cancer research and training grants in the near future.
Charlene Cuaresma , Special Populations Liaison of the National Cancer
Institute’s Cancer Information Service of
Hawai‘i, also serves as Hawai‘i
AANCART’s community director and steering committee member. “AANCART partnerships for cancer awareness, research, and training engage intergenerational Filipino leadership to gain parity as a major cancer stakeholder to improve current measures to reduce the uneven burden of cancer,” says Cuaresma.
Dr. Moon Chen , of the University of
California at Davis, is the lead investigator for the AANCART’s national program. Other institutions participating in the national AANCART project include
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston,
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer
Center in New York City, Solove
Cancer Research Center in
Columbus, Ohio, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center in San
Francisco, and Jonsson
(continued on page 5)
Awards and Accolades
Dr. Wada Receives National Bone Marrow Donor Award
C ongratulations to Dr. Randal
Wada , a pediatric oncologist,
Cancer Center researcher and medical director of the Hawai‘i Bone
Marrow Donor Registry, who received the National Bone Marrow Program’s
(NBMP) Network Innovation Award in the “donor-focused” category. The award was presented at the 2003 Awards
Program during the 16th Annual
Council Meeting in mid-November in
At the Bone Marrow Donor Registry,
Dr. Wada and staff developed a process that uses data from preliminary searches to locate new donors, who have the best chance of being called up when there is a search. These potential donors are then contacted so that their interest and eligibility can be assessed.
The NBMP’s Information Systems department generates a list each month, which identifies donors from the registry’s donor center file who have shown up as a potential six-of-six antigen match for a patient conducting a preliminary search. These non-activated donors have the highest probability of being called during a formal search for a bone marrow transplant.
“This process improves operational efficiency by focusing staff time on donors who have a relatively high chance to be called as a preliminary
Dr. Randal Wada, middle, with Renee Adaniya and Rose Vera Cruz of the Hawai‘i Bone
Marrow Registry Program upon receiving the award.
match and who are more likely to be part of a formal search at a later stage,” says
Rose Vera Cruz , search coordinator at the Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
The process is innovative because it integrates information from both transplant center and donor center operations. As of May 2003, 63 donors from the Hawai‘i Bone Marrow Donor
Registry have been identified as having a six out of six match for patients.
The Network Innovation Awards are presented to any member of the Network who has developed or initiated an innovative donor- or patient-focused practice or tool that has led to an efficient method of operations and has increased access to the life-saving potential of marrow and blood stem cell transplantation.
2003 Terry Fox Run/Walk
(continued from page 1) annual happening at the Four Seasons
Resorts at Hualalai and Wailea. These major fundraising events are held in honor of Terry Fox , a Canadian young man with cancer who ran marathons across Canada on his artificial leg to raise money for cancer research.
Unfortunately, Fox died of his disease before realizing his mission. The Four Seasons
Resorts organization vowed to continue his legacy and assumed his mission of raising funds for cancer research in all communities in which there is a Four
Seasons Resort property.
The Cancer Research Center has been the recipient of the generosity and support of the Four Seasons Resorts in
Hawai‘i in a big way. Since 1996, the
Terry Fox events have generated in excess of $600,000 for the Friends of the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i. The
Friends in turn have made these funds available to the Cancer Center for specific needs, such as start-up funds for newly recruited researchers and funding for innovative pilot studies, which may provide valuable preliminary data that could eventually result in the funding of larger peer-reviewed studies.
– 4 –
Study Looks at Letrozole in
A s many of you know, October was
National Breast Cancer Awareness
Month. In 2003, an estimated
211,300 women in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, excluding skin cancer, and accounts for nearly one in three cancers diagnosed in American women. In Hawai‘i, it is estimated that
800 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed each year. All women diagnosed with breast cancer are at risk of recurrence of the disease. A clinical trial looking at letrozole, a powerful aromatase inhibitor shown effective in women with advanced breast cancer, was closed early because the study found that cancer recurred much less often in the women taking letrozole compared to those on placebo.
This clinical trial was conducted to determine if letrozole (also called
Femera ® ) would reduce the risk for cancer recurrence among women who have completed four-anda-half to six years of tamoxifen therapy. After diagnosis and initial treatment, breast cancer continues to recur for many years.
Taking tamoxifen therapy for five years after breast cancer diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of recurrence among post-menopausal women who had been treated for earlystage breast cancer and who had a hormone-receptor positive form of the
Filipino Immigrants
(continued from page 4)
Reducing Risk of Cancer Recurrence
By the Cancer Information Service of Hawai‘i Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA.
Dr. Reginald Ho , medical oncologist disease (disease that responds to hormone therapy). However, clinical trials have shown that tamoxifen therapy stops being effective after five years. To date, no treatment has been available for women after this five-year period.
Letrozole is a type of drug called an aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase inhibitors work by limiting the ability of an enzyme called aromatase to create estrogen
– a major growth factor in hormonereceptor positive breast cancers.
These drugs
AANCART is the first federal program and the largest specifically at curbing cancer in Asian
Americans have been shown to almost completely suppress estrogen levels in post-menopausal women.
This international randomized study involved more than 5,000 postmenopausal women from Canada, the
United States, and
Europe in which half of the women were given letrozole and the other half were given a placebo – an inactive pill that looks like letrozole. Neither the doctors nor the women knew whether they were taking letrozole or the placebo.
For more information about breast cancer, this study, and letrozole, call the
National Cancer Institute’s Cancer
Information Service at 1-800-4at Straub Clinic & Hospital, serves as the national AANCART clinical director, as well as Hawai‘i AANCART’s principal investigator. The Hawai‘i AANCART aimed steering committee is composed of partners from the following agencies:
Straub Clinic & Hospital –
Dr. Reuben Guerrero , medical oncologist and
AANCART clinical director;
NCI’s Cancer Information
Service – Hali Robinett , project director; Cancer
Research Center of Hawai‘i,
University of Hawai‘i – Dr.
Abraham Nomura , professor and researcher and
AANCART research director; American Cancer Society Hawai‘i
Pacific Inc. – Stephen Jiang , health initiatives director; and Hawai‘i State
Department of Health Prevention and
Tobacco Coalition – Lila Johnson , coalition coordinator.
Studies have shown that it takes about three generations for immigrants to become westernized and acculturated to its adopted country. Meanwhile, among first generation Filipinos, cancer rates may be increasing significantly. To facilitate its work with Hawai‘i’s Filipino population, the AANCART project is forging partnerships with the Kauai
Filipino Community Council, Oahu
Filipino Community Council, United
Filipino Community Council of Hawai‘i, which is the umbrella organization for more than 200 Filipino organizations, and other institutions serving Filipinos.
A leadership forum was held February
28 on Oahu and another forum was held CANCER (1-800-422-6237) Monday to
Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or visit on March 20 on Kauai. The forums are designed to raise awareness, provide training, and empower Filipino leaders to be informed. They are the major stakeholders who can play a vital role in reducing the burden of cancer in their communities. Through these forums, attendees have the opportunity to learn what cancer is and how the disease
(continued on last page)
– 5 –
Filipino Immigrants
(continued from page 2) when compared to U.S.-born Asians and
Caucasians, have a lower percentage of cancer diagnosed at an early stage, a higher percentage of cancer diagnosed at a late stage, and lower rates of cancer survival. Among the possible reasons cited for this disparity is poor physicianpatient communication, resulting in inadequate follow-up with physician orders. The language and socio-cultural barriers are other reasons for patients’ discomfort in verbalizing health-related complaints and for the inconsistencies in following physicians’ orders.
The AANCART program at the Cancer
Center will seek initial partnerships with
Filipino leaders to develop a strategic planning tool that will address cancer disparities in their communities. An infrastructure and capacity-building award of $100,000 has been received from the NCI’s Special Populations
Network to carry out the planning phase of the AANCART project in preparation for minority cancer research and training grants in the near future.
Charlene Cuaresma , Special Populations Liaison of the National Cancer
Institute’s Cancer Information Service of
Hawai‘i, also serves as Hawai‘i
AANCART’s community director and steering committee member. “AANCART partnerships for cancer awareness, research, and training engage intergenerational Filipino leadership to gain parity as a major cancer stakeholder to improve current measures to reduce the uneven burden of cancer,” says Cuaresma.
Dr. Moon Chen , of the University of
California at Davis, is the lead investigator for the AANCART’s national program. Other institutions participating in the national AANCART project include
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston,
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer
Center in New York City, Solove
Cancer Research Center in
Columbus, Ohio, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center in San
Francisco, and Jonsson
(continued on page 5)
Awards and Accolades
Dr. Wada Receives National Bone Marrow Donor Award
C ongratulations to Dr. Randal
Wada , a pediatric oncologist,
Cancer Center researcher and medical director of the Hawai‘i Bone
Marrow Donor Registry, who received the National Bone Marrow Program’s
(NBMP) Network Innovation Award in the “donor-focused” category. The award was presented at the 2003 Awards
Program during the 16th Annual
Council Meeting in mid-November in
At the Bone Marrow Donor Registry,
Dr. Wada and staff developed a process that uses data from preliminary searches to locate new donors, who have the best chance of being called up when there is a search. These potential donors are then contacted so that their interest and eligibility can be assessed.
The NBMP’s Information Systems department generates a list each month, which identifies donors from the registry’s donor center file who have shown up as a potential six-of-six antigen match for a patient conducting a preliminary search. These non-activated donors have the highest probability of being called during a formal search for a bone marrow transplant.
“This process improves operational efficiency by focusing staff time on donors who have a relatively high chance to be called as a preliminary
Dr. Randal Wada, middle, with Renee Adaniya and Rose Vera Cruz of the Hawai‘i Bone
Marrow Registry Program upon receiving the award.
match and who are more likely to be part of a formal search at a later stage,” says
Rose Vera Cruz , search coordinator at the Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
The process is innovative because it integrates information from both transplant center and donor center operations. As of May 2003, 63 donors from the Hawai‘i Bone Marrow Donor
Registry have been identified as having a six out of six match for patients.
The Network Innovation Awards are presented to any member of the Network who has developed or initiated an innovative donor- or patient-focused practice or tool that has led to an efficient method of operations and has increased access to the life-saving potential of marrow and blood stem cell transplantation.
2003 Terry Fox Run/Walk
(continued from page 1) annual happening at the Four Seasons
Resorts at Hualalai and Wailea. These major fundraising events are held in honor of Terry Fox , a Canadian young man with cancer who ran marathons across Canada on his artificial leg to raise money for cancer research.
Unfortunately, Fox died of his disease before realizing his mission. The Four Seasons
Resorts organization vowed to continue his legacy and assumed his mission of raising funds for cancer research in all communities in which there is a Four
Seasons Resort property.
The Cancer Research Center has been the recipient of the generosity and support of the Four Seasons Resorts in
Hawai‘i in a big way. Since 1996, the
Terry Fox events have generated in excess of $600,000 for the Friends of the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i. The
Friends in turn have made these funds available to the Cancer Center for specific needs, such as start-up funds for newly recruited researchers and funding for innovative pilot studies, which may provide valuable preliminary data that could eventually result in the funding of larger peer-reviewed studies.
– 4 –
Study Looks at Letrozole in
A s many of you know, October was
National Breast Cancer Awareness
Month. In 2003, an estimated
211,300 women in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, excluding skin cancer, and accounts for nearly one in three cancers diagnosed in American women. In Hawai‘i, it is estimated that
800 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed each year. All women diagnosed with breast cancer are at risk of recurrence of the disease. A clinical trial looking at letrozole, a powerful aromatase inhibitor shown effective in women with advanced breast cancer, was closed early because the study found that cancer recurred much less often in the women taking letrozole compared to those on placebo.
This clinical trial was conducted to determine if letrozole (also called
Femera ® ) would reduce the risk for cancer recurrence among women who have completed four-anda-half to six years of tamoxifen therapy. After diagnosis and initial treatment, breast cancer continues to recur for many years.
Taking tamoxifen therapy for five years after breast cancer diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of recurrence among post-menopausal women who had been treated for earlystage breast cancer and who had a hormone-receptor positive form of the
Filipino Immigrants
(continued from page 4)
Reducing Risk of Cancer Recurrence
By the Cancer Information Service of Hawai‘i Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA.
Dr. Reginald Ho , medical oncologist disease (disease that responds to hormone therapy). However, clinical trials have shown that tamoxifen therapy stops being effective after five years. To date, no treatment has been available for women after this five-year period.
Letrozole is a type of drug called an aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase inhibitors work by limiting the ability of an enzyme called aromatase to create estrogen
– a major growth factor in hormonereceptor positive breast cancers.
These drugs
AANCART is the first federal program and the largest specifically at curbing cancer in Asian
Americans have been shown to almost completely suppress estrogen levels in post-menopausal women.
This international randomized study involved more than 5,000 postmenopausal women from Canada, the
United States, and
Europe in which half of the women were given letrozole and the other half were given a placebo – an inactive pill that looks like letrozole. Neither the doctors nor the women knew whether they were taking letrozole or the placebo.
For more information about breast cancer, this study, and letrozole, call the
National Cancer Institute’s Cancer
Information Service at 1-800-4at Straub Clinic & Hospital, serves as the national AANCART clinical director, as well as Hawai‘i AANCART’s principal investigator. The Hawai‘i AANCART aimed steering committee is composed of partners from the following agencies:
Straub Clinic & Hospital –
Dr. Reuben Guerrero , medical oncologist and
AANCART clinical director;
NCI’s Cancer Information
Service – Hali Robinett , project director; Cancer
Research Center of Hawai‘i,
University of Hawai‘i – Dr.
Abraham Nomura , professor and researcher and
AANCART research director; American Cancer Society Hawai‘i
Pacific Inc. – Stephen Jiang , health initiatives director; and Hawai‘i State
Department of Health Prevention and
Tobacco Coalition – Lila Johnson , coalition coordinator.
Studies have shown that it takes about three generations for immigrants to become westernized and acculturated to its adopted country. Meanwhile, among first generation Filipinos, cancer rates may be increasing significantly. To facilitate its work with Hawai‘i’s Filipino population, the AANCART project is forging partnerships with the Kauai
Filipino Community Council, Oahu
Filipino Community Council, United
Filipino Community Council of Hawai‘i, which is the umbrella organization for more than 200 Filipino organizations, and other institutions serving Filipinos.
A leadership forum was held February
28 on Oahu and another forum was held CANCER (1-800-422-6237) Monday to
Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or visit on March 20 on Kauai. The forums are designed to raise awareness, provide training, and empower Filipino leaders to be informed. They are the major stakeholders who can play a vital role in reducing the burden of cancer in their communities. Through these forums, attendees have the opportunity to learn what cancer is and how the disease
(continued on last page)
– 5 –
Director’s Message
(continued from page 1) for skilled tradesmen and women.
Related to the new Cancer Center location… The Hawai‘i Community
Development Authority, the entity overseeing Kakaako, has extended our right to negotiate for a site for another six months. Currently, we are evaluating the possibility of a “design-build” arrangement with a private developer.
We will let you know as soon as we have good news.
To generate funds for a new comprehensive center, we are fundraising in many ways. One of those ways is through the Friends’ signature event called The Mauka Makai. We hope to see you in September at that enjoyable night. More information will follow.
For more than two-and-a-half decades,
Frank Haines , one of Hawai’i’s leading architects, has served as a board member of the Friends. His insight into construction, the state’s economy and passion for our cause was invaluable. He is stepping down after a great contribution. Mahalo Frank.
Thank you for your continued support of the Center.
Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, M.D., Ph.D.
Bequest Gifts Express Faith in the Future
The Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i benefits greatly from bequests and other estate gifts it receives through the University of Hawai‘i Foundation’s planned gifts program. This is the first in a series of articles about these essential gifts.
G lendon Lawson , a schoolteacher and principal from Kansas, enjoyed a quiet retirement with his wife Rowena in Hawai‘i, where their love of art and music thrived.
After losing Rowena to cancer in 1987,
Glendon lived out his life in Hawai‘i until his passing at age 90.
Just as he invested in the future by dedicating his life to education,
Glendon continued this investment by making sure his life savings – and, in fact, his entire estate – would support the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i.
Through a revocable living trust, he retained the use of his assets for his lifetime, and determined what these assets would support after his passing.
Glendon’s unrestricted bequest gift – which included cash, stocks and bonds, a Waikiki condominium, and retirement fund assets – is enabling the
Cancer Research Center to reduce the burden of cancer through research, education, and service, and take advantage of the diverse ethnic, cultural, and environmental characteristics that our location in Hawai‘i offers our researchers. We are very grateful to Glendon for this extraordinary act of generosity and expression of faith in the future.
If you would like to make a provision in your will or revocable trust to benefit the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i, please contact, in confidence, Betty Mastrantonio , Director of Development for
CRCH, at (808) 564-5984, or email
If you have already made such a provision, please notify us so we may express our gratitude and invite you to join our Heritage Society.
Friends of the Cancer
Research Center of
Hawai‘i Donors
November 2003 thru January 2004
Roy & Marjorie Adachi
Rosemary Apo
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Araki
Mr. Jeff Arce
Ms. Nancy S. Baker
Mrs. Joan S. Bellinger
William & Rowena Blaisdell
John N. & Susan M. Bustard
Ms. Karen Char
Mr. Clint Churchill
Bob & Kay Cooney
Martha J. & Donald A. Corbin
Ms. Jane S. Dimmitt
William J. & JoAnn Dornbush
Nancy Endo
Four Seasons Resort at Hualalai
Mrs. Betty Fujioka
Dr. Lawrence Fujioka
Gary O. Galiher & Diane T. Ono
Mr. Warren G. Haight
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Haines
Dr. Jean Hankin
Hawaii Oncology
Data Management Association
William T. & Ruth T. Hiraoka
Mrs. Haruko Ikehara
The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye
Brian & Lindsay Issell
Mr. James T. Kawasaki
Dr. Laurence N. Kolonel
Sidney S. Kosasa
Ms. Ann S. Koto
Mr. Stanley Kuriyama
Alan Lau
Merton S. C. Lau
Daniel & Jennifer Leung
Mr. Alan M. Low
Mr. Thomas C. H. Lum
Herbert Minn
Dr. Mari Nakashizuka
Janice Nako-Piburn
Wesley & Daphne Park
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Pingree
Larry & Patricia Rodriguez
Royal Contracting Company, Ltd.
Doris S. Sato
Michael N. Scarfone
Tsutomu & Sharon Shigemasa
Mr. Charles L. Sted
H. Howard Stephenson
Suelyn & Jerry Tune
Mr. David D. W. Tyau
Dr. Robert Wilkinson
Mr. Charles H. L. Wong
A. James & Helen W. Wriston
Carl & Linda Yoshizawa
Memorial Gifts
Mary Lois McMillan
(in memory of Lois E. Reed)
– 6 –
Gifts received from July 1,
2002 - December 31, 2002
A.B. Da Silva Rentals
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence C.
Abafo, Jr.
Mr. Hiroshi Abe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Abe
Mr. Gaudencio B. Abella
Ms. Paula Abrazado
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Abreu
Mr. Narciso George Abril
Mrs. Leatrice W. Adachi
Mr. Carl W. Adams
Mr. Lawrence C. Adams
Mr. Seigi Adaniya
Ms. Edith S. Adriano
Mrs. Luminada P. Afalla
Mrs. Shirley M. Afuso
Ms. Dawn M. Agao
Mr. Ernest Ah Choy
Ms. Charlene H. Ah Nee
Mrs. Pansy O. Ahana
Rothwell K. Ahulau &
Carolyn C. Crowder
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Aimoto
Ms. Miyoko Ainsworth
Airport Electronics, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Aisaka
Ms. Gwendolyn M. Aiwohi
Ms. Katherine T. Ajimine
Mr. & Mrs. George G.
Akahane, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kotoku Akamine
Mr. William A. S. Akana
Ms. Loretta Y. Aki
Ms. Clara Matsumi Akimoto
Mrs. Kikue Akiyama
Al Masini Enertainment, Inc.
Ms. Phyllis S. Alden
Mr. & Mrs. Albert G.
Alii Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Mr. Raymond Almeida
Aloha United Way
Alonzo’s Catering
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Ama
Ms. Fortunata B. Amantiad
Mr. & Mrs. Keiji Amemiya
American Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert F.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M.
Amorine, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Amoy
Mr. Antone Andrade, Sr.
Mrs. Dorothy Andrade
Myra W. & Jean Kent Angus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Anzai
Mr. & Mrs. Roy I. Aoki
Mr. Henry A. Aoyagi
Ms. Geraldine K. Aoyama
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Apana
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Y. Arakaki
Mr. & Mrs. Eikichi Arakaki
Ms. Muriel S. Arakaki
Ms. Peggy S. Arakaki
Thank You Generous Donors
In appreciation of your generous contributions to the Cancer Research
Center of Hawai‘i through the University of Hawai‘i Foundation, we take this opportunity to thank you for your gifts to support cancer research in Hawai‘i.
Ms. Thelma H. Arakawa
Mr. Royden K. Arashiro
Mr. Jeffrey Arce
Mr. & Mrs. Ryuji Ariyoshi
Ms. Janet R. Arizumi
Mr. & Mrs. Heine W. Aruda
Ms. Caroline N. Asagi
Mr. Fujio Asao
Mrs. Nancy T. Asaoka
Mr. Harry Asato
Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Asato
Ms. Anna H. Asinsin
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Atkins
Mr. & Mrs. Esperdion A.
Ms. Ethel C. Au
Mr. Robert H. C. Au
Mr. & Mrs. Shay W.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Aviles
Ms. Grace Awakuni
Mrs. Lynnette I. Ayat
Mr. Henry N. Azeka
Ms. Edith Yuriko Baba
Shigeyo Baba
Mr. Albert K. Bagood
Mrs. Nancy S. Baker
Mr. Isabelo B. Baldonado
Ms. Sinnette Lloyd Barefoot
Mr. Towar B. Bates, Jr.
Mr. Wayne S. Batis
Ms. Laura Y. S. Bautista
Ms. Nelly Bautista
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham K.
Beddow, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore M.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas
Ms. Gertrude F. Berger
Mr. Frank Berry
Mr. Esteban M. Bibilone
Mr. & Mrs. Mauro Ben Bio
Col. John H. Bishop
Ms. Doris T. Bjelland
Mr. Donald C. Blaser
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. William M. Borges
Ms. Kimiye Borreliz
Ms. Masako Bourcier
Ms. Arlene J. Bow
Col. & Mrs. Francis A. I.
Bowers, Jr.
Mr. James B. Bragaw
Ms. Emily R. Brandl
Gladys Ainoa Brandt Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A.
Brossy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Brown
Mr. Robert D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert M.
Ms. Corazon D.
Ms. Beatrice L. H. Burrows
Ms. Grace C. Bush
Mr. Gregory W. Busher
Mr. Alipio Butac
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Cabalce
Ms. Benilda C. Cabanilla
Ms. Joy B. Cabebe
Mr. Joe M. Cachero
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A.
Mrs. Mary T. Cadinha
Ms. Sofea P. Cagalawan
Mr. Daniel C. Caires
The Hon. Kirk Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Harry F.
Calistro, Sr.
Ms. Anastacia C. Calixterio
Ms. Rosemary N. L. Canape
Ms. Janet L. Carveiro
Ms. Sharlene F. Castillo
Ms. Andrea Castro
Ms. Winona S. L. Castro
Ms. Debby S. Chaffin
Mr. Edward S. K. Chan
Mrs. Evelyn Chang
Mrs. Jane T. Chang
Mrs. Mabel C. H. Chang
Mrs. Merna C. Chang
Mrs. Mildred M. Q. Chang
Ms. Patricia Y. K. Chang
Mr. Robert K. Chang
Mr. Kenneth Chee
Mr. & Mrs. Teimei Chena
Ms. Nora Y. Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T.
Mr. Harold H. Chinen
Ms. Norma Chinen
Mr. Alvin W. H. Ching
Ms. Blanche Y. Ching
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. T.
Dr. Doris & Mr. Wilbert
Ms. Elizabeth Nyit Lung
Miss Gertrude Ching
Ms. Mei Y. Ching
Ching’s Punaluu Store
Ms. Nancy Cho
Mr. Edward Choi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. W.
Ms. Ethel C. Chow
Mr. Edward M. Chun
Mr. Henry H. Q. Chun
Mrs. Hisame F. Chun
Iuen Fong L. Chun
Ms. Leila R. Chun
Ms. Marian A. S. Chun
Ms. May C. Chun
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Y. T.
Ms. Ruth L. Chun
Mr. William K. Chun
Mrs. Charlotte C. Chung
Mr. Walter A. Y. Chung
Mr. Gregory S. Cieless
Dr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. Henry Cobb-Adams, III
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W.
Coelho, Jr.
Ms. Geraldine T. Cole
Ms. Edwina D. Cordero-
Leonides R. Corpuz
Dr. Kleona Corsini
Ms. Mae-Claire Cortez
Mr. Teotico A. Cortuna
Jetta A. Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crabb
Mrs. Esther C. Crandall
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S.
Cravalho, Sr.
Suk C. Crow
Mr. George H. Crowder
Mr. Frederick Crowell
Ms. Olga T. Cumley
Mr. Donald W. Cutting
Mr. Michael L. Czerwinski
Ms. Jane Daimon
Ms. Sara E. Daly
Ms. Kathryn K. Danbara
Ms. E. Mitsue Davis
Ms. Miriam Ruth Dawson
Ms. Dorothy G. De Lima
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel De
Ponte, Jr.
Ms. Muriel H. De Ponte
Mr. & Mrs. Sadami Deai
Department of Hawai‘i
Ladies Auxiliary
Ms. Ruth M. Derigo
Design Partners
Mr. Louis F. DeVirgilio
Mr. Herbert M. Dias
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford M.
Dr. Fred Dodge & Ms. Karen
G. S. Young
Ms. Chiyo Doi
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Doi
Ms. Sharon Doi
Mr. James E. Donnelly
Mr. Russell W. Donnelly
Ms. June Doolin
Mr. Amadeo Dullaga
Ms. Julia L. Dunsmoor
Mrs. Bertha E. Dunson
Ms. Geraldine Dureg
Mr. Paul L. A. Duvauchelle
Mr. Edmund E. Ehlke
Dr. & Mrs. Samir A. El
Ms. Janet Elicker
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert K. Endo
Ms. Estelle A. Enoki
Ms. Michiye S. Enomoto
Eric M. Watanabe Realty,
Ms. Harriet H. Eum
Dr. & Mrs. Hubert V. Everly
Mrs. Marjory E. Fairbanks
Mrs. Priscilla Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Farm,
Ms. Rosa Fernandez
Ms. Bonnie G. Figueroa
Mr. Michael I. Fish
Mr. Kevin Flanagan
Mr. Gerald E. Fletcher
– 7 –
Ms. Annabelle C. Fong
Ms. Margaret L. K. Fonseca
Ms. Katherine M. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace F.
Ms. Margaret D. Froome
Mr. David M. Fujii
Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Fujii
Ms. Ruth Y. Fujii
Mr. & Mrs. George Y.
Mr. Sakae Fujimoto
Ms. Shizuno Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Tatsuo Fujimoto
Mr. Walter F. Fujimoto
Mr. Walter M. Fujinaga
Mr. Alvin K. Fujioka
Ms. Annette E. Fujisaka
Mr. & Mrs. Randall R. Fujita
Ms. Patricia A. Fujiwara
Ms. Pearl E. Fujiwara
Ms. Jean K. Fukeda
Mrs. Rachel S. Fukuda
Mr. & Mrs. Tetsuji Fukuda
Mr. Toshiko Fukuda
Ms. Jill A. Fukui
Ms. Jean Fukuji
Dr. Ichiro Fukumoto
Ms. Kathleen O. Fukumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S.
Mr. Chester A. Fukushima
Ms. Jean T. Fukushima
Mr. Nobuo Fukushima
Mr. Edward S. Fulkerson
Ms. Laverne A. Fuller
Mrs. Florence Y. Funai
Mr. Toshio Funai
Ms. Gail N. Furuhashi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K.
Mr. Miyoji Furusho
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T.
Mr. James K. Fuse
G. N. Enterprises
Mr. Gary O. Galiher & Ms.
Diane T. Ono
Ms. Augustina V. Ganiron
Mr. Raymond L. Ganotise
Mr. Leonard J. Garaganza
Mr. Joseph Garcia
Mr. Patrick F. Garvey, Jr.
Ms. Helen C. Gau
Ms. Sheila M. Geib
German Benevolent Society
Ms. Mildred E. Germano
Mr. William H. Gettle
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Gibb
Ms. Evelyn S. Gibo
Ms. Grace K. Gima
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Gima
Ms. Yasuko Gima
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Gipaya
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B.
Mr. William R. Glegg
Mr. Stephen Glipa
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Y. Gokan
Ms. Evelyn Gonsalves
Mr. & Mrs. Raynold S.
Mrs. Sau Moi W. Goo
(continued on page 8)
Director’s Message
(continued from page 1) for skilled tradesmen and women.
Related to the new Cancer Center location… The Hawai‘i Community
Development Authority, the entity overseeing Kakaako, has extended our right to negotiate for a site for another six months. Currently, we are evaluating the possibility of a “design-build” arrangement with a private developer.
We will let you know as soon as we have good news.
To generate funds for a new comprehensive center, we are fundraising in many ways. One of those ways is through the Friends’ signature event called The Mauka Makai. We hope to see you in September at that enjoyable night. More information will follow.
For more than two-and-a-half decades,
Frank Haines , one of Hawai’i’s leading architects, has served as a board member of the Friends. His insight into construction, the state’s economy and passion for our cause was invaluable. He is stepping down after a great contribution. Mahalo Frank.
Thank you for your continued support of the Center.
Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, M.D., Ph.D.
Bequest Gifts Express Faith in the Future
The Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i benefits greatly from bequests and other estate gifts it receives through the University of Hawai‘i Foundation’s planned gifts program. This is the first in a series of articles about these essential gifts.
G lendon Lawson , a schoolteacher and principal from Kansas, enjoyed a quiet retirement with his wife Rowena in Hawai‘i, where their love of art and music thrived.
After losing Rowena to cancer in 1987,
Glendon lived out his life in Hawai‘i until his passing at age 90.
Just as he invested in the future by dedicating his life to education,
Glendon continued this investment by making sure his life savings – and, in fact, his entire estate – would support the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i.
Through a revocable living trust, he retained the use of his assets for his lifetime, and determined what these assets would support after his passing.
Glendon’s unrestricted bequest gift – which included cash, stocks and bonds, a Waikiki condominium, and retirement fund assets – is enabling the
Cancer Research Center to reduce the burden of cancer through research, education, and service, and take advantage of the diverse ethnic, cultural, and environmental characteristics that our location in Hawai‘i offers our researchers. We are very grateful to Glendon for this extraordinary act of generosity and expression of faith in the future.
If you would like to make a provision in your will or revocable trust to benefit the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i, please contact, in confidence, Betty Mastrantonio , Director of Development for
CRCH, at (808) 564-5984, or email
If you have already made such a provision, please notify us so we may express our gratitude and invite you to join our Heritage Society.
Friends of the Cancer
Research Center of
Hawai‘i Donors
November 2003 thru January 2004
Roy & Marjorie Adachi
Rosemary Apo
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Araki
Mr. Jeff Arce
Ms. Nancy S. Baker
Mrs. Joan S. Bellinger
William & Rowena Blaisdell
John N. & Susan M. Bustard
Ms. Karen Char
Mr. Clint Churchill
Bob & Kay Cooney
Martha J. & Donald A. Corbin
Ms. Jane S. Dimmitt
William J. & JoAnn Dornbush
Nancy Endo
Four Seasons Resort at Hualalai
Mrs. Betty Fujioka
Dr. Lawrence Fujioka
Gary O. Galiher & Diane T. Ono
Mr. Warren G. Haight
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Haines
Dr. Jean Hankin
Hawaii Oncology
Data Management Association
William T. & Ruth T. Hiraoka
Mrs. Haruko Ikehara
The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye
Brian & Lindsay Issell
Mr. James T. Kawasaki
Dr. Laurence N. Kolonel
Sidney S. Kosasa
Ms. Ann S. Koto
Mr. Stanley Kuriyama
Alan Lau
Merton S. C. Lau
Daniel & Jennifer Leung
Mr. Alan M. Low
Mr. Thomas C. H. Lum
Herbert Minn
Dr. Mari Nakashizuka
Janice Nako-Piburn
Wesley & Daphne Park
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Pingree
Larry & Patricia Rodriguez
Royal Contracting Company, Ltd.
Doris S. Sato
Michael N. Scarfone
Tsutomu & Sharon Shigemasa
Mr. Charles L. Sted
H. Howard Stephenson
Suelyn & Jerry Tune
Mr. David D. W. Tyau
Dr. Robert Wilkinson
Mr. Charles H. L. Wong
A. James & Helen W. Wriston
Carl & Linda Yoshizawa
Memorial Gifts
Mary Lois McMillan
(in memory of Lois E. Reed)
– 6 –
Gifts received from July 1,
2002 - December 31, 2002
A.B. Da Silva Rentals
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence C.
Abafo, Jr.
Mr. Hiroshi Abe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Abe
Mr. Gaudencio B. Abella
Ms. Paula Abrazado
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Abreu
Mr. Narciso George Abril
Mrs. Leatrice W. Adachi
Mr. Carl W. Adams
Mr. Lawrence C. Adams
Mr. Seigi Adaniya
Ms. Edith S. Adriano
Mrs. Luminada P. Afalla
Mrs. Shirley M. Afuso
Ms. Dawn M. Agao
Mr. Ernest Ah Choy
Ms. Charlene H. Ah Nee
Mrs. Pansy O. Ahana
Rothwell K. Ahulau &
Carolyn C. Crowder
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Aimoto
Ms. Miyoko Ainsworth
Airport Electronics, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Aisaka
Ms. Gwendolyn M. Aiwohi
Ms. Katherine T. Ajimine
Mr. & Mrs. George G.
Akahane, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kotoku Akamine
Mr. William A. S. Akana
Ms. Loretta Y. Aki
Ms. Clara Matsumi Akimoto
Mrs. Kikue Akiyama
Al Masini Enertainment, Inc.
Ms. Phyllis S. Alden
Mr. & Mrs. Albert G.
Alii Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Mr. Raymond Almeida
Aloha United Way
Alonzo’s Catering
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Ama
Ms. Fortunata B. Amantiad
Mr. & Mrs. Keiji Amemiya
American Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert F.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M.
Amorine, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert K. Amoy
Mr. Antone Andrade, Sr.
Mrs. Dorothy Andrade
Myra W. & Jean Kent Angus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Anzai
Mr. & Mrs. Roy I. Aoki
Mr. Henry A. Aoyagi
Ms. Geraldine K. Aoyama
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Apana
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Y. Arakaki
Mr. & Mrs. Eikichi Arakaki
Ms. Muriel S. Arakaki
Ms. Peggy S. Arakaki
Thank You Generous Donors
In appreciation of your generous contributions to the Cancer Research
Center of Hawai‘i through the University of Hawai‘i Foundation, we take this opportunity to thank you for your gifts to support cancer research in Hawai‘i.
Ms. Thelma H. Arakawa
Mr. Royden K. Arashiro
Mr. Jeffrey Arce
Mr. & Mrs. Ryuji Ariyoshi
Ms. Janet R. Arizumi
Mr. & Mrs. Heine W. Aruda
Ms. Caroline N. Asagi
Mr. Fujio Asao
Mrs. Nancy T. Asaoka
Mr. Harry Asato
Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Asato
Ms. Anna H. Asinsin
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Atkins
Mr. & Mrs. Esperdion A.
Ms. Ethel C. Au
Mr. Robert H. C. Au
Mr. & Mrs. Shay W.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Aviles
Ms. Grace Awakuni
Mrs. Lynnette I. Ayat
Mr. Henry N. Azeka
Ms. Edith Yuriko Baba
Shigeyo Baba
Mr. Albert K. Bagood
Mrs. Nancy S. Baker
Mr. Isabelo B. Baldonado
Ms. Sinnette Lloyd Barefoot
Mr. Towar B. Bates, Jr.
Mr. Wayne S. Batis
Ms. Laura Y. S. Bautista
Ms. Nelly Bautista
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham K.
Beddow, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore M.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas
Ms. Gertrude F. Berger
Mr. Frank Berry
Mr. Esteban M. Bibilone
Mr. & Mrs. Mauro Ben Bio
Col. John H. Bishop
Ms. Doris T. Bjelland
Mr. Donald C. Blaser
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. William M. Borges
Ms. Kimiye Borreliz
Ms. Masako Bourcier
Ms. Arlene J. Bow
Col. & Mrs. Francis A. I.
Bowers, Jr.
Mr. James B. Bragaw
Ms. Emily R. Brandl
Gladys Ainoa Brandt Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A.
Brossy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Brown
Mr. Robert D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert M.
Ms. Corazon D.
Ms. Beatrice L. H. Burrows
Ms. Grace C. Bush
Mr. Gregory W. Busher
Mr. Alipio Butac
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Cabalce
Ms. Benilda C. Cabanilla
Ms. Joy B. Cabebe
Mr. Joe M. Cachero
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A.
Mrs. Mary T. Cadinha
Ms. Sofea P. Cagalawan
Mr. Daniel C. Caires
The Hon. Kirk Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Harry F.
Calistro, Sr.
Ms. Anastacia C. Calixterio
Ms. Rosemary N. L. Canape
Ms. Janet L. Carveiro
Ms. Sharlene F. Castillo
Ms. Andrea Castro
Ms. Winona S. L. Castro
Ms. Debby S. Chaffin
Mr. Edward S. K. Chan
Mrs. Evelyn Chang
Mrs. Jane T. Chang
Mrs. Mabel C. H. Chang
Mrs. Merna C. Chang
Mrs. Mildred M. Q. Chang
Ms. Patricia Y. K. Chang
Mr. Robert K. Chang
Mr. Kenneth Chee
Mr. & Mrs. Teimei Chena
Ms. Nora Y. Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T.
Mr. Harold H. Chinen
Ms. Norma Chinen
Mr. Alvin W. H. Ching
Ms. Blanche Y. Ching
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. T.
Dr. Doris & Mr. Wilbert
Ms. Elizabeth Nyit Lung
Miss Gertrude Ching
Ms. Mei Y. Ching
Ching’s Punaluu Store
Ms. Nancy Cho
Mr. Edward Choi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. W.
Ms. Ethel C. Chow
Mr. Edward M. Chun
Mr. Henry H. Q. Chun
Mrs. Hisame F. Chun
Iuen Fong L. Chun
Ms. Leila R. Chun
Ms. Marian A. S. Chun
Ms. May C. Chun
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Y. T.
Ms. Ruth L. Chun
Mr. William K. Chun
Mrs. Charlotte C. Chung
Mr. Walter A. Y. Chung
Mr. Gregory S. Cieless
Dr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. Henry Cobb-Adams, III
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W.
Coelho, Jr.
Ms. Geraldine T. Cole
Ms. Edwina D. Cordero-
Leonides R. Corpuz
Dr. Kleona Corsini
Ms. Mae-Claire Cortez
Mr. Teotico A. Cortuna
Jetta A. Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crabb
Mrs. Esther C. Crandall
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S.
Cravalho, Sr.
Suk C. Crow
Mr. George H. Crowder
Mr. Frederick Crowell
Ms. Olga T. Cumley
Mr. Donald W. Cutting
Mr. Michael L. Czerwinski
Ms. Jane Daimon
Ms. Sara E. Daly
Ms. Kathryn K. Danbara
Ms. E. Mitsue Davis
Ms. Miriam Ruth Dawson
Ms. Dorothy G. De Lima
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel De
Ponte, Jr.
Ms. Muriel H. De Ponte
Mr. & Mrs. Sadami Deai
Department of Hawai‘i
Ladies Auxiliary
Ms. Ruth M. Derigo
Design Partners
Mr. Louis F. DeVirgilio
Mr. Herbert M. Dias
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford M.
Dr. Fred Dodge & Ms. Karen
G. S. Young
Ms. Chiyo Doi
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Doi
Ms. Sharon Doi
Mr. James E. Donnelly
Mr. Russell W. Donnelly
Ms. June Doolin
Mr. Amadeo Dullaga
Ms. Julia L. Dunsmoor
Mrs. Bertha E. Dunson
Ms. Geraldine Dureg
Mr. Paul L. A. Duvauchelle
Mr. Edmund E. Ehlke
Dr. & Mrs. Samir A. El
Ms. Janet Elicker
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert K. Endo
Ms. Estelle A. Enoki
Ms. Michiye S. Enomoto
Eric M. Watanabe Realty,
Ms. Harriet H. Eum
Dr. & Mrs. Hubert V. Everly
Mrs. Marjory E. Fairbanks
Mrs. Priscilla Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Farm,
Ms. Rosa Fernandez
Ms. Bonnie G. Figueroa
Mr. Michael I. Fish
Mr. Kevin Flanagan
Mr. Gerald E. Fletcher
– 7 –
Ms. Annabelle C. Fong
Ms. Margaret L. K. Fonseca
Ms. Katherine M. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace F.
Ms. Margaret D. Froome
Mr. David M. Fujii
Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Fujii
Ms. Ruth Y. Fujii
Mr. & Mrs. George Y.
Mr. Sakae Fujimoto
Ms. Shizuno Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Tatsuo Fujimoto
Mr. Walter F. Fujimoto
Mr. Walter M. Fujinaga
Mr. Alvin K. Fujioka
Ms. Annette E. Fujisaka
Mr. & Mrs. Randall R. Fujita
Ms. Patricia A. Fujiwara
Ms. Pearl E. Fujiwara
Ms. Jean K. Fukeda
Mrs. Rachel S. Fukuda
Mr. & Mrs. Tetsuji Fukuda
Mr. Toshiko Fukuda
Ms. Jill A. Fukui
Ms. Jean Fukuji
Dr. Ichiro Fukumoto
Ms. Kathleen O. Fukumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S.
Mr. Chester A. Fukushima
Ms. Jean T. Fukushima
Mr. Nobuo Fukushima
Mr. Edward S. Fulkerson
Ms. Laverne A. Fuller
Mrs. Florence Y. Funai
Mr. Toshio Funai
Ms. Gail N. Furuhashi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K.
Mr. Miyoji Furusho
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T.
Mr. James K. Fuse
G. N. Enterprises
Mr. Gary O. Galiher & Ms.
Diane T. Ono
Ms. Augustina V. Ganiron
Mr. Raymond L. Ganotise
Mr. Leonard J. Garaganza
Mr. Joseph Garcia
Mr. Patrick F. Garvey, Jr.
Ms. Helen C. Gau
Ms. Sheila M. Geib
German Benevolent Society
Ms. Mildred E. Germano
Mr. William H. Gettle
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Gibb
Ms. Evelyn S. Gibo
Ms. Grace K. Gima
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Gima
Ms. Yasuko Gima
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Gipaya
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B.
Mr. William R. Glegg
Mr. Stephen Glipa
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Y. Gokan
Ms. Evelyn Gonsalves
Mr. & Mrs. Raynold S.
Mrs. Sau Moi W. Goo
(continued on page 8)
Mrs. Michiko Y. Gooch
Ms. Judith N. Goto
Mrs. Hisae Y. Goto
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J.
Mr. Maurice Grasso
Mr. J. S. Gray
Richard E. & Mary E. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J.
Greges, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria D. Griffin
Mr. Robert W. Guild
Mr. Masayoshi Gunda
Ms. Haruko Gushikuma
Ms. Linda Y. Gushikuma
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi
Ms. Tsuruko Gushikuma
Gypsum Floors of Hawaii,
Mr. Tsutomu Hakoda
Ms. Annette Y. Halmossy
Ms. Catherine H. Hamada
Mr. & Mrs. Shizuichi
Mrs. Fumie Hamamura
Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuo Hamasu
Ms. Kiyoko Handa
Ms. Mildred F. Harada
Mrs. Myra K. Harada
Mr. & Mrs. Osamu Harada
Mr. Tokio Y. Harada
Mr. Stanley Y. Haraga
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney M.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K.
Mr. Thomas J. Harrer
Mrs. Frances T. Harris
Mr. Henry I. Haruki
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hasama
Mr. & Mrs. Edward I.
Mr. David Y. Hashimoto
Ms. Jean H. Hashimoto
Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Hashimoto
Mrs. Vera S. Hashimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M.
Mr. Masuo Hata
Mrs. Jean M. Hatashima
Hawaii Community
Hawaii Dermatology &
Surgery, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William L.
Mrs. Marjorie S. Hayakawa
Ms. Constance K. Hayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T.
Ms. Evelyn M. Hayden
Mrs. Fay A. K. Hayes
Ms. Florence M. Hayslip
Mr. James W. Head
Ms. Joyce K. Hedani
Mr. Charles K. L. Hee
Mr. Darrell D. Hee
Mr. Eric N. S. Hee
Ms. Lorraine Y. U. Hee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. J.
Dr. & Mrs. Mark I. Helbling
Dr. & Mrs. Ko Moe Htun
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L.
Ms. Mercedes L. Hussey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ibara
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Ibara
Ms. Sharyn S. Iboshi
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald K. Ida
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Ide
Mr. Robert T. Ideta
Ms. June S. Igarashi
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T.
Ms. Joyce F. Ige
Mrs. Nancy A. Ige
Dr. & Mrs. Philip K. Ige
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Ige
Mr. Tokucho Ige
Mr. Maurice Y. Iha
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Iha
Mr. Tetsuo Ihara
Mr. Alvin S. Ihori
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Iida
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Michael
Yukio Iijima
Mr. & Mrs. Atsushi Ikeda
Ms. Michele M. Ikeda
Ms. Sharon A. Ikeda
Ms. Regina K. Ikehara
Y. Ikehara
Ms. Lois S. Ikei
Mr. Harold S. Ikenaga
Ms. Irene Y. Imada
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Imai
Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold J.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Inaba
Mrs. Gladys S. Inada
Mr. Paul T. Inafuku
Ms. Julia Sia Ing
Mr. Walter A. Inomoto
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Inouye
Ms. Lorraine E. Inouye
Mrs. Nancy F. Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. Tad Inouye
Mr. Tadashi Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. Isami Ippongi
Ms. Jean K. Irie
Mrs. Juliette K. Irie
Ms. Grace H. Isa
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Y. Isa
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Ishida
Mr. James T. Ishihara
Mr. Gordon Y. Ishii
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuyuki Ishii
Mrs. Yuri T. Ishikawa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S.
Ms. Itsuko Ishimoto
Ms. Jean M. Ishimoto
Mr. Umeyo Ishimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Tsutomu Isono
Mr. Jay S. Itagaki
Mr. Fred Katsuhide Itamoto
Ms. Joyce N. Ito
Ms. Lillian H. Ito
Mr. Robert O. Ito
Ms. Leatrice R. Itoh
Ms. Betty P. C. Iwai
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Y. Iwai
Ms. Jeannette M. Hew
Ms. Marian S. L. Hew
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S.
Ms. Dorothy F. Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Higa
Mr. Hiroshi Higa
Mr. Jinichi Higa
Ms. Linda S. Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi Higa
Mrs. Shizuko Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higa
Mr. Thomas Higa
Mr. Tomoshin Higa
Mrs. Dorothy M. Higashi
Ms. Irene J. Higashi
Dr. Mildred T. & Mr. Elver S.
Mr. & Mrs. Asa A. Higuchi
Mrs. Patsy H. Higuchi
Ms. Toshie T. Hihara
Ms. Amy N. Hikichi
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hill
Ms. B. Kathlyn Hill
Ms. Sue Hillmann
Mr. & Mrs. Teruo Himoto
Mr. Freeman Hina
Mr. Minoru Hinahara
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hipa
Ms. Roberta F. Hippach
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Hirai
Mr. & Mrs. Dave S. Hiraiwa
Izumi Hirano
Ms. May E. Hirano
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Y. Hirata
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hirata
Ms. Rose C. Hirata
Mr. & Mrs. Riyoji Hirokawa
Ms. Laura C. Hiroshige
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis I. Hirota
Ms. Jamisen S. Hirota
Ms. Jean Y. Hirota
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hirota
Mr. Shurei Hirozawa
Mr. Shoichi Hisamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Earl N. Hisatomi
Mr. Abel S. Ho
Ms. Dorothy L. Ho
Ms. Dorothy Y. Ho
Mrs. Magdalene K. Ho
Ms. Ranelle K. Ho
Ms. Ruby A. Hodges
Mr. Melvin R. Hodson
Mr. Yokichi Hokama
Mr. Kay H. Hoke
Ms. Katherine J. Holloway
Ms. Mary Y. Hom
Ms. Grace T. Honda
Ms. Josephine S. Honda
Ms. Ruth Honma
Honolulu Tile & Marble,
Honsador Lumber
Mr. Clifton K. Horibe
Mr. & Mrs. Hiromi
Mr. Arthur T. Horio
Mr. & Mrs. Tetsuo Hoshino
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Clark E. Howard
Ms. Donna Howard & Mr.
Tom Kilmer
Ms. Sara S. Iwai
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T.
Mrs. Amy E. Iwamoto
Mrs. Chiyoko Iwamoto
Ms. Daisy H. Iwamoto
Mrs. Fukuyo Iwamoto
Mr. Robert M. Iwamuro
Mr. & Mrs. Jitsuo Iwane
Ms. Ethel C. Iwasaki
Ms. Florence T. Izumi
Ms. Margaret Y. Izumi
Mrs. Tamako Izuno
Mr. George P. Jacang
Mr. Richard T. Jakahi
Mr. Charles J. Janecek
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jenkins
SFC Clifford Jim
Ms. Dora S. Johnson
Mr. Rodney W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R.
Mrs. Lydia Joy
Urcino Julian
Ms. Yvonne L. Kaanaana
Ms. Nora K. Kaaua
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Kado
Ms. Winifred T. Kagami
Ms. Jo Ann T. Kagawa
Mr. George K. Kagehiro
Ms. Edith M. Kahakelii
Ms. Ethel H. Kahikina
Ms. Lucila S. Kaholokula
Ms. Doreen S. Kaibara
Mrs. Betty K. Kajikawa
Ms. Edna U. Kajiwara
Mr. Ralph M. Kajiwara
Mr. Frank S. Kakazu
Ms. Judith T. Kakazu
Mrs. Winifred Kakazu
Mr. Noah Kalama
Ms. Elaine K. Kam
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace N. C.
Mrs. Ruth M. Kamelamela
Mr. Itsuo Kamio
Mr. & Mrs. Don Y. Kamita
Mr. Don T. Kamiya
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K.
Ms. Lena Kanda
Mrs. Elaine K. Kaneko
Mr. & Mrs. Tadashi Kaneko
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S.
Mr. Fred S. Kanemura
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kanenaka
Ms. Ichio Kaneshiro
Kazumi Kaneshiro
Ms. Umeyo Kaneshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin T.
Mrs. Carol T. Kanna
Takami Kanno
Mr. Layne P. T. Kano
Mr. & Mrs. William K.
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuo Kariya
Mr. Arthur M. Kashimoto
Ms. Mildred E. Kashiwada
Mr. Daniel T. Kashiwamura
– 8 –
Mr. Mitsuo Kashiwamura
Mr. Henry C. Kassebeer, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey L. Katahara
Mr. Thomas H. Katahira
Mrs. Alice O. Katayama
Mrs. Annie C. Kau
Mr. Henry J. Kau
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. T.
Mr. William M. Kau
Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Kauwe
Mr. Clarence Y. Kawahigashi
Ms. Edna Y. Kawai
Mr. Tsukumo K. Kawakami
Mrs. Barbara Y. L.
Ms. Erin F. Kawamoto
Mr. George Kawamoto
Mr. Michael J. Kawamoto
Mr. Takeshi Kawamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Tokumi
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T.
Mrs. Asae T. Kawamura
Mrs. Fumiko S. Kawamura
Ms. Maxine F. Kawamura
Ms. Doris F. Kawasaki
Mr. Henry S. Kawasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Yasuhiko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kaya
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W.
Kealoha, Sr.
Ms. Marie U. Kekuewa
Mrs. Marguerite K. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Keoho
Mr. & Mrs. David Khil
Ms. Lorraine S. S. Kiakona
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Kibe
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuo H. Kido
Mrs. Sayoko F. Kihara
Mr. Jimmy M. Kikawa
Ms. Colleen A. Kilin
Mr. & Mrs. James Kilin
Mr. Paul A. Kilty
Ms. Barbara P. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. W.
Mr. Edward Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry K. H. Kim
Mr. John F. Kim
Ms. Laura T. Kim
Ms. Patricia D. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Kim
Mrs. Rose C. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon C. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Isao Kimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Brian I. Kimura
Ms. Dale S. Kimura
Ms. Masako Kimura
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Mr. Toshiaki Kimura
Mr. Joseph L. Kingston
Mr. Haruko Kinoshita
Ms. Mary Kishi
Mr. Shigeru Kishimoto
Ms. Lillian H. Kitagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Yukio Kitagawa
Ms. Jane R. Kitayama
Mr. N. Kitsuwa
Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Kiyabu
Ms. Lillian M. Kiyonaga
Olympia Kline
Ms. Alvina C. Klosek
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Knell
Ms. Alice H. Kobashigawa
Ms. Helen F. Kobashigawa
Ms. Hanako Kobayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Junichi J.
Miss Marjorie F. Kobayashi
Ms. Thelma M. Kobayashi
Ms. Diane N. Kockelman
Mrs. Hatsue Koda
Mr. & Mrs. Lester T.
Ms. Maria Sajkewycz
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn J. Koga
Mr. & Mrs. George Koga
Mrs. Harue Koga
Mr. & Mrs. Shoji Kojima
Kokea Construction &
Mr. Kiyoto Komatsu
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T.
Shoroku Komoto
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Kondo
Mrs. Esther S. Kondo
Ms. Anne F. Kong
Ms. Gladys M. Konishi
Ms. Alice A. Kono
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur K. Kono
Mr. Guy A. Kort
Ms. Helen K. Kosaka
Ms. Nellie Kosaki
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T. Koshi
Ms. Itsu Kotsubo
Mrs. Anne N. Kouchi
Ms. Nancy K. Kouzuki
Ms. Doris Y. Kovack
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford H.
Mrs. Carol Hamilton
Ms. Margaret N.
Ms. Candice Y. Kubo
Mr. James M. Kubota
Mr. Ryo Kubota
Mr. & Mrs. Alton T. Kuioka
Ms. Eva S. H. Kum
Mr. & Mrs. Katsuhiro
Ms. Lisa D.B. Kumbroch
Dr. E. N. & Mr. Tadashi
Ms. Yaeko Kunishige
Mr. & Mrs. Morris N. Kunita
Mr. & Mrs. Kenji W.
Mr. Edward M. Kuniyuki
Mr. Stan Kuniyuki & Ms.
Rowena Adachi
Mr. Hamilton R. Kupper
Mr. & Mrs. Koichi
Ms. Kameyo T. Kurakake
Mr. & Mrs. Isami Kurasaki
Mr. Keikichi Kurashima
Ms. Ayako Kurio
Mr. Kiyoshi Kurisu
Mr. Henry K. Kuroda
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Kurooka
Ms. Iris Kurosawa
Mr. David Y. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Lee
Mr. Henry W. Lee
Dr. Irene June Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Lee
Mr. Lawrence S. Y. Lee
Mrs. Linda S.Q. Lee
Ms. Lydia L.T. Lee
Seang G. Lee
Mrs. Teruko Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. K.
Ms. Verna C. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lee
Mr. William W. Lee, Jr.
Mr. Robert H. Y. Leong
Ms. Edna M. Letson
Mr. & Mrs. Bob W. W. Lew
Ms. E. Patricia Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Scott
Ms. Diana A. Liberato
Mr. & Mrs. George M. C.
Mr. Joseph H. Lima
Mr. Edmund Y. M. Lin
Ms. Marie S. Lindo
Mr. John H. Lodge
Mr. Douglas K. C. Loo
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Y. Y. Loo
Ms. Rachel J. Loo
Mr. A. F. Lopez
Ms. Ann I. Lopez
Mrs. Erika K. Lopez
Mr. Nicholas J. Lopez, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D.
Phuoc Lu
Mr. Lono M. Luahi
Ms. Ellen Y. L. Lui
Mr. Masato Kusaka
Ms. Deborah K. Kushima
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M.
Mr. Toshio Kushiyama
Ms. Diane M. Kusuda
Mrs. Harriet Y. Kusunoki
Mr. Richard N. Kuwaye, Sr.
Ms. Asako Kuwazaki
Mr. Christopher R. Kuznicki
Mr. Bennett V. Labuguen
Mr. & Mrs. Valentine H.
Ms. Helen L. Lai
Ms. Norma E. Lamprech
Mr. David P. Langsi
Mr. Paul Lapa
Ms. Winona H. Lapilio
Mr. & Mrs. Apolonio E.
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie K. F. Lau
Mr. Francis K. C. Lau
Mr. Gilbert K. Lau
Mrs. June S. Lau
Tai Kui Lau
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Laws
Ms. Katherine B. Layosa
Mr. Raymond V. Le
Mr. Alexander C.K. Lee
Ms. Amy E. Lee
Ms. Annie K. Lee
Ms. Annie O. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C.
M. Lee
Ms. Catherine Luke
Ms. Lillian M. N. Lukela
Mrs. Alice T. Lum
Mr. & Mrs. Anselm G. Lum
Mr. Harman Lum
Mr. Reginald C. H. Lum
MSgt. Monico Luna
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Luzon
Mrs. Odette H. Lynch
Mr. Raymond Y. I. Ma
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro
Mrs. Helen Erna MacBride
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T.
Ms. Kazuko A. Maciolek
Mr. Duncan MacNaughton
Mr. Felicidad A. Madriaga
Ms. Mieko Mae
Mr. Thomas M. Maeda
Miss Maureen S. Maedo
Mr. Henry J. Magee
Ms. Tannis A. Magnus
Mrs. Margie Marie Maket
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Makey
Mr. & Mrs. Abel Q. C.
Mr. & Mrs. John Malloy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F.
Mrs. Marilyn Yukie Mansho
Mr. William S. Marcelo
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Mark
Mr. Louis G. Marks, Sr.
Mr. Benjamin Marquez
Ms. Gladys T. Martin
Mr. Ken S. Marume
Ms. Shirble Chang Marume
Mrs. Helen S. Maruyama
Mr. & Mrs. George K.
Mr. & Mrs. George Masaki
Mr. James M. Masaki
Ms. Phyllis H. Masaki
Mrs. Alice C. Masatsugu
Mr. Donald Masocol
Master Sheet Metal Inc.
Mr. Thomas P. Mastin
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlin Masuda
Mr. Tadayoshi Masuda
J. Masunaga
Mr. Harry M. Matayoshi
Ms. Florence M. Matsuda
Mr. & Mrs. George H.
Ms. Laura L. O. Matsuda
Mr. Richard T. Matsuda
Ms. Taeko Matsuda
Ms. Betty I. Matsukawa
Mrs. Grace T. Matsukawa
Mr. Matsuki Matsukawa
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Y.
Mr. Donald T. Matsumoto
K. Matsumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshito
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Matsunaga
Mr. John T. Matsunaga
Mr. Samuel Y. Matsunaga
Mr. & Mrs. Torao
Ms. Maxyne M. Matsuoka
Mr. Brian H. Matsuura
– 9 –
Mr. Bill Monahan
Ms. Magdalena Mondido
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Moniz
Mr. John D. Monnett
Mr. Alfred S. Mori
Mrs. Doris Mori
Mr. & Mrs. Morio Morihara
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Y. Morihara
Mr. & Mrs. Shigehiro
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K.
Mr. Andrew S. Morimoto
Ms. Kris S. Morimoto
Ms. Miriam K. Morimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Sueo Morinaga
Mr. Brian Y. Morioka
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M.
Ms. Jean Morita
Mr. Richard M. Morita, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Yuzuru Morita
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Z. Moriwaki
Mr. Robert E. Mosier
Mr. Russell G. Moy
Ms. Elaine Murakami
Mr. Herbert T. Murakami
Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn
Ms. Violet A. Murakami
Ms. Carol T. Murakawa
Mrs. Shizue Muranaka
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Miles C.
Mr. Tamio Muraoka
Mrs. Florence T. Murashige
Mrs. Dorothy F. Murata
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Eichi
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest C.
Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Myers
Ms. Dorothy Myrdal
Mr. George W. Nagamine
Ms. Rumiko Nagamine
Mrs. Ellen T. Nagao
Mrs. Mitsuye Nagasako
Mr. Geo Nagasawa
Mrs. Joy M. Nagata
Ms. Matsue Nagata
Mr. Ronald J. Nagata
Mr. Thomas K. Nahulu
Mrs. Hanako Nakagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H.
Ms. Joyce Satsuko
Mr. Noboru Nakagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E.
Mr. & Mrs. Yutaka Nakahata
Ms. Miyako Nakai
Mr. & Mrs. Seikichi Nakama
Mrs. Shizuko Nakama
Mr. Sueo Nakama
Mr. Yoshitaka Nakama
Ms. Harriet T. Nakamoto
Mr. Masao Nakamoto
(continued on page 10)
Mrs. Terue Matsuwaka
Mrs. Clara T. Matsuzaki
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Heen
Mr. Albert S. Mayeshiro
Dr. & Mrs. H. Roy McArdle
Ms. Millard E. McAtee
Ms. Nellie K. McCarthy
Mr. Justin K. McCoy
Mr. Glynn L. McGinnis
Capt. Thomas H.
McInerny Foundation
Mr. Albert L. McKeague
Mr. Don D. McKinnon
Dr. Louise McReynolds
Ms. Beverly U. Medeiros
Ms. Charlotte Mello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Y. H.
Ms. Jeanne M. Michibata
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Midkiff
Mid-Pacific Institute
Mr. Iwao Mikami
Ms. Isabelle M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Shigeto Minami
Ms. Marie F. Minato
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H.
Mr. & Mrs. Toshio Mishina
Ms. Stella S. Misumi
Mrs. Margaret H. Mitsuka
Ms. Joyce A. Mitsunaga
Ms. Martha K. Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Miura
Ms. Ritsuko Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H.
Mr. Clifford Y. Miyaguchi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshinobu
Mr. Albert M. Miyamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers M.
Ms. Susan T. Miyamoto
Ms. Shigeko Miyamura
Ms. Chieko Miyao
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne T. Miyao
Mr. Kenneth K. Miyaoka
Mrs. Chiseno Eleanor
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K.
Ms. Mildred M. Miyasato
Mrs. Betsy Y. Miyashiro
Ms. Fusako Miyashiro
Mr. Harlan S. Miyashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Mrs. Carolyn E. Miyata
Mrs. Midori Miyazaki
Mrs. Nancy M. Miyoi
Ms. Lori Mizoguchi
Mr. Kenneth T. Mizuno
Ms. Jane C. Mizusawa
Ms. Mary J. Molina
Ms. Amy O. Momoki
Mrs. Michiko Y. Gooch
Ms. Judith N. Goto
Mrs. Hisae Y. Goto
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J.
Mr. Maurice Grasso
Mr. J. S. Gray
Richard E. & Mary E. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J.
Greges, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria D. Griffin
Mr. Robert W. Guild
Mr. Masayoshi Gunda
Ms. Haruko Gushikuma
Ms. Linda Y. Gushikuma
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi
Ms. Tsuruko Gushikuma
Gypsum Floors of Hawaii,
Mr. Tsutomu Hakoda
Ms. Annette Y. Halmossy
Ms. Catherine H. Hamada
Mr. & Mrs. Shizuichi
Mrs. Fumie Hamamura
Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuo Hamasu
Ms. Kiyoko Handa
Ms. Mildred F. Harada
Mrs. Myra K. Harada
Mr. & Mrs. Osamu Harada
Mr. Tokio Y. Harada
Mr. Stanley Y. Haraga
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney M.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K.
Mr. Thomas J. Harrer
Mrs. Frances T. Harris
Mr. Henry I. Haruki
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hasama
Mr. & Mrs. Edward I.
Mr. David Y. Hashimoto
Ms. Jean H. Hashimoto
Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Hashimoto
Mrs. Vera S. Hashimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M.
Mr. Masuo Hata
Mrs. Jean M. Hatashima
Hawaii Community
Hawaii Dermatology &
Surgery, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William L.
Mrs. Marjorie S. Hayakawa
Ms. Constance K. Hayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T.
Ms. Evelyn M. Hayden
Mrs. Fay A. K. Hayes
Ms. Florence M. Hayslip
Mr. James W. Head
Ms. Joyce K. Hedani
Mr. Charles K. L. Hee
Mr. Darrell D. Hee
Mr. Eric N. S. Hee
Ms. Lorraine Y. U. Hee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. J.
Dr. & Mrs. Mark I. Helbling
Dr. & Mrs. Ko Moe Htun
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L.
Ms. Mercedes L. Hussey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ibara
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Ibara
Ms. Sharyn S. Iboshi
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald K. Ida
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Ide
Mr. Robert T. Ideta
Ms. June S. Igarashi
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T.
Ms. Joyce F. Ige
Mrs. Nancy A. Ige
Dr. & Mrs. Philip K. Ige
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Ige
Mr. Tokucho Ige
Mr. Maurice Y. Iha
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Iha
Mr. Tetsuo Ihara
Mr. Alvin S. Ihori
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Iida
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Michael
Yukio Iijima
Mr. & Mrs. Atsushi Ikeda
Ms. Michele M. Ikeda
Ms. Sharon A. Ikeda
Ms. Regina K. Ikehara
Y. Ikehara
Ms. Lois S. Ikei
Mr. Harold S. Ikenaga
Ms. Irene Y. Imada
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Imai
Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold J.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Inaba
Mrs. Gladys S. Inada
Mr. Paul T. Inafuku
Ms. Julia Sia Ing
Mr. Walter A. Inomoto
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Inouye
Ms. Lorraine E. Inouye
Mrs. Nancy F. Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. Tad Inouye
Mr. Tadashi Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. Isami Ippongi
Ms. Jean K. Irie
Mrs. Juliette K. Irie
Ms. Grace H. Isa
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Y. Isa
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Ishida
Mr. James T. Ishihara
Mr. Gordon Y. Ishii
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuyuki Ishii
Mrs. Yuri T. Ishikawa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S.
Ms. Itsuko Ishimoto
Ms. Jean M. Ishimoto
Mr. Umeyo Ishimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Tsutomu Isono
Mr. Jay S. Itagaki
Mr. Fred Katsuhide Itamoto
Ms. Joyce N. Ito
Ms. Lillian H. Ito
Mr. Robert O. Ito
Ms. Leatrice R. Itoh
Ms. Betty P. C. Iwai
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Y. Iwai
Ms. Jeannette M. Hew
Ms. Marian S. L. Hew
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S.
Ms. Dorothy F. Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Higa
Mr. Hiroshi Higa
Mr. Jinichi Higa
Ms. Linda S. Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi Higa
Mrs. Shizuko Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higa
Mr. Thomas Higa
Mr. Tomoshin Higa
Mrs. Dorothy M. Higashi
Ms. Irene J. Higashi
Dr. Mildred T. & Mr. Elver S.
Mr. & Mrs. Asa A. Higuchi
Mrs. Patsy H. Higuchi
Ms. Toshie T. Hihara
Ms. Amy N. Hikichi
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hill
Ms. B. Kathlyn Hill
Ms. Sue Hillmann
Mr. & Mrs. Teruo Himoto
Mr. Freeman Hina
Mr. Minoru Hinahara
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hipa
Ms. Roberta F. Hippach
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Hirai
Mr. & Mrs. Dave S. Hiraiwa
Izumi Hirano
Ms. May E. Hirano
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Y. Hirata
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hirata
Ms. Rose C. Hirata
Mr. & Mrs. Riyoji Hirokawa
Ms. Laura C. Hiroshige
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis I. Hirota
Ms. Jamisen S. Hirota
Ms. Jean Y. Hirota
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hirota
Mr. Shurei Hirozawa
Mr. Shoichi Hisamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Earl N. Hisatomi
Mr. Abel S. Ho
Ms. Dorothy L. Ho
Ms. Dorothy Y. Ho
Mrs. Magdalene K. Ho
Ms. Ranelle K. Ho
Ms. Ruby A. Hodges
Mr. Melvin R. Hodson
Mr. Yokichi Hokama
Mr. Kay H. Hoke
Ms. Katherine J. Holloway
Ms. Mary Y. Hom
Ms. Grace T. Honda
Ms. Josephine S. Honda
Ms. Ruth Honma
Honolulu Tile & Marble,
Honsador Lumber
Mr. Clifton K. Horibe
Mr. & Mrs. Hiromi
Mr. Arthur T. Horio
Mr. & Mrs. Tetsuo Hoshino
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Clark E. Howard
Ms. Donna Howard & Mr.
Tom Kilmer
Ms. Sara S. Iwai
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T.
Mrs. Amy E. Iwamoto
Mrs. Chiyoko Iwamoto
Ms. Daisy H. Iwamoto
Mrs. Fukuyo Iwamoto
Mr. Robert M. Iwamuro
Mr. & Mrs. Jitsuo Iwane
Ms. Ethel C. Iwasaki
Ms. Florence T. Izumi
Ms. Margaret Y. Izumi
Mrs. Tamako Izuno
Mr. George P. Jacang
Mr. Richard T. Jakahi
Mr. Charles J. Janecek
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jenkins
SFC Clifford Jim
Ms. Dora S. Johnson
Mr. Rodney W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R.
Mrs. Lydia Joy
Urcino Julian
Ms. Yvonne L. Kaanaana
Ms. Nora K. Kaaua
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Kado
Ms. Winifred T. Kagami
Ms. Jo Ann T. Kagawa
Mr. George K. Kagehiro
Ms. Edith M. Kahakelii
Ms. Ethel H. Kahikina
Ms. Lucila S. Kaholokula
Ms. Doreen S. Kaibara
Mrs. Betty K. Kajikawa
Ms. Edna U. Kajiwara
Mr. Ralph M. Kajiwara
Mr. Frank S. Kakazu
Ms. Judith T. Kakazu
Mrs. Winifred Kakazu
Mr. Noah Kalama
Ms. Elaine K. Kam
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace N. C.
Mrs. Ruth M. Kamelamela
Mr. Itsuo Kamio
Mr. & Mrs. Don Y. Kamita
Mr. Don T. Kamiya
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K.
Ms. Lena Kanda
Mrs. Elaine K. Kaneko
Mr. & Mrs. Tadashi Kaneko
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S.
Mr. Fred S. Kanemura
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kanenaka
Ms. Ichio Kaneshiro
Kazumi Kaneshiro
Ms. Umeyo Kaneshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin T.
Mrs. Carol T. Kanna
Takami Kanno
Mr. Layne P. T. Kano
Mr. & Mrs. William K.
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuo Kariya
Mr. Arthur M. Kashimoto
Ms. Mildred E. Kashiwada
Mr. Daniel T. Kashiwamura
– 8 –
Mr. Mitsuo Kashiwamura
Mr. Henry C. Kassebeer, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey L. Katahara
Mr. Thomas H. Katahira
Mrs. Alice O. Katayama
Mrs. Annie C. Kau
Mr. Henry J. Kau
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. T.
Mr. William M. Kau
Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Kauwe
Mr. Clarence Y. Kawahigashi
Ms. Edna Y. Kawai
Mr. Tsukumo K. Kawakami
Mrs. Barbara Y. L.
Ms. Erin F. Kawamoto
Mr. George Kawamoto
Mr. Michael J. Kawamoto
Mr. Takeshi Kawamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Tokumi
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T.
Mrs. Asae T. Kawamura
Mrs. Fumiko S. Kawamura
Ms. Maxine F. Kawamura
Ms. Doris F. Kawasaki
Mr. Henry S. Kawasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Yasuhiko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kaya
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W.
Kealoha, Sr.
Ms. Marie U. Kekuewa
Mrs. Marguerite K. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Keoho
Mr. & Mrs. David Khil
Ms. Lorraine S. S. Kiakona
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Kibe
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuo H. Kido
Mrs. Sayoko F. Kihara
Mr. Jimmy M. Kikawa
Ms. Colleen A. Kilin
Mr. & Mrs. James Kilin
Mr. Paul A. Kilty
Ms. Barbara P. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. W.
Mr. Edward Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry K. H. Kim
Mr. John F. Kim
Ms. Laura T. Kim
Ms. Patricia D. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Kim
Mrs. Rose C. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon C. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Isao Kimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Brian I. Kimura
Ms. Dale S. Kimura
Ms. Masako Kimura
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.
Mr. Toshiaki Kimura
Mr. Joseph L. Kingston
Mr. Haruko Kinoshita
Ms. Mary Kishi
Mr. Shigeru Kishimoto
Ms. Lillian H. Kitagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Yukio Kitagawa
Ms. Jane R. Kitayama
Mr. N. Kitsuwa
Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Kiyabu
Ms. Lillian M. Kiyonaga
Olympia Kline
Ms. Alvina C. Klosek
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Knell
Ms. Alice H. Kobashigawa
Ms. Helen F. Kobashigawa
Ms. Hanako Kobayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Junichi J.
Miss Marjorie F. Kobayashi
Ms. Thelma M. Kobayashi
Ms. Diane N. Kockelman
Mrs. Hatsue Koda
Mr. & Mrs. Lester T.
Ms. Maria Sajkewycz
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn J. Koga
Mr. & Mrs. George Koga
Mrs. Harue Koga
Mr. & Mrs. Shoji Kojima
Kokea Construction &
Mr. Kiyoto Komatsu
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T.
Shoroku Komoto
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Kondo
Mrs. Esther S. Kondo
Ms. Anne F. Kong
Ms. Gladys M. Konishi
Ms. Alice A. Kono
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur K. Kono
Mr. Guy A. Kort
Ms. Helen K. Kosaka
Ms. Nellie Kosaki
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T. Koshi
Ms. Itsu Kotsubo
Mrs. Anne N. Kouchi
Ms. Nancy K. Kouzuki
Ms. Doris Y. Kovack
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford H.
Mrs. Carol Hamilton
Ms. Margaret N.
Ms. Candice Y. Kubo
Mr. James M. Kubota
Mr. Ryo Kubota
Mr. & Mrs. Alton T. Kuioka
Ms. Eva S. H. Kum
Mr. & Mrs. Katsuhiro
Ms. Lisa D.B. Kumbroch
Dr. E. N. & Mr. Tadashi
Ms. Yaeko Kunishige
Mr. & Mrs. Morris N. Kunita
Mr. & Mrs. Kenji W.
Mr. Edward M. Kuniyuki
Mr. Stan Kuniyuki & Ms.
Rowena Adachi
Mr. Hamilton R. Kupper
Mr. & Mrs. Koichi
Ms. Kameyo T. Kurakake
Mr. & Mrs. Isami Kurasaki
Mr. Keikichi Kurashima
Ms. Ayako Kurio
Mr. Kiyoshi Kurisu
Mr. Henry K. Kuroda
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Kurooka
Ms. Iris Kurosawa
Mr. David Y. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Lee
Mr. Henry W. Lee
Dr. Irene June Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Lee
Mr. Lawrence S. Y. Lee
Mrs. Linda S.Q. Lee
Ms. Lydia L.T. Lee
Seang G. Lee
Mrs. Teruko Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. K.
Ms. Verna C. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lee
Mr. William W. Lee, Jr.
Mr. Robert H. Y. Leong
Ms. Edna M. Letson
Mr. & Mrs. Bob W. W. Lew
Ms. E. Patricia Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Scott
Ms. Diana A. Liberato
Mr. & Mrs. George M. C.
Mr. Joseph H. Lima
Mr. Edmund Y. M. Lin
Ms. Marie S. Lindo
Mr. John H. Lodge
Mr. Douglas K. C. Loo
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Y. Y. Loo
Ms. Rachel J. Loo
Mr. A. F. Lopez
Ms. Ann I. Lopez
Mrs. Erika K. Lopez
Mr. Nicholas J. Lopez, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D.
Phuoc Lu
Mr. Lono M. Luahi
Ms. Ellen Y. L. Lui
Mr. Masato Kusaka
Ms. Deborah K. Kushima
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M.
Mr. Toshio Kushiyama
Ms. Diane M. Kusuda
Mrs. Harriet Y. Kusunoki
Mr. Richard N. Kuwaye, Sr.
Ms. Asako Kuwazaki
Mr. Christopher R. Kuznicki
Mr. Bennett V. Labuguen
Mr. & Mrs. Valentine H.
Ms. Helen L. Lai
Ms. Norma E. Lamprech
Mr. David P. Langsi
Mr. Paul Lapa
Ms. Winona H. Lapilio
Mr. & Mrs. Apolonio E.
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie K. F. Lau
Mr. Francis K. C. Lau
Mr. Gilbert K. Lau
Mrs. June S. Lau
Tai Kui Lau
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Laws
Ms. Katherine B. Layosa
Mr. Raymond V. Le
Mr. Alexander C.K. Lee
Ms. Amy E. Lee
Ms. Annie K. Lee
Ms. Annie O. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C.
M. Lee
Ms. Catherine Luke
Ms. Lillian M. N. Lukela
Mrs. Alice T. Lum
Mr. & Mrs. Anselm G. Lum
Mr. Harman Lum
Mr. Reginald C. H. Lum
MSgt. Monico Luna
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Luzon
Mrs. Odette H. Lynch
Mr. Raymond Y. I. Ma
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro
Mrs. Helen Erna MacBride
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T.
Ms. Kazuko A. Maciolek
Mr. Duncan MacNaughton
Mr. Felicidad A. Madriaga
Ms. Mieko Mae
Mr. Thomas M. Maeda
Miss Maureen S. Maedo
Mr. Henry J. Magee
Ms. Tannis A. Magnus
Mrs. Margie Marie Maket
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Makey
Mr. & Mrs. Abel Q. C.
Mr. & Mrs. John Malloy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F.
Mrs. Marilyn Yukie Mansho
Mr. William S. Marcelo
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Mark
Mr. Louis G. Marks, Sr.
Mr. Benjamin Marquez
Ms. Gladys T. Martin
Mr. Ken S. Marume
Ms. Shirble Chang Marume
Mrs. Helen S. Maruyama
Mr. & Mrs. George K.
Mr. & Mrs. George Masaki
Mr. James M. Masaki
Ms. Phyllis H. Masaki
Mrs. Alice C. Masatsugu
Mr. Donald Masocol
Master Sheet Metal Inc.
Mr. Thomas P. Mastin
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlin Masuda
Mr. Tadayoshi Masuda
J. Masunaga
Mr. Harry M. Matayoshi
Ms. Florence M. Matsuda
Mr. & Mrs. George H.
Ms. Laura L. O. Matsuda
Mr. Richard T. Matsuda
Ms. Taeko Matsuda
Ms. Betty I. Matsukawa
Mrs. Grace T. Matsukawa
Mr. Matsuki Matsukawa
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Y.
Mr. Donald T. Matsumoto
K. Matsumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshito
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Matsunaga
Mr. John T. Matsunaga
Mr. Samuel Y. Matsunaga
Mr. & Mrs. Torao
Ms. Maxyne M. Matsuoka
Mr. Brian H. Matsuura
– 9 –
Mr. Bill Monahan
Ms. Magdalena Mondido
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Moniz
Mr. John D. Monnett
Mr. Alfred S. Mori
Mrs. Doris Mori
Mr. & Mrs. Morio Morihara
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Y. Morihara
Mr. & Mrs. Shigehiro
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K.
Mr. Andrew S. Morimoto
Ms. Kris S. Morimoto
Ms. Miriam K. Morimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Sueo Morinaga
Mr. Brian Y. Morioka
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M.
Ms. Jean Morita
Mr. Richard M. Morita, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Yuzuru Morita
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Z. Moriwaki
Mr. Robert E. Mosier
Mr. Russell G. Moy
Ms. Elaine Murakami
Mr. Herbert T. Murakami
Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn
Ms. Violet A. Murakami
Ms. Carol T. Murakawa
Mrs. Shizue Muranaka
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Miles C.
Mr. Tamio Muraoka
Mrs. Florence T. Murashige
Mrs. Dorothy F. Murata
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Eichi
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest C.
Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Myers
Ms. Dorothy Myrdal
Mr. George W. Nagamine
Ms. Rumiko Nagamine
Mrs. Ellen T. Nagao
Mrs. Mitsuye Nagasako
Mr. Geo Nagasawa
Mrs. Joy M. Nagata
Ms. Matsue Nagata
Mr. Ronald J. Nagata
Mr. Thomas K. Nahulu
Mrs. Hanako Nakagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H.
Ms. Joyce Satsuko
Mr. Noboru Nakagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E.
Mr. & Mrs. Yutaka Nakahata
Ms. Miyako Nakai
Mr. & Mrs. Seikichi Nakama
Mrs. Shizuko Nakama
Mr. Sueo Nakama
Mr. Yoshitaka Nakama
Ms. Harriet T. Nakamoto
Mr. Masao Nakamoto
(continued on page 10)
Mrs. Terue Matsuwaka
Mrs. Clara T. Matsuzaki
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Heen
Mr. Albert S. Mayeshiro
Dr. & Mrs. H. Roy McArdle
Ms. Millard E. McAtee
Ms. Nellie K. McCarthy
Mr. Justin K. McCoy
Mr. Glynn L. McGinnis
Capt. Thomas H.
McInerny Foundation
Mr. Albert L. McKeague
Mr. Don D. McKinnon
Dr. Louise McReynolds
Ms. Beverly U. Medeiros
Ms. Charlotte Mello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Y. H.
Ms. Jeanne M. Michibata
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Midkiff
Mid-Pacific Institute
Mr. Iwao Mikami
Ms. Isabelle M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Shigeto Minami
Ms. Marie F. Minato
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H.
Mr. & Mrs. Toshio Mishina
Ms. Stella S. Misumi
Mrs. Margaret H. Mitsuka
Ms. Joyce A. Mitsunaga
Ms. Martha K. Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Miura
Ms. Ritsuko Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H.
Mr. Clifford Y. Miyaguchi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshinobu
Mr. Albert M. Miyamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers M.
Ms. Susan T. Miyamoto
Ms. Shigeko Miyamura
Ms. Chieko Miyao
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne T. Miyao
Mr. Kenneth K. Miyaoka
Mrs. Chiseno Eleanor
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K.
Ms. Mildred M. Miyasato
Mrs. Betsy Y. Miyashiro
Ms. Fusako Miyashiro
Mr. Harlan S. Miyashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
Mrs. Carolyn E. Miyata
Mrs. Midori Miyazaki
Mrs. Nancy M. Miyoi
Ms. Lori Mizoguchi
Mr. Kenneth T. Mizuno
Ms. Jane C. Mizusawa
Ms. Mary J. Molina
Ms. Amy O. Momoki
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Ogata
Ms. Masako M. Ogata
Ms. May S. Ogata
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Ogata
Mr. Tokuko Ogata
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Y. Ogawa
Ms. Gladys S. Ogawa
Ms. Miyeko Ogawa
Mr. Itsuo Ogino
Mr. Clarence H. Ohta
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Oishi
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshinori Ojiri
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Okada
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Okada
Mr. James M. Okada
Mr. Robert K. Okada
Mr. Tomoyuki Okagawa
Mr. David T. Okamoto
Ms. Jessie T. Okamoto
Mr. Michael K. Okamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K.
Mr. Kenneth M. Okamura
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome S.
Mr. Harold M. Okazaki
Miss Patsy Okazaki
Mrs. Takayuki Okazaki
Mr. & Mrs. Tomiyoshi
Mr. Herbert S. Oki
Ms. Barbara T. Okimoto
Mr. Robert K. Okimoto
Mr. Thomas M. Okinaka
Mr. & Mrs. George M.
Mr. & Mrs. Burton M. Okino
Mr. Isami Okino
Mr. & Mrs. Tamotsu Okino
Ms. Joanne M. Okuma
Ms. Lorraine Y. Okumura
Mr. Randolph T. Okumura
Mr. Kazumi Okura
Mr. Ernest W. Oliver
Ms. Carrie L. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R.
Mr. Daniel D. Omakanim
Ms. Ethel M. Omura
Ms. Yuriko Onaga
Mr. Henry K. Onishi
Ms. Eleanor S. Onizuka
Ono Construction, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Tsuyoshi Onuma
Mr. Ralph H. Onzuka
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne I. Oride
Mr. & Mrs. Jitsuo Osaki
Ms. Masae Osaki
Mrs. Mitsue Osako
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Osato
Ms. Alice Oshiro
Mrs. Edna T. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn N. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Hiroshi Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Masao J. Oshiro
Mr. Wallace S. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Oshita
Mr. Clarence T. Oshita
Mr. Richard M. Ota
Mr. Tatsuo S. Otaguro
Ms. Dorothy Y. Otaya
Mr. Ralph H. Oto
Mr. & Mrs. Hideji Otsu
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M.
Ms. Diane S. Nakamura
Ms. Misaye Nakamura
Ms. Phyllis Nakamura
Mr. & Mrs. Shuichi
Mr. & Mrs. Sonsei
Mr. Stanley T. Nakamura
Mrs. Tsuneko Nakamura
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace T.
Ms. Yoshiko Nakanishi
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H.
Mr. & Mrs. James K.
Ms. Natsue Nakano
Ms. Sally S. Nakano
Mr. & Mrs. George I.
Ms. Clorinda F. Nakashima
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert H.
Mrs. Margaret F. Nakashima
Ms. Tokie Nakashima
Mr. Richard Y. Nakasone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K.
Ms. Florence T. Nakata
Ms. Edith N. Nakayama
Mr. Robert M. Nakayama
Mrs. Janice S. Nako-Piburn
Mr. & Mrs. Shoso Narikawa
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ng
Mr. Gordon Ng
Ms. Violet Ng
Dr. & Mrs. Howard K. Nihei
Ms. Jean Y. Nikaido
Mr. Charles Nimi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Nip
Ms. Marcia T. Nishi
Mr. Daniel T. Nishibun
Mr. Charles H. Nishida
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M.
Mr. Yoshi Nishida
Fr. Raymond H. Nishigaya
Ms. Louise H. Nishii
Mrs. Janet S. Nishimura
Mr. Milton M. Nishimura
Ms. Nancy A. Nishimura
Mr. Takeo Nishiyama
Ms. M. Louise Nobriga
Ms. Mary S. Nomura
Mr. Michael L. Norton
Mr. Shizuko Nose
Ms. Nancy Nott
Ms. Joyce Nunokawa
Ms. Pauline Nyuha
Oahu Painting &
Decorating, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Oasay
Ms. Doris T. Oato
Mr. Steve M. Oba
Mr. Fernando Obrero
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F.
Mrs. Ethel S. Ochiai
Ms. Gail T. Oda
Mr. James K. Oda
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Y. Odo
Ms. Lois T. Odo
Ms. Lani Lei E. Ogasawara
Mr. Tadashi Otsu
Mr. Tamio Otsu
Mr. Preston Y. Otsuka
Ms. Clara C. Otsuki
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Otto
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Ouchi
Mrs. Sayako Oumaye
Mr. Mark W. Ouye
Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T.
Ms. Rhodelia L. Pace
Pacific Western
Ms. Frances S. Pacupac
Ms. Matildita V. Pagala
Ms. Nani Paine
Mrs. Lynette J. Pakele
Ms. Fernanda Palacios-
Ms. Carol L. Papa
Ms. Beatrice S. Park
Mr. Kenneth Y. Park
Ms. Lorna Park
Mrs. Marlys Pendleton
Son Duy Pham
Ms. Asako Picadura
Ms. Betty L. Pingree
Ms. Rose C. Pires
Ms. Diane J. Plotts
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Poell
Ms. Cecilia G. Pomroy
Ms. Debbie M. Porter
Poseiden Properties, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel R.
Potter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P.
Ms. Evelyn K. Pulawa
Punahou Class of ‘47
Mrs. Clara E. Putzulu
Mr. Myron Puuohau
Mr. Peter C. Quiocho, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Quon
Mr. Ray T. Rabacal
Mr. Walter S. Rabacal
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy G.
Ms. Angelina Repetti
Research Corporation of the
Mrs. Doris A. Rewick
Mr. & Mrs. Elzie G.
Ms. Julia J. Rezentes
Mr. & Mrs. Joe C. Rice
Mr. Richard V. Richards
Mr. Wesley H. Rickard
Ms. Yvonne M. Rino
Mr. George Rio, Jr.
Ms. Myra U. Robello
Ms. Betty Robertson
Mr. Gilbert L. Robichaud
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
Ms. Genevieve Rodrigues
Mr. Ronald Ronquilio
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Rosa
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Rosa
Roy Sakuma Productions,
Mr. Fred L. Rubin
Dr. Joyce E. & Mr. William
G. Rundhaug
Mr. George A. Ryusaki
– 10 –
Ms. Jean S. Sasaki
Ms. Joyce Y. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Kiyoshi Sasaki
Ms. Mary I. Sasaki
Mr. Masakazu Sasaki
Mr. Tadao Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Sato
Mrs. Frances S. Sato
Mr. Norman F. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Sam H. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton M.
Ms. Sumako Sawai
Ms. Barbara J. Say
The Honorable & Mrs.
Calvin Say
Mr. Hiram C. H. Say
Mr. Leonard Scaduto
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schoen
Ms. Elsie F. Scupholm
Ms. Mary H. Seabury
Mr. Stanley H. Segawa
Mr. Justin Seguirant, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew K.
Ms. Dianne Fochtman
Ms. Akiko Senda
Ms. Elaine Senensi
Ms. Barbara A. Serikaku
Mr. Hugo S.H. Seto
Ms. Charlotte M. Sexton
Mr. Homer J. Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H.
Mr. & Mrs. Tsutomu
Ms. Kaname Shigemura
Mr. Henry S. Shimabukuro
Ms. Joyce M. Shimabukuro
Mr. & Mrs. John Sabas
Ms. Mary Ah Po Sabate
Mr. Victorino Sabino
Mr. Raymond P. Sadural
Ms. Grace A. Sagami
Mr. Hiroshi Sagawa
Mr. Itsuo Saito
Mr. & Mrs. Takeo Saito
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Saito
Ms. Jean K. Sakai
Ms. Lili S. Sakai
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
Mrs. Leatrice R. Sakamoto
The Honorable & Mrs.
Norman L. Sakamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Sakoda
Mrs. Frances A. Sakoki
Mr. Walter T. Sakuda
Mr. Katsuji Sakuma
Ms. Nancy C. Sakurai
Ms. Lillian H. Sanehira
Mr. Eugene M. Sano
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Sano
Ms. Francisca P. Santos
Mr. Roland N. Santos
Mrs. Sylvia T. Santos
Mr. & Mrs. Wilton Santos
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J.
Miss Debra D. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Morio R.
Mr. & Mrs. Seikichi
Mrs. Jane F. Shimada
Ms. Kiyoko Shimazu
Ms. Charlotte Shimizu
Mr. & Mrs. Toshiechi
Mr. Masaharu Shimoda
Mr. Thomas Shimodoi
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H.
Mr. & Mrs. Hiromu
Mr. Chuichi Shimono
Mr. Norio Shimozono
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S.
Ms. Mildred M. Shindo
Ms. Gerri A. I. Shinsato
Mr. Rosei Shinsato
Mr. Katsuto Shiraishi
Ms. Mildred M. Shiraishi
Mr. T. Shirakata
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Shiraki
Ms. Lillian F. Shiraki
Mr. Rocky Y. Shiraki
Ms. Esther H. Shiroma
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H.
Ms. Pauline B. Shotwell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sibayton
Ms. Gwen Silva
Mr. Joseph H. Silva
Mr. Manuel Silva, Jr.
Ms. Winifred C. Silva
Ms. Sue S. Soga
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Someda
Mr. Thomas W. Soper
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Sorenson
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Souza
Mrs. Pearl C. Souza
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Spangler
Ms. Louise Spitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Sprink
Mr. Emanuel N. Sproat
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stalker
Ms. Mary D. Stanton
Ms. Ann L. Stavig
Mrs. Jeanne M. Steiger
Ms. Lillian A. Steinkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Ross W.
Ms. Myra K. Stolfi
Ms. Margery Stratman
Mr. Andres R. Subeldia
Ms. Jean T. Sueda
Mrs. Betty K. Suenaga
Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuo S.
Ms. Jean U. Sueoka
Mrs. Edith O. Sugano
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Sugano
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K.
Mr. Henry Mikio Sumida
Mrs. Mabel K. Sumida
Mrs. Doris Y. Sur
Mr. Joseph Sur
Mr. John Suster
Ms. Arleen A. Suzuki
Mrs. Betty M. Suzuki
Ms. Michiko Suzuki
Mr. Robert S. Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. Satoshi Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. Tsugio Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Swoish
Mr. Harold Sylvester
Mr. Raymond J. Szczybek
Mr. Francisco J. Tabar
Mr. & Mrs. Masao Tachibana
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Ms. Sakae C. Tachino
Mr. Kay K. Tagawa
Mr. Kiyoshi Taira
Mrs. Bernice A. Tajima
Mr. Edmund T. Tajima
Mr. Kiichi Takahama
Ms. Amy N. Takahashi
Mr. Franklin A. Takahashi
Ms. Margie Takahashi
Ms. Violet A. Takahashi
Mrs. Frances S. Takakawa
Ms. Katherine K. Takaki
Mr. & Mrs. Umeyuki Takaki
Mr. Yoshitaka Takaki
Mr. & Mrs. Duane S.
Mrs. May S. Takamine
Mrs. Helene T. Takamiya
Mr. Harry Takane
Mr. James M. Takara
Ms. Nancy M. Takara
Mr. Richard S. Takasaki
Mr. Eugene S. Takayama
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Takayama
Mr. Lawrence Takayesu
Mrs. Kazuko Takehara
Ms. Elsie R. Takemoto
Mr. Randall R. Takemoto
Dr. Wayne S. Takemoto
Mrs. May F. Takenaka
Ms. Natalie M. Taketa
Mr. & Mrs. George Takeuchi
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K.
Mr. Kenzo Takumi
Mr. Tadashi Tamagawa
Ms. Karen K. Tamanaha
Mr. Richard J. Tamanaha
Mr. & Mrs. Yukio Tamaru
Ms. Alice C. Tamashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Ben H.
Ms. Edith K. Tamashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Henry N.
Ms. Leatrice M. Tamashiro
Mr. James J. Tamaye
Mr. & Mrs. Terry T. Tamura
Dr. & Mrs. Antonio K. Tan
Ms. Margaret Tanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Barney I. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. Earl M. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Eiichi Tanaka
Ms. Harriet H. Tanaka
Ms. Jane H. Tanaka
Mrs. Lisa Ann T. Tanaka
Ms. Lorraine F. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Richard I.
Mr. & Mrs. Toshimasa Tando
Ms. Mitzi M. Tani
Mr. & Mrs. Haruo Tanida
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tanigawa
Mr. & Mrs. Shiro Taniguchi
Mr. Torao Taniguchi
Ms. Margaret M. Tanna
Mr. Dwight T. Tanoue
Ms. Darlene A. Tao
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi Tasaka
Mr. Wallace L. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Hiroshi Tateishi
Mr. & Mrs. William M.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred K.
Mr. & Mrs. Kazuo
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Taura
Ms. Flora Sadako Taura
Mr. Dick S. Tawata
Mr. Raymond V. Teixeira
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Tellas
Mr. Max Templeman
Ms. Helen S. Teramoto
Lance I. Teramoto, D.D.S.
Mrs. Dorothy N. Teraoka
Ms. Claudia T. Teruya
Ms. Hatsuko Teruya
Mr. & Mrs. Kenyei Teruya
Mrs. Mildred S. Teruya
The Looking Glass
Ms. Gladys L. Thom
Ms. Irene Thomas
Ms. Helen Ladd Thompson
Ms. Mitsue Thompson
Ms. Margaret M. Thurston
Timberland Hawaii
Mrs. Grace M. Tobita
Ms. Fusako F. Tochigi
Ms. Jeanne Tochimura
Mr. Mitsuru Tojo
Ms. Tsuyako Tokashiki
Mr. Steven M. Tokuda
Ms. Vivian Y. Tokuhama
Ms. Clara C. Tokumoto
Ms. Betty F. Tokunaga
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tokuoka
Mr. Don Tolbert
Mr. James Toledo
Ms. Arleen J. Tolentino
Ms. Emma Y. Tom
Ms. Lori Y. Yonamine Tom
Mr. Richard K. H. Tom
Mr. Richard M. D. Tom
Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Toma
Mr. Lincoln H. Tomei
Mrs. Chizuko Tonokawa
Mr. & Mrs. Etsuo Tonokawa
Mr. Clayton C. Torikawa
Allan & Betty Totoki
R. M. Towill Corporation
Mr. Richard M. Towill
Mr. Andrew T. Toyama
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Y. Toyama
Ms. Kimiko Toyama
Mrs. Laura K. Toyama
Mr. & Mrs. Ponciano
Mr. Pablo Trilles
Tru-Door Hawaii, Inc.
Trustees Excelsior Lodge #1
Ms. Michiko Tsubaki
Mrs. May A. Tsuhako
Mr. Kenneth M. Tsuji
Mr. & Mrs. Tomio Tsujimoto
Mr. Isami Tsukamoto
Mr. George K. Tsukiyama
Ms. Yukiko Tsukiyama
Ms. Kit Mui Mary
Mr. & Mrs. William
Ms. Debra Tsutomi
Ms. Lydia K. Tsutsui
Mr. Richard T. Tsuyama
Ms. Alice K. Turner
Ms. Christina Turner
Mr. & Mrs. David D. W. Tyau
Mr. Richard N. Uchida
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Y.
Ms. Kimiko K. Ueda
Mrs. Angela S. Uehara
Ms. Florence Y. Uehara
Mr. Gary Uehara
Ms. Norma T. Uehara
Mrs. Grace M. Ueunten
Mr. & Mrs. Giichi Umeda
Ms. Faye Untalan-Munoz
Mr. Dick T. Unten
Ms. Mildred Y. Urabe
Ms. Fusayo Urakami
Mrs. Toshie Uruu
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshitaka
Mr. & Mrs. R. Uwono
Mrs. Hideko Uyeda
Ms. Mary K. Uyeda
Ms. Lori Y. Uyehara
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi
Mrs. Florence C. Uyeno
Ms. Evelyn T. Uyeunten
Ms. Patricia Van Deusen
Mr. & Mrs. Wayson J.
Vannatta, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Vargas
Ms. Emily E. Veveiros
Ms. Judy H. Vincent
Mr. Gunter Von Hamm
Ms. Theone I. K.
Mr. Akitoshi Wakabayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace M.
Ms. Elaine E. Wakasa
Mr. Masao Wakatake
Mrs. Duke K. Wakayama
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Waki
Mrs. Doris S. Wakui
Mr. Wallace T. Wakui
Mr. Hubert K. Wakuzawa
Ms. Phyllis W. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Jaw-Kai Wang
Ms. Florence E. Wanic
Mr. & Mrs. William F.
Mr. Michael Masaichi
Ms. Dorothy Y. Watanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S.
– 11 –
Mr. Tetsuo Yanagida
Ms. Ayako Yanagihara
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore S.
Ms. Judy A. Yanagihashi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Y.
Mr. Charles In Ho Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Yano
Mr. William T. Yasunaga
Mr. Frederick J. Yearian
Mr. Daniel K. L. Yee
Mr. Harry H. Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. S. Yee
Mr. James C. W. Yee
Ms. Mildred Y. Y. Yee
Mr. Milton W. M. Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Riley L. B. Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Y. J. Yee
Ms. Wilma C. Yee
Mr. Yoon Kyo Yi
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Yogi
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T.
Mr. Akira Yonamine
Mr. & Mrs. Roy M.
Ms. Sophie S. Yonashiro
Ms. Haruko Yonashiro
Ms. Betty M. Yonemori
Mr. Ken M. Yonemura
Ms. Doris K. Yoshida
Mr. Michael F. Yoshida
Miss Stella S. Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Y.
Mrs. Helen K. Yoshimi
James S. & Harriet O.
Mr. Herbert M. Yoshimoto
Ms. Dorothy Y. Yoshimura
Mr. Yoshio Yoshimura
Mr. & Mrs. Harry S.
Ms. Doris M. Yoshitake
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan M.
Mr. Larry Youn
A. F. Young
Ms. Callie K. Young
Ms. Choy How Young
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence F. W.
Ms. Cleta Young
Mr. David Young
Ms. Dorothy L. Young
Estate of Eunice L. Young
Ms. Frances Young
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Young
Ms. Jenny K. Young
Mr. John H. C. Young
Mr. Ralph H. K. Young
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. K.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Yuasa
Mr. Gordon S. E. Yuen
Ms. Doris A. Zimmerman
Mr. Paul T. Watanabe
Mr. Richard Y. Watanabe
Ms. Suzue Watanabe
Mr. Teruo Watanabe
Ms. Violet S. Watanabe
Dr. Betsy Weiner
Ms. Victoria M. Weller
Mr. Drake C. Wells
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
Mrs. Norma M. Whelan
Ms. Carol C. White
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley White
Ms. Carol Williams
Mr. Gaylord K. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J.
Mr. William E. Wolfcale
Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose A. S.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. J.
Mr. David K. C. Wong
Ms. Diana H. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. L.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. T.
Ms. Marguerite Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. H.
Mr. Ronald H. L. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G.
Mr. Joseph H. Worrall, Jr.
Mrs. Lois W. Wright
Mr. Kiyoshi Yada
Mrs. Judy Yama
Mr. Ben T. Yamada
Mr. Mitsuo Yamada
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C.
Mr. Yoshino Yamada
Mr. Roy T. Yamaguchi
Ms. Vickie M. Yamaguchi
Mrs. Yuriko M. Yamaguchi
Mr. & Mrs. Shinei
Mrs. Carole S. Yamaki
Mr. Edward H. Yamamoto
Mrs. Emiko Honda
Ms. Florence N. Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Fred T.
Mr. & Mrs. George
Ms. Karen K. Yamamoto
Ms. Ritsuko Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T.
Mr. & Mrs. Seiji Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Akira Yamane
Mr. & Mrs. William I.
Ms. Gladys F. Yamanoha
Mr. George Yamashiro
Dr. Pearl Nobuko Yamashita
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Ogata
Ms. Masako M. Ogata
Ms. May S. Ogata
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Ogata
Mr. Tokuko Ogata
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Y. Ogawa
Ms. Gladys S. Ogawa
Ms. Miyeko Ogawa
Mr. Itsuo Ogino
Mr. Clarence H. Ohta
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Oishi
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshinori Ojiri
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Okada
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Okada
Mr. James M. Okada
Mr. Robert K. Okada
Mr. Tomoyuki Okagawa
Mr. David T. Okamoto
Ms. Jessie T. Okamoto
Mr. Michael K. Okamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K.
Mr. Kenneth M. Okamura
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome S.
Mr. Harold M. Okazaki
Miss Patsy Okazaki
Mrs. Takayuki Okazaki
Mr. & Mrs. Tomiyoshi
Mr. Herbert S. Oki
Ms. Barbara T. Okimoto
Mr. Robert K. Okimoto
Mr. Thomas M. Okinaka
Mr. & Mrs. George M.
Mr. & Mrs. Burton M. Okino
Mr. Isami Okino
Mr. & Mrs. Tamotsu Okino
Ms. Joanne M. Okuma
Ms. Lorraine Y. Okumura
Mr. Randolph T. Okumura
Mr. Kazumi Okura
Mr. Ernest W. Oliver
Ms. Carrie L. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R.
Mr. Daniel D. Omakanim
Ms. Ethel M. Omura
Ms. Yuriko Onaga
Mr. Henry K. Onishi
Ms. Eleanor S. Onizuka
Ono Construction, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Tsuyoshi Onuma
Mr. Ralph H. Onzuka
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne I. Oride
Mr. & Mrs. Jitsuo Osaki
Ms. Masae Osaki
Mrs. Mitsue Osako
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Osato
Ms. Alice Oshiro
Mrs. Edna T. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn N. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Hiroshi Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Masao J. Oshiro
Mr. Wallace S. Oshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Oshita
Mr. Clarence T. Oshita
Mr. Richard M. Ota
Mr. Tatsuo S. Otaguro
Ms. Dorothy Y. Otaya
Mr. Ralph H. Oto
Mr. & Mrs. Hideji Otsu
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M.
Ms. Diane S. Nakamura
Ms. Misaye Nakamura
Ms. Phyllis Nakamura
Mr. & Mrs. Shuichi
Mr. & Mrs. Sonsei
Mr. Stanley T. Nakamura
Mrs. Tsuneko Nakamura
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace T.
Ms. Yoshiko Nakanishi
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H.
Mr. & Mrs. James K.
Ms. Natsue Nakano
Ms. Sally S. Nakano
Mr. & Mrs. George I.
Ms. Clorinda F. Nakashima
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert H.
Mrs. Margaret F. Nakashima
Ms. Tokie Nakashima
Mr. Richard Y. Nakasone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K.
Ms. Florence T. Nakata
Ms. Edith N. Nakayama
Mr. Robert M. Nakayama
Mrs. Janice S. Nako-Piburn
Mr. & Mrs. Shoso Narikawa
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ng
Mr. Gordon Ng
Ms. Violet Ng
Dr. & Mrs. Howard K. Nihei
Ms. Jean Y. Nikaido
Mr. Charles Nimi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Nip
Ms. Marcia T. Nishi
Mr. Daniel T. Nishibun
Mr. Charles H. Nishida
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M.
Mr. Yoshi Nishida
Fr. Raymond H. Nishigaya
Ms. Louise H. Nishii
Mrs. Janet S. Nishimura
Mr. Milton M. Nishimura
Ms. Nancy A. Nishimura
Mr. Takeo Nishiyama
Ms. M. Louise Nobriga
Ms. Mary S. Nomura
Mr. Michael L. Norton
Mr. Shizuko Nose
Ms. Nancy Nott
Ms. Joyce Nunokawa
Ms. Pauline Nyuha
Oahu Painting &
Decorating, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Oasay
Ms. Doris T. Oato
Mr. Steve M. Oba
Mr. Fernando Obrero
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F.
Mrs. Ethel S. Ochiai
Ms. Gail T. Oda
Mr. James K. Oda
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Y. Odo
Ms. Lois T. Odo
Ms. Lani Lei E. Ogasawara
Mr. Tadashi Otsu
Mr. Tamio Otsu
Mr. Preston Y. Otsuka
Ms. Clara C. Otsuki
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Otto
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Ouchi
Mrs. Sayako Oumaye
Mr. Mark W. Ouye
Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T.
Ms. Rhodelia L. Pace
Pacific Western
Ms. Frances S. Pacupac
Ms. Matildita V. Pagala
Ms. Nani Paine
Mrs. Lynette J. Pakele
Ms. Fernanda Palacios-
Ms. Carol L. Papa
Ms. Beatrice S. Park
Mr. Kenneth Y. Park
Ms. Lorna Park
Mrs. Marlys Pendleton
Son Duy Pham
Ms. Asako Picadura
Ms. Betty L. Pingree
Ms. Rose C. Pires
Ms. Diane J. Plotts
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Poell
Ms. Cecilia G. Pomroy
Ms. Debbie M. Porter
Poseiden Properties, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel R.
Potter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P.
Ms. Evelyn K. Pulawa
Punahou Class of ‘47
Mrs. Clara E. Putzulu
Mr. Myron Puuohau
Mr. Peter C. Quiocho, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Quon
Mr. Ray T. Rabacal
Mr. Walter S. Rabacal
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy G.
Ms. Angelina Repetti
Research Corporation of the
Mrs. Doris A. Rewick
Mr. & Mrs. Elzie G.
Ms. Julia J. Rezentes
Mr. & Mrs. Joe C. Rice
Mr. Richard V. Richards
Mr. Wesley H. Rickard
Ms. Yvonne M. Rino
Mr. George Rio, Jr.
Ms. Myra U. Robello
Ms. Betty Robertson
Mr. Gilbert L. Robichaud
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
Ms. Genevieve Rodrigues
Mr. Ronald Ronquilio
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Rosa
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Rosa
Roy Sakuma Productions,
Mr. Fred L. Rubin
Dr. Joyce E. & Mr. William
G. Rundhaug
Mr. George A. Ryusaki
– 10 –
Ms. Jean S. Sasaki
Ms. Joyce Y. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Kiyoshi Sasaki
Ms. Mary I. Sasaki
Mr. Masakazu Sasaki
Mr. Tadao Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Sato
Mrs. Frances S. Sato
Mr. Norman F. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Sam H. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton M.
Ms. Sumako Sawai
Ms. Barbara J. Say
The Honorable & Mrs.
Calvin Say
Mr. Hiram C. H. Say
Mr. Leonard Scaduto
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schoen
Ms. Elsie F. Scupholm
Ms. Mary H. Seabury
Mr. Stanley H. Segawa
Mr. Justin Seguirant, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew K.
Ms. Dianne Fochtman
Ms. Akiko Senda
Ms. Elaine Senensi
Ms. Barbara A. Serikaku
Mr. Hugo S.H. Seto
Ms. Charlotte M. Sexton
Mr. Homer J. Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H.
Mr. & Mrs. Tsutomu
Ms. Kaname Shigemura
Mr. Henry S. Shimabukuro
Ms. Joyce M. Shimabukuro
Mr. & Mrs. John Sabas
Ms. Mary Ah Po Sabate
Mr. Victorino Sabino
Mr. Raymond P. Sadural
Ms. Grace A. Sagami
Mr. Hiroshi Sagawa
Mr. Itsuo Saito
Mr. & Mrs. Takeo Saito
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Saito
Ms. Jean K. Sakai
Ms. Lili S. Sakai
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
Mrs. Leatrice R. Sakamoto
The Honorable & Mrs.
Norman L. Sakamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Sakoda
Mrs. Frances A. Sakoki
Mr. Walter T. Sakuda
Mr. Katsuji Sakuma
Ms. Nancy C. Sakurai
Ms. Lillian H. Sanehira
Mr. Eugene M. Sano
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Sano
Ms. Francisca P. Santos
Mr. Roland N. Santos
Mrs. Sylvia T. Santos
Mr. & Mrs. Wilton Santos
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J.
Miss Debra D. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Morio R.
Mr. & Mrs. Seikichi
Mrs. Jane F. Shimada
Ms. Kiyoko Shimazu
Ms. Charlotte Shimizu
Mr. & Mrs. Toshiechi
Mr. Masaharu Shimoda
Mr. Thomas Shimodoi
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H.
Mr. & Mrs. Hiromu
Mr. Chuichi Shimono
Mr. Norio Shimozono
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S.
Ms. Mildred M. Shindo
Ms. Gerri A. I. Shinsato
Mr. Rosei Shinsato
Mr. Katsuto Shiraishi
Ms. Mildred M. Shiraishi
Mr. T. Shirakata
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Shiraki
Ms. Lillian F. Shiraki
Mr. Rocky Y. Shiraki
Ms. Esther H. Shiroma
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H.
Ms. Pauline B. Shotwell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sibayton
Ms. Gwen Silva
Mr. Joseph H. Silva
Mr. Manuel Silva, Jr.
Ms. Winifred C. Silva
Ms. Sue S. Soga
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Someda
Mr. Thomas W. Soper
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Sorenson
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Souza
Mrs. Pearl C. Souza
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Spangler
Ms. Louise Spitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Sprink
Mr. Emanuel N. Sproat
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stalker
Ms. Mary D. Stanton
Ms. Ann L. Stavig
Mrs. Jeanne M. Steiger
Ms. Lillian A. Steinkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Ross W.
Ms. Myra K. Stolfi
Ms. Margery Stratman
Mr. Andres R. Subeldia
Ms. Jean T. Sueda
Mrs. Betty K. Suenaga
Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuo S.
Ms. Jean U. Sueoka
Mrs. Edith O. Sugano
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Sugano
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K.
Mr. Henry Mikio Sumida
Mrs. Mabel K. Sumida
Mrs. Doris Y. Sur
Mr. Joseph Sur
Mr. John Suster
Ms. Arleen A. Suzuki
Mrs. Betty M. Suzuki
Ms. Michiko Suzuki
Mr. Robert S. Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. Satoshi Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. Tsugio Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Swoish
Mr. Harold Sylvester
Mr. Raymond J. Szczybek
Mr. Francisco J. Tabar
Mr. & Mrs. Masao Tachibana
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Ms. Sakae C. Tachino
Mr. Kay K. Tagawa
Mr. Kiyoshi Taira
Mrs. Bernice A. Tajima
Mr. Edmund T. Tajima
Mr. Kiichi Takahama
Ms. Amy N. Takahashi
Mr. Franklin A. Takahashi
Ms. Margie Takahashi
Ms. Violet A. Takahashi
Mrs. Frances S. Takakawa
Ms. Katherine K. Takaki
Mr. & Mrs. Umeyuki Takaki
Mr. Yoshitaka Takaki
Mr. & Mrs. Duane S.
Mrs. May S. Takamine
Mrs. Helene T. Takamiya
Mr. Harry Takane
Mr. James M. Takara
Ms. Nancy M. Takara
Mr. Richard S. Takasaki
Mr. Eugene S. Takayama
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Takayama
Mr. Lawrence Takayesu
Mrs. Kazuko Takehara
Ms. Elsie R. Takemoto
Mr. Randall R. Takemoto
Dr. Wayne S. Takemoto
Mrs. May F. Takenaka
Ms. Natalie M. Taketa
Mr. & Mrs. George Takeuchi
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K.
Mr. Kenzo Takumi
Mr. Tadashi Tamagawa
Ms. Karen K. Tamanaha
Mr. Richard J. Tamanaha
Mr. & Mrs. Yukio Tamaru
Ms. Alice C. Tamashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Ben H.
Ms. Edith K. Tamashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Henry N.
Ms. Leatrice M. Tamashiro
Mr. James J. Tamaye
Mr. & Mrs. Terry T. Tamura
Dr. & Mrs. Antonio K. Tan
Ms. Margaret Tanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Barney I. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. Earl M. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Eiichi Tanaka
Ms. Harriet H. Tanaka
Ms. Jane H. Tanaka
Mrs. Lisa Ann T. Tanaka
Ms. Lorraine F. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Richard I.
Mr. & Mrs. Toshimasa Tando
Ms. Mitzi M. Tani
Mr. & Mrs. Haruo Tanida
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tanigawa
Mr. & Mrs. Shiro Taniguchi
Mr. Torao Taniguchi
Ms. Margaret M. Tanna
Mr. Dwight T. Tanoue
Ms. Darlene A. Tao
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi Tasaka
Mr. Wallace L. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Hiroshi Tateishi
Mr. & Mrs. William M.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred K.
Mr. & Mrs. Kazuo
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Taura
Ms. Flora Sadako Taura
Mr. Dick S. Tawata
Mr. Raymond V. Teixeira
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Tellas
Mr. Max Templeman
Ms. Helen S. Teramoto
Lance I. Teramoto, D.D.S.
Mrs. Dorothy N. Teraoka
Ms. Claudia T. Teruya
Ms. Hatsuko Teruya
Mr. & Mrs. Kenyei Teruya
Mrs. Mildred S. Teruya
The Looking Glass
Ms. Gladys L. Thom
Ms. Irene Thomas
Ms. Helen Ladd Thompson
Ms. Mitsue Thompson
Ms. Margaret M. Thurston
Timberland Hawaii
Mrs. Grace M. Tobita
Ms. Fusako F. Tochigi
Ms. Jeanne Tochimura
Mr. Mitsuru Tojo
Ms. Tsuyako Tokashiki
Mr. Steven M. Tokuda
Ms. Vivian Y. Tokuhama
Ms. Clara C. Tokumoto
Ms. Betty F. Tokunaga
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tokuoka
Mr. Don Tolbert
Mr. James Toledo
Ms. Arleen J. Tolentino
Ms. Emma Y. Tom
Ms. Lori Y. Yonamine Tom
Mr. Richard K. H. Tom
Mr. Richard M. D. Tom
Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Toma
Mr. Lincoln H. Tomei
Mrs. Chizuko Tonokawa
Mr. & Mrs. Etsuo Tonokawa
Mr. Clayton C. Torikawa
Allan & Betty Totoki
R. M. Towill Corporation
Mr. Richard M. Towill
Mr. Andrew T. Toyama
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Y. Toyama
Ms. Kimiko Toyama
Mrs. Laura K. Toyama
Mr. & Mrs. Ponciano
Mr. Pablo Trilles
Tru-Door Hawaii, Inc.
Trustees Excelsior Lodge #1
Ms. Michiko Tsubaki
Mrs. May A. Tsuhako
Mr. Kenneth M. Tsuji
Mr. & Mrs. Tomio Tsujimoto
Mr. Isami Tsukamoto
Mr. George K. Tsukiyama
Ms. Yukiko Tsukiyama
Ms. Kit Mui Mary
Mr. & Mrs. William
Ms. Debra Tsutomi
Ms. Lydia K. Tsutsui
Mr. Richard T. Tsuyama
Ms. Alice K. Turner
Ms. Christina Turner
Mr. & Mrs. David D. W. Tyau
Mr. Richard N. Uchida
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Y.
Ms. Kimiko K. Ueda
Mrs. Angela S. Uehara
Ms. Florence Y. Uehara
Mr. Gary Uehara
Ms. Norma T. Uehara
Mrs. Grace M. Ueunten
Mr. & Mrs. Giichi Umeda
Ms. Faye Untalan-Munoz
Mr. Dick T. Unten
Ms. Mildred Y. Urabe
Ms. Fusayo Urakami
Mrs. Toshie Uruu
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshitaka
Mr. & Mrs. R. Uwono
Mrs. Hideko Uyeda
Ms. Mary K. Uyeda
Ms. Lori Y. Uyehara
Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi
Mrs. Florence C. Uyeno
Ms. Evelyn T. Uyeunten
Ms. Patricia Van Deusen
Mr. & Mrs. Wayson J.
Vannatta, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Vargas
Ms. Emily E. Veveiros
Ms. Judy H. Vincent
Mr. Gunter Von Hamm
Ms. Theone I. K.
Mr. Akitoshi Wakabayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace M.
Ms. Elaine E. Wakasa
Mr. Masao Wakatake
Mrs. Duke K. Wakayama
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Waki
Mrs. Doris S. Wakui
Mr. Wallace T. Wakui
Mr. Hubert K. Wakuzawa
Ms. Phyllis W. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Jaw-Kai Wang
Ms. Florence E. Wanic
Mr. & Mrs. William F.
Mr. Michael Masaichi
Ms. Dorothy Y. Watanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S.
– 11 –
Mr. Tetsuo Yanagida
Ms. Ayako Yanagihara
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore S.
Ms. Judy A. Yanagihashi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Y.
Mr. Charles In Ho Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Yano
Mr. William T. Yasunaga
Mr. Frederick J. Yearian
Mr. Daniel K. L. Yee
Mr. Harry H. Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. S. Yee
Mr. James C. W. Yee
Ms. Mildred Y. Y. Yee
Mr. Milton W. M. Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Riley L. B. Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Y. J. Yee
Ms. Wilma C. Yee
Mr. Yoon Kyo Yi
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Yogi
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T.
Mr. Akira Yonamine
Mr. & Mrs. Roy M.
Ms. Sophie S. Yonashiro
Ms. Haruko Yonashiro
Ms. Betty M. Yonemori
Mr. Ken M. Yonemura
Ms. Doris K. Yoshida
Mr. Michael F. Yoshida
Miss Stella S. Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Y.
Mrs. Helen K. Yoshimi
James S. & Harriet O.
Mr. Herbert M. Yoshimoto
Ms. Dorothy Y. Yoshimura
Mr. Yoshio Yoshimura
Mr. & Mrs. Harry S.
Ms. Doris M. Yoshitake
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Y.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan M.
Mr. Larry Youn
A. F. Young
Ms. Callie K. Young
Ms. Choy How Young
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence F. W.
Ms. Cleta Young
Mr. David Young
Ms. Dorothy L. Young
Estate of Eunice L. Young
Ms. Frances Young
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Young
Ms. Jenny K. Young
Mr. John H. C. Young
Mr. Ralph H. K. Young
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. K.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Yuasa
Mr. Gordon S. E. Yuen
Ms. Doris A. Zimmerman
Mr. Paul T. Watanabe
Mr. Richard Y. Watanabe
Ms. Suzue Watanabe
Mr. Teruo Watanabe
Ms. Violet S. Watanabe
Dr. Betsy Weiner
Ms. Victoria M. Weller
Mr. Drake C. Wells
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
Mrs. Norma M. Whelan
Ms. Carol C. White
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley White
Ms. Carol Williams
Mr. Gaylord K. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J.
Mr. William E. Wolfcale
Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose A. S.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. J.
Mr. David K. C. Wong
Ms. Diana H. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. L.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. T.
Ms. Marguerite Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. H.
Mr. Ronald H. L. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G.
Mr. Joseph H. Worrall, Jr.
Mrs. Lois W. Wright
Mr. Kiyoshi Yada
Mrs. Judy Yama
Mr. Ben T. Yamada
Mr. Mitsuo Yamada
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C.
Mr. Yoshino Yamada
Mr. Roy T. Yamaguchi
Ms. Vickie M. Yamaguchi
Mrs. Yuriko M. Yamaguchi
Mr. & Mrs. Shinei
Mrs. Carole S. Yamaki
Mr. Edward H. Yamamoto
Mrs. Emiko Honda
Ms. Florence N. Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Fred T.
Mr. & Mrs. George
Ms. Karen K. Yamamoto
Ms. Ritsuko Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T.
Mr. & Mrs. Seiji Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Akira Yamane
Mr. & Mrs. William I.
Ms. Gladys F. Yamanoha
Mr. George Yamashiro
Dr. Pearl Nobuko Yamashita
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H.
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INNOVATIONS is published by the Friends of the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i.
If you have any news, comments, or suggestions, please call us at (808) 586-3010 or visit our website at
John W. Landgraf
President, Friends of the Cancer Research Center
Carl-Wilhelm Vogel, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i
Lynette Lo Tom , Bright Light Marketing Group
Sharon Shigemasa, R.N., M.S.
Public Information Officer
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i
Contributing Writer
Betty Mastrantonio, CFRE
Director of Development
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i
Contributing Writer
The Cancer Research Center of
Hawai‘i Mission Statement
The mission of the Cancer Research Center of
Hawai‘i is to reduce the burden of cancer through research, education, and service with an emphasis on the unique ethnic, cultural, and environmental characteristics of Hawai‘i and the Pacific.
Filipino Immigrants
(continued from page 5) affects Filipinos in Hawai‘i; share their insights on barriers to cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and survivorship faced by Filipinos; recommend actions to reduce the cancer burden; and contribute input to a strategic planning tool that will be made available to Filipino organizations and agencies to facilitate partnerships with other cancer stakeholders to promote good health for present and future generations.
Successes and lessons learned will also facilitate capacity building strategies for cancer and tobacco control measures for other Asian groups. This aids in positioning Hawai‘i AANCART to become a full project site in the next generation of the Special Populations
Network five-year funding cycle.
Cheesecake Factory’s Very Grand Opening
(continued from page 1) continues.
Guests enjoyed a delicious assortment of appetizers and cheesecakes and a sumptuous buffet. Entertainment was provided by Shari Lynn and Fascinatin’
Rhythm .
“It is our privilege to host events that benefit the community in which we do business,” says
Factory’s founder David Overton and
Gordon with beautiful calabash bowls.
With 545 seats, the Honolulu restaurant featuring an eclectic décor with
Hawaiian-inspired touches, is the chain’s largest and its
“It is our privilege to host events that benefit the community in
73rd location in the
United States. The popular, upscale casual dining restau-
Howard Gordon , The
Cheesecake Factory’s
Senior Vice President of
Business Development which we do business.”
Howard Gordon
The Cheesecake Factory and Marketing. “The fact that we can do this with great food and entertainment makes it a wonderful experience for everyone involved.” In appreciation of rant, which serves lunch, dinner, Sunday
Brunch, and late night meals, has been attracting crowds since its December opening. The menu features more than
200 items including 36 types of luscious cheesecake. The Cheesecake Factory is
The Cheesecake Factory’s generosity,
Landgraf and Friends Director Nathan
Minn presented The Cheesecake located on the ground floor on the
Diamond Head-corner of the Royal
Hawaiian Shopping Center.
S PRING 2004
Exciting Work
Director’s Message
Aloha and Hafa
Adai! (a Chamorro greeting),
Representatives of the University of
Guam (UOG) visited the Center recently to discuss our exciting work
Dr. Carl-Wilhelm Vogel resulting from the $3.6 million
National Cancer Institute grant. We are assisting UOG to develop its research infrastructure and expertise as well as to train its students to become future researchers.
A long-term goal is to increase the number of minority scientists (particularly of Pacific Island ancestry) who will participate in cancer research and other cancer-related activities. The results will be very important and will provide valuable information in the battle against cancer.
On February 18th, U.S. Senators
Daniel K. Inouye and Daniel Akaka presided at a hearing about the Cancer
Center. This was a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor,
Health and Human Services, and
Education hearing, on behalf of Chairman Arlen Specter .
Those testifying demonstrated the important role the Cancer Research
Center of Hawai‘i plays in national cancer research. The other issues addressed were the Hawai‘i 3R’s program and the anticipated demand
(continued on page 6)
U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye chaired the Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor,
Health and Human
Services, and
Education hearing.
Generous Friends
T he much-anticipated opening of The Cheesecake Factory in
Honolulu provided a windfall for the Friends of the Cancer
Research Center of Hawai‘i and the Hawai‘i Children’s Cancer
Opening benefit, attended by more than 650 people, generated more
Foundation. The restaurant’s December 6, 2003 Very Grand than $30,000.
“We’re grateful for the overwhelming support of the community and the generosity of The Cheesecake Factory in donating 100% of the proceeds,” says John
Landgraf , President of the Friends of the
Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i. “These donations will tremendously aid in the Cancer
Center’s much needed research projects.
“It was a wonderful evening to benefit a worthy cause,” Landgraf
(continued on back page)
Celebrating The Cheesecake Factory’s Very Grand
Opening are Nathan Minn, Charles and Pamela Seidenstucker, David and Sheila Overton, Susan and Howard
Gordon, and John Landgraf.
2003 Terry Fox Run/Walk Events at Hualalai and
Wailea Support Cancer Research in a Big Way
T he Friends of the Cancer Research
Center recently received more than $26,300 from the 2003 Terry
Fox Run/Walk at the Four Seasons
Resort at Hualalai in September. This was the fifth consecutive year that the events at Hualalai have benefited the
Cancer Research Center, with the dollar amount of each year’s donation steadily increasing. Seventeen volunteers from the Center flew to the Big Island, compliments of Aloha Airlines, to provide staffing assistance at the gala dinner and silent auction and run/walk.
In mid-November of 2003, 22 volunteers also traveled to Maui with
Aloha Airlines’ assistance and worked at the Terry Fox events at the Four
Seasons Resort at Wailea. The award to the Friends from those events is still pending.
The Terry Fox Run/Walk and its related fundraising activities are an
(continued on page 4)