The Kite Runner OR A Thousand Splendid Suns OR And the

Hello, Class of 2014
Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Student!
With numerous works ahead of us as we prepare for your Advanced
Placement Literature and Composition exam next spring, it is imperative that
we begin our first novel before your Senior year commences in August. For
summer reading, please plan to read ONE of the three contemporary novels
The Kite Runner OR A Thousand Splendid Suns OR
And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner: dynamic between fathers and sons
A Thousand Splendid Suns: dynamic between mothers and daughters
And the Mountains Echoed: sibling relationships
~All in the context of Afghanistan’s Cycle of War and Misery~
***Please note, I have several copies of the first two Hosseini novels
available for loan. Mountains was just released last week; I would only
recommend reading it if you have read Kite Runner or Splendid Suns.
Novel Purchase information:
*Paperback/Hardback; New/Used editions are equally acceptable.
*Books-a-Million at Lakeside Mall will have copies—behind the front counter;
ask at the register.
*Check on-line sources: i.e.; for the best prices
*ebooks are also acceptable reading sources.
***If the purchase of one of these books creates a financial difficulty for
you, please see me in Rm. 3220 as soon as possible.
We will begin discussing, reacting, and assessing your knowledge and
understanding of the novels the second week of school. As you read use
a self-created color scheme to highlight and annotate your books; utilize
various colors of Post-it notes, or, if you read using an online version,
simply take categorized notes which will help you analyze the novels. DO
NOT use SparkNotes or another such resource. YOU NEED to READ and
ANALYZE your chosen work.
 Read The Kite Runner or A Thousand Splendid Suns or And
the Mountains Echoed.
***Think in terms of the following and Prepare a typed, doublespaced report (utilizing sentences & paragraphs) responding to
your reading :
1. What’s
Happening??? Plot? (Setting, Tone, Conflict)
Theme? ( a one sentence summary) Motifs? (one word: death, love, hate)
2. Why?
Author’s Purpose? Why did Hosseini write this novel?
How? Literary Techniques? *Figurative Language (i.e. Similes,
Metaphors, Personification) *Literary Elements (i.e. Irony, Satire,
Symbolism, Foreshadowing) *Characterization? Methods of
development? Effectiveness in helping author convey his
themes/purpose? *Vocabulary Words-(effective or unusual Diction)
If you use notes (rather than highlighting or Post-it notes),
3. What is your critical
response to this novel? What makes this a work of
critical acclaim? How does Hosseini’s work compare to that of other
novelists you have read?
***Don’t just Read the novel; Think about it; Analyze it!
 These are time-consuming but doable assignments; do not let your
procrastination make this an insurmountable task. “Borrowing,”
“Copy/Pasting,” etc. the work of others is not an option. Your written
work is a reflection of what YOU experience as you read the novels.
Anything else will be considered Cheating and is unacceptable. We will
share reactions/responses once classes begin in August. Like
Cheating, Late or Incomplete Work is NOT an acceptable outcome in
this AP course.
I am eager to begin a new journey with the most outstanding English
students in the Class of 2014. Please feel free to email me with questions.
Enjoy your summer as you read and write about a Hosseini novel.
All the best,
Mrs. Bell
George Jenkins High School/AP Literature & Composition/Room 3220