Depending on the ports available on your television and computer, it may be possible to connect your
television to a computer for use as a monitor. First, let’s examine the types of video ports we should be
looking for:
If both your television and computer each have a matching video port like one of the above, then you
can simply connect both devices by using the appropriate type of cable. For example, if the computer
uses a DVI port to output the video signal and the TV has a DVI port for receiving the video signal, then
all you need to do is connect a DVI cable to both of the DVI ports; the same applies to the other types
of ports.
One important thing to know is that the video quality displayed on the television will be determined by
the connection method used to connect the computer. For the best video quality, try using a VGA, DVI,
HDMI, or Component Video connection; S-Video and Composite Video can still be used, but do not
provide as high of a resolution. However, your connection options may be limited by the types of ports
available on both devices.
Most of the time, the computer and television will not have matching ports. If this is the case, it will be
necessary to do one of the following:
1) Install a video card in the computer that has a matching port like the one found on the television.
2) Purchase a video converter.
Although both options are fine, rather than installing a new video card in the computer, it may be easier
to simply connect a video converter. Since most computers use a VGA/RGB port to output the video
signal, you will probably need to use a VGA converter to pass the signal to the television. Use one of
the following types of converters depending on the video input available on your television:
VGA-to-Component Video
VGA-to-Composite Video
Note: Video converters can be purchased from local and online computer retailers.
Whether installing a different video card or using a video converter, it is important to make sure that the
computer can output the video resolution properly. You should check the instruction manual of your
television to determine what resolution is supported and then configure the computer accordingly in the
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Display Properties section in the Control Panel of the operating system. Some of the more commonly
used resolutions for televisions are 640x480 and 800x600.
Note: Although the computer may be capable of outputting higher resolutions, the television may not be able to
handle it. This can result in overscan which causes some of the screen information to be cut off or missing.
However, for a widescreen or High-Definition TV (HDTV), it may be necessary to install software on the computer
that supports higher resolutions; EnTech PowerStrip is popular software for this purpose, but research the
software specifications first to make sure it will meet your needs.
In addition to the resolution, the computer must also use a scan frequency (also known as refresh rate)
that is compatible with the television; common scan frequencies are 50Hz, 60Hz, and sometimes 75Hz.
Again, you should check the instruction manual of the television for this information.
WARNING: Using a scan frequency that is not supported can cause damage to the television and/or computer.
Now, let’s talk about connections for sound. If the computer does not have any speakers connected,
then you will also need to connect an audio cable (except when using an HDMI-to-HDMI connection).
Here are the types of audio ports we need to look for:
The back of the computer should have either a 3.5mm line out miniplug (for connecting external
speakers or headphones) or a composite audio out jack; either of these can be used to connect the
computer to the television for sound. On the television, there should also be either a 3.5mm miniplug or
a composite audio input jack somewhere near the video port you are using to connect the computer.
The type of audio jacks available on both the television and computer will determine which one of the
following cables is required for the connection.
If the computer has a line out miniplug and the television has composite audio input jacks, use a
miniplug-to-composite audio cable:
If the computer has composite audio output jacks and television has composite audio input jacks, use a
standard composite audio cable:
If the computer has a 3.5mm line out miniplug and the television has a 3.5mm line in miniplug, use a
miniplug-to-miniplug audio cable:
Note: The audio cables are capable of providing stereo sound (left & right channel audio) to the television and
are available from most local and online computer or electronics retailers.
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