Wedding at Cana
Age-L iew
(John 2:1-11)
Age-Level Overview
Open the Bible
Activate Faith
SPARK RESOURCES: Spark Story Bibles
SPARK RESOURCES: Spark Story Bibles
SUPPLIES: Where’s the Wine? Questions
Lower Elementary
WORKSHOP FOCUS: God loves a good
(page 45), large tub filled with water;
equal-size clear, large buckets or pitchers;
masking tape or marker; equal-size cups;
red liquid food coloring; recordings of
popular wedding dance music (Chicken
Dance, Celebration, Macarena, Electric
Slide, YMCA, Twist and Shout, etc.);
chairs; CD player
WHERE’S THE WINE? Kids play a question
game to be the first team to fill a
bucket with water.
games to wedding music.
Upper Elementary
WORKSHOP FOCUS: Give credit to God.
Spark Bible Stickers
A MIRACLE MEMORY: Kids play a memory
matching game.
SUPPLIES: Whiteboard, marker
A MIRACLE MYSTERY: Kids play an active
SUPPLIES: Miracle Memory Cards (pages
47-49); large plastic containers; clear
glasses, wine glasses, or pitchers filled
with water; red liquid food coloring
game to figure out who the mystery
“miracle worker” is.
All Kids
WORKSHOP FOCUS: God can make
SPARK RESOURCES: Spark Story Bibles, Spark
miracles out of anything.
Bibles, Spark Bibles, Spark Bible
WEDDING CONGA LINE: Kids line up in
story order based on pictures on their
WATER JUG RELAYS: Kids play a relay
game to fill a bucket with water.
SUPPLIES: Wedding Conga Line Cards
(pages 51-55); tape; conga music
recording; CD player; large tub filled with
water; equal-size clear, large buckets or
pitchers; 2 sets of cups and glasses in
varying sizes; whiteboard, marker
Visit for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will
prepare you and give you confidence to explore this Bible story with the kids you are leading. You will also
find a downloadable Family Page for this rotation’s story filled with ideas for families to use to explore this story
and live out their faith at home.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 31
Wedding at Cana
Lower ry
(John 2:1-11)
Workshop Focus: God loves a good party.
Each week, remember to welcome kids to the rotation. Keep in mind that for
some kids it may be the first time they are visiting your workshop!
If kids have heard the story several times during previous weeks, read it again!
Kids learn through repetition, and every workshop will explore the Bible story
in a slightly different way.
Remember that the Shepherds are there to support you as they accompany
kids each week.
Be sure to visit to download the Family Page for this
story. Make copies of it and ask Shepherds to distribute it during the Wrap Up.
Keep these tips in mind as you welcome kids to the workshop and explore the story
Open the Bible (10 minutes)
Wedding at Cana Storytelling
Gather the kids together on the floor to hear the story. Greet them by name and
introduce yourself as the kids arrive.
Spark Resources
Welcome, kids! I am so glad that you could join us today. Today we are going to
hear the story of Jesus’ very first miracle. This miracle happened at a wedding.
Have any of you ever been to a wedding? What do you remember? Accept the
kids’ stories about weddings. A wedding is a wonderful celebration. When two
people get married, they celebrate their love with each other and with everyone
else who loves them, too!
Spark Story Bibles
Often, people bring out the very best food, decorations, and drinks for a wedding
party. It was no different in Jesus’ time. One important part of a wedding
celebration was wine. Wine was a common drink in Jesus’ time and an important
part of any celebration; however, wine takes a long time to make. First, the
grapes are crushed, and strained, and then the juice goes through a fermenting
and storage process that can take at least six months, sometimes even years!
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 33
Wine plays an important role in our miracle today. Let’s hear the story of Jesus’
first miracle together. Pass out Spark Story Bibles, and read the Wedding at Cana
story on page 410. What do you think of Jesus’ first miracle? Accept the kid’s
impressions of the story. We are going to learn more about this story during our
games today.
Activate Faith (25 minutes)
Where’s the Wine?
Set Up: Determine in advance how many teams you will have for the “Where’s the
Wine?” game (four to six per team is a good number). With tape or marker, make
a line on each pitcher at the same height—one per team. Place the line where the
water level will be after five fills of the cups used for the game.
Activity Instructions
The first game that we are going to play today will help us learn the details of
the story so that we can remember it when we go home. Since this was Jesus’
first miracle, it is an important one to remember. One of the other reasons it
is important to remember is because it teaches us something important about
At a wedding people eat, dance, sing, and have a lot of fun with their family and
friends. It is an awesome party! We can celebrate with Jesus, too! God thinks the
everyday celebrations we have with our friends and family are good things!
Spark Resources
Where’s the Wine? Questions
(page 45), 1 copy
Large tub filled with water
Equal-size large buckets or
pitchers (clear, with lines of
equal volume on them), 1
per team
Masking tape or marker
Equal-size cups, 1 per team
Red liquid food coloring
So, for our first game, we are going to race to fill up the stone jars so that Jesus
can turn the water into wine. Explain to the kids that each team will line up and
each kid will take turns being at the front of the line. The kids at the front all get
a chance to answer the question first. If they think they know the answer to the
question, they must raise their hand. If they get it correct, they may fill a glass full
of water and walk down to pour the water into their pitcher. Play continues as each
kid gets an opportunity to answer a question. When a pitcher is filled to the line,
there is only one more question that must be answered correctly. When that final
question is answered, that student must go down and drip some red food coloring
into the winning pitcher. This is to signify Jesus’ turning the water into wine.
If there is a tie, consider having both kids answer by whispering in your ear and
giving the correct teams both an opportunity to fill up their pitcher. Feel free to
jump around the Where’s the Wine? Questions or ask questions a different way
depending on the needs of the classroom.
Congratulations, kids! You really know the story well!
34 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding Dance Games
Below are some of the sample games to play at your wedding game celebration.
Consider playing some of these more than once, as your time allows, and always
have some great wedding music playing in the background.
Wedding Music Dance-Off
If you know one of the particular dances that is common at weddings, teach it to
the kids (e.g., the Chicken Dance, the Electric Slide, the Macarena, or the Hokey
Pokey). Then stage a dance-off where the Shepherd is the judge. One by one,
they will tap dancers out until only one is left, and that person is the dance-off
winner. This can be done with a few different songs so that different kids have an
opportunity to show off their skills.
Spark Resources
Recordings of popular
wedding dance music—
Chicken Dance, Celebration,
Macarena, Electric Slide,
YMCA, Twist and Shout,
CD player
Air Guitar Contest
Have the kids compete to see who can do the best air guitar solo to a piece of
music. Consider setting up a judging panel with cards 1–10 to rate their guitar solos.
Wedding Dance Musical Chairs
Play this game like traditional Musical Chairs to some fun wedding music.
Conga Line Tag
Choose a volunteer to be “It”. The tagger’s job is to dance through the crowd trying
to tag each kid. Each time he tags another kid, that kid must join the tag conga
line. Kids must keep at least one hand on the conga line while trying to tag the
remaining kids and continue to dance along to the music. The game ends when
the final person is tagged, and that person becomes the first tagger in subsequent
Whew! Dancing and partying and having fun can be tiring. But those games
made for a great party. I hope you guys had fun today. What was your favorite
wedding song we played? Allow kids time to answer and reflect.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 35
God loves a good party, and a wedding can be a great party. There is a lot of
famous dance music that people play at wedding receptions. Do you remember
any of it? Take their examples. Today we are going to play some fun games
to wedding songs. Let’s all play and have a fun time, just like Jesus and the
disciples had at the wedding.
Send (5 minutes)
Wrap Up
Remind the Shepherds to distribute the Family Page for this story if the kids haven’t
already received it, and come together for Wrap Up.
Wow, it is almost time to go again! I had a great time today learning about the
wedding at Cana and Jesus’ very first miracle. I also had a great time dancing
and celebrating with God and you today. God does love a good party!
One common part of weddings today that often involves wine is a wedding
toast. This is where people raise a glass in honor of the people being celebrated,
like the bride and the groom at a wedding. The water that Jesus turned into wine
was likely used in toasts as well. So, for our prayer today, we are going to toast
Spark Resources
Family Page
Grape Juice or sparkling grape
Prayer Time
Pass out a cup of grape juice to each kid, and tell them not to drink it until after the
toast is complete.
Dear Jesus,
We raise a glass to you today in honor of your miracle at Cana! Thank you for
loving to celebrate happy occasions with us! Thanks for the wonderful party!
Encourage the kids to clink their glasses together, repeat cheers, and drink their
grape juice.
36 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana
(John 2:1-11)
Upper ry
Workshop Focus: Give credit to God.
Each week, remember to welcome kids to the rotation. Keep in mind that for
some kids it may be the first time they are visiting your workshop!
If kids have heard the story several times during previous weeks, read it again!
Kids learn through repetition, and every workshop will explore the Bible story
in a slightly different way.
Remember that the Shepherds are there to support you as they accompany
kids each week.
Be sure to visit to download the Family Page for this
story. Make copies of it and ask Shepherds to distribute it during the Wrap Up.
Keep these tips in mind as you welcome kids to the workshop and explore the story
Open the Bible (10 minutes)
Wedding at Cana Storytelling
Welcome to the Bible Skills and Games lesson today, kids! I’m so glad that you
can join us today. Today we are going to learn about credit. Have you ever had
someone take credit for something you did? Or did you ever take credit for
something that you didn’t do? Accept any stories they might have. In our story
today Jesus performs his very first miracle, but when we look carefully at the
story, we realize that not everyone knows Jesus deserved the credit. As we read
our story, see who in our story knows that Jesus performed the miracle and who
Spark Resources
Spark Bibles
Spark Bible Stickers
Pass out Spark Bibles, and have the kids open their Bibles to John 2:1–11 (pages
1172–1173)—Wedding at Cana. Invite volunteers to read the story aloud and give
the kids time to use their Spark Bible Stickers as well. Okay, so what did you think
of our story? Accept kids’ answers. This was Jesus’ very first miracle. He didn’t
necessarily want to do the miracle because “his hour had not yet come.” But he
listened to his mother and helped anyway.
Make a list on the whiteboard of the people in the story and have the kids help list
which ones knew Jesus turned water into wine and which ones did not. Possible
people to list include Mary, Jesus, the disciples, the servants, the steward, the
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 37
bridegroom, and the guests. Those people who didn’t know that Jesus performed
a miracle simply thought that those throwing the wedding kept good wine for later.
They were impressed with the bridegroom. They gave credit to the bridegroom and
not to Jesus because they didn’t know.
Activate Faith (25 minutes)
A Miracle Memory
Set Up: Copy and cut out Miracle Memory Cards.
Activity Instructions
In our story today, Jesus didn’t announce his miracle to everyone, but those who
were listening, like the disciples and the servants, knew that Jesus was behind
it. Turning water into wine is a remarkable thing. Can you imagine what it must
have been like to witness it? Ask the kids what they would have done and said if
they saw the miracle.
Spark Resources
Miracle Memory Cards
(pages 47-49), 1 set for
every 2 kids
For our first game today, we are going to practice our observation skills along
with our comprehension skills. Explain that the kids are going to split up into
groups of two (or three if necessary) and take a set of memory cards. They can
shuffle them and lay them out upside down on a grid on the floor. Then, taking
turns, they should try to match the pairs (i.e., the question and the answer) by
flipping over two cards per turn. If they match, they keep the pair and go again. If
they don’t match, turn them back over and it is the next kid’s turn. Allow each pair
to finish at least one game, but fast pairs could start a second game if they wish.
When the games are over, briefly go over the pairs so everyone knows the answers
to the questions.
You played that very well. You had to be observant to remember where the
cards were, and you had to listen to the story to know the answers. Sometimes
we have to be observant to see miracles, too. There are things that seem like
miracles to some people but not to others. The steward in our story didn’t think
a miracle had occurred, but rather credited the bridegroom with having saved
excellent wine. The disciples knew better. They knew to give credit to Jesus, and
to God! When we witness miracles, we also know where the credit belongs. It
belongs to God. So when we see miracles ourselves, we must give credit where
credit is due.
38 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
A Miracle Mystery
Set Up: Fill a variety of glasses, pitchers, or clear containers of various sizes with
water, and place them spread out around the room. Fill one of the large plastic
containers with water and leave the other one empty.
Spark Resources
Activity Instructions
For our next game, we are going to practice observing and giving credit where
credit is due by becoming miracle detectives. In this game, one kid will be our
miracle detective and another kid will play Jesus. The Jesus character will be
given a small vial of red food coloring. When the game begins, everyone will
mingle as if at a party. Each will have a glass of water and there will be several
glasses and pitchers around the room. Everyone but our detective will know who
is playing the part of Jesus. Our detective’s job is to figure that out.
Large plastic containers, 2
Clear glasses, wine glasses, or
Red liquid food coloring
Jesus will go discreetly around the room and put a drop of food coloring in
various glasses and pitchers, turning the water into “wine.” The miracle
detective has three guesses to figure out who Jesus is. After the game is over,
a new detective and Jesus are picked and those with red glasses can dump it out
into the empty container and refill with clean water. Ask for a volunteer to be the
detective, and have them leave the room for a moment. Choose a volunteer to be
Jesus, and bring the detective back into the room.
Play as many rounds as time or water allows. Kids will start to get good,
particularly as they notice that it takes a moment for the food coloring to work its
way through the water. Encourage all the kids to act and help keep Jesus’ identity a
Miracles are surprising to us, just like it must have been surprising to the
servants and the disciples when Jesus turned water into wine. But when we
observe things closely, we can tell where the credit belongs—the credit belongs
with God.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 39
Send (5 minutes)
Wrap Up
Remind the Shepherds to distribute the Family Page for this story if the kids haven’t
already received it, and come together for Wrap Up.
Jesus wasn’t ready to be obvious with his miracles at the wedding at Cana,
but he still listened to his mother’s request and helped save the wedding. The
miracle was impressive, but most of the people at the party had no idea that
Jesus even performed a miracle. But the servants and the disciples knew, and
because of what they saw they believed in Jesus.
Spark Resources
Family Pages
Credit for the miracle at Cana belongs to Jesus, but the steward didn’t know
that. We know that credit for miracles belongs to God. When you see something
miraculous don’t be afraid to acknowledge where the miracle came from and
give God the credit.
One way we can give God credit for things is through prayer, so let’s close
together in prayer today.
Prayer Time
Dear God,
Thank you performing miracles in our world. Help us to be observant and
recognize them and to give you the credit you deserve.
40 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana
All Kids
(John 2:1-11)
Workshop Focus: God can make miracles out of anything.
Each week, remember to welcome kids to the rotation. Keep in mind that for
some kids it may be the first time they are visiting your workshop!
If kids have heard the story several times during previous weeks, read it again!
Kids learn through repetition, and every workshop will explore the Bible story
in a slightly different way.
Remember that the Shepherds are there to support you as they accompany
kids each week.
Be sure to visit to download the Family Page for this
story. Make copies of it and ask Shepherds to distribute it during the Wrap Up.
Keep these tips in mind as you welcome kids to the workshop and explore the story
Open the Bible (10 minutes)
Wedding at Cana Storytelling
Good morning, kids! I’m so pleased you are joining me to play some games
today. Today we are going to hear the story of Jesus’ miracle at a wedding in
Cana. Have any of you heard the story before? Ask the kids what they know of
the story already. If they have had other rotations so far, they may be able to share
most of the story. That’s right; you know this story well.
Spark Resources
Today we are going to read the story again and play some games about the
Wedding at Cana Bible story. As we do, I want you to focus on one reason why
the story is important. The miracle of the wedding of Cana is important because
it seems so unimportant. Jesus didn’t feed hungry people, or heal sick people, or
raise people from the dead in this miracle. Rather, he turned water into wine so
that the party could continue. Let’s read the story together. Pass out Spark Story
Bibles to the younger kids and Spark Bibles to the older kids. Assist kids in finding
Wedding at Cana in the Spark Story Bible (page 410) and take volunteers to read
the story. Encourage the older kids to open their Spark Bibles to John 2:1–11 (page
1172) and follow in their Bibles as well.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Spark Story Bibles
Spark Bibles
Spark Bible Stickers
Wedding at Cana — 41
In the scheme of most of Jesus’ miracles this seems like a small one. No one’s
life depended on having more wine at a party, but it is because it was such
an unimportant thing that it teaches us a lot about God. God is present in the
important, joyful times of our lives and helps in the small things as well as the
big ones. Invite kids to place a Spark Bible sticker of their choice in the margin by
the story.
Activate Faith (25 minutes)
Wedding Conga Line
Set Up: Locate some conga music for a CD player and have a correct number of
Conga Line Cards. There are 10 per set and could be duplicated on multiple colors
if there are enough people. If there are fewer than 10 kids playing, take out the
correct amount of cards to make it work and consider playing yourself. Shuffle the
cards so they are not in correct order.
Activity Instructions
In our story, the miracle worked because the servants listened to what Jesus
said, just as Mary asked them to. Our games today are going to be about
listening to instructions, too. Our first game is about knowing the story
backward and forward.
Spark Resources
Wedding Conga Line Cards
(pages 51-55),
1 set per 10 kids
Conga music
CD player
In our first game, we are going be putting the parts of the story in order, but
we won’t be able to talk. We are going to have to try our best to get the story in
order without talking and without being able to see what is on our own back.
Have the Shepherd help you tape a card to each kid’s back. The goal will be to get
the story in order without talking. If there are two groups, they’ll have to separate
themselves by color first before putting their stories in order. When they are ready,
have the groups raise their hands and you will check the work. Simply tell them if
they are right or wrong.
How was that game for you? What is hard or easy to do without talking?
Sometimes it can be hard to follow instructions. Why be quiet when you can
talk and make it much easier? It doesn’t make sense. Jesus’ instructions might
not have made sense to the servants either, but they obeyed him and the result
was miraculous. It just goes to show that God can make miracles out of ordinary
situations, like running out of wine, but even Jesus needed the servants to listen
to him!
42 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Water Jug Relays
Activity Instructions
In our second game, we are going to have to follow directions as well to fill our
water jars. (This game can be played outside if temperature and weather allow.)
Split the group into two teams and have them line up on the other side of the room
from the large water container. On either side of the bucket are the set of glasses
for each team. Place their large, team buckets next to their lines.
As the game begins, you will announce a number 1–10, the first person in line for
each team must rush to the set of glasses, grab the glass with the appropriate
number, fill it, and rush back and dump it in their bucket. As soon as the first
person is back, announce the number for the next team member. The next team
member will have to return the first glass and pick the next correct number, fill
it, and bring it to the bucket. Consider writing the numbers down in order on the
whiteboard after they have been called.
Spark Resources
Large tub filled with water
Equal-size large buckets or
pitchers (clear preferred,
with lines of equal volume
on them), 2
Cups and glasses in varying
sizes, 2 identical sets
Kids continue through the line following your instructions until one team has filled
the team bucket past the top. Then they are the winners. If there is time, the water
can be returned to the container and the game can be played again.
Both our games today relied on following instructions, and in our story the
miracle of the wedding of Cana relied on following instructions, too. Jesus
performed a miracle but needed the cooperation of the servants. With their help,
Jesus was able to turn it into wine and save the party. God can take anything and
make a miracle, and when we follow and listen to God’s instructions it is even
easier for God to succeed. God can make miracles out of anything, even parties!
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 43
Set Up: You will need two equal sets of 10 different-size glasses and cups (consider
communion mini cups, coffee cups, Dixie cups, wine glasses, or others) Label each
set 1–10 and make sure the numbers are the same on each set. Finally, have two
large buckets with equal volume lines on them and a large tub filled with water.
Send (5 minutes)
Wrap Up
Remind the Shepherds to distribute the Family Page for this story if the kids haven’t
already received it, and come together for Wrap Up.
God can make anything a miracle. God often chooses to have big miracles like
the parting of the Red Sea or the resurrection on Easter, but sometimes God
chooses to perform miracles in small, everyday situations. In this case, Jesus
chose an ordinary experience—a wedding party—to perform a miracle. It wasn’t
a miracle to save a life like some other miracles, but it was important because
it shows us that God cares about our everyday lives and our everyday joy. What
are some everyday miracles that God might perform for you? Accept kids’
ideas—it might be simple things like a snow day or finding a lost toy. No miracle
is too big or too small for God. Let’s pray for a God who is willing to do big and
small miracles for us!
Spark Resources
Family Pages
Prayer Time
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for performing miracles in our lives. Help us to recognize the big
ones, and also the small ones, as signs of your love and care for us. Nothing is
too large or small for you.
44 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Where’s the Wine? Questions
1. Why was there a party going on? It was a wedding
2. Where was the wedding located? Cana
3. Who was attending the wedding? Jesus’ family, the disciples, and other invited guests
4. What happened at the wedding? The wine ran out
5. What was used to carry the wine? Stone jars
6. Who overheard that the wine was gone? Mary
7. Who was Mary? Jesus’ mother
8. What did Jesus ask Mary? What could I do?
9. What did Mary ask Jesus? If he could do something about the wine
10. What did Mary tell the servers? Do whatever Jesus tells you to do
11. What did Jesus have the stone jars filled with? Cold water
12. Who received the glass of water from the stone jars? The person in charge of the party
13. What happened when the cup was handed over? The water had been turned to wine!
14. What was special about the wine Jesus made? It was better than the original wine
15. Who knew about Jesus’ miracle? The servers, Mary, and the disciples
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 45
Miracle Memory Cards
Who is
Jesus’ mother?
Who was invited
to the wedding?
Jesus, Mary,
and the disciples
Where was the
wedding held?
What ran out?
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 47
Miracle Memory Cards
What did Mary
tell Jesus?
They have no wine
What did Mary
tell the servants?
Do whatever
Jesus tells you
How many jars
were filled?
How many gallons
did a jar hold?
20-30 gallons
(75-115 liters)
48 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Miracle Memory Cards
What were the jars
filled with?
Who did
the servants
take a glass
of water to?
The chief steward
What happened
to the water?
It turned into wine
What was true
of Jesus’ wine?
It was better than
the earlier wine
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 49
Wedding Conga Line Cards
Jesus, Mary, and the disciples
go to a wedding.
Oh, no!
The wine
ran out!
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 51
Wedding Conga Line Cards
Mary asks
Jesus to help.
Mary tells the servants
to listen to Jesus.
52 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding Conga Line Cards
Jesus tells the servants to fill
the stone jars with water.
The servants
serve a cup
to the person
in charge.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 53
Wedding Conga Line Cards
The water turned
into wine.
It was even
better wine
than before!
54 — Workshop Leader Guides
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding Conga Line Cards
The person
in charge
the groom
for the
good wine.
The disciples
believed that
Jesus was
God’s Son.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop, Wedding at Cana Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School
© 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.
Wedding at Cana — 55