Starry Starry Night Question Bank

Starry Starry Night
Question Bank
We experience night and day on Earth due to A. the Moon revolving around the Earth
B. the Earth rotating on its axis
C. the Earth revolving around the Sun
D. the Moon rotating on its axis
During the lunar cycle, which direction does the light appear to move across
the Moon
starting with new Moon?
A. top to bottom
B. left to right
C. bottom to top
D. right to left
3. On November 10, there was a full Moon. Which of the following dates is
closest to the date of the first quarter Moon?
A. November 24
B. December 8
C. November 12
D. December 1
The Earth is teeming with life, but the Moon is has no life. Which
requirement of life is
present on Earth but is NOT present on the moon?
A. liquid nitrogen
B. liquid water
C. liquid carbon dioxide
D. liquid oxygen
Which force is the most likely cause of changes on the Moon's surface?
A. wind
B. water
C. volcanic eruptions
D. meteorite impacts
Approximately how much larger in diameter is the Earth than the Moon
which has a diameter of 2,162 miles?
A. The Moon is almost 75% larger in diameter than Earth.
B. The Earth is approximately four times the diameter of the Moon.
C. The Moon and Earth are approximately the same in diameter.
D. The Moon is half the diameter of Earth.
Scientists know that lunar gravity is approximately one-sixth that of Earth. If
astronauts brought back sixty lunar pounds of moon rocks, how much will
they weigh when they are here on Earth?
A. 60 pounds
B. 120 pounds
C. 240 pounds
D. 360 pounds
Of the following, which can be found on Earth but does NOT exist on the
A. craters
B. mountains
C. rivers
D. rocks
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Sun?
A It is a ball of hot, glowing gas.
B It is a star.
C It gives off heat and light.
D It has rings and craters.
What is the fourth planet from the Sun?
F Earth
G Mars
H Jupiter
J Mercury
Molly made a model of how the Earth, Moon, and Sun orbit. She
used ping pong balls to represent each one. She painted each one
a different color. Then she placed the Moon and Earth close
together, and the sun much further away. What mistake did Molly
make in her model?
A She used the same size balls.
B She painted them all different colors.
C She moved the Sun away from the Earth and Moon.
D She did not put the Earth in the middle of the solar system.
Which planet in our solar system is closest to the Sun?
F Earth
G Jupiter
H Mercury
J Saturn
How is Earth's orbit around the Sun similar to the orbits of other planets
around the Sun?
A. Each planet orbits the Sun in the same direction.
B. Each planet's orbit takes about the same amount of time.
C. Each planet's orbit travels the same distance as the other planets.
D. Each planet's orbits are completely round..
Outside on the playground students are making a scale model of
the solar system. Which of the following tools will be needed to
measure the distance of the planets from the Sun on the model?
A balance
B thermometer
C graduate cylinder
D meter stick
The picture above shows the Moon orbiting Earth. Which of the following
keeps the
Moon traveling in the same path each time it orbits Earth?
A. Energy comes from the surrounding planets.
B. The pull of gravity between the Moon and Earth keeps it in orbit.
C. Objects in space are pushing the Moon towards Earth.
D. The winds of Earth force the Moon to orbit the same path.
The distance between A and B represents 1 degree of a 360 degree orbit of
the Earth
around the Sun. This diagram illustrates the movement that the Earth makes
in A. one day
B. one month
C. one year
D. one season
The force of attraction between the Earth and an object is called A. magnetism
B. mass
C. energy
D. gravity
All of the following are cycles related to the earth's movement EXCEPT:
A. seasons
B. sunrise and sunset
C. phases of the moon
D. gravity
All of the following would be found on a web about the phases of the moon
A. full moon
B. new moon
C. crescent moon
D. eclipse moon
The Greeks were interested in astronomy. They used logical
thinking and mathematics to make observations. They figured out
that the Earth went around the sun and that the moon went around
the Earth.They also found the size of the Earth and that it was
Why are the Greeks important to science?
F They helped understand the Earth.
G They made up stories about the Earth.
H They knew how to use math.
J They knew how the moon moved.
What special knowledge or skills helped these Greek astronomers to solve
science questions?
A They all went to college.
B They were all good at guessing.
C They made careful observations and used logical, mathematical thinking.
D They all had very strong telescopes.
A student wrote a riddle: I am closer to the sun than Uranus.
I am farther from the sun than Jupiter. What planet am I?
A Mars
B Earth
C Saturn
D Neptune
The Big Dipper is part of which constellation?
a) Ursa Major
b) Ursa Minor
c) The Great Bear
d) Both answers a) and c) above.
What are the names of the two stars in the Big Dipper used to locate Polaris?
a) The North Seekers
b) The Pointer Stars
c) The Pointer Sisters
What are circumpolar stars?
a) Stars that can only be seen from the North Pole
b) Stars that cannot be seen from the North Pole
c) Stars that never set
What prominent pattern of stars is seen overhead after dark in the late
Summer and
throughout the Fall?
a) Orion’s Belt
b) The Fall Hexagon
c) The Winter Hexagon
d) The Summer Triangle
What causes the Moon’s phases?
a) The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Moon orbits the
Earth we can
sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.
b) The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Sun orbits the
Earth we can
sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.
c) The Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, blocking the sunlight.
The large dark patches on the Moon’s surface are known as…
a) Dark matter
b) Maria, or seas, even though there is no water on the Moon
c) Maria, or seas, because they are filled with water
d) Moon spots
What is the technical name for a star family that formed at the same time
from a single cloud
of gas?
a) Nuclear family
b) Galaxy
c) Star Cluster
d) Constellation
What is the brightest star in the night sky?
a) The Morning Star
b) Sirius
c) The North Star
d) Polaris
e) Both answers c) and d) above
What celestial objects can be seen with the unaided eye during the daytime?
a) The Sun
b) The Moon and Sun
c) The Sun and Venus
d) The Sun, Moon and Venus
When the Moon is Full:
a) It rises when the Sun sets
b) It sets when the Sun sets
c) It rises when the Sun rises
d) Both answers b) and c) above
Match the following constellation names with their descriptions and/or stars.
Ursa Minor
The Little Bear
The Hunter
Betelgeuse, Rigel
The Flying Horse Epsilon Pegasi
The Twins
Castor and Pollux
The Swan
A day and night on Earth lasts:
A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. Do you mean a school day or a Saturday?
D. 27 hours
B. 24 hours
How many planets are there in the Solar System?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 8
What is the name of the largest planet in the Solar system?
A. Jupiter
B. Mars
C. Earth
D. Saturn
The Sun is:
A. A planet
B. A star
C. A galaxy
D. A universe
5. Which of these statements about the Earth's Moon is correct?
A. It is made of green cheese
B. It is a planet
C. It is a satellite of the Earth
D. It has great big oceans of water on it
Which planet is known as ‘The Red Planet’?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Pluto
D. Mars
The first man on the Moon was called?
A. Neil Armstrong
B. Buzz Aldrin
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. Buzz Lightyear
Which statement is NOT correct?
A. The Earth orbits the Sun
B. The Moon orbits the Earth
C. The Sun orbits the Milky Way
D. The Moon provides the energy for our Solar System
Which of these does not give out light?
A. The Moon
B. The Sun
C. The North Star
D. The Milky Way
We get seasons on the Earth mainly because:
A. The Sun gets hotter and colder
B. The Moon gets in the way of the Sun
C. The Earth’s axis is tilted
D. The Earth gets closer to the Sun
Why does a SOLAR eclipse occur?
A. The Sun goes behind another planet
B. The Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth
C. The Earth faces away from the Sun
D. The Sun goes out for a while
A good rough estimate for the average temperature on Pluto could be?
A. 100 0C
B. 10 0C
C. –20 0C
D. –200 0C
When there is a New Moon how much can we see from Earth?
A. All of it
B. Half of it
C. A quarter of it
D. None of it
About how long is a LUNAR month?
A. 10 days
B. 18 days
C. 29 days
D. 35 days
The first living thing to go into orbit was called Leika. Was she a:
A. Horse
B. Cat
C. Monkey
D. Dog
How many golf balls are there on the moon?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 400
Light from the Sun takes about how long to reach us?
A. 1 second
B. 8 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 1 day
The name of the person who discovered Uranus was?
A. William Herschel
B. Isaac Newton
C. Patrick Moore
D. Galileo
The name of the space mission that carried NASA astronauts to the Moon
in 1969 was?
A. Apollo 13
B. Challenger
C. Apollo 11
D. Apollo 2
The name of the organization that is looking for signals from life on other
planets is?
How many satellites does Saturn have?
The Satellite Atlas orbits which planet?
The satellite Janus orbits which planet?
Uranus is named after?
The God of the Heaven
What is the 6th planet from the sun?
Which planet was discovered in 1846?
Which is the only spacecraft to visit Neptune?
Voyager 2
Which planet is named after the god of the sea?
All these planets have rings except?
Venus, Saturn, Jupiter or Uranus?
Which planet is fifth from the sun?
Who was the first man to use a telescope to observe the stars?
Identify the Constellations Below and their Main
Summer Constellations and Stars
back to top
back to top
Spring Constellations and Stars
Winter Constellations and Stars
Canis Major
Canis Minor
back to top
North Circumpolar Constellations and Stars
Ursa Minor
Ursa Major
Identify each of the objects below.
Spiral galaxy
Star cluster
Eclipsed Sun