PHYS 2114: General Physics II (Fall 2015) Course Description Calculus based introductory physics for science, math, and engineering majors covering electromagnetism and optics. Course Webpages Course Home Page Resources Page The Course Home Page has syllabus, instructions for Webassign and Clickers, and updated office hours. The Resources Page contains lecture schedule, videos, interactive simulations, lecture notes, discussion problems, pitfall problems, homework related instructions, and homework solutions. Lecture notes and homework solutions are accessible to each student and they are password protected; the account and password are emailed to you prior to the beginning of the semester. Solutions to example problems in lectures and discussion sessions can only be downloaded by students who have officially approved disability; these students will receive individualized accounts via email after the instructor receives approval letter from the Student Disability Services office. All other students are expected to take notes. Lecture notes are only accessible after lectures, except for students with officially approved disability who can access before the lectures. Transcripts to videos without closed captions can be viewed or downloaded by any student. Textbook Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 9th edition, by Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr., starting from Ch. 23. Prerequisite 2014 (General Physics I) or 2314 (General Physics I for Science Majors) Tips on how to study physics Understanding rather than memorizing; how to read, take notes, solve problems, take exams: Warning: Only coming to lectures without reading the textbook will almost guarantee a poor performance in exams. Lectures TR 12:30-1:20 for sections 1-30, PS141 MW 12:30-1:20 for sections 31-40, PS101 Instructor for sections 1-30 Dr. Donghua Zhou Tel: 744-3277 email: office: 230L HBRC Office hour: 9:30-10:20 Wednesday & 10:30-11:20 Friday, 230L HBRC Access to the working areas of HBRC is restricted. Please call Dr. Zhou when you are in the lobby. Instructor for sections 31-40: Paul Smith email: Tutorial sessions: TBA check course webpage, PS052, by Paul Smith Tutorial session is like office hour except for one instructor to multiple students. Discussion sessions It is extremely important for you to regularly attend Discussion (recitation) sessions. Example problems related to new homework assignments as well as problems from past homework problems will be discussed. Short quizzes will be randomly scheduled during Discussion sessions. Discussion TAs (discussion schedule: Solmaz Bastani, office hour: TBA check course home page, PS052 Tim Gustafson, office hour: TBA check course home page Grading TAs (1. office hours open to all sections. 2. Contact the specific grading TA of your section for grading questions. TA will contact instructor for unresolved issues. 3. Grading TAs will evaluate student performance on each paper-submission problem and send feedback to instructor for follow up.) Dipendra Bhandari,, for sections 1-20, Office hours: TBA, PS052 Percy Nebah,, for sections 21-40, Office hours: TBA, PS052 Lab Coordinator Melissa Edwards, 057 PS, 744-0303, Check information for the lab on your D2L. Please address all laboratory questions to Melissa. Reading Assignments and Pre-lecture Quizzes You are expected to read the section(s) (see lecture schedule in the Resources Page) to be discussed before coming to the class. In the past years, students who did prepare for lectures in such a way learned much better and exceled in exams. There will be quizzes that should be completed by 10:00 AM the morning of each lecture. Each quiz consists of one or two questions and should be submitted online using WebAssign. The reading quizzes will be mainly graded based on evidence of honest effort. However, receiving full score doesn’t necessary mean that you have answered it correctly. Do check with the standard answer after due time so you will be properly prepared for the exams. Your responses to the questions provide important inputs for the instructors to address your need by appropriately adapting their lectures. Selected responses will be discussed in lecture. Pre-lecture quizzes for the first week will not be included when calculating your grade, allowing time for you to setup webassign accounts. In-class Questions To encourage active learning, several questions will be given each lecture for you to answer using turning point clickers. To reward participation, even incorrect answers receive 80% score. In-class questions for the first week will not be included when calculating the final grade, giving time for you to get used to the clicker system. Quizzes in Discussion Sessions Three short quizzes will be randomly scheduled during the Discussion sessions, with 50% of the score coming from participation. Homework Weekly homeworks consist of online and paper submission parts. You have about one week to work on the problems. Both types of assignments are due 12:20 PM on designated dates. It is fine to discuss homework problems with your classmates and then write in your own words, but make sure you really understand how to solve the problem. However, copying solutions from other students’ work and/or solution manuals is consider plagiarism and will be pursued. Also be reminded that copying without understanding always leads to extremely poor performance in exam. Online homework problems are to be submitted online using on WebAssign. Five submissions are allowed; 20% deduction for each submission used beyond the second submission. Paper submission homework problems are also shown on WebAssign but you don’t need to submit online. Instead, turn in your solutions to the file cabinet located OUTSIDE PS052. • Please show intermediate steps to avoid losing points. Box your answers. • Staple your homework problems together. • fold HW copy vertically once • print your Full Name AND Section# very clearly at the back of folded HW copy. • Please retrieve graded homeworks during lab. Honors Contract and Assignments Honors Assignments are NOT required. If you want to participate, an honors contract ( needs to be signed in the first two weeks. In order to receive honors credit, you are expected to complete all of the assigned honors works with at least 75/100 average score, in addition to the general requirement of earning A or B in the course. Each honors assignment consists of up to four problems that are slightly more challenging than regular homework problems. The completed solutions need to be submitted in paper to your instructor after lecture on the due day. Honors assignments are posted on WebAssign and solutions are posted on Resources page after due date. Exams There will be three midterm and one final exams, all of which are closed book and closed note. Each mid-term exam covers several chapters studied in about one-month period. The comprehensive final exam will cover all contents covered in the semester. No make-up exams will be given unless a valid excuse can be provided at least 24 hours in advance. A calculator is allowed and an equation sheet will be provided. The exams consist of narrative conceptual questions, multiple choice questions, and regular problems, corresponding to pre-lecture questions, online submission homework, and paper submission homework problems, respectively. Special accommodation exams will be administered through the OSU Testing Center ( Students are responsible for scheduling their appointment at least 24 hours in advance. NO Extra Bonus Work You are expected to work hard and consistently throughout the whole semester. No extra bonus work is available. Request of bonus work to bump up your grade will be IGNORED. You may use Personal Study Plan on Webassign, which should be helpful in studying, but no bonus point will be gained toward your grade. Grades The final grades will be determined as follows: Laboratory Pre-class reading quizzes In-class questions Quizzes in Discussion sessions Homework Exam#1 Exam#2 Exam#3 Final exam 20% 3% 10% 3% 14% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% The final grade will be rounded to the closest integer (e.g., 64.5è65; 64.3è64) before applying the grading scale, which is A ≥ 85 > B≥ 75 > C ≥ 65 > D ≥ 55 > F. Requests such as converting 74.45 to 75 for B will be IGNORED. It is better for you to work hard from the beginning than to wait till the end of the semester. Academic Conduct and Withdrawals: The University procedures on academic integrity and withdrawals will be strictly enforced. Please consult details at OSU Syllabus Attachment FAQ 1. Q: I've been looking everywhere on all your attachments for the class key for Webassign and can't seem to find it. Could you give it to me please? A: You will be enrolled by the instructor and no class key is available for this approach. If you have a previous webassign account, it is possible that your new account name is different. You should have received an email from Webassign with the new account. If not, ask Dr. Zhou by email. You need to set initial password for the new account, then link the two accounts together (see course webpage for detailed instructions on these two steps.). 2. Q: I cannot seem to find the pre-lecture quiz. A: On the Resources Page, you can find which sections will be covered for the coming lecture. But the pre-lecture quiz can only be found in WebAssign. 3. Q: where is homework related instruction? A: Beginning of the Resources page, 4. Q: where do I get help? A: (1) instructors office hours (2) discussion sessions (3) tutorial sessions (4) grading TA's office hours. Except for (2), all others are open to ALL sections. Up-to-date schedules can be found on course webpage 5. Q: Do I need to submit anything online for paper submission HW? A: No need. You can practice online, but the score will be overridden by your grading TA based on your solutions in paper. 6. Q: Why 0/10 score is shown for paper submission problems? OR Why the status is "unanswered"? A: These HW problems have to be manually graded and scores entered to the system. For over 300 students, there are only 2 grading TAs. Please be patient. 7. Score recording: webassgin vs D2L (1) Lab scores will be recorded on D2L. Lab scores will be entered in webassign only twice for (i) 6week report (ii) final grade. (2) All other scores will ONLY be recorded on webassign. Please understand that it takes time to upload scores for clicker questions, paper submission homework, and exams. Your patience is appreciated. 8. Announcement: Announcements will be posted on WebAssign.