Mathematical Genetics LMS Durham Symposium July 2004 The Ewens sampling formula and related formulas: combinatorial proofs, extensions to variable population size and applications to ages of alleles Robert C. GRIFFITHS University of Oxford Sabin LESSARD UniversiteĢ de MontreĢal 1 THEoRETTCALPOPULATTONBrOLocy 3, 87-172 (1972) The Sampling Theoryof Selectively NeutralAlleles* W. J. EwnNsr Department oJ Zoology, Uniaertity of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, TBZ\2 Received August 17, 7971 DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF KEN KOJIMA In this paper a beginning is made on the sampling theory of neutral alleles. That is, we consider deductive and subsequently inductive questions relating to a sample of genes from a selectively neutral locus. The inductions concern estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. In particular the test of the hypothesis that the alleles being sampled are indeed selectively neutral will be considered. In view of the large âmount of data currently being obtained by electrophoretic methods on allele frequencies and numbers, and the current interest in the possibility of extensive "non-Darwinian" evolution, such a sampling theory seems necessary. However, a large number of unsolved problems in this area remain, a partial listing being given towards the end of this paper. MenrEuerrcal TnEony A number of quantities will be consideredin this paper and it is useful to gather together the notations that will be used consistently throughout. W'e define. N - number of individuals in the parent (diploid) population (normally unknown) N, : effectivesize of parent population (normally unknown) : u mutation rate to entirely new alleles (normally unknown) z : number of individuals in sample (taken in generation/) K - number of alleles in the population in generation I (an unknown random variable) À : nurnber of different allelesobservedin the sample (a realizedvalue of a random variable) * Supportedby USPHSGrantGM-15769. t Current address: Mathematical Research Center, University of 'Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Permanent address: Department of Mathematics, La Trobe University, Bundoora 3083, Victoria, Australia. 87 @ l97Z by AcademicPress,Inc. q/€æ, ,:-1 , & ro. u.a.d: F,ap-,lfsz"6,n8o .-: t--1r'>h ç l l îrret frocheÇ&ç frr. - 'R,/,Arsçaw,/ TT{q CÔAT.ESCEi'iT f i l ! À ! ! e v v 4 KinEman J.F.C' The n-coalescent be calculateÔ foy a naturai n- embeCo.eo n are haploid genea togy , ranCom eqlli','- exchangeabrJ-ity, coupling, l'larkov j r:mp chain . an1, natural equivalence 1.. which a The n-coalescent For lni construc't prcce s s in of Fcr waY. relatj-cns, proc es s ' I. usef ul- to values all mo,Jel s , K e i r 1 . 1 e r d .:s G e n e t i c a l is Markov compI icate,S alence j r:rnp chai n . anc a discrete-tine coalescents in component s , a pure death two indeiienCeni more the chain of frorn a factorisation a cieepei- studi,., it s can prcbabi litie trans ition f ts populat i,on. prccess a larcre hacl-oiA n menbers d.rawn frcm sample cf into a m o n g ra fa-niiiy relationships the cribes which ies- states, set of on a f inite cliain Markov a coniinucus-ti-ne is Englani Oxf ord, of Uûi-rers-iti' Institute, Ii{athematical rha 'v:lç I relaticns n 1 r " n l . . o -a f lÀL^r:'vv- number on it, n, 2, 8-, tlenote the finite set o-i: rl ..., ecruirla.l-ence classes ni. of Fcr R. R' , ân, ienote . q .c o n t i n u o r i s ' - t i - n e b1' ,F. POPULATION GENETICS THEORY TIIE PAST AND THE FUTURE \V.J. Ewens Department of Mathematics Monash UniversitY Clayton, Victoria 3168 Australia and DePartrnent of BiologY University of PennsYlvania PhiladelPhia, PA 19104 U.S.A. ABSTRACT. Classical population genetics ttreory was largely directed lolv-ardsprocessesrelating to the future. present ft*ry, ùy'contrast, focuses on the past, and in particular is motivated by the desire to make inferences aboui'thé evolutionary processeswhich have led to the presently observed patterns and nature of genetic variation. There are inany connections between the classical prospective Ft9.y ld.the n.* r"t ofoctive theory. However, the retrospective theory introduces ideas not appearing in the classical theory, particularly those concerning the ancestry of the glnes in a sample or in the entire population- It also iitrbduces tw-oimportanr ne* disttibutions into ttre scientific literature, namely the Poisson-Dirichlet and the GEM: theseàre important not only in population genetics, but also in a very wide range in science and mathemarics. Sôme of these are diicussed. Population genetics theory has been grgatly à*"tUy the introduction of many new conceptsrelating to the past evolution of biological populations. 1. Introduction These notes are based on lectures given to an audience consisting of biologists, statsticians and mathematicians,and ttrey reflect the breadth of interests of the participants. I have prefened to seek out connectionsand analogiesbetween these disciplines rather than to pursue any topic in depth, to sho'whow questionsof interest to geneticistshave led to mathematical developmentsin areas quite different from biology, and how in tum various mathematical developments lead to a more complete understanding of the evolutionary process. The title does not imply an ambitious attempt to give an overview of population genetics theory. Rather, it can be interpreted in two different and more specific ways. First, it is intended to suggestthe view that even the most recent researchhas its origins in, and often borrows results from, the classical theory. Secondly, it reflects the view (the closing theme in Ewens (1979)) that the direction of interest in population geneticstheory is changing from the prospective to the retrospective. The classical theory, aiming to prove the validity of Darwinian evolution as a Mendelian process, was prospective and 177 S. lzssard (ed.), Matlunutical and Statistical Devetoprnentsof Evolwionary Theory, 177-227 @ 1990by Kluwer Acalemic Publishers. EWENS’ FORMULA n sampled genes n! n1 !···nk ! assignments of k types 1 × b !···b if types are unlabelled with bj being n! 1 the number of types represented j times ×n! orders of loss backward in time by mutation or coalescence, with the convention that one of the genes at random is lost when two coalesce 2 θ × i(θ+i−1) if the ith lost is the last of its type j−1 or i(θ+i−1) if it is the jth last of its type, for i = 1, ..., n, since we have the rates •iθ/2 for mutation among i genes •i(i − 1)/2 for coalescence among i genes •θ/2 for loss by mutation of a given gene •(j − 1)/2 for loss by coalescence of a given gene with one of j − 1 genes of the same type The multiplication of all terms gives n! b 1 1 ···nbn 1 θk · b !···b · n ! θ(θ+1)···(θ+n−1) 1 for the probability of having k types with bj types represented j times. 3 WATTERSON’S FORMULA (KINGMAN’S FORMULA IF θ = 0) n labelled genes traced back to m ancestral genes of types 1, ..., m n1 · · · nm possible ancestral genes ×(n − m)! orders of loss of the younger genes j−1 θ × i(θ+i−1) or i(θ+i−1) for i = m + 1, ..., n, and this gives Qk n ! l=1 l l=m+1 (nl −1)! i=m+1 i(θ+i−1) (n−m)!θk−m Qn Qm for the probability of having nl given genes of type l for l = 1, ..., m, m + 1, ..., k. 4 VARIABLE POPULATION SIZE WITH AGE-ORDERED TYPES TYPE 1 BEING THE OLDEST AND TYPE k THE YOUNGEST n! n1 !···nk ! assignments of k types Q P P × kl=1 nl · ( lν=1 nν − il ) · · · ( lν=1 nν − il+1 + 2) (ai) orders of loss with il genes remaining just before type l is lost by mutation for l = 1, ..., k (j−1)/λ(T ) θ i × i[θ+(i−1)/λ(T or i[θ+(i−1)/λ(Ti)] i )] given a time back of loss Ti when i genes remain and then a population size λ(Ti) relative to the present size, for i = 1, ..., n, which gives k−1 P ³Qθ ´ i aiE k l=1 nl ( Qk Qn l=2 λ(Til ) ) i=2 [θλ(Ti )+i−1] 5 LADDER INDICES AND HEIGHTS IN AN URN MODEL The probability of having age-ordered frequencies n1, ..., nk in a sample given mutation events when i1, ..., ik genes remain is Qk Pm k Y ( ν=1 nν − im)! l=2 (il − 1) · Pm−1 (n − 1)! ( m=1 ν=1 nν − im + 1)! This is also the probability that the successive maxima obtained by drawing balls labelled from 1 to n, at random and without replacement, have increments n1, ..., nk given that the successive maxima occur at the drawing numbers i1, ..., ik . 6 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION OF AGE-ORDERED FREQUENCIES As the sample size goes to infinity, the relative frequency of the lth oldest type, nl /n, given i1...., ik , is distributed as Q∞ ξl−1 ν=l (1 − ξν ) where all ξl are independent and have densities (il+1 − 1)(1 − z)il+1−2, 0 < z < 1. Moments and Laplace transforms of these frequencies can be deduced and then, in particular, the probability that the oldest type in the sample is the oldest in the population ¸ ³ ´ ·Q Pn θλ(T ) j k ∞ (1 − k−1 n E (−1) · j=2 k=1 k k+j−1 θλ(Tj )+j−1 ) All this is consistent with the GEM distribution for a population of constant size. 7 GENEALOGY OF A DERIVED TYPE A derived type represented r times in a sample of size n is lost by mutation at time back Tm+1 when there remain m+1 genes with probability P pm+1/( n−r j=1 pj+1 ) where pm+1 is à (n−1)!θ r · n−m−1 r−1 à n−1 r ! ! ½ ·E Qn λ(Tm+1) i=2 [θλ(Ti )+i−1] ¾ Then the distribution of the age of the derived type can be studied, by conditioning on m + 1, under assumptions about the population size and be approximated under conditions such as low θ, large n or small r, and similarly for the coalescence times of the genes of the derived type. 8 CONCLUSION Combinatorial arguments coupled with the coalescent approach may simplify the proofs of known results and lead to some new ones. 9