COLLEGE OF EDUCATION “Educators who ho are Builders of Knowledge, Values, and nd Community” EDUCATION 101- TEACHER CADET Credit Hours: 3 Beth Poole,, Professor of Record E-mail address: Descriptive Information This course is open to high school students at their respective high school who meet the admission criteria established by the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA). ). The course is designed to acquaint high school students with the role of the teacher and the teaching profession. A course fee of $100.00 is required. Rationale Students will gain knowledge of the role that education plays in today's society and will be given the opportunity to obtain an "early" look at teaching through campus and public school experiences. Observations and activities within cooperating schools are included at the early childhood, elementary, and secondary levels. Prerequisites The student must meet the criteria established by CERRA for admission into the teacher Cadet Program, including: • B average in college preparatory (or the equivalent) courses • Written teacher recommendations • Essay on why the student wants to participate in the class Relationship to Conceptual Framework The dispositional theme of the College of Education is “educators who are Builders of Knowledge, Values, alues, and Community Community.” This theme is integrated in this course by explaining how, as a future educator, the student can instill this disposition into their own lives for the benefit of their own learners. Response to Dispositions The teacher candidate is a bui builder of knowledge by being well-versed versed in the arts and sciences. This his is exemplified by research and informatio information n gathering for oral and written reports required for this class. The teacher candidate is a builder of values by understanding his or her own values and an beliefs and by using these in daily life. The teacher candidate is a builder of community by being sensitive to the multicultural nature of the community and valuing its pluralistic nature as a resource for learning and teaching. This disposition will be exemplified by the student by his/her participation in extra-curricular activities and volunteering at schools and in the community during this course. Statement on Academic Adjustments If you have a disability that may interfere with your learning, testing, or assignment completion in this course, you may be eligible to receive an academic adjustment to help provide you with an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from this course. Please contact your Guidance Counselor in your school’s Guidance Office who can advise you, determine reasonable adjustment, and notify your Teacher Cadet teacher or me of any adjustments for which you are eligible. Technology Integration It is expected that all students have a working knowledge of current technology to the extent that they are able to use PowerPoint, Smart Boards, and other software used in this class. An opportunity to practice the use of technology will be provided in the class assignments Objectives 1. To expose students to current issues in schooling and education through an on-going analysis of the educational system in society. 2. To introduce students to the skills and knowledge needed to become successful teachers and role models and to assist students in developing those skills. 3. To introduce students to planning for meeting the needs of all children in a diverse setting. 4. To provide experiences that will enable students to make realistic and informed decisions concerning the pursuit of a career in education. 5. To offer students an opportunity to examine their personal learning. 6. To provide students opportunities to research and discuss current issues and theories of study. Designated articles may be assigned by the team teachers for reflection and discussion. Class Activities The course instructor will meet with the Teacher Cadet class and interact through various assignments, which are stated in this syllabus. Textbook and materials No textbook is required for the Anderson University assignments. Students are provided access to the curriculum for the Teacher Cadet Course through their teaching partner at their high school. Areas of Instruction These following educational topics will be explored: Self Esteem Effective Schools Effective Teachers Goal Setting Learning Styles Multicultural Issue Children's Literature Theorists Child Development Professional Preparation Current Issues Technology Current educational issues will be discussed through student presentation and classroom discussions. Evaluation of Student Performance The following assignments will be used to assess student performance: • Autobiography • Newsletter article • Teacher interviews • Presentation Specific requirements and due dates will be provided at year beginning. Teacher Cadets Talk Information will be published each year featuring works by the Teacher Cadets in the Teacher Cadet Talks, an annual update of the Teacher Education Program at Anderson University. Each student will submit articles for publication. Submissions may be poems, opinion pieces, thoughts on the Teacher Cadet program, updates on class activities, etc. The deadline for the newsletter is the second week of February. Evaluation/Grading Scale College credit will be based on the grading scale provided below. Students must earn a grade of "C" or better and pass the high school portion of the course to receive college credit. It is expected that assignments will be submitted on time, even when students must be absent due to field trips in another class. Five (5) points per day will be deducted for each day that an assignment is late. Assignments will not be accepted after three days, except in cases of extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control and with the permission of the high school instructor. Grading scale based high school scale: A=93-100 B=85-92 C=77-84 D=70-76 F=Below 70 Final Grading will be shared between Teaching Partners and Instructor of Record. College Credit The course fee for Education 101, Teacher Cadet, is $100 if a student wishes to receive college credit through Anderson University. Three hours of elective credits will be awarded to the student by Anderson University upon completion of the course, if the student continues to pursue an undergraduate degree at Anderson University. The student who enters an undergraduate program at another institution should check with that institution’s Registrar to determine how much, if any, credit is awarded for the course by that institution. If you later attend any college or university other than Anderson University, you must request, in writing, a transcript from AU for your three (3) EDU 101 credits to be transferred to the college you are attending. Contact Anderson Central at 864.231.2070. Also….one can access the REGISTRAR via the AU Website. Requesting a Transcript With new federal guidelines…only the student registered for this course can request a transcript. The Student can contact Anderson Central by phone as listed above or contact the AU Registrar via the AU Website…either by email or phone. Dropping and Adding Courses At the beginning of the semester at Anderson University, there is a five day drop/add period. Any course dropped during the first two calendar weeks does not appear on the student record. There is a fee for dropping or adding any course after the drop/add periods. If a student does not attend class at all during the first two weeks of the academic term without prior agreement with the instructor, the student will be withdrawn by the instructor during the third week. If a Teacher Cadet student wishes to withdraw from the course without penalty, he/she must do so before October 1, 2015. If tuition ($100.00) is not paid by October 1. 2015, the student will be dropped from the roll, and college credit will not be awarded. A student who drops the course after October 1, 2015 will NOT receive a refund. EDU 101. TEACHER CADETS ASSIGNMENT 1: AUTOBIOGRAPHY Description of assignment: Each student will prepare an autobiography that will acquaint the college partner with the student's background, beliefs, and dreams. This paper is to be about you, your life up until the present, as well as some aspirations that you have. Describe how you became the person you are today. Tell me what is important to you—what do you value? Point value of assignment: 100 (20 % of total grade) Five points will be deducted each day the assignment is late. No papers will be accepted after 3 days. A rubric will be used to evaluate this paper. Requirements: Two-three typed pages, double-spaced, 11 or 12 pt. font Only use black ink when printing. The following prompts will help you in writing your autobiography. Your autobiography should be about you and not so much about your friends. Friends are important and information may be included; however, try to vary your paper with different information about your life. Personal events in families should be included only to indicate how these have affected you. Personal descriptions of events are not necessary. Anderson University’s Conceptual Framework describes what teacher candidates should know and be able to do as “builders of knowledge, values, and community” become professional educators. Students should be able to reflect on how they are incorporating this into their own lives. Therefore, this assignment will include information about you becoming a builder of knowledge, values, and community in your own life. Your autobiography should follow this format: Title Page with Picture The Beginning: Give a brief introduction of yourself and your family. Builder of Knowledge: Describe your academic achievements. List memberships in any honor organizations and your involvement in these. Be specific with names of memberships and organizations. Builder of Community: Tell about your community service up to this point. What have you been involved in outside of school? What are some of the areas for which you have volunteered and how has this influenced you as a person? Builder of Values: What or who has influenced you to be the person you are today? Can you think of things or persons that have had an impact on your life? What do you value? What is important to you? Additional: What other interests do you have? This section can contain church activities, hobbies, personal interests, etc. Conclusion: Where are you going from here? What are your goals? Do you have short term and long-term goals? Tell about these. ASSIGNMENT 2: NEWSLETTER ARTICLE Description of assignment: Students will submit a typed composition to be considered for publication in the Teacher Cadets Talk newsletter at Anderson University. Point value of assignment: 100 points (20 percent of total grade) 1. Submissions may be one of the following: • Poems (related to education) • Creative stories (related to education) • Opinion pieces on current educational issues • Updates of individual Teacher Cadet class activities • Thoughts on the Teacher Cadet program 2. Submissions must be typed or word -processed. (Double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font,) 3. Length of submissions should not exceed two (2) pages. 4. Deadlines for the each issue of the newsletter must be met. Five points will be deducted for each day that the assignment is late. No assignments will be accepted after 3 days. 5. Students will be graded on grammar, overall appearance, and quality of content. One point will be deducted for each grammar error. EDU 101. TEACHER CADETS ASSIGNMENT 3: TEACHER INTERVIEWS Description of assignment: After interviewing three teachers, students will be able to describe the factors that influence a teacher's satisfaction or displeasure with his/her career choice. Point value of assignment: 100 points (30 percent) Five points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. No assignment will be accepted by the college partner after three days. Classroom teachers may impose stricter guidelines for submitting assignments. Requirements: Students can interview up to three teachers. These have to be face-to-face interviews. None may be done via the Internet, Email, or simply handing a teacher a form to fill out. The interviews may not be with a college professor, a principal, a librarian, a guidance counselor, or any person who is not currently a lead teacher in a classroom in a public school. Teachers from a variety of public schools and/or grades may be interviewed, and it is permissible for all teachers interviewed to be employed in the same school. If a student has family members employed as teachers, only one family member may be interviewed. Students should feel free to ask other questions of special interest during the interviews. Students will be graded by a rubric, so they should follow the criteria included for the purpose of grading. After gathering information from the interviews, students will prepare a synthesis paper reflecting upon the information obtained in the interviews. The paper must be wordprocessed, double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font, with a minimum length of 2 pages and a maximum length of 4 pages. The following are suggestions for questions. Part I: • Similarities AND differences in what motivates a person to become a teacher • Aspects of teaching that are liked best by teachers • Aspects of teaching that are liked least by teachers • What you learned from these interviews and how you will use the information (Be specific.) • Common/unusual motivational and disciplinary techniques used by teachers • Teachers' perceptions of the school atmosphere where they work and how this influences student learning Part II: Reflection Discuss what you learned from the interviews and how you will use this information in the future. The paper should conclude with the writer's reaction to the information obtained. The writer should address the following issues: • Does the information encourage or discourage prospective teachers? In what way? • Do you agree with the teachers' perceptions of the school atmosphere and effectiveness? • Why or why not? What do you think about the impact on student learning? • What one (1) change would you recommend to increase teachers' satisfaction with their jobs? • Why do you think this would help? In addition to the synthesis paper, students must submit a Teacher Interview Validation Form, which includes the following information: • Name, school, and teaching position of each teacher interviewed • Date of each interview and signature of each teacher interviewed. Each teacher can be asked multiple questions to compare and contrast. EDU 101. TEACHER CADETS ASSIGNMENT 4: INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION Description of assignment: Students will select a topic of interest related to current issues in education. Information related to the topic will be collected and summarized. Each student will provide a topic guide similar to a lesson plan.. Students will also be required to present a 5-8 minute lesson on their chosen topic. Topic selections can be chosen from educational issues, information or subject matter related to the art of teaching and improving education. Other topics may be selected with the approval of the college partner. This assignment will be graded by a RUBRIC. Make sure you follow the rubric. Point value of assignment: 100 points (30 %) Five points per day will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. Requirements for the Topic Guide: 1. At least five (5) sources related to the selected topic must be used. Sources must be appropriately cited in a bibliography section. None may be earlier than 2005. At least one interview must be conducted in order to get information from a local perspective as this relates to your county or school. ONLY two may be from the Internet. 2. The CERRA format for a Lesson Plan in the Teacher Cadet Curriculum Guide can be used for this purpose. Simply add a Bibliography of said resources to this Topic Guide. 3. Or the student may design their own topic guide using the requirements listed below. Requirements for oral presentation: 1. Each presentation must include the following: • Definition/general description of topic, and student's reason for choosing topic • Key issues from a national, state, or local perspective • Quote and Statistical Data • Information obtained from interview or research concerning local implications (Ask district office personnel, school board members, your principal, guidance counselor, or another teacher.) • Student's recommendations for changes and/or improvements to the educational system as related to the selected topic 2. A visual aid must be used during student presentations. Some examples of visuals include the following: Power Point, overhead transparencies, videos, charts, posters, or activity, etc. College of Education “Educators who are builders of knowledge, values, and community” EDU 101. Teacher Cadet Scoring Rubric Assignment 1 Autobiography Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Beginning _______________ (10) Builder of Knowledge _______________ (10) Builder of Community _______________ (10) Builder of Values _______________ __ (10) Title Page with Picture _______________ (10) Summary Closure _______________ (10) Grammar and Primary Requirements *Spelling/Punctuation (1/2 pt. each) _______________ (20) Creativity exceeds requirements and meets collegiate _______________ (7) (7 Overall Impression _______________ (8) (8 Rubric Attached _______________ (5) Total Score _______________ (100) College of Education “Educators who are builders of knowledge, values, and community” EDU 101. Teacher Cadet Scoring Rubric Assignment 3 Teacher Interviews Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________ School: ___________________________________________ Score: _________________________ Appearance of paper Typed, double spaced with 12 or 14 font Proper Grammar and Spelling Signage sheet attached (turned into school site instructor) _______________ (13) (13 Creativity Creativity exceeds required & meets collegiate level work ________________ _______________ (7) Introduction _______________ (20)) (20) Content (Summary of Interviews) A. Introduction B. Similarities/differences in what motivates the person interviewed to teach C. Aspects that are liked best/least by each teacher D. Common/unusual motivational and disc disciplinary techniques E. Teacher’s perceptions of school atmosphere What did you learn? Be specific. I learned… How will you use this information in the future? Be specific. _______________ (10) _______________ (10) Conclusion/Reflection _______________ _________ (30) (At a minimum, include the information below) Does the information you gathered encourage or discourage prospective teachers to go into the field? In what way? Do you agree/disagree with teacher’s perceptions of school atmosphere? In wh what way? What one change would you recommend to increase teachers’ Satisfaction with their jobs? College of Education “Educators who are builders of knowledge, values, and community” EDU 101. Teacher Cadet Teacher Interview Validation Form 1. Name _______________________________________ School _______________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Teaching Position ______________________________ Signature _____________________________________ 2. Name _______________________________________ School _______________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Teaching Position ______________________________ Signature _____________________________________ 3. Name ____________ _______________________________________ School _______________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Teaching Position ______________________________ Signature _____________________________________ College of Education “Educators who are builders of knowledge, values, and community” EDU 101. Teacher Cadet Scoring Rubric Assignment 4 Informational Presentation Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________ School: ___________________________________________ Score: _________________________ WRITTEN and BASIC Creativity exceeds basic requirements and meets collegiate standards _________ (7) (7 5 current sources used with none listed earlier than 2005. (Of the 5, only 2 may be from the internet. One must be an interview.) _________ ______ (13) Content (5 points each): (contained in handout or lesson plan) _________ (30) Introduction General description of the topic Statistical information provided (at least 3 examples) Quote included from research or interview ((related to topic) Description of how the topic affects education locally or nationally Grammar ORAL: Use of time (5-minute minute minimum, 10 maximum) Presentation (includes a visual or question to gain audience attention) Presentation includes activity or visual aid Presence (correct grammar used and student looks at audience audience- does not read from paper or brochure) Content (10 points each): Topic defined (described with reasons for choosing topic) Key issues presented along with local implications (as well as your future, and education.) _________ (5) _________ (5) _________ (5) _________ ________ (5) _________ (30) College of Education “Educators who are builders of knowledge, values, and community” Assignment 2 Teacher’s Talk Newsletter for Anderson University First of all this assignment is a privilege! This is an opportunity to be published which is rated very highly by Academia now! You can an choose to write a short essay, topic paper, a reflection on an experience you have had in Teacher Cadet class, or within the community…. but allow it to reflect in some way on education. Anderson wants to be able to share your experiences and thoughts. If your paper ends up being one of the ones chosen from your school it will be published in this Newsletter prior to school end. Each school can have up to (2) papers selected…. The grading ing on this assignment is strict. The reward is being published. 12 POINT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES FIVE POINTS DEDUCTED FOR LATENESS EACH DAY ANY SPELLING OR GRAMMAR ERRORS INCUR AN AUTOMATIC ONE POINT DEDUCTION CREATIVITY SHOULD BE OF THE COLLEGIATE LEVEL AND EXCEED ALL EXPECTATIONS (AUTOMATIC SEVE SEVEN POINT DEDUCTION)