SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE How to Start Your Strategy SM Guide SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE Social Media is no longer an option for communicating with clients and prospects, it is expected. If you are not using social media, questioning its value, or wondering if your efforts are getting lost in the mass of information, take a look at some of the latest statistics from a study performed by Cogent Research and LinkedIn. 52% Of Investors Would Connect With Their Financial Advisor If Given The Opportunity BRAND PERCEPTION Is Improved With Active Use Of Social Media MORE THAN 90% Of High Net Worth Investors Use Social Media HIGH NET WORTH INVESTORS ARE USING SOCIAL MEDIA ARE YOU? 46% Of Investors Using Social Media Do Not Have A Financial Advisor 56.8 YEARS The Average Age Of The HNW Investor/Social Media User 5 Million Investors Use Social Media To Research Their Financial Decisions The study clearly shows that financial advisors have an opportunity to connect with high net worth investors and increase brand awareness. Presented with the adoption rates of clients and prospective clients utilizing social media, advisors are facing their fears head on by linking social media strategies to over-all business and marketing goals. Ironstone’s Social Media Implementation guide is the foundation to begin your social media functions, not the entire process. Review the following guide and become acquainted with the procedures. Make notes, generate questions, and collect your thoughts to kick off your social media process. • 800.917.8020 • 1 SM Guide SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE 1. Goal Planning Goal planning is crucial to determine the strategies you will implement for a social media plan. Begin the process by assessing your firm’s current goals along with the marketing strategies assigned to reach each goal. Contact Ironstone to inquire how we can support you with an in-depth social media and competitive landscape evaluation. 800.917.8020 · Visit Ironstone’s Website · 2. Social Media Implementation Process The preliminary information you gather for the categories listed below will establish the foundation for you to implement a strategic social media plan and/or identify gaps in your existing social media process. Don’t want to go for it alone? Ironstone will support you as you implement your social media platform to ensure a solid strategy. Once you have worked your way through this guide, contact us and let us know how we can help. Social Media Goals Firm Marketing Plan If your firm is utilizing social media, gather these additional documents: Social Media Marketing Plan Social Media Standard Operating Procedures Social Media Policy Photo courtesy of ©iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images • 800.917.8020 • 2 SM Guide SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION CHECKLIST Keep yourself on task as you go through the process of implementing social media ACTION ITEM PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media Glossary Introduction To Social Media Networks SOCIAL MEDIA GOAL PLANNING Identify Your Firm Goals & Social Media Goals PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIT Ironstone Social Media & Competitive Landscape Audit SOCIAL MEDIA COMPLIANCE Create A Social Media Policy SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIC STEPS Assign Responsibility Identify Target Market Demographic Mapping Choose Social Media Networks Optimize by Profile Creation Content Editorial Calendars Social Business Building Track & Measure Client Feedback ACTION PLAN • 800.917.8020 • 3 SM Guide GOAL PLANNING Assess the goals of your firm by completing Ironstone’s Goal Tracking Poster. Include your current marketing processes and strategies you have established to reach each goal. Determining the overall goals of your firm is crucial in order to clarify the strategies you will use to implement your social media plan. This provides the framework you will follow to ensure a successful social media process. • 800.917.8020 • 4 SM Guide SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Below is an outline of the social media implementation process to help you execute a plan, enhance and/or identify gaps in your existing plan. 1. Social Media Terms For Advisors The internet is a vessel for new tools and trends. New words and phrases are created for every new tool introduced. Becoming familiar with social media lingo is key to engage with your online community. Ironstone has created a list of social media terms to help you get started. Download Ironstone’s Social Media Terms for Advisors. 2. Assign Social Media Responsibility Throughout the implementation of a social media plan, you may find multiple team members can contribute to the overall success of your strategy. Determine the primary responsibilities and the key team member(s) who will own the tasks, review frequently to stay on target, and update for future assignments. TEAM MEMBER RESPONSIBLE SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY STEPS Primary Social Media Contact Additional Team Members Involved In Social Media Implementation Other Areas Of Responsibility: Define Target Market Demographic Mapping Identify Social Media Networks Optimize Profile Creation Content Editorial Calendar Social Business Building Track & Measure Client Feedback 3. Identify Target Market(s) A target market is the group of people your firm has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately your products and services. A well-defined target market is the first element to a marketing strategy. Create a successful marketing/social media plan by becoming familiar with all aspects of your desired audience. Describe each of the following elements within your target market. IDENTIFY TARGET MARKET(S) NOTES Ideal Client Broad Target Market(s) Niche Market(s) New Client Requirements Age Group & Geographical Radius Competitor Target Market • 800.917.8020 • 5 SM Guide SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS 4. Demographic Mapping Mapping your clients, prospects, and centers of influence demographics provides you with two key answers to your social media strategy - the social media networks that you engage and the content you need to provide. Start by mapping your top 20 clients, prospects, and centers of influence. DEMOGRAPHIC MAPPING Identify Your Top 20 Clients, Prospects and COIs What Social Media Networks Are They Utilizing? What Is Their Age Group? What Is Their Niche Market? What Are Their Needs? NOTES 5. Optimized Profile Creation Implementing social media and creating active online profiles benefits your firm with increased search engine optimization. Search engines consider social media profiles as authoritative sources; presenting a simple, cost-effective method to increase your search ranking, name recognition, and brand awareness for your firm. Identify keywords to optimize each of your social media profiles. KEY WORD EXAMPLES Financial Advisor Financial Planner Retirement Planning Wealth Management Tax Planning Estate Planning Financial Planning Investments IDENTIFY YOUR UNIQUE KEYWORDS AND PHRASES Get into the heads of those who will be searching for you by asking, “What terms would others use to find me?” 6. Editorial Calendar The core of any conversation is content whether it is in person, through social media, marketing materials, or other client communication. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by utilizing an editorial calendar to identify content that will provide your clients and prospects with solutions and a solid strategy for your firm. Use an editorial calendar to identify the following content elements. CALENDAR CONTENTS NOTES What Content Will Be Published Frequency Of Posting & Publishing Utilize an editorial calendar to provide you with a content guide and allow Target Audiences you to have fun rather than becoming overwhelmed. Monthly & Weekly Themes Company Events Titles for Blogs & Research Articles Publishing Deadlines • 800.917.8020 • 6 SM Guide SOCIAL MEDIA IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS 7. Track & Measure One of the most frequently asked questions is, “What is the ROI on social media?” Return on investment can be measured in multiple ways and must be aligned with your overall business goals. Lay the measurement foundation by defining the specific areas you want to track and realistic goals to achieve. WHAT SHOULD I MEASURE? NOTES Activity Based Performance Results Based Performance Exposure Influence Engagement Action/Conversion Activity based performance measures likes, shares, and follows while results based performance measures conversion rates. Photo courtesy of ©iStock/Thinkstock/ Getty Images Copyright © 2014 Ironstone. All rights reserved. Disclosure: We have provided this document for informational purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult with your compliance department prior to engaging on any social networking site. • 800.917.8020 • 7