Social Media implementation

Social media company wide implementation setup
This checklist is for the individual who is heading up the implementation of employees social media
accounts companywide. This is not designed to be shared with all employees.
All employees who will be receiving this email have access to social media sites, specifically
twitter and LinkedIn.
Company twitter account is setup
Copy and Paste the email text into your email software
Continue to add new employee followers to your employee lists on twitter
Personal LinkedIn profile is setup
Company profile page on LinkedIn is setup (how to setup if not already live)
Select which email is right for your employees from the e-kit
□ Email 1: Select if your employees currently have access to twitter and LinkedIn
□ Email 2: Select if your employees will be given access to social media for the first time to
complete this
Customize the email, specifically anything in [brackets and red text]
Attach to email the twitter/LinkedIn guide from your e-kit
Double check and attachment is attached
Send email
Read twitters guide on how to create a list on twitter to track all of your employees who follow
your company twitter account. Select “private list” when the option appears. How to create a
twitter list
Extra time and want to learn more about Social Media Strategies? Checkout HubSpot’s
Marketing Hubs on Social Media
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