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Introduction to law
Law Student Survival Guide: 9 steps to Law Study
Success, 2nd Edition
Step One: Check your desk!
Step Two: Set yourself up for study
Step Three: Write a Weekly Schedule
Step Four: Study Techniques
Step Five: Study Notes and exam notes
Step Six: How to do a law exam
Step Seven: Researching and writing
Step Eight: Avoid procrastination! Never give up!
Step Nine: All the other things you need to know
Legal Reasoning
Australian Legal Institutions: Principles, Structure
& Organisations, 2nd edition
1. The Nature of Law
2. The Australian Legal System and Sources of Law
3. Types of Law: Public Law
4. Types of Law: Private Law
5. Constitutional Structure I: The Constitutions of the Australian States
6. Constitutional Structure II: The Australian Federal Constitution
7. The Court System
8. The Judiciary
9. The Principles of Judicial Decision-Making The Parliament and the
Legislative Process
10.The Executive
11. The Legal Profession
12.Other Legal Actors
13.Emerging Trends and Recent Developments
A Practical Guide to Legal Research, 2nd Edition
Part I – The Australian legal system
1. The Research problem
2. The Law online
3. Legislative material
4. Case law
5. Commentary on the law
6. Commercial law
Part II – Other legal systems (Comparative law)
7. United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada
8. United States
9. The European Union
10. Conflict of laws and international trade law
11. Public international law
1. The Nature and Functions of Law
2. The Historical Development of the Legal Process
3. An Outline of the Modern Legal Process
4. Methods of Social Control through Law
5. Traditional Classifications of Law
6. Law and Fact
7. Fact Finding and Dispute Resolution
8. How Lawyers Think
9. Case Law
10. Legislation
11. The Legal Process in Operation – The Development of Liability and
Compensation for Personal Injury
12. Codes and Codification
13. Doctrine and Reputation
14. Fallacies in Legal Reasoning
15.Social Change and Law Reform
16.Comparative Legal Cultures
17. International Influences
18. Human Rights in Australia and New Zealand
19. Law, Justice and Policy
20.Law and the Information Revolution
Principles and Practice of Australian Law, 2nd Edition
Nature and Sources of Law
Origins of the Australian Legal System
The Constitutional Framework
Legal Institutions and Processes
Access to Law
Judicial Decision-making: Common Law
Statutory Interpretation
Law in Practice
Research and Writing in Law, 3rd Edition
Part I — Formulating and Writing Your Legal Research Project
1. Setting the Scene: Research and Writing in Context
2. Standard Doctrinal Research Methodologies
3. Additional Legal Research Frameworks
4. Basic Electronic Research Techniques
5. Social Science Methodologies for Lawyers
6. Formulating a Research Topic
7. Refining the Topic and Thesis
8. Legal Writing Basics
Part II — Checklists for Locating and Validating the Law
1. General — How Do You Find
2. Australia — How Do You Find
3. Australian Capital Territory — How Do You Find
4. New South Wales — How Do You Find
5. Northern Territory — How Do You Find
6. Queensland — How Do You Find
7. South Australia — How Do You Find
8. Tasmania — How Do You Find
9. Victoria — How Do You Find
10. Western Australia — How Do You Find
11. England — How Do You Find
12. Canada — How Do You Find
13. United States — How Do You Find
14. European Union Law — How Do You Find
15. New Zealand — How Do You Find
16. India — How Do You Find
Skills, Ethics and Values for Legal Practice, 2nd Edition
1. The Role of Skills, Ethics and Values in Legal Practice
2. Ethics, Values and Professional Responsibilities
3. Client Interviewing
4. Legal Analysis and Problem-Solving
5. Legal Research
6. Legal Writing
7. Dispute Resolution
8. Negotiation
9. Mediation and Collaborative Law
Tradition and Change in Australian Law, 4th Edition
1. The Tradition of Law in Australia
2. The Western Idea of Law
3. The Development of Common Law, Equity and Statute
4. Constitutional Law and the Westminster System f Government
5. Government and Law in Colonial Australia
6. Australian Federation and the path to a Republic
7. The Court System in he Australian Federation
8. Tradition and Change in Legal Reasoning
9. Interpreting Statutes
10.The Challenge of Inclusion
Understanding the Australian Legal System, 6th Edition
1. Studying law
2. The Sources of Australian Law
3. The Law-Making Process
4. The Legal System
5. Precedent
6. The Interpretation of Statutes
7. Contracts and Commercial Dealings
8. Torts
9. Some Basic Legal Concepts
A Guide to Business Law, 19th Edition
Introduction to the Australian legal system
Legal institutions
Introduction to torts (negligence)
Defamation and privacy
Legal aspects of business (business structures and relationships)
Legal aspects of business (commercial applications of intellectual
7. Cheques and associated transactions
8. Introduction to the law of contracts
9. Intention to enter into a legal relationship
11. Consideration
12.Capacity (to make a contract)
13. Real or genuine consent
15.Discharge of contracts and remedies for breach of contract
16.Real and personal property
17. Debt recovery and bankruptcy
18.State consumer protection laws
19.Commonwealth consumer protection laws
20.The National Australian Consumer Law Regime
23.Employment and industrial law
24.Business Ethics
Australian Commercial Law, 28th Edition
1. The Australian Legal System
Part 2: Law of Contract
2. Introduction to the Law of Contract
3. Offer and Acceptance
4. Intention to Create Legal Relations
5. Consideration, Promissory Estoppel and Formalities
6. Contractual Capacity
7. Consent of Parties: Mistake, Misrepresentation and Unconscionable
8. Legality of Object
9. Contents and Interpretation of the Contract
10. Operation of the Contract
11. Termination of a Contract
12. Remedies
Part 3: Commercial Transactions
13. Agency
14. Sale of Goods
15. International Sales Contracts
16. The Law of Electronic Commerce
17. Consumer Protection
18. Restrictive Trade Practices
19. Credit Law
23.Negotiable Instruments I: Bills of Exchange
24.Negotiable Instruments II: Cheques
Part 4: Business Organisation
27.Company Law
Part 5: Allied Areas of Law
28.Law of Torts
29.Law of Trusts
30.Intellectual Property
31. Bankruptcy
32.Workplace Relations
33.Criminal Law
34.Business Ethics
Commercial Law: Commentary and Materials, 3rd Edition
1. Introducing Australian Commercial Law: Beginnings, Influences and
the Future
2. The Nature of Personal Property
3. Transfer of Ownership
4. Bailment
5. Agency
Part III Transfer of Property in Goods
6. The Contract of Sale
7. Transfer of Property
8. Reservation of Title
9. The Transfer of Title (By Non-owner)
10. The Regulatory Regimes
11. When is Conduct Misleading?
12. Future, Further, Unfair
13. Unconscionability
14. Introduction and Express Terms
15. Implied Terms
16. Product Liability — Defective Goods Causing Injury and Loss
17. Security Interests Over Personal Property
18. Consumer Credit
19. Negotiable Instruments
20.Sale of Goods
21.Trade Practices
Business and Law in Australia
1. The Australian Legal System
2. Introduction to the Law of Contract
3. Offer and Acceptance
4. Intention to Create Legal Relations
5. Consideration, Estoppel and Formalities
6. Contractual Capacity
7. Consent of Parties: Mistake, Misrepresentation and Unconscionable Contracts
8. Legality of object
9. Contents and interpretation of the contract
10.The operation of the contract
11. Termination of a contract
12.Remedies and restitution
14.Sale of Goods
15.International Sales Contracts
16.The Law of Electronic Commerce
17. Consumer Protection
18.Restrictive Trade Practices
19.Credit Law
23.Negotiable Instruments I: Bills of Exchange
24.Negotiable Instruments II: Cheques
27.Company aw
28.Law of Torts
29.Law of Trusts
30.Intellectual Property
31. Bankruptcy
32.Criminal Law
33.Business Ethics
Contract: Cases and Materials, 12th Edition
Part I Introduction
An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 7th Edition
1. An Introduction to the Australian Legal System
2. An Introduction to Contract
3. The Offer
4. Acceptance
5. Intention to be Bound
6. Consideration
7. Capacity to Contract
8. Privity of Contract
9. Contents of a Contract
10.Exempting, Excluding and Limiting Terms
11. Mistake
13. Duress, Undue Influence and Unconscionability
14.Illegal and Void Contracts
15.Discharging a Contract
1. The Nature Of Contract
2. The Place Of Contract Within Private Law
Part II Formation
3. Agreement
4. Consideration
5. Intention
6. Certainty
7. Formalities
8. Capacity
Part III Detrimental Reliance And Unjust Enrichment
9. Estoppel
10. Restitution
Part IV Parties
11. Privity
Part V Express Terms
12. Identifying The Express Terms (including extrinsic evidence)
13. Construing The Terms (including extrinsic evidence)
Part VI Gap Filling
14. Implied Terms (including the duty of good faith)
15. Frustration
Part VII Consumer Contracts under the Australian Consumer Law
16. Consumer Guarantees
17. Unfair Contract Terms
Part VIII Performance And Breach
18. Performance And Breach
Part IX Termination
19. Termination By Agreement
20. Failure Of A Contingent Condition
21. Termination For Breach
22. Termination For Repudiation
23. Termination For Delay
24. Consequences Of Affirmation Or Termination
25. Restrictions
Part X Remedies For Breach
26. The Measure Of Damages
27. Limitations On The Award Of Damages
28. Liquidated Damages And Penalties
29. Actions For Debt
30. Specific Performance And Injunctions
Part XI Vitiating Factors
A. Misinformation: Mistake. Misrepresentation. Misleading And
Deceptive Conduct.
B. Abuse Of Power: Duress. Undue Influence. Unconscionable
Dealing. Impropriety By Third Parties. Statutory Unconscionability
And Unfair Terms.
C. Remedies: Rescission.
D. llegality: Contracts Prohibited By Statute. Contracts Prohibited At
Common Law. The Consequences Of Illegality.
Principles of Contract Law, 4th Edition
corporations law
Part I Introduction
1. The Nature Of Contract
2. The Place Of Contract Within Private Law
Part II Formation
3. Agreement
4. Consideration
5. Intention
6. Certainty
7. Formalities
8. Capacity
Part III Detrimental Reliance And Unjust Enrichment
9. Estoppel
10. Restitution
Part IV Parties
11. Privity
Part V Express Terms
12. Identifying The Express Terms (including extrinsic evidence)
13. Construing The Terms (including extrinsic evidence)
Part VI Gap Filling
14. Implied Terms (including the duty of good faith)
15. Frustration
Part VII Consumer Contracts under the Australian Consumer Law
16. Consumer Guarantees
17. Unfair Contract Terms
Part VIII Performance And Breach
18. Performance And Breach
Part IX Termination
19. Termination By Agreement
20. Failure Of A Contingent Condition
21. Termination For Breach
22. Termination For Repudiation
23. Termination For Delay
24. Consequences Of Affirmation Or Termination
25. Restrictions
Part X Remedies For Breach
26. The Measure Of Damages
27. Limitations On The Award Of Damages
28. Liquidated Damages And Penalties
29. Actions For Debt
30. Specific Performance And Injunctions
Part XI Vitiating Factors
A. Misinformation: Mistake. Misrepresentation. Misleading And
Deceptive Conduct.
B. Abuse Of Power: Duress. Undue Influence. Unconscionable
Dealing. Impropriety By Third Parties. Unconscionable Conduct
under Statute.
C. Remedies: Rescission.
D. Illegality: Contracts Prohibited By Statute. Contracts Prohibited At
Common Law. The Consequences Of Illegality. Reform Of Illegal
Contracts Law. Appendix: The Australian Consumer Law
Companies and Securities: Commentary and Materials,
5th Edition
1. 2.
The Historical, Institutional and Social Context of Corporate Law
The Corporate Life Cycle Some Consequences of Corporate Personality
Directors and Managers
Shareholders Acting Collectively: The Company in
General Meeting
7. The Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Managers
8. Shareholder Remedies
9. Corporate Finance
10.Corporate Fundraising
11. Securities Market Regulation
Corporations Law: In Principle, 8th Edition
1. History, Administration and Reform
2. Types of Companies
3. Registration
4. Consequences of Registration
5. Internal Rules
6. Management of Companies
7. Corporate Liability: Contract, Tort and Crime
8. Promoters and Pre-Registration Contracts
9. Membership
11. Directors’ Duties— Part 1 Duty of Care, Skill & Diligence
12.Directors’ Duties — Part 2 Good Faith & Proper Purpose
13. Directors’ Duties — Part 3 Conflict of Interest & Disclosure
14.Members’ Rights and Remedies
15.Financial Reports and Audit
16.Share Capital — General Nature
17. Classes of Shares
18.Transactions Affecting Share Capital
20.Loan Capital
22.Financial Services, Products and Markets
24.External Administration
25.Partnerships and Incorporated Associations
The Company Law Notes, 4th Edition
1. Agency
2. Comparison of Business Organisations
3. History and Legislative Framework of Company Law
4. Types of Companies
5. Registration and its Effects
6. Constitution and Replaceable Rules
7. Company Liability in Contract
8. Company Liability in Tort and Crime
9. Promoters and Pre-registration Contracts
10. Company Financing
11. Fundraising
12. Share Capital
13. Dividends
14. Debentures and Loan Capital
15. Directors and Management
16. Directors’ Fiduciary Duties
17. Directors’ Statutory Duties
18. Remedies and Penalties for Directors’ Breach
19. Financial and Reporting Obligations
20. Auditors
21. ASIC Investigation
22. Members’ Rights
23. Members Meetings
24. Takeovers
25. Financial Services and Markets
26. Insolvency
27. Arrangements and Reconstructions
28. Voluntary Administration
29. Receivership
30. Liquidation
31. Company Regulation in the Trade Practices Act
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