

Wilmington, North Carolina

Web Site: www.uncw.edu;

Exchange Application: http://www.uncw.edu/intprogs/InternationalExchangeStudentApplicationInstructions.html

Available spaces for academic year 2014/2015: 2 students per year or 4 exchange semesters total

Application Deadlines: March 1 (Fall semester); October 1 (Spring Semester)

Costs: The USFQ exchangee will incur the following expenses:

USFQ tuition (not registration fees) and airfare

Room: $5800 per year / $2900 per semester

Board: $3200 per year / $1600 per semester

Medical Insurance: $1380 per year / $690 per semester

Fees: $48 per year / $34 per semester

Books: $600 per year / $300 per semester (estimated amount, student may find less expensive options)

Estimated Living expenses:

Total per year: approx. amount $3000 per year /$1500 per semester

$14,258 (airfare and personal expenses not included)

Total per semester: $7,129 (airfare and personal expenses not included)

Requirements: TOEFL score 71 (Internet Based)

Number of students (at your university): 13000

Strengths/Programs/Majors Example: Anthropology, Art History, Biology, Chemistry,

Biochemistry, Communication Studies, Creative Writing, Criminology and Criminal Justice,

Computer Science, Literature, Professional Writing, English, Environmental Studies, Film

Studies, French, German Studies, Geography, Geology, History, Marine Biology ,

Mathematics, Music Education, Music Performance Vocal, Philosophy, Physics, Political

Science, Psychology, Parks & Recreation Management, Parks & Recreation, Therapeutic

Recreation, Exercise Science, Physical Education, Health, Sociology, Spanish, Teacher

Licensure, Statistics, Social Work, Theatre, Education of Young Children, Elementary

Education, Middle Grades Education, Special Education - Adapted Curriculum Track, Special

Education - General Curriculum Track, Accountancy, Economics, Entrepreneurship and

Business Development, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems,

International Business, Management and Leadership, Marketing, Operations Management

Very Important The following programs have limited offering for exchange students:

Nursing, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Theatre, Exercise Science, Health, Physical

Education, and Recreation. If you wish to study in any of the above programs, you may need to submit your course requests early and be flexible in the courses you are willing to take.

Nota: Los valores mencionados en el rubro de costos fueron proporcionados por cada universidad. Son únicamente referencia y pueden variar

Restrictions: Exchange students are not allowed to take classes in UNCW’s IMBA program.

Information about courses: UNCW’s undergraduate catalog: http://www.uncw.edu/catalogue

Reviewing courses offered by term: To find course information for the upcoming semester (Spring 2014), go to SeaNet ( https://seanet.uncw.edu/ ) select "Detailed Class

Schedule", then choose the upcoming term (Spring 2014). Choose the subject you are searching for in the “Subject:” box. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click ‘Class


Information to obtain the visa: Students must prove that they have a bank account with sufficient funds to cover the exchange period ($14,258/year or $7,129/semester).

Nota: Los valores mencionados en el rubro de costos fueron proporcionados por cada universidad. Son únicamente referencia y pueden variar
