THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE MINISTRY OF SOCIAL SECURITY AND LABOUR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING STANDARD FOR A BANK OPERATION MANAGER Vocational education level 3 Vilnius, 2008 PROFESINIO MOKYMO METODIKOS CENTRAS EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas ŠVIETIMO IR MOKSLO MINISTERIJA KURKIME ATEITĮ DRAUGE ! Development of the Standard was financed by European Union and by the Republic of Lithuania under the Project No BPD2004-ESF-2.4.0-01-04/0156 “Development of the System of VET Standards” Development of the Standard was coordinated by the Methodological Centre for Vocational Education and Training © Profesinio mokymo metodikos centras, 2008 APPROVED by Order No ISAK-1970/A1-279 of the Minister Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 October, 2007 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING STANDARD FOR A BANK OPERATION MANAGER I. DETAILS OF THE VET STANDARD 1. 2. 3. 4. Vocational education level – 3rd. State code – S334301. Qualification awarded – bank operation manager. Basic education – secondary. II. CONTENT OF THE VET STANDARD 5. Brief description of occupational activity: 5.1. The VET Standard for a bank operation manager (hereinafter referred to as “the Standard”) has been developed taking into account changes on the labour market, findings of the qualification study carried out by the Standards Development Working Group. 5.2. The Standard defines the minimum training requirements for a bank operation manager for working in the following main activity areas: customer service; sales of retail bank products; document handling. 5.3. A Bank operation manager is well aware of the offered services; is able to assess customer needs and sell bank services to the customer (is able to compare the services and inform the customer about their advantages). A Bank operation manager is aware of other bank products and, if need be, is able to recommend the customer another specialist. 5.4. A bank operation manager prepares the work place for work, presents and sells bank products, handles deposit accounts, performs cash transactions, performs transactions upon the request of a customer. A bank operation manager is aware of the communication ethics and assesses customer needs. 5.5. A Bank operation manager is characterised by the following personal qualities: honesty, carefulness, personal responsibility, self-confidence, vitality, activity. 6. The Objective of a bank operation manager to provide customer service and sell retail bank products. 7. A bank operation manager’s activity areas and competencies are listed in Appendix 1 of the Standard. 8. The scope of a bank operation manager’s competencies, training objectives and competency assessment are provided in Appendix 2 of the Standard. . 9.Successful work as a bank operation manager requires the following general capabilities: 9.1. communication; 9.2. mathematical literacy; 9.3. use of information technologies; 9.4. work in a team; 9.5. language skills; 9.6. helpfulness; 9.7. pro-activeness. 10. Final qualification assessment: 10.1. Qualification of a bank operation manager is awarded to a pupil who has completed the whole training programme, acquired competencies defined in the Standard and has been given a positive final qualification evaluation. 10.2. In accordance with the competency assessment criteria listed in the Standard, the following is tested and evaluated: 10.2.1. during the training process - all competencies defined in the Standard; 10.2.2. during the final qualification assessment - selected competencies. 10.3. Organisation and performance of the final qualification assessment and issuance of documents is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. _______________________ Appendix 1 to the VET Standard for a bank operation manager AREAS OF ACTIVITY AND COMPETENCIES OF A BANK OPERATION MANAGER Areas of Activity 1. Customer service Competencies 1.1. Preparing the work place for work 1.2. Providing customer service 1.3. Applying documents regulating the bank activity 1.4. Performing cash transactions upon customer’s request 1.5. Performing bank transfers upon customer’s request 1.6. Using information technologies 2. Sales of retail bank products 2.1. Handling bank accounts and bank cards 2.2. Handling deposit accounts 2.3. Providing direct debit service 2.4. Providing electronic services 2.5. Selling pension fund service 3. Document handling 3.1. Drafting and approving daily statements 3.2. Handling document files 3.3. Drafting certificates for customers _____________________________ 1. Customer service Activity Areas 1.2. Provide customer service Telephone conversation ethics and tactics. Professional behaviour Description of Competencies Competencies Range of Competencies 1.1. Prepare the work Installation of computer hardware and place for work other equipment. Assessment of need of forms, marketing material and ensuring the required amount in stock. Ensuring document security. Switching off computer hardware and adhering to safety at work instructions. 1.2.1. Knowing the opening and closing phrases during the telephone conversation 1.2.2. Applying communication ethics 1.1.1. Knowing the requirements and rules for the work place 1.1.2. Working with information technologies 1.1.3. Knowing the inventory used at work 1.1.4. Knowing banking marketing material and forms. 1.1.5. Knowing the requirements for document storage of daily transactions 1.1.6. Knowing safety at work requirements Training Objectives Competency Assessment Prepared work place in accordance to the bank requirements. Demonstrated registration with information systems. Listed inventory used for work. Described bank marketing material and forms. Described storage of daily bank transaction documents. Demonstrated signing off the information systems. Explained storage of inventory at the end of the working day. Listed and commented opening and closing phrases used during the RANGE OF BANK OPERATION MANAGER’S COMPETENCIES, TRAINING OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT Appendix 2 to the VET Standard for a bank operation manager 1.5. Perform bank 1.4. Perform cash transactions upon customer’s request 1.3. Apply documents regulating the bank activity Official instructions. Customer service provisions. Internal work regulations. Descriptions of bank retail product procedure. Money receipt. Money disbursement. Types of cheques. Verification of the money. Exchange operations. Accepting taxes and payments. Purchase of currency. Sale of currency. Data entries into information systems. Payment orders. norms. Management of emotions. Art of language. Conflicts and their resolution. 1.5.1. Fill in a local payment order 1.4.1. Establishing the authenticity of the money 1.4.2. Grouping Traveller‘s cheques 1.4.3. Filling in a bank cheque 1.4.4. Recognising different currencies 1.4.5. Currency exchange 1.4.6. Registering currency exchange in information systems 1.3.1. Knowing official instructions and customer service requirements as well as internal work regulations 1.3.2. Knowing retail bank products rules and norms of behaviour 1.2.3. Being aware of emotions and ways to manage them 1.2.4. Realising the influence of language on the communication with the customer 1.2.5. Knowing critical situations and the technique of their management phone conversation. Described rules of ethical communication with the colleagues. Explained manners of behaviour and language influence on the communication with the customer. Described critical situations and the technique of their management. Explained main work functions. Overviewed customer service provisions. Described in detail retail bank products. Money authenticity established. Traveller’s cheques grouped. Filled in bank cheque. Recognised different currencies. Currency exchange registered in information systems. Filled in local 2. Sales of retail bank products 2.1. Handle bank accounts and bank cards 1.6. Use information technologies Types of bank accounts. Opening a bank account. Closing a bank account. Payment cards. Types of payment cards. Data entry into the information systems. Issue of payment cards. Microsoft Word programme. Excel programme. Bank software solutions. transfers upon customer’s Currency exchange at request the cash registers. Settlement cheque. payment order. Filled in international money order. Listed main details of periodic money orders. Demonstrated currency exchange from one account to another. Filled in settlement cheque. 1.6.1. Working with the main software Applied Microsoft Word possibilities. solutions Used Excel. 1.6.2. Demonstrating possibilities of Demonstrated bank using bank software solutions software solution possibilities. 2.1.1. Knowing bank account types Described types of 2.1.2. Knowing the documents that are bank accounts. Listed documents essential for opening bank accounts that are essential for for natural and legal persons opening the account 2.1.3. Knowing the requirements for for natural and legal closing a bank account persons. 2.1.4. Knowing the types of payment Explained bank cards account closure 2.1.5. Filling in payment card conditions. application forms Listed payment 2.1.6. Knowing the conditions of card types. closing a payment card account and Filled in describing the procedure of issuing a application for payment card issuing a payment 1.5.2. Filling in an international payment order 1.5.3. Knowing the compulsory details of periodic payment orders 1.5.4. Demonstrate currency exchange from one account to another 1.5.5. Filling in the settlement cheque Direct debit. Data entry into information systems. Types of electronic services. Advantages of electronic services. E-banking. Mobile banking. 2.3. Provide direct debit service 2.4. Provide services electronic Types of term deposits. Interest rates and terms of deposit accounts. Term deposit contract with a natural person. Term deposit contract with a legal entity. Terminating a term deposit account contract. Data entry into information systems. 2.2. Handle deposit accounts card. Explained conditions of closing a payment card account and described procedure of issuing a payment card 2.2.1. Grouping deposit accounts Listed types of time deposit 2.2.2. Establishing interest rates for accounts. the deposit accounting with regard to Established deposit the term account interest rates 2.2.3. Knowing the conditions for according to the time opening and closing a term deposit from the charts. 2.2.4. Knowing the conditions of Described conditions closing a term deposit 2.2.5. Knowing the compulsory details for opening and closing a deposit of deposit accounts account. Listed compulsory details of term deposit accounts. 2.3.1. Filling in direct debit Filled in direct application debit application. Listed direct debit 2.3.2. Knowing the advantages of advantages. direct debit 2.3.3. Knowing how to use direct debit Grouped e2.4.1. Grouping electronic services services. 2.4.2. Knowing the advantages of Listed advantages electronic services of e-services. 2.4.3. Knowing types of electronic Explained banking differences of e2.4.4. Choosing recognition tools 3. Document handling Pension fund pillars. Pension fund contract of a respective stage. document 3.3. Draft certificates for customers 3.2. Handle files 3.3.1. Demonstrating the filling in applications for issuing certificates 3.3.2. Knowing bank fees for certificate issuance 3.3.3. Demonstrating the filling in the certificate 3.2.1. Grouping the documents in terms of bank products. 3.2.2. Demonstrating the sequence of document filling. 2.5.1. Grouping pension insurance funds 2.5.2. Defining the differences between pension fund pillars 2.5.3. Knowing the conditions of pension fund contract drafting 3.1.1. Handling daily documents with regard to transactions 3.1.2. Reconciling the statements with everyday documents 2.4.5. Using recognition tools 2.4.6. Knowing the issuance procedure of recognition tools ______________________________ Bank balance accounts. Notes on the accumulative account. Notes on the bank account. Grouping of documents according to the bank products. Filing in the documents. 3.1. Draft and approve Reconciliation of a daily statements statement data with the daily data. Approval of a statement. 2.5. Sell pension fund service Customer recognition data and password tools. banking types. Chosen recognition tools. Explained use of recognition tools. Listed pension fund types. Explained differences between different pension fund pillars. Handled everyday documents with regard to transactions. The statement verified. Documents grouped in terns of bank products. Documents filed according to the required procedure. Filled in application to issue the certificate. Listed bank fees for certificate issuance. Filled in certificate.