Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes

Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Presented by Robert J. Scott
Managing Partner Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Transactional Issues
ο Enterprise Agreements & Site Licenses
ο Negotiating Favorable Licensing Terms
ο Audit Provisions
Post‐Dispute Issues
ο Common Mistakes in Software Disputes
ο Negotiating Pre‐Audit Agreements
ο Investigating License Compliance
ο Determining Amount in Controversy
ο Settlement Agreements
ο Litigation Considerations
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Transactional Issues
ο Consider negotiating software licenses at the time of purchase
ο Software licenses can be complex, expensive, and onerous
ο Most leverage at the beginning of relationship or renewal of the agreement
ο Little or no leverage when user is already in breach
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Enterprise Agreements and Site Licenses
ο Agreements Should Be Easy to Understand and ο
Consider Soft Costs of Compliance in Addition to Hard Costs of Software Acquisition
Periodic Reporting or True‐Up Requirements
Resellers Often Sell the Wrong Licenses or Recommend the Wrong Agreements
Verify that the Company Has the Right Kind of Agreements In Place (OEM, ASP, SPLA, etc.)
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Negotiating Favorable Licensing Terms
ο Evaluate how the software will be used
ο Understand the license requirements, especially if ο
virtual environments or clusters are present
Try to identify and resolve ambiguities before agreement is signed
Ensure that the license expressly grants usage rights required for architecture being used
Confirm what rights are upon termination or expiration of the license
If you are an ISV or VAR, consider an escrow agreement
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Audit Provisions
ο Publisher’s Rights Under the License Agreement are Usually Onerous
ο Typically Provisions Contain:
ο Right to Enter and Inspect business to Confirm Compliance
ο Use of a Third‐Party Auditor
ο Penalties, Including Back Maintenance and Interest for 2 or 3 Years
ο Publishers Will Occasionally Negotiate Audit Provisions
ο Easier to Negotiate Before License Purchase Completed Rather than After Dispute Arises
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Post‐Dispute Issues
ο Bases for Liability
ο Breach of Contract Liability
ο Copyright Infringement Liability
ο Successor Liability Resulting from Mergers or Acquisitions
ο Individual Liability for Officers and Directors
ο Circumvention of Access Control Technology
ο Escalation of audit to publisher’s legal department
ο Decision to conduct audit or initiate litigation
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Common Mistakes Made in Software Disputes
ο Failure to Negotiate Audit Procedures
ο Reliance on IT Staff to Deploy Discovery Tools
ο Failure to Understand and Gather Proper Proof of Purchase Documentation
ο Failure to Produce Audit Results as of the Effective Date
ο Scrambling to Buy Software Products after Being Notified of the Dispute
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Negotiating Pre‐Audit Agreements
ο Establish Framework for Audit
ο Scope
ο Auditors
ο Whether On‐Site Meeting Will Be Allowed
ο Confidentiality and 408 Agreements
ο Timeframe
ο Consequences of Non‐Compliance – Buy or Uninstall
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Investigating License Compliance ‐
Automated Process Designed to Identify all
Software Products Installed on Corporate
Discovery Tool Selection is Critical to Success
Discovery of All Assets is Challenging
Reporting is Unreliable
Validation is Difficult
Make Sure all Data is Protected by Attorney Work‐Product Privilege
Attorneys Experienced With Software Licensing Should Analyze the Data
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Investigating License Compliance ‐
Process of Gathering and Documenting Proof
of Ownership of Software Licenses
License Agreements, Manuals, Media, Purchase Orders, and Checks are Not Sufficient Proof
Dated Proofs of Purchase are Required
Valid Proof Must Show Product Name and Version The Entity Listed in the Invoice or Other Proof of Purchase Must Match the Entity Being Audited
Clients Should Leverage Vendors to Help Compile Entitlement Data
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Determining Amount in Controversy
Process of Analyzing Gross Installation Information against Gross Invoices for each
Specific Product
ο License Types, Use Characterizations, and Downgrade Rights must be Considered ο Must Include Products not Included in Software Discovery Reports Such as Client Access Licenses, and Remote User Licenses Including Terminal Server, VPN and Citrix Users ο Calculate the Potential Fine Exposure for the Client Prior to Producing the Audit Results Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Settlement Agreements
ο Determine whether Signer is Required to Certify ο
Accuracy of Audit Materials
Understand that the Release is Predicated on the Accuracy of Certifications and in Many Instances Future Performance
Never Allow an Agency to Conduct Future Inspections
Non‐monetary Provisions Have “Costs” as Well
Confidentiality is Sometimes Negotiable
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP
Recent Trends in Software Licensing and Disputes
Contact Information
Robert J. Scott, Esq.
Managing Partner
Scott & Scott, LLP.
1256 Main Street, Suite 200
Southlake, TX 76092
Phone: (214) 999‐2902
Copyright © 2012 – Scott & Scott, LLP