MKTG 329 MARKETING CHANNELS Spring 2015 Tuesday/Thursday, 9:35-10:50, Lawson101 GRADING REQUIRED GENERAL Dr. Lyn Knowles Contact 233A Rehn Hall, Department of Marketing, Office hours Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:30 or appointment, office 453-4341, home 529-3229 (before 9:00 p.m.) Prerequisite MKTG 304 Marketing Management and junior standing or higher Description Examines the methods and processes used in the distribution of consumer and industrial products and services; Emphasizes the ways in which certain basic distribution functions are carried out in the integrated channel system; Examines the role of a variety of producers, wholesalers, and retailers as parts of this system; Encourages integration, learning, and creative thinking through lecture, examples, descriptive cases, and discussion. Book Marketing Channels--A Management View, Bert Rosenbloom, 8th ed., © 2012 South-Western Cengage Learning, ISBN-10: 0-324-31698-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-324-31698-8 Lecture Guide MKTG 329 Lecture Guide, Dr. Lynette L. Knowles, © 2015 (Department of Marketing) Other Descriptive cases, articles, on-line information, videos, etc. (as assigned) Assignments + 90 + 400 Exams Other Total Points EXAMS AND ASSIGNMENTS Parameters Exams Assignments 6 15-point individual assignments (15 (*1) multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank questions) 1 40-point exam and 3 120-point exams (60 (*2) multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank questions) Optional Final Exam – If greater, it would replace the lowest of the 120-point exams. - ( ? ) Attendance cost, miscellaneous cost (see “Professional Behavior and Attendance”) 490 (university grading system, rounded up, e.g., 89.45% = A) Scores are statistical observations made within these testing parameters, which may be subject to change. If you violate the parameters, your score, as an observation, cannot be included in the distribution. In other words, you would earn a score of “0.” Exams start at 9:40 and last 1 hour, 10 minutes. There is a 5-minute leeway time at the start. Exams are taken in class with at least 1 seat between students. You must face forward. Bring a number-2 pencil with an eraser (Dr. Knowles has extra pencils), but nothing else. You cannot use a dictionary. You must turn in all exam materials. You must keep your exam covered with the cover sheet. You must be quiet during the exam time. You cannot have a hat, etc., that may block proctors from seeing your eyes. Do not glance toward another’s materials. Do not share pencils, etc. Do not have non-exam materials out. Bring any questions to Dr. Knowles. Assignments are handed out in class. They are due on the scheduled date, preferably in class, but also until 4:30, preferably during office hours. These are take-home assignments and are not to be worked on during class. These include each assignment and any readings for it, as assigned. Your answers are to be clearly marked in either black or blue ink (no pencil and no highlighting). All assignments are to be individual work and individual performance only. If Dr. Knowles witnesses you working on it with another student, she may assign a score of “0” to both students. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR AND ATTENDANCE RECORD GRADES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OTHER Attitude Be prepared, ready, and focused. Participation may be requested, but it is not required. Materials The required materials are to be used. Do not have non-course materials out in class. Electronics No electronic devices are to be out or turned on during class, unless Dr. Knowles approves. Identification Your student identification may be required for course purposes. Class starts at exactly 9:40 (synchronize your clocks to the time on http// If you are late (i.e., past exactly 9:40), you are more than 5 minutes late. nd A formal seating chart is used as of the 2 class day. Talk to Dr. Knowles to change seats. Attendance is for the full class time (9:40 to 10:50), unless Dr. Knowles approves. Dr. Knowles regards your attendance as a one-to-one meeting with her. Dr. Knowles automatically excuses 2 absences, but not for an exam and not to postpone your turning in a take-home assignment (but, you can miss class and still turn in the assignment). Excusing any absence is Dr. Knowles’ decision and requires verifiable documentation, which is also needed to schedule a make-up exam or turn an assignment in late. st nd rd th th Cost of an unexcused absence is: 1 , 2 times 5 points each; 3 , 4 times 10 points each; 5 time, etc., 15 points each (Unexcused: Parking, traffic, construction, speeding ticket, alarm clock, overslept, vacation, Attendance work, previous or following course, work for another course, fight with someone, better things to do, etc.) Miscellaneous Dr. Knowles may take up to 10 points off per incident for not following policies, etc. You must remember SIUC’s policies for academic dishonestly, e.g., false or no student identification for course purposes, illegally obtaining assignments or exams, plagiarism, or violating exam/Assignment parameters. If necessary, charges may be filed. Also, the student conduct code is enforced. Assignment 1 Exam 1 Assignment 2 Exam 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Exam 3 Assignment 5 Assignment 6 Exam 4 SUBTOTAL Attendance Extra credit (if given) TOTAL +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ +_________ -_________ +_________ __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% __________/490 = __________% Southern Illinois University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the SIUC Emergency Response plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) program. Emergency response information is available on posters in buildings on campus, available on the BERT=s Web site at, Department of Public Safety=s Web site (Disaster drop down), and in the Emergency Response Guidelines pamphlet. Know how to respond to each type of emergency. Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency. The Building Emergency Response Team will provide assistance to your instructor in evacuating the building or sheltering within the facility. See for SIUC policies and dates. W1 Tues 1/20 W2 Tues 1/27 W3 Tues 2/03 W4 Tues 2/010 W5 Tues 2/17 W6 Tues 2/24 W7 Tues 3/03 W8 Tues 3/10 W9 Tues 3/17 Chapter 7 Selecting the Channel Members; Assignment 3 due Thurs 3/19 Chapter 8 Target Markets and Channel Design Strategy W 10 Tues 3/24 Chapter 9 Motivating the Channel Members Thurs 3/26 Chapter 14 Evaluating Channel Member Performance W 11 Tues 3/21 Chapter 14; Assignment 4 due Thurs 4/02 Overflow W 12 Tues 4/07 EXAM 3 (material since Exam 2; 60 questions, 120 points) Thurs 4/09 Chapter 17 Marketing Channels for Services W 13 Tues 4/14 Chapter 10 Product Issues in Channel Management Thurs 4/16 Chapter 10 W 14 Tues 4/21 Chapter 11 Pricing Issues in Channel Management; Assignment 5 due Thurs 4/23 Chapter 12 Promotion through the Marketing Channel W 15 Tues 4/28 Chapter 12; Assignment 6 due Thurs 4/30 Chapter 13 Logistics and Channel Management W 16 Chapter 1 Marketing Channel Concepts Thurs 1/22 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 The Channel Participants Thurs 1/29 Chapter 2; Assignment 1 due EXAM 1 (only Chapter 1 material; 20 questions, 40 points); Review; Chapter 2 Thurs 2/05 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 The Environment of Marketing Channels Thurs 2/12 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Behavioral Processes in Marketing Channels; Assignment 2 due Thurs 2/19 Chapter 4 Overflow Thurs 2/26 EXAM 2 (material since start of course, including Chapter 1; 60 questions, 120 points) Chapter 5 Strategy in Marketing Channels Thurs 3/05 Chapter 6 Designing Marketing Channels Tues 5/02 Overflow Thurs 5/07 EXAM 4 (material since Exam 3; 60 questions, 120 points) Thurs 5/14 8:00-10:00 OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM (comprehensive; 60 questions taken from all 3 exams, 120 points) SPRING BREAK Thurs 3/12 same classroom