Homework www.vocabtest.com Ender's Game vocab foreign words

8th Grade Biweekly Homework Sheet
September 3 - September 13 Root: Definition:
Name: _____________________________
1. flu, fluc, fluv _________________________ ________________________________________________
2. mem
_________________________ ________________________________________________
3. punct
_________________________ ________________________________________________
4. sent, sens
_________________________ ________________________________________________
5. anim, anima _________________________ ________________________________________________
6. dorm
_________________________ ________________________________________________
7. igni
_________________________ ________________________________________________
8. per
_________________________ ________________________________________________
Grade Level: ________
Unit: 2
1. Learning Definitions Score: _____________
Words I missed: ________________________________
2. Reverse Definitions Score: ______________
Words I missed: ________________________________
3. Synonyms Practice Score: ___________ (bonus)
4. Vocabulary Sentences Score: _____________
Words I missed: ________________________________
Ender’s Game vocab
Mon, 9/2: Labor Day Holiday
Tues, 9/3: comma worksheet
Wed, 9/4: hyphen worksheet
Thurs, 9/5: colon and semicolon worksheet
Friday/weekend: annotation if not done in class
Mon, 9/9: complete narrative writing planning sheet
Tues, 9/10: to be determined (fill in blank in class)
Wed, 9/11: Do www.vocabtest.com Unit 2 “Vocabulary
Sentences” and print or e-mail to Mrs. Trial.
Thurs, 9/12: study for tomorrow’s punctuation test
Friday/weekend: read your independent novel
My Ender’s Game vocabulary word from page ______
is __________________________________________
Definition: __________________________________
foreign words/phrases
angst _______________________________________
avant garde __________________________________