Algebra 2 - Chapter 3 Linear Systems Use good syntax! Write the problem, show all work, and box your answer. No work, no credit. Day Date # Lesson Assignment (Check odd answers in back of book.) Mon 10/13/14 31 3.1 p.156 #9-19, 35, 36 (Instructions: Graph the system, estimate the solution, check the solution. ) For #35 & 36,just write 2 equations don’t solve) Tues 10/14/14 32 3.2 p.164 #6-10, 18-20, 27, 31-33, 55, 56, 63 Wed 10/15/14 33 3.3 p.171 #5,6, 9-19 (skip 11 & 15), 23, 34 p.167 #7-12 (review) 10/16/14 34 Quiz 10/17/14 35 Real Life Systems worksheet Mon 10/20/14 36 Real Life Systems Again Worksheet p.173 #48-53, p.193 #1-3 (review) Tues 10/21/14 37 Wed 10/22/14 38 p.182 #6-8, 15-18, 25, 42, 44a Thurs 10/23/14 39 p.184 #44, 45, 47, 48 p.222 #4-14, 17 Fri 10/24/14 40 Mon 10/27/14 41 Review Tues 10/28/14 41 Ch. 3 TEST Collaboration Thurs Fri Collaboration 3.4 Review Linear Inequalities Worksheet p.182 #3-5, 9-13, 14 given x = 3, 21, 23 Review Scatter Plots and Line of Best Fit Worksheet p.227 #1,2 5-7, 8 -12, 31, 32 (Solutions will be provided so you can check for understanding.)