HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Susan Hudson Ancient Civilizations Unit plan Grade 7 HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 The Students My practicum is with a grade 7 class which consists of interest in drama, art, and myths. Group research projects/ presentations and choice (especially when it comes to sixteen boys and ten girls (twenty-six students in total). The representing knowledge) were also high on their list of “hopes school is located in a culturally diverse neighbourhood on the for Mrs Hudson’s practicum”, so I am keen to embrace their south-east side of Vancouver, BC, which, at the risk of enthusiasm and give them as close to what they want as I can! generalizing, is an area that is mainly inhabited by lowerincome families. Two students in this class receive some additional Unit Description Employing Ancient Civilization centres, which act as a “home support from a special needs assistant, with two additional base” for topic specific group research, this unit is designed to students awaiting designation. As well, some students work accommodate a jigsaw approach to the study of four to six with a resource teacher to support both language arts and math. different Ancient Civilizations. During my practicum, the Students working with the resource teacher are a mixture of students and I will be studying six Ancient Civilizations: level 4 ELL and English FL learners who require additional Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, China, Greece, and Rome. help. Based on individual student needs, some adaptations will need to be made to the unit activities, as well as ensuring that Rationale assessment criteria is focused on the Social Studies content. The rationale behind this unit is to allow each group to develop Many of the class participate in is extra curricular a deeper understanding of one particular Ancient Civilization, activities, such as basketball and band, and are active members share their findings with others, make comparisons with other of the school community (crossing patrol, playground Ancient Civilizations, and consider how Ancient Civilizations assistants, fundraising initiatives, event organizing, school have influenced modern society. Building on year-long council/committees etc.). Throughout the year, this class has commitment to developing group work skills and collaborative worked on several group project. After recent discussion about criteria setting, the summative task will also have an element of my upcoming practicum, many students expressed great free choice within the “living museum exhibit” theme. HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 The unit approach is to provide a strong, scaffolded framework - What can we learn from Ancient Civilizations to help us which supports the construction of knowledge through today? independent research. Summative Tasks Integration 1. “Living” Ancient Civilization Museum Exhibit, which will For the purposes of my practicum, I have listed only Social include information on the following: Studies PLOs. However, other subject areas are integrated - Art and Culture (including daily life, clothing, food, throughout, and implementation could easily be adapted to shelter etc.) accommodate assessment of: - Communication - Language Arts (can be connected to almost all PLOs) - Government - Art - Religion - Drama - Technology - Social Responsibility - Trade and commerce - Physical Environment (map) Guiding Questions The unit is designed so that students may represent their - How are people remembered? knowledge by: - What are the similarities/differences between Ancient Civilizations and our society? - What are the similarities/differences between people today and people from Ancient times? - What are the similarities/differences between Ancient Civilizations? - How have Ancient Civilizations shaped the world today? - presenting their exhibit in the role of people from their Ancient Civilization - finding and creating artifacts - collating centre tasks (written activities) 2. Individual Journal/portfolio Throughout the unit, students will be asked to respond to a series of questions and topic starters. As well, students will HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 collate centre activities, individual research, exhibit plans, questions, sketches and so on, which will form another assessable component of the journal. The journal acts as evidence of individual work, as well provide material for teacher conferencing throughout the unit. Adaptations and Modifications - Arrange groupings in order to create supportive work environments (i.e., different strengths, good peer support pairings) - Modify writing activities for ESL and learners who receive additional support - Arrange for EA and Resource Teacher to assist with unit objectives and goal setting Note: my assessment of this unit will mostly focus on Social Studies PLOs rather than Language Arts. Students will be encouraged to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways, the aim being to engage all types of learner. HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Resources Each Ancient Civilization centre will start will a collection of resources, including the Social Studies textbook. It is expected that students will add to their civilization resource collection through a combination of library and computer lab time, as well a creating a collection of artifacts for their exhibition. Bowman, Jean (2001). Outlooks 7: Ancient Worlds. Oxford University Press: New York. The student text and teacher’s resource provide a good overview of several ancient civilizations. The student text will be a component of each civilization’s “centre”. the teacher’s resource offers practical support in terms of lessons, instructional strategies, and assessment, and is very user friendly. Ellsworth, James (2003). Early Civilizations Teaching Resource. Scholastic, Toronto. Although it has a Language Arts focus and discusses only two Ancient Civilizations, this book provides some great station and centre ideas for research-based Socials Studies units. Challen, P, Mehta-Jones, S, Peppas, L, and Richardson, H (2012). Life in the Ancient World Series. Crabtree Publishing Company, Ontario. • Trade and Commerce in the Ancient World • Religion in the Ancient World • Technology in the Ancient World • Communication in the Ancient World • Arts and Culture in the Ancient World • Government in the Ancient World This series of books contains information about several Ancient Civilizations. With a good mixture of photographs, illustrations, and succinct but informative text, each book provides a great starting place for students to begin their research. As the unit develops, these books can be frequently returned to, especially during the jigsaw sharing of information. HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Notes: A Language Arts mini-unit that deals with with non-fiction sources will be taught in advance. HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Unit Plan Section A: Overview Section A: Overview Section B: Lesson Development (Lessons 1, 3 and 6) PLOs SOCIAL STUDIES Skills and Processes of Social Studies A1 apply critical thinking skills – including comparing, classifying, inferring, imagining, verifying, using analogies, identifying relationships, summarizing, and drawing conclusions – to a range of problems and issues A2 use various types of graphs, tables, timelines, and maps to obtain or communicate information A3 compile a body of information from a range of sources A4 deliver a formal presentation on a selected issue or inquiry using two or more forms of representation A5 defend a position on a contemporary or historical issue Identity, Society, and Culture B1 analyse the concept of civilization as it applies to selected ancient cultures B2 analyse social roles within one or more ancient civilizations B3 identify influences and contributions of ancient societies to present-day cultures Governance C2 assess how ancient systems of laws and government have contributed to current Canadian political and legal systems Economy and Technology D1 describe various ways ancient peoples exchanged goods and services D2 assess ways technological innovations enabled ancient peoples to: adapt to and modify their environments; satisfy their needs; increase exploration and trade; and develop their cultures D3 compare ancient and modern communications media Human and Physical Environment E1 assess how physical environments affected ancient civilizations E2 identify the impact of human activity on physical environments in ancient civilizations HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Materials Contemporary artifacts that link to Ancient times [concrete, analogue clock, piece of papyrus, piece of cotton clothing, small anchor, firework (not live, of course!)] Boxes for the mystery items Access to art supplies, including materials for drawing, painting, modelling (clay, paper mache), printing. Resource “centres” for each Civilization (will require a box or tub for the growing collection of resource materials) Resource materials (see above) Klistoff, L (Ed.)(2008). Ancient History Reader’s Theater. Teacher Created Resources, Inc. California. Time frame and # of lessons 20 - 25 hours Less on # PL O/s Time (min s) 1 B3 45 - connect modern artifacts to Ancient times 2 A2 B1 45 - discuss elements of civilization - create a map to show what features are important to settlement Objective (SWBAT) Activity Materials Assessment Unit Hook: Mystery Artifacts Groups: Modern day artifacts/Ancient times 6 “mystery” boxes/stations (1 for each civilization) Class: discussion and brainstorm “ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS” Mystery Artifacts Class discussion ANCIENT CIVILIZATION Class: Brainstorm about what civilizations need to form. Class/pairs: Compare maps. “which area would people settle in and why?” T-chart “didn’t have” “would need” Ind: Mind map of what civlizations need Chart paper Markers Class brainstorm Mind map HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Less on # PL O/s Time (min s) 3 A1 A3 4 A3 5 Objective (SWBAT) Activity Materials Assessment 90 - make a log of a day in their life - compare the way we record society today with records of Ancient times How do we know about Ancient Civilizations? Hook: Mrs H’s day Ind: “A day in the life of...” poster activity Class: Discussion about how people will know about us 100, 1000, 2000 years from now. Groups/class: How do we know about Ancient Civilizations? How are they remembered? NOTE: This activity needs to be front-loaded at least one week prior so students can bring in artifacts etc. 24 hour story exemplar Art supplies Class discussions Poster presentation 45 - gather relevant information from a video - work together to come a group decision (small groups Overview of unit and Ancient Civilizations Collection of video clips (for each civilization) Class: Unit overview (museum exhibit, groups, journals) Groups: Assigning Civilizations Class: Introduction to the resource books Question sheet for video clips Group Civilization assignment sheet Video question Sheet Group Civilization assignment sheet 45 - express what it is they or dislike about different museum exhibitions - work together to come a group decision about presenting their work What makes a good museum exhibit? Class: Brainstorm “What should be in the exhibit and why?” Class/groups: PP/video/books of different museum exhibits, including experiential exhibits (Yorvik, UK, for example) Class: Model of working with centres Chart Paper Markers Exhibit question sheets Class discussion Exhibit Sheets HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Less on # PL O/s Time (min s) 6 A2 A3 E1 E2 120 - create a map which shows how physical geography had an impact on of Ancient Civilization settlement - show respect for the contributions of others - comment on the work of others Centre Topic 1: Ancient Maps Hook: “Where do all the people live?” Group Research centres: research Ancient maps Group: create a Map Class: Map gallery walk Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Large Map with key geographical features Markers Large sheets (for mapping) Pencil crayons Tea/coffee grinds (for aging) Maps Gallery walk observation 30 - work in groups to read a Reader’s Theatre script - work in groups to draft an oral presentation/ script Oral presentation/script writing Hook: Picture book or monologue Class: Discussion “what should the oral component of the exhibit include, and how should we present the information? Groups/: Ancient History Readers theatre NOTE: If successful, Reader’s Theatre rehearsal and script writing will be worked into the daily school schedule for LA Ancient History Reader’s Theater. (copy of script for each civilization) Observations Draft presentation/ scripts 90 - compare modern and ancient communication techniques Centre Topic 2: Communication Hook: Crack the code Group: Research centres Ind: Create a display that compares ancient and modern communication (photos, illustrations etc.) Class: Gallery walk Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Communication comparison display 7 8 A3 D3 Objective (SWBAT) Activity Materials Assessment HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Less on # PL O/s Time (min s) 9 D1 D2 10 Objective (SWBAT) Activity Materials Assessment 90 - recreate a technology/ tool from and Ancient Civilization - market the Ancient tool in modern times - connect an Ancient technology to modern times Centre Topic 3: Technology Hook: “What was this tool used for?” Group: Research centres Class: Shopping Channel “Sell us an Ancient Tool” Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Art supplies Shopping channel advert A3 D1 90 - describe the goods and services that Ancient Civilizations needed in daily life - describe monetary systems of Ancient times Centre Topic 4: Trade and Commerce Hook: Math Problem Group: Research centres Groups: creating artifacts for market place Class: Market place Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Market place observations Artifacts 11 A3 B2 90 - describe the role that religion played in the lives of Ancient peoples Centre Topic 5: Religion and Ceremonies Hook: Group: Research centres Class: Sharing ceremonies (presentations) Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Class discussions Presentations 12 A3 B2 60 - create artifacts that demonstrate culture of Ancient Civilizations - describe how art can represent culture in society Centre Topic 6: Arts and Culture Hook: “Ancient” Art Gallery. What does Art tell us about the Ancient Civilization culture, religion, communication etc. Group: Research centres Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Art supplies Art work Artifacts HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Less on # PL O/s Time (min s) 12a B2 60 - show respect for the contributions of others - comment on the work of others Groups/Ind: creating and sharing Arts and Culture artifacts Class: Gallery Walk NOTE: This lesson is the conclusion of lesson 12 13 A3 A5 B2 C2 120 - connect Ancient Civilization governance to modern times - work as a group to prepare a position defense for a debate Centre Topic 7: Government Hook: Debate Video Class: “What makes a good debate?” Group: Research centres Group: Prepare for Debate “My Civilization influenced today’s Canada the most.” Class: Debate Resources centres Access to Computer lab/ library Debate content (notes) 14 90 - work as a group to decide what other information they will include in their exhibit - independently research for an appropriate topic or artifact Centre Topic 8: Free Choice Group: Research centres Group/Ind: writing, scripts, artifacts etc. Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Topic, written work, or artifact 15 90 - work as a group to prepare a museum exhibit Exhibition preparation Groups: Finish artifacts, work on oral presentation/script, final planning etc. Resource centres Access to Computer lab/ library Observation Objective (SWBAT) Activity Materials Assessment Gallery Walk HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Less on # PL O/s Time (min s) Objective (SWBAT) 16 A4 90 120 - Demonstrate what it means to be a supportive classmate. - Show respect for the contributions of others. “Living” Museum Exhibits Class/Groups: Rotate between exhibits, Staff their exhibit and present the oral portion or script. Tape Markers Paper Tablecloths Food (celebration!) Checklist & Rubric sheets (teacher assessment) Exhibit checklist Rubric sheets Oral presentation notes/scripts 17 A1 B3 6090 - compare elements of Ancient Civilizations with each other and modern day - Comment on exhibitions (based on criteria developed in class) Final comparisons and new understandings (Journal prompts) Self and peer evaluation sheets Unit feedback Transfer exhibit displays to hallway boards! Self-evaluation sheets Peer evaluation sheets Self and peer evaluation Journal Activity Materials Assessment NOTES: There should be regular teacher/group conferencing throughout the course of this unit in order to support the independent research, aid the museum exhibit preparation, and ensure that students are on task, supportive of one another, and feel supported by the teacher. HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Section B Lesson 1: Unit Hook 45 minutes PLO/s: B3 identify influences and contributions of ancient societies to present-day cultures Objective/s SWBAT: - connect contemporary artifacts to Ancient times Materials Mystery Artifacts -concrete -analogue clock -papyrus -cotton clothing -small anchor (or model anchor) -firework (no gunpowder in it!) Key Vocabulary Ancient Civilizations, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Chine, Indus Valley Part 1 15’ Mystery artifacts In groups, students rotate between artifacts. Allow about 2 minutes with each artifact. Guiding Questions What is the artifact? Is it natural or man-made? Is there any connection between the artifacts? Please make sure to explain! Part 2 5’ Bring class together. Write 9 or 10 countries on the board. Include all the civilizations, add Canada, and then any other countries you wish. Hopefully there will be at least one student who points out Mesopotamia for one of many possible reasons. If not, ask the students if they have heard of all the countries. HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Guiding Questions How do you think the artifacts connect to the countries on the board? Part 3 10’ Groups return to the return to the mystery artifacts one more time. Allow about 1 minute with each artifact. Guiding Questions Do you think that the artifacts connect with any of the countries? If yes, to which country or countries are they connected? Part 4 10’ Bring the students back together. Open the discussion by asking for their “new” thoughts. Giving time for students to turn to partner to share ideas, ask the guiding questions and respond to new openings. Students must give explanations for their thinking. Guiding questions How do you think that the artifacts connect with the countries on the board? What leads you to your conclusions? Have any of your initial thoughts about the artifacts changed? Is there more than one connection? Closing 5’ If Ancient Civilizations has not yet arisen in the discussion, tell students that they will be studying Ancient Civilizations. Highlight the civilizations on the board. Show them each artifact again and, depending on the group, either: a) share the connection between each artifact and the civilization b) pose the problem of finding out which artifact connects to which civilization as part of the unit Adaptations/ Modifications Prepare groupings in advance in order to create supportive learning partnerships Extension If the connection between the artifacts and Ancient Civilizations is made early on, students can use the centre resources to solve the problem. Assessment Class discussion HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Lesson 3: How do we know about Ancient Civilizations? 90 minutes NOTE: Students require notice in advance for this activity. Given at least one week, students should come to this lesson with their selected day logged and have sourced artifacts tat can be glued to create their “poster” presentation. PLO/s: A1 apply critical thinking skills – including comparing, classifying, inferring, imagining, verifying, using analogies, identifying relationships, summarizing, and drawing conclusions – to a range of problems and issues A3 compile a body of information from a range of sources Objective/s SWBAT: - create a log of a day in their life - compare the way we record society today with records of Ancient times Materials Day in the life of... exemplar Art supplies Hook 5’ Teacher shares their “day in the life of...” poster presentation Guiding Questions What does my presentation tell you about me? How is my day recorded? Introduction 5’ Introduce the poster presentation activity. Ask one or two students to share one of the artifacts they brought in, share the day they picked etc. Activity Instructions 5’ Deliver activity instructions: Take a piece of construction paper Plan out where you want to put your artifacts Decide how best to show the progression of your day Glue your poster presentation Prepare a few sentences to support the sharing of your poster (will be oral) HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Guiding Questions What does your poster presentation say about you? How do your artifacts support your presentation? Why did you select that particular day? What do you want people to know? Activity 30’ Students work on their poster presentations Sharing 30’ Poster presentation gallery walk OR Present posters in small groups Bring class together for activity closing (5’) Guiding questions What evidence of our “day” might be left behind 100 years, 1000 years, or even 2000 years from now? Connection Link activity to how Ancient Civilizations and the lives of Ancient people have been recorded. Development 10’ Brain storm activity (build in think, pair, share) Bring class together. Consider how the lives of Ancient people have been documented. Guiding Questions How do we know so much about Ancient Civilizations? Who left the evidence behind? What can the artifacts gathered from “everyday” people tell us? Closing 5’ Bring the two components together to highlight that we will be respectfully studying people lives, Adaptations/ Modifications Prepare groupings in advance in order to create supportive learning partnerships Extension If students progress through the activity quickly, send them to resource centres to research ways in which we learn about, record, and display information on Ancient times. Assessment Poster presentations Class discussion HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Lesson 6: Ancient Maps (first lesson with resource centres) 120 minutes (over the course of 2 or 3 days) PLO/s: A2 use various types of graphs, tables, timelines, and maps to obtain or communicate information A3 compile a body of information from a range of sources E1 assess how physical environments affected ancient civilizations E2 identify the impact of human activity on physical environments in ancient civilizations Objective/s SWBAT: - create a map which shows how physical geography had an impact on of Ancient Civilization settlement - show respect for the contributions of others - comment on the work of others Materials Resource centres Access to Computer lab/library Large Map with key geographical features Markers Large sheets (for mapping) Pencil crayons Tea/coffee grinds (for aging) Map of BC (one per group) Hook 5’ Where do all the people live? Map of BC (groups) Guiding Questions Thinking back to earlier lessons, where do you think most people live in BC? What areas might people find it difficult to live? What happens if you live in an area that is isolated? Introduction 5’ Introduce the map activity Guiding Questions Which features of the map are most important? Which cities should be highlighted? What information would be important for our museum exhibit? HUDSON, Susan: EDCP 331(107) Unit Plan, March 2013 Activity Instructions 5’ Deliver activity instructions: Go to resource centres Find maps of your Civilization Follow the centre activity sheet questions (see guiding questions, which should be made into a sheet) Activity 90’ Students source maps Discuss the guiding questions Map a large version of the map for their exhibit Age the map Sharing 10’ Poster presentation gallery walk OR Present posters in small groups Bring class together for activity closing (5’) Closing 5’ Did you notice any similarities between your maps? Do you think the maps help us to understand more about how these particular civilizations developed and declined? How does Ancient settlement compare to today? Are the needs the same or different? Why? Adaptations/ Modifications Prepare groupings in advance in order to create supportive learning partnerships Extension If students progress through the activity quickly, encourage them to find additional maps and information for their area. Assessment Maps Class discussion