LIST OF PUBLICATION CITATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 2009-2010, 2008-09, 2007-08 DR. C.Y. CHOI C.Y. Choi, Ling Hu and Masao Ogaki (2008). “Robust Estimation for Structural Spurious Regressions and A Hausman-Type Cointegration Test,” Journal of Econometrics, 142, 327351. (High Quality) Choi, C.Y. and Young-Kyu Moh (2007). “How Useful Are Tests for Unit-Root in Distinguishing Unit-Root Processes from Stationary but Nonlinear Processes?” Econometrics Journal, 10, 82-112. Choi, C.Y. and Kiyoshi-Matsubara (2007). “Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Relative Prices: What Do the Japanese Cities Tell Us?” Journal of the Japanese and International Economics, 21, 260-286. DR. WILLIAM CROWDER Crowder, William J. and Pieter de Jong (forthcoming). "Does Investment Lead to Greater Output? A Panel Error-Correction Model Analysis," Applied Economics. Crowder, William J. and Chanwit Phengpis (2008). "A Re-Examination of International Inflation Convergence over the Modern Float," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2007, 17(2), 125-139. (Quality) Crowder, William J. (2008). "The Interaction of Monetary Policy and Stock Returns," Journal of Financial Research, Winter 2006, 29(4), p. 523-535. (High Quality) DR. JEFFREY DESIMONE DeSimone, Jeffrey (April 2009). “Fraternity Membership and Drinking Behavior,” Economic Inquiry, 47(2), 337-350. (High Quality) DeSimone, Jeffrey (September 2007). “Fraternity Membership and Binge Drinking, Journal of Health Economics, 26(5), 950-967. (High Quality) DeSimone, Jeffrey (accepted September 2007). “Drinking and Academic Performance in High School, Applied Economics. (Quality) DeSimone, Jeffrey (2007). “Fraternity Membership and Binge Drinking,” Journal of Health Economics, 26(5), 950–967. (High Quality) 1 DR. JANE HIMARIOS Himarios, Jane S. (2009). Instructor‟s Manual to accompany Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 1E, Worth Publishers (Ball). Himarios, Jane (2009). Instructor‟s Manual to accompany Economics, 9E, Cengage Publishing, (Arnold). Himarios, Jane (2009). Developed Principles of Macroeconomics Internet course for The University of Texas TeleCampus. Himarios, Jane (2009). Developed Money and Banking Internet course for The University of Texas at Arlington. Himarios, Jane S., Linda Wilson and Robert Shoffner (2009). Instructor‟s Manual to accompany Economics, 9E, Cengage Publishing, Arnold. Himarios, Jane S. (2008). Instructor‟s Manual to accompany Economics, 8E, Thomson South-Western Publishing, Arnold. Himarios, Jane S. (2007). Test Bank to accompany The Macro Economy Today, 11E, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Schiller. Himarios, Jane S. (2007). Test Bank to accompany The Micro Economy Today, 11E, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Schiller. MRS. KATHY KELLY Kelly, Kathy and Richard G. Stahl (2009). Test Bank to accompany The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 9th Edition by Frederic S. Mishkin. Kelly, Kathy and Richard G. Stahl (2009). Test Bank to accompany The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2nd Business Edition by Frederic S. Mishkin. Kelly, Kathy (2009). Chapter review, “Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information,” Principles of Microeconomics, 9th edition by Case, Far and Oster, Prentice Hall, 2009 Kelly, Kathy (2008). Reviewed five chapters for Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Laurence M Ball, Worth Publishers. Kelly, Kathy (2008). Chapter review, Principles of Microeconomics, 9th edition by Case, Fair and Oster, Prentice Hall. Kelly, Kathy (2008). Reviewed three chapters of the test bank to accompany Principles of Macroeconomics, 9th edition by Case, Fair and Oster, Prentice Hall. Kelly, Kathy (2008). Reviewed two chapters for a proposed new International Trade text for McGraw-Hill Publishers. 2 Kelly, Kathy (2007). Reviewed four chapters for Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 2nd edition by Stephen G. Cecchetti, McGraw-Hill. Kelly, Kathy (2007). Chapter review, Microeconomics, 2nd edition by Hubbard and O‟Brien, Prentice Hall. Kelly, Kathy (2007). Reviewed a proposal for a new supplemental text Economics as a Second Language by Martha Olney. Kelly, Kathy (2007). Reviewed five chapters for a proposed new Principles of Economics text for W.H. Freeman publishers. DR. CAGATAY KOC Koc, Cagatay and R. Dusansky (forthcoming). “Implications of the Interaction between Insurance Choice and Medical Care Demand,” Journal of Risk and Insurance. (High quality). Koc, Cagatay and R. Dusansky (2009). “Demand for Cash Balances in a Cashless Economy,” International Journal of Economic Theory (5(3), 301-313. (Not ranked by our system) Koc, Cagatay and S.A. Koc (2008). “Endogenous Switching of Insurance Regime and the Demand for Health Care Services among the Insured and Uninsured,” Journal of Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Management 3(Fall), 77-98. (Not ranked by our system) Koc, Cagatay and R. Dusansky (2007). “The Capital Gains Effect in the Demand for Housing.” Journal of Urban Economics, 61(2), 287-298. (High quality) Koc, Cagatay (2007). “Environmental Quality, Medical Care Demand and Environmental Tax Interactions,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 37(2), 431-443. (Not ranked by our system) Koc, Cagatay and R. Dusansky (2006). “Health Care, Insurance and the Contract Choice Effect,” Economic Inquiry, 44(1), 121-127. (High quality) MR. RONALD LIGGETT Liggett, Ronald (2008). Reviewed Supply/Demand and Coordinated Student Feedback for Macroeconomics, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition by Glenn Hubbard and Anthony P. O‟Brien. Liggett, Ronald (2007). Reviewed entire text, Economics by Example, Worth Publishers, revised edition by David A. Anderson. 3 DR. MELISSA LIND Lind, Melissa (2009). Text book review, Principles of Microeconomics, 9th Edition, Case, Fair and Oster. Lind, Melissa (2009). Test bank check, Principles of Microeconomics, 9th Edition, Case, Fair and Oster. Lind, Melissa (2009). User survey respondent (listed in Contributors section of text), Microeconomics, 18th Edition, McConnell, Brue and Flynn. Lind, Melissa (2009). User survey respondent (listed in Contributors section of text), Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 9th Edition, McConnell, Brue and Flynn. Lind, Melissa (2008). Journal review, Real Estate Economics. Lind, Melissa and C.A. Dehring (2007). “Residential Land Use Controls and Land Values: Zoning and Covenant Interactions, Land Economics, Nov. 2007, 83:4, p. 445-457. DR. ROGER MEINERS Meiners, Roger, Andrew Morriss et al. (2009). “Green Jobs Myths,” Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review, Vol. 16(2). Meiners, Roger, Andrew Morriss et al. (2009). Seven Myths about Green Jobs, PERC Policy Series 44 (refereed). Meiners, Roger and Andrew Morriss (2009). “Borders and the Environment,” Environmental Law, Vol. 39(1). Meiners, Roger and Andrew Morriss et al. (Fall 2009). “Advocating Autarky,” Texas Journal of Oil, Gas and Energy Law, Vol. 5(1). Meiners, Roger and Andrew Morriss (2009). “Borders and the Environment,” Environmental Law, Vol. 39(1). Meiners, Roger (2009). Legal Environment of Business, 10th edition, West Publishing Company. Includes all supporting materials: instructor manual, test bank, study guide and on-line resources. Meiners, Roger and Andrew Morriss (2007), “The Mining Landscape: Bootleggers, Baptists and the Promised Land,” Accounting for Mother Nature, T. Anderson et al. (eds.), Stanford University Press. DR. SHUSHANIK PAPANYAN Papanyan, Shushanik (forthcoming). “The Transmission of Shocks between Europe, Japan and the United States, accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Forecasting. 4 DR. CHRISTY SPIVEY Spivey, Christy (forthcoming). “Desperation or Desire? The Role of Risk Aversion in Marriage, Economic Inquiry. Spivey, Christy (2008). “The Mills-Muth Model of Urban Spatial Structure: Surviving the Test of Time?” Urban Studies, February 2008. DR. AARON SMALLWOOD Smallwood, Aaron and Stefan C. Norrbin (2009). “Generalized Long Memory and Mean Reversion of the Real Exchange Rate,” Applied Economics, forthcoming. Smallwood, Aaron (2008). “Measuring the Persistence of Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity Using a Fractionally Integrated STAR Model,” Journal of International Money and Finance, 27, 1161-1176. Smallwood, Aaron and Stefan C. Norrbin (2008). “An Encompassing Test of Real Interest Rate Equalization, Review of International Economics, Vol. 17, Issue 1, 114-126. Smallwood, Aaron and Kevin Grief (2007). “Uncertainty and Export Performance: Evidence from 18 Countries,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 39, 965-980. DR. MICHAEL WARD Ward, Michael R (forthcoming). “Video Games and Adolescent Fighting,” Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming August 2010. Ward, Michael R., Carolyn Dehring and Craig Depken (2008). “A Direct Test of the Homevoter Hypothesis,” Journal of Urban Economics, (64)1, 155-170. Ward, Michael R. (August 2008). “Protectionism through Prostitution,” Journal of Political Economy, 116(4), back cover. Unrefereed. Ward, Michael R., Carolyn Dehring and Craig Depken (2007). “The Impact of Stadium Announcements on Residential Property Values: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Dallas-Fort Worth,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 25(4), 627-638. Ward, Michael R. and David Reiffen (2007). “„Branded Generics‟ as a Strategy to Limit Cannibalization of Pharmaceutical Markets,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 28(4-5), 251-65. Ward, Michael R. (March 2007). “Rural Telecommunications Subsidies Do Not Help,” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 37(1). Ward, Michael R. and David Reiffen (2007). “Competition in Generic Drugs: The American Experience and Lessons for Europe,” in European Pharmaceutical Policy and the Global 5 Market, Volumes I and II, European Forum for Pharmaceutical Policy, pp. 165-76. Refereed. Ward, Michael R. (April 2007). “Two out of Three Ain‟t Bad,” Journal of Political Economy, 115(2), back cover. Unrefereed. Ward, Michael R. (2007). “Rural Telecommunications Subsidies Do Not Help,” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 37(1). Reiffen, David and Michael R. Ward (2007). “Competition in Generic Drugs: The American Experience and Lessons for Europe” in European Pharmaceutical Policy and the Global Market, Volumes I and II, European Forum for Pharmaceutical Policy, pp. 165-76. MR. ROGER WEHR Wehr, Roger (2007). Custom edition of Principles of Transportation Economics by Kenneth Boyer for use in Transportation Economics (ECON 3388). DR. TIMOTHY WUNDER Wunder, Timothy (March 2009). “Mainstream Amnesia: Why Evolutionary Ideas in the Mainstream Are Not Being Recognized for What They Are and How Institutional Economics Can Benefit, Journal of Economic Issues, Issue 42 (1), pp 269-278. Refereed. Wunder, Timothy (June 2009). “Fact-Based Economic Education,” Journal of Economic Issues, 42(2), pp. 467-476. Refereed. Wunder, Timothy (June 2009). Book Review of Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori and Rom Brafman, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 43(2). Wunder, Timothy (March 2009). Book Review of Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 43(1). Wunder, Timothy and Thomas Kemp (Spring 2008). “Institutionalism and the State: Founding Views Reexamined,” Forum for Social Economics, Volume 37(1), pp. 27-42. Refereed. Wunder, Timothy (Fall 2008). Book Review of Thorstein Veblen and the Enrichment of Evolutionary Naturalism by Rick Tilman, The Review of Politics, Volume 70(4). Wunder, Timothy (2008). “Toward an Evolutionary Economics: The „Theory of the Individual in Thorstein Veblen and Joseph Schumpeter,” reprinted as a book chapter in Evolutionary Economics, Kumark, Ravi, Jain B. Krishna and Kishore Puranam, (eds.), Hyderabad: Icfai University Press. Wunder, Timothy (2008). Book review of Thorstein Veblen and the Enrichment of Evolutionary Naturalism by Rick Tilman, The Review of Politics, 70(4). 6 Wunder, Timothy (2008). “Toward an Evolutionary Economics: The „Theory of the Individual in Thorstein Veblen and Joseph Schumpeter,” reprinted as a book chanter in Evolutionary Economics. Ravi Kukmark, Jain Krishna and Kishore Puranam eds., Hyderabad, Icfai University Press. Wunder, Timothy (September 2007). “Toward an Evolutionary Economic: The „Theory of the Individual‟ in Thorstein Veblen and Joseph Schumpeter,” Journal of Economic Issues, Issue 41(3), pp. 827-39. Refereed. Wunder, Timothy and Thomas Kemp (December 2007). “Simulating Inequality and Social Order in the Classroom: A Macroeconomic Game,” Review of Social Economy, Volume 65(4), pp. 425-43. Refereed. Wunder, Timothy (December 2007). Book Review of Digital Matters: The Theory and Culture of the Matrix by Paul Taylor and Jan Harris, Review of Social Economy, Volume 65(4), pp. 493-496. Wunder, Timothy (2007). Book review of Digital Matters: The Theory and Culture of the Matrix by Paul A. Taylor and Jan L. I. Harris, Review of Social Economy, 65(4), pp. 493-496. Wunder, Timothy (2007). “Toward an Evolutionary Economics: The 'Theory of the Individual in Thorstein Veblen and Joseph Schumpeter,” Journal of Economic Issues, 41(3), pp. 827-39, September 2007. (Refereed) Wunder, Timothy and Thomas Kemp (2007). “Simulating Inequality and Social Order in the Classroom: A Macroeconomic Game,” Review of Social Economy, 65(4), pp. 425-43, December 2007. (Refereed) DR. MAHMUT YASAR Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (forthcoming). "Size and Foreign Ownership Effects on Productivity and Efficiency.” Review of Development Economics. Paul, C.M. and M. Yaşar (2009). "Outsourcing, Productivity, and Input Composition at the Plant Level." Canadian Journal of Economics. Vol. 42, No. 2, 422 - 439. Yaşar, M., R. Raciborski, and B. Poi (2008). "Production Function Estimation in Stata Using the Olley and Pakes Method." The Stata Journal. Vol.8, No. 2, 1–11. Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (2008). "Foreign Technology Transfer and Productivity: Evidence from a Matched Sample." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Vol. 26, No. 1, 105-112. Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (2008). "Capital-Skill Complementarity, Productivity and Wages: Evidence from Plant-Level Data for a Developing Country." Labour Economics. Vol.15, 1-17. Lead Article. Appeared on Elsevier Science Direct's Top 25 Hottest Articles List, January-March 2008. 7 Chen, Y., M. Yaşar and R.M. Rejesus (2008). "Factors Influencing the Bribery Payouts by Firms: A Cross-Country Analysis." Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 77, No.2, 231-244. Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (2007). "International Linkages and Productivity at the Plant Level: Foreign Direct Investment, Exports, Imports and Licensing." Journal of International Economics. Vol. 71, No. 2, 373-388. Appeared on Elsevier Science Direct's Top 25 Hottest Articles List, April-December 2007. Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (2007). "Firm Performance and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Transition Economies." Economic Bulletin. Vol. 15, No. 2, 1-11. Yaşar, M., P. Garcia, C.H. Nelson, and R.M. Rejesus (2007). “Is There Evidence of Learning-by-Exporting in Turkish Manufacturing Industries?” International Review of Applied Economics, 21(2), 293-305. Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (2007). “Firm Performance and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Transition Economies,” Economic Bulletin, 15(2), 1-11. Yaşar, M. and C. Morrison Paul (2007). “International Linkages and Productivity at the Plant Level: Foreign Direct Investment, Exports, Imports and Licensing,” Journal of International Economics, 72(2), 373-388. Appeared on Elsevier Science Direct‟s Top 25 Hottest Articles List, April-December 2007. 8