2013 NUS University Talk

National University of Singapore:
A Leading Global University centred in Asia,
Influencing the Future
Juliet Ho
Associate Director
Office of Admissions
Copyright National University of Singapore 2012
What can I gain from an NUS education?
Copyright National University of Singapore 2012
Read Me: Presentation Outline
What NUS is today
Academic Discovery & Global Outlook
Beyond Academics & Community
NUS Scholarships
FA schemes
Career Plan for Graduates
Campus Living: UTown, halls & residences
Campus arts, sports & student organisations
Scholarship & Financial Aid
Intellectual & academic discovery, faculty programs, Course Finder
UTown Residential Program
Global experience & study abroad: USP, NOC & SEP
World University Ranking
NUS Career Guides
OSA Services
Application for Undergraduate Admission
Faculties & Courses
Admission Requirements & Grade Profiles
Subject Requirements
Application Deadlines
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What NUS is today…
A leading global & research-intensive university…
A global research-intensive university
3 Research Centres of Excellence & 22 research institutions
Multi-dimensional & comprehensive
16 faculties over 3 campus locations & 7 overseas colleges
A leader in global education
Times Higher Education & Quacquarelli Symonds university rankings
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NUS maintains world ranking
29th among world’s top 200 universities & 2nd in Asia
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Arts & Social Sciences
Business & Accountancy
Design & Environment
Medicine & Nursing
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Faculties & Schools
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
NUS Business School
School of Computing
Faculty of Dentistry
School of Design & Environment
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Law
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
(Alice Lee Centre for Nursing
Faculty of Science
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Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of
University Scholars Programme
Graduate Schools
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
NUS Graduate School for Integrative
Sciences and Engineering
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
Saw Swee Hock School of Public
Autonomous Institution
Yale-NUS College
Multiple Pathways:
Double Degrees *
Economics & Business Admin / Accountancy
Business Admin / Accountancy & Law
Business Admin / Accountancy & Engineering
Economics & Law / Engineering
Law & Life Sciences
Business Admin / Accountancy & Communications and New Media
Business Admin / Accountancy & Computing
Computing & Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
* Direct Admission to 1st year
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Undergraduate Courses
Architecture *
Arts & Social Sciences (all majors)
Business Admin
Business Admin (Accountancy)
Computing (Computer Science Courses)
Computing (Information Systems Courses)
Dentistry *
Industrial Design *
Law *
Medicine *
Music #
Nursing *
* Requires interviews/tests
# Requires interviews/auditions
Project & Facilities Management
Real Estate
Science (all majors)
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Science
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Studies
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
(Aeronautical specialisation)
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Multi-Dimensional & Flexible
Breadth of undergraduate & multi-disciplinary learning beyond single
degree in multiple pathways:
Minor & Double (Second) Major
Double Degree (2 distinct degrees)
Concurrent Degree (Bachelor-Master)
Joint Degrees (with overseas universities)
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Multiple Pathways:
Double Degrees *
Economics & Business Admin / Accountancy
Business Admin / Accountancy & Law
Business Admin / Accountancy & Engineering
Economics & Law / Engineering
Material Science and Engineering (MSE) & Physics
Law & Life Sciences
Business Admin / Accountancy & Communications and New Media
Business Admin / Accountancy & Computing
Computing & Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
DDP with 6 premier French Grandes Écoles
* Direct Admission to 1st year
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Multiple Pathways:
Concurrent Degree (Bachelor-Master)
• Computing (Electronic Commerce) & MS in Engineering and Technology
Innovation Management (Carnegie Mellon University) <New in AY2012>
• Computer Science & Grad Scientiae Magistri (Brown University)
• Computational Biology & Scientiae Magister in Computer ScienceComputational Biology track (Brown University)
• Business Admin/Law & Master in Public Policy
• Computing & Master of Entertainment Technology
• Computing (Communications and Media) & Master of Entertainment
Technology (Carnegie Mellon University)
• Computing (Information Systems) and Master of Philosophy in
Management (Cambridge University)
• Computing (Information Systems) and Master of Science
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Special Programmes by Faculties
Global Engineering Programme (GEP)
Exclusive programme for top students with
enhanced overseas experience – 3 years BEng & 1
year postgraduate from top partner universities, with
full scholarship
GEP Class of AY2011
Special Programme in Science (SPS)
Nurtures talented budding scientists with passion &
strong aptitude for Science, and includes
contemporary scientific investigations & in-depth
studies through an interdisciplinary approach
Undergraduate Research Programme (UROP)
Engages in intellectual inquiry & problem-solving
under supervision of experienced researchers
(offered in Computing, Den, Eng, Law, Med & Science)
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NUS University Town
Started classes in AY2011/12
Kent Ridge
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UTown Residential Programme
Multidisciplinary academic programme in a
residential setting – modules taught in small
group seminars & emphasise close interaction
between students & faculty.
Incoming freshmen apply for the
2-year residential programme &
stay in Cinnamon (USP)
Residents of Tembusu College
College, Tembusu College &
College of Alice & Peter Tan.
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Global Experience
NUS aims to create globally oriented graduates with distinct Asian &
international expertise, thought-leaders & understanding cross-cultural
Rich intellectual learning environment
& study abroad programmes, with
faculty & students from over 100
• University Scholars Programme
• NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)
• Student Exchange Programme (SEP)
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University Scholars Programme
USP (Cinnamon) Residential College
provides a stimulating environment for
intellectual & personal growth,
reinforced through the integration of
curriculum & learning beyond the
USP curriculum
From AY2012, new 12-module
requirement based on a revised
arrangement of a 3-Foundational, 8Inquiry and 1-Reflection module format.
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USP students are concurrently
enrolled in one of 7 faculties –
Arts, Business, Computing, Design
and Environment, Engineering,
Science and Law <New in AY2012>.
NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)
- Partner Universities
7 NUS Entrepreneurial Hubs:
NOC in Silicon Valley (2002), Stanford University
– Focus on technology startups in Silicon Valley
NOC in Philadelphia (2003), University of Pennsylvania
– Focus on bio-medical technology
NOC in Shanghai (2004), Fudan University
– Focus on China-related business
NOC in Stockholm (2005), KTH Royal Institute of Technology
– Focus on IT with European perspective
NOC in India (2008)
– Focus on discovering entrepreneurship & experiencing the
richness of India’s culture
NOC in Beijing (2009), Tsinghua University
NOC in Tel Aviv/Haifa, Israel (2011)
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Student Exchange Programme
SEP is an academic programme for NUS
students to spend a semester or two at one
of our 300 overseas partner universities,
earning credits towards their NUS degrees.
International Summer Programmes (i-SP) &
internships (i-Intern) are some of our
exciting international programmes to
nurtures students to learn other cultures,
broaden outlook & make an impact in a
complex & globalised environment.
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Campus Life beyond Academics
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Campus Life beyond Academics
NUS Arts Festival
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Halls, Residences &
Residential Colleges
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Scholarship Choices
Global Merit Scholarship* nurtures
students to be future leaders &
entrepreneurs, with the opportunity
to read any undergraduate course
(less Med & Den), study overseas in
a partner university, or enrol in a
double-degree programme.
Other NUS Scholarships* offered:
NUS Undergraduate (Merit) & Undergraduate Scholarships
Kent Ridge Undergraduate (Merit) & Undergraduate Scholarships
NUS Sports Scholarship
* For Singapore Citizens only
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Scholarship Choices
• Scholarships administered for International Students – candidates
shortlisted for interviews through their application for admission
(separate application may be needed):
ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship (AUS)
SembCorp Industries Undergraduate Scholarship
Singapore Airlines-Neptune Orient Lines (SIA-NOL) Undergraduate
Undergraduate Scholarship for Hong Kong Students
Dr Goh Keng Swee (GKS) Scholarship #
Khoo Teck Puat Scholarship #
Application required
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Financial Aid
NUS is committed to a merit-based, needs-blind admission policy, &
ensures that no deserving student is denied the opportunity for an
NUS education because of financial difficulty.
Comprehensive range of financial assistance schemes may include:
Tuition Fee Loan
NUS Study Loan
NUS/MOE Bursary
Work-Study Assistance
NUS Student Assistance Loan
CPF Education Scheme /
Mendaki Subsidy
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NUS Career Centre
• Career Guides
– student ambassadors of the NUS Career Centre
– passionate volunteers who actively promote early career guidance and planning, helping to
equip students with relevant employment skills
– Assist in recruitment talks, networking events, annual Career NUS Fair, Peer Coaching,
Organising company visits, Maintaining Career Guide Online Platform, Managing Career
Resources & Information, Playing Student Hosts, etc.
• Services by OSA
– Job Portal
– Career Workshops/ Advisory / Resources
– Internships
– Industry Talks & Recruitment Talks
– Career Events, eg. NUS GradHunt 2013, NUS Career Fair 2013
More than 90% of the NUS graduates secured a job within 6 months!
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Application for Undergraduate Admission
Academic Year 2013-2014
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Admission Requirements
Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Application Eligibility (≠ Admission):
• Pass in at least 2 subjects at H2 Level
• Attempted GP or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) in same sitting
• Meet Mother Tongue Language (MTL) requirement by having one of the following:
a minimum of D7 for the higher MTL paper taken at the 'O' Level
a minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H1 MTL paper, higher MTL or General
Studies in Chinese.
a minimum of 'S' grade for the H2 MTLL paper or higher MTL paper taken at
the 'A' Level examination.
a pass in the MT 'B' Syllabus paper at the 'A' Level examination
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Admission Requirements
(a) Admission is evaluated primarily based on University Admission Score comprising 6
Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level subjects:
Three H2 and one H1 content subjects, with at least one content subject
from a contrasting discipline
Project Work (PW)
General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI)
Mother Tongue Requirement
Best MT grade (H2 MTLL, H1 MTL, O-Level Higher MT or MT B Syllabus) – MT
result used only when it raises your admission score
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Admission Requirements
(b) Course & Subject prerequisites:
- Please refer to the handouts given for the subject prerequisites of the respective courses.
(c) - Interview / Test for certain courses/DDPs/CDPs
– - Discretionary Admissions:
Up to 10% of vacancies set aside for consideration of
exceptional candidates for admission, include factors other
than academic grades
Excelling in national/ international competitions
Special Talents
Special & challenging circumstances
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Admission Requirements
• Subject Prerequisites for the courses :
• Indicator Grade Profile (IGP) & course places published for SingaporeCambridge GCE A-Levels & Local Polytechnic Diploma students to
enable applicants to make informed decision on course choices at:
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Application Deadlines
• Apply with your Singapore-Cambridge A-Level results – 1 April 2013
• Apply for scholarships & financial aid – 1 April 2013 (submit
supporting FA documents within 2 weeks of application)
• Outcome typically released from April to July, concurrently with
admission outcome (subject to scholarship interviews & FA
Kent Ridge Campus
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Bukit Timah Campus
Outram Campus
16 March 2013, SAT
University Town
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Office of Admissions :: University Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing
Tel: +65 6516 1010 :: www.askadmissions.nus.edu.sg
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