BM Version Forward Exit Chapter 2 : Cell as a Unit of Life 2.1 What is a Cell? What is a cell? Parts of microscope Functions of part on a microscope General structure of animal cells and plant cells The functions of cell structures 2.2 Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms Unicellular organisms Multicellular organisms BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit Chapter 2 : Cell as a Unit of Life 2.3 Cell Organisation in the Human Body The types and functions of human cells Organisation of cells The system of the human body and their functions 2.4 The Human Being − a Complex Organism The human being − a complex organism BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.1 What is a Cell? A cell is the basic unit of life Its function is to carry out life processes Its size too small and can only be seen with the help of a microscope Cell BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.1 What is a Cell? Eyepiece Body tube Arm Objective lens Coarse focus knob Stage Clip Fine focus knob Diaphragm Base Mirror Part of a microscope BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.1 What is a Cell? Functions of parts on a microscope Parts of a microscope Function Eyepiece Magnify the specimen by 10 Arm For holding the microscope Coarse focus knob Change the position of the objective lens when focusing with low-powered objective lens Fine focus knob Change the position of the objective lens slightly for fine focusing Stage Place the glass slide Base Stabilize the microscope Continue BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.1 What is a Cell? Functions of parts on a microscope Function Part of microscope Mirror Reflects light up through an opening in the stage to illuminate the specimen Diaphragm Control the amount of light entering objective lens Hold the slide on the stage Clip Body tube Objective lens Align the position of the eyepiece with the objective lens Magnify the size of a specimen by 4, 10 or 40 BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.1 What is a Cell? General structure of animal cells and plant cells Cell wall Cell membrane Vacuole Nucleus Cytoplasm Chloroplast Animal cell Plant cell BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.1 What is a Cell? The functions of cell structures Structures Functions Cell membranes Controls the movement of substances into or out of the cell Supports and gives the cell a regular shape Cell wall Cytoplasm Nucleus Vacuole Chloroplast The place where chemical processes take place Controls all activities of the cell Salt solution and sugar solution are stored here Carries out photosynthesis BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.2 Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms Unicellular organisms Organisms that consist of only one cell Very tiny Only be seen under a microscope Live in wet places such as the sea, ponds and drains BM Version Have different body shapes Examples are Euglena, Chlamydomonas, Paramecium, Amoeba, Pleurococcus and yeast cell Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.2 Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms Multicellular organisms Organisms that consist of many cell Examples Hydra, Mucor and Spirogyra Hydra Mucor BM Version Spirogyra Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.3 Cell Organisation in the Human Body The types and functions of human cells Types of cells Functions Muscle cell Enables movement Human sperm cell Male reproductive cell White blood cell Protects the body against disease Human egg cell Female reproductive cell Nerve cell Sends nerve impulses Fat cell Stores fat Red blood cell Carries oxygen to every part of body Bone cell Forms bones BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.3 Cell Organisation in the Human Body Organisation of cells Tissue Cell • Cells of the same type that carry out the same function form a tissue • There are 200 types of cells in our body System • Different organs working together to carry out a certain function form a system Organ • Different tissues working together to carry out a certain function form an organ Organism • Different system make up the whole organism BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.3 Cell Organisation in the Human Body The system of the human body and their functions System Functions Digestive system To digest food so that it can be easily absorbed and used by the body Reproductive system To produce reproductive cells Nervous system Respiratory system Blood circulatory system Continue To help the body respond to changes inside and outside the body To enable gaseous exchange to take place To carry oxygen and food to all parts of the body and waste substances to the kidneys BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.3 Cell Organisation in the Human Body Systems of the human body and their functions System Skeletal system Excretory system Muscular system Lymphatic system Endocrine system Functions To support the weight of the body and protect soft organs To remove toxic substances from the body To help the body to move To defend the body against disease with the help of lymphocytes To produce hormones to control the body’s activities and development BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit 2.4 The Human Being A Complex Organism A human being is a complex organism because human cells are organised into tissues, organs and systems Human cells are specialised. Cell specialisation helps divide body functions among the different types of cells Without the organisation of the cells, life processes cannot be carried out effectively BM Version Previous Forward Menu Exit The end Versi BI Keluar Bab 2 : Sel Sebagai Unit Benda Hidup 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? • Apakah itu sel? • Bahagian mikroskop • Fungsi bahagian pada mikroskop • Struktur sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan • Fungsi struktur sel 2.2 Organisma Unisel dan Multisel • Organisma unisel • Organisma multisel Versi BI Keluar Bab 2 : Sel Sebagai Unit Benda Hidup 2.3 Organisasi Sel dalam Badan Manusia • Jenis-jenis dan fungsi sel manusia • Organisasi sel • Sistem badan manusia dan fungsinya 2.4 Manusia − Organisma Kompleks • Manusia − organisma kompleks Versi BI Keluar 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? • Sel adalah unit asas benda hidup • Fungsinya adalah untuk menjalankan proses kehidupan • Saiznya adalah kecil dan boleh dilihat dengan bantuan mikroskop Sel Versi BI Keluar 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? Kanta mata Tiub badan Gagang Kanta objek Pentas Pelaras kasar Klip Diafragma Pelaras halus Tapak Cermin Bahagian mikroskop Versi BI Keluar 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? Fungsi bahagian pada mikroskop Bahagian mikroskop Fungsi Kanta mata Membesarkan spesimen 10 Gagang Memegang mikroskop Pelaras kasar Pentas Mengubah kedudukan kanta objek apabila mengfokus dengan kanta objek berkuasa rendah Mengubah kedudukan kanta objek bagi mendapatkan imej yang jelas Tempat letak slaid kaca Tapak Menstabilkan mikroskop Pelaras halus Versi BI Keluar 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? Fungsi bahagian pada mikroskop Bahagian mikroskop Fungsi Cermin Memantulkan cahaya ke arah kanta objek Diafragma Mengawal jumlah cahaya yang memasuki kanta objek Memegang slaid pada pentas Klip Tiub badan Kanta objek Melaraskan kedudukan kanta mata dengan kanta objek Membesarkan saiz specimen 4, 10 atau 40 Versi BI Keluar 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? Struktur sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan Dinding sel Membran sel Vakuol Nukleus Sitoplasma Kloroplas Sel haiwan Sel tumbuhan Versi BI Keluar 2.1 Apakah itu Sel? Fungsi struktur sel Struktur Membran sel Dinding sel Sitoplasma Fungsi Mengawal pergerakan bahan yang masuk dan keluar dari sel Menyokong dan memberi bentuk yang tetap Nukleus Tempat di mana proses kimia mengambil alih Mengawal semua aktiviti sel Vakuol Larutan garam dan gula disimpan di sini Kloroplas Menjalankan fotosintesis Versi BI Keluar 2.2 Organisma Unisel dan Multisel Organisma unisel • Organisma yang • Mempunyai bentuk yang berbeza mengandungi satu sel sahaja • Contohnya Euglena, Klamidomonas, • Sangat halus Paramesium, Ameba, • Hanya boleh dilihat Pleurokokus and yis dengan mikroskop • Tinggal di tempat yang lembap seperti laut, kolam dan longkang Versi BI Keluar 2.2 Organisma Unisel dan Multisel Organisma multisel • Organisma yang mengandungi banyak sel • Contoh Hidra, Mukor and Spirogira Hidra Mukor Spirogira Versi BI Keluar 2.3 Organisasi Sel dalam Badan Manusia Jenis-jenis dan fungsi sel manusia Jenis-jenis sel Sel otot Fungsi Membolehkan pergerakan Sel sperma manusia Sel pembiakan lelaki Sel darah putih Melindungi badan melawan penyakit Sel telur manusia Sel pembiakan perempuan Sel saraf Menghantar impuls saraf Sel lemak Menyimpan lemak Sel darah merah Membawa oksigen ke setiap bahagian badan Membentuk tulang Sel tulang Versi BI Keluar 2.3 Organisasi Sel dalam Badan Manusia Organisasi sel Tisu Sel • Terdapat 200 jenis sel dalam badan kita Sistem • Kumpulan organ yang bersamasama menjalankan fungsi tertentu dinamakan sistem • Sel sama jenis yang menjalankan fungsi yang sama dinamakan tisu Organ • Kumpulan tisu yang bersama-sama menjalankan fungsi tertentu dinamakan organ Organisma • Sistem yang berbeza-beza membentuk suatu organisma Versi BI Keluar 2.3 Organisasi Sel dalam Badan Manusia Sistem dalam badan manusia dan fungsinya Sistem Sistem pencernaan Sistem pembiakan Sistem saraf Sistem pernafasan Sistem peredaran darah Fungsi Mencerna makanan supaya mudah diserap dan digunakan oleh badan Menghasilkan sel pembiakan Membantu badan merangsang perubahan di dalam dan d luar badan Membolehkan pertukaran gas Membawa oksigen dan makanan ke semua bahagian badan dan bahan buangan ke ginjal Versi BI Keluar 2.3 Organisasi Sel dalam Badan Manusia Sistem dalam badan manusia dan fungsinya Sistem Sistem rangka Sistem perkumuhuan Sistem otot Sistem limfa Sistem endokrin Fungsi Menyokong berat badan dan melindungi organ yang lembut Menyingkirkan bahan kumuh daripada badan Membantu badan bergerak Mempertahankan badan melawan penyakit Menghasilkan hormon untuk mengawal aktiviti badan dan pembangunan Versi BI Keluar 2.4 Manusia Organisma Komples • Manusia merupakan organisma kompleks kerana sel manusia tersusun kepada tisu, organ dan sistem • Sel manusia adalah istimewa. Keisitmewaan sel ini membantu fungsi badan dalam kalangan pelbagai jenis sel • Tanpa organisasi sel, proses kehidupan tidak akan berkesan Versi BI Keluar tamat