Information about the shuttle bus for first time users:

Information about the shuttle bus for first time users: Website: You should expect it to take about 45min to get to the The departure times are
Macdonald campus. (from both campuses): 7:00 The bus leaves downtown from 688 Sherbooke Street West. 7:45 You will notice the lineup in front of the building. 8:30 9:15 I would suggest arriving a little before the departure time, as 10:00 the bus can only accept 48 people and there are often more 10:45 people waiting than the bus can accommodate. 11:30 Usually you can just walk onto the bus without showing ID. If 12:15 you are asked for ID, tell the driver that you are coming to 13:00 the career fair, you should not have a problem. 13:45 14:30 The bus drops you off at the Centennial Centre. Use the map 15:15 provided below to guide you from the Centennial Center to 16:00 the Macdonald‐Stewart building. 16:45 Occasionally, if the bus is running late, the driver will stop at 17:30 the Macdonald‐Stewart building before proceeding to the 18:15 Centennial Centre, so you may want to ask the driver what building you are at as you are getting off the bus. 