BIOL 241: Human Anatomy and Physiology Winter Quarter, 2010 Class Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday SAM 105 2– 2:50 (Lecture) Tuesday and Thursday SAM 306 2 – 3:50 (Lab/Lecture) Instructor: Anna Davis, Ph.D., RYT Email: Office: SAM 321 Phone: 516-3125 (best to reach me via email) Office Hours: appointment Course Website: Course Description: Biology 241 is the first part of a two quarter Anatomy and Physiology sequence designed to provide you with a basic understanding of the structure and function of the human body. Topics covered include: Quick Review: Basic Cell Structure and Function and Basic Chemistry Concepts; Structure and Function of: Tissues, Integumentary System, Skeletal System, Articulations, Muscular System, Cardiovascular System, Blood, Lymphatic System and Respiratory System. The course is designed to prepare students for advanced study of anatomy and physiology and clinically related subjects. In addition, the student will gain experience problem solving, interpreting data, communicating verbally and in writing with others. th Required Texts: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, by Martini and Nath, Prentice Hall, 8 edition. Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, 8th ed, by Elaine N. Marieb, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2008 Lab Support Materials: PhysiolEX, Histology and Anatomy Atlases. All of you have access to lab support materials by registering with # in your lab manual at Additional Resources (please do not buy before class): The Anatomy Coloring Book by Kapit and Elson. ISBN0-8053-50861-1 The Physiology Coloring Book by Kapit, Macey & Elson. ISBN0-321-03663-8 “MyAandP” and “The Anatomy and Physiology Place” online materials. ISBN 0-8053-8179-1 A Guide to Anatomy and Physiology Labs, by Rust, Southwest Education Enterprises, 2 nd th edition. An Introduction to Chemistry for Biology Students, by Sacheim, Benjamin Cummings, 5 edition. th Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook: A complete study guide, by Marieb, Benjamin Cummings, 5 edition. st Human Anatomy and Physiology Study Cards, by Van Degraff and Rhers, W.C. Brown, 1 edition. st ADAM interactive Anatomy Dissection Manual, by Sanner Greer, Prentice Hall, 1 edition. Course Details (Keys to Success) Help: If you have any questions throughout the quarter please ask me in class, via email, or arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns during my office hours. This is YOUR learning experience and I am here to support you! Tutors will be available in OPEN Lab to provide additional support (Days/Times TBA). If you feel that you will need help, see me as soon as possible so that assistance can be arranged. Additional resources will be added to our website throughout the quarter, so please check the website daily. Anatomical models are available in the library. Special Assistance: Please let me know if there are any additional areas that you will need assistance. This includes physical access to the classroom or laboratory, ASL interpreters, or extra time to take an exam. If you are physically or learning challenged, please let me know so that steps can be taken to make the learning environment as comfortable and successful as possible. If you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. Counselors are available to assist you and may be contacted through the Science and Math Division Office, Room 110. General class attendance and participation: Regular attendance in lecture and laboratory is mandatory. If you miss a class, then it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the lecture notes, assignments, and materials handed out in class. It is difficult if not impossible to make up labs. Please notify me ahead of time so that absences do not affect your learning and your grade. Participation: Participation includes class attendance, lab etiquette (cleaning lab space, careful use of materials) and active participation as a lab partner and eager learner in both class and lab including homework assignments. Online Learning: You will have access to course resources online including PowerPoint slides from lecture. Please check our course website daily throughout the term. Lectures/Reading: Lectures will not cover all the material required in each study unit. Lectures are likely to include supplemental material to the text. You are expected to read the text (at least briefly) before each topic is discussed in class and be prepared to ask and answer questions in class. Laboratory: You are expected to read the laboratory exercise PRIOR to each lab and complete any pre-lab activities. Laboratory exercises must be completed during the scheduled lab session. You will be required to complete Lab Review sheets to support your lab work due Mondays following completion of Lab Exercises for many labs (TBA). There will be open labs scheduled during the week (TBA) where there will be a tutor to help with difficult concepts. Commitment/Study Suggestions: This course covers a lot of material in a short period of time therefore it requires a strong commitment in order to succeed. Plan to attend all lectures and laboratory sessions and spend at least 5 - 15 additional hours per week studying. Your studies outside of class should include reading and studying the text, reviewing the lecture PowerPoints, answering study question and studying laboratory materials (microscope slides, models, etc.) for lab practical exams. Many successful students (3.5 – 4.0) form study groups and meet regularly with their teacher. Tutors will be available to help with difficult concepts during open labs. Academic Honesty: The worst academic offenses are cheating and plagiarism. The consequences for cheating and plagiarism can be as serious as failing the course, and in some instances, being kicked out of school. You will not increase your knowledge of anatomy and physiology by cheating or plagiarizing. Evaluation General Information about Exams: THERE ARE NO MAKE UP EXAMS. Any changes in the time and/or day of an exam or quiz will be announced in class some time before the exam date. It is the student's responsibility to find out what she/he has missed, including test dates if you are absent. All information will be posted on our class website. No late or make up exams except in an emergency – in which case the student must contact the instructor before the exam, and is limited to one per quarter. Documentation will be required. A penalty may be incurred for makeup exams. No extra time is given for those arriving late. Lecture Exams (listed as EXAM on schedule): There will be 4 lecture exams (the last exam during final exam period). The approximate dates are listed in the lecture schedule. There are no early, late, or makeup lecture exams. The lecture exams will cover the material covered in lecture and some material presented in the lab. The lecture exams are not comprehensive - but the material does build upon a base from the start of the course. Lecture exams will be designed to test your understanding of the material and are likely to include a mix of multiple choice, short answer and essay style questions. Quizzes/Homework: Homework will be turned in the Monday following completion of each lab. For some labs, you will have a study sheet with questions to answer for homework rather than/or in addition to the Lab Review Sheet. Late homework will not receive full credit and may not be accepted. You will have as many as 5 quizzes to help me gauge your comprehension of material and also help keep you on target with your studies. Quizzes will be on Mondays. You may also have additional homework assignments as needed to ensure comprehension of the material covered in class and lab. Final Exam: The final exam (4 th exam) is held in class on Tuesday March 23, 1-3 pm. Lab Exams/Practicals (listed as Lab Exam on schedule): There will be 5 practical exams where you will need to locate and identify and/or describe structures in the body (cell structure and tissue histology, sheep brain structure, organ structure (sensory, kidney, etc.). The lab practicals will take approximately 20 minutes - 1 hour; expect to begin new lecture and/or lab material before or after the practical. *Test re-grades: If there is a mistake on the addition of your exam, please return it to your instructor immediately for a reassessment of the addition. If you are unsure/unhappy with the grading protocol, turn in a written explanation of the areas in question no later than one week after the exam has been returned. The instructor will assess this within the next two weeks and return your exam with a changed grade or an explanation as to the grading protocol. The instructor’s response may be written or oral. PLEASE NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule, assignments, grading procedures, etc. at any point in time during the class due to schedule conflicts, new/different assignments, new approaches, etc., based upon the instructor’s professional judgment. Grading/Assessment Policy: The final grade for this course will be a combination of your assessment scores (lecture exams, lab exams, final exam, quizzes/homework and lab activities). Dates for assessments are listed in the lecture and lab schedules but note that the instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule, assignments, grading procedures, etc., at any point in time during the class, due to schedule conflicts, new/different assignments, new approaches, etc., based upon the instructor’s professional judgment. Assessments 4 Lecture Exams 40% 5 Lab Exams 30 % Weekly Quizzes/Homework 15 % Lab activities/Participation 15 % Total 100 % * Scoring: e.g. 4 Lecture exams, 100 pts/exam = (4 x 100)/4 x .40 = 40 out of 40 possible points Course Grade: Grades will be tentatively assigned as follows and follow the standards set by Central Seattle Community College: 4.0 = 95% 3.4 = 89% 2.8 = 79% 2.2 = 70% 1.6 = 61% 1.0 = 52% 3.9 = 94% 3.3 = 88% 2.7 = 78% 2.1 = 69% 1.5 = 60% 0.9 = 50% 3.8 = 93% 3.2 = 85% 2.6 = 76% 2.0 = 68% 1.4 = 59% 0.8 = 48% 3.7 = 92% 3.1 = 83% 2.5 = 74% 1.9 = 66% 1.3 = 58% 0.7 = 46% 3.6 = 91% 3.0 = 81% 2.4 = 73% 1.8 = 64% 1.2 = 56% 0.6 = 44% 3.5 = 90% 2.9 = 80% 2.3 = 71% 1.7 = 62% 1.1 = 54% 0.5 = 42% etc. Additional INFO: Students who stop attending class and do not initiate one of the following alternatives will receive a grade of 0.0. W - Withdrawal. Last day to withdraw is November 20. I - Incomplete. This grade is granted at the instructor's discretion. For students who perform at a passing level (60%) but did not meet the course requirements (ONE OR TWO exams) and wish to complete the course next quarter. N - Audit. Requires official registration. NC - No Credit. Student did not fulfill the course requirements. If the overall student performance is 60% or better, a student may request an NC from the instructor PRIOR to the final exam. This grade is granted at the instructor's discretion. Some Important Dates (Check with the Registrar for details): Jan. 4 WINTER QUARTER BEGINS. Jan. 8 Last day to withdraw with 100% refund (less $5). Last day to add/register; instructor permission required. Last day to change audit/credit status without instructor permission. Last day to withdraw without a "W" appearing on transcript and without instructor permission. Jan. 22 Last day to withdraw with 50% refund. Instructor permission required. Feb. 26 Last day to withdraw (no refund) or change audit/credit status; instructor permission required. Mar 26 Final Exam 1-3 pm Jan. 15 ANP 241 Winter 2010 —Tentative Schedule* See course website for details, up to date schedule, supplemental materials Weeks/Dates 1 (1/4 - 1/8) Monday Lecture: Chapters/Topics Wednesday Friday Labs: Schedule Tuesday Thursday Lab 3 (4) Lab 6A, 6B Lab 5A, 5B Ch: 1,2,3 Introduction, Review (Chem and Cells) Ch: 4 Tissues Ch: 1,2,3 Ch: 1,2,3 Ch: 4 3 (1/18 – 10/22) 4 (12 – 1/29) HOLIDAY Ch:6-9 Exam 1: Cells/Tissues Ch:6-9 Ch: 5 Integument Ch: 6-9 Bone/Articulations Ch10: Muscle 5 (2/1 - 1/5) Ch:10 Ch:10 Review/Wrap-up Lab Exam 2 (Bones) Lab 15, 16B (Muscles, Muscle Physiology) 6 (2/8 - 2/12) Exam 2: Bone and Muscle Physiology Ch20, 21: Heart, Cardiovascular System Lab 15 (Muscles, Muscle) 7 (2/15 - 2/19) HOLIDAY Ch20, 21: Heart, Cardiovascular System CH20,21 Ch:20,21 Lab30 Heart Anatomy 8 (2/22 - 2/ 26) Ch 19: Blood Ch 19 Review Lab 32,33A Blood vessels, BP measurement 9 (3/1 – 3/4) Exam 3: Heart/Cardiovascular/Blood Ch 22: Immunity Ch 22: Immunity 10 (3/8 – 3/11) 11 (3/15 – 3/18) Ch 22: Immunity Ch 23:Respiration Ch 23:Respiration Lab Exam 4: Heart /Blood vessels Lab29A, 29B Blood Lab 36 Respiratory Anatomy Ch 23: Respiration Ch 23 Final Lecture/Review 11 (FINALS WEEK) REVIEW EXAM 4 (Final) 2 (1/11 - 1/15) Lab Exam 1 (Cells/Tissues) Labs 9 - 13 Labs 9 - 13 Lab Exam 5: Blood/Lymphatic/Respiratory Review Lab 6A, 6B and Review Labs 9-13 *Lab 13, 14: Joints/Muscle: Chicken Leg Dissection Split Femur Demo Lab 15, 16B (Muscles, Muscle Physiology) Lab Exam 3 (Muscles) Lab 34B PhysioEx Heart, Lab 31 ECG Lab 32,33A Blood vessels, BP measurement Lab 35A Lymphatic Anatomy Lab 37A, 37B Respiratory Physiology TBA * Tentative Schedule: This schedule is subject to change and will be updated throughout the quarter. You will need to check the schedule on our website to make sure you are aware of any changes. Please review the assigned chapters before class. Lecture material will be posted on our course website and will serve as a guide to important topics . PLEASE NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule, assignments, grading procedures, etc. at any point in time during the class due to schedule conflicts, new/different assignments, new approaches, etc., based upon the instructor’s professional judgment.