Anatomy & Physiology Syllabi - East Bridgewater Public Schools

Ms. Surlei Lopes
508-378-8214 ext 3220
Anatomy and Physiology
Class Policies and Information- web site You can find all daily assignments.
Course Description: Anatomy and Physiology builds on the fundamentals studied in Anatomy and
Physiology I by exploring the more intricate systems of the body. Emphasis is placed on the normal
functions of Respiration, Circulation, Digestion and Metabolism, Excretion, and Reproduction. You
will be asked to master the basic principles that explain each system through interactive exercises
involving the computer, integrative writing, and laboratory experiments
I. Required Book:
A. Essential of Human Anatomy and Physiology, by Elaine N. Marieb, 7th and 8th ed.,
Pearson/Benjamin Cummings
B. notebook or loose leaf – for class notes
C. folder or binder – Binder should be divided by chapters and then subdivided into the following
categories: Notes, classroom handouts, Diagrams, homework, labs and lab report, tests and quizzes
(Write your name in your book. Write your name in your notebook. It is suggested that you bring your
textbook to class everyday unless I tell you otherwise.)
D. colored pencils
E- Memory drive/ flash drive
II. Progress report and semester grades will be determined on a total /percentage point basis. Tests,
quizzes, lab reports, homework and participation will contribute to the final total.
D. Fetal pig dissection: You can earn participation points each day of the fetal pig dissection even if
you never touch the pig. However, if you are no help to your group and you spend the class period
discussing social events, doing homework for a class next hour, painting your nails, etc., you will get
0 participation points that day. If you are absent on a fetal pig dissection day, you will get 0
participation points unless you make up that class on the next off day or other time prearranged
with the teacher. Participation points should be the easiest points to get in this class.
Tests /Quizzes and Final Exams 60%
Assignment and homework 20%
Laboratory and Attendance 20%
III. Academic Policies
A. Class notes: Taking a good set of class notes is essential to this class. Lecture/Discussion will
occupy the majority of class time. The best way to learn something is to actively participate in the
subject. Learn to listen better, ask questions, interact with your fellow students and participate in
group discussions. Poor participation includes talking out of turn, reading material in class not related
to the topic being discussed, doing homework, and not actively participating in group discussions or
lab exercises.
B. Class assignments: All homework assignments and lab reports should be done according to the
format specified in your agenda book. We will go over this format in class and you can refer to your
agenda book if you forget. Homework assignments not done on handouts must be done on loose leaf
(no fringes) unless otherwise directed by me.
Lab reports and homework can be handed in for full credit at the beginning of class on the day
they are due. Late work not due to absences can be turned the next day for half credit. No assignment
is accepted once that assignment has been handed back to the class. All work submitted must be
your own work.
Laboratory Reports must be typed and done individually, unless said otherwise.
C. Tests: Tests will occur after most every two chapter and be usually worth 100 points/each. Lecture
exams are composed of any combination of objective (multiple choice, matching, true-false), short
answer and essay questions. Extra credit questions may appear on exams at my discretion. Prior to an
exam I will highlight material that will be covered. Most of your grade will be determined by the
lecture exams.
D. Class preparation: Always come to class prepared – bring your own textbook, notebook,
homework, paper, pens and/or sharpened pencils. It is difficult to take a test without a pen or pencil.
E. Absences: You are responsible to be in class on time each day we meet. Class will not wait for you
to arrive late or chat with your friends. You are responsible for missed work due to an absence from
class. If you miss a test day, you must make up the test within three days you return to school. If
you are out for more than one day, you can make arrangements with me to see which day is
acceptable. It is your first responsibility to see me when you return to obtain missed work. You will
have a schedule for each chapter with appropriate due dates and exams. There is no excuse for not
knowing what is going on in this class. You really cannot afford to miss this class. Remember that this
is like a college level course covering that scope of material. It is not a class to be behind in.
F. Cheating/Copying: Anyone caught cheating on an exam or quiz will receive an automatic zero on
that test or quiz. Parents and the disciplinarian will also be informed. The following acts are
considered to be cheating during a test or quiz: talking to anyone other than the teacher, looking at
another student’s paper, bringing a “cheat sheet”, looking at books or papers in an attempt to find
information, and passing anything between students.
Homework and lab reports are meant to be done individually unless told otherwise by me. If,
however, a student is found to have another student’s homework or lab report in her possession, both
parties will receive automatic zeroes.
G. Extra help: Extra help is available before or after school. You can stop by just to chat too. My
schedule will be posted on the door for you to check out. You can e-mail me at
You will get out of this class what you put into it!
This syllabus is subject to and may change at any time during
the school year at the teacher’s discretion.
All policies in the student handbook are in effect in this classroom.
I look forward to having a great year with you.
--------------------------------------------------Detach Here and Return-------------------------------------I have read the above Discipline, Grading, and other Classroom Policies discussed in the previous pages
and have discussed them with my son/daughter.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
Student’s Signature