Course offering, Spring Semester 2016: Genetics and Human Affairs Genetics 133, 3 credits MWF 9:55-10:45, rm 1441, Genetics Biotech Bldg The science of genetics is at the heart of many issues facing our society and, as such, genetics is often in the news. This course explores the underlying genetics and methodologies to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind the headlines so that we can make more informed decisions as citizens. We will use popular media related to genetics as a forum to explore basic concepts in genetics, the practice of experimental science and related ethical issues. This course is intended for non-biological science majors and non-scientists, but a high school or college-level biology course is recommended as a prerequisite. Open to Freshmen and non-science majors. Instructors: Phil Anderson 4324 Gen/ Biotech Kate O'Connor-Giles 227D Bock Labs Al Laughon (organizer) 3432 Gen/ Biotech