Ian R. Gould the exam cover sheets look kind of like this PRINTED FIRST NAME PRINTED LAST NAME ASU ID or Posting ID THIS IS A CHM 233 PRACTICE EXAM Person on your LEFT (or Aisle) Person on your RIGHT (or Aisle) 1__________/14 ........ FINAL EXAM 3__________/6 ........ PRACTICE TEST #1 4__________/22 ........ • PRINT YOUR NAME ON EACH PAGE! 2__________/27 ........ • READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY! • USE BLANK PAGES AS SCRATCH PAPER work on blank pages will not be graded... 5__________/14 ........ •WRITE CLEARLY! 6__________/44 ........ • MOLECULAR MODELS ARE ALLOWED 7__________/24 ........ • DO NOT USE RED INK 8__________/24 ........ • DON'T CHEAT, USE COMMON SENSE! Total (incl Extra)________/175+5 Extra Credit_____/5 H He Li Be B N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar Ga Ge As Se Br K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W small range range of values broad peak Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg O H C N N H C O C ~1.0 Kr H/Me In Sn Sb Te I Xe Me/Me Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Me/Et H C H N H C N N 11 220 O 10 200 R C OH H ~10 ~8 H 1600 O NR2 H O C CH3 –H2C NR2 7 140 6 120 5 100 R2C Aromatic CR2 C CH 4 80 3 60 RC CR Alkyl 3Y > 2Y > 1Y 2 40 –OCH2– R C N H ~15 C C 1500 C CH2 8 160 ~2 H C –OCH2– NMR Correlation Charts H H 1650 2000 ~2 C C O Aromatic Ar H mainly 8 - 6.5 O C ~7 H C C 1735 CH 2500 9 180 H H H –H2C X (δ, ppm) Approximate Coupling Constants, J (Hz), for 1H NMR Spectra OR 1710 3000 O C H ~2.7 1680 C 2200 amine R NH2 variable and condition alcohol R OH dependent, ca. 2 - 6 δ O R C OH t-Bu/Me C C C O C O H 3500 ~2.9 O broad ~3000 (cm-1) ~1.1 H C 2850–2960 broad ~3300 ~0.95 i-Pr/Me C 1600–1660 H broad with spikes ~3300 O H Et/Me ~2.6 C 2200 C ~1.4 O 2720–2820 2 peaks 3000– 3100 ~0.9 Infrared Correlation Chart H C 3300 Me/Me usually strong C Gauche Eclipsing H/H O C H Interaction Energies, kcal/mol 1 20 0 0 Alkyl 3Y > 2Y > 1Y C X C NR2 CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 -2- NAME Question 1. Give the IUPAC name for the following. Specify stereochemistry as appropriate. H a) Br R 1 2 H 3 R Br b) (1R,3R)-dibromocyclohexane (5S)-bromo-(3S)-methylcyclohexene Br Question 2 On the following structures and for the orbitals indicated, roughly sketch the shape of the wavefunctions ON TOP OF THE STRUCTURES, taking care to make the locations of any nodes clear, and to explicitely state the A.O.'s used to make any M.O.'s. H3C C - sp3 Br - p the C-Br s* anti-bonding orbital (where the electrons "go to", THE LUMO in an SN2 reaction) Br more electronegative, therefore anti-bonding M.O. larger on C Br C H H H C H H H H C - sp3 H - 1s C H one of the C–H s-bonding orbitals (i.e., where the electrons are that determine the shapes of alkanes) Question 3. Draw all reasonable resonance contributors, identify the major contributor and draw the "actual" structure (use the δ symbol rather than trying to calculate accurate fractional charges) •• •• •• •• O S O d "actual" O d •• •• •• •• •• •• O all 3 are equal major S O •• •• •• •• the tosylate anion (–OTs) S O •• •• •• •• O •• •• •• S O O d O •• •• •• •• O •• •• O -3- CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 Question 4. For the following two reactions A and B, give the full curved arrow-pushing mechanisms, indicate the Lewis acid/base and Bronsted acid/base at each step as appropriate and state which reaction would be faster and explain using a reaction energy diagram that has BOTH reactions on the SAME diagram Br HBr A LB/BB Br LB SLOWER Br CCl4 H LA/BA HBr B CCl4 Br FASTER LB/BB H Br LA/BA Br LB LA H H LA energy tep ‡ HBr ‡ ed etn .s rat Ea(B) Ea(A) The rate determining step is the initial protonation. Protonation of both alkenes give the same cationic intermediate. The alkene in B is disubstituted and thus "starts" higher in energy than the tetrasubstituted alkene in A. Ea(B) is thus smaller than Ea(A). + Br– Br reaction coordinate Question 5. In WORDS, describe the differences and similarities between a nucleophile and a Lewis base. Give one example of a strong base that is NOT a strong nucleophile. All nucleophiles are Lewis bases, both provide the electrons to make a new bond in a reaction with a Lewis acid/electrophile The definition of basicity is thermodynamic, stronger bases undergo more exothermic reactions The definition of nucleophilicity is kinetic, stronger nucleophiles undergo faster reactions the tertiary butoxide anion (t-BuO–) is a strong base but a weak nucleophile for steric reasons CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 -4- NAME Question 6. Classify the two alkenes shown as enantiomers, diastereomers or the same structure drawn a different way. Classify the provided reactions as addition, substitution, elimination or rearrangement. Which reaction is more exothermic? Give a BRIEF explanation. H H2 addition A H Pd/C H H B H2 addition Pd/C A is a trans-stereoisomer, B is a cis-stereoisomer, they are not teh same structure, B is the higher energy isomer, thus reaction B is more exothermic both reactions have the same product, thus any differences in exothermicity must be in the reactants A is trans-, B is cis-, B is the higher energy isomer, thus reaction B starts higher in energy and is thus more exothermic Question 7. Assign absolute configurations to all asymmetric centers in the following two structures and determine whether they are enantiomers, diastereomers or the same structure drawn differently. Identify any meso compounds. Br H3C C R H C Br meso H S H S CH3 H3C diastereomers Br C C CH3 S Br H CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 -5- NAME Question 8. For the following reactions: a) Give the missing major ORGANIC PRODUCT b) Properly describe all stereoisomeric products if any and identify any MESO compounds c) Explain whether a solution of the product(s) would be optically active and why or why not d) Assign each reaction to addition, elimination, rearrangement or substitution Ph a) achiral CCl4 Ph Br Ph = addition not optically active, achiral meso compound H2 b) Ph addition not optically active, * * * * achiral meso Br Br Ph Br compound overall anti-addition (via backside attack on the bromonium ion) Ph Br2 Pd/C H H (CH3)3O– +Na c) Br E2 acetonitrile Na+ –CN d) Br CH3 acetonitrile SN2 NC (±) H2O substitution optically active single enantiomer chiral product addition not optically active, racemic mixture formed Br Br2 e) CH3 elimination not optically active achiral product OH 1. Hg(OAc)2 / H2O f) addition not optically active, achiral product formed OH 2. NaBH4 Ph g) Ph 1. Hg(OAc)2 / H2O 2. NaBH4 Ph Ph (±) HO H addition not optically active, racemic mixture formed CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 -6- NAME Question 9. Draw a reaction energy diagram for both reactions A and B ON THE SAME DIAGRAM with properly labelled axes (normalize your energy diagrams at the transition states), include a drawing of the transition state for the rate determining step (it is the same for both reactions). Indicate the activation energy for both reactions and indicate which is faster (A or B) and give a brief explanation for your choice. CLASSIFY EACH REACTION as addition, elimination, substitution or rearrangement. Cl CH3O– +Na elimination – + CH A 3O-H + Cl CH3OH SLOWER Cl elimination CH3O– +Na + CH3O-H + Cl– B DMF FASTER Strong base, must be E2. The polar protic solvent in A strongly solvates (stabilizes) the CH3O–, lowering its energy compared to the polar aprotic solvent in B, which does not solvate the base as strongly. The negative charge in the transition state is "spread out" and is not strongly solvated in either solvent. More energy is required to reach the transition state in A than in B, the products are also lower in energy in the protic solvent since the chloride anion is also more strongly solvated in the protic solvent ‡ Cl Relative Energy OCH3 Reaction B H EaB EaA (normalized at ‡ to illustrate the fact that the energy differences are largest in the reactant and product ions) Reaction A Reaction Coordinate Question 10. Draw minor resonance contributors that show which of the carbon atoms A or B will have the SMALLEST chemical shift in a carbon NMR spectrum, include curved arrow pushing and resonance arrows and brackets. GIve a brief explanation. A B NH2 NH2 carbon atom A will carry a partial negative charge as a result of resonance delocalization, atoms are deshielded by removal of electron density, thus A is less deshieled and thus has the SMALLER chemical shift CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 NAME -7- Question 11 (22 pts.) For the following Bronsted acid/base equilibrium a) Draw the curved-arrows that describes the bond making and breaking in BOTH directions b) Label the STRONGER acid/base and the WEAKER acid/base on EACH side c) Indicate which reaction would be faster, left to right or right to left d) Indicate on which side the equilibrium will lie e) Indicate which acid has the smaller and which the larger pKa f) Give a BRIEF explanation for your choice of stronger/weaker Bronsted acids/bases that includes drawings of ALL relevant resonance contributors H N O + O O H faster H N N slower H O + O N O H stronger base stronger acid smaller pKa H N weaker acid larger pKa O Equilibrium on THIS side O weaker base the stronger acid has the lower energy electrons in the conjugate base, the base on the right hand side is more stable due to resonance stabilization g) Draw a reaction energy diagram and include the activation energy is BOTH directions and a drawing of the transition state H Energy N N EaL>R H N O O H O EaR>L H N H H ‡ H O O O ‡ N O O reaction coordinate H O N H CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 -8- NAME Question 12. a) Give a full curved-arrow pushing mechanism for the provided reaction, indicate the Lewis and Bronsted acids/bases as appropriate and indicate the rate determining step. H LB/BB OH O H O H2O H HCl (cat.) LA/BA rate determining step H H OH H LB/BB O H O LA/BA b) For your mechanism: 2 give the number of sets of intermediates ______________ 3 give the number of transition states ______________ c) Briefly describe your reasoning for your choice of rate determining step in your mechanism the rate determining step is the slowest, it is the most endothermic, it is endothermic because 2 bonds are broken in this step and only one bond is formed, this requires energy d) Draw a properly labelled reaction energy diagram that corresponds to the mechanism that you drew. On the diagram, clearly indicate the activation energy for the rate determining step, and the overall reaction exo- or endothermicity. Indicate the positions of the transition states but do not draw them ‡ Energy ‡ ‡ Eards exothermicity reaction coordinate -9- NAME CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 Question 13. For BOTH reactions A and B a) Give the products AND THE mechanisms for ELIMINATION of HCl for the provided reagents/conditions, indicate the Lewis and Bronsted acids/bases at each BIMOLECULAR step as appropriate b) For each mechanism, give the number of sets of intermediates and transition states for each H Cl H CH3OH A O Me LB/BB H heat LA/BA 2 number of sets of intermediates ______________ 3 number of transition states ______________ H B Cl O CH3OH Me LB/BB H heat LA/BA 1 number of sets of intermediates ______________ 2 number of transition states ______________ c) Draw a reaction energy diagram ON THE SAME DIAGRAM for each mechanism, clearly indicate which reaction refers to which diagram, indicate the rate determining steps for each reaction (you do not need to indicate or draw transition states) Energy reaction A EaB EaA reaction B Reaction Corodinate d) Which reaction, A or B, would be faster? Give a BRIEF explanation. this is an E1 reaction, the rate determining step is heterolysis of the C-Cl bond in the polar protic solvent, this will be faster for B because it forms a 3° cation initially, whereas A forms an initial 2° cation CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #1 - 10 - NAME Question 14 Provided are spectra for a compound with molecular formula C9H10O degrees of unsaturation a) Give the degrees of unsaturation 5________________ b) On the infrared spectrum, indicate the peaks that identify the functional groups in the molecule (including C(sp3)-H). Indicate BOTH the functional group, and where appropriate, the specific BOND in the functional that corresponds to the peak. 3412 3392 3051 3044 2730 O 2826 H sp2 2899 H H 2981 sp3 O 776 1529 1376 2991 1110 817 1198 1681 1598 c) draw the structure and clearly indicate which hydrogens correspond to which signals in the proton nmr spectrum (only) e 3H triplet b b c O H a b c CH2 d CH e a 1H singlet c 2H doublet 2H doublet 3 d 2H quartet -2- CHM 233 Final Exam : START OF Practice Exam #2 NAME Question 1. Give the IUPAC name for the following. Specify stereochemistry as appropriate. H a) H3C C C 3 2 C C CH3 5 4 1 H3CH2CH2C CH3 8 7 6 1 b) H 4,5-dimethyl-(2Z,4E)-octadiene Cl 2 3 4 5 7 3-chloro-1-cyclohexyl-(2S,4)-dimethyl-(3Z)-heptene 6 H Question 2. a) Rank the following in order of increasing basicity in a polar APROTIC solvent. Give a BRIEF explanation. F Cl B A weakest D < C < A Br I C D < B strongest I– forms weakest bonds, F– forms strongest bonds (note that nucleophilicity depends upon solvent, but basicity much less so) b) How would nucleophilicity vary for the same anions in a polar APROTIC solvent? Give a VERY brief explanation. basicity and nucleophilicity follow the same trends in a polar aprotic solvent, iodide is the weakest nucleophile because it forms the weakest bonds c) How would nucleophilicity vary for the same anions in a polar PROTIC solvent? Give a VERY brief explanation. basicity and nucleophilicity follow OPPOSITE trends in a polar aprotic solvent, iodide is still the weakest base because it forms the weakest bonds, however, in the protic solvent it is less solavted becvasue it is large, AND it can form stronger partial bonds in the transition state because it is large CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 -3- Question 3) Give a curved arrow mechanism and a reaction energy diagram for the following reaction. IIndicate LB, LA, BB, BA as usual and state the number of sets of intermediates and transition states. Indicate the positions of the transition states on the diagram but do not draw them. This mechanism is NOT IN THE NOTES, you need to figure it out using what you know about Lewis/Bronsted acid base and other reactions that you have learned. The first step is given for you. LA/BA H O LB/BB Cl HCl OH EtOH OEt H LA O OH HO Et LB ‡ H ‡ energy Et LB/BB O Et LA/BA OH 2 sets of intermediates and 3 transition states ‡ reaction coordinate Question 4) Below is an intermediate in an electropohilic aromatic substitution reaction we will study next semester that gives a minor product. Draw all reasonable resonance contributors for this ion and also an "actual" structure (use the δ notation for partial charge, do nt attempt to assign absolute fractional charges). Indicate the major resonance contributor, if any, and give a brief explanation. H H H Br δ δ OH OH H Br Br Br δ OH "actual" OH all 3 are equal major, there is no reasonable way of getting the non-bonding electrons on the oxygen involved in any resonance contributors -4CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 NAME Question 4) a) Give a full curved-arrow pushing mechanism for the provided reaction, indicate the Lewis and Bronsted acids/bases as appropriate and indicate the rate determining step. b) Draw a properly labelled reaction energy diagram that corresponds to the mechanism that you drew. On the diagram, clearly indicate the activation energy for the rate determining step, and the overall reaction exo- or endothermicity. Indicate the positions of the transition states but do not draw them. INDICATE THE POSITIONS OF THE VARIOUS SETS OF INTERMEDIATES ON YOUR DIAGRAM. LA/BA H H O+ LB/BB Ph HCl cat./heat H LB ••O H HO Ph •• H H2O H LB/BB •• O + Ph H energy Ph ‡ + LA/BA H H LA H O + Ph ‡ ‡ ‡ reaction coordinate c) For your mechanism: 2 give the number of sets of intermediates ______________ 3 give the number of transition states ______________ d) Briefly describe your reasoning for your choice of rate determining step in your mechanism the rate determining step is the slowest, it is the most endothermic, it is endothermic because 2 bonds are broken in this step and only one bond is formed, this requires energy CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 -5- NAME Question 5. For the following reactions: a) Give the missing major ORGANIC PRODUCT b) Properly describe all stereoisomeric products if any and identify any MESO compounds c) Explain whether a solution of the product(s) would be optically active and why or why not d) Assign each reaction to addition, elimination, rearrangement or substitution OH H2SO4 a) H addition not optically active achiral product H2O/heat will rearrange Br substitution NBS b) (±) hν strong Nucleophile/weaker base - SN2 substitution CH2CH2CH2OCH3 CH3S– +Na optically active single C H enantiomer formed CH3S acetone CH3 CH2CH2CH2OCH3 c) H C Br H3C d) D not optically active, racemic mixture formed D Br2 CCl4 D * * Br Br OR (±) D Br * * D (±) Br D Na+ –OH e) elimination Br DMF non-bulky base gives Sayetzeff alkene 1. Hg(OAc)2/H2O f) addition not optically active, racemic mixture formed not optically active achiral product addition not optically active, racemic mixture formed * (±) OH no rearrangment occurs here due to ABSENCE of carbocation intermediate 2. NaBH4 g) * * H2/Pd/C * * addition OPTICALLY ACTIVE, single enantiomer reactant, single enantiomer product CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 -6- NAME Question 6) For (2R,3S)-dibromobutane (meso-1,2-dibromobutane) a) Draw a 3-D structure using wedged/dashed bonds showing the stereochemistry at the two asymmetric centers, IN THE REACTIVE CONFORMATION FOR AN E2 ELIMINATION Me H H H H Br R S R S OR C* C* *C *C Me Me Br Me Br Br b) Draw a Newman projection for the reactive conformation for E2 elimination, looking FROM carbon #2 TO carbon #3. H H H Br Me H OR Me Br Me Br Me Br c) Give the product of E2 elimination to give the Sayetzeff (Zaitsev) alkene product Me Me C C Br H Question 7) For the two SN2 reactions shown, A and B a) Give the curved arrow pushing and indicate the Lewis acid and base (LA/LB) and ALSO the nucleophile (Nuc) and electrophile (Elec) b) Draw reaction energy diagrams on the SAME DIAGRAM (normalize at the reactants), indicate the activation energy for both reactions and indicate the positions of the transition states c) Indicate the faster reaction and give a brief explanation that includes Hammond Postulate LB/Nuc LA/Elec Na NH2 NH2 Br + Br A CH3CN LA/Elec B relative energy Br Na OH LB/Nuc CH3CN OH + Br ‡ ‡ EaB EaA B A reaction coordinate reaction A is faster, the -NH2 anion is a stronger Lewis base and nucleophile because the energy of the non-bonding electrons is higher, they are more reactive, because N is less electronegative than O, reaction A is more exothermic, the Hammond Postulate states that the more exothermoic reaction will have teh smaller activation energy, be faster and have the earlier transitions state CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 NAME -7- Question 7) Draw the conjugate base anion that results from deprotonation of the N-H bond in A, B and C below. Include ALL resonance contributors where appropriate. AND, rank A B and C in order of increasing Brønsted acidity. Give a BRIEF explanation. H N A N B H C N H A < B weakest O C < strongest deprotonation of C gives a resonance stabilized anion with negative charges on N and O, which makes the most stable anion, deprotonation of B puts the negative charge on N and C which is thus higher in energy than that from C, deprotonation of A gives an anion that is not resonance stabilized, thus highest in energy and thus its conjugate acid is the weakest -H+ H N H N H N -H+ -H+ N N N N N O O O Question 8) On the following structures and for the orbitals indicated, roughly sketch the shape of the wavefunctions ON TOP OF THE STRUCTURES, taking care to make the locations of any nodes clear, and to explicitely state the A.O.'s used to make any M.O.'s. node C-p O-p H C O node the C–O π* antibonding orbital (i.e., where the electrons will "go", THE LUMO, when a C=O acts as an electrophile in second semester) H3C O more electronegative, therefore anti-bonding M.O. larger on C H H O H - 1s O - sp3 the H-O σ* antibonding orbital (i.e., where the electrons are "given to", THE LUMO, when H3O+ reacts with a base) H node node O more electronegative and positively charged, anti-bonding M.O. larger on H -8- NAME CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 Question 9) For the following acid/base reaction, show the curved-arrow pushing, identify the Lewis acid/base and whether they are also Brønsted acids/bases, draw a reaction energy diagram and the structure of the transition state. Indicate the activation energy and the reaction exothermicity or endothermicity as appropriate. Briefly explain why you think the reaction is endo- or exothermic. O H3C + Li+ H2C LB Li+ O CH2 H3C CH2 CH2 LA O ‡ ΔG ‡ Ea H3C Li O H2C H3C CH2 CH2 note that the transition state has a formal negative charge IF you do not include the Li+, if you include the Li+ then the ‡ would have no overall charge, either is OK exothermicity CH2 ‡ O H3C CH2 CH2 reaction coordinate the reaction is exothermic, the negative charge moves from the less electrinegative carbon to the more electronegative oxygen, and ring strain is released Question 10) For (2R)-bromo-2,(3R)-diphenylbutane a) Draw a 3-D structure in the reactive conformation for an E2 elimination using wedged/dashed bonds to indicate stereochemistry Ph Br R *C R Ph Me Me C* H b) Draw a Newman projection in the reactive conformation for E2 elimination Br Ph Me Ph Me H c) Give the alkene product obtained upon E2 elimination using a non-bulky base Ph Me Ph Ph Me Me ≡ Ph Me -9- NAME CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 Question 11) Give a full curved arrow mechanism for the following reaction, indicate LB/AL/BB/BA as appropriate, and give a reaction energy diagram. State the number of sets of intermediates and transition states, do not draw transition state structures but indicate the positions of the transition states on the diagram and how these positions correspond to the mechanism that you drew. Include all reasonable resonance contributors as appropriate. Br these are NOT 2 intermediates, this is ONE intermediate drawn 2 different ways ‡1 H3C H ‡3 O H3C O H ‡1 LB/BB CH3 LA/BA ‡2 LA this is NOT a step in the mechanism MeO MeOH heat H LB O 2 sets of intermediates and 3 transition states ‡2 energy ‡3 reaction coordinate Question 12) For each of the following reactions, give the major organic product and assign the mechanism as E1, E2, SN1 or SN2 and briefly explain the reasoning for your choice. Indetify all stereoisomeric products as appropriate. a) Na+ –OH Cl DMF E2, hydroxide is a strong base and strong nucleophile, but SN2 is not possible for a tertiary halide, hydroxide is a non-bulky base therefore the product is Sayetzeff (Zaitsef) CH3OH b) Cl heat (±) SN1 OCH3 SN1, the halide is benzylic, which does not help to distinguish mechanisms, but MeOH is a weak nucleophile and weak base and a polar protic solvent, which suggests SN1 or E1, eliminatioin is not possible for this strcture, however, therefore can only be SN1 CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #2 - 10 - NAME Question 14 Provided are spectra for a compound with molecular formula C10H14 degrees of unsaturation a) Give the degrees of unsaturation 4________________ b) On the infrared spectrum, indicate the peaks that identify the functional groups in the molecule (including C(sp3)-H). Indicate BOTH the functional group, and where appropriate, the specific BOND in the functional that corresponds to the peak. 1947 1704 1604 C sp2 1399 1422 H 3097 3027 1498 2883 2907 H C 2945 sp3 c) draw the structure and clearly indicate which hydrogens correspond to which signals in the proton nmr spectrum ONLY 6H doublet A H H A CH3 C CH2 CH B H H H D CH3 A D 5H multiplet C 2H doublet B 1H multiplet CHM 233 Final Exam : START OF Practice Exam #3 -2- NAME Question 1. Give the IUPAC name for the following. Specify stereochemistry as appropriate. Br H Ph 1 Br = 2 H a) Ph (1S)-bromo-(2R)-phenylcyclohexane because all other things are equal, and ONLY because all other things are equal, number alphabetically to give the carbon with the Br #1 in these structures b) 6 Br 4 H 5 3 2 Br 1 1,6-dibromo-(3R)-methylhexane compared to l) switched the position of 2 substituents at the chiral center (Me and H), thus simply the enantiomer Question 2. Glucose exists mainly in the two cyclic forms shown below (the non-bonding electrons are omitted for clarity). a) For each structure, identify ALL chiral/asymmetric carbins using the symbol * b) Assign the absolute configuration of the carbon indicated as C1 in each structure c) Assign the two structures as enantiomers, diastereomers and give a reason for your choice C1 (R) C1 (S) O HO * * HO * OH * * H OH OH α-D-glucopyranose O OH * * H * * * HO OH OH β-D-glucopyranose HO the structures are stereoisomers, but do not have opposite configuration at ALL asymmetric centers, therefore they are DIASTEREOMERS Question 3. Draw the requested wavefunction or wavefunction squared. Indicate the positions of all nodes for wavefunctions, and the places where electron density is zero for wavefunctions squared. INCLUDE THE RELEVANT ATOMIC ORBITALS YOU USED TO BUILD THE MOLECULAR ORBITALS H3C CF3 C H3C C CF3 the Ψ for the π-bonding M.O. that is the HOMO when an C - p alkene reacts with any electrophile, e.g. HBr, etc. (take the C-p effect of the electronegative elements into account) in the wavefunction squared, there is no phase information H C H3C O 2 C - sp2 the Ψ for the C–O σ bonding orbital (i.e. where the electrons are that don't get involved in reactions!!) O - sp2 O more electronegative, therefore bonding M.O. larger on O -3- CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 Question 4) Give a curved arrow mechanism for the following reaction. Indicate LB, LA, BB, BA as usual and state the number of sets of intermediates and transition states. This mechanism is NOT IN THE NOTES, you need to figure it out using what you know about Lewis/Bronsted acid base and other reactions that you have learned. The first step is given for you. INCLUDE A DRAWING OF ALL OF THE TRANSITION STATES H LA/BA H O H LB/BB O O H H O / HCl cat. 2 H O H ‡ H O ‡ H H H O O LA O O O O LB LA/BA H H ‡ for step 1 H H H H O H O H LB/BB H H O H ‡ for step 3 H ‡ O the mechanism has 3 steps and 2 sets of intermediates ‡ for step 2 O H H Question 4) For (1S)-t-butyl-(2S)-methyl-cyclohexane, draw both chair conformations and determine the energy difference using the tables on the front page of this test. Indicate the lower energy chair and give the energy difference. 5 5 4 1 6 3 2 Me 4 Me 5 6 t-Bu 3 2 1 x t-Bu/Me gauche = 2.7 Total Energy = 2.7 kcal/mol 1 3 1 2 t-Bu lower E 6 4 2 x t-Bu/Me gauche = 5.4 2 x Me/Me gauche = 1.8 Total Energy = 7.2 kcal/mol t-Bu priority = 1 C has 3 x C attached Me Energy difference = 4.5 kcal/mol t-butyl comes before methyl "alphabetically" in a IUPAC name because the "tert" part of the t-butyl name is ignored because it is hyphenated, unlike isopropyl, where "iso" is not ignored because it is not hyphenated, so B for butyl comes before m for methyl this also determkines thge numbering in this case, because ALL ELSE is equal (and only because all else is equal) the numbering of the ring is alphabetical -4- CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 NAME Question 5) Here is a reaction we will not do until the end of second semester organic. It is a Hofmann E2 type elimination. It is unusual in that the NON-Sayetzeff product as the major one. Indicate which reaction (A and B) is which in the provided reaction energy diagram, give a BRIEF explanation. Draw the transition state for reaction A only. The reactions are slightly exothermic. Indicate which reaction you would expect to be less exothermic and why. H OH H3C CH CH CH3 H3C CH CH CH3 minor NMe3 HO A H H2C CH CH2 CH3 H2C CH CH2 CH3 B major ‡ NMe3 ‡ energy H A OH H3C CH CH CH3 ‡ NMe3 B (no overall charge) reaction coordinate The alkene in B is less stable, but is the major product, but its alkene is less substituted, which means that its energy diagram must be the least exothermic. Because it is the major product it must be formed fastest, must have the smallest activation energy and also be the highest energy product. (the reason that B is faster is related to a steric effect due to the large -NMe3+ group) Question 6) For the following Bronsted acid/base equilibrium, add the curved arrow-pushing that describes the bond making/breaking in both directions, identify the acids and the bases and decide which acid/base pair is the stronger and give a BRIEF explanation. You will need to add the important hydrogen atoms that are missing from the line-angle structures to do the proper curved arrow-pushing. Draw all reasonable resonance contributors for any species that is involved in the reaction as appropriate. Which reaction is faster and why? H + stronger base H faster H slower + H weaker acid stronger acid the base on the right has resonance stabilized non-bonding electrons that are less reactive, it is thus the weaker base, the base on the left must be stronger, the stronger acid deprotonates more easily because its base is more stable, reaction left ot right is faster because lower energy electrons are formed H weaker base CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 -5- NAME Question 5. For the following reactions: a) Give the missing major ORGANIC PRODUCT or reagents/conditions b) Properly describe all stereoisomeric products if any and identify any MESO compounds c) Explain whether a solution of the product(s) would be optically active and why or why not d) Assign each reaction to addition, elimination, rearrangement or substitution Cl (CH3)3O– +K a) 3° halide, strong bulky base, E2 to give Anti-Sayetzeff, even though in polar protic solvent not optically active, achiral ptroduct E2 elimination (CH3)3OH no SN1 at a primary carbon b) substitution CH3OH Br Br SN1 Br MeO boil (give substitution product(s) only, no elimination) 1. Hg(OAc)2/H2O c) OH (±) 2. NaBH4 can't use H2O/H2SO4, this would result in rearrangement I acetone NC (give substitution product) Cl addition not optically active racemic mixture formed substitution optically active, single enantiomer formed 1 Equiv. Na+ –CN d) not optically active, achiral product CH3 better leaving group addition 1) BH3 . THF e) OH 2) H2O2, –OH (±) H not optically active racemic mixture formed Cl addition HCl f) not optically active, achiral product CCl4 note carbocation rearrangement here! Ph g) Ph H2 Pd/C achiral Ph Ph * * H H syn-addition addition not optically active achiral meso product CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 -6- NAME Question 6) For the following two reactions a) Add the curved arrow-pushing showing bond making/breaking, assigen them both as addition, elimination, substitution or rearrangement b) Draw a reaction energy diagram for both reactions ON THE SAME DIAGRAM, normalize your diagrams at the transition states and show BOTH activation energies c) Indicate which reaction would be faster and give a brief explanation N LA/Elec C N C + I A I Na acetonitrile LB/Nuc LA/Elec B C N I Na methanol C N + I ‡ relative energy EaA A EaB B reaction coordinate Reaction A is faster, because the anion LB/Nuc is less solvated in the polar APROTIC solvent, resulting in a smaller activation energy and faster rate, the solvation of the large anionic transition states are similar in both solvents, the solvation of the small anion leaving group will be greater in the protic solvent B, which is why the energy of the products are lower in B compared to A, note that although iodine is a large atom, it is still considered to be a small anion compared to the transition state Question 7) Draw the base anions that results from deprotonation of the most acidic proton in A B and C, include ALL resonance contributors as appropriate, rank A B and C in order of increasing Brønsted acidity. Give a BRIEF explanation. HC HB HA CF3 CF3 F3C A < C < B A C B weakest strongest F3C CF3 F3C To answer this question, you FIRST need to identify WHICH is the most acidic proton on each structure. deprotonation of B gives a resonance stabilized anion in which the -CF3 group directly stabilizes the negative charge in both structures, deprotonation of C has direct -CF3 stabilization in 1 structure, deprotonation of A results in only "indirect stabilization by two nearby -CF3 H F3C F3C F3C H H F3C F3C CF3 F3C F3C F3C CF3 F3C CF3 CF3 CF3 CF3 CF3 CF3 CF3 CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 NAME -7- Question 8) Write a curved arrow mechanism for the following reaction. Indicate LB, LA, BB, BA as usual and State the number of sets of intermediates and transition states. AT EACH STEP IN THE MECHANISM, PROPERLY IDENTIFY THE RELATIVE STEREOCHEMISTRY OF THE SUBSTITUENTS USING WEDGED/DASHED BONDS, AND ALSO INDICATE THE PRESENCE OF ANY RACEMIC MIXTURES IN THE INTERMEDIATES USING THE (±) NOTATION AND IDENTIFY ANY MESO STRUCTURES, EVEN IF THEY ARE INTERMEDIATES Br Br LA LB Br Br2 (±) EtOH OEt at THIS point we have a pair of enantiomers Br Br the bromonium ion is a meso structure Et LA Et O LB H (±) LA/BA there is actually no really good way to do the curved arrow pushing for this first step to generate the bromonium ion, sometimes it is done this way..... E t O O H Br H Br Question 9) Below is the structure of (+)-xylose. Identify ALL of the chiral/asymmetric centers and indicate with the * sykmbol, and assign the absolute configuration in each case (non-bonding electrons omitted for clarity). Draw a structure for (-)-xylose. OH H (S) * * OH * OHC (R) (R) H OH H HO OH HO OH CHO OH (-)-xylose we simply need to draw the enantiomer, which has the opposite configuration at all 3 chiral centers, or more simply, just the mirror image. An enantiomer is simply the mirror image no matter how many chiral centers there are LB/BB -8- NAME CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 Question 10) Give a curved-arrow pushing mechanism for the following reaction, indicate the Lewis acid and base at each step and whether they are also Bronsted acids/bases. Assign the reaction as addition, elimination, substitution or rearrangement. LA/BA H Cl LB/BB HCl cat. O H H O H HO LA addition O O LB LA/BA HO O O O H LB/BB Cl Quetsion 11) Rank the following in order of increasing rate of solvolysis in methanol. Give a BRIEF explanation that includes drawings of he primary intermediate cations for each structure (you do not need to draw ALL resonance contributors). Cl A Cl B O Cl C C slowest < A < B fastest O O Solvolysis is an SN1 reaction. The rate determining step involves heterolytic cleavage of the C-Cl bond to form an intermediate cation. The cations from A and B are resonance stabilized, that from C is not. That from B has an extra resonance form compared to that from A, and thus is particularly stabilized, formstion of cation from B will be fastest. -9- NAME CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 Question 11) For the acid/base reaction shown below a) add the curved arrow pushing that shows bond making/breaking IN BOTH DIRECTIONS b) identify the stronger and weaker acids and stronger and weaker bases, and give a brief explanation for your choice c) state which reaction would have the larger rate constant (be faster) left to right or right to left d) identify on which side the equilibrium would lie e) draw a reaction energy diagram that includes a drawing of the transition state if your explanation uses resonance arguments, draw all important resonance contributors NH H C slower (smaller k) O H C + H H H C H weaker acid NH C H H faster (larger k) + C H H C C H H stronger acid NH O C H H stronger base weaker base H C O H C H H C H C H equilibrium lies on the left, reaction right to left is faster, the weaker base has lower energy less reactive electrons, both bases are resonance stabilized but the weaker base can put the negative charge on the more electronegative oxygen compared to nitrogen in the case of the stronger base ‡ Energy NH H O H C C H H H C H C H Question 12) Rank the following in order of increasing acidity. Give a brief explanation, illustrated using resonance contributors (ignore keto-isomers and also intramolecular hydrogen-bonding) OH OH O OH O A B A C O C B most least < < relative acidity determined by stabilities of anions, these increase in stability C < A < B because of 2, 3 and 4 resonance contributors, respectively (resonance contributors not shown to conserve space) * O O O O* * O* O C A B the stars represent the locations of the negative charges in the other resonance contributors * * CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 - 10 - NAME Question 14 Provided are spectra for a compound with molecular formula C5H11Br degrees of unsaturation a) Give the degrees of unsaturation 0________________ b) On the infrared spectrum, indicate the peaks that identify the functional groups in the molecule (including C(sp3)-H). Indicate BOTH the functional group, and where appropriate, the specific BOND in the functional that corresponds to the peak. sp3 H C c) draw the structure and clearly indicate which hydrogens correspond to which signals in the proton nmr spectrum ONLY A 6H doublet B/C 2H quartet and C CH2 Br CH2 D 1H CH3 A CH B CH3 A D 2H triplet multiplet (overlapping) CHM 233 Final Exam : START OF Practice Exam #4 -2- NAME Question 1. Give the IUPAC name for the following. Specify stereochemistry as appropriate. a) Br Br trans-1,4-dibromocyclohexane (no asymmetric centers here) Cl b) (6R)-chloro-(3,4S)-methyl-(2E)-heptene Question 2 For the following reactions a) Given the provided curved arrows, give the major products, include all important resonance conrtributors as appropriate b) Indicate the Lewis acid/base and whether they are also Brønsted acids/bases c) Indicate whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic and justify your answer with a BRIEF 1 sentence explanation H H C a) + C H Br H H LB/BB b) H H endothermic, breaks 2 bonds only makes one bond LA/BA H d) H C H LB/BB H H C C + H C C H H H H H LA/BA Na H LB/BB C H C H H H H C H C H H C C H Na H C C H H + H exothermic, makes resonance stabilized anion H + Br + C H C H H H H H H C C H C H H H LA/BA H H + H C C H exothermic,puts electron pair is an sp2 hybrid orbital instead of an sp3 orbital, lowers energy of electrons H -3- CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 Question 3) For the following compound, rank the pairs of electrons indicated as A, B, C and D, in order of INCREASING energy. Give a BRIEF explanation. H A (nonbonding electrons) N B (electrons in C=C π bond) (electrons in C–C σ bond) C (electrons in C–C σ bond) D D < C < B A < highest lowest lowest energy in sigma bond made from sp3-sp2 A.O.s, next is sigma bond made from sp3-sp3 A.O.s, next are electrons in p-M.O., highest are non-bonding electrons Question 4). For each pair of electrons indicated, draw the wavefunction on TOP OF THE STRUCTURE, and INDICATE THE ATOMIC ORBITALS THAT ARE USED TO BUILD THE MOLECULAR ORBITALS AS APPROPRIATE H C N H N = sp A.O. H H = 1s A.O. C N H H N = p A.O. C = p A.O. Ψ for C-N π-antibonding orbital Ψ for N-H σ-bonding orbital Question 5) Rank in order of increasing rate of E1 elimination in hot methanol. Give a BRIEF explanation. Br Br Br B A C slowest B < C < A fastest The rate determining step formation of a carbocation intermediate. That from B is tertiary, which is not as stable as that from A which is tertiary and resonance stabilized. That from C is secondary and not resonance stabilized, thu least stable, thus slowest reaction. CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 -4- NAME Question 3) Give a curved arrow mechanism and a reaction energy diagram for the following reaction. Indicate LB, LA, BB, BA as usual and state the number of sets of intermediates and transition states. Indicate the positions of the transition states on the diagram but do not draw them. Indicate the rate determining steo on the mechanism and the activation energy for the rate determining step on the diagram. Briefly justify your choice of rate determining step. H LA/BA H O H Cl OR CH3 CH3 H3C HCl C CH2 H3C C O CH3 CH3OH H3C CH3 LB/BB rate determining 2 sets of step intermediates and 3 H3C transition states CH H3C 3 C CH2 LA O C CH3 H3C H H LA/BA CH3 CH3 O LB CH3 O H H ‡ energy LB/BB ‡ ‡ EaRDS reaction coordinate Question 4) Explain which of the following two reactions will be faster. Include in your explanation an indication of the reaction mechanism and also a discussion of exactly how the presence of Br or F influences the reaction rate (i.e. not just "Reaction X is faster because it is Y as a substituent...") Br Ph DMF Ph F Ph Ph Na+ –OMe A Ph Ph Ph Na+ –OMe DMF B Ph these are E2 reactions, reaction A is faster, bromide is a better leaving group (it is a weaker base) since it has a weaker bond to carbon than fluorine, fluoride is a poorer leaving group CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 -5- NAME Question 5. For the following reactions: a) Give the missing major ORGANIC PRODUCT or reagents/conditions b) Properly describe all stereoisomeric products if any and identify any MESO compounds c) Explain whether a solution of the product(s) would be optically active and why or why not d) Assign each reaction to addition, elimination, rearrangement or substitution 1. BH3 . THF a) not optically active, racemic mixture (±) 2. –OH, H2O2 OH Br Br Excess HBr b) (±) ROOR HO H2O heat (±) (substitution product only, no elimination) c) Br Br d) DMF no, racemic substitution N3 no, achiral substitution (good nuclephile) N N N Na not optically active, racemic mixture good nuclephile, E2 not possible - SN2 Br 1. NBS / hν e) no, achiral 2. Na+ –O-t-Bu/DMF substitution 3° halide + bulky base gives ANTISayetzeff ELIMINATION product 1) BH3 . THF f) addition (±) 2) H2O2, –OH OH elimination K+ –O-t-Bu g) Br H D no, racemic yes, single enantiomer formedE2 acetone D elimination CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 -6- NAME Question 8 For each of the following reactions a) give the major organic product b) state whether the mechanism is SN1, SN2, E1 or E2 and give a brief justification for your choice c) state whether a solution of the product would be optically active and give a brief explanation Me Br a) Me H t-Bu E2, 2° halide, but strong (bulky) base, poor nuclophile, aprotic solvent t-BuO– +K Me H Me DMF Br t-Bu Me t-Bu optically active, single enantiomer formed OCH3 OTs b) CH3OH (±) heat (substitution product only) SN1, 2° tosylate, but weak nucleophile/base, protic solvent and heat not optically active, racemic mixture formed N C Br SN2, alylic bromide, strong nucleophile, aprotic solvent E2 not possible Na+ –:C N: c) acetonitrile optically active, single enantiomer formed Question 9 For (1S,2S)-1-bromo-1,2-diphenylpropane, draw a) a 3D structure showing sterochemistry in terms of wedged and dashed bonds b) a Newman projection of BOTH the lowest energy conformer for rotation around the C1-C2 bond, AND a Newman projection of the conformer that would undergo an E2 elimination c) the alkene product of an E2 elimination Me Br C H Ph Ph C Br Ph H H 3D structure Br H Ph Me lowest energy conformer Me Ph H H Me Ph Ph Ph H E2 conformer alkene product CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 NAME -7- Question 10) For the following two reactions Na+ –OCH3 Br A DMF FASTER Na+ –OCH3 Br B SLOWER DMF a) draw the transition states for both reactions, clearly indicate which is which Me H O Me – – Br H Br O B A b) draw a reaction energy diagram for BOTH reactions on the SAME diagram (same axes) clearly indicate BOTH activation energies, and BOTH exothermicities on the diagram ‡ A Energy ‡ EaB B EaA Br Na+ –OCH3 exo B exo A Reaction Coordinate c) Indicate which reaction would be faster, A or B, and give an explanation Reaction A is faster because a more substituted, and thus more stable product is formed. The Hammond postulate says that the more exothermic reaction will have a lower energy transition state. The more stable alkene will have a stronger partial π bond in the transition state. -8- CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #4 NAME Question 10) For each reaction give a full curved-arrow pushing mechanism, indicate the Lewis and Bronsted acids/bases for each bimolecular step and give the number of transition states and sets of intermediates O OH HCl a) H Cl LB/BB LA/BA Cl LB/BB H L Base LA/BA O O H 3 transition states 2 sets of intermediates L Acid CH3OH b) Br OCH3 boil H3C O LB H O H LA 3 transition states 2 sets of intermediates LA/BA LB/BB CH3 CH3 O H -9- NAME CHM 233 Final Exam : Practice Exam #3 Question 12) a) Draw a structure (using wedged and dashed bonds) of (2S)-chloro-(3S)-methylpentane. Cl b) Draw a structure (using wedged and dashed bonds) of the product of the substitution reaction of (2S)-chloro-(3S)-methylpentane shown below. Assign the absolute configurations of all asymmetric centers. SH H–S Na (R) (S) (2S)-chloro-(3S)-methylpentane DMF c) Draw a 3-D structure of a diastereomer of the product of the reaction you gave above. Assign the absolute configurations of all asymmetric centers. SH (S) SH (S) (R) or (R) Question 13) Provide detailed (arrow pushing) mechanism for the following reaction, provide a reaction energy diagram, indicate the positions of any intermediates,where appropriate label the Lewis/Bronsted Acids/bases. OH LB Cl Cl LA Cl2 O CCl4 Cl (±) ••OH LB LA/BA O+ H Cl (±) Cl+ energy ‡ LB/BB ‡ note, you would not have to put the (±) on each intermediate as I have done here the reaction above is basically the same as except that the alcohol is attached to the molecule in this case •• Cl •• •• ‡ •• (±) LA reaction coordinate Ph Br2 MeOH Ph OMe Br - 10 - NAME Question 14 Provided are spectra for a compound with molecular formula C8H10O2 degrees of unsaturation a) Give the degrees of unsaturation 4________________ b) On the infrared spectrum, indicate the peaks that identify the functional groups in the molecule (including C(sp3)-H). Indicate BOTH the functional group, and where appropriate, the specific BOND in the functional that corresponds to the peak. O H C C H H sp3 sp2 c) draw the structure and clearly indicate which hydrogens correspond to which signals in the proton nmr spectrum ONLY 2 possible answers in this case (assignment on proton nmr given for one answer to save space) 3H A C CH3O E D A OH B OR HO OCH3 2H C 2H H3CO OH this position less deshielded, thus less downfield, thus protons E have a smaller chemical shift (δ) 2H D 1H E B