Placement Brochure ( Full color 48

Reflection - 2013
Profile of year 2012-13 Batch
The Nation needs more Bhavans
A Man named Munshi
About Dept. of Film & TV Studies
Teaching Pedagogy at Dept. of Film & TV Studies
BVBFTS - PIP Awards 2013
Showcase of Activities 2012-2013
Students Profile of P.G. Courses
a. P.G. Diploma in Radio & TV Journalism (RTVJ)
b. P.G. Diploma in Radio & TV Production (TVP)
c. P.G. Diploma in Direction & Script Writing (DRS)
d. P.G. Diploma in Media Management (MDM)
8. Students Profile of U.G. Courses
a. Diploma in Camera & Lighting (CMR)
b. Diploma in Professional Photography (PHT)
c. Diploma in Editing & Sound Recording (EDT)
d. Diploma in Electronic Media (EMD)
e. Diploma in TV Acting (ACT)
9. Students Profile of Bhavan's Digital Academy
10. Video Projects made during year 2012-2013
a. Video Documentaries
b. Music Video
c. Interview / Talk Show
d. Fiction / Short Story
e. Print Media Campaign
f. Video Spot / Advertisements
g. News Bulletin / Video Magazine
h. Corporate Films
i. Studio Productions / Desk Productions
j. Calendars
k. Websites
l. Animated Video Spots & Games
m. Magazine, Magazine Cover & Invitation Cards
n. Sketching
o. One Day Project
11. Dissertation by MDM Students
Rashtrapati Pranab Mukherjee
(Text of the President's Inaugural Address)
In his inaugural address the President of India
spoke highly of Munshi and said that Munshi was
one of the "dreamers" of Modern India.
"Although he was a man of small build, there
was nothing small in what he achieved during
his life time. Movements like the Bhavan's are
the need of the day. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has
stood the test of time guiding Indians and
foreigners alike in their path to lead a balanced
and wholesome life." Complete text of the
Inaugural address is given below.
"I am delighted to be here today to inaugurate
the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan and the 125th Birth Anniversary of
its illustrious founder, Dr. K. M. Munshi. Dr. K. M.
Munshi was a true visionary, institution-builder
and a great son of India. He was of a small build.
But there was nothing small in what he achieved
during his life time. He was a towering
personality who became a legend in his own life
"Born in the town of Bharuch, Gujarat, 125 years
ago, Munshiji was always an excellent student.
His life was tremendously influenced by Sri
Aurobindo Ghosh. He took up law at the
University of Bombay and enrolled himself as an
advocate in 1913. He acquired the reputation of
a diligent and hardworking lawyer within a short
span of time.
"During World War I, he was greatly influenced
by Dr. Annie Besant's Home Rule Movement until
he came across a relatively better concept of
governance which Gandhiji offered. This led
him to offer his whole hearted support for
Sardar Patel's Bardoli movement and Gandhiji's
salt satyagraha. His active participation
brought. him in close quarters with Gandhiji and
Sardar Patel, who mobilized his active
participation within the Congress. He started
the movement for a Parliamentary wing of the
Congress, became Secretary of the Congress
Parliamentary Board in 1938 and served in the
Central Legislative Assembly in the 1930s.
"Munshiji demonstrated excellence in diverse
fields of human endeavour. He was a writer,
speaker, novelist, lawyer, teacher, Indologist,
Constitutional expert, Administrator,
Statesman, patriot and a promoter and
sustainer of cultural, ethical and moral values.
"Gandhiji ignited Munshiji's zeal to serve the
nation through active politics. It is said that
Aurobindo Ghosh instilled in him the love for
Jnanayoga while Gandhiji made him a
"His endeavour of establishing Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, in 1938, was one of the most important
steps in a series of selfless efforts put in by him
in emancipating the citizenry of this nation. The
founding of the Bhavan echoed his deeply
entrenched belief in the instrument of
education, which he firmly believed could offer
wings to the growth and development of India.
"Munshiji's solidarity and devotion to the cause
of the nation was unparalleled. When the Nizam
of Hyderabad was stubborn in acceding to the
Union, it was Munshiji who was sent as the Agent
General of the Government of India to
Hyderabad in 1947. He served there until its
final accession in 1948. It is said that if Sardar
Patel was the architect of Hyderabad's
accession to India, Munshiji was the engineer in
75 years of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
the field. Acknowledging Munshiji's role, Sardar Patel
wrote: "On behalf of the Government, I wish to say
that we are deeply conscious of the high sense of
public duty that induced you to accept this office and
the very able manner in which you discharged the
duties entrusted to you which contributed in no small
measure to the final result."
"Munshiji's contributions as Union Minister of Food
and Agriculture from 1950-52 and Governor of the
State of Uttar Pradesh from 1952 to 1957 were
invaluable. He also made far reaching contribution to
the shaping of the Indian Constitution. His incisive
understanding of law and insight into India's cultural
fabric made him one of the most outstanding
members of the Constituent Assembly. What might
amaze many is that besides being on the Drafting
committee, he was member of as many as eleven
Committees, which made him perhaps the only
Indian who played such a pervasive role pin the
drafting of the Constitution. The principle of
guaranteeing to every person equal protection of the
laws was the result of a draft jointly written by
Munshiji and Dr. Ambedkar.
"Munshiji's sense of equality did not confine itself to
mere legal protection. He strongly advocated widow
remarriage and to set an example, himself married a
widow Lilavati Sheth in 1926. Societal discrimination
for delinquent children drove him to found a
Children's Home for delinquent children at Chembur,
Bombay in 1939. His love and service to countrymen
was thus unparalleled and driven by a strong sense of
personal commitment.
"A prolific writer and conscientious journalist,
Munshiji started a Gujarati monthly called Bhargava,
was joint-editor of Young India, and he started the
Bhavan's Journal in 1954. Some of his better-known
books are: Gujarat and its Literature, Akhand
Hindustan, Glory that was Gurjardesha, The Ruin
that Britain Wrought, The End of an Era, and Shishu
ane Sakhi. He was also President of the Sanskrit Viswa
Parishad, the Gujarati Sahitya Parishad, and the
Hindi Sahitya Sammelan.
"Munshiji was one among three great dreamers of our
(President's Speech contd...)
country. One was Mahatma Gandhi himself, who
dreapmt of a world without violence, a world of love
and compassion. The second dreamer was Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru who dreamt of an India strong,
united and democratic, playing an important role in
the world. Munshij i was the third dreamer. He
dreamt of a cultural renaissance built on modifying
the spiritual heritage of our country to suit modern
conditions. He wanted to make sure that every
young person of his times and of the future should
imbibe and benefit from India's cultural and spiritual
"Munshiji wrote: `The values of a culture are
recaptured for each generation by a subtle process
of reinterpretation, reintegration and adaptation.
When the Culture is living, the promising young man
and woman of the generation receive the impact of
its fundamental values. The sensitive and the
vigorous among them become a human laboratory
each, which purifies the fundamental values
relating them afresh to the central idea; stimulates
them to meet the needs of the times; reintegrate
the subsidiary values with the fresh vigour of the
new interpretation and shapes the traditions and
institutions not only without impairing the strength
of the collective will, but by giving it a new edge'.
Three quarters of a century ago, Munshiji could
foretell the impending turmoil over moral and
ethical values. He believed that freedom would be
meaningless and worthless unless cultural, ethical,
and moral values are enshrined in the hearts and
minds of our people.
"Munshiji therefore felt the need to create an
institution that could begin to bring about in a small
way a tangible change through education. Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan which was started as an institution is
now a massive cultural and educational movement.
It is a moral movement that steers people towards a
life guided by ethics. The Bhavan, is today rendering
yeoman service to the people of our nation and
through them to entire human kind. The Bhavan has
not merely adopted, as its motto the Rig Vedic
proclamation "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam", but proves
it through its words and deeds.
"What Munshiji expected to achieve through the
Bhavan can be narrowed down to three main points:
Firstly, he wanted the other worldliness in the
outlook of people to be replaced by a sense of joy in
the life as it is to be lived. Secondly, he felt that
outmoded traditions which stifle the creative vitality
of individual and collective life must be replaced by
a vigorous flexible attitude to life. And, thirdly, the
fundamental values which have given ageless
inspiration to our culture had to be captured afresh
for our generation.
"Movements such as the Bhavan are the need of the
day. The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has stood the test of
time and has been a beacon light guiding Indians and
foreigners alike in their paths to live a balanced and
wholesome life. With 119 centers in India and around
7 centers abroad including the United States and the
United Kingdom, Munshiji's dream of promoting
ethical and spiritual values in day to day life is
successfully accomplished by the Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan. I pay my compliments to the staff of
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for their tireless efforts in
translating Munshiji's vision into reality.
"I take great pleasure in inaugurating the
celebrations of the Platinum Jubilee of Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan and the 125th Birth Anniversary of its
great founder, Kulapati K. M. Munshi".
125 th Birth Anniversary of Founder K.M. Munshi
A Man Named Munshi
Once when he was in
college, Kanhaiyalal
M u n s h i w a s a
participant in a debate
on Chhatrapati Shivaji's
c o n q u e s t s .
When his turn came to speak. Kanhaiyalal was
understandably nervous. It was the first time he was
speaking from a stage and addressing such a large
audience. He began well, talking about Shivaji's
illustrious lineage and how he was supposed to have
received a sword from the goddess Bhavani but at this
point he faltered, and then his mind went blank. He
just could not remember the next line in the speech
he had composed over several days and committed to
memory. Mumbling an apology he hurriedly left the
It was a humiliating experience for the teenager and
he took a long time to get over it. In 1902 he attended
a Congress session in Ahmedahad with his father and
there he was mesmerised by the fiery speech of
Congress president, Surendranath Banerjee.
"We have to stand united! Our country needs
sacrifice!!!" thundered Banerjee and the words `We'
and `Our Country' sent a thrill through young
Kanhaiya. A wave of patriotism surged through him,
and the felt one with the teeming millions of his
countrymen and the very soil of his motherland.
With his own dismal failure as a public speaker still
fresh in his mind. Kanhaiyalal decided that he had to
learn to speak like Surendranath Banerjee. He felt he
had to improve voice control and delivery, and
diction. He began to train himself. He would go to
secluded or open places and practice, shouting at the
top of his voice while trying to infuse feeling and
emotion in it. He memorised speeches of famous
speakers from Demosthenes to Cicero to Burke and
Patrick Henry as also the speeches of Indian leaders
and practiced delivering them, day after day while
standing on the banks of the Narmada. Sometimes he
would practise at home, standing in front of a full
length mirror to get his expressions and body language
His training paid off. He became a star member of his
college debating team! Later in life when he became
an advocate and started devilling (apprenticing)
under the illustrious lawyer Bhulabhai Desai he
assiduously trained himself to speak and conduct
himself in a manner that would impress judges and
juries. Munshi went on to become one of the most
sought-after lawyers in the country. He dazzled judges
with his wit and humour, his incisive powers of analysis
and his vast knowledge of law. His clients included
aristocrats, industrialists and actors.
He was a prolific writer too. His first novel, Verni
Vasulat (Revenge Fulfilled), serialized in a Gujarati
magazine in 1914, took the Gujarati community by
storm. It is the sad-sweet story of a maiden named
Tanmay, and everybody from students to office-goers
and housewives and businessmen followed Tanmay's
adventures with bated breath, impatiently waiting for
each instalment of the story to appear. Verni Vasulut
was followed by his first historical novel. Patan-niPrabhuta, set in one of the most glorious periods of
Gujarat history, the reign of Siddharajajayasinha
(1094-1143) the greatest of the Chaluka kings. Patanni-Prabhuta was part of a trilogy (the other two books
being Gnjarat-no-nath and Rajadhiraja). The trilogy
established Munshi as Gujarat's greatest novelist.
However, his most famous (and most controversial)
book is Prithvi Vallabh (Darling of the Earth). It brought
him both bouquets and brickbats. When it was made
into a movie, in 1924 (directed by Manilal Joshi),
Gandhiji condemned it for its scenes of eroticism and
violence. Another adaptation for the screen was made
in 1943 (Sohrab Modi acted in the lead role and also
directed the film).
Munshi authored over 90 books, most of them in
Gujarati, some in English. The Bardoli Satyagraha in
1928 was an eye-opener for him. He went to Bardoli
(near Surat) convinced that the agitation that Sardar
Patel was carrying out with the guidance of Gandhi ji,
would fail. He had no faith in satyagraha at that time.
He felt that constitutional methods were the best way
to get justice for the peasants. But after spending a few
days with Sardar Patel in Bardoli he realised that he had
underestimated the power of the weapon called nonviolence. It was working wonderfully in Bardoli. It had
pushed the British administration up against the wall!
Munshi returned to Bombay with a newfound respect
for Gandhiji.
Two years later when Gandhiji launched his Salt
Satyagraha, Munshi had no hesitation in offering him
his services. He was 43-years-old, a famous author, a
successful lawyer with a lucrative practice and a
member of Bombay's social elite but the revolutionary
fervour of his youth was still intact. Going out onto the
blazing sands of Chowpatty he addressed the people
gathered there.
"Take water from the sea and make your own salt!" he
roared. "Shun the government salt! If the police or their
goons attack you, offer no resistance! Do not run away!
Fold your hands across your chest and sit down!!!”
He was arrested and sentenced to six months
imprisonment. His wife, Lilavati who was arrested
shortly after him for leading another procession to the
sea drew a lighter sentence of three months. A year
later he was arrested again during the Second Civil
Disobedience movement. As Munshi was a highly
respected member of the bar the judge hearing his case
was none too comfortable.
"I've to do my duty, Mr. Munshi," he mumbled, before
sentencing him to two years rigorous imprisonment.
Munshi spent his time in Bijapur Jail in writing, learning
Hindi and reading the Bhagavad Gita. Not being of a
strong constitution, the prison routine and the food
caused him a lot of stress and he developed a painful
condition of the hand called neuritis.
When he returned to Bombay after his release, he was
greeted by thousands of people who had gathered
outside Victoria railway terminus to show their
solidarity with him.
A Man Named Munshi contd...
A few years later when elections for the
provincial governments were held, Munshi was
elected to the legislature of Bombay
Presidency and when the Congress formed the
government there he was appointed Home
Within three months of assuming office,
Munshi won the admiration of one and all for
the efficient way in which he defused a
communal riot that erupted in the city and
could have easily spread to engulf the whole
province. Munshi soon came to be known for
his administrative skills.
As home minister he tackled problems that
had plagued the province for decades. He set
up a home for destitute and delinquent
children in Bombay and gave guidelines on
how these children should be treated and
Realising that alcohol was the root of all evil,
especially among lower income groups he
introduced prohibition in 1938. It was during
Munshi's tenure that legal hurdles that stood in
the way of allowing Harijans to enter temples
were removed.
Munshi had long cherished an ambition to build
an institution that would be a fountainhead of
Indian culture, one from which time-honoured
traditions and values would flow into modern
life. In November 1938, with the blessings of
Mahatma Gandhi he took the first step towards
realizing this dream: he founded the Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan.
In this great venture, Munshi was backed by
eminent personalities who became founding
members of the Bhavan. These included
among others, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Dr. S.
Radhakrishnan, C. Rajagopalachari, Pt.
Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai
Today, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan with a global
presence perpetuates the memory of one of
the greatest sons of modern India, Kanhaiyalal
Maneklal Munshi.
Dept. of Film & TV Studies of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Delhi Kendra of Bhavan established Sardar Patel College of
Communication and Management in 1975 to offer job
oriented courses in the field of Communication and
Management. Further, looking at entry of several satellite
TV Channels and growing demand of TV professionals, S.P.
College in year 2001, started its Department of Film & TV
Studies, to provide full time and part time courses in the
field of Film, Television and Radio. Today every TV Channel
has professionals trained by Bhavan's Department of Film &
TV Studies.
Let us summaries facilities available and services offered at
Dept. of Film & TV Studies.
Basic philosophy followed at Bhavan is 'Learning by
doing'. Students are made to work on interesting
assignments and creative projects. That makes
learning very interesting.
Several interactive sessions with media professionals
are organized which helps students to build contacts
and get encouragement.
Monthly assignments to work on real life situations, and
face professional hazards, this builds confidence, to
work in industry.
10. Monthly test to keep student regular in studies and we
can monitor his steady progress.
11. Periodical skill test to supervise growth of technical
capabilities in student.
12. Practical test with viva towards end of each semester to
judge student's practical skill and professional approach
towards work.
Theory and practical goes hand in hand. By
understanding theoretical knowledge, students build
strong foundation. While practical exposure make
them, technically expert to handle every kind of job.
13. Department has 500 plus titles of Indian and imported
books on Photography, Mass Comm., TV Journalism,
Production, Computer and General Encyclopedias.
Students can borrow these books to study at home.
Around 30 different titles of Monthly Print Magazines
also Films on DVD & VCDs available for issue.
3. Curriculum is Industry oriented, means students learn
what is being practiced at TV channels and Film
14. Department organizes study tour outside Delhi once in a
year, where students are exposed to TV channel kind of
work culture, also in a group they work on many projects.
Department has expert inhouse faculties plus many
visiting faculties of practising industry professionals on
its panel.
15. Students are allowed to borrow practice cameras from
department for personal video shooting and still
photography at domestic functions.
Department has all required equipment for practical on
camera handling, still photography, sound recording,
Non Linear Editing, multi camera online switching etc.
Full hand on practice with editing machines, cameras
and computers is allowed.
In tutorial classes students are made to work hard on
grooming personality, and developing presentation
skill. This makes the person smart and suitable for
Students visit to TV channels and participate in different
TV shows, to develop exposure to media and make
new contacts.
Teaching Pedagogy – Five Fold Education System
Our teaching method is a bit different comparing to
other P.G. courses conducted by Indian universities. We
provide full theoretical knowledge plus we spend lot of
efforts to groom overall personality and develop
technical skill of a student. Sometime we find student
who has never used a camera or who never had
exposure to computer, or who is not camera friendly or
who cant speak proper language. In such cases we
have to individually observe and suggest remedies for
these. During one year training students learn in
following manner. (This pattern may differ from course to
1. Theory classes – Here teachers will cover all
subjects as per syllabus. Classrooms are supported
with PA system, Video camera, Laptop with
multimedia projector and Overhead projector to
facilitate teachers and students.
2. Practical classes – Students are exposed to still
cameras, video cameras, studio shooting and
outdoor shooting from very basic level to advanced
level. Every student get enough time to develop his
individual skill and practice to render creative work.
3. Computer classes – Students start from basic level
and slowly develop themselves to work on
multimedia applications and progress into
advanced level non linear editing software.
4. Tutorial classes – In these sessions we want
students should freely interact, develop speech,
participate in debates, and speak extempore on any
topic. They also record on a video/audio tape and
check their performance. Several films,
documentaries and educational programmes
related to course are showed and discussed, so the
students can learn by observing TV programmes.
This develops self learning process. The tutorial
classes also help faculty members to observe
individual student for his habits, his personal
limitations, and problems and help students to
overcome them.
5. Monthly assignments – Students individually or in a
group work on different monthly assignments which
are made compulsory. Students develop
confidence in themselves while working on these
6. Monthly tests – Monthly test is conducted towards
end of each month. This helps student to revise all
portion covered in that month, also students
understand their weaknesses; also teacher can
individually evaluate and console students for
7. Visit to TV Channels – We send our students very
often to different TV channels to participate in Talk
shows, Reality shows, Group discussions etc. By
participating in these programmes as an audience,
students can observe shooting process, understand
floor discipline, become environment friendly, and
also develop contacts and job opportunities.
8. Visit to seminars – Students are given opportunity to
participate in different workshops and seminars
conducted by other organizations such as, other
media colleges, Prasar Bharti, Public Service
broadcasting trust (PSBT), British council, American
centre, Maxmuller bhavan, India Habitat centre, films
division etc.
Five Fold Education Systems
One-year job oriented courses organized by Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan are proved to be very successful in terms of
getting jobs. Over the years, Industry has recognized the
kind of quality education provided by BVB. How do we
convert an ordinary person into a confident professional in
just one year? The secrete lies in the concept of 'Five-Fold
Number One: Theory Classes
Number Two: Practical Classes
Number Three: Tutorial Classes
Number Four: English speaking and Personality Grooming
Number Five: Classes on 'Be Positive'
This 'Five-Fold Education' concept, makes the person a
confident professional, as well as a good Human being.
This technique is applied in all our job-oriented courses.
9. Study Tour – Once in a year. Towards end of first
semester. During this tour students are made to work
16 hours daily to get feeling to work with TV Channel.
10. Training at Doordarshan (for RTVJ, TVP and DRS
only). In second semester, students work for one
month in professional environment of Doordarshan.
11. Final examination – out of total eight theory papers,
first four papers are taken at the end of first semester
and remaining four at the end of second semester.
12. Practical Test (Concept to screen in 6 hours.) –
Students in a group of 5 to 6 are asked to make one
video project in total six hours. Topic is given to them
only when they come to examination studio.
Students have to do research, write script, get it
approved, shoot indoor and outdoor, edit on
computer with title and music – Everything in just six
13. Project Productions – (Different for part time courses
MDM, EMD, PHT) - Students in a group have to work
on around 5 Video Project Productions in first
semester as well as around five projects in second
semester. Students will be carryig these projects as
their portfolio towards end of the course.
Positive Thinking
Personality Grooming
Tutorial Classes
Practical Classes
Theory Classes
PIP means Partner In Progress.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Dept. of Film & TV Studies
(BVBFTS) was established in year 2001 under the
guidance and leadership of our present HOD Shri
Dilip Badkar. Today Department has showed good
amount of progress in terms of increased number of
student, increased number of courses, well
designed practical course curriculum, maximum satisfaction
from students and large volume of support from Media Industry.
All this was possible because of constant effort made by our inhouse Faculties, Visiting Faculties and our Ex-students. Every
individual who enters Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan either as student
or as faculty remains associated with Department, becomes
member of family and offers his/her honest dedicated services.
BVB extends sincere thanks to all those who have become
Shri Ved Prakash
Shri Sunil Kumar Das
Mohammed Sahaab Khan
Ved Prakash sir is elderly member of
the BVBFTS family. He showered his
love, affection and expertise on
students since the beginning of the
department. Every student grows in
positive direction with his blessings
and guidance.
S h r i Ve d Pr a k a s h n e e d s n o
introduction. Every TV Professional
associated with TV Channels of today
has grown up seeing Ved Prakash as
TV News Reader on Doordarshan.
Thanks to his association with Door
Darshan for long period of 25 years.
Basically, he is a school teacher by
profession. He was with Kendrinya
Vidyalay as teacher of English and
Hindi for period of 30 years.
Ved Prakash Sir also publishes a
monthly Magazine on Education
called “Student Today”. As a Chief
Editor of the Magazine, he supervises
the Designing and Editing of this
independent School Magazine.
Today Ved Prakash is a well-known
figure in all Media Institutes,
because of his association as a
visiting faculty of Print, Radio and TV
Journalism. Our students get full
benefit of his expertise in improving
their language and News Reading
Our students are fortunate to have
Ved Prakash Sir as their Guru, Mentor
and Friend and will always respect
and remember him for the rest of
their life.
Suinl Das sir became a part of BVBFTS
family in year 2003 to train our
students during internship at IGNOU.
Since then, he is continuously
guiding, helping and nurturing our
students to make them real
Sunil Das is presently working as
Deputy Director (Programmes) in
Electronic Media Production center
(EMPC) of Indira Gandhi National
Open University (IGNOU). He has been
working almost for three decades in
many reputed Broadcasting and
Training Institutes including Film & TV
Institute of India at Pune, All India
Radio and Doordarshan. He is a
recipient of CEC-UGC Award 2003 for
best Video Programme and Akashwani
Award in 1995 for his one hour Radio
play in Oriya.
He is a story writer in English and
Oriya, many of his stories have
already published in many Magazines
and Newspapers including Hindustan
Sunil Das sir is actively involved in
teaching our Direction students, for
making their short Fiction Stories.
He is quite helpful in assisting our
students in getting private
Assignments, Internships, and casual
jobs. His contribution during annual
Study Tour is remarkable and he is
loved and remembered for his
friendly behavior. BVBFTS family
offers sincere thanks for his true
support and guidance.
Mohammed Sahaab Khan made entry
to BVBFTS family in year 2010 and
recruited team of 20 students for
Media Coverage of Mega Sport Event
“Commonwealth Games, Delhi”.
Since then, he is in regular process of
recruiting our students in different TV
Channels and Production Houses. Now
Khan Saab is Director (Technical) of
'Shri News' TV Channel.
Mohanmad Sahaab Khan is dedicated
and result oriented Media Professional
with 18 years of rich experience in
setting up TV Stations and managing a
w i d e s p e c t r u m o f Te c h n i c a l
operations. Khan Saab is qualified
from Film & TV Institute of Banglore
and started as a sound engineer with
AajTak and further switched to Media
Technical Consultancy with different
TV Channels including Star News, Star
Ananda, Wah India and many more. He
also holds responsibilities as Director
with RGB Media Port, as Sr. Vice
President (Technology) Castle Media
Pvt. Ltd. and as V.P. (Technology) with
Media Guru Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Khan Saab is dedicated visiting faculty
of BVBFTS. His contribution towards
subjects on Media Management and
Technical aspects of Broadcast
Industry is remarkable. Khan Saab has
helped several students in getting
jobs on technical side so BVBFTS
family will remain always obliged for
this. We are proud to have Khan Sir as
our family Member.
Partners in Department's progress. Management of Bhavan has
decided to choose and award Ten such members every year to
express our gesture of Love and Affection towards their
dedicated support to become Partners in our students' Progress.
This year committee has decided following Ten members to
receive BVBFTS PIP awards. We congratulate all of them and pray
to divine to get their continued support and love to Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan.
Shri Indish Batra
Mr. Indish Batra is a true camera
Genius and Best Director of
Photography and BVBFTS family is
proud to have Indish as its partner in
Indish joined with our HOD as
student in 1994 at Sri Aurobindo
Institute, at Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
Now after 19 years, he is a chief
cameraman (Programing) at NewsX
Noida. He is managing a team of
nearly 60 cameramen across
nationwide bureaus including the
head office. Before that he worked
with Miditiech for 7 years, Zee Tele
Films for 4 years and as a freelance
cameraman for 3 years.
expertise as Director of Photography
and Videography is remarkable and
list of his outstanding work is
endless. He has knowledge of all
video formats. He has seen work
culture changing from SD to HD and
fully conversant with every type of
camera available today.
He contributes his knowledge with
our students. He always thinks of
BVBFTS before making any new
recruitment and we are always
blessed with his guidance and
support, for that he is just a phone
call away. He is a great support to
our budding Cameramen and Editor.
BVBFTS family is overwhelmed to
enjoy support from Indish, Thank
you very much.
Dr. Mani Bhushan
Mani Bhushan Sir is associated
with BVBFTS family since 2010.
His guidance on organizing extracurricular activities for students
is remarkable.
The BVB'S concept of 'Learning is
Fun' has become reality because
of Mani Bhushan Sir's contribution
towards, organizing Street Plays,
Smart Quiz, Debate, Seminars
and many more similar activities.
Dr. Mani Bhushan is most popular
professor at Dayal Singh College
of Delhi University. He is allrounder and devotes his time and
energy in transforming,
developing and fine tuning the
personalities of his students.
Our students who are budding
journalists, benefit from his
expertise in the art of effective
communication. BVBFTS family
sincerely thanks Dr. Mani Bhushan
for his regular guidance and
suggestions to bring positive
personalities for future Media
Shri Nachiketa
Shri Prabhakar
Shri Samrat Gautam
Shri Rahul Singh
Miss Kanika Malhotra
Nachiketa joined Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavna in year 2002 as a student
of Radio & TV Journalsim and since
then he is the most appreciated
well-wisher of BVBFTS.
Nachiketa has Master's Degree in
Geology and MBA in Marketing; He
worked as Marketing Manager for
four years and discovered that
something was missing. So, he
joined TV Journalism to enter
Media, which was his passion. He
joined Doordarshan in year 2005
through BECIL. Today Nachiketa is
Grade-One Broadcast Executive
(contract basis) at Doordarshan
Delhi Kendra and has hundreds of
TV Programmes to his credit.
Nachiketa is well known and well
remembered for his contribution
towards Study Tour, his most
active participation gives feeling
he is like a captain of the Study
Tour Team. All students of BVBFTS
are always emotionally involved
with Nachiketa sir for his humble
support and placement assistance
to everyone. Nachiketa is also
known for his special classes on
Cultural Heritage of India, and its
application in Media Industry.
Nachiketa is - No doubt- Jewel in
the Crown of BVBFTS family and
will always remain like that.
Bhavan family will be always
thankful to Nachiketa and we wish
he should be a Role Model to every
student joining Bharatiya Vidya
Which one is the most popular TV
Channel? Or which TV channel will go
off air next year? Or which TV
Channel is going to make maximum
business? Answer to such questions is
very difficult but its very easy for Mr.
Prabhakar, because today, he is the
Head of the Center for Media Studies
(CMS) Media Lab a Premier Media
Research and Consultancy Firm.
Mr. Prabhakar joined BVBFTS family
in year 2002 as a student of PG
Diploma in Radio & TV Journalism
and reached to such height with his
own hard work, dedication and
intelligent mind. He is M.A. in
Psychology and took Media very
seriously to understand Psychology
of Audience, in other words,
Psychology of Media business. During
his 10 Years of experience he has
lead more than one lakh hours of TV
content analysis and monitoring
projects and provided consultancy to
News Channels on content quality
and strategy. He is a standing
member of Scrutiny Committee that
reviews the violations of Television
Channels, recorded by the Electronic
Media Monitoring Centre (EMMC)
under the Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting. He is also a founder
member of Hindi Portal Hindyugm
.com, a portal on promoting Hindi in
Different forms on Internet.
A loved member of BVBFTS family,
Prabhakar always supports our
students in getting jobs in the field
of Media Research. He also assists
our students is getting casual jobs in
Media Monitoring cells and Exit Poll
analysis team works. Bhavan family
is really proud to have Prabhakar's
love and support.
Samrat Gautam joined BVBFTS
family in year 2004 and today he is
real Samrat of his field as TV
Producer. Gautam has traveled
across the world covering various
shows and concerts. After passing
out from BVB in year 2005 he joined
as Cameraman at TV-18, He covered
Wimbledon in London and
Interviewed Turkish PM in Istanbul,
He was a main Cameraman for
Reality Show 'Survivor' in Philippines
and for covering Star Awards in
Macau. The list is endless.
Today Samrat Gautam is based in
Banglore with his own Production
House 'SHOT'. Samrat heads the
team of more than 50 young TV
Professionals. The 'SHOT' is busy
producing Music Videos, Rock
Shows, Fashion Shows,
Documentaries and many more. The
recent Projects are manpower
support to NAMO Narinder Modi's
Gujrat Channel and contribution in
creative team of world famous
reality show Big Boss-6.
Samrat Gautam is true friend and
honest supporter of BVBFTS family.
He helped several students to enter
Mumbai Film Industry. He has
recruited and offered internships to
more than 100 students in different
TV Production Houses. And his
support continues. Today BVBFTS
family is proud to have such
dedicated student turned great
professional as a member of it's
family. Our sincere thanks. Gautam
you are really a Samrat.
Rahul Singh has major contribution
in promoting Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan in Media Industry. He has
contacts with everyone from Media
houses, Political figures to TV
Celebrities. At present Rahul is
working with 'Times Now' as
Programme Coordinator-Editorial
Rahul joined Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan as a student of PG Diploma
in Radio & TV journalism in year
2009. Rahul always likes to work
with new people, New Assignment,
New locations and New challenges.
Because he takes life as an
adventure and always enjoys the
thrill of difficulties and hardships.
We could observe his talent during
the studies, and his love and
affection towards Bhavan made
him proud to be the member of the
family. Rahul's PR skill always help
our department in getting touch
with every individual which our
students need at that time and
Bhavan will always remain thankful
for his contribution. Rahul has
helped several students in getting
jobs, in getting internship, and in
sending our students to participate
in different TV Programmes.
Bhavan family request Rahul to
continue his love and support to our
Kanika Malhotra, we could see small
pretty young girl grew in to a full
size professional TV Anchor in front
of our eyes. Kanika after Graduation
joined BVBFTS as a student of Radio
& TV Journalism in year 2005 as
usual she was insecured and
worried, but very active and hard
working. She took every Assignment,
every Project, every task given to
her very seriously and remained
determined and committed to
results offered. She developed the
habit of keeping that commitment
and dedication towards every job
which she got in Media Industry and
today she is a highly paid Anchor
with 'P7 News' (Pearl Broadcasting
Corporation) and taking care of best
of the Shows.
After passing out from Bhavan, she
started as an Announcer in
Community Radio of Delhi
University, as TV Anchor with
regional News Channels, and further
worked with Jan Sandesh, Channel
One and Sadhana News. Kanika is
still in love with BVBFTS family and
always ready to train, help and
support its students. Kanika's major
contribution is towards Study Tour,
Her hard working nature and smiling
face is always an inspiration to our
students to adopt her qualities to
become successful like her. Kanika
always remains friendly with every
student and supports them, assists
them to find openings in Media
Bhavan always need
students like Kanika and Bhavan
family will grow with support of
professional like Kanika Malhotra.
Show Case of Activities of year 2012-2013
Student Laurels
During year 2012-13 our students won several prizes
in many media Festivals at State and National Level:
1. Ms. Shivangi Parmar student of RTVJ won 1st Prize
in Anchor Hunt Entertainment category and 2nd
Prize in News Category, Ms. Diksha Mishra won 3rd
Prize and Priyanka Sharma won consolation prize
for this categroy at Annual Media Fest “Manthan”
organized by ISOMES BAG Films Noida.
2. Ms. Shivangi Parmar student of RTVJ won 1st Prize
in P2C (Peice to Camera) competition, Ms. Jyoti
Gautam student of RTVJ won 2nd Prize and Ms.
Rekha, Mr. Sachin, Ms. Diksha Students of RTVJ
won consolation Prize in this competition at Annual
Media Fest “Manthan” organized by ISOMES BAG
Films Noida.
3. Mr. Rajat Saini student of PHT won 2nd Prize in
Photography competition at Annual Media Fest
“Manthan” organized by ISOMES BAG Films Noida.
4. Ad Mad team won 2nd Prize in Ad Mad competition at
Annual Media Fest “Manthan” organized by ISOMES
BAG Films Noida (Team: Saurabh Kanojia, Kulin
Mishra, Mehak, Priyanka Sharma and Tarun).
5. Fashion team won 3rd Prize in Fashion Show
competition at Annual Media Fest “Manthan”
organized by ISOMES BAG Films Noida (Team: Tarun,
Mehak, Preshy, Sachin and Shivangi Parmar).
6. Ms. Rekha and Ms. Ritu Priya students of RTVJ won
consolation Prize in Creative writing competition at
Annual Media Fest “Manthan” organized by ISOMES
BAG Films Noida.
7. Vijay S. Kumar, Sarvapreet, Pushkar, Soumitro Sanyal
and Srishti student of DRS & TVP won Ist prize for
their film 'Donate Vision' in the film festival organised
by Eye Care foundation.
8. Shrishti Kumar student of TVP won 2nd prize in Short
Film for her film 'YU HI HAR ROZ".
Generation of funds is necessary for every organization. An
organization can only look ahead with confidence when it has
sufficient funds & it is a difficult job too. For making the
students understand the techniques of getting the funds, we
gave the task of collecting the money to our students during
their study tour. This task was headed by Media management
students so that they can improve their convincing power.
Media is a creative field and to show creativity one must
groom overall personality and develop communication
skill. Sometime we find student has low self-confidence
while speaking in front of the public. Keeping it in mind
Dept of Film and TV Studies organized an InterDepartmental Debate Competition to enhance their
presentation skill in front of the audience with full
confidence. Department has selected a burning topic “In
the opinion of the House FDI in retail sector is beneficial
for Indian Economy or the Country” which is always a
matter of debate from time to time in media. All the
students welcome this topic and prepare themselves to
be part of this event. All were very much enthusiastic to
put forth their viewpoint on this topic.
Department has invited Dr. Mani Bhushan a noted
political professor in Dept of Political Science in Dayal
It was like a Lucky Draw. Each group was given a sum of
two thousand to purchase two gift items like Indico
Pressure Cooker, Nirlon Cookware, Aluminum Kadhai,
Samay Wall Clock, Travel Bag and Folding LED Chargeable
Light etc. & students were free to sell as much ticket as
they can by using their convincing power &
communication skills. The group wit highest collection of
money was awarded by the department. Also the profit
made was equally distributed among the group members.
Singh College and Mrs. Renu Sharma senior
Cameraperson in News 24 as external judge along with
internal judges Mr Ashutosh Narayan, and Faculty of
Dept of Film and TV Studies are in the panel of our
esteem judges. The panel of judges as winner selected
following students:1) Archit Singh – WDA-12 - 1st Position
2) Pulkit Rishi– TVP-05- 2nd Position
3) Prasanta Behera (DRS-19) & Gaurav Vashisht
(TVP-04)– 3rd Position
In order to encourage student's participation in
competition there was prize for the best audience
question also for which Vjay S Kumar (DRS-05) was
selected for this category. We find this is one of the
motivating factors for student to actively participate in
competition. In the end, Dr. Mani Bhushan distributed
9. Street Play team won participatory certificate
at IIT Delhi and Technia Institute of Advanced
Studies. Our team also performed at DLF Mall,
Saket on Special Invitation.(Team: Divya Gupta,
Pulkit Rishi, Shishir Chaturvedi, Aman Rawat,
Neha Jaswal, Priya Gupta, Priyanka Sharma,
Ishleen, Priyanka Aggrwal, Anjali Tyagi, Tarun,
Sourabh Kanojia, Mohit Sharma, Bibhas, Aditya,
Vaishnavi, Anjali Dhiman Ankur, Pradeep and
10. Rajat Saini student of PHT won 3rd prize in
Photography competition at Annual Media Fest.
Rubaroo-2013 organized by IAAN School of Mass
11. Rajat Saini won consolation prize in
Photography competition DPPC (Delhi Perfect
Picture Contest-2013) organized by Delhi Govt.
12. Rajat Saini won consolation prize in
Photography competition "Wild Life" organized
by National Zological Park, Delhi.
shield to all the winners, comment his views on this
topic, and guides students how to enhance their power of
thinking and presenting it in front of the audience
without fear.
Show case of Activities of year 2012-2013
Cultural Programme
Media personalities are always bound with hundreds of
responsibility and workload. To sustain in such situation
one should possess good management skills. Here at
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, students are trained not just for
producing video programmes, but they are also groomed to
understanding the importance of good management skills.
Apart from bookish and technical knowledge, Dept. of Film
& TV Studies also nurtures students to enhance their
capability in extracurricular activities as well. Every year
at annual study tour each group prepares a cultural event
of hour long duration which is to judge their management
skills. This task is being given to them to eliminate their
stage fear, to develop confidence for facing audience, and
most importantly to shoot the entire event by multi
camera set-up. Students of Film and TV department
prepare themselves for the event by dividing the
responsibility to manage everything on the stage and
Event Promotion
Every event needs a powerful Promotion for gathering the
audience & making that event successful. Many media
companies charge a handsome amount for promoting any
event as promotion has become a necessary part in success
of any Event or Programme. It is an Art as it involves new
ideas & promoting techniques. Keeping this in mind, we
gave group of students an assignment of Promoting their
The Media field is very vast. It includes number of
disciplines- Print media (Newspapers & Magazines),
Television, Radio, Internet, Cinema & Advertisements.
Advertising is a form of communication, which is used to
persuade the audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to
take some action with respect to products, ideas, or
services. Making Print Advertisements & Writing Copy for
them is a Creative task. At our Rishikesh Study Tour we gave
the task of Designing Print Ads to the students to make them
understand the working of Ad Agencies. All groups had to
complete this task only in one day.
Each group was given a different Product for the promotion
like Milano Set of 3 Casserole, Aluminum Kadhai + 3
Stainless Steel Bowls, Samay Wall Clock, Mega Thermo
behind the stage. Each group has to prepare a cultural
programme incorporating performances like dance,
singing, acting, mimicry, choreography etc. Students
have to work within a theme and decide upon their
costumes and events as per the theme.
During the academic year 2012-2013 one MDM group and
one group of postgraduate course was combined
together to put their hard work and prepared a cultural
event on various themes. Creative and innovative
themes were amongst the choices of students past year.
Cultural programmes on themes like Bollywood, Indian
Wedding, Navras, Unity & Diversity, Indian & Western
Culture, Mr. & Mrs BVB and Colour of Romance etc. were
performed. With the little brush of creativity students,
paint out some innovative themes like Unity & Diversity
to Rishikesh is really heart touching among the
Cultural Programme and various products of lucky draw.
Students used print, electronic and traditional media to
convince their audience. They used methods like display
of Posters on the walls, distributing the Fliers, AudioVisual Presentation & the very traditional method of
Public Announcement. They wrote the script, performed
in front of the camera, edited that footage within a day
& previewed that in a form of AV Presentation during the
cultural programme of other group. For print promotion,
students themselves
clicked the photographs,
wrote the text &
presented that in form of
attractive Fliers &
Po s t e r s u n d e r t h e
guidance of our faculty
Coffee Mugs- 6Pcs, 7 Pcs Pudding Bowl Set (6 + 1), 3
Melamine Bowls with Wooden Tray, Folding LED
Chargeable Light, Show Piece- Magic Jug with tap water
Fountain, Travel Bag cum Laptop Bag , Fabiano Steam
with ISI Mark, Baltra Slice Toaster with ISI Mark, Indico
Pressure Cooker- 3 Lit ISI Mark, 34 PCS Melamine Dinner
Set 6 Pcs., Full Size Stainless Steel Dinner Plates, Nirlon
– Non Stick- Cookware, Imported Book – 'How things Work'
Students were free to use their creativity & skills for
making their Ads attractive & impressive. Every group
completed this task with a different & creative idea.
They have worked like a Photographer by clicking the
photographs from different angles, worked like a Copy
Writer by writing the Tag lines & information of the
respective Product & worked like a Print Designers by
transforming them in form of colorful Fliers, Ads for
Magazines &
Banners &
Posters by using
the Software
Photoshop under
the guidance of
faculties. This
activity is helpful
for the students
in way to
generate the
creative ideas,
w h i c h i s
important for a
Media Personnel.
Show Case of Activities of year 2012-2013
NEWS PAPER: A Journal of Daily Events
It is said that Newspapers are the base of Journalism. To
work smoothly in the field of Electronic Media one must
have knowledge of Print Media as well. That is why our
Department provides the theoretical and practical
knowledge of Electronic Media as well as Print Media. At
our Study Tour, we gave the task of making the
Newspaper, which the students had to prepare in one day
in a group and distribute in the morning to the faculty
and other group members. Students displayed their
Newspaper every morning at the notice board too for
Community development is a process where community
members come together to take collective action and
generate solutions to common problems. . Community
wellbeing (economic, social, environmental and cultural)
often evolves from this type of collective action being taken at
Started from 1930 to present day, Radio has become an
unbeatable mode of entertainment. It is the oldest and
cheapest medium of entertainment. Radio industry has
been totally reshaped by various private channels. So the
demand for professionals in radio is increasing day by day.
To fulfill this need of industry we train our students
accordingly. During the course period our students get
involved in making various radio programmes. In 2012-13,
fourteen groups of students made fourteen different radio
programmes including radio documentaries, radio
other students. They were, told to make their
newspaper either in English or in Hindi. They worked
like a Reporter, Sub-Editor, Editor and the Layout
Designers for whole day. For these Newspapers of 4-6
pages, each group covered the news from every beat,
from political news to the campus news. Each group
gave different name to their Newspaper & they were-
5) Bhavan Times
6) The Reflection
7) Arahan Express
4) Expressions
Group Crusaders got the
award for the Best
Newspaper; “Axiom”
This activity helped
students to develop
“Nose for News” & their
writing and editing
a grassroots level. Community development ranges from
small initiatives within a small group to large initiatives
that involve the broader community.
Once Mahatma Gandhi said “If you have to see real India,
then go to villages”. This statement is correct because 70%
of India's population is living in villages. For this
Community Development programme, students were sent
to different remote villages to connect and understand the
problems of rural people.They were sent in seven groups in
seven different villages. The teams performed on different
issues like, effects of drinking, demerits of superstitions,
advantages of knowing their fundamental rights and acts
etc. The purpose of these street plays was not only to
entertain them but also to create awareness amongst
them. Some of the teams also found a primary school in the
village where the children welcomed them
enthusiastically. Plays like importance of education and
first aid were performed in front of school children.
Singing and dancing with the children brought students
closer to them and they shared their local music with
students, this created a sweet bond, which was enhanced
with candies and smiles that students distributed.
Reaching hospitals is a time consuming thing for the
villagers because of poor road networks, thus, the need
of knowing the importance of first aid raised. Educating
the people about first aid was a very important task.
Step by step students narrated and explained the use of
the first aid box and all the basic medicines that one
must have. They also told villagers how to handle a
person in criticalsituations like cardiac arrest,
accidents, asthma attack, etc. In the meanwhile, the
female members of the team were taking care of
another challenging job, which was communicating with
the females of the village. The female members of the
village were then gathered in a common room where
they could easily discuss their problems with the girls.
And, issues like breast cancer, mother and child health
etc were taken up. Topics like female education and
sanitation were discussed with the schoolgirls of the
area. Mr.Surender Singh Pundir, a local resident and
translator who helped a lot and without his guidance,
this programme was not possible.
1) The View Point
2) India Journeys
3) Rishilok Times
features, spots, commercials, music based programmes,
personality based programmes , game show & radio play.
Each group worked on a different theme and presented
different genres of the radio programmes on topics like
don't drunken drive, Human relations, life, women
empowerment, student life & love. The groups also
prepared the jingle for their programmes creatively.
Students also presented live radio programmes on
various interesting themes like Lord Shiva, Alien, Jail,
Uttrakhand, Underworld etc.
Show Case of Activities of year 2012-2013
SMART QUIZ-2012-13
Today media plays a vital role in the distribution of
information and ideas to the masses. It is
intellectually challenging task. To become a
successful media professional one must be smart
enough and knowledgeable to understand ongoing
events in the surrounding. It can only be possible by
connecting yourself to the events by Reading
Newspaper, Magazine, Watching Television, Listening
Radio, Spending reasonable time with internet and
talking people on different issues. To nurture this
habit and encourage smartness, our Department of
Film and TV Studies organized 'SMART' Quiz every
month. All the students actively took part in this Quiz
competition on wide range of topic like Media, Indian
Cinema, Electronic Media- Technical, National &
International Politics and Current Affairs, National &
International Sports and Geographical Facts &
Every month each quiz was organized in 5 rounds to
test their knowledge level in each round. In order to
in, encourage their participation Department offer
Cash Prize to top 3 winners and consolation prizes to
remaining 3 members of around 5.
QUIZ No. 1 – Topic : Media
Organizing Faculty : Mr. Vishal Sahai
Pulkit Rishi
Ist Prize
Mohit Bhatt
IInd Prize
Ankit Bisht
IIInd Prize
Ramendra Pandey
Consolation Prize
Manvi Tandon
Consolation Prize
Shivani Gupta
Consolation Prize
QUIZ No. 2 – Topic : Indian Cinema
Organizing Faculty : Mr. Ashutosh Narayan
Pulkit Rishi
Ist Prize
Prasanta Behera
IInd Prize
Ankit Bisht
IIInd Prize
Pradeep Adhikari
Consolation Prize
Aman Singh Rawat ACT-01
Consolation Prize
Mohit Bhatt
Consolation Prize
QUIZ No. 3 – Topic : Electronic Media - Technical
Organizing Faculty : Mrs. Daizy Singhal
Bibhas Banerjee
Ist Prize
Rachit Grover
IInd Prize
Neeraj Patel
IIInd Prize
Ismeet Singh
Consolation Prize
Manish Ojha
Consolation Prize
Manvi Tandon
Consolation Prize
QUIZ No. 4 – Topic : National & International Politics
And Current Affairs
Organizing Faculty : Mr. Ramesh Prasad Sahu
Gaurav Vashisht
Ist Prize
Praveen Jha
IInd Prize
Pulkit Rishi
IIInd Prize
Parag Sinha
Consolation Prize
Deexa Khanduri
Consolation Prize
Prasanta Behera
Consolation Prize
QUIZ No. 5 – Topic : National and International Sports
Organizing Faculty : Ms. Tripti Choudhary
Harinder Bisht
Ist Prize
Gaurav Vashisht
IInd Prize
Praveen Jha
IIIrd Prize
Deepak Kumar
Consolation Prize
Pooja Chowdhury
Consolation Prize
Shobna Pant
Consolation Prize
QUIZ No. 6 – Topic : Geographical Facts & Figures
Organizing Faculty : Ms. Bhawna Sharma
Praveen Jha
Ist Prize
Bibhas Banerjee
IInd Prize
Neeraj Patel
IIIrd Prize
Prasanta Behera
Consolation Prize
Mamata Ghosal
Consolation Prize
Priya Gupta
Consolation Prize
Because of Smart Quiz, students make their General
Knowledge strong throughout the year. This also develops
habit of reading books and browsing internet for
information. Here we experience the motto of Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan 'Learning by doing' really works.
Show Case of Activities of year 2012-2013
To eliminate the stress of hectic schedule and heavy
workload during the day at Rishikesh tour, every evening
student of each group organized a well maintained
dinner for the students who went out for their project
shoot. We walk on the path of learning by doing and to
prove this right, students are polished by performing
task like canteen supervision. This task is to make them
understand, how it feels to be a good host of any event.
Students of year 2012-2013 presented themselves as
the well-mannered host and served food to the
student'sfaculties with respect. To make the dining time
more interesting and interactive students followed a
theme, decorate the canteen and serve the food as per
theme. Innovative themes were among the prior choice
of students like Jail, Tapori, Diwali, South Indian, Bhole
Ki Nagri, Retro Bollywood, Aliens and Uttarakhand and
were the source of entertainment at the time of dinner
was by Live Radio presented a radio programme related
to the theme of canteen to make the ambience proper
and lively.
To offer interaction with media personalities and film
makers, several seminars were organized. This year
students participated in following seminars.
1. Open Frame Documentary Film Festival, Seminar and
workshop on Script writing organized by Public
Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) at India
International center Lodhi State New Delhi in
September 2012.
2. How one can achieve success in the Media Field?
Experts from Prajapati Brahma Kumaris discussed on
this issue and advised our students to keep positive
approach in life.
Dept. of Film & television studies do not just believe in
imparting bookish theory but it adds in delivering
practical knowledge and a skillful talent to their
students. Apart from creative visualization, innovative
camera angles and synchronized editing, throughout
year. We try to pullout maximum from them, when it
comes to talent. At the beginning of every session,
department organize a talent show, which helps them to
show case their individual courses. Media is a field
where team work plays an important role but moreover
an individual personality has to have a confidence and
ability to present them in front of the industry. Keeping
this in mind we move with our custom to appreciate
their talent at the stage when they are very new to the
atmosphere which also helps in boosting their confident.
Talent like Dance, Solo singing, Mimicry, Acting, Painting
and sketching, Photography and playing musical
instruments were among the most noted one during the
year 2012-2013. Apart from that stand-up act, Jokes,
Poetry, Speech, Anchoring etc also managed to grab the
ball in their court. We not just appreciate we make the
recognizable by rewarding their talent. During the talent
hunt of the year 2012-2013, Divya Gupta (RTVJ-43) in
performing arts, Vijay S Kumar (DRS-5) in singing,
Khushboo Gupta (EMD-21) in dancing Shailender Sing
Rana (PHT-18) in photography were awarded as the
most talented students of the batch. Along with that
Abhishek Malhotra (CMR-2) in anchoring was awarded as
the best anchor of the show.
Four day workshop on Fashion Photography conducted
by Mr. Vikrant Tunious, a USA based Fashion
A workshop on Photojournalism conducted for the
students of photography.
Mr. Prince Shadwal took two-day workshop on “HOW
BOLLYWOOD WORKS” is associated with Bombay Film
Industry for several years in different capacity. He
guided students in 'How to make career with
Bollywood' and discussed on all possibilities of entry
points and procedures for new comers. He will also
discuss on all Documentation and legal procedures to
deal with Directors, Producers and Production Houses.
Show Case of Activities of year 2012-2013
Nukkar Natak “Badlav”
Divya Gupta
Street Plays have the power to recreate history
and simplify the complexity of unlawful detention
through the art of theatrical storytelling. While
there are many ways of “spreading the voice,”
street plays are a grassroot manifestation that is
not only educational, but have the power of words.
Pulkit Rishi
In the year 2012-13 bvbfts has taken an initiative
to make Nukkar Natak team name 'Carwan'.
Members of team acted in a street play “Badlav”
based on change in the thinking patterns of our
Carwan team won participatory certificate at IIT
Delhi and Technia Institute of Advanced Studies.
Our team also performed at DLF Mall, Saket on
Special Invitation.
They learn lot of things from making this play
“Badlav”. Each and every member of the group
put his/her heart and soul in it to make this Nukkar
Natak effective and successful. The team
members are as follows:
Shishir Chaturvedi
Aman Rawat
Neha Jaswal
Priya Gupta
Priyanka Sharma
Bibhas Banerjee
Mohit Sharma
Ishleen Kaur
Priyanka Aggarwal
Vaishnavi Dubey
Anjali Tyagi
Tarun Ghai
Anjali Dhiman
Sourabh Kanojia
Preshy Arora
Dept. Of Film & TV studies, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
strongly focuses on building good relations with Media
channel and Productions houses. Department aims to
provide right Media person, who will join in the country's
progress and contribute constructively to the Media
This year Media houses and News channels provided
Internships & Jobs to our students through Campus
recruitments and Interview selections.
The list of Channels and Media Houses are given below:1. Aaj Tak
2. Zee News
3. ABP News
4. NDTV Good Times
5. Times Now
Rajya Sabha Television
DD News
Live India
India News
Alpha TV
News 24
Mahua TV
Janata TV
GNN News
Sadhana TV
Focus TV
TV Live Productions
ANI News agency
IANS News agency
Life link Movies
UFI Productions
Ocean Films & Advertisement
Suhit Creations
Trzy Eventz
Cozmik Entertainment
One-Act Movies Pvt. Ltd.
Insight VAS
33 Public Relations
Media Connect
Limelite Pvt. Ltd.
Youth 4 Work
Dwesh Productions
Magic TV
Butterfly & Frames Pvt. Ltd.
Divya Sharma (RTVJ-7)
Priyanka Aggarwal (RTVJ-4)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Working as a Trainee reporter with HINT
Working as script writer in Radio Noida 107.4 FM.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9999763649
Performance at BVB: 66%
Neha Gupta (RTVJ-1)
Indira Singh (RTVJ-6)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and BA
(Mass Communication).
Internship as a Reporter in Sahara Samay News
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop
and Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 7827655414
Performance at BVB: 63.29%
Divya Gupta (RTVJ-43)
Pooja Chowdhury (RTVJ-19)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Working as a content writer with a web site “Ask
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro and FCP
Contact No: 9873126102
Performance at BVB: 64.07%
Anjali Dhiman (RTVJ-25)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Worked as an intern in SADHANA News.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9911872686
Performance at BVB: 63.07 %
Rekha (RTVJ-44)
Anjali Tyagi (RTVJ-36)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism&
B.Com. One month internship in Aajtak.
Internship in Azad News..
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 8860020908
Performance at BVB: 66.07%
Kumari Ritu Priya (RTVJ-3)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism& BA
(Hons) in Pol. Science. Working as Freelance writer
with Delhi Press, Hindustan and Rashtriya Khabar.
Internship in Aajtak new channel in Assignment and
Research Department. Computer Proficiency:
Ms Office, Adobe Audition and Internet Surfing
Contact No: 8447166553
Performance at BVB: 65.07%
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Programme).
Internship in Sadhna News Channel.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 8527618088
Performance at BVB: 66%
Aanchal Khurana (RTVJ-47)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and MA
in Pol, Science.
Worked as a News Anchor and Reporter in Abhitak.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP
Contact No: 9717628239
Performance at BVB: 68.07%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and BA
(Hons.) in Psychology. One month internship with DD
News in News Reporting, Packaging and Feed
Monitoring & have done scripting for its various
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Adobe Audition.
Contact No: 9828548133
Performance at BVB: 66.29%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BJMC. Internship in the newspaper “The Pioneer”.
Internship in Aajtak news Channel.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro, FCP, Corel Draw and Quark express.
Contact No: 8802424192
Performance at BVB: 64.07%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism
and BA.
Intern in Aajtak News Channel.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9999734638
Performance at BVB: 70.79%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Internship in Aajtak News Chanel.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and Motion.
Contact No: 9868313613
Performance at BVB: 67.36%
Saurabh Kanojia (RTVJ-33)
Deexa Khanduri (RTVJ-23)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Hons) in English. Working as a reporter in a
News Agency (ITV Group).
Internship in Channel One.
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office and Internet
Contact No: 9910719044
Performance at BVB: 63.93%
Malika Malhotra (RTVJ-5)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BJMC. Working as a Anchor at P7 News.
Internship in ZEE News.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop
and Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9899897837
Performance at BVB: 62.79%
Manvi Tandon (RTVJ-14)
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Working a Trainee Reporter in CNFC Media Pvt. Ltd.
Internship in TV Today Group.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9899585424
Performance at BVB: 61.79%
Pavan Kumar Goad (RTVJ-11)
Neha Jaswal (RTVJ-35)
Ramendra Pandey (RTVJ-21)
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism& BA
(Hons) in Pol. Science. Working with Landmark
Production House. One month internship with DD
News in News Reporting, Packaging and Feed
Monitoring & have done scripting for its various
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office and Internet
Contact No: 9971123679
Performance at BVB: 57.07%
Akanksha Sinha (RTVJ-22)
Rajni Sachdeva (RTVJ-49)
Mehak Prabhakar (RTVJ-20)
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BJMC. Working as a Trainee reporter with CNFC Media
Pvt. Ltd. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Scripting for its programme. Internship in
Dainik Bhashkar and AajTak News Chanel.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP. Contact No: 9899385453
Performance at BVB: 55.64%
Satabdi Chakroborty (RTVJ-27)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism
and BA.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Internet
Contact No: 9650429012
Performance at BVB: 60%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism
and BA.
Worked as a table artist and acted in various street
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop
and Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9582325608
Performance at BVB: 60%
Swati Kaushik (RTVJ-2)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BJMC. One month internship with DD News in News
Reporting, Packaging and Feed Monitoring & have
done scripting for its various programmes.
Certificate course in Basic Computer Application.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro, FCP, Corel Draw and Quark express.
Contact No: 9711458003
Performance at BVB: 60%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism
and BA.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 8750554149
Performance at BVB: 60%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and BA
(Hons) in Pol Science. One month internship with DD
News in News Reporting, Packaging and Feed
Monitoring & have done scripting for its various
programmes. Working as Jr. Copy Editor at HT Media
Syndicate. Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro and FCP
Contact No: 9711046322
Performance at BVB: 60%
Jyoti Gautam (RTVJ-9)
Bharti Singh (RTVJ-16)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BJMC. Working as a Trainee Reporter for CNFC
Media Pvt. Ltd.
Worked as an RJ in a community Radio Station.
Computer Proficiency : Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 8826468842
Performance at BVB: 62.07%
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
B.Com (Programme).
One month internship with DD News in News
Reporting, Packaging and Feed Monitoring & have
done scripting for its various programmes.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9818450466
Performance at BVB: 61.64%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and BA.
Working as a Production Asst. with CNFC Media Pvt.
Ltd. One month internship with DD News in News
Reporting, Packaging and Feed Monitoring & have done
scripting for its various programmes.
Internship with INDIA News.
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office, Power point
Presentation and Internet surfing.
Contact No: 8745826551
Performance at BVB: 60%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA. Certificate course in Graphic and Web Designing.
Worked as an Anchor for Good Evening India
Programe with Doordarshan. Worked as an Anchor
and Asst. Producer in a channel 'JINVANI'.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 8882375783
Performance at BVB: 62.29%
Shivangi Parmar (RTVJ-24)
Priyanka Sharma (RTVJ-34)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Worked as a reporter in INDIA NEWS.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 67111907378
Performance at BVB: 58.64%
Priya Gupta (RTVJ-18)
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Programme). One month internship with
Doordarshan Kendra in Programme Production,
Broadcasting & have done Scripting for its
programme. Computer Proficiency: Ms Office and
Internet Surfing.
Contact No: 7838208892
Performance at BVB: 55.43%
Himanshu Shukla (RTVJ-51)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Photoshop and Premiere Pro
Contact No: 9999858141
Performance at BVB: 55.29%
Mamata Ghosal (RTVJ-8)
Ankur Sachan (RTVJ-52)
Mohit Bhatt (RTVJ-26)
Priyanka Singh Parmar (RTVJ-46)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
P.G in Environmental Science.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Internet
Internship in AajTak.
Contact No: 7836093959
Performance at BVB: 49.57%
Vishal Kumar (RTVJ-29)
Shane Sebastian (RTVJ-10)
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Hons) in English. One month internship with DD
News in News Reporting, Packaging and Feed
Monitoring. Doing Internship in Assignment and
Monitoring Desk in News X.
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office, Power point
Presentation and Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9717667928
Performance at BVB: 50.36%
Niki Lego (RTVJ-28)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Hons) in Pol. Science.
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office, Photoshop and
Quark express.
Contact No: 9582113415
Performance at BVB: 53.36%
Diksha Mishra (RTVJ-40)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism
and B.Sc. Internship in branding and
advertising at JK White Cement.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Adobe
Contact No: 8802975761
Performance at BVB: 53.71%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
MBA. Internship in Research Desk in India News.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 8510801492
Performance at BVB: 52.57%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Hons) in English. Working as a Trainee Reporter
in CNFC Media. Working as a correspondent with ET
Now News Channel.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Internet
Contact No: 9990426339
Performance at BVB: 50.57%
Tarun Ghai (RTVJ-13)
Sachin Vaid (RTVJ-12)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and BA
(Hons) in English.
Internship in Sports Desk in IBN7.
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office, Power point
Presentation and Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9953704841
Performance at BVB: 54.71%
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BJMC. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Scripting for its programme. Internship in
Dainik Bhashkar and AajTak News Chanel.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition, Photoshop,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9711957147
Performance at BVB: 53.86%
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism
and B.Com.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and internet
Contact No: 9313606446
Performance at BVB: 53.5%
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Hons) in Pol. Science.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and internet
Contact No: 7838129595
Performance at BVB: 55.21%
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BMC. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Scripting for its programme.
Intenship with Radio One 94.3 FM.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Power point
presentation and Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9582244761
Performance at BVB: 54.21%
Shobna Pant (RTVJ-53)
Shishir Chaturvedi (RTVJ-39)
P.G.Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and BA
(Hons) in History. One month internship with DD News
in News Reporting, Packaging and Feed Monitoring &
have done scripting for its various programmes.
Working as a Trainee reporter in India News.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Internet Surfing
Contact No: 9968995722
Performance at BVB: 50.93%
Parneka Parek (RTVJ-42)
P.G. Diploma in Radio & Television Journalism and
BA (Hons) in Pol Science. One month internship with
DD News in News Reporting, Packaging and Feed
Monitoring & have done scripting for its various
Computer Proficiency: MS Office and Internet
Contact No: 9871929960
Performance at BVB: 50.07%
Lovely Bansal (TVP-3)
Milestones in Munshi's Life
Kulin Mishra (TVP-9)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and
MA in English.
Worked in CSR project for Jindal Steel.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition
and Adobe Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9582757842
Performance at BVB: 66.86%
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and
BJMC. Worked as an Asst. Cameraman in CNN-IBN.
One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra in
Programme Production, Broadcasting & have done
Scripting for its programme. Camera Skill: PD 170,
PD 177, MD 10000. Computer proficiency: Ms Office
and internet surfing.
Contact No: 9911464478
Performance at BVB: 65%
Surabhi Rai (TVP-13)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and BA
(Hons) in Journalism.
One month internship in NDTV.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
Premiere Pro, FCP and Visual Basics.
Contact No: 9811118925
Performance at BVB: 62.64%
Nazreen (TVP-14)
P.G Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and BA
One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra in
Programme Production, Broadcasting & have done
Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
Adobe Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9250040677
Performance at BVB: 62.5%
Shrishti Kumar (TVP-11)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and
Worked as Trainee Reporter in Statesman
Computer proficiency: Ms Office and Adobe
Contact No:7838516251
Performance at BVB: 58.5%
Isha Shri (TVP-15)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and BA
(Hons) in English. Worked as a researcher in
documentary Film “Musical Band of India'.
One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra in
Programme Production, Broadcasting & have done
Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Internet Surfing.
Contact No: 9350800441
Performance at BVB: 61.64%
Abhishek Tiwari (TVP-8)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing and
BCA. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Script Writing for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office and Internet
Contact No: 9560217954
Performance at BVB: 51.07%
Born at Broach. Gujarat State, on December 30.
Invested with a sacred thread, being a Brahmin.
Married Atilakshmi Pathak.
Joined Baroda College.
Came under the influence of his Professor
Arvind Ghosh, later, Sri Aurobindo.
Passed First LL.B. with first class, winning a
Passed B.A., winning Elliot Memorial prize.
Settled in Bombay.
Attended Surat Congress; first exposure to
Tilak, Bipin Pal, and Lajpat Rai.
Founded a free library at Broach. 1910
Passed final LL.B. examination. Enrolled as
pleader on the Appellate side of Bombay High
Became secretary of Gurjar Sabha (Gujarati
Literary Society). Won Students' Brotherhood
Motiwala prize for his article. "Theory and
Practice of Social Service."
Promoted a monthly, Bhargava.
Enrolled as an Advocate on the Original side of
Bombay High Court. Joined Bhulabhai Desai as
his junior. 1915 Started "Young India", and
became its joint editor. Joined Home-Rule
Becamep member of the Subjects Committee of
the Indipan National Congress. Elected
Secretary of the Bombay Presidency
Milestones in Munshi's Life contd. on page no. 24
Pushkar Garg (DRS-1)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and BA
(Hons) in Pol Science.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Audition and
Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9899800042
Performance at BVB: 67.79%
Vjay S Kumar (DRS-5)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing and
BA (Hons) in Pol. Science.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
Adobe Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9958233308
Performance at BVB: 60.71%
Arun Gusain (DRS-7)
Ravi Kumar Singh (DRS-8)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing&
M.Com. Worked with The Seven Angels Film & Event
Group as a Public Relation Manager and team
leader. Working with Veeram Production as a script
writer for Hindi film 'Mujhey Haq Hai'.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Tally and
Contact No: 9871925954
Performance at BVB: 53.21%
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing
and BA.
One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra in
Programme Production, Broadcasting & have done
Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9717186124
Performance at BVB: 73.21%
Ruchi Malhotra (DRS-6)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and BA
(Hons) in English. Certificate course in Film & TV
Scripting. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9958904648
Performance at BVB: 65.71%
Soumitro Sanyal (DRS-2)
Prasanta Behera (DRS-19)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing and
BBA. Worked as a script writer in Jain TV.
One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra in
Programme Production, Broadcasting & have done
Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Corel Draw,
Adobe Audition, Adobe. Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9717628239
Performance at BVB: 55.36%
PSS Aditya (DRS-13)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition
and Adobe Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9711959591
Performance at BVB: 50.43%
Sarvapreet Singh Shambi (DRS-3)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing
and BBA.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe
Audition, AdobePremiere Pro CS4.
Contact No: 9810580054
Performance at BVB: 69.07%
Mukesh Kumar (DRS-10)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing and
pursuing MBA (IT).
One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra in
Programme Production, Broadcasting & have done
Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Photoshop,
Audition and Networking
Contact No: 8285948698, 8285949993
Performance at BVB: 61.57%
Deepak Kumar (DRS-15)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and
BBA. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
Premiere Pro and FCP.
Contact No: 9654557885
Performance at BVB: 60.36%
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and BA
(Hons) in English.
Worked as a Video Editor in CNFC Media.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effect and FCP.
Contact No: 9871444421
Performance at BVB: 60.5%
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction and Script Writing and
BA. One month internship with Doordarshan Kendra
in Programme Production, Broadcasting & have
done Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Photoshop
and Internet.
Contact No: 9313978897
Performance at BVB: 56.71%
Mala Devi (DRS-18)
Basant Singh Saini (DRS-14)
P.G.Diploma in TV Direction & Script Writing and
BJMC. One month internship with Doordarshan
Kendra in Programme Production, Broadcasting &
have done Scripting for its programme.
Computer proficiency: Ms Office, Adobe Audition,
AdobePremiere Pro.
Contact No: 9711078660
Performance at BVB: 54.21%
Shivani Gupta (MDM-17)
Monica Sangwan (MDM-13)
Navanita Bhagawati (MDM-5)
Happy Kapoor (MDM-4)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and B.Sc in
Animation and Multimedia.
Working as a Graphic designer in Naukri.Com.
Worked as a Graphic designer in Jan Sandesh
News Channel.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop and
Internet surfing.
Contact No: 8860570991
Performance at BVB: 58.2%
Hina Bhutani (MDM-10)
Shivani (MDM-8)
Krishna Kumar Tiwari (MDM-14)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and B.Sc
(Hons.) in Zoology.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop,
CorelDraw, PageMaker, Adobe Audition and Adobe
Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 8802212248,9868558334
Performance at BVB: 56.2%
Divya Rai (MDM-18)
Tannu Sharma (MDM-6)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and MJMC.
Worked as a Trainee reporter Afro Asian
Business Chronicle.
Internship with DD News.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop,
CorelDraw and PageMaker.
Contact No: 9811226680
Performance at BVB: 65%
Aditi Kochhar (MDM-9)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and
pursuing MJMC.
Working as Public Relation Officer with culture
center for Russian Embassy.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop
and Internet surfing.
Contact No: 8800816681
Performance at BVB: 61.8%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and
B.Sc.(Hons.) in Biology.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop and
Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9891332315
Performance at BVB: 63.9%
Sonam Gairola (MDM-1)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and MA
in Linguistics from JNU.
Two month internship at IHD.
Computer proficiency: MS Office and
internet surfing.
Contact No: 9013162296
Performance at BVB: 69.5%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BBA.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, DTP and
internet surfing.
Contact No: 9873109821
Performance at BVB: 67.5%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BA
(Hons) in History.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop
and Internet surfing.
Contact No: 8010481719
Performance at BVB: 64.9%
Anupama Ravi (MDM-16)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BJMC.
Working as corpotate communication officer in
CAPSR. Worked as a special correspondent at
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop,
CorelDraw, PageMaker, Adobe Audition and Adobe
Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9555943001
Performance at BVB: 70.9%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and B.A
(Hons) in Journalism. Working as a Web
Content Developer and PR Executive at PC
Smart Care Inc. Working as communication
team member in IHD. Worked as a content
writer for RTI
Computer proficiency: MS Office and Internet
Contact No: 9873351963
Performance at BVB: 70.1%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BJMC.
Worked as a special correspondent in NMV Pvt.
Ltd. Working as Correspondent Communication
Manager in CNFC.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop,
CorelDraw, PageMaker, Adobe Audition and Adobe
Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9953294829
Performance at BVB: 68.3%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BJMC.
Working as Senior Executive in Thinking Hats
Entertaining Solution Pvt.Ltd.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop and
Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9953107017
Performance at BVB: 73%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and
Working as Account Executive at Intelligno.
Internship in NBT and Buzz Communication.
Computer proficiency: MS Office and Internet
Contact No: 9560568799
Performance at BVB: 70.4%
Prakhar Singhania (MDM-15)
Priyanka Kaushik (MDM-2)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BJMC.
Internship with Jansatta and IBN7.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop and
Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9717417787
Performance at BVB: 55.8%
Kuldeep Sharma (CMR-13)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting &
pursuing B.Com.
Working as a cameraman with Bedi Brothers
Production House
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 8459052751
Performance at BVB: 49.14%
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting and
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 9999481884
Performance at BVB: 48.71%
Mayank Sharma (PHT-4)
Diploma in Professional Photography and B.COM
Working as a photographer (product shoot) in
Fuchrnia Design Pvt. Ltd.
Working as Finance Manager in Design House.
Worked as an assistant photographer in a
Fashion Show.
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office,
Adobe Photoshop, Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9818477653
Performance at BVB: 70.6%
Anjan Kumar Nag (PHT-3)
Rahul Bhatt (PHT-2)
Diploma in Professional Photography & BBA
Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
Adobe Photoshop & Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9999992154
Performance at BVB: 66.1%
Diploma in Professional Photography& B.Com
Pursuing PG Diploma in International Business
Computer Proficiency: Ms Office, Internet,
Adobe Photoshop7.0&Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9211579326
Performance at BVB: 70.5%
Sumit Kha (PHT-9)
Umair Khaliq (PHT-13)
Diploma in Professional Photography & pursuing BA
Worked as Photo-Journalist in INSIDE STORY
Working as a photographer in SAHARA HOMES
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Internet & Adobe
Photoshop.Contact No: 9971707577
Performance at BVB: 61.9%
Sneha Choudhary (PHT-10)
Diploma in Professional Photography & BA
(Hons) in English.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe
Photoshop &Corel-Draw
Contact No: 989393007
Performance at BVB: 70.2%
Rajat Saini (PHT-5)
Diploma in Professional Photography & BCA.
Won 2nd prize in photography competition
(ISOMES-2013). Won consolation prize in photography
competition (National Zoological Park-2012)
Won consolation prize in Delhi Picture Perfect
Competition-2013. Working as Freelance
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop & Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9899170552
Performance at BVB: 67.1%
Diploma in Professional Photography & pursuing BA.
Participated in ISOMES Photography competition
in 2013
Participated in Delhi Picture Perfect Competition
in 2013
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop,
Contact No: 9999668230
Performance at BVB: 67.3%
Diploma in Professional Photography & B.Sc.
Won Consolation prize in Hornbill International
Photo Festival 2011. Participated Photograph
Exhibition by DPC in Nisefoto 2012.
Displayed photographs in several photography
exhibitions. Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
Adobe Photoshop & Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9999845459
Performance at BVB: 67.4%
Jitendra Kumar Mangal (PHT-12)
Shailendra Singh Rana (PHT-18)
Diploma in Professional Photography & B.Com
Working as a photographer in
Working as a photographer and Videographer.
Won many prizes in several photography
Computer Proficiency: MS Office & Adobe Photoshop
Contact No: 9971888180
Performance at BVB: 74.1%
Abhishek Malhotra (CMR-2)
Sanjeev Kumar Wadhwa (PHT-14)
Diploma in Professional Photography & 10th
More than 20 years of experience in
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Internet &
Adobe Photoshop.
Contact No: 9810613346
Performance at BVB: 60%
MDM Contd...
Chetna Arya (MDM-7)
Shivani Sharma (MDM-3)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and Graduation.
Working as a public relation officer, Brand Mania
Communications. Internship with Zee News Network.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop and
Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9953893802
Performance at BVB: 51.1%
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BA.
Working as a Reporter in Yuva Channel.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Photoshop and
Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9953649924
Performance at BVB: 52.4%
Gaurav Giri (CMR-8)
Ajay Kumar Verma (CMR-4)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting
One month diploma in Computer Application
Two month Internship as a cameraman with CNBC
TV18. One month Internship as a cameraman with
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 17,P2, HD-Z5.
Contact No: 9818770362
Performance at BVB: 54.57%
Rahul (CMR-15)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting and
pursuing BA.
Working as a cameraman in Kashish News.
Internship with Janta TV.
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 965519337
Performance at BVB: 50.57%
Subhas Chandra Das (CMR-7)
Rahul Negi (CMR-1)
Gaurav Verma (CMR-16)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 9910237747, 8802628393
Performance at BVB: 50.36%
Rachit Grover (CMR-10)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting & Intermediate.
Presently working as a photographer with Google
Internship as a cameraman with Janta TV.
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000 & HVRZ5
Contact No: 9013221163
Performance at BVB: 71.64%
Bhagat Singh (CMR-9)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting &
Pursuing B.Tech.
Three month internship in The News Channel
Computer Proficiencies: C,C++JAVA, LINUX &
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177.
Contact No: 8375821959
Performance at BVB: 55.57%
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 9911091917
Performance at BVB: 52.57%
Vandana Sharma( MDM-12)
P.G. Diploma in Media Management and BMC.
Internship in HT, Focus TV and India News.
Computer proficiency: MS Office, Adobe Audition,
Adobe Premiere Pro.
Contact No: 9654226292, 9810412874
Performance at BVB: 46.3%
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting& B.Com
Working as a cameraman with Newspoint TV.
Internship as a cameraman with Janta TV
Camera Skill: PD 150, 170, 177, DSR400,DSR-450 & Z-5.
Computer Proficiencies: MS Office & Internet
Contact No: 9958881310
Performance at BVB: 61%
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting and pursuing
BA. Three months internship as a cameraman with
The News TV Channel.
Internship as a cameraman with HMTV Channel.
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 9716482042
Performance at BVB: 61.43%
Sadik Khan (CMR-5)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting & Intermediate.
Worked as cameraman in P7 News Channel.
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000.
Contact No: 9560760955
Performance at BVB: 50.57%
Shikha Raizada (CMR-6)
Diploma in Video Camera & Lighting,
pursuing BA.
Working as a freelance photographer for
many organizations
Doing Internship in Ishwara Production House
Camera Skill: PD 170, PD 177, MD 10000. 5D
mark K3
Contact No: 995f3427558
Performance at BVB: 49.21%
Shantanu Sharma (PHT-8)
Diploma in Professional Photography & pursuing
Worked as an event photographer.
Participated in Delhi Picture Perfect Photography
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop
& Corel-Draw
Contact No: 7838047239
Performance at BVB: 58.2%
Manisha Bhagiya (PHT-6)
Prateek Verma (PHT-15)
Diploma in Professional Photography &
Working as a photographer with INDUS (NGO).
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Internet, Adobe
Photoshop &Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9999742532
Performance at BVB: 56.2%
Akash Rawat (PHT-7)
Diploma in Professional Photography & pursuing BA
Working as a wedding photographer since last one
Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
Adobe Photoshop & Corel-Draw.
Contact No: 7838056472
Performance at BVB: 52.7%
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
pursuing B.Com.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9654718371
Email ID: Tuhindhoom3 &
Performance at BVB: 71.21%
Mohit Sharma (EDT-5)
Dharmender Kumar Pandey (EDT-4)
Shiv Pratap Mathur (EDT-8)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Intermediate. Internship as Video Editor in
Zee News.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9871189903
Performance at BVB: 60%
Sumit Garg (EDT-18)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recordings
& BA in Programme.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9953952377
Performance at BVB: 66.86%
Sonu Kumar (EDT-3)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
pursuing BA. Working as a Video Editor in
Ranjeet Studio Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9555290517
Performance at BVB: 61.64%
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Purusing BA. Working as a Video Editor in Bedi
Brothers Production House
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 8800109579
Performance at BVB: 60.86%
Yogesh Mohata (EDT-13)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
pursuing BA (Hons.) in Pol Science.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9810660804
Performance at BVB: 71.71%
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
pursuing B.Com. Working as a Video Editor in
Channel One News Channel
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9958222901
Performance at BVB: 65%
Diploma in Professional Photography& B.Com
Short term course in Fashion Photography
Worked as a Fashion Photographer for some
Fashion Events
Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
Adobe Photoshop & Corel-Draw
Contact No: 9958300202
Performance at BVB: 57.7%
Tuhin (EDT-11)
Nandini Channayya Mathad (EDT-20)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Intermediate. Diploma in Naturopathy, Yoga,
Dance and Music.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9560483697
Performance at BVB: 60.07%
Yogender Kumar (EDT-2)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Purusing BA
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Premier Pro & FCP, Motion & After Effect
Contact No: 95555999306
Performance at BVB: 57.29%
Divay Bhargave (EDT-21)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording&
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 9871254144, 8447504383
Performance at BVB: 52.86%
Rahul (EDT-9)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro & FCP
Contact No: 8800229496
Performance at BVB: 54.43%
Yogesh Kumar (EDT-7)
Alok Chauhan (EDT-17)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Pursuing BJMC. Working as a Video Editor in
Films Rajendera Production House.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Audition,
Premier Pro, FCP, Motion and After Effect.
Contact No: 08826763701
Performance at BVB: 53.71%
Harsh Sharma (EDT-22)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
pursuing MCAJ.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro & FCP.
Contact No: 9999926287
Email ID:
Performance at BVB: 48.86%
Shikha Sharma (EMD-5)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing B.Com.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 8447387301
Performance at BVB: 66.5%
Sumit Vishru (EDT-10)
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro & FCP.
Contact No: 9810373751
Performance at BVB: 49.5%
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion.
Contact No: 8377074125
Performance at BVB: 52.07%
Diploma in Video Editing & Sound Recording &
pursuing BA.
Working as a cameraman in Media Channel
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Photoshop,
Audition, Premier Pro, FCP & Motion
Contact No: 7838624150
Performance at BVB: 49.43%
Ravinish Gautam (EDT-1)
Hardik (EMD-15)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing B.Sc (IT)
From SMU. Worked as a RJ at DUCR-90.4 MHz
Working with JNU's Apna Radio 96.9 FM.
One month internship in DAVP, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 999097486
Performance at BVB: 78%
Divya Tiwari (EMD-6)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BJMC from
Sikkim Manipal University.
One month Internship in DAVP, Ministry of
Information & Broadcasting.
Working with JNU's Apna Radio 96.9 FM.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel & Netsurfing
Camera Operation: Panasonic MD-10000.
Contact No: 9990471712
Performance at BVB: 65.1%
Praveen Jha (EMD-14)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA in
Pol.Science from IGNOU.
Internship with India News.
Currently working as political reporter in AICC,
Media Cell.
Participated in Media Fest 'MANTHAN” & 'Rubaroo”
Computer Proficiency:MS Office, Excel &Netsurfing
Contact No: 9650575969
Performance at BVB: 69.3%
Yusra Khan Siddiqui (EMD-20)
Diploma in Electronic Media & Intermediate.
Internship in INDIA NEWS.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel, Power
Point Presentation & Netsurfing.
Camera Operation: Panasonic MD-10000 & GS180
Contact No: 981120673
Performance at BVB: 64.2%
Shumaila (EMD-13)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA from
DU. Six month course in VFX Editing from Oxford
Software Institute. Three month certificate course
in Web Designing from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Computer Proficiency: Tally7.2, Window XP 2007
&Web Designing.
Contact No: 9711162231, 9250288123
Performance at BVB: 63.8%
Bhanu Pratap Bharti (EMD-2)
Ritu (EMD-19)
Ritika( EMD-25)
Praveen Pratap Singh (EMD-11)
Diploma in Electronic Media & BA (Programme)
From DU.
Two month internship with Siti Channel and Zee
Computer Proficiency:MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 9899493304
Performance at BVB: 50.9
Neeraj (EMD-23)
Himanshi Rajput (EMD-3)
Bernard Aman Rajan (EMD-26)
Diploma in Electronic Media & Intermediate.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 9899983456
Performance at BVB: 47.6%
Yogesh Kumar (EMD-18)
Diploma in Electronic Media & Intermediate.
Doing acting with CHAO GROUP of theater.
Participated in several street plays.
Camera Operation: Panasonic MD-10000 & GS180
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel
Contact No: 9582862738
Performance at BVB: 55.6%
Aaina Hashmi (EMD-17)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BJMC from
Makhanlal Chaturvedi University (MP)
Wrote several poems and articles for various
Computer Proficiency:MS Office,
Excel & Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9810618845, 9310618845
Performance at BVB: 53.2%
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA (History
and Political Science) from DU.
One month internshio with AIR,Delhi.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel, Power
Point Presentation &Netsurfing
Contact No: 9654758239
Performance at BVB: 54.2%
Bharti (EMD-24)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA
(Programme) from DU.
Working as intern with DU Community Radio
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 8447574964
Performance at BVB: 58.5%
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA
from DU.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Camera Operation: Panasonic MD-10000,
Sony PD-170
Contact No: 9811680469
Performance at BVB: 58.2%
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA
(Programme) From DU.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel, Netsurfing
Camera Operation: Panasonic MD-10000, GS-180
Contact No: 8447574964
Performance at BVB: 54.5%
Pushpinder Kaur (EMD-16)
Kalpana Rawat (EMD-10)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing graduation
in Mass Communication from Sikkim Manipal
University. One year course in Tally from LIGA
Merit participation in several Media Fest.
Worked as actress in many Bhojpuri Music Album
Computer Proficiency: Tally, MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 8130087108
Performance at BVB: 60.1%
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing B.Com.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Camera Operation: Panasonic MD-10000 & GS180
Contact No: 8882990976
Performance at BVB:59.6%
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA from
One month internship with AIR,Delhi.
Doing Typing course from Sarvodaya Institute
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel, Power
Point Presentation & Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9711841591
Performance at BVB: 43.7%
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA from DU.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Camera Operation: Panasonic GS-180, MD-10000
Contact No: 9718907202
Performance at BVB: 63.5%
Diploma in Electronic Media & Bachelor in Science
(Biology). Working as an intern at JNU'S Community
Radio, Delhi.
English typing speed 25 wpm.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Excel &
Contact No: 8745924844
E-mail:bhanu pratap bharti1992
Performance at BVB: 60%
Vikram Singh (EMD-1)
Nisha Sharma (EMD-22)
Diploma in Electronic Media & pursuing BA in
Political Science (Hons)
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, WindowXP,
Excel, Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9650291787
Performance at BVB: 45.4%
Aman Singh Rawat (ACT-1)
(ACT Add-On)
Diploma in TV Acting (Add-On) & BA (Hons) in
Journalism. Worked as a Trainee Reporter in
Statesman Newspaper. More than Three year
experiences in street play acting. Won award in
a add film on Eye Donation for NGO.
Contact No: 7838516251
Performance at BVB: 63.4%
Preshy Arora (RTVJ-32)
Abhishek Tiwari (TVP-8)
Diploma in TV Acting (Add-On) & MCA
Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe
Premier, FCP, Red Hat Linux & UNIX.
Contact No: 9560217954
Performance at BVB: 60.9%
Akash Bhardwaj (ACT-4)
Diploma in TV Acting & Pursuing BA (Hons) in
English. Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
Excel & Internet.
Contact No: 9650276741
Performance at BVB: 60.1%
Shrishti Kumar (TVP-11)
Diploma in TV Acting (Add-On) & BA from DU.
Worked as street play artist in 'Badlav'. Won 3rd
prize in a Fashion Show at ISOMES Manthan Media
Fest 2013. Certificate course in German language
from Mirinda House. Computer Proficiency: Adobe
Audition, Premiere Pro & Internet surfing.
Contact No: 9953780229
Performance at BVB: 62%
Manoj Kumar Pal (ACT-2)
Diploma in TV Acting & Intermediate.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office. Internet
surfing. Contact No: 9873984331
Performance at BVB: 66.38%
Diploma in TV Acting & pursuing B.Com from
DU. Worked as actor in DD Urdu TV Serial
Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
Internet surfing
Contact No: 9718724224
Performance at BVB: 74.76%
Milestones in
Munshi's Life, contd...
Vijay Bhatt (DRS-20)
Diploma in TV Acting (Add-On) & MA in
Sociology. Computer Proficiency: MS-Office,
Excel, Photoshop & Internet surfing.
Contact No: 8285557406
Performance at BVB: 54.4%
Pradeep Singh (TVP-2)
Diploma in TV Acting (Add-On) & BA(Hons) in
Political Science. Worked in YUVVANI in AIR.
Worked in Nukkad plays in “CARVAN”.
Computer Proficiency: Adobe Premier Pro,
Audition & FCP
Contact No: 9990006993
Email ID: endeavour4ap&
Performance at BVB: 53.5%
Elected Secretary of the Bombay Home-Rule
Resigned from the Indian National Congress
and the Home Rule League.
Founded Gujarati Sahitya Sansad (Gujarati
Literary Society).
Started Gujarat, an illustrated monthly, as its
Joint Editor. Literary collaboration with Lilavati
Visited Europe.
Elected President of the Panchagani Hindu
Educational Society.
Elected Chairman of Sir H. N. Hospital.
Wife Atilakshmi dies.
Elected Fellow of the Bombay University.
Elected to the Senate of the Bombay University.
Elected Vice President of Gujarati Sahitya
Parishad (Gujarati Literary Conference).
Founded Gujarat University Society, and
became its Secretary.
Appointed member of the Baroda University
Commission. Married Lilavati Sheth.
Elected Chairman of the Gujarati Board of
Studies of the Bombay University.
Elected to the Bombay Legislative Council.
Assisted in piloting the Bombay University Bill.
Appointed Chairman of the Physical Culture
Committee, by the Bombay Government.
Appointed member of the Secondary Education
Committee, by the Bombay Government.
Milestones in Munshi's Life contd. on page no. 27
Sakshi Mathur (AFM-3)
P.G. Diploma in Animation & Film Making and
B.J.M.C. from IP University Delhi. One month
internship with HT Media in the Editorial.
Department. Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
MS Excel, Autodesk 3D Max, Maya, Adobe Photoshop,
Premier Pro, Audition, Flash, After Effect, FCP,
Motion, Z Brush, ToonBoom and Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9968062213
Performance at BVB: 67.14 %
Ismeet Singh (AFM-1)
P.G.Diploma in Animation & Film Making and
Pursuing B.Com from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office,
MS Excel, Autodesk 3D Max, Maya, Adobe
Photoshop, PremierPro, Audition, Flash, After
Effect, FCP, Motion, Z Brush, Toon Boom and
Contact No:8800710008
Performance at BVB: 66.64%
Dharamraj (AFM-2)
P.G. Diploma in Animation & Film Making and
B.A. from M.D. University, Rohtak.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel,
Autodesk 3D Max, Maya, Adobe Photoshop,
PremierPro, Audition, Flash, After Effect, FCP,
Motion,Z Brush, Toon Boom and Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9968560997
Performance at BVB: 61.57%
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Pursuing B.A. from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 9810489523
Performance at BVB: 75.31%
Chhavi Sharma (DTP-1)
Diploma in DTP for Print & Advertising and B.Sc. in
Multimedia & Animation from Birla Institute of
Technology, Noida.
Worked as Graphic Designer in VastuVigyan.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Corel Draw, Toon
Boom, After Effect Boom and Netsurfing.
Contact No: 7838904929
Performance at BVB: 76.54%
Masni Gulati (WDA-5)
Devesh Kumar Pal (WDA-10)
Deepika (WDA-13)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java, Toon Boom and
Contact No: 08587095949
Performance at BVB: 67.69%
Gaurav Prakash Nehra (DTP-5)
Diploma in DTP for Print & Advertising & pursuing
B.M.C from Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Corel Draw, Toon
Boom, Adobe Audition and Netsurfing.
Contact No:8802717845,9868043881
Performance at BVB: %
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and B.A.
from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java, Toon Boom and
Contact No: 9999371347
Performance at BVB: 66.54%
Jagadishar Panda (DTP-4)
Diploma in DTP for Print & Advertising & B.Com.
Working with Global Media Pvt. Ltd.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel,
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Corel Draw,
ToonBoom, Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9540740831
Performance at BVB: 60.15%
Devender Pandey (WDA-16)
Abhishek Chaturvedi (WDA-4)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
pursuing B.A. from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java, Toon Boom and
Contact No: 8506912289
Performance at BVB: 61.54%
Sourabh Kumar Pandey (WDA-9)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom
&Netsurfing etc.
Contact No: 8510016754
Performance at BVB: 79.85%
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Graduation from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop,
Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Audition, Flash, After
Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and Netsurfing.
Contact No: 9718225579
Performance at BVB: 60.38%
WDA Contd...
Amrita (WDA-7)
Milestones in Munshi's Life, contd...
Abhishek Jain (WDA-8)
Brijesh Sharma (WDA-6)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Pursuing B.A. from IGNOU.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 9953156524
Performance at BVB: 60%
Archit Sing (WDA-12)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Intermediate from DPS Faridabad
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 08860966046
Performance at BVB: 60%
Shweta Kaundal (WDA-15)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Pursuing B.A. from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 8802896758
Performance at BVB: 55.08%
Jitender (WDA-11)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Pursuing BCA from IGNOU
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 09717701500, 9717701600
Performance at BVB: 55.69%
Karishma (WDA-4)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java, Toon Boom and
Contact No: 99242513
Performance at BVB: 51.23%
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 9818034779
Performance at BVB: 60%
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Pursuing B.A. from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom and
Contact No: 8860697418
Performance at BVB: 56.23%
Priyanka (WDA-14)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Pursuing B.A. from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, MS Excel, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, PremierPro, Audition,
Flash, After Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boom
Contact No: 9582818847
Performance at BVB: 54.69%
Amit Dhoundiyal (WDA-1)
Diploma in Web Designing & 2D Animation and
Computer Proficiency: MS Office,Adobe Photoshop,
Dreamweaver, Premier Pro, Audition, Flash, After
Effect, HTML, Java,Toon Boomand Netsurfing etc.
Contact No: 9868143040
Performance at BVB: 54.15%
Tarun Kumar (WDA-2)
Diploma Web Designing & 2D Animation and
pursuing B.A. from Delhi University.
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe
Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Adobe Premier Pro,
Audition, Flash, After Effect, Illustrator, HTML,
Java, Toon Boom and Netsurfing.
Contact No: 8802015142
Performance at BVB: 51.08%
Elected member of the Academic Council of the
Bombay University.
Elected member of the Board of Post-graduate
studies of the Bombay University.
Appointed Trustee of Bai Kabibai Trust.
Resigned from the Bombay Legislative Council
during Bardoli Satyagraha movement.
Appointed Chairman of the Bardoli Committee
of Inquiry. Re-elected to the Bombay Legislative
Rejoined the Congress; participated in the Salt
Satyagraha movement of Gandhi.
Sentenced to six months of imprisonment for
this participation. Sentenced to three months of
imprisonment for participating in the Civil
Disobedience movement.
Nominated Substitute member of the Working
Committee of the Congress.
Founded the Bombay City Ambulance Corps,
and was elected its President.
Elected member of the Bombay Pradesh
Congress Committee.
Elected member of the All India Congress
Committee. Rejoined Bombay Bar practice.
Appointed trustee of the M. S. Trust.
S e n te n c e d to t wo ye a r s o f r i g o ro u s
imprisonment by Lord Will ingdon in his antiCongress Campaign.
Sentenced to one year imprisonment for Civil
Disobedience. 1933 Started a movement (after
release in December) for a Parliamentary wing
of the Congress, as a result of which Swaraj
party was formed.
Milestones in Munshi's Life contd. on page no. 31
Making of
Global Warming
Made by : Dream Chaser
Rishikesh.. A Shopping Destination
Made by : Gravity
Made by : Majestic Maze
Huna Architecture:
Structures Emerging from The Mountains
Made by : Beats of Bolts
This is a first phase
of film making.
Students are
trained to select
ideas, analyse the
topic, conduct
research, write
Synopsis: The documentary is an eyeopener for the society which highlights the
need of awakening the slumbering humanity
towards the problem of Global Warming.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Saurabh Kanojia (RTVJ-33)
A journalist showed his direction talent with
a very fatal issue world is coping with. He did
good research to demonstrate the pros and
cons of the problem.
script, conduct
Synopsis: This documentary depicts
Rishikesh as one of the most famous
shopping destination. Its highlights the
market and its specialties and also explains
why it is so popular amongst the tourists.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Neha Jaswal (RTVJ -35)
The director is responsible for overseeing
creative aspects of the film. She researched
and scripted the programme with ease. She
worked in all the three
stages of production and
came out with an
extraordinary product.
Synopsis: It is an attempt to show the
history of Ayurveda and different types of
Ayurvedic plants. It also highlights the
medicinal value of such plants.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Aman Sehra (EDT-15)
An editor conceptualized the entire idea
and draft it into the worth watching
programme. He deeply worked on the
script and gave the final
output after editing.
Synopsis: This documentary goes deep into
the history of Indian Architecture. It
highlights the architecture of Grahwal
region which is the sub-category of Nagara
Style known as Huna architecture.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Ruchi Malhotra (DRS-6)
A director and script writer deeply worked
on the topic. Audience can make out the
level of dedication and
research she managed to
put in the process of
programme making by
merely watching it.
location study,
shoot and edit.
Students enjoy
Come As You Are
Naturopathy: Prakartik Chikitsa
Chirag Tale Andhera
Made by : Fabian… Bean Grower
Made by : Didims
Made by : Ignitors
Made by : The Challengers
entire process and
get satisfied by
looking at end
Synopsis: The programme demonstrates
the life of upcoming rock bands. It is an
interview based documentary which
explains the popularity of rock band
amongst youngsters.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Ramendra Pandey (RTVJ- 21)
Being a journalist he possess excellent
direction skills. He took up very uncommon
topic by making use of his
interest and did full justice
with it.
Synopsis: This documentary shows
Naturopathy as the natural resource to heal
any sort of disease. It highlights the
availability of Naturopathy healing centre in
Concept, Script & Direction:
Mala Devi (DRS-18)
A dedicated and
h a r d w o r k e r, s i n c e r e l y
worked on the idea and
drafted a detailed script.
She managed to make a
programme single handedly
with ease and conviction.
Synopsis: This documentary explores
Rishikesh as the tourist place from the point
of view of the tourist. It shows the diversity
which one can experience by visiting
Rishikesh, the land of God.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Ravinish Gautam (EDT-1)
Enthusiastic editor worked on the very
common topic but executed it in a very
creative way and gave out a
documentary with
different treatment.
Synopsis: It shows the lost monuments of
Delhi. It covers the adverse condition of the
monuments facing due to the negligence of
government and the society.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Praveen Jha (EMD-14)
An all rounder and keen observer deeply
analyze the idea and portray it into an
innovative piece of art.
Pahaad Me Pahaad Si Zindagi
Rishikesh: Adhyatma Aur Romanch Ka Mail
Made by : Kohinoor
Made by : Nexus
Synopsis: This piece of art is based on the
problems that were faced by the women of
the village. It shows the sufferance of all
those who face harassment from their
Synopsis: It is based on the spiritual and
adventurous environment of Rishikesh.
Documentary focuses on the soothing
environment of Rishikesh which attracts
tourists from all over the world.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Sonam Gairola (MDM- 1)
A media manager tried and put her first foot
forward to idealize the concept and portray
very sensitive issue with
ease and conviction. She
deeply worked on the
script and put an eye on the
programme ate the time of
Concept, Script & Direction:
Tuhin (EDT-11)
A brilliant visualizer understand the basics
of film making and device his talent in
proper way to make a good
programme. He scripted
the programme and edited
the documentary in a
perfect way.
Jeans… The Everlasting Culture
Taare Zameen Par
Made by : Act One
Made by : Bratz
Synopsis: This programme is all about the
popularity of jeans and how it has become
the most favorite outfit amongst every age
group. It also traces the history and
emergence jeans in our lifestyle.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Nazreen (TVP-14)
A silent artist worked deeply on the concept
and goes back to the 60s to draft the script.
She conceptualized the
innovative idea and edited
the entire programme with
Making of
Music Video
First attraction
of any Indian
movie is songs it
contains. Students
select song of their
choice and visualise
the entirely new
treatment for its
picturisation. They
select right location,
perform in front of
camera, maintain
lipsync and add
lots of effects at the
time of editing.
They enjoy whole
process. The final
result is colourful.
Synopsis: This programme deals with the
very sensitive issue i,e. upbringing of
physically challenged children. Documentary
covers the Multipurpose Training Center for
Deaf, an organization which deals with
education of those kids.
Mai Yaad Aaunga
Ankhiyan… Search of Love
Made by : Beats of Bolt
Made by : Didims
Synopsis: 6 min and 49 sec of beautiful
artwork demonstrate the story of a girl and a
boy who love each other. In the entire music
video girl she is missing her lover as he is no
Synopsis: Music Video Ankhiyan is all about
searching for true love. There were three
characters in the film from which one boy
suffered from pain in hope that get the girl
he love.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Bharti (RTVJ-16)
A girl with a journalistic aptitude took up a
touching story and put it in a poetic way. She
managed to deliver the
story with ease and also her
bonding with the actor
results in a very good
outcome on the side of
Concept, Script & Direction:
Shishir Chaturvedi (RTVJ-39)
A jolly natured journalist took up a topic
which is completely opposite to his lifestyle
and attitude. He took up as
a challenge to direct the
programme and succeed in
the task.
Pursuit of Desire
Made by : Fusion
Made by : Gravity
Synopsis: The song depicts the obsession for
imagination. A guy keeps on imagining a
human like figure in his mind and tries to
locate it as a result of which he started
getting hallucination.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Sarvapreet Shambi (DRS-3)
An extraordinary creative skills and great
observation strength are the qualities of the
director of this music video.
He deeply worked on the
concept and execute it in
very effective way.
Concept, Script & Direction :
Rajni Sachdeva (RTVJ-49)
Dedicated and hardworking journalist
worked hard on the subject and handles the
topic with ease. She
managed to contribute in
every single stage to churn
out an interesting piece of
Synopsis: It's a story about a girl who loves a
boy and wants to live with him forever. But
her family proceeds her for the engagement
with the other guy against her will.
Concept, Script & Direction: Neeraj Patel
Strong visualization and good directional
skills are the qualities of the director of this
music video. He came out
with the concept and
develop it into a worth
watching music video.
Love is Trust
Made by : Epitiasis
Synopsis: Story revolves around a boy who
loves a girl. In entire music video he is trying
to express his feeling to a girl and at the end
he managed to do so.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Aman Singh Rawat (ACT-1)
An actor by profession understands the
importance of character building and very
well portrayed his character in the
programme. He visualized
the idea and drafted the
concept in poetic way.
It is difficult to
convince your
role model to
present their
views in front of
the camera.
Our students
develop this
power and catch
many of them in
most efficient
Chamakte Sitaare
Youth Mantra
Made by : Furious
Made by : Fabian- Bean Grower…
Made by : Air Sparx
Synopsis: It is an one-to-one interview of a
budding actor Aarif Rajput who has
embarked into the field of entertainment
with the movie Shudra- The Rising. It traces
the journey of the actor from the struggling
days to the days of fame.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Rahul Bharti (EDT-9)
Being an editor he took
responsibility to direct a
programme. He worked in
production and post
production of the
Synposis: it is based on the interview those
celebrities who are idols for youth. Mr.
Yusuf Ansari, editor Channel 1, was invited
as the guest for the interview.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Swati Kaushik (RTVJ-2)
A girl with positive attitude and journalistic
aptitude worked hard on the idea to churn
out the programme. She
being the coordinator
understands the
responsibility and gives out
her perfect end in the field
of direction.
Tera Chehra
Celeb Life
Bollywood Dhamal
Aaj Ki Mulakat
Made by : The Challengers
Made by : The Challengers
Made by : Eclipse
Made by : Blockbuster
Synopsis: This panel discussion highlights
the issue of women safety. The guest,
Criminal Psychologist, also discussed about
the empowerment of women and education
of sex amongst young generation.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Rekha Daksh (RTVJ-44)
She is journalist by profession but her
knowledge and creative
sense pushed her to
coordinate the entire
process of programme
Event Management As A Career
Made by : Airborn
Synopsis: Story of the music video revolves
around the boy who is remembering the time
he spend with his girl friend, as she is away
from him for a while.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Sumit Garg (EDT-18)
A programme which is single handedly
prepared by the director. He sang the song,
composed it, performed as an actor and
directed the entire
concept. His effort shows
that where there is a will
there is a way.
Synopsis: It's a programme which deals with
life of celebrity. Famous celebrity hairstylist
Sylvie was invited as the guest. She
explained that a life of celebrity has lots of
ups and down but still is the most refreshing
Concept, Script & Direction:
Praveen Jha (EMD-14)
A person with great
thinking, writing and
visualizing capability
excellently took up the
concept and executed the
idea in most effective
Synopsis: This interview programme is
based on the life of rap star Lalit Holker. He
talked about challenges he faced in his
Concept, Script & Direction:
Dharmender Pandey (EDT-04)
A good editor and an observant took up this
concept and draft it in a way so that it came
out as an entertaining
Synopsis: The programme is about the
protection of girl in our society. A socialist
from a NGO was invited to look into the
matter of women's safety in the capital
Concept, Script & Direction:
Kalpana Rawat (EMD-10)
Being a presenter she understand the
demand of audience which
she portrays very well in her
Synopsis: This documentary highlights Event
Management as the blooming career option
for those who want dynamism in their daily
life. It shows that one can easily get into the
zone of event management by starting with
organizing birthday parties, wedding,
corporate parties etc.
Concept, Script &
Tannu Sharma (MDM-06)
She has sense of direction
and power of visualization.
The group was given with
the topic out of which she
managed to work on the
topic and draft it into a
good product.
Roll, camera,
These three
words marked as
the genesis of the
most innovative
stories imparted
on the silver
screen. Selection
of a story and a
visual sketch on a
screen makes it a
most fulfilled
Milestones in Munshi's Life, contd...
Blank Cheque
Rise in Love
Made by : Beats of Bolt
Made by : Charmers
Synopsis: It's a story of a young guy who
wants to set up his own business but fails to
do so due to insufficient money. One day his
destiny changed by the blank cheque which
was given to him by a stranger.
Synopsis: Story of a boy who studied in
medical college just to be with his
girlfriend, other his dream was to become a
musician. He got a chance to visit abroad
and when he came back got to know that his
girlfriend is suffering from cancer.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Shivangi Parmar (RTVJ-24)
A girl with journalistic
aptitude took an
opportunity to direct a
fiction. She very well
understands the depth of
the story which helped her
in visualizing the
Concept, Script & Direction:
Ruchi Malhotra (DRS-6)
A director and a script writer managed to
convey her idea in 6 min
and 38 sec of art. She very
well idealizes the story
and portrays it in a
beautiful way.
Heights of Coincident
Made by : Didims
Made by : Deciphers
Synopsis: A story of a young boy who wants
to succeed in his life from the road of
shortcut. His father plots a story around him
and gave him a lesson that shortcuts leads to
Concept, Script & Direction:
Bibhas Banerjee (TVP- 01)
An editor who visualizes the script and
directed the whole
programme by controlling
the creative aspects of the
fiction. He also put in her
heart and soul to churn out
a good output after
Synopsis: The fiction is a melancholic
comedy based on a guy's sheer stupidity to
have misunderstood things.
Concept, Script & Direction :
Vijay S. Kumar (DRS-5)
A director with a strong visualization
conceptualizes the idea and truly
understands the creative aspects of fiction.
He managed to portray his
skills in his programme in
most efficient manner.
Appointed Secretary of the Congress Parliament Board.
Elected Director of the Bombay Life Assurance Company
Ltd., and the Bombay Fire Assurance Company Ltd.
Elected Vice-Chairman of the Fellowship School Society.
Appointed Trustee of Kanji Khetsi Trust.
Started the Hans Ltd., which took over the Hindi
magazine Hans: and became its Joint Editor with Hindi
writer Premchand.
Elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly.
Appointed Home Minister in the First Congress
Government in Bombay. Elected President of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad (Gujarati
Literary Conference).
Appointed Vice-President of Children's Aid Society.
Appointed Trustee of M. Goenka Trust.
Elected President of the Society for the Protection of
Children in Western India.
Started (with Sardar Patel) Institute of Agriculture in
Anand, Gujarat State, and was elected its Vice-Chairman.
Established Girls' Hostel in Bombay for college students.
Delivered the Thakkar Vassonji Madhavji Research
Lectures in Bombay University on the "Early Aryans of
Gujarat." Founded the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, and was
elected its President (November 7, 1938).
Established Children's Home in a Bombay suburb.
Started Hansraj Morarji Public School in a Bombay
suburb. Resigned as Home Minister.
Started Social Welfare, an English Weekly, and became its
Elected President of the First All India Penal Reform
Established Home for the Mentally Retarded Children.
Arrested for individual Satyagraha.
Released from detention because of severe illness.
Resigned from the Indian National Congress.
Conducted Akhand Hindustan (Undivided India)
Milestones in Munshi's Life contd. on page no. 18
A combination of
well composed
photograph, a
balanced copy
and good
arrangement for
over all impact,
results in perfect
print media
Blood Donation
Respect Senior Citizens
Made by : Nexus
Made by : Kohinoor
Made by : Majestic Maze
(Slogan: Santaan anmol hai, dahej leker
iska mol na lagayen)
(Slogan: Aapka rakt daan, kisi ek ka
jeevan daan)
The group worked on the concept 'Blood
Donation'. Everybody knows that we can
save a life through donating our blood but
very few people donate their blood. This
print media campaign is to persuade as
large population as possible to donate their
blood & give somebody a new life.
Dowry system is malpractice in for our
society which should be stopped soon. The
group Kohinoor through this print product,
tried to spread awareness amongst people
to not to give or take dowry.
Our elders have sacrificed many things for
us. Youth should understand this & should
respect senior citizens. This group focused
on the issue & through print medium has
tried to persuade our youth for this.
Working on this
short duration video
programme is very
challenging. One
has to deliver
strongest message
in shortest possible
time. So director
must show
maximum creativity.
Female Foeticide
Save Water
Domestic Safety
Ek Prayas
Made by : Hustling Minds
Made by : Ignitors
Made by : Jaguars
Made by : Nexus
(Slogan: Kanya ek naam, kai rishton ki
pehchan, phir kyun uska balidaan?)
Female foeticide is a serious social problem
that is rising day by day. The motive of this
group was to aware people that daughters
are precious & we should treat them equal as
boys. This print media campaign appeals to
stop female feticide.
(Slogan: Save Water)
Increasing water pollution is causing
drastic loss in percentage of drinkable
water. People should understand the fact
& should stop polluting rivers. Also, each
person should stop others from spreading
water pollution. This is the theme on
which this group has worked upon to
deliver an effective message.
We often take care about our safety by
locking doors properly, locking our safe
properly & taking road safety measures but
still somewhere we show our carelessness in
case of Domestic Safety. Group Jaguars
tried to aware us about it through colorful
Print medium.
Synopsis: This fiction based video spot
focuses on the misconception regarding
blood donation prevalent in society. This
spot tries to answer those questions which
arise in our mind.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Yogesh Mohata( EDT-13)
Being an editor he understand the creative
aspect of direction as well. He understands
the need of fiction due to
his knowledge, creativity
and visualization which
helped him to deliver a
good product.
Swachch Jal Surakshit Jeevan
Domestic Safety
Dahez Pratha.. Ek Kupratha
Badalti Tasveer
Made by : Ignitors
Made by : Jaguar
Made by : Kohinoor
Made by : Lalkaar
Synopsis: The programme showing the
grandeur of the Royal Enfield bike. It
focuses on how this bike oozes the manly
personality of the rider.
Synopsis: This is an attempt to raise the
awareness about the conservation of water.
It highlights the message that we should save
Synopsis: Story revolves around the issue of
domestic safety. It demonstrates that one
should take care of the every household
equipment when we are out of house.
Synopsis: The spot demonstrates the idea
that dowry should not flourish in our society.
It highlights the social evil of our society and
promotes that everybody should boycott it.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Sonu Yadav (EDT-3)
An editor conceptualized the idea and put it
a perfect channel to give the final outcome.
He worked on the concept
and gave it a final shape at
the time of editing.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Udit Jain (MDM-11)
A media manager took up the concept that
gives message to every individual. He
managed to develop the
idea and churn out an
informative spot.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Monica Sangwan (MDM-13)
She took up very serious and fatal issue to
light up the awareness. Hard work and
sincerity are the qualities
of the director of this
Crime Against Women
A Silent Shout
Female Foeticide
Made by : Bright Stars
Made by : The Challengers
Made by : Emotions
Made by : Hustling Minds
Made by : Majestic Maze
Synopsis: The topic of this spot is based on
respect of senior citizens. It puts up the
reality that how new generation of our
society treat our elders.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Anupama Ravi (MDM-16)
A keen learner managed to try her skills in
direction. She coordinated with entire team
& displayed his sincerity about the
programme production.
Synopsis: A fiction based video spot is based
on the wastage of water. He show that how
people waste water which ultimately put
them in adverse situation.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Arun Gusain (DRS-7)
A director and a script writer conceptualize
the idea and took the responsibility to fulfill
all needs of direction.
Synopsis: The concept highlights the unsafe
women of our country. It highlights the theme
metaphorically with ease.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Nandini Mathad (EDT-20)
An editor conceptualize the idea and
demonstrated the status of women in present
day today life.
Synopsis: It is a presenter based spot where
director tried to put forward the changing
phase of country. It promotes the idea that
one should pay tax regularly to keep this
changing phase of country in motion.
Royal Enfield
Made by : Deciphers
Concept, Script & Direction:
Prakhar Singhania( MDM-15)
A media manager by profession and director
by interest took up the
concept and develop it to
finalize the programme
with completely different
Synopsis: It is programme which raises the
social evil of sexual harassment. The concept
is portrayed through a dumb boy who tried to
express his feelings through actions. It
demonstrates that one should not sit quit
instead should raise voice against this evil.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Sarvpreet Singh Shambi (DRS-3)
Direction and script writing is his
specialization. He used his sense of
direction and strong visualization to take
the concept to a level and
highlight necessary points
to make a good
Synopsis: This programme raises the voice
against female foeticide. It demonstrates
that this social evil has eaten up our society
and one should not favor such crime.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Abhishek Malhotra (CMR-2)
Concept, Script & Direction:
A cameraperson develop the idea and script
PSS Aditya (DRS-13)
and then into a programme. He managed to
Director developed the entire concept
coordinate with the team to churn out a
deeply, understanding the
worth watching project.
hidden reality this social
issue. He worked on the
storyline and also managed
to coordinate within the
group member to pull out
maximum from them
Making of a
news bulletin
gives students
a proper
of news and
they learn
to work in a
Talaash News (The search of truth)
Jann Awaaz
Reflection News
Made By : Beats of Bolt and Ignitors
Made by : Charmers and Jaguars
Made by : Didims and Kohinoor
Synopsis: With a dint of hard work and nose
for news, the team members collectively
made this video magazine. They covered
total seven stories on traffic, road accident,
chotiwala restaurant, movie review of
movie Khiladi 786, campus news, fish
feeding at Laxman Jhoola and an exclusive
celebrity interview. Students worked on it
with full enthusiasm.
Synopsis: The combination of young
reporters, creative directors and camera
persons, these two team covered six stories
with hard work & zeal. This video magazine
contains stories on Kunan Dharna, Crimes in
spiritual place Rishikesh, Ambedker Jayanti
Celebration, Sai Rally, Ganga pollution &
campus report.
Synopsis: News sense is an essential element
for any video magazine &this group has
proved that they have nose for news. With a
great effort the teams covered seven stories
including story on opening of AIIMS at
Rishikesh, ganga pollution, slum demolition,
shesh dhara Laxman kund, campus report &
an interview of ex-state minister Ms. Anita
Lok News
Gravity News
Rapid News
Made by : Fusion and Majestic Maze
Made by : Gravity and Nexus
Made by : Epitasis and Lalkaar
Synopsis: These teams of our young
journalists together covered stories related
to different beats. They covered stories on
price rise, interests & activities of foreign
tourists in Rishikesh, aarti at Parmarth
Niketan, river rafting, one story on crime,
campus update & weather report.
Synopsis: A team of enthusiastic young
journalists made this video magazine. Using
their fresh talent they covered stories on
vikram drivers, new policies by government
for unemployed women, joy of bike riding at
Rishikesh, story on yoga, campus news &
weather report.
Synopsis: Lok news, a Hindi video magazine
contains total seven stories on auto strike,
foreign tourists, elephant terror, nonvegetarian food at Rishikesh, death of
kannada film set designer, campus news & a
special story on Digidoo maker. The groups
worked effectively with high enthusiasm.
This promotional
video is a project
to understand the
importance of
marketing for a
product. Here
students learn
to prepare a
highlighting the
positivity of any
product or service.
Milestones in Munshi's Life, contd...
Adventure Sports
Bhartiya Gramothan Sanstha
Made by : Hustling Minds
Made by : Ignitors
Synopsis: This corporate highlights the
popularity of adventure sports in Rishikesh. It
shows that how different sports are
becoming favorite of foreign as well as
national tourists.
Concept, Script & Direction Abhishek
Malhotra (CMR-2)
A cameraperson has inherent talent of
visualization which help him
in drafting the script of the
programme. Understanding
of camera and and his good
scriptwriting skills
facilitates him in bringing
out an admirable project.
Shopping Paradise
Synopsis: This corporate movie is based on
the Handloom & Handicraft Firm of
Uttaranchal “Bharatiya Gramothan
Sanstha”. It shows the process of production
and distribution of the entire product being
Concept, Script & Direction:
Divya Rai (MDM-18)
Her management skills
helped her a lot in
managing the entire team
at the time of shooting
process. She being the
coordinator and director of
the programme fulfill her
job responsibility with
(Modern Institute of Technology)
Made by : Majestic Maze
Made by : Lalkaar
Synopsis: This corporate movie showcases
Rishikesh as the shopping destination. Apart
from yoga, sightseeing, shopping is one of
the integral point of attractions of tourist in
Synopsis: This corporate video is based on
the Modern Institute of Technology situated
in Rishikesh. It promotes and highlights the
quality in education which ultimately leads
to the successful new generation.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Anupama Ravi (MDM-16)
A media manager who is good visualizer and a
director as well. Through
her direction skills she
managed to deliver the
concept creatively.
Concept, Script & Direction :
Prakhar Singhania (MDM-15)
A person with positive attitude and a media
manager took the
responsibility of the whole
project. He managed well
within the group to take his
project to a level of
Organized Leaders' Conference in Delhi for
Elected member of the Drafting Committee of the
Constituent Assembly. Gandhi's release.
Founded Bharatiya Itihas Samiti (Indian History
Society) and was elected its Chairman.
Appointed Chairman of Baroda University
Commission. Appointed Chairman of the
Commission to Report on the University of
Gujarat in Ahmedabad, by the Bombay
Appointed Trustee of the Krishnarpana Trust.
Appointed Trustee of All India Arya-Dharma Seva
Sangh Trust.
Appointed Trustee of Singhania Trust.
Inaugurated the All India Sanskrit Conference.
Delivered lectures on "Bhagavad Gita and Modern
Life." Elected Vice-President of Gujarati Sahitya
Parishad (Gujarati Literary Conference).
Founded Meghji Mathradas Arts College in
Bombay. Founded Narrondass Manordass
Institute of Science in Bombay.
Re-joined the Indian National Congress.
Elected President of the All India Hindi Sahitya
Parishad (All India Hindi Literary Convention).
Elected President of the Hindu Deen Daya Sangh
(The Association for Mercy to the Hindu Poor).
Elected member of the Constituent Assembly.
Appointed member of the Experts Committee for
drafting the Constitution of India.
Elected Chairman of Akhil Bharat Printers, Ltd.
(All India Printers.)
Appointed Director of Nava-Bharat Publishers
Ltd. (New India Publishers.)
Appointed Agent-General of the Government of
India in Hyderabad.
Milestones in Munshi's Life contd. on page no. 44
Shooting in studio
with multi camera
set-up and on-line
editing provides a
complete exposure
of professional
attire. Students
work on their topic,
they design their
sets and coordinate
properly between
each camera
person and editor.
Food Evening
Beauty Concept
Electro Gyan
Made by : Dare Dreams
Made by : Dream Chasers
Made by : Blockbuster
Made by : The Challengers
Synopsis: This studio production
demonstrates the recipe of different
chilling mocktails. It is amongst the good
productions showing recipes which one can
use in their day to day life.
Synopsis: The show portrays the theme of
Valentine's Day and demonstrates the recipe
of various deserts like marble cake, cookies
etc by an IHM student which one can cherish
on the occasion of love.
Synopsis: As name suggests it deals with the
high end make-up tricks which a girl next
door can try during different occasions. She
can easily get the way to dress up during
office time and during party time.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Krishan Kr. Rawat (EDT-16)
A silent boy by nature, an editor by
profession tried his hand in direction and
conceptualization. He very
well executed the show
with his command.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Anjali Tyagi (RTVJ-36)
Hardworking, enthusiastic girl coordinated
well with the guest of the show and did
fabulous job. Her sincere
attitude helped her a lot in
putting up a wonderful
show for the audience.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Kalpana Rawat (EMD-10)
A student of TV presentation very well
presented her idea of the show. She
embarked into entirely
different zone of
profession. She is confident
and sincere which one can
identify from her piece of
Synopsis: Electronic gadgets have become
boom in today's world and computer is one of
the milestones in this era. This show
demonstrates various hardware and
connections of computer. One can easily
assemble parts of computer after watching
this production.
Concept, Script & Direction : Tuhin EDT-11
An editor by nature put an effort to assemble
different stages of production to result a
perfect programme. An
intelligent editor very well
understand the capability
of his group member and
distributed work
accordingly to get the
worth watching
Art Mania
Perfect Looks
Sikho Sikhao
Creative Craft
Angrezi Beat
Made by : Deciphers
Made by : Bratz
Made by : Fabian- Bean Grower…
Made by : Eclipes
Made by : An Ace
Synopsis: A colorful programme very well
portrays different ways to create decorative
things artistically for daily use. It is colorful
piece of art which freshen up the mood of
Concept, Script & Direction:
Surabhi Rai (TVP-13)
Theme of the programme very well goes with
the outgoing nature of the director. Very
good visualizer, writer and
editor put an effort to
churn out an outstanding
studio production.
Synopsis: Look matters when it comes to
the field of entertainment and this
programme explores the new world to get
yourself ready for his field. It is based on
the theme of beauty and make-up which
one can apply on her day to day life.
Synopsis: It is a programme based on art &
craft to teach the audience to make simple
toys from wool, cotton etc. The guest
Himanshu Yadav, an announcer by
profession, was invited on the show to
Concept, Script & Direction:
Shivangi Parmar (RTVJ-24)
Being a journalist she tried to posses the
skill of direction. A very
good presenter
demonstrated the makeup techniques confidently
and professionally.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Swati Kaushik (RTVJ-2)
A girl with journalistic approach put his foot
forward in the field of
direction with the advent
of his first programme. Her
outgoing nature and
sincere approach made a
worth watching
Synopsis: It is an innovative attempt
demonstrating various techniques to make
craft item in simpler and easier way.
Concept, Script & Direction:
Hardik (EMD-15)
)Being a co-ordinator he very well executed
the programme and tried a lot to pull out a
wonderful piece of production. A person with
high end thinking ability himself presented
the show.
Synopsis: This programme perfectly
matches up to the expectation of music
lovers as it conquers the technique of Dj. It
shows how one can easily mix different audio
tracks to run a Dj
Concept, Script & Direction:
Mohit Sharma (EDT-5)
An editor and a music lover tune himself very
well to the beat of direction. His attempt to
make a studio production
was worth and he edited it
to make it worth watching.
Designing a calendar
is really a great
challenge which
requires not only
selection of pictures
according to the theme
but the also the
technical knowledge of
layout and designing.
Our students shows
their maximum
creativity in designing
the calendar in various
Fashion of Delhi
Synopsis : This table Calendar is about
Fashion of Delhi for the year 2013. Fashion
is a popular style which everybody wants to
follow. In this we have given details of
Saree, Ghagra Choli Jeans & T-shirts,
Bangles, Handicraft Bags, Sweater and Hat,
Midi, Salwar Kameez, Sherwani, Western
Wear, Muflars and Scarf.
Concept & Design: Archit Singh (WDA-12)
and Amrita Sharma (DTP-7)
Hotels of Delhi
Synopsis : This table Calendar of year 2013
is on Hotels of Delhi. Hotel may vary in size,
function and cost. Delhi is surrounded by
different Hotel, In this we have given details
of Ajanta Hotel, Cottage Yes Please, Hotel
Silver Shine, Hotel Aura, Hotel ITC Maurya,
Ashok Hotel, Hotel Le Meridien, Hotel
Vasant Continental, Lalit Hotel.
Concept & Design : Navjyot (DTP-2) and
Gunjot (DTP-3)
Gurgaon City
Synopsis : This table Calendar of year 2013
is on Gurgaon city. Gurgaon is a beautiful
Haryana city with multiplexes and malls.
The calendar contains details of city centre,
Omaxe City, Fortis Hospital, Central Mall, MMall, Pataudi House, Shri Sheetla Devi
Temple, DLF Mega Mall, MGF Mega Mall,
Ambience Mall, Delhi – Gurgaon Expressway,
City Hospital.
Concept & Design: Chavi Sharma (DTP-1)
and Abhishek Shukla (DTP-6)
Schools of Delhi
Synopsis : This table Calendar is on
Education for the year 2013. Education is
the most powerful weapon which you can
use to change the world. So, this calendar
showcases the
Faculty of management studies, DCE,
Miranda House, Bhimrao Ambedkar College,
Kirorimal college, Hindu college, College of
Art, Shyamlal College.
Synopsis : This table Calendar of year 2013.
Highlights the various schools of delhi. A school
is an institution designed for the teaching of
students under the direction of teachers. In
this one can find details of different schools
like Sri Venkateshwar international school,
DPS, Daulat ram Public School, Army Public
School, Modern Public School, CRPF School,
OPG International School, Ryan International
School, Sarvodya kanya bal vidyalya No.1, J.R
Public School, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Guru
Harkrishan Public School.
Concept & Design: Ismeet singh (AFM-1) and
Shweta Kaundal (WDA-15)
Concept & Design: Amit Kumar (DTP-8)
and Priyanka (WDA-14)
Transport of Delhi
Synopsis : This table Calendar of year 2013
is on Transport of Delhi. The calendar shows
the efficient public transport systems of
the city like DTC Red AC Buses, DTC Green
Buses, White Line Buses, Ho-Ho Buses, Radio
Cab, Taxi Transport, Battery Rickshaw, Auto
Rickshaw, Chartered Buses, Cycle Rickshaw
with introduction of Delhi Metro.
Concept & Design: Devesh Kumar Pal
(WDA-10) and Jagdishwar Panda (DTP-4)
Indian Festival
Synopsis : This table Calendar of year 2013
is based on Indian Festival. Indian festivals
are integral part of the Indian culture with
special social and religious significances.
This calendar informs about the different
festivals like Makar sakranti, Mahashivratri,
Holi, Mahavir jyanti, Budha purnima, Durga
puja, Eid, janmastmi, ganesh chaturthi,
Dushera, Christmas.
Concept & Design: Dharam Raj (AFM-2)
Abhishek Jain (WDA-8)
Monuments of Delhi
Synopsis : This table Calendar of year 2013
is on Monuments of Delhi. Delhi's historical
monuments and ancient architecture make
the city a sought after destination for
tourist. This calender have details of India
Gate, Jama Masjid, Old Fort, Qutub Minar,
jantar Mantar, Red Fort, Akshardham
Mandir, Lotus Temple, Safdarjung Tomb,
Humayun's Tomb, Gurudwara Bangal Saheb,
Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Concept & Design: Gaurav Prakash Nehra
(DTP-5) and Jitender (WDA-11)
Gardens and Parks of Delhi
Synopsis: This table Calendar of year 2013
about Gardens and Parks of Delhi Delhi's parks
and gardens of five senses is a space with a
variety of activities, inviting public
interaction and exploration. It highlights
different Gardens and Parks like Mughal
Garden, India Gate, Deer park, Buddha Jayanti
Park, Talkatora Garden,
Lodhi Garden,
Children's Park, Nehru Park, National
Zoological Park, Central Park, Millenium
Indraprastha Park.
Concept & Design: Anuradha Sharma(AFM-4)
and Shakshi Mathur (AFM-3)
Noida a Beautiful City
Synopsis: This table Calendar of year 2013 is
on Noida a Beautiful City. Noida is located in
Gautam Budh Nagar Disctict of U.P. State Noida
stand at 17th place when it comes to cleanliness
in india in camparison to Gurgaon and
Faridabad. This calender have details of
different Beautiful places like G.I.P., Spice Mall,
Shipra Mall, DND Flyway, Maywati Park, Budha
International Circuit, Worlds Of Wonder, Noida
Entry Gate, Centre stage Mall, DLF Mall, Okhla
Bird Senctuary, Golf Course.
Concept & Design: Karishma (WDA-3) and
Deepika (WDA-13)
In this era of new
Information &
Technology websites
are playing crucial role
in imparting the
information. With the
help of latest technology
our students has
demonstrated their
website designing skill
in a creative way by
using graphics, color
combinations, tags,
scripting etc.
Temples of Delhi
Synopsis: This table Calendar of year 2013 is
about Temples of Delhi. It signifies the purity
and the universitality of the lord and equality
of all religions. In this we have details of
different Temples like Lotus Temple,
Hanuman Mandir, Gauri Shankar mandir,
Akshardham Mandir, Digambar Jain Mandir,
Buddhist Temple, Sai Baba Mandir, Iskon
Mandir, Chattarur mandir, Kalkaji Mandir,
Gurudwara Bagla Sahib, Birla Mandir.
Concept & Design: Amit Dhoundiyal (WDA1) and Devender Pandey (WDA-16)
Street Food of Delhi
Synopsis: This table Calendar of year 2013
is about Street Food of Delhi for the year
2013. The taste and quality of the Street
food has stayed true to the original. In this
we have details of different Foods Like
Momos, Goal Gappe, Pav-Bhaji, Bhutta,
Chole-khulche, Lassi, Dahi-Bhalle,
Parantha, Juice, Pizza,
Samosa, NanKhatai.
Concept & Design: Brijesh Sharma (WDA-6)
and Tarun kumar (WDA-2)
This Website is based on Online Bakery. In
this website we cover online cakes and other
bakery related items. You can selected
product according to your choice and can
place order online through our website. Our
aim is to promote direct sales from our
bakery which deliver fresh and quality
product on reasonable price. In this website
we cover different Links like Bread and
Muffins, Cakes, Chocolates, Pastries.
Concept & Design :- Deepika (WDA-13),
Brijesh Sharma (WDA-6), Abhishek Jain
(WDA-8), Karishma (WDA-3)
Shopping Places in Delhi
Synopsis: This table Calendar of year 2013 is
on Shopping Places in Delhi. This markets
Provide Branded goods at economical Price and
attracts bargain-hunting locals on the prowl for
household goods, clothing and jewellery.
Through this one can get details of different
shopping Places Like sarojini Nagar Market, Nai
Sarak, Monestry, Chandni Chowk, Connaught
Place, Hauz khaas Market, South Extension
market, Delhi Haat, Karol Bagh, Kamla Nagar,
Khan Market, Janpath Market.
Concept & Design: Abhishek Chaturvedi
(WDA-8) and Sourabh Kumar Pandey (WDA-9)
(Bhavan's Digital Academy)
Lutyens Delhi
Synopsis:- This table Calendar of year 2013
is on Lutyens Delhi. Edwin Lutyens was
greatest british architect. He designed many
English House . He noted for his versatility
and range of inventions along traditional
lines. This calendar showcase various
different Buildings and places like India
Gate, Rajpath Marg, National Gallery of
Modern Art, National Museum, New Delhi
Railway Station, Fountain, Supreme Court,
National Stadium, Parliament House.
Concept & Design: Mansi Gulati
(WDA-5) and Amrita (WDA-7)
This Website is on Online purchase of
Birthday Items. In this website we Offer
large variety of cakes and Birtday items
which you can order online. We send across
our best wishes to one of the best person
who can be any one! whom we care and
love. In this website we cover different
Links like Cards, Ballons, Cakes, SMS, Gifts,
Candles, Birtday Cards.
This Website is about Bhavan' Digital
Academy. In this website we have tried to
explore every aspect of an academic website
like Courses, Admissions, Faculties along
with some interesting pages like Photo
Gallery, student's zone and frequently asked
questions where we tried to put together the
works of students and memories of the period
spent by us here at Bhavan's Digital Academy.
This Website is based on Children's
Education. In this website we explore “Our
Goal Education for All”. Bhavishya's Vision all
the Children, Irrespective Caste, Creed,
Religion, Ethnicity and Color have access to
all the development opportunities and
realize their rights. In this website we cover
different links like Campaign, Awareness,
Health and Nutrition, Donate.
Concept & Design :- Priyanka (WDA-14),
Shweta Kaundal(WDA-15), Devesh kumar
Pal (WDA-10), Amit Dhoundiyal (WDA-1)
Concept & Design :-Mansi Gulati (WDA-5),
Saurabh kumar Pandey(WDA-9), Amrita
(WDA-7), Devender pandey(WDA-16)
Concept & Design :-Abhishek Chaturvedi
(WDA-4), Tarun Kumar (WDA-2), Archit
Singh (WDA-12), Jitender (WDA-11)
Now-a-days Animated
Video Spots are most
successful in
conveying the
message to the
audience. Our
students are able to
translate their
innovative ideas into
meaningful video spots
by adding animation in
it in a creative way.
Making of video game
is a project to
understand the
importance of scripting
and animation. Video
games may be defined
as games involving
electronic technology in
which real-time
interactive game events
are depicted graphically
on a screen through
pixel-based imaging.
Save Fuel
Save Water
Use Dustbin
This Animated Video Spot is Based on the
Topic “Save Fuel”. In the spot, we had
shown the animated discussion between
two cylinders “Sukhi” and “Dukhi” along
with live actions, the purpose of which is
to save fuel like LPG by remembering
some important tips like cooking food at
low flames.
This Animated Video Spot Based on the
Topic “Save Water”. In the spot we had
shown only animation. As our population
grows, more and more people are using up
this limited resource.Therefore, it is
important that we use our water wisely
and not waste it.
It is an Animated Video Spot the spot
shows the animated Dustbin along with
live actions, the purpose of which is to
motivate people to Use Dustbin and don't
spread Garbage? Our aim is Prevention and
we will not wait for diseases and other
harmful bacteria to spread in populated
Concept & Design : Deepika (WDA-13),
Brijesh Sharma (Wda-6), Abhishek Jain
(WDA-8), Karishma (WDA-3)
Concept & Design:
Mansi Gulati (WDA-5), Saurabh Kumar
Pandey (WDA-9), Amrita (WDA-7),
Devender Pandey (WDA-16)
Mig Attack
Dhoondte Reh Jaoge
This video Game Mig Attack is Based on
Aeroplane Figting. The Player controls
an on-screen aeroplane and engage in
attacks with an opponent. These
aeroplane tend to be of good power and
fight matches consisting of several
rounds. Players must master techniques
such as throw fire, blocking, counterattacking, and chaining together
In this video game one has to find the
correct path with three levels of
increasing difficulty. This useful game
provides many practical resources and
information related to video game
addiction, for both children and adults.
Concept & Design :
Mansi Gulati (WDA-5), Saurabh kumar
Pandey (WDA-9), Amrita (WDA-7),
Devender pandey (WDA-16)
Concept & Design :-Abhishek
Chaturvedi (WDA-4), Tarun Kumar
(WDA-2), Archit Singh (WDA-12),
Jitender (WDA-11)
Concept & Design : Priyanka (WDA-14),
Shweta Kaundal(WDA-15), Devesh
kumar Pal (WDA-10), Amit Dhoundiyal
Car Racing
This video Game Based on Car Racing.
In which one has to reach the
destination with Four levels of
increasing difficulty. It is a
competitive single player game
controlled using a two-way joystick,
and is presented in color graphics.
Concept & Design :
P r i y a n ka ( W D A - 1 4 ) , S h w e t a
Kaundal(WDA-15), Devesh kumar Pal
(WDA-10), Amit Dhoundiyal (WDA-1)
Tourist Guide
Techno News
Film and Art
Making of this
Saheed – The Real Heroes
project demands
proper understanding
of layout design,
Background colors,
Text styles &
This Magazine is based on Tourism. India's
rich History and its Cultural and
geographical diversity make its tourism
appeal large and diverse. It presents
heritage and cultural tourism along with
medical, business and sports tourism. This
Magazine covers different contents like
Brief History of India, historic Monuments of
India, Mughal Era Monuments, Buddhist Era
Monuments, British Era Monuments, Other
landmark and importance, Hill Stations,
Railway Travels, Tourist Hotels in India,
Tourism Department, Safety Tips of Tourist,
Climate and Seasons, Air Travels, Tourist
Concept & Design :- Amit Kumar(DTP-8) ,
Gunjot (DTP-3), Jagdishwar Panda(DTP4), Navjyot(DTP-2)
Food Guide
In This Magazine you will find a variety of
Articles that will provide you information on
how you can stay fit and how to deal with
food poisoning, which is very common in this
seasons. Magazine focuses on various health
topics, fitness, articles and much more. The
Magazine cover Different Contents Like
prevention Sun Damage or Food Poisoning,
Nutrition in Pregnancy, Food for Good
health, Food Poisoning, Street Foods,
Healthy Foods for Summer, Fitness Tips,
Swimming and Its Health Benefits, Why You
should Drink Milk, Cutlery, How to Beat
Concept & Design :- Gaurav Prakash
Nehra(DTP-5), Chavvi Sharma(DTP-1),
Amrita Sharma (DTP-7), Abhishek shukla
Students enjoy entire
process and get
This Magazine Cover is based on Computer
and Digital Gadgets. We have designed four
pages in this Magazine. This Magazine
focuse on different contents like Galaxy
Camera, IPhone5, Nokia Omnia 3D, Apple
Wireless Mouse.
This Magazine Cover is based on Film and
Art. This magazine cover contains Four
pages. This Magazine Cover Focuse on
Different movies Like Dabang 2, Talaash,
life of Pie, Khiladi 786, Lucky Horse, Shri
Krishna, Swan, Odyssey to Uncertainty.
Concept & Design :- Gaurav Prakash
Nehra (DTP-5) and Abhishek Shukla
Concept & Design :- Gunjot (DTP-3) and
Jagadishwer Panda (DTP-4)
Fashion Fusion
satisfied by
delivering the
Concept & Design :- Chavvi Sharma
This Magazine Cover is based on Fashion
Including Four pages. This Magazine Cover
Focused on Different Contents Like
Diamond Rings and Artificial rings, Bangles
and Kadas, Eye Liner, sandals, Neckless,
fashion arts, diamond jewellery, Lipsticks,
fancy watches, diamond neckless,
amazing Eye Shades.
Concept & Design :- Amit Kumar (DTP-8)
and Amrita Sharma (DTP-7)
Concept & Design :- Amit Kumar (DTP-8)
and Navjyot (DTP-2)
project in giving
The theme for this card is wedding. For
wedding card we covered Ruhil and
Nadir Ali's Wedding.
This Magazine Cover with four pages is
based on Sports & Games. This
Magazine focused on different
contents like Cricket, Football, Tennis
This invitation card focuse on Painting and
Drawing Exhibition inaugurated by the
chief guest Dr. Abdul Kalam (Ex President of
India) based on our real heroes.
Concept & Design :- Chavvi Sharma
This card is based on Drawing and
Sketching Competition.This invitation
card focused on different types of
Sketching and Drawing Competition in
memory of our friend Moksha.
Concept & Design :- Gaurav Prakash
Nehra (DTP-5)
3D Architectural Walk Through
This Promo is on Crime in Ncr. In this TV Promo We
have covered all kinds of Crimes like Robbery,
Murder, Rape, Cyber Crime & Suicide which usually
occur in our society. Motto of the Promo is "Never
Crime and we need to be careful, we need to be
watchful” the basic Idea behind such a spot is to
make viewers aware of the criminal activities
occurring in their neighborhoods and how they can
protect themselves. We also used camera
Movments, lighting and Color Corrections in this
project with the help of Adobe After Effects.
Concept & Design : Anuradha Sharma (AFM-4),
Ismeet Singh(AFM-1) , Shakshi Mathur (AFM-3),
DharamRaj (AFM-2)
This 3D Architectural Walk Through is based on
Real Estate & Builders. In this 3D Architectural
walk through we have showed two sections one is
Interior and another is Exterior. Interior includes
one Drawing Room, Bed Room, Kitchen,
Bathroom, Lobby & Beer Bar. Interior lighting
includes light from each fixture, the selfillumination of objects in the room and reflection
of light within the room. In exterior section we
have showed 360 degree Angle of villa for Real
Estate Developers & Builders. For making this
Walk through We used Max for Architectural
designing, Modelling Texturing, Lighting and
Camera Animation & Adobe After effects for
Composting and Color corrections etc.
This Television Commercial is based on Jeevan
Shurakshit Life Insurance. In this We have made an
Animated and live action Video Advertisement
based on the topic “Life insurance”. we had shown
the animated 3D Model as an insurance agent and
our story is based on a career and promotion of a
person in his company whose parents have already
insured his life by this “JeevanSurakshit” life
Concept & Design : Anuradha Sharma (AFM-4),
Ismeet Singh(AFM-1) , Shakshi Mathur (AFM-3),
DharamRaj (AFM-2)
Concept & Design : Anuradha Sharma (AFM-4),
Ismeet Singh(AFM-1) , Shakshi Mathur (AFM-3),
DharamRaj (AFM-2)
Sketching is a project which
needs not only the power of
visualization but also
translate that visualization
into a meaningful
illustration. This task is is
really helpful for our
students to enhance their
creativity through sketching.
Amit Kumar (DTP-8)
Deepika (WDA-13)
Karishma (WDA-3)
Shakshi Mathur (AFM-3)
Concept to
Screen in
just 6 Hours
This is a
practical test
towards end
of course.
Can any one
in just 6
Yes, our
have proved
that it is
A Story of Dacoit
Meri Nahi Khata
Janpath Market
It is a music video which deals with the
story of a dacoit who are planning and
plotting an attack. Characters were
strongly portrayed in the programme
to give powerful impact.
This music video shows the story of a
boy who went to his school after a
long time and put himself on the
memory lane remembering the days
of his school days.
A story which smoothly displays the
story of a boy who is suffering from
cancer. Entire music video shows the
grief and sadness of the character.
It is a documentary which shows the
colorful and cheerful Janpath
Market. The programme highlights
the Janpath Market is one of the
favorite amongst the markets of
ABC of Film Making
Traffic Safety & Rules
Terrific Steps
It is an educational programme
showcases the process of film
making. It demonstrates the levels
from which every programme passes
This educational programme informs
about the rules and regulation to be
followed while driving on the road.
Sometime we just ignore them and
met with an unwanted incident that
can cost our life.
Connaught Place..
One Stop Place
Connaught Place is major hub for
both shoppers and businessmen. This
programme highlights the positivity
of the place by showing it varied
This programmes shows that we
should obey traffic rules while driving
or walking on the roads. It shows that
disobeying such rules could lead to
major accidents.
India Gate
News Promos
India Gate…
A Tourist place (RTVJ)
Right to Information
India Gate, one of the major tourist
destinations in India. Formerly known
as the War Memorial Arch that was
designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens.
Promo is a highlight of programme. It
reflects the content of the news
prograame. Students tried to make
two promos out of which one is
Rajneeti Ka Akhada and other one was
entertainment based Filmiyaana safar.
It is a documentary which promotes
the popularity of India gate amongst
Indian as well as foreign tourists.
It is an educational programme which
demonstrates the need of RTI. It
explains the procedure to file RTI to
obtain the answer to their question.
Gyan Guru
Earth Day
Reporter is the backbone of any news
based programme. This educational
programme highlights the qualities
required for a person in order to be a
broadcasting reporter.
This documentary shows the
importance of earth day and why it is
being celebrated. It also portrays the
need of planting more trees to avoid
global warming.
Badlav Ki Pehel…
Kanoon Se Ya Samaj Se
It is a documentary which the
changing phases of country. It shows
that how corruption should be
eliminated from our society.
Media manager is a qualified manager who has full
knowledge about different communication media, such as
Print, Radio, Film, Televison & Cyber Media. During one year
our Media Management students learn technical aspects by
working on projects and assignments. In the last of second
semester MDM students prepared a 'Dissertation' resulting
from research.
Entrepreneurs try to use technology to develop their
business. However, using technology generates high costs.
So, companies need to find a new way to survive by using the
existing resources to gain maximum benefit. Dissertations
take a critical look at problems and barriers of managing
knowledge as well as how the service companies use
Knowledge Management to improve their efficiency.
The aims of the dissertation are to:
• put into practice theories and concepts learned on the
• provide an opportunity to study a particular topic in
• show evidence of independent investigation;
• combine relevant theories and suggest alternatives;
• enable interaction with practitioners (where
appropriate to the chosen topic);
• show evidence of ability to plan and manage a project
within deadlines
After completion of the dissertation students should be
able to:
• define, design and deliver an academically rigorous piece
of research;
• understand the relationships between the theoretical
concepts taught in class and their application in specific
• show evidence of a critical and holistic knowledge and
have a deeper understanding of their chosen subject
• appreciate practical implications and constraints of the
specialist subject;
• Understand the process and decisions to be made in
managing a project within strict deadlines
This 'Dissertation' is like a portfolio of students to impress
their prospective employer or client.
Students submitted Dissertations on various topics:
Monica Sangwan (MDM-13)
The freedom of ideas creativity and implementation
developed the interest and attention in this project-an
event show. Needless to say, a strong fundamental about
managing an event always helps to furnish it more skilfully.
The role of event management, as the word explains itself,
is nothing but a proper planning and executing an activity
with a SMART (Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic
& Time bound) objective. Moreover, to attain the practical
knowledge about the field in a specific bound time-span.To
gain the knowledge to minimize the cost and maximize the
profit. It enhances the knowledge about the planning of
pre-event, during event and post-event activities. It helps
to ensure the achievement of the goals and targets in limited
space, time and money.
Hina Bhutani (MDM-10)
New Television Channel
for the Christian Community
It's all about the Christian community. Creating awareness
about the religion & its culture among people. Accordingly a
business plan is made & investment is made. A channel which
creates awareness & gives knowledge about the happenings
in the church.
The Objective: To promote Christ & the careful study of the
scriptures. Encouraging people to follow God's path & doing
good deeds. To believe in serving the society & making
awareness among people that God is one.
The overall motive is to spread awareness.
Priyanka Kaushik (MDM-2)
“Showmakers 2012”
The 'showmaker 2012' is the big platform for the naive artists
who get the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. It is the big
platform for the upcoming artist.
Objectives of this dissertation are
• Providing big platform for the Naïve artist.
• Provide the good networking.
• It will help to the upcoming artist and these kinds of
programs enhance their confidence. It would be an easy
way to get popularity in entertainment industry.
Happy Kapoor (MDM-4)
“Mr.& Miss Attitude 2013 Season 1”
The dissertation is about event to be organised for fashion
show with the theme of Mr.& Miss Attitude 2013 Season
1(contest) in Delhi for the brand Provogue (is a fashion &
lifestyle retail business owned by Provogue (India) Limited).
Provogue has introduced a range of fashion watches,
footwear, inner wear, sunglasses etc. to compliment the
Objectives are to create customer excitement and advertise
their store nationally. Other objectives are to increase sales
by 6% and increase the floor traffic.
Shivani Gupta (MDM-17)
“Show Makers 2013''
Show Makers 2013 is an event inviting all popular media
organisations to come, participate and show their talent.
The format of the event contains competition like film
making, photography competition, dance, acting
competition and many more. The objective of the event is to
promote the talent of the students and provide them a
platform. With the help of such events the students gets a
boost to nurture their talent. BhartiyaVidyaBhavan is holding
this event which is held every year. It is a noble initiative for
the students and by the students.
Shivani Sharma (MDM-3)
'Show makers 2012' is a mega event where creative minds
from Fashion Schools, Modeling Schools, Acting Schools,
Media Schools, Dancing Schools and other upcoming artists
related to entertainment industry, will perform on Stage.
This event may be covered live Video Shooting Rights. This
annual event may take place around October, November
and December during autumn break or Winter Break of
Colleges. This Mega Event may be conducted in large
auditorium such as Kamani Auditorium, Sri Fort or Tal
Katora Indoor Stadium.
The objective of this project is to learn and understand
different elements of Event Planning, Execution and
Udit Jain (MDM-11)
“Spike TV”
The dissertation is about the online T.V Channel for Children
whose name is Spike TV which will provide the entire
program according to need of the children.Spike TV is a
voluntary coalition of parents, producers, artists,
educators and others concerned about screen-based media
for children in the India. It will form in 2014 to address the
immediate crisis in the children's television production
industry. We have since expanded our focus to concern
ourselves with issues relating to content for children across
all media platforms.
The main aim of the launching of such kind of the channel is
that maximum number of the children are using internet
and the main target audience is also kids so this online
channel is best for its growth.
Chetna Arya (MDM-7)
Its all about cleanliness in and around. A 13 episode
educational programme to create awareness among people
and to tell them that cleanliness is very important and
creates a huge difference in their life,family and society.
Divya Rai (MDM-18)
“Vishwas Ke Andhere”
A well-structured T.V. Programmemodule of a Reality-based
Educational Show concerned with theSuperstitions in
India.The whole episode-frame was structured to emphase
on the motive of real incidences going-on round the
country. The basic objective of the programme was to
influence the mind of its Target Audience and move it to a
positive side of their problems, focusing upon a positive
transition of the mental arena of human society and their
public opinions. An Educational Programme like
“VishwasKeAndhere” would serve the purpose in a very
efficient manner.
The proposal included treatment , synopsis, format of the
programme, research on the topic, budgeting, costing,
marketing and advertising plans and technical as well as
human resource requirements making itself a complete
business proposal.
Krishna Kumar Tiwari (MDM-14)
“Nepali Language TV Channel”
This is all about spreading awareness, inform & entertain
the community who speaks & understands Nepali language.
It is a small step towards saving Nepali language which is
recognized as the minority language under the Indian
constitution, article 345. Our goals are to cover up a
development of the community & providing a roadmap for
the various aspects in demand. It is concerned with the
Nepali art, culture & lifestyle.
This dissertation would be a new move on the expectation of
the viewers & also for business prospects.
Sonam Gairola (MDM-1)
“Stree Shakti- Women empowerment”
Project Stree Shakti is an attempt of the Government of N.C.T.
of Delhi to empower women, especially those belonging to
economically weaker section of the society. It is an integrated
capacity building project through 'Bhagidari' with NGOs to
strengthen the ability of women to participate equally in the
mainstream of society. This project has prioritised for
intervention in the first instance, three areas which
significantly impact the process of empowerment of women.
This programme has tried to build up an awareness and sense
of equality between the so called male chauvinistic society
and the women folk. The problem of women empowerment is
not only prevalent in our country but also in the other
developed and semi-developed nations. Crimes against
women are increasing day by day. No matter we have women
like IndraNooyi, Mary Com, Sonia Gandhi, AishwaryaRai,
SaniaMirza, PT Usha, Sunita Williams who have made us proud
of their work and stood as a pillar of success in context with
the women empowerment and other issues. But still it is the
hardcore reality that we lacking the equality in both the
Anupama Ravi (MDM-16)
An Educational Television Show on women issues named
'DARPAN.' The main objective of the show is not only to
highlight the problems of women in the society but also
educates, find solution and inspire the masses regarding the
'Darpan' will be a reality based educational talk show based on
various women issues prevalent in India. It will not only
highlight the issue but also try to get the solutions and
precautions to the problems. And also, it will promote the unexplored traditional talent in India. In the end of the
programme, traditional means of media will be showcased
which will be performed according to the topic of that
particular issue.
Prakhar Singhania (MDM-15)
“Beti India ki”
A theme centered program on women empowerment, the
importance of woman, and the role they play in shaping the
society,the state or even the country. The female protagonist
Bharti around whom the entire series is woven, is an ordinary
girl from an ordinary poor struggling family but, full of grit and
determination to fight for the rights of not only for women but
for society in general.
This Programme would be Bharti'supliftmentjourney from a
poor family girl to a panchayat president, then to a municipal
cooperator and to an MLA treading on a path full of troubles,
agony, suffocation and opposition. Tiding over her difficulties
only on her inner strength, grit and determination,
Sheachieved a position of pride and glory for her village, state
and for her country too. She justifies her being symbolized as
“Beti India ki”.
Aditi Kochar (MDM-9)
“Festin O Beats”
'Festin O Beats' is a mega event. This Dissertation report
Milestones in Munshi's Life, contd...
contains the whole module of the event: Human resource
module, Finance module, the Marketing module, the whole
proposal of the event. The event is a festival for the colleges
of Delhi Ncr. It is a youth based festival in which all the media
colleges, the colleges of Delhi University & other colleges will
be participating.
Tannu Sharma (MDM- 06)
“Show Makers 2013”
“Show Makers 2013” is scheduled to happen in November
2013. This report is based on the research work. It's a one day
fest in which various events and activities take place that
include Band performances. Each day different band will
perform: Quiz competition, Dance competition, Bike stunt
competition, Rangoli competition and Nukadnatak.
Vandana Sharma (MDM- 12)
“Showmakers 2012”
The “show maker 2012'' is the big platform for the naive artists
who get the opportunity to fulfil their dreams. It is the big
platform for the upcoming artist.Objectives are
· Big platform for the Naïve artist.
· Provide the good networking.
· It will help to the upcoming artist and these kinds of
programs enhance their confidence. It would be an easy way
to get popularity in entertainment industry.
NavaneetaBhagavati (MDM- 05)
“women's empowerment” is an educational TV programme.
The programmes for the documentary will be of 13 episodes,
each episode comprising different topic.This dissertation is
all about providing women with equal opportunity in all
s p h e r e s , s t a r t i n g f r o m g e n d e r e q u a l i t y. Wo m e n ' s
empowerment in india has to face many challenges which
relate to their dignity and moral values.The government of
india has implemented many goals and objectives,regarding
to women's development and upliftment.. Women's
empowerment in india is also dependent on many variables
that includes geographical location, educational status,
social status and age..
The National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) was
launched by the Government of India(GoI) on International
Women's Day in 2010 with the aim to strengthen overall
processes that promote all-round Development of Women.It
has the mandate to strengthen the inter-sector convergence;
facilitate the process of coordinating all the women's welfare
and socio-economic development programmes across
ministries and departments. The Mission aims to provide a
single window service for all programmes run by the
Government for Women under aegis of various Central
Ministries. ..
“The education of a human
being should begin at birth and
continue throughout his life”
– The Mother
Elected member of the Drafting Committee of the
Constituent Assembly.
Visited Europe and the U.S.A,
Appointed Minister for Food and Agriculture in
the Government of India.
Founded the Sanskrit Vishva Parishad
(International Sanskrit Convention), and became
its Chairman.
Elected Chairman of the Institute of Agriculture in
Anand, Gujarat State.
Appointed Governor of Uttar Pradesh (19521957) and as such was ex-officio Chancellor of the
Universities of Agra, Allahabad, Lucknow,
Gorakhpur, Roorki; and the Banaras Sanskrit
Elected President of the Charotar Education
Society, which ran colleges in the faculties of Arts,
Sciences, Commerce, and Engineering.
Appointed Fellow of the Sardar Patel University,
Anand. 1957
Appointed Executive Chairman of the Indian Law
Institute (1957-1960), Delhi.
Resigned from the Congress Party.
Elected Vice President of All India Swatantra
Party. 1966 Elected Chairman of the All India
Colloquium on Ethical and Spiritual Values as the
Basis of National Integration, 19661967.
Elected President of the A11 India University
Teachers and Students Camp.
Received Civic Address from the Mayor of
Bombay. Felicitated by the President of India, Dr.
Zakir Hussain, at the Abhinandan Samaroha
(Felicitation Celebration) and was presented a
specially published volume, Abhinandan
Souvenir, in New Delhi.
Died in Bombay on February 8.