Vol 5, Issue 3 Supplement 2014 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices (IJPTP) Clinical Case Reports - September, 2014 Published by: DRUNPP Association of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovinia www.iomcworld.com/ijptp email: ijourptp@gmail.com ISSN: 1986-8111 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Dr. Syed Wasif Gillani Associate Prof. Dr. Azmi Sarriff Editorial Assistant Dr. Mostafa Nejati Executive Editors Prof. Dr. Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman Dr. Waffa Mohamed El-Anor Ahmed Rashed Prof. Dr. Mark Raymond Mr. Robert Hougland Advisory Board Members Dr. Mensurak Kudumovic Dr. Jasmin Musanovic Dr. Monica Gaidhane Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mok.T Chong Dr. Syed Tajuddin Syed Hassan Dr. Sumeet Dwivedi Dr. Dibyajyoti saha EDITORIAL ADDRESS: KA311, KEYANGANG, BANDAR SUNWAY, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA PUBLISHED BY: DRUNPP, SARAJEVO, BOLNICKA BB. VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3, SUPP I, 2014 ISSN: 1986-8111, INDEXED ON: EBSCO PUBLISHING (EP)USA, INDEX COPERNICUS (IC) POLAND 1020 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Table of Contents 1. ISCHIALGIA AND LUNG TUMOR IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ............................................................ 1026 2. THE MONITORING OF DRUG THERAPY FOR CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) PATIENT IN Dr. MINTOHARDJO, INDONESIAN NAVY MILITARY HOSPITAL.............................................................................................. 1031 3. DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II, and CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE ............................................................... 1036 4. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED OF TREATMENT UROLITHIASIS DISEASE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1043 5. STUDY OF PULMONARY DISEASES WARD PULMONARY TB BTA (+) LLKB (The lesion Area new cases) on OAT kat II.............................................................................................................................................. 1050 6. BRONCHOPNEUMONIA IN PULMONARY DISEASE WARD.................................................................... 1058 7. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROM DISEASE, ANTI PHOSPOLIPID SYNDROME AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 ............................................................... 1065 8. STUDY IN DISEASE WARD CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE AND TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS ...................... 1076 9. COMBINED DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (TB) AND PLEURAL EFFUSION SINISTRA .............................................................................................................................. 1081 10. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT HEMODIALYSIS ON CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE ............... 1086 11. RELATED DRUG PROBLEM IN THE TREATMENT OF VERTIGO DISEASE AND HYPERTENSION IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1091 12. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TREATMENT OF FEMORAL NECK FRACTURES IN MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL 1095 13. PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDY ISCHIALGIA .................................................................................................... 1100 14. TREATMENT OF THE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENT IN THE PGI HOSPITAL CIKINI JAKARTA ............................................................................................................................................................. 1105 15. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED AND TREATMENT FOR CERVICAL CANCER IN INTERNAL MEDICINE WARD IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ........................................................................................... 1120 16. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS (GEA) AND CORONARY ARTERY DESEASE (CAD) .................................................................................................................................................... 1124 17. PERIODIC PARALYSIS OF HYPOKALEMIA FAMILIAL IN GENERAL CARE WARD OF GATOT SUBROTO HOSPITAL JAKARTA INDONESIA ........................................................................................................... 1130 18. PANCREATIC TUMOR DISEASE ............................................................................................................. 1136 19. PNEUMONIA AND MELENA PATIENT IN PULMONARY DISEASE WARD AT GATOTSOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL JAKARTA INDONESIA ........................................................................................................... 1142 20. COMBINED DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN DISEASE TREATMENT FOR DYSPEPSIA IN INTERNAL MEDICINE WARD IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL............................................................................................................. 1149 21. CHRONIC OBSTRUCTION PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) ..................................................................... 1153 1021 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 22. CASE STUDY OF CKD (CHRONIC RENAL DISEASE) IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .......................................... 1156 23. STUDY OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPS) ASSOCIATED WITH THE PATIENT TREATMENT MILIARY TUBERCULOSIS (TB) AT INTERNAL MEDICINE WARDS PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ....................................... 1161 24. ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................. 1161 25. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ON DISESASE THERAPY MANAGEMENT COMPLICATIONS STROKE WITH FEW COMPLICATIONS TYPE II DIABETES, HYPERLIPIDEMIA AND HYPERTENSION ....................................... 1168 26. ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................. 1168 27. A CASE STUDY CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE V ON HEMODIALYSIS ............................................. 1174 28. CKD (CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE) AND ANEMIA ................................................................................... 1181 29. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS (TB) IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................. 1186 30. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE COMBINATION OF TREATMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS AND CAD (CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE)/CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE ...................................................... 1189 31. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS ............................................................... 1194 32. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN REGIMEN OF DOSE FOR TUBERCULOSIS (TB) PATIENT AT INTERNAL WARD RSUP HOSPITAL ......................................................................................................................... 1199 33. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN HIV-AIDS PATIENT ............................................................................... 1204 34. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CAD) STAGE III WITH DIABETES MELLITUS (DM) TYPE II ............................................................................... 1209 35. DRP ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT OF MELENA DISEASE WITH D.M TYPE II AND PARKINSON HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................................. 1215 36. TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE AT CIKINI HOSPITAL ...................................................................................... 1221 37. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN STROKE NON HEMOROGIK DISEASE ................................................... 1225 38. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF BRAIN TUMOR DISEASE ACCOMPANIED TB ............. 1229 39. COMBINED DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT MENINGITIS TUBERCULOSA, HEMIPARESIS THE RIGHT, PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, PNEUMONIA, VASCULITIS, AND ENCEPHALITIS, IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, CENTRAL JAKARTA. ............................................................................................................. 1235 40. THE EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMANT FOR ACUTE EXACERBATION OF COPD IN GATOT SOEBROTO HOSPITAL ..................................................... 1250 41. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ON THE TREATMENT A SIMPLE FEVER SEIZURE ........................................ 1258 42. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ON DISEASE MANAGEMENT OF DYSPEPSIA IN GERIATRIC PATIENT IN THE INTERNAL MEDICINE WARD PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................... 1263 43. DRPs (DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS) ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT TO FEBRILE OBSTRUCTION PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ........................................................................................................................ 1267 44. BRONKIEKTASIS (BE) AT LUNG INFECTION WARD RSUP HOSPITAL .................................................... 1271 1022 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 45. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS PNEUMONIA DISEASE .............................................................................. 1276 46. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN ASCITES PATIENT ................................................................................. 1281 47. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE IN PERSAHABATAN JAKARTA HOSPITAL ................................................................................................... 1287 48. TREATMENT ASSOCIATED WITH OF PATIENT CHRONIC HEART FAILURE (CHF) DISEASE IN CIKINI JAKARTA HOSPITAL .............................................................................................................................. 1293 49. INAPROPRIATE DRUGS FOR PNEUMONIA & BRONCHIOLITIC PATIENT AT PEDIATRIC WARD RSPAD HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1299 50. STUDY OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE DISEASE IN THE WARD OF DISEASE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .... 1304 51. STUDY IN DISEASES WARD TYPHOID FEVER......................................................................................... 1309 52. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT TO HEMORRHAGIC STROKE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................ 1313 53. TREATMENT MEDICINE TO PATIENT ACUTE LOW BACK PAIN,DISPEPSIA AND POST INFECTION BUILDING OF ORIF AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ......................................................................................................... 1319 54. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM AMONG RIGHT EMPYEMA PULMUNARY, TUBERCULOSIS WITH THE TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN GATOT SUBROTO HOSPITAL .......................................................................... 1324 55. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (CHF) IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA ............................................................................................... 1329 56. EVALUATION OF TREATMENT ANGINA PECTORIS DISEASE AT GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL . 1333 57. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ON TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE TREATMENT IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1337 58. EVALUATION OF TREATMENT SEIZURES, CEREBRAL TOXOPLASMOSIS, ORAL CANDIDIASIS, HEMIPARESE DEXTRA, SUSPECTED OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY PNEUMONIA, HYPOKALEMIA, HYPONATREMIA AND PATIENTS ON HIV / AIDS IN FLOOR GENERAL MAINTENANCE IV ARMY HOSPITAL EDUCATION GATOT SUBROTO JAKARTA .............................................................................................. 1347 59. CASE STUDY IN HOSPITAL K OF DISEASE NON HEMORRHAGIC STROKE (SNH) POST. HEAD TRAUMA 1356 60. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED IN TREATMENT OF HNP (HERNIATED NUCLEUS PULPOSUS) DISEASE IN MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL ...................................................................................... 1361 61. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED IN TREATMENT CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE DISEASE ............ 1365 62. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ON URINE RETENTION DISEASE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ........................ 1370 63. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS WITH THE TREATMENT FOR DIABETES MELLITUS (TYPE II DM) IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................. 1373 64. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR NASOPHARYNX CANCER PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................ 1379 65. HAS NOT TREATED WITH ARV YET ON GATOT SUBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL ........................................ 1384 1023 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 66. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THERAPY CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) IN INTERNAL MEDICINE WARD Dr. MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL .................................................................................................... 1399 67. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT ON ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS DISEASE IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................... 1406 68. CASE STUDY OF DISEASE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA MASSIVE ASCITES ................................... 1409 69. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ON NON-HEMORRHAGIC STROKE AND DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE TREATMENT IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL......................................................................................... 1417 70. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR STROKE HEMORRHAGIC PATIENT IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................... 1423 71. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR DIABETES MELLITUS KETOACIDOSIS PATIENT IN GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL ................................................................................ 1427 72. TREATMENT EVALUATION ON PATIENTS WITH IHD (ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE) AT ARMY HOSPITAL “GATOT SOEBROTO” ............................................................................................................................ 1433 73. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS (TB) PATIENT IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL JAKARTA ................................................................................................... 1437 74. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS WITH HYPOALBUMINEMIA AND CIRRHOSIS IN GATOT SUBROTO HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1442 75. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR DYSPEPSIA PATIENT IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1448 76. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE TREATMENT AMONG PATIENTS IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1453 77. ANEMIA GRAVIS, HYPOKALEMIA, HEMATOSKEZIA DISEASE ................................................................ 1457 78. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TREATMENT OF PNEUMONIA IN PATIENTS TREATED IN THE LUNG GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL ................................................................................................................ 1461 79. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS AND DIABETES MELITUS TYPE II PATIENT IN MINTOHARDJO JAKARTA HOSPITAL ...................................... 1468 80. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT PLEURAL EFFUSION TUBERCULOSIS PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ........................................................................................................................ 1472 81. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR COLIC RENAL PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ................................................................................................................................... 1477 82. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR HYPERCOAGULATE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................................. 1482 83. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS (TBC) PATIENT IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................. 1487 1024 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 84. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE PATIENT IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................... 1491 85. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR ATELECTATION AND PNEUMONIA PATIENT IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL ............................................................................................... 1497 86. DISEASE TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS (DM) AND HYPERTENSION IN GENERAL HOSPITAL CENTER PERSAHABATAN JAKARTA .................................................................................................................... 1501 87. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRPs) ASSOSIATED WITH TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 DISEASE AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL ............................................................................................... 1507 88. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE IN MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL ...................................................................................................................... 1511 89. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR URETHRAL STRICTURE PATIENT IN MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL ....................................................................................... 1515 90. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ......................................................................................................... 1519 91. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR LUNG TUBERCULOSIS PATIENT IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................. 1523 92. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR HEMORRHAGIC STROKE PATIENT IN GATOT SOEBROTO HOSPITAL .............................................................................................................. 1528 93. GENERAL STUDY CARE WARDS GERIATRIC .......................................................................................... 1533 94. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AT THE INTERNAL DISEASE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ......................................................................................... 1538 95. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS PATIENT IN PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL .............................................................................................................. 1544 96. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT FOR BENIGN PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA IN MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL ...................................................................................................................... 1549 1025 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. ISCHIALGIA AND LUNG TUMOR IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Agnes Anggraeny Para’pak1 , Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : Anggraenyagnes@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Ischialgia is pain sensation from lower back, pain from butt area, stiffness on lower back . Pain sensation radiating or as a sense of shock, which is perceived from the buttocks radiating to the thigh, calf and even up to the foot depending which part of the nervous is wedge6. Lung tumors are one type of tumor that grows in the lungs is difficult to recover8. Lungs tumor is caused by cells that divide and grow uncontrollable in lungs8. Mr.MI patients, aged 23 years, entered the Dr. Mintohardjo hospital on 10 June 2014 with a chief complaint of low back pain radiating to the left leg up since a month ago. Therapy for the treatment of hospitalized namely ceftriaxone, ringer lactate, ketorolac, CTM, paracetamol, Taxotere (docetaxel), Platinol (cisplatin), and zonal (Epherison HCL). Based on the results of their clinical practice in TNI AL Dr.Mintohardjo hospital on room Salawati it can be concluded that the presence of Drug Related Problems (DRP) in the form of drug interactions, but did not receive needed medications and side effects from used drug. 6 Keyword : Ischialgia And Lung Tumor Hospital Navy Dr.Mintohardjo INTRODUCTION Ischialgia is the symptom of sensation pain from nerve ischiadicus stimulation6. In this situation arises pain and tingling along the nerve branches which pressure6. Dictionary Mahar Priguna Mardjono and Sidhartha (1978) defines ischialgia as pain stems in the lumbosacral area radiating to the buttocks and then to the posterolateral part of the upper limbs, the lateral part of the lower leg, as well as the lateral part of foot6. Lung cancer is a malignant tumor derived from primary lung or airway epithelial bronkus8. The occurrence of cancer is characterized by abnormal cell growth, unlimited, and destroy tissue cells normal8. Malignant process in the bronchial epithelium is preceded by pre cancer8. The first change that occurred during the so-called precancerous squamous 1026 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. metaplasia is characterized by changes in the shape epitel8. Like most other cancers, the cause of lung cancer is definitely not known, but prolonged exposure to inhalation of a substance that is carcinogenic is a major causative factor in addition to other factors such as the immune, genetic, etc8. PERCENTAGE CASE Mr. MI 23 years old, came to Dr.Mintohardjo hospital on June 10, 2014 with a primary complaint of pain in the waist, spread to the left leg since a month ago. Patients admitted to hospital on June 11, 2014 and June 24, 2014 came out with a doctor's note that outpatient chemotherapy and subsequent action. Patients with a history of ulcer disease and have had surgery on the left breast tumor, the left neck. Currently patients diagnosed with the disease ischialghia. LINE TREATMENT FOR LUNG TUMOR4 First line Cisplatine / vinorelbine, cisplatin / gemcitabine, cisplatine / paclitaxel, carboplantin / gemcitabine (chemotherapy early stage, given the combination of the 2 drugs) Second line Docetaxel (Taxotere), pemetrexed, erlotinib and platinol (advanced stage that failed previously treated with chemotherapy, administered with a single dose) TREATMENT MANAGEMENT ISCHIALGIA1 1. Drugs: analgesics, NSAIDs, muscle relaxan, etc. 2. Program medical rehabilitation a. Physical therapy: diathermy, electrotherapy, lumbar traction, manipulation therapy, exercise. b. Occupational Therapy: Teach proper body mechanic c. Orthotic prosthetic: the provision of a lumbar corset, walkers d. Advice Avoid a lot of over bending. 1027 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Avoid frequent heavy lifting. Immediately break if have pain when walking or standing. When sitting for long try disila foot alternately right and left, or use a small seat for both legs rested. When sweeping and mopping the floor use a broom handle or mop long so that when sweeping or mopping the back does not bend. If you want to take things on the floor, keep your back straight and bend your knees to reach the goods. 3. Operation: Performed in severe cases or where the debilitating drugs and medical rehabilitation programs do not help. EVALUATION CLINIC2,3 The use of ceftriaxone injection is to overcome bacterial infections. Ketorolac for the treatment of short-term post-surgical pain, paracetamol is used when necessary as an analgesic and antipyretic. Mefenamic acid for mild or moderate pain, CTM to treat symptoms of allergies. As for chemotherapy drugs given Taxotere (docetaxel) for the treatment of lung cancer and a subsequent treatment failure when treated with previously chemotherapy. Platinol (cisplatin) for the treatment of lung cancer. Zonal (epherison HCL) for the symptomatic treatment of the circumstances related to musculuskoletal cramp (muscle cramp). DOSAGE AND METHOD OF USE In the case of patients treated with injectable ceftriaxone 1 g administered for 7 days 2x1, 2x1 ketorolac 10 mg for 7 days, paracetamol 500 mg if necessary, mefenamic acid 500 mg for 7 days 2x1, 1x1 CTM 4 mg for 1 day on day three Taxotere (docetaxel) 20 mg, Platinol (cisplatin) 10 ml, given on the eighth day as chemotherapy drugs and zonal 5 mg administered on day 14. RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS5 Results from laboratory tests on 12 June 2014 showed a decrease in the value of urea 14 mg / dl (17-43 mg / dl) and impaired creatinine 0.7 mg / dl (0.9 -1.3 mg / dl), which 1028 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. indicates a decrease kidney function. On 18 June 2014 showed a decrease in the value of leukocytes 4,700 u / l (5,000-10,000 U / l), hemoglobin 13.4 g / dl (14-48 g / dl), which is caused by the use of chemotherapy drugs, and a decrease in creatinine values 0 , 8 mg / dl (0.9-1.3 mg / dl), which indicates a decrease in kidney function. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Drug Interactions7 Mefenamic acid and ketorolac were equally increase the anticoagulant effect, used of this drug should be monitored7. 2. REQUIRES DRUG BUT DID NOT GET IT2 After chemo, patients complained a nausea but did not get anti-nausea drugs. Patients who had chemotherapy should be given ondacetron to treat nausea after chemo2. 3. DRUG SIDE EFFECTS3 Mefenamic acid and ketorolac have the same side effects that can irritate the stomach, so that the necessary medication proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole to prevent an increase in gastric acid and stress ulcer3. CONCLUSION Based on the results of monitoring drug therapy in internal medicine wards at the TNI AL Dr.Mintohardjo Hospital, then be concluded that the presence of Drug Related Problems (DRP) in the form of drug interaction, but did not necessesary drug and drug side effects. Results from laboratory tests showed a decrease in serum creatinine and serum urea, indicates a decrease in renal function and impairment of leukocytes, hemoglobin, creatinine, which is caused by the side effects of chemotherapy drugs. REFERENCES 1. Anggriani. W. 2010. Physiotherapy Management In Ischialgia. Dr.Ramelan Hospital Surabaya. Muhammadiyah University. Surakarta 2. BPOM. RI. 2008. Indonesian National Drug Information. Komperpom. Jakarta 3. Galileopharma. 2008. BNF Edition 56. Alexandria University 1029 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 4. Islamuddin. 2009. Systemic Therapy of Lung Carcinoma. Section of Internal Medicine. Faculty of medicine. Andalas University. Field 5. Ministry of Health. RI. 2011. Guidelines For Clinical Data Interpretation. Jakarta 6. Markam. S. 1982. Neurology. Publisher. PT. EGC. Jakarta 7. Medscape. Drug Interactions. 2014 8. Siregar. L. 2006. Lung Cancer. University of North Sumatra. 1030 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. THE MONITORING OF DRUG THERAPY FOR CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) PATIENT IN Dr. MINTOHARDJO, INDONESIAN NAVY MILITARY HOSPITAL Ardiansyah1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) Email : chunca.ardiansyah7@gmail.com 2 ABSTRACT CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) is defined as abnormality of renal function which is marked by the presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria) and the decline of renal function for 3 or more than 3 months which progressive to terminal renal failure1. Mrs. LD, 32 years old, entered Dr. Mintohardjo hospital on June 22, 2014 with diagnosis CRF (Chronic Renal Failure). Medical therapy for 5 days are Lasix injection, valsartan 80 mg, Amlodipine 10 mg, Cefoperazon 1 g, Dextrometorphan, Sodium bicarbonate, Folic acid, Aminoral, Isosorbide Dinitrat 10 mg, Hydrochorthiazide 25 mg, and Lasix tablet. Based on the results of clinical work practice in internal disease ward of Dr. Mitohardjo hospital, we can conclude that DRP (Drug Related Problem) was high dosing and drug interaction. Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure, Internal disease, Dr. Mintohardjo hospital INTRODUCTION Chronic renal disease is pathophysiological process with various etiology, it caused progressive decline of renal function, and generally, it will be chronic renal failure in the end. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the decline of renal function which happen continuously but slowly, it reversible because of the decline of glomerular filtration rate5. If renal could not function well, there will be a cumulation of substances of metabolism residue inside the body, so it caused toxic effects4. Chronic renal disease can expand so fast, in 2 – 3 months, or slowly, in 30 – 40 years4. End-stage renal failure is condition where the renal function of patient has declined, which is measured by Klirens Kreatinin (KK) is not more than 15 ml/minute. Patient of end-stage renal failure needs special therapy which is called renal replacement therapy6. Renal replacement therapy consists of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal 1031 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. transplant6. From some of replacement therapies above, Hemodialysis is the most applied in Indonesia. Based on The United States Renal Data System (USRDS) in 2009 end-stage renal failure often found and its prevalence is about 10-13 %. In USA, the amount is 25 million people, and in Indonesia is about 12,5 % or 18 million people7. According to the data of Indonesian Renal Registry (IRR), total patients of end-stage renal failure which take hemodialysis in Indonesia from 2007-2012 are 1885, 1936, 4707, 5184, 6951 and 91618. Data of some research center in Indonesia, report that the cause of end-stage renal failure who takes dialysis is glomerulonefritis (36,4%), obstruction and infection renal disease (24,4%), diabetic renal disease (19,9%), hypertension (9,1%) and the other causes (5,2%) PERCENTAGE OF CASES Mrs. LD, 32 years old, entered Dr. Mintohardjo hospital on June 22, 2014 with diagnosis CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) and Dyspepsia. Her complaint is she has limp for two days before entering the hospital, dizzy a day before entering the hospital, nausea when eating, defecate three times a day, it liquid ad black, low back pain and her right foot is limp when she is walking. Results of laboratory tests showed that serum creatinine of patient was increase and glomerular filtration rate is 13,30 ml/minute which indicate that the patient suffer renal failure disease (dialysis). CLINIC EVALUATION The use of Lasix (furosemide) for edema heart, kidney and liver, valsartan and amlodipine for hypertension therapy, cafoperazon as antibiotics because based on laboratory tests result, leukocyte of patient has increase which indicate that there is infection, dextrometorphan symptomatic therapy for non productive cough, folic acid for anemia and renal failure, aminoral (keto acid) for chronic renal isufficiency, isosorbide dinitrat for treatment nad prevention angina pectoris, hydroclhorthiazide for hypertension. DOSE AND DIRECTION10,11. In this case, patient was treated with lasix injection, 2x1 ampoule a day for two days ( 2223 June), valsartan 1x80 mg in 5 days (22-25 June), amlodipine 1x10 mg in 5 days (22-26 June), cefoperazon injection 2x1 g in 5 days (22-26 Juni), dextrometorpan 3x15 mg in 5 1032 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. days (22-26 June), sodium bicarbonate 3x500mg in 5 days (22-26 June) , folic acid 3x1 in 5 days (22-26 June), aminoral (keto acid) 3x2 in 3 days (22,25 and 26 June) , Isosorbide Dinitrat 2x10mg in 3 days (23,24,dan 25 June), and hydrochorthiazide 1x25 mg in 5 days(22-26 June). THE RESULT OF LABORATORY TEST The result of hematology examination on 22 June 2014 showed the increasing of leukocyte, it was 14.700/µL (5.000 – 10.000/ µL) it indicate that there was an infection, the increasing of ureum, it was 90 mg/dl (17 – 43 mg/dl) and creatinine 6,2 mg/dl (0,6 – 1,1 mg/dl) showed the decline of renal function. The decline of erythrocytes 3,59 million/ µL (4,2 – 5,4 million/ µL),hemoglobin 10,3 g/dl (12 – 14 g/dl) and hematocrit 31 % (37 – 42 %) indicated that it was anemia. GUIDE LINE OF CRF THERAPY10 LINE I Antihypertention (ACE-Inhibitor) to decrease hypertention mitraglomerular and hypertofi glomerular. LINE 2 Diuretics to remove the excess fluid in the body. According to National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (K/000/) Guidelines Update in 2002, the definition of chronic renal disease are11: a. Renal decay> 3 months, it is like as renal structure disorder, with or without the decline of glomerular filtration rate which is marked by: pathology disorder, and there is indication of renal decay, it could be blood or urine disorder, or radiology disorder11. b. Glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/minute/1,73m2 for >3 months, with or without renal decay11. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS(DRPs)11 1. Too high dose 1033 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. The dose is too high in the distribution of valsartan it was 80 mg in a day. According to BNF in 57th edition, 2009, if the glomerular filtration rate less than 20 ml/minute so the distribution of valsartan begin with 40 mg, once a day. 2. Drug interaction HCT and Lasix (Furosemid) It has similar indication. Giving in the same time can caused hypokalemia, so that it needs addition of KSR tablet. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in internal disease ward of Dr. Mintohardjo hospital, we can conclude that the results of laboratory tests showed that serum creatinine of patient was increase and glomerular filtration rate is 13,30 ml/minute which indicate that the patient suffered renal failure disease (dialysis) and there is DRP (drug related problem) it means the drug distribution with too high dose and there is drug interaction also. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Putu,et al. 2007. Evaluasi penggunaan ACE Inhibitor pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik di RSUP DrSardjito Yogyakarta. Pharmacy Faculty of Gajah Madah University 2. Bonner GF. 2006. Gastrointestinal evaluation related to the pelvic floor. London 3. Djojodiningrat, dkk.2006. Dispepsia fungsional. Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam. Edisi ke-4. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Medical Faculty of Indonesia University. 4. Suwitra, K. 2009.Penyakit Ginjal Kronik. Interna Publishing. 5. Sekarwana N. 2011. Kompendium Nefrologi Anak. IDAI. Jakarta 6. Sharif, S. 2014.Asupan Protein, Status Gizi Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Tahap Akhir yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Reguler. Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University. 7. Suhardjono.2009. Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Adalah Suatu Wabah Baru (Global Epidemic) Di seluruh Dunia. Annual Meeting of Association of Indonesian Nephrology. 8. PERNEFRI. 2012. Report of Indonesian Renal Registry5th. Association of Indonesian Nephrology. 1034 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 9. Prodjosudjadi, dkk.2009. End-Stage Renal Disease In Indonesia. Treatment velopment. 10. Faradilla.N. 2009.Gagal Ginjal Kronik (GGK). Medical Faculty of Riau University. 11. Burns, A. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. UK 12. BNF.2009. British National Formulary. BMJ Group. UK 1035 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II, and CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE Arie Setiabudi Latif1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) Email : Daengexe@gmail.com ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus type 2 – formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus-NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels in the context of insulin resistanceand relative insulin deficiency Caused GGK. 1 the most common are diabetes andhypertension5.Mr. DS patient, age 38 years old, Dr. MINTOHARDJO RSAL Hospital entered on June 15, 2014 with type II diabetes mellitus and with diagnosed of chronic renal failure. Therapy treatment for 18 days of Intravenous Nefrosteril: RL 12 tpm, tpm, 12 Maltos Lasix Injection 2 x 2,3x6 ui, Novorapid Cefriaxone 2x1, Cefoperazone, Oral 2x1 folic acid 3x1, 3x1, CaCo3 Prorenal 3x1, 1x2, Bicnat 3x1 Cardace, Ranitidine, 2x1 Letonal 1x100 mg, Ondansetron,Omeprazole 3 x 1 2x1, Uripas 3x1, 4x1 Syr Season gr/day. Based on the results of the practice of the clinician in the island of sangeang RSAL Dr.MINTOHARDJO Hospital then can be drawn the conclusion that the existence of DRP (DrugRelated Problem), in the form of indication without drugs, and drug interactions (drug interaction). Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Chronic Renal Failure (GGK), RSAL Dr. MINTOHARDJO INTRODUCTION Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which levels of glucose (a simple sugar) in the blood is high because the body cannot use insulin or release is adekuat. Blood sugar levels vary throughout the day. Blood sugar will rise after a meal and returned to normal within 2 hours. Normal blood sugar levels tend to increase in a lightweight but progressive after the age of 50 years, especially in people who are not active. 2 Classification: 1. type 1 Diabetes, which includes medical condition where cells was associated with Ketoacidosis to beta in the pancreas caused or cause autoimmunity, and idiopathic in 1036 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. nature. Diabetes mellitus with pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis, such as clear ormitochondrial deficiency, is not included in this classification. 2. type 2 Diabetes, which is caused by a deficiency of insulin secretion, often accompanied by insulin resistance syndrome. DIABETES TYPE 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2 (language of the United Kingdom: adult-onset diabetes,obesityrelated diabetes, a non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM) is a typeof diabetes mellitus that occurred not due to the ratio of insulin in the blood circulation, rather it is a metabolic disorder caused by mutations in many genes,including those that express the β cell dysfunction, impaired secretion of the hormone insulin, resistance of the cells to insulin which is caused by a malfunction of the GLUT10with the hormon resistin that causes cell cofactors network, especially in the liverbecome less sensitive to insulin and glucose absorption RBP4 that suppress musclestriated but by increasing the secretion by the liver blood sugar. The common gene mutation on chromo some 19 that is the most populous of chromo somes that are found in humans 4. Chronic renal failure (GGK) is defined as keabnormalan kidney function arecharacterized by the presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria) and decreased kidney function for 3 months or more progressive to Terminal renal failure. The most commoncause of GGK is diabetic and hypertension. 8 CASE OF PERCENTAGE Mr. DS. patient age 38 years old in RSAL Dr. MINTOHARDJO Hospital on June 15, 2014. with a diagnosed of type II diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney Failure. A patient come in with complaints of sore feet, can't sleep, body swelling, urination are few. Laboratory examination results showed high levels of leukocytes indicates a high rate of infection, ureum indicates CKD, the high levels of albumin and protein indicates CKD, the high levels of creatinin indicates CKD, high blood sugar levels during indicate diabetes mellitus. 1037 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. LINE TREATMENT OF DIABETES TYPE II. The first line Sulfonurea group (increase insulin secretion), for example, glibenclamide, glipizide, gliclazide, gliquidone, glimepiride, a sulfonylurea first used clinically are tolbutamide and chlorpropamide. Line two biguanide groups (increase glucose utilization in peripheral tissues and making glukogan and inhibits gluconeogenesis), for example, Metformin. Line three classes Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, consisting of acarbose and voglibose; is the enzyme alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (works by inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates from the intestine). 14 LINE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE (CKD) The first line antihypertensives (ACEI) to reduce glomerular hypertrophy and hypertension intraglomerulus. The second line Diuretics The third line antidiabetes.13 CLINICAL EVALUATION The use of Laxis to hypertension, edema, caused the failure of the heart and kidney disease, Novorapid for therapy of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, Cefriaxone forinfection of the respiratory tract, ENT, sepsis, meningitis. Bones, joints, Cefaperacone,genital tract infections to breath, the genital tract, urinary tract, skin and mucosa,endometritis, folic acid folic acid supplements to CaCo3, in order to prevent vitamin D deficiency, especially in circumstances where the need for vitamin and calcium increases,chronic renal Insufficiency for prorenal in association with a low calorie diet high inretention terkompensasi or not terkompensasi.Cardace for additional therapy, hipetension a diuretic with or without cardiac glycosides. To reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, death or the need for KV Transmyocardial in diabetes patients,Ranitidine to eliminate symptoms of inability to digest the sense of hot and sour on thesolar plexus, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Letonal for essential hypertension,edem result: congestive heart pains, liver cirrhosis with or without asites, nefrotiksyndrome, hiperaldosteronisme primary, ondansetron for nausea 1038 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. and vomiting aftersurgery, Easter keoterapi omeprazole for the treatment of active duodenal ulcer short-term, gastroesofageal reflux disease, the State of hipersekresi patologik, Uripas fordysuria, syr Season for peptikum ulcer and chronic gastritis. DOSAGE AND USING2 4 .5 In the case of patient with treated (Ivs) Nefrosteril: RL 12 tpm for 6 days (12-17 June2014), (Iv) Maltos 12 tpm subs 12 days (September 18 – June 29, 2014), (injection)Lasix (Furosemid) 2 x 2 for 12 days (date 12-June 23, 2014), 6 3 x Novorapid ui for 11days (date of 13-June 23, 2014), Cefriaxone 2 x 1 for 2 days (12-13 June20114)Cefoperazone, 2 x 1 for 11 days (date of 13-June 23, 2014), Folic Acid (Oral) 3 x 1 for 6 days (12-17 June 2014), CaCo3 3 x 1 for 6 days (12-17 June 2014), Prorenal 3 x 1 for 6 days (12-17 June 2014), Cardace (ramipril) 1 x 2 for 6 days (12-17 June2014), Bicnat 3 x 1 for 6 days (12-17 June 2014)Ranitidine, for 2 days (June 18-June 19, 2014), Letonal (Spironolactone) 1 x 1 (morning) for 12 days (date 12-June 23,2014), Ondansetron 3 x 1 for 3 days (date of June 18-20, 2014), Omeprazole 2 x 1 for 5 days (19-23 June 2014), Urispas (Flavoksat Hcl) 3 x 1 for 7 days (12-18 June 2014),Season Syr 4 x 1 gr/day for 2 days (on 20 and 23 June 2014). Results Of Laboratory Examination Parame ter Tanggal pemeriksaan Hb 15 * 124 00 * 11,6 Ureum * 192 Leukos it Albumi n Protein 16 * 14 1 * 2, 7 * 3, 6 17 * 159 00 * 11,4 18 * 145 00 * 11,7 19 * 190 00 * 11,7 * 232 * 198 20 * 193 00 * 10,1 21 * 198 00 * 9,9 22 * 120 00 * 6,6 23 * 164 00 * 10,8 24 * 190 00 25 Nilai 840 0 * 5,5 500010000 Pria : 14-18 * 215 17-43 mg/dl * 2,6 3,55,2 * 5,5 6,68,8 1039 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Kreatin in * 4 GDS * 204 * 3, 5 * 18 8 * 4,6 0,91,3 * 304 * 276 * 169 * 178 80125 Description: 1. High levels of leukocytes indicates an infection. 12 2. Low Hb levels indicates CKD. 12 3. High levels of ureum indicates CKD. 12 4. the low levels of albumin and protein indicates CKD. 12 5. High levels of Creatinin indicates CKD. 12 6. the high blood sugar levels during indicate Diabetes mellitus 12 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 4 .5 Drug Interactions a. Urispas + Lasix (furosemid) Effect: very nefrotoksik Recommendation: stop using urispas (Flavoksat Hcl), because of the risk of nefrotoksik b. Cefriaxone + lasix (furosemid) Effect: increases the risk of nefrotoksit Recommendation: replace the medicine cefriaxone with another drug that is still in a group that does not give effect nefrotoksitas, in this case replaced with cefoperazone c. Cardace (Ramipril) + Novorapid (insulin aspart) Effect: increases the effect of novorapid Recommendation: monitor blood glucose levels, the effect of this hipoglikemi it is expected to lower the GDS that haven't been normal. d. Cardace (Ramipril) + furosemid (lasix) Effects: acute onset of hypotension and risky gagl kidney 1040 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Recommendation: stop the use of ramipril for the antihipertensi the ACEi risk nefrotoksik. e. Cardace (Ramipril) + calcium carbonate (CaCo3) + Sodium bicarbonate (Bicnat) Effects: calcium carbonate and bicnat can decrease the effect of ramipril. Recommendation: the effect of ramipril therapy is inhibited by the presence of CaCo3 /bicnat, where bicnat is more necessary and CaCo3 in CKD patients. Results ofmonitoring of blood pressure is also normal, so not needed antihipertensi again. (ISOFarmakoterapi) f. Cardace (Ramipril) + insulin aspart (Novorapid) Effects: rapimril enhances the effect of Novorapid Recommendation: it is recommended, however, because ramipril has been stopped,then the maintenance of blood sugar insulin aspart work to help should use oralantidiabet drugs. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the practice of the internal medicine, patient in RSAL Dr. MINTOHARDJO Hospital then pull on theconclusion that the existence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) is the presence of multipledrug interactions that occur are Lasix (furosemid) + letonal (spironolactone), Cefriaxone+ lasix (furosemid), Cardace (Ramipril) + Novorapid (insulin aspart), Cardace (Ramipril) + furosemid (lasix), Cardace (Ramipril) + calcium carbonate (CaCo3) + Sodiumbicarbonate (Bicnat), Cardace (Ramipril) + insulin aspart (Novorapid), urispas + Lasix(Furosemid) REFERENCES 1. anonymous. 2008. Iso farmakoterapi. PT.ISFI Publishing: London. 2. anonymous. (2013) .ISO (information Drug spesialiten Indonesia). Volume 48.Jakarta: Indonesia Pharmaceutical Degree Bond. 3. Dipiro JT ., et all, 2006. Pharmacotherapy Handbook Sixth Edition Appleton and lange: Newyork. 1041 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 4. National Kidney Foundation. 2005. K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines forCardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients. New York. 5. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University. 6. Suwitra, k. 2009. Chronic Kidney Disease. International Publishing. 7. Suhardjono. 2009. Chronic kidneydisease isa new plague (global epidemic)throughout the world. Society Of Nephrology Annual Meeting Indonesia. 8. Prodjosudjadi dkk., 2009. EndStage Renal Disease In Indonesia. VelopmentTreatment. 9. BPOM.2008.nationaldrug Informatorium Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 10. Burns, a. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York: Oxford 11. http://emedicine.medscape.com 12. A.Y. Sutedjo, SKM. PocketBook ToKnow TheDisease ThroughThe LaboratoryExamin ation Result. 1042 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED OF TREATMENT UROLITHIASIS DISEASE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Bioty Wong1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 2 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) Email:bioty89@gmail.com ABSTRACT Urolithiasis was a disease that occurs in hospital wards of PGI Cikini. Urolithiasis can be occur anywhere in the urinary system1. Urolithiasis is a mineral efflorescence surrounding the organic substance consisting of calcium salts (oxalate and phosphate) or magnesium phosphate and uric acid 1. Case presentation: IS was a 41-year-old man admitted to the wards for internal medicine. Patients diagnosed with urolithiasis. reclinical evaluation: in this case need to be considered in this case study is the use of drugs that can cause unwanted interactions in patients. Keywords: Urolithiasis, RS PGI Cikini, Interactions INTRODUCTION In developed countries the disease is common upper urinary tract stones. This is due to the influence of nutritional status and daily activities of the patient9. In the United States 5-10% of the population suffer from this disease, while in the entire world, there are an average of 1-12% of people who suffer urinary tract stones9. This disease is one of the three most prevalent diseases of urology in addition to urinary tract infections and prostate enlargement benigna9. Urolithiasis is a disease that occurs in the disease in hospital wards PGI Cikini. Urolithiasis can occur anywhere in the urinary system1. Urolithiasis can be caused of a mineral efflorescence surrounding the organic substance consisting of calcium salts (oxalate and phosphate) or magnesium phosphate and uric acid 1. Kidney stones can remain asymptomatic until it came out into the ureter and / or obstructed urine flow, when the potential for kidney damage is acute10. This infection will increase the 1043 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. formation of organic substances 10 . Organic substances were surrounded by precipitated 1 minerals . This mineral deposition (due to infection) will increase the alkalinity of urine and lead to precipitation of calcium phosphate and magnesium ammonium fosfat1. Other factors associated with stone formation were antacid consumption in the long term, too much vitamin D, and calcium carbonate 1. The main symptom is an acute kidney stone or renal colic pain1. Location of pain depends on the stone locations 10 . If the stone is in the renal pelvis, causing pain and pain is hydronephrosis is not sharp, fixed, and is felt in the area of costovertebra corner1. If a stone dropped into the ureter, the patient will experience severe pain, colic, and taste like stabbed1. This pain is intermittent and caused by spasm (spasm) of the ureter and the ureteral wall anoxia pressed by the stone. This pain spreads to the suprapubic area, external genitalia, and lap1. Colicky pain may be accompanied by nausea and vomit1. CASE PRESENTATION IS was a 41-year-old man admitted to the wards for internal medicine. Patients diagnosed with urolithiasis. Hospitalized patients PGI Cikini June 7, 2014, he was a new patient in the PGI Cikini’s hospital. The patient cannot urinate 2 days ago, no urine during straining, nausea, vomiting (+), fever (-), packed (-) before admission. History of present illness 1 week ago when urinating out the stone, small stones mixed with blood urine. The patient has a past medical history of drug allergy that causes the skin to blister genitals, unknown type of medicine because at the time it was taking some kind of medication. Clinical chemistry examination was increased alanine aminotransferase 64 U/L, urea at 96 mg/dL, creatinine 11.4 mg /dL and decreased sodium is 130 mEq / L and calcium of 8.4 mg/dL. While on hematological examination increased in erythrocyte sedimentation rate 69 mm / h, 12.3 10 ^ 3μL leukocytes, neutrophils segment of 81%, 9% monocytes, MCHC 37.9 g / dL and decreased in erythrocytes 4.16 10 ^ 6μL, hematocrit 34%, reticulocyte 7 permil, and neutrophils rods 0%. GUIDELINE FOR UROLIHIASIS MEDICATION6,8,9,11 a. Conservative therapy 1044 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Most ureteral stones have a diameter of <5 mm. As mentioned earlier, ureteral stones <5 mm can come out spontaneously. Therapy aims to reduce pain, facilitate the flow of urine by giving diuretics, such as: 1. Drink so diuresis 2 liters / day 2. NSAIDs Time limit is 6 weeks of conservative therapy. In addition to the size of the stone is another requirement for the observation of the severity of the patient's complaints, the presence or absence of infection and obstruction. The presence of recurrent colic or UTI cause observation is not an option. So also with the presence of obstruction, especially in certain patients (eg single kidney, kidney transplantation and decreased kidney function) there is no tolerance for obstruction. Such patients should be done immediately intervene. b. ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy) With ESWL most patients do not need to be sedated, given only antidote to pain. The patient will lie on a tool and will be subject to shock waves to break the stone Even in last generation ESWL patients can be operated from a separate room. So, once the location of the kidney is found, the doctor simply pressed a button and ESWL in the operating room to move. Supine position of the patient himself could fit the position or face down kidney stones. Kidney stones that have been broken will come out with the urine. Usually patients do not need to be treated and can go home. ESWL is a kidney stone crushing equipment using shock waves between 15-22 kilowatts. Although almost all types and sizes of kidney stones can be solved by ESWL, still have to be reviewed the effectiveness and efficiency of this tool. ESWL is only suitable to crush kidney stones with a size less than 3 cm and located in the kidney or urinary tract between the kidney and bladder (unless blocked by the pelvic bone). Another thing to consider is whether the type of stone can be solved by ESWL or not. Hard rock (eg calcium oxalate monohydrate) broke hard times and need some action. ESWL should not be used by people with high blood pressure, diabetes, blood clotting disorders and kidney function, pregnant women and children, as well as excess body weight (obesity). c. Endourology 1045 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Endourology action is minimally invasive techniques to remove urinary tract stones which consisted of breaking stones, and then remove it from the urinary tract through the instrument that is inserted directly into the urinary tract. The device is inserted through the urethra or through a small incision in the skin (percutaneous). The process of breaking rocks can be done mechanically, by means of hydraulic energy, the energy of sound waves, or with laser energy. d. Open Surgery Clinics that do not have adequate facilities for the actions of endourology, laparoscopy, or ESWL, stone retrieval was performed through open surgery. The open surgery include: pielolitotomi or nephrolithotomy to pick up stones in the bile duct, and for stones in the ureter ureterolitotomi. Not infrequently the patient should undergo nephrectomy or taking action kidneys because kidneys are not functioning and contains pus (pyonephrosis), the cortex already very thin, or may warp due to urinary tract stones that cause obstruction or chronic infection. e. installation Stent Although not a primary treatment option, ureteric stenting sometimes play an important role as an additional measure in the treatment of ureteral stones. For example, in patients with sepsis is accompanied by signs of obstruction, stent use was necessary. Also on ureteral stones attached (impacted). f. Prevention of Recurrence After kidney stones removed Prevention is done is based on the content of the elements which make up urinary stones obtained from stone analysis. In general, prevention of this form: 1. Avoid dehydration by drinking enough and sought production of as much as 2-3 liters of urine per day. 2. Diet to reduce the levels of the substances the rock-forming components. 3. Daily activities are quite Some diets are recommended to reduce the recurrence is: a. Low protein, because the protein will stimulate urinary calcium excretion and cause the urine to become more acidic atmosphere. b. low oxalate 1046 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. c. Low salt, because it will spur the emergence natriuresis, hipercalsiuri d. Low purine. e. Low calcium diet is not recommended except in patients suffering from type II absorptive Hipercalsiuri. CLINICAL EVALUATION 3,7 Broadced (Ceftriaxone disodium) was used for urinary tract infections, Tramadol (Tramadol HCl) for the treatment of acute and chronic pain, postoperative pain. Rantin (Ranitidine HCl) used for hyperacidity, gastritis, peptic ulcer, chronic duodenitis, pathological hypersecretion. Flagyl (Metonidazole) used for the prevention of postoperative infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, especially Bacteroides species, and anaerobic streptococci. Harnal (Tamsulosin HCl) used for symptoms of lower urinary tract disorders associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Spasmium (Alverine citrate and Chlordiazepokside) indicated for spasm pain / spasm, peptic ulcer. Sodium bicarbonate is used to. Infusion of 0.9% NaCl is used to maintain electrolyte balance. NS infusion is used to treat metabolic alkalosis due to fluid loss and mild sodium depletion. DOSAGE AND DIRECTION3,7 For ten days in hospital care PGI Cikni Mr. IS getting 9 types of treatment. Patients get Broadced (Ceftriaxone disodium) 2 grams for 10 days with a dose of 1 x 2 grams a day. Tramadol (Tramadol HCl) ampoules administered for 10 days. On the first day until the sixth day, the eighth day up to day 10 tramadol given at a dose of 3 x 1 day. On the seventh day was given a dose of 1 x 1 a day. Rantin (Ranitidine HCl) ampoules in getting patients for 3 days ie on day eight to ten with a daily dose of 2 x 1. Flagyl (Metronidazole) suppository was given for 3 days ie on day eight to ten at a dose of 3 x 1 day. Harnal (Tamsulosin HCl) 0.4 mg was given for 6 days from day five to ten with a daily dose of 1x 1. Spasmium (Alverine citrate and Chlordiazepokside) given for 6 days. Day five was given at a dose of 1 x 1 a day. On day six to ten at a dose of 3 x 1 day. Sodium bicarbonate capsules given for 6 days with dosi days to five 1 x 1 and on day six to ten 3 x 2 a day. Infusion of 0.9% NaCl was given 6 days diving on the first day with a dose of 1x1, on the 1047 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. second day up to six at a dose of 2 x 1 day. NS infusion was given for 4 days, on seventh day to tenth day. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPS)2,3,4,7 1. Drug Related Problem 1 (Drug Interaction) a. Drug interaction 1 Spasmium and tramadol both increase sedation. Potential for interaction, monitoring should be done. Doctor’s Note: Tramadol is given to relieve acute or chronic pain or severe postoperative pain due to kidney stones Spasmium given to treat spasms of pain / spasm, peptic ulcer. Pharmacist Intervention: Perform monitoring of the use of drugs that can interact. Leave a space of drug use during 2 hours b. Drug Interaction 2 Flagyl increases levels of harnal by affecting hepatic/intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism. Potential for interaction, Monitoring should be performed. Dose reduction may be needed for coadministered drugs that are predominantly metabolized by CYP3A Doctor’s Note: Flagil used for urethritis and vaginitis, amubiasis, anaerobic infections. Harnal given for symptoms of lower urinary tract disorders. Intervention pharmacists: Advise the patient to give space around 2 hour to drugs that interact with each other. 2. Drug Related Problem 2 On the seventh day ( June 13, 2014) patients require tramadol for pain suffered 3 times a day, but the patient was given once a day. CONCLUSION After the assessment of the patient's treatment, it can be concluded that patients diagnosed urolithiasis. For drugs that interact give space 2 hours in the offering. Do rigorously monitoring for drug-drug interaction. 1048 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. REFERENCES 1. Baradero, Mary,dkk.2005.Klien Gangguan Ginjal. Jakarta:Buku Kedokteran EKG. 2. Baxter, K. 2008. Stockley’s Drug Interaction Eight Edition. London. 3. BPOM.2008.Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI).Jakarta: Sagung Seto 4. Burns, A. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford 5. Doenges, Marilynn.E,dkk. 2000. Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan edisi 3. Jakarta:Buku Kedoktran EGC. 6. Hayes, Peter C. 2005.Buku Saku Diagnosis dan Terapi. Jakarta:Buku Kedokteran EGC. 7. MIMS. 2009. MIMS Indonesia Petunjuk Konsultasi. Edisi 9. Jakarta. PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populer 8. Nugroho, Ditto. 2009. Batu ginjal. Jakarta: Buku Kedokteran EGC. 9. Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia. 2006. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jilid I. Edisi IV. Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI. Jakarta. 10. Sabiston, C. Sabiston. 2005. Buku Ajar Bedah.Jakarta:Salemba Medika. 11. Tiselius HG, Ackerman D, Alken P, dkk. Guidelines on urolithiasis. 1049 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. STUDY OF PULMONARY DISEASES WARD PULMONARY TB BTA (+) LLKB (The lesion Area new cases) on OAT kat II. Junaedi, Chandra, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : budhajulai33@gmail.com ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium complex tuberculosis1. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis rod-shaped, straight or slightly curved, not capsule and spores. Tuberculosis (TB) disease of a lung to date is still a public health problem1. Patient Mr. AH, age 37 years, 3 months, 7 days, W: 42 Kg, it was the friendship on 02 Mach 2014 with the diagnosis of pulmonary TB BTA (+) LLBK (Broad new cases of Lesion) on OAT category II. Therapy treatment for treated is. IV FD NaCl 0.9%, Streptomycin Injeksi, Paracetamol, and OAT category II drugs (INH, Rifampin, ETHAMBUTOL and Streptomycin, pirazinamid). Based on the results of the practice of the Clerk's Ward on pulmonary disease clinic at the Friendship was then be drawn the conclusion that the existence of the DRP (Drug Related Problem) is there a medicine without any indication, the failure of patients in receiving medications and conditions that need to be taken care of. Keywords: Tuberculosis, BTA (+) LLKB, Pulmonary Disease A. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that it is caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleks1. Microbe Tuberculosis rod-shaped, straight or slightly curved, not spores or not capsules1. These bacteria-sized width of 0.3 – 0.6 mm long and 1-4 mm. Wall microbe is very complex, consisting of a layer of fat is quite high (60%)1. The main constituent of the cell wall Microbe tuberculosis were micolat, wax complex (complex1050 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. wexes), thehalosa dimikolat called the cord factor and microbe sulfo lipids that play a role in virulensi6. The world's TUBERCULOSIS report by the WHO in 2006, that Indonesia as the largest contributions number, three in the world after india and China with the number of new cases is about 539.000 people per year. According to Notoatmodjo (2003) in addition to the factor of environmental sanitation of houses, pulmonary TB disease occurrence is also very concerned with the behavior and the amount of family income because most patients with TB is a poor level of education rendah2. For examination of pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS checked 3 specimens sputum within 2 days6. Based on the guidelines of the national TB program, the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in adults is enforced with the discovery of TB germs (BTA) 6. Whereas such checks photo thoracic, culture and sensitivity test can be used as a support in diagnosis in accordance with the indications and not justified in diagnosing TB6. B. RESERVED Patient Mr. AH, age 37 years, 3 months, 7 days, W: 42 Kg, it was the friendship on 02 Mach 2014 with the diagnosis of pulmonary TB BTA (+) LLBK (Broad new cases of Lesion) on OAT category II. Friendship was signed on 2 March 2014. The patient came in with the complaint that shortness of breath increased severe since 2 month SMRS. The patient complained of shortness of breath during the 5 days of SMRS, claustrophobic not reads ngik, shortness is felt throughout the day, shortness of breath, chest pain right side, pain relapse during nighttime, losing weight and coughing at night. The patients had previously received treatment for lung OAT category I at the clinic, where patients had healed cause stopping his own treatment of OAT, OAT resistance for category so I substituted OAT and category II. After treatment of OAT category II 5 days in diagnosis MDR TB patients (Multi Drug Resistant). 1051 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. C. EXAMINATION OF VITAL SIGN Date Of Examination Blood Pressure (120/80 mmHg) Pulse circulation of breath (1418x/menit) body temperature 2/3/2014 126/87 mmHg 108 x / menit 28.4 x / menit 36.8 ⁰C 3/3/2014 110/70 mmHg 90 x / menit 24 x / menit 36 ⁰C 4/3/2014 120/80 mmHg 88 x / menit 22 x / menit 36 ⁰C 5/3/2014 110/70 mmHg 84 x / menit 22 x / menit 36,7⁰C 6/3/2014 110/70 mmHg 84 x / menit 22 x / menit 36⁰C (60100x/menit) (36-37⁰C) D. CLINICAL EVALUATION Patient was given the drug OAT category II (Rifampin, Etambutol, INH, and Pirazinamid) and injek Streptomycin for tuberculosis treatment. Patient to on paracetamol to reduce short of breath and gave oxygen therapy 2 Lpm. E. TUBERCULOSIS DRUGS AND MULTI DRUG RESISTANT7 Name Doses Pirazinamid 30-40 (Tablet, 500 mg) mg/kg/day Etambutol 1000 1750 mg 1750 2000 mg 2000 25 mg/kg/day 800 1200 mg 1200 1600 mg 1600 2000 mg Kanamisin 15-20 500 (Vial, 1000 mg) mg/kg/day 750 mg 1000 500 mg 1000 mg Levofloksasin 750 mg day 750 mg 750 mg (Tablet, 400 mg) 750-1000 mg 1052 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. (Kaplet, 250 mg) Sikloserin 15-20 (Kapsul, 250 mg) mg/kg/day Etionamid 15-20 (Tablet, 250 mg) mg/kg/day PAS 150 mg/kg/day 500 mg 750 mg 750-1000 mg 500 mg 750 mg 750-1000 mg 8g 8g 8g (Granula, 4 gr) F. LINE TREATMENT For TBC6 Category I Weight The intensive phase of each day for 56 days INH, rifimpisin, etambutol, pirazinamid 2 tablet 4 FDC 3 tablet 4 FDC 4 tablet 4 FDC 5 tablet 4 FDC The advanced stages, 3 times a week for 16 weeks Rifampisin, INH The intensive phase of each day for 56 days The advanced stages, 3 times a week for 20 weeks INH, Rifimpisin, Etambutol, Pirazinamid, dan Injek Sereptomisin Rifampisin, INH, Etambutol 30-37 kg 2 tablet 4 FDC 2 tablet 4 FDC 38-54 kg 3 tablet 4 FDC 3 tablet 4 FDC 55-70 kg 4 tablet 4 FDC 4 tablet 4 FDC ≥71 kg 5 tablet 4 FDC 5 tablet 4 FDC 30-37 kg 38-54 kg 55-70 kg ≥71 kg 2 tablet 4 FDC 3 tablet 4 FDC 4 tablet 4 FDC 5 tablet 4 FDC Category II Weight 1053 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. G. DOSAGE and MODE were USED3,4,5 The Name Of Drug Dose Medicinal indication Usage Common Dose O2 2 Lpm Short of breath Inhalasi 2 Lpm Parasetamol 3 x 500 mg Analgetik Oral 3-4 x 500 mg/day Setreptomicin 1 x 750 mg TBC Injeksi 750mg /day NaCl 0,9% 500 cc Elektrolit Injeksi 2 x/24 hour 4 FDC 1 x 3 tablet TBC Oral 3 tablet 4 FDC H. THE VALUE OF LABORATORY Table 1. The results of laboratory Examination No. Lab : 140308-1796 No. Med Rec. 02-10-27-42 Name : Mr. A H No The name of the test Normal Value Units Inspection Results Leukosit 5 ~ 10 Ribu/mm3 14,29 16,88 Netrofil 50 ~ 70 % 74,1 77,3 Limposit 25 ~ 40 % 95 73 Monosit 2~8 % 7,9 6,1 Eosinofil 2~4 % 8,2 8,7 Basofil 0~1 % 0,3 0,6 Eristrosit 4,5 ~ 6,5 Juta/uL 5,18 5,98 02/03/2 014 03/0 3/20 14 04/03 /2001 4 05/0 3/20 14 06/03 /2014 Hitung Jenis 1054 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Hemoglobin 13,0 ~ 18,0 g/dL 13,3 13,1 Hematrokrit 40 ~ 52 % 38 43 MCV 80 ~ 100 fL 73,7 77,9 MCH 26 ~ 34 Pg 25,7 24,0 MCHC 32 ~ 36 % 34,8 80,8 RDW-CV 11,5 ~ 14,5 % 17,0 16,20 Trombosit 150 ~ 440 Ribu/mm3 559 585 Na 135 ~ 145 Mmol/L 142,0 K 3.5 ~ 5.5 Mmol/L 4,20 Cl 98 ~ 109 Mmol/L 99 Ur 20 ~ 40 Mg/dL 18 Keratinin 0,6 ~ 1,6 Mg/dL 0,9 pH 7,34 ~ 7,44 PCO2 35 ~ 45 mmHg 43,3 PO2 85 ~ 95 mmHg 113,8 HCO3 22 ~ 26 Mmol/L 26,0 TCO2 23 ~ 27 Mmol/L 26,3 Std HCO3 2,5 ~ 26 Mmol/k 24,2 Saturasi O2 96 ~ 97 % 98,1 GDS < 180 Mg/dL 98 Elektrolt 7,37 1055 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Laju Endap Darah 0 ~ 10 Mm 85 Protein 6~8 g/dL 8,2 Albumin 3,4 ~ 5 g/dL 3,9 Globulin 1,3 ~ 2,7 g/dL 4,3 Ast (SGOT) 0 ~ 37 u/L 25 Alt (SGPT) 0 ~ 40 u/L 4 I. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. failed to receive medication Patients failed to receive oral Paracetamol at 08.00 am on March 3, 2014. Suggestion to nurses and nurse's records list check performed periodically and always cultivating the habit of giving information to his first patient-related properties that are associated. 2. Condition to be note The condition that need to be considered in these patient, in which patient experience decreased in appetite so it should be given the addition of vitamins to increase his appetite so it can improve the condition of the patient's body in the face of illness and always check the function SGOT/SGPT patient at regular intervals. J. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the practice in the Clerk's Ward on pulmonary disease conclusion that the existence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) is a condition that needs to be noted and the patient's role in the failure to receive the drug. REFERENCES 1. PDPI, 2013. Pedoman diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan Tuberkulosis . Jakarta 1056 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 2. Herryanto, 2004, Riwayat pengobatan penderita TB paru Jurnal Kesehatan vol 3, Bandung. 3. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 4. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford 5. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University 6. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP. 2009. Respirologi (Respiratory Medicine). Jakarta : EGC. 7. Nawas, Aarifin. 2014. Penatalaksanaan TB MDR dan Setrategi DOTS plus: Jakarta 1057 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. BRONCHOPNEUMONIA IN PULMONARY DISEASE WARD Delius Wonda, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) Email : dianalailaramatillah@gmail.com ABSTRACT In clinical, pneumonia is defined as an inflammation of lung caused of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites)3. Pneumonia caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis not including while the lung inflammation caused by nonmikroorganisme (chemicals, radiation, toxic material aspirations, drugs etc.) is called pneumonitis3. Mr. SY patients was 75 years old and hospitalize at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on 18 March 2014 with diagnosis is bronchiectasis and bronchial asthma. Therapy treatment during hospitalized that is Neurobion, furosemide, ceftriaxon, digoxin, ISDN, aspilet, allupurinol, nitrokaf, methyl prednisolone, Ventolin. Based on the results of clinical practice in pulmonary disease ward at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, so can be concluded that presence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) is happen drug interaction between furosemide interactions with digoxin and aspirin with digoxin. Key Word : Broncopneumonia, Pulmonary Disease, Gatot Subroto Army Hospital INTRODUCTION In clinical, pneumonia is defined as an inflammation of lung caused of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites)3. Pneumonia caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis not including while the lung inflammation caused by nonmikroorganisme (chemicals, radiation, toxic material aspirations, drugs etc.) is called pneumonitis3. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes inflammatory exudate in large amount take a part to helping bacteria invade through the pores that exist within alveoli until destroyed by septum that separates lobes of the lungs2. The origin of the pneumonia was the damage caused by the entry of particles attacker in lower respiratory tract. The entryway frequent happen is inhalation of small particles, but aspirations particles infection that larger in oropharyngeal spreads from 1058 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. distant infection focus or spread directly from surrounding tissues used as an entrance by agents causing pneumonia4. These particles can cause lung damage because they contain ingredients that can cause an infection, disseminated through the air (water borne) when the infectious agent is still active, and stay active while suspended in the air and then enter to tissue, and this particles can cause infection. Combination of these conditions may help to explain why pneumonia is less common happen and why some are more at risk than at other locations4. CASE PRESENTATION Mr. SY patients was 75 years old and hospitalize at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on 18 March 2014. Patients present with shortness of breath ± 1 week of cough with phlegm, coughing, shortness of breath, sputum colored black. Ever seek treatment earlier but no change. Past medical history of asthma last relapse was last week, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and stroke. The result of hematology laboratory tests that is ESR values has increased 28 mm/hour, hemoglobin has decreased 11.6 g/dL, hematocrit has decreased 34%, erythrocytes has decreased 3.8 million/μL, leukocyte has increased 17200/μL, urea has increased 62 mg/dL, creatinine has increased 1.7 mg/dL. CLINICAL EVALUATION Neurobion used for treatment of deficiency Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 such as beriberi and polineuritis. Furosemide used as a treatment of edema accompanying congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver and kidney disorders including nephrotic syndrome, treatment of hypertension, either given alone or combination with antihypertensive drugs, furosemide is very useful for situations that require a strong diuretic. Ceftriaxon used as antibiotics due to bacterial infection. Digoxin used to treatment of acute congestive heart failure and chronic and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. ISDN used to prevent chest pain caused by angina and heart failure left. Aspilet used to treatment and prevention of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Allupurinol used to gout and hyperuricemia. Nitrokaf used as a long-term prevention and treatment of angina pectoris. Methyl prednisolone used as adrenocortical insufficiency acute and chronic primary. Ventolin used 1059 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. as treatment and prevention of asthma attacks. Routine management of chronic bronchospasm that does not respond to conventional therapy; Acute severe asthma (status asthmaticus). DOSAGE AND DIRECTION Therapeutic treatment given for 3 days that is Neurobion 5000 is administered Intravena on days 2 and 3, furosemide administered orally on day 1 to day 3, ceftriaxon given intravena on day 2 and day 3, digoxin administered orally on day 2 and day 3, ISDN administered orally on day 2, aspilet administered orally on day 2, allupurinol administered orally on day 2, nitrokaf-R administered orally on day 2, methyl prednisolone given intravena on day 2, ventolin inhalation is given on day 2. DATA LABORATORY VALUE TIPE OF CHECK UP HEMATOLOGY REFERENCE VALUE 18/3 19/3 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Routine Hematology Hemoglobin Hematocrit Erythrocytes Leukocyte Platelet MCV MCH MCHC Total Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin Fosfatase SGOT SGPT y-GT Total Protein Albumin Globulin Total Cholesterol < 20 mm/hour 28 28 13 – 18 g/Dl 40 – 52% 4.3 – 6.0 million/μ L 4,800 – 10, 800/ μ L 150,000 – 400,000/ μL 80 – 96 fl 27 – 32 pg 32 – 36 g/Dl < 1,5 mg/dL <0,3 mg/dL <1,1 mg/dL 56-119 < 35 U/L < 40 U/L 8-61 U/L 6-8,5 g/dL 3,5-5,0 g/dL 2,5 – 3,5 g/dL < 200 mg/dL 11,6 34 3,8 17200 347000 88 30 34 1,92 0,86 1,06 85 54 33 50 6,5 4,0 2,5 147 1060 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Triglyserida HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol Urea Creatinine Uric Acid Fasting Blood Glucose Blood Glucose (2 hours PP) Sodium Potassium Clorida URINALYSIS Complete Urine Ph PCO2 PO2 Bicarbonate Bases Excess Saturation Specific Gravity Protein Glucose Bilirubin Nitrite Ketones Urobilinogen Erythrocytes Leukocyte Cylinder Cristal Epithelial Others < 160 mg/dL >35 mg/dL <100 mg/dL 20 – 50 mg/dL 0.5 – 1,5 mg/dL 3.5 – 7.4 mg/dL 70 - 100 mg/dL <140 mg/dL 62 1,7 66 54 80 61 2,2 117 118 135 – 147 mmol/L 3,5 – 5,0 mmol/L 95 – 105 mmol/L 131 3,5 97 137 3,7 97 4,6 – 8,0 33-44 mmHg 71-104 mmHg 22-29 mmol/L (-2)-3 mmol/L 94-98 % 1010 – 1030 Negatif Negatif Negatif Negatif Negatif Negatif – Positif 1 < 2 LPB < 5/LPB Negatif/LPK Negatif Positif Negatif 7,483 23,1 126,4 17,5 -4,3 96,5 5,5 1015 -/Negatif -/Negatif -/ Negatif -/ Negatif -/ Negatif Negatif 0-1-0 2-2-2 -/Negatif -/Negatif +/Positif 1 -/Negatif GUIDELINE OF PNEUMONIA Treatment consists of antibiotics and supportive treatment. Administration of antibiotic in patients with pneumonia should be based on the data of microorganisms and susceptibility test results, but for some reason that is3 : 1. Severe disease can be life-threatening. 2. Bacteria pathogens that can be isolated is not necessarily the cause of pneumonia. 1061 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 3. Results of bacterial culture takes time Therefore, in patients with pneumonia can be administered empirical therapy. In general, the selection of antibiotics based on bacteria that cause pneumonia can be seen as follows3 : Penisilin sensitif Streptococcus pneumonia (PSSP) � Group Penicillin � Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) � Macrolides Penisilin resisten Streptococcus pneumoniae (PRSP) � Betalaktam high oral doses (for outpatient) � Sefotaxime, Ceftriaxone high doses � New macrolides high doses � respiratory Fluoroquinolone Pseudomonas aeruginosa � Aminoglycoside � Seftazidime, Sefoperason, Cefepim � Ticarsilin, Piperacillin � Carbapenem : Meropenem, Imipenem � Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin Methicillin resistent Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) � Vancomysin � Teikoplanin � Linezolid Hemophilus influenzae � TMP-SMZ 1062 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. � Azitromysin � Cefalosporin genes 2 or 3 � Respiratory Fluoroquinolone Legionella � Macrolides � Fluoroquinolone � Rifampin Mycoplasma pneumoniae � Doxycycline � Macrolides � Fluoroquinolone Chlamydia pneumoniae � Doxycycline � Macrolides � Fluoroquinolone DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. Interactions happened between digoxin and furosemide that is furosemide increases effect of digoxin through pharmacodynamic synergism interactions that cause hypokalemia. 2. When aspirin is given together with digoxin will increase levels of digoxin so that need to dose adjustment or doing special tests to take a second these drugs. If the are used need to be monitored closely and given the distance of at least 2 hours. CONCLUSION Based on a review of the patient's disease can be concluded that between giving together digoxin and furosemide will cause furosemide can increase digoxin effects by 1063 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. pharmacodynamic synergism. When used simultaneously aspirin and digoxin will increase digoxin levels should be monitored closely and should be spaced at least 2 hours of administration of the drug. REFERENCES 1. AHFS drug information 2004. McEvoy GK, ed. Methotrexate. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2003:1082-9). 2. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 3. PDPI, 2003. Pneuomonia Komuniti Pedoman Diagnosa dan Penatalaksanaan di Indonesia. Jakarta. 4. Syamsuddin, 2013. Farmako terapi gangguan saluran pernafasan. Salemba medika. Jakarta. 1064 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROM DISEASE, ANTI PHOSPOLIPID SYNDROME AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 Dessy Karina L, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 1 Email : dkl_niez@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Guillain Barre Syndrome and Anti Phospolipid Syndrome is an autoimmune condition and its prevalence is very small at 2-3 cases in 100,000 people for a year and one of the patients with this condition are treated in PGI Cikini hospital. Guillain-Barré syndrome is an inflammatory disorder of nerve (nerves outside the brain and spinal cord) are attacked by its own immune system. GBS is characterized by progressive muscle weakness and rapid. It affects the nerves that signal muscles to contract and may impair the ability to walk, write, breathe, talk, etc. Early symptoms are decreased sensation in the lower limbs which developed into numbness and tingling. Can also occur severe back pain and leg weakness in hands simultaneously, muscle pain, cramps, and shortness of breath. GBS symptoms vary widely and in some cases can occur up to a total paralysis of respiratory muscles. APS is a thrombophilic disorder in which antibodies are produced to various phospholipids. Clinical manifestations in patients with APS is because phospholipids are an integral part of the platelet and endothelial cell surface membrane, then the anti-phospholipid antibodies will have a significant effect on platelets and vascular endothelial mechanism by inhibiting the production of endothelial protasiklin, generating procoagulant effect on platelets, as well as a decrease in fibrinolysis. Meanwhile other diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is a state dysfunction and impaired glucose metabolism occurs in the form of impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance eventually occurs with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Keywords: Guillain Barre Syndrome, diabetes type 2, PGI Cikini Hospital 1. Preliminary Guillain Barre syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damage to myelin (fatty material, composed of fat and protein that forms a protective sheath around some kind of peripheral nerve fibers). GBS is considered a rare disorder with an incidence of about 2-3 cases in 100,000 people for a year 1 Symptoms of this 1065 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. disease is early weakness and numbness in the legs that quickly spread cause paralysis (2). GBS is mediated by postinfectious. Cellular and humoral immune mechanisms may play a role in its development. Most patients reported infectious disease in the weeks before the onset of GBS. Many infectious agents are identified is expected to induce the production of antibodies that cross-react with specific gangliosides and glycolipids, such as GM1 and GD1b are distributed throughout the myelin in the peripheral nervous system. GBS is a disease that usually occurs one or two weeks after a viral infection such as sore throat, bronchitis, or the flu, after vaccination or surgical procedures. Weakness and numbness in the legs are the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing the entire body 2. Guillain-Barre may be triggered by 2 : a. Campylobacter infection, the type of bacteria that is commonly found in food, especially poultry b. Operation c. Epstein Barr Virus d. Hodgkin's disease e. Mononucleosis f. HIV g. Rabies or influenza immunization (rare) 1066 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) Guidline 3 In 1986 the disease was introduced by Hughes Harris and Gharavi, Anti Phospolipid Syndrome is a thrombophilic disorder in which antibodies are produced to various phospholipids4. APS can be caused by lupus anticoagulant (LA) and anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), also called antiphospholipid antibodies5. Clinical manifestations in patients with APS is because phospholipids are an integral part of the platelet and endothelial cell surface membrane, then the anti-phospholipid antibodies will have a 1067 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. significant effect on platelets and vascular endothelial mechanism by inhibiting the production of endothelial protasiklin, generating procoagulant effect on platelets, as well as a decrease in fibrinolysis. Guideline Antiphospolipid Syndrome 6 Diabetes mellitus is caused by glukotoksistas relative insulin deficiency results in pancreatic cell dysfunction and impaired glucose metabolism occurs in the form of impaired fasting glucose impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes eventually occurred7. It is essential in the management of Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a lifestyle change that is a good diet and regular exercise. With or without pharmacologic therapy, a balanced diet and exercise regularly (if not contraindicated) should still be carried out8 1068 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Guidline Hyperglicemic Type 2 9 1069 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 2. Case Presentation a. Patient Identity: Patient Name : EM No : Medical Records: 187 455 Dependents : Alone b. Anamnesis Main Complaint: Limp History of present disease: Weakness, defecate rather liquid, decreased appetite, tingling and weakness in the hands, feet, and lips since 1 month ago. Past medical history: The patient was known to have the same complaint with the diagnosis of GBS, diabetes type 2, as well as from the APS in 2012 and had been treated for 4 months in the Cikini hospital. Patients taking Metformin 500mg 2x daily during and Simarc 1x2tab once every 2 days. Family Disease History: None c. General Examination: Examination Vital sign: BP: 120/80, pulse: 74x/menit, R: 20x/menit, T: 36.5 d. Clinical examination Table 1. Examination Clinical Chemistry No Parameters Clinical chemistry 1 Natrium 2 Kalium 3 Kalsium 4 Gula Darah Sewaktu Value Reference value 141 mEq/L 3,5 mEq/L 6,2 mg/dl * 186 mg/dl * 135-147 3,5-5,0 8,5-10,0 < 150 mg/dl 1070 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. e. Examination During Treatment Table 2. Examination Lab 2 June 2014 Parameters 1 Albumin 3,4 g/dl 2 Ferritin 0,84 *mg/ml 3 SGPT 26 u/L 4 Kreatinin 0,6 mg/dl Glukosa darah jam 06.00 Glukosa darah jam 18.00 Glukosa darah jam 24.00 Glukosa darah jam 11.00 Glukosa darah jam 16.00 Glukosa darah jam 06.00 Glukosa darah jam 11.00 Glukosa darah jam 16.00 133 mg/dl 70-150 96 mg/dl 70-150 116mg/dl 70-150 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ureum 14 Natrium 15 Kalium 3 June 2014 5 June 2014 No 5 22-May14 29May14 21May-14 3,3 g/dl 6 June 2014 Reference value 3,4-4,8 Premenopouse : 6,9-282,5 Post : 14,0-233,1 Laki2 : 18-30 tahun : 18,7-323 31-60 tahun : 16,4-293,9 0-35 0,7 mg/dl 0,6-1,1 129 mg/dl 131 mg/dl 70-150 70-150 114 mg/dl 73 mg/dl 118 mg/dl 100 mg/dl 83 mg/dl 167 * mg/dl 21 mg/dl 137 meq/L 4,2 meq/L 70-150 70-150 70-150 10-50 135-147 3,5-5,5 1071 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 16 Kalsium 17 Anti H. Pyllori Kualitatif 8,4 *mg/dl 8,8-10,0 Positif Positif 3. Clinical Evaluation GBS is the main therapy to prevent and manage complications and provide supportive care until symptoms begin to improve2. Mrs. EM treated with injection of Methycobal for complaints peripheral neuropathy10. As is known Mrs. EM complain circumstances tingling in hands, feet and lips. In the laboratory results are known Mrs. EM ferritin levels below normal. Low ferritin levels indicate that the concentration of iron in the body is low. Giving Sangobion caps to prevent anemia due to iron deficiency and other minerals that contribute to the formation of blood cells. Mrs. EM using metformin as monotherapy in controlling blood sugar levels and can be said to be successful in controlling sugar levels seen in the laboratory results of blood sugar at a time. Metformin monotherapy is rarely accompanied by hypoglycemia and metformin can be used safely without causing hypoglycemia in prediabetes. Non glikemik effect of metformin is important not cause weight gain or cause a little weight decrease7. Simarc2 (Warfarin-Na) is indicated for the state of thrombosis caused by APS syndrome with Warfarin dose of 5-15 mg, the dose was increased by INR to be achieved (2.5 - 3.5) (10). Provelyn (Pregabalin) is indicated in the neuropathic pain state11. At the starting dose for nerve pain 75mg 2x a day and if well tolerated may be increased to 150mg after an interval of 3-7 days, a maximum of 300 mg in the next week12. However, doctors prescribe the use of 1x 50mg Provelyn only possibility is based on the severity of pain experienced. Mrs. EM treated with lansoprazole and Inpepsa syrup for gastritis treatment they experienced. Lansoprazole is a class of drugs for the treatment of ulcers proton pump inhibitor which works by inhibiting the enzyme and produce energy to remove HCl from the gastric parietal cell canaliculi while inpepsa works by forming a layer of the stomach. Ondancentron given as an anti emetic treatment experienced patients. Gammaraas (Plasma Immune globulin IV (human) 5%) is indicated to 1072 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. decrease the ability of the immune system attack body tissues in some cases disease autoimmune13. The next treatment is the administration of CaCO 3 in patients with the hope to increase the value of low calcium on laboratory examination. Giving Laxadin and lacto B is indicated to help the state of constipation that may be caused by the side effects of the use Ondancentron and Inpepsa. 4. Drug Related Problems Drug Interactions14 a. S ucralfate + lansoprazole Sucralfat decrease levels of lansoprazole by inhibition of absorption GI Suggestion: Separate multiple drug use for at least 30 minutes b. Omeprazole + Warfarin Omeprazole will reduce of Warfarin levels through the hepatic enzyme CYP1A2 Suggestion: Monitor usage and separate use of at least 2 hours. c. DRP did not receive the drug 1. On 27 May 2014 Lacto B Patients should drink as much as 3 times a day but only drink twice a day 2. On 28 May 2014 The patient should drink as much Sangobion caps 3x1 a day but just taking 1 x 1 a day with record TAO 3. On the 29th May, 2014 (Thursday) the patient should drink only Simarc as much 1x1tab, but the patient drink 1x2 tab. Whereas the dose of 1x1 tab on Monday and Thursday 4. On 30 May 2014 Patients with Dyspepsia, doctor prescribed Inpepsa 3x1 tablespoon but just drink as much as 1x 1 a day. 5. On 31 May, 2014 and June 1, 2014 Patients should receive as much lansoprazole 2x1 amp but just accept 1x1 amp. 6. On June 5, 2014 Patients should receive as much Methycobal 2x1 amp but only received 1x1 amp whit the records TAO. 1073 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 7. On June 5, 2014 patients not taking prescribed Laxadin syr 2x1 tbsp with a record OTM (os does not drink). Suggestion: There should be more participation of pharmacists to ensure that patients taking the drug according to the prescription as well as the role that should be in addition to preventing potential DRP also solve the actual DRP. 5. Conclusion Based on the practice of clinical work at the Cikini hospital with Patients Mrs.EM suffering from GBS disease or APS. There is a record for drugs that interaction with each other are spaced for 2 hours in the offering. Do strictly monitoring for drug interaction and identification as well as the signing of the DRP Subscribe by local pharmacists, especially in terms of the number of occurrences found DRP patients not receiving the drug. 6. References 1. Muscular Dystropy Canada, 2007. Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Journal of Muscular Dystropy Canada: Canada. 2. Inawati, 2013. Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Faculty of Medicine, University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya. 3. BMJ, 2013. Guillain-Barre syndrome http://www.bmj.com/content/340/bmj.c2541 4. Levine et al, 2002. Antiphospholipid syndrome The. N Engl J Med. Retrieved July 8, 2014 date. 5. Saigal et al, 2010. Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. Vol 58: 1 76-183. Retrieved July 8, 2014 date. 6. The BMJ Diagnosis and management of the antiphospholipid syndrome in 2010 http://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/340/bmj.c2541/F3.large.jpg . 7. Arifin Augusta, 2011. Guide therapy Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Current. Faculty of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism UNPAD: Bandung. 8. American Diabetes Association, 2008. Standards of medical care in diabetes. Journal of the American Diabetes Association: Diabetes Care S12-54. 1074 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 9. Canadian diabetes association 2013 pharmacologic Management of Type 2 Diabetes http://guidelines.diabetes.ca/Browse/Chapter13 10. MIMS,2014. Methycobal. https://www.mims.com/INDONESIA/drug/info/ Methycobal / accessed date July 6, 2014. 11. Effendy, 2009. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Hematologic and Management Aspects. Textbook of Medicine in volume II edisis V. Retrieved July 12, 2014 date. 12. MIMS, 2014b. Provelyn. https://www.mims.com/INDONESIA/drug/info/ Provelyn /? type = brief . Retrieved date of July 6, 2014. 13. MIMS, 2014c. Gammaraas. http://www.webmd.com/cancer/tc/immune-globulinoverview . Retrieved date of July 6, 2014. 14. Medscape, 2014 d. Drug Interaction. http://reference.medscape.com/drug- interactionchecker . Retrieved July 9, 2014 date. 1075 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. STUDY IN DISEASE WARD CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE AND TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS 1 Deviyanti , Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Deviyantipalallo@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is defined as a renal function abnormality characterized by the presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria) and kidney function decline for 3 months or more to progressive renal failure Terminal1. Causes of chronic renal failure is the most common are diabetes and hypertension1. Patient Mrs. LS, aged 59 year old, entered the PGI Cikini hospital on May 4, 2014 with a diagnosis of chronic renal failure and diabetes mellitus type II. Therapy treatment for 9 days amlodipine 5 mg, lapibal 500 mcg, folic acid 1 mg, 30 mg gliquidone, captopril 12.5 mg and 1 g NaCl capsule. Based on the results of their clinical practice in internal medicine wards in PGI Cikini hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) form without drugs and indications of improper drug selection. Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Internal Medicine INTRODUCTION Chronic kidney disease is a pathophysiological process with diverse etiologies, which resulted in a progressive decline in renal function, and generally end up with kidney failure2. Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a global health problem with an increase in the incidence, prevalence and morbidity3. According to data from the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) 2009 end stage renal failure (GGTA) is common and the prevalence is about 10-13%3. In the United States the number reached 25 million people, and an estimated 12.5% in Indonesia or about 18 million people4. In Indonesia, the number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) increases rapidly with the incidence of endstage renal failure patients (GGTA) undergoing hemodialysis from 2002 to 2006 is 2077, 2039, 2594, 3556, and 43445. Data from several research centers spread throughout Indonesia reported that the cause of end stage renal failure undergoing dialysis was 1076 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. glomerulonephritis (36.4%), kidney disease obstruction and infection (24.4%), diabetic kidney disease (19.9%), hypertension (9.1 %), other reasons (5.2%)5. Chronic renal failure is often associated with diabetes or hypertension is a serious health problem and a public health problem in the world economy6. The number of patients with chronic renal failure is increasing in the world, about 20-30% of patients with renal impairment requiring renal replacement therapy6. Diabetes and hypertension are the two most common causes and is associated with a high risk of death from cardiovascular disease6. Report of The United States Renal Date System (USRDS) in 2007 showed an increase in population of patients with chronic renal failure in the United States compared to previous years, where the prevalence of chronic renal failure patients reached 1,569 people per million population7. In Indonesia, the number of patients with kidney failure this time is high, reaching 300,000 people but not all patients can be handled by the medical personnel, only about 25,000 of those patients who can be treated, it means there is 80% of patients with treatment untouched at all8. Treatment for patients with end stage chronic renal failure, dialysis is done with therapy such as hemodialysis or kidney transplant which aims to maintain the quality of life of patients 9. CASE PERSENTATION Patient Mrs. LS aged 59 year old, entered PGI Cikini hospital on May 4, 2014. Patient was diagnosed with chronic renal failure and diabetes mellitus type II. Patient present with a limp ± 11 hours before of hospital admission, mild headache, tingling of fingers and swollen. Results of laboratory tests showed serum creatinine of patient has increased and Glomerular Filtration Rate (LFG) calculation results in getting results 30.08 ml/min which indicates patient suffering from kidney failure 3 degrees. CLINICAL EVALUATION The use of amlodipine and captopril for the treatment of hypertension. Lapibal (mecobalamin derivative of cyanocobalamin) for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy and anemia. Folic acid as a therapeutic option to increase hemoglobin with values above 1077 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 11.5 g/dL for hemoglobin values between 10 g/dL - 11 g/dL of blood transfusion. The use gliquidon for therapeutic treatment of type II diabetes mellitus, where as saline for the treatment of hyponatremia and as therapy for anemia. DOSAGE AND METHOD ARE USED10.11 In the case of patient treated with amlodipine 5 mg administered 5 mg 1x a day for 9 days, lapibal 500 mcg given 2 x 500 mcg a day for 9 days, folic acid 5 mg administered 1 x 2 tablets a day for 9 days, 30 mg given 2 gliquidone x 30 mg a day for 9 days, captopril 12.5 mg given 2 x 1 tablet for 9 days and 1 g NaCl capsules given 3 x 1 g for 6 days later on the 7th day lowered the dose to 500 mg given 3 x 500 mg for 3 days. DIAGNOSIS LABORATORIES VALUE12 Hematological examination results on May 4, 2014 showed adecrease in hemoglobin value of 10.2 g/dL (12-14 g/dL) which indicated the occurrence of anemia, leukocyte 3.0 10 ^3μL (5-10 10 ^3μL) and hematocrit 27% (37-43%) decreased that indicated of infection. Creatinine value increased at 2.3 mg/dL (0.6 to 1.1 mg/dL) that it showed a decrease in renal function, blood sodium decreased that indicated the occurrence of hyperkalemia and blood sugar increated at 245 mg/dL (70 - 150 mg/dL), which indicated the presence of diabetes mellitus. DIAGNOSIS OF BLOOD GLUCOSE Blood glucose test results on May 5, 2014 at three time the examination is at 06.00 pm (260 mg/dL), 11:00 pm (240 mg/dL) and 17:00 pm (234 mg/dL) increased from the normal value of 70 -150 mg/dL, it indicated the presence of diabetes mellitus. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 10.11 1. Untreated Indication Patient required antibiotic therapy for infection but did not get it. Patient also require anti-inflammatory therapy for inflammation but did not get it. 2. Improper Drug Selection 1078 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Election gliquidon therapy for type II diabetes mellitus in patient with chronic renal failure are not recommended by the BNF edition 57, 2009. CONCLUSION Based on the results of their clinical practice at internal medicine ward PGI Cikini hospital then pull in the conclusion that the results of laboratory tests showed serum creatinine value and outcomes of patient experienced an increase in Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) calculation in getting 30.08 ml/min which indicates that the patient has had the disease 3 degrees of renal failure and the DRP (Drug Related Problem) in the form of indications that are not addressed and the presence of improper drug selection. REFERENCES 1. Putu, et al., 2007.Evaluation of Use of ACE Inhibitors in Chronic Renal Failure Patients at Dr Sardjito.Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gajah Mada. 2. Suwitra, K. 2009.Chronic Kidney Disease.Interna Publishing. 3. National Kidney Foundation., 2005.K / DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease in Dialysis Patients.New York. 4. Suhardjono.2009.Chronic Kidney Disease adal h an outbreak of a new (global epidemic) throughout the world.Indonesian Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting. 5. Prodjosudjadi, dkk.2009.End-Stage Renal Disease in Indonesia.Treatment velopment. 6. Reikes, ST, 2000, Trends in endstage renal disease: epidemiology, morbidity and mortality.Postgrad Med;108 (1): 124-142. 7. Warlianawati., 2007.Perceptions of Patients Against Nurses Role in Meeting the Spiritual Needs in Chronic Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis Unit at the hospital.PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta : Patient Characteristics and Quality of Life Patients Undergoing Chronic Renal Failure Hemodialysis Therapy.Faculty of Nursing University of North Sumatra. 8. Aguwina, et al., 2012.Patient Characteristics and Quality of Life Patients Undergoing Chronic Renal Failure Hemodialysis Therapy.Faculty of Nursing University of North Sumatra. 1079 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 9. Brunner & Suddarth., 2002.Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing.Jakarta: EGC. 10. Burns, A., 2009.R Enal Drug Handbook third edition.UK. 11. BNF., 2009.British National Formulary.BMJ Group.UK. 12. Sutedjo, AY., 2007.Disease Handbook Know Through Laboratory examination results.Amara Books.Yogyakarta. 1080 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. COMBINED DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (TB) AND PLEURAL EFFUSION SINISTRA Dewi Masyitha1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) Email : yusrandewi7@gmail.com ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is a common disease and often occurs in internal medicine ward at PGI Cikini Hospital. Classification of tuberculosis there are 2, namely pulmonary tuberculosis and pleural effusion paru.7 extract also known as fluid in the chest is a medical condition characterized by an increase in excess fluid between the two layers pleura8. Case presentation: RM is a 30-year-old man hospitalized in internal medicine wards. Patients diagnosed with tuberculosis and the left pleural effusion.Clinical evaluation: basically, there are two interventions were found during the assessment of the patient's treatment, the first patient did not receive the drug, and both isoniazid and rifampin as the combination of anti-tuberculosis drugs that cause an interaction. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Pleural Effusion, PGI Cikini Hospital INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis systemic so it can be on all the organs of the body with the highest location in the lungs which is usually the site of infection primer.6 Tuberculosis is an important public health problem in the world. In 1992 the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared tuberculosis a Global Emergency. WHO report of 2004 states that there are 8.8 million cases with pulmonary tuberculosis showed clinical symptoms include asymptomatic stage, the typical symptoms of pulmonary TB, then stagnation and regression, eksaserbase worsening, symptoms recur and become chronic. On 1081 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. physical examination can be found among other signs mark infiltrates (dim, bronkhi bases, bronhial), withdrawal signs of lung and mediastinum, secret canals and bronkhi breath, breath sounds amforik due kafitas directly related to bronkus.7 Pleural effusion is a medical condition characterized by an increase in excess fluid between the two layers of the pleura is a sac pleura.10 consisting of two layers covering the lungs and chest wall, and separates it from the structures disekitarnya.10 There are two types of pleural effusion: transudative pleural effusions are caused by fluid leaking into the pleural cavity caused by low protein concentrations or high blood pressure, such as the state of the left heart failure or cirrhosis of the liver, whereas other forms of exudative pleural effusions are often the result of inflammation of the pleura, in circumstances such as pneumonia and tuberculosis that causes the blood vessels become more permeable allowing fluid to leak out and assembled between two layers pleura.2 CASE PRESENTATION RM is a 30-year-old man was treated in the wards for internal medicine. Patients diagnosed with tuberculosis and the left pleural effusion. Patients hospitalized PGI Cikini dated March 30, 2014. Konsisi current patients is decreased. Patients feel shortness of breath, coughing, weight decreased dramatically, fever, night sweats one week before admission. Upon entering the hospital, the patient feels weak, fever, cough increasingly become heavy, uncomfortable sleeping position. The results of laboratory examinations of patients before treatment was given on March 30, 2014 is for hematocrit, MCV, neutrophils rods, lymphocytes, sodium, calcium and albumin lower than the normal value, while for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, erythrocytes, platelets and monocytes is higher than normal. The results of laboratory examinations of patients after treatment given date May 6, 2014 is as follows, for MCV, neutrophils rods, lymphocytes and albumin value is still lower than normal, while the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, erythrocytes, platelets, and monocytes are still higher than normal values. Based on the examination of the thorax was found: Lung looks right upper pulmonary infiltrates and left, still looks hide left hemothorax. Ultrasound examination of the thorax: 1082 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Looks effusion fleura pretty much left with a maximum of 6.4 cm into. Conclusion The results: pulmonary tuberculosis effusion fleura duplex and the left. As for the therapeutic treatment of patients on April 30, 2014 through to May 9, 2014 is as follows ceftriaxone as antibiotic, OBH as cough syrup, paracetamol as drug fever, robumin used for albumin deficiency, rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol is a combination of drugs for diseases tuberculosis, vitamin B complex, and Lasix is used for edema.4, 5 Alloy tuberculosis treatment regimen used consisted of main and auxiliary are as follows: 5 Lini 1 1. Categories 1, anti-tuberculosis drugs: - Isoniazid - Rifampicin - Pyrazinamide - Ethambutol Lini 2 Categories 2 : - Isoniazid - Rifampisin - Pirazinamid - Etambutol - Streptomisin For 2 months (intensive phase) every day. Every day for 2 months and then The next 4 months (continuation phase) with with isoniazid, rifampin, and Rifampicin and isoniazid 3 times a week. ethambutol for 5 months 3 times a week. 2. Fixed-dose combination (fixed dose combination). - Type any additional medication This fixed dose combination comprising : (line 2): - Four antituberculosis drugs in one tablet, namely - Kanamycin rifampicin 150 mg, isoniazid 75 mg, - Quinolones pyrazinamide 400 mg and 275 mg ethambutol. - Other drugs are under - Three antituberculosis drugs in one tablet, investigation, macrolides namely rifampicin 150 mg, isoniazid 75 mg and - Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 400 mg pyrazinamide. - Derivatives rifampicin and INH CLINICAL EVALUATION 3.1 Drug Related Problem 1 Paracetamol is an antipyretic drug that is used as a fever. On May 5, 2014 the patient complained of body heat or fever, but not given the drug to reduce fever of the patient. Pharmacist Advice: best use of antipyretic drugs still given by the rules of the use of prn (prorenata) ie if necessary or if the patient's fever. 1083 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Pharmacist interventions: suggested to patients to get plenty of rest and eat foods that contain protein, low fat, contains fiber, low-salt diet and the consumption of drinking 2 liters/day. 3.2 Drug Related Problem 2 Isoniazid and rifampin is a combination of 4 types of Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) is used to treat tuberculosis early phase of 2 months and 4 months of continuation phase. Concomitant use of both types of OAT can cause significant interaction, which increases the toxicity of isoniazid rifampin by increasing metabolism. Pharmacist Advice: a combination of both types of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs is still given to patients for the treatment of the initial phase and continuation phase and avoid the use of fixed-dose combination drug. Intervention pharmacists: advise the patient to use the distance separating the two AntiTuberculosis drugs, to use rifampin sebaikknya morning and to isoniazid is used at night. CONCLUSION On May 5, 2014 the patient complained of body heat or fever, but not given the drug to reduce fever of these patients, the use of antipyretic drugs should still be given to the rules of use 3x daily or prn (prorenata) if the patient is febrile. Isoniazid and rifampin is anti tuberculosis drugs as initial treatment phase and follow-up phase, because concurrent use of isoniazid with rifampicin can cause significant interaction, the user should be given the distance, which is used for rifampin and isoniazid morning used at night and avoid the use of drug-dose combinations fixed. In patients advised to get plenty of rest and eat foods that contain protein, low fat, contains fiber, low-salt diet and drink consumption 2 liters/day. REFERENCES 1. Baxter, K. (ed). 2008. “Stockley’s Drug Interaction”. Eight Edition. Pharmaceutical Press, London and Chicago 2. Bramardianto, 2014. “Penyebab, gejala dan pengobatan efusi pleura”. Jakarta 3. Guyton & Hall. 2007. “Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran”. Edisi 11.Jakarta : EGC. 4. Joint formulary comite, 2009 “Brithist National Formulary” BMJ Grop. London. 1084 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 5. Konsensus TB Paru. 2013. “Pedoman Diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan TB di Indonesia”. ISFI. Jakarta 6. Mansjoer, A. 2000. “Kapita selekta kedokteran”. Edisi II. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius, FKUI. 7. Perhimpunan dokter paru indonesia, 2014. “Klasifikasi Tuberkulosis”. Jakarta 8. Pudjo, Astowo. 2014. “perspective medical conditions disease efusi fleura. Jakarta 9. Smeltzer, S.C & Bare,B.G.2003. “Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah” Brunner & Suddart. Edisi 8. Jakarta: EGC. 10. Tjokronegoro,A & Utama, H.2004. “Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan”. Edisi III. Jakarta : EGC. 1085 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT HEMODIALYSIS ON CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE Esther Jeniaty1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : oktavianafarmasi@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT Chronic renal failure is one disease that is common and often occurs in medicine ward in PGI Cikini Hospital. Chronic Renal Failure consists of 5 stages, ie stage 1,stage 2,stage 3,stage 4and stage 5. Percentage of cases: Tn. EH is a 46-year-old man hospitalized in internal medicine wards. Patients diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure Stage V and hypertension urgency. Clinical evaluation: Basically, there are two interventions were found during the assessment of treatment the patient is the first use of a combination of 5 different Valsartan Antihypertensive, Captropil, bisoprolol and amlodipine and the second is the interaction between calcium carbonate and bisoprolol causes a decrease in the effect of bisoprolol. Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure, antihypertensive, PGI Cikini INTRODUCTION Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the inability of the kidneys to maintain the body's balance and integrity appear gradually before dropping to phase decline stage renal final3. Chronic kidney disease is a problem in the field of nephrology with a fairly high incidence, etiology broad and complex, often with no complaints or clinical symptoms but had entered the terminal stage and referred to as kidney disease terminal3. Chronic renal failure occurs after kidney or channel experience a variety of diseases that damage the kidney nephrons. Where the disease is more common in the renal parenchyma, nevertheless abstraction lesions in the urinary tract can also cause chronic renal failure can be divided into several 3. 1086 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. CASE PRESENTATION EH is a 46-year-old man hospitalized in internal medicine wards. Patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Patients hospitalized PGI Cikini 13th June 2014, with past history of CKD On Hd, Hypertension, and Heart. The patient's condition on admission decreased, where patients feel weak for 30 minutes while the patient is on hemodialysis and hemodialysis patients in the stop asking. Hemodialysis performed salama 1 hour 30 minutes. The patient feels tightness, heaviness in the chest radiating to the neck or left arm when hemodialysis. Patient's blood pressure had risen so Captropil patients given 25 mg, 0.15 mg clonidine, but when taking Captropil, patients experience headache, dry cough. At the time of entering the ED patients had productive cough with blood, and the patient experienced severe chest tightness. Laboratory findings were as follows: for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, reticulocyte and creatinine higher than normal values, whereas hemoglobin, leukocytes and erythrocytes is lower than normal values. The results of examination of the blood pressure on admission was 220 mm Hg systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure 120 mm Hg indicates that the patient had hypertension hypertensive urgency is without damage or complications minimum and target organs. Blood pressure was lowered within 24 hours to the extent of requiring parenteral therapy. Initial target blood pressure 160/110 mmHg within hours or days with conventional oral therapy. The treatment given for patients treated in the hospital is as follows: amlodipine 10mg once daily, 0.15 mg clonidine 3 times, three times a day Captropil 25mg, folic acid a day 2 tablets, 3 times a day CaCO3 500mg, 1 tablet a day 5000mcg neorobion , omeperazole 1 capsule 3 times daily, valsartan 10 mg 2 times a day and 1 tablet daily bisoprolol. 1087 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Guidelines on the Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure patients Hipertensi5. Management of Hypertension in CRF handling without diabetes is recommended in adult patients with CRF and without Diabetes Urine albumin excretion ≤ 30 mg / 24 hours (or satara) blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg constant systolic / diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg treated with blood pressure lowering drugs to maintain blood pressure ≤ 140 mmHg constant ≤ 90 mm Hg systole and diastole. It is recommended that non-diabetic adult patients with CRF and urinary albumin excretion 30-300 / 24 hours (or equivalent) that constantly blood pressure> 130 mmHg systolic or> 80 mmHg diastolic were treated with drugs to maintain blood pressure ≤ 130 mmHg constant systole or ≤ 80 mm Hg diastolic. Suggested non-diabetic adult patients with CRF and urine excretion> 300 mg per 24 hours (or equivalent) is constant blood pressure> 130 mmHg systolic or> 80 mmHg diastolic were treated with blood pressure lowering drugs to maintain blood pressure to maintain blood pressure konstn ≤ ≤ 130 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic It is recommended to use an ARB or ACE inhibitor in non-diabetic adult patients with CRF and excretion of urine albumin 30-300 mg / 24 hours (or equivalent) in the treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs. Recommended that the use of ARBs or ACE inhibitors in non-diabetic adult patients with CRF and urine albumin excretion ≥ 300mg/24 hours (or equivalent) who were treated with blood pressure medications. . CLINICAL EVALUATION Drug Related Problems (DRPs) 1. Drug selection 5 The use of combinations of antihypertensive drugs: amlodipine, Captropil, bisoprolol,valsartan and clonidine4. 1088 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Pharmacist Advice: Avoid concurrent use of Ace-inhibitors and ARBs. Intervention pharmacists: first choice hypertension and CRF is Ace-I, if the patient is unable to tolerate, then another alternative is ARB4. 2. Drug Interactions a) Bisoprolol and calsium carbonat Significant interaction occurred between kalcium carbonate and calcium carbonate bisoprolol which lowers the effect or efficacy of bisoprolol by inhibiting the absorption of GI7. Pharmacist advice: separate the two drugs with a distance of 2 hours 3 drug related problems7. b) Bisoprolol and clonidin Cardioselektiv use of beta blockers and centrally acting alpha agonists may lead to rebound hypertension and there is potential for interaksi1. Pharmacist advice: To avoid interaction and rebound hypertension need to be monitoring the use of both drugs1. 3. Dose regimen Valsartan dose used by patients Tn.E H 80 mg twice daily for treating hypertension, but the dose is not in accordance with the guidelines, treatment of hypertension and CKD the dose should be lowered to 40 mg once a daily8. Recommendation : doctors should be submitted to the lowered dose of valsartan. CONCLUSION After the assessment of the patient's treatment, it can be concluded that there are five kinds of antihypertensive drugs with their respective functions that have been in use from the group of patients that is Captropil Ace Inhibitor, Valsartan is an ARB class of antihypertensive, beta-blocker bisoprolol of classes, class mlodipin is antihipertesi calcium blockers chanal and the antihypertensive clonidine group of central α-2 agonists. The safest hypertension medication for kidney patients is if ACEI not tolerated by the patient replaced with ARB.4 Interaction between calcium carbonate and bisoprolol so in its use must be in jailed 2 hours. The use of bisoprolol and clonidine can cause rebound hypertension while 1089 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. the sudden cessation of clonidine can cause rebound hipertensi1.Valsartan as antihypertensive drugs, the dose should be given 80 mg twice daily lowered to 40 mg in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on hemodialysis8. REFERENCES 1. Baxter, K. 2008. Stockley's Drug Interaction Eight Edition. London 2. Joint Formulary Commite. 2009. British National Formulary. London 3. Saputra Ahmad. 2012. Gagal Ginjal Kronik. Jakarta 4. Badan Pom RI. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta 5. K/DOQI. 2004. Clinical Practice Guadline on Hipertension and Antihypertensive Agent in Chronic Kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis. MA,USE. 6. 2003 World Health Organization (WHO) / International Society of Hypertension Statement on Management of Hypertension. J Hypertens 2003;21:1983-1992. 7. Medscape. Drug Interactions. 2014 8. Caroline Ashley and Aileen Currie. 2009. The Renal Drug Handbook Third Edition. Radcliffe Publishing Ltd 18 Marcham Road, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 1AA. United Kingdom 1090 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. RELATED DRUG PROBLEM IN THE TREATMENT OF VERTIGO DISEASE AND HYPERTENSION IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Fitriani1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : fitriani_08_91@yahoo.com Abstract Vertigo is any movement or sense of movement of the patient's body or objects around the patient is concerned with balance system disorders (equilibrium)5. One factor is hypertension systemic causes of vertigo2. Patient Ms. YT is a female patient aged 53 years old was hospitalized at PGI Cikini on April 29, 2014, the patient was diagnosed with vertigo and hypertension. Therapy treatment for 8 days ie RL 20 TPM, Ranitidine 2x1, 2x1 g Ceftriaxone, Ondancetron 3x1, 3x1 Antacids, Valsartan 1x1, 3x1 Ibuprofen, Betahistin M 2x1, 3x1 Dramamin, Decolax 2x1, 3x1 Myonal. Based on the results of their clinical practice in internal medicine wards in hospitals PGI Cikini it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) a drug interaction. Keywords: Vertigo, Hypertension, RS PGI Cikini 1. Introduction Vertigo is the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body such as rotation (twisting) without an actual sensation of rotation, can spin around or body that rotates complaints most often encountered in practice8. Vertigo comes from the Latin "vertere" ie turning 8. Vertigo included in balance disorders manifested as headache, dizziness, staggering, a sense of the world such as flying or somersaulting 8,5. Vertigo is not a disease, but a symptom In short it can be said that the orientation space (spatial orientation) we depend on three things, namely7: 1091 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 1. Input stronger sensation (sensation adequate input) through three of our five senses are: sight, taste balance of the body, and sensibility. 2. Integration in the center (central integration) 3. Responses suitable motor (the motor proper response) If the information received through the eyes does not match the information from the labyrinth, then there will be Factors causing vertigo7.vertigo is caused by central disorders associated with central nervous system disorders (serebrim cerebellar cortex, brain stem or related to the vestibular system / otologik, in addition to the factor of psychological / psychiatric and systemic factors such as aritmi heart, hypertension, hypotension, congestive heart failure, anemia, hypoglycemia 2,6. 2. Case Presentation Patient Ms. YT is a 53-year-old admitted to the ward's disease internist PGI Cikini Hospital, was diagnosed with vertigo and hypertension, patient admitted to hospital since April 29, 2014 Patient with complaints of fever since two weeks before entering the hospital with chills, dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pain. Results of laboratory tests on the patient April 29, 2014 were: examination glucose during leukocytes * LED hemoglobin * hematocrit * erythrocytes platelets urea creatinine * total cholesterol AST * SGPT sodium calcium chloride HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol Results 122 12,600 2 11,5 34 3,91 234 22 12 170 35 29 144 4,5 103 65 98 Reference value < 200 mg% 5,000-10,000/uL 0-15 mm/hour 12-16 a/dL 38-46% 3,6-5,2 million/mm3 150-400 thousand/mm3 17-43 mg/dl 0,6-1 mg/dl <200 mg/dl <31u/L <31u/L 134-146 mmol/l 3,4-4,5 mmol/l 96-108 mmol/l >65 mg/dl <150 mg/dl 1092 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. The results of examination of the patient's vital signs on 29 April- May 6, 2014 is : Examination / date Blood tension pulse breathe 29/04 30/04 01/05 02/05 03/05 04/05 05/05 06/05 160/8 0 80 20 130/8 0 80 20 120/8 0 80 20 130/8 0 80 20 150/8 0 80 20 130/9 0 80 20 130/9 0 80 20 130/9 0 80 20 3. Dosage In this case the patient on therapy with intravenous fluids: RL 20 TPM for 5 days (April 29,-May 3, 2014). Drug injection: Ranitidine (Ranitidine HCl) 2x1 25 mg for 4 days (April 29,-May 2, 2014), Ceftriaxone (Ceftriaxone disodium) 2x1g for 4 days (April 29,-May 2, 2014), Ondancetron (ondancetronHCl) 0.1 3x1 -0.2 mg / kg for 5 days (April 29,-May 3, 2014). Oral medications: Antacids (Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide) 3x1 1-2 g for 8 days (April 29,-May 6, 2014), 1x80 mg valsartan for 8 days (April 29,-May 6, 2014), 3x1 Ibuprofen 200 mg for 2 days (April 29 to 30), Betahistin M (betahistinemesylat) 2x1 24-48 mg / day for 7 days (April 30May 6, 2014), Dramamin (Dimrnhydrinate) 3x1 50mg for 5 days (02-06 May 2014), Decolax (Bisacodyl) 2x1 5 mg for 2 days (05-06 May 2014), Myonal (EperisoneHCl) 50mg 3x1 (05-06 May 2014). 4. Clinical Evaluation 3.4 The use of Ringer lactate infusions to restore electrolyte balance, Ranitidine (Ranitidine HCl) for antiulkus, Ceftriaxone (Ceftriaxone disodium) to treat respiratory tract, Ondancetron (OndansetronHCl) for nausea and vomiting, Antacids (Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide) to treat ulcers or interference acid digestion, Valsartan for Hypertension, Ibuprofen for pain, Betahistinmesylat for treating vertigo, dizziness, balance disorders in blood circulation. Dramamin (dimenhydrinate) to treat vertigo, nausea or vomiting. Decolax (Bisacodyl) to overcome constipation. Myonal (EperisoneHCl) for the symptomatic treatment of musculoskeletal spasm. 1093 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 5. Drug Related Problem1 Of some drugs given drug-drug interaction, namely: a. Antacids + Ranitidine Effect: Antacids decrease the bioavailability of ranitidine, have to be careful with this interaction because both drugs are often used together in the treatment of ulcers. Recommendation: to prevent interactions using both drugs at intervals of ± 2 hours. b. Antacids + Ceftriaxone Effect: lowers the effectiveness of ceftriaxone Antasi Recommendation: to prevent interactions using both drugs at intervals of ± 2 hours. 6. Conclusion Based on the results of clinician practice in internal medicine wards in the hospital in patient PGI Cikini then the conclusion that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) in the form of the presence of several drug interactions that occured were Antacids + Ranitidine and Antacids + Ceftriaxone. 7. Bibliography 1. Baxter, 2008. K. Stockley’sDrug Interaction Eight Edition. London. 2. Bashiruddin J. Vertigo Posisi Paroksismal Jinak. Dalam : Arsyad E, Iskandar 3. N, Editor. Telinga, Hidung Tenggorok Kepala & Leher. 2008. Edisi Keenam. Jakarta : Balai Penerbit FKUI. 4. BPOM RI, 2008.“IONI”. SagungSeto Jakarta 5. ISFI, 2009.“ISO Indonesia Vol. 44”. BerlicoMuliaFarma. Yogyakarta 6. Joesoef Aboe Amar. 2000. Vertigo. In : Harsono, editor. Kapita Selekta Neurologi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press 7. Li JC & Epley J. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. [online] 2009 [cited 20th]. Available from: http:// emedicine.medscape.com/article/884261-overview. 8. Poerwad, TroboesdanHerjantoPoernomo. 1994.:VertigodalamNeurologiKlinik. Surabaya: FK UNAIR/RSUD Dr. Soetomo. 9. Wreksoatmojo BR. Vertigo-Aspek Neurologi. [online] 2009 [cited 2009 May 1094 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TREATMENT OF FEMORAL NECK FRACTURES IN MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL 1 Fitriany JR , Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : ranhiejr@gmail.com ABSTRACT A fracture is a break or continuity of bone and cartilage which is generally caused by trauma, either directly or indirectly. Femoral neck fractures are intracapsular fracture that occurs in the proximal femur including the femoral collum is starting from the distal surface of the femoral head to the proximal part of the intertrokanter. 3 femoral neck fractures often occur at the age of 60 years and more frequently in women, it This is caused by a combination of bone loss due to aging processes and post-menopausal osteoporosis which often can also be seen when the shortening of the left leg compared with the right, the distance between the greater trochanter and the anterior superior iliac spine is shorter because the trochanter is higher due to a cranial shift of the leg. 5 Patients Mr.. TS, aged 49 years, entered to hospital PGI Cikini on June 10, 2014 with a diagnosis of Femur Fractures Collum. Therapy treatment for the treated ceftriaxone inj, remopain injection, ranitidine injection, ketorolac injection, injection propranolol, amlodipine tab, Celexa, tabs, tab ultracet, cal 95 tabs, tab oscal, alovell tab, novalgin inj, Rantin tab. Based on the results of their clinical practice on general care in hospitals PGI Cikini it can be concluded that the presence of DRP's (Drug Related Problem s) in the form of improper drug selection, the indication is not handled as well as failed to receive the drug ranitidine inj, Rantin tab, ultracet tab. Keywords: Collum Fracture Femur, Internal Medicine and PGI Cikini Hospital. INTRODUCTION Femoral neck fractures are injuries that are often found in older patients and lead to increased morbidity and mortality with health status and life expectancy, the incidence of these fractures also increased. This fracture is a major cause of morbidity in older patients due to immobile patient in bed. Rehabilitation takes for some months, causing 1095 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. immobilization of patients prefer to lie so susceptible to decubitus ulcers and lung infections. Initial fracture mortality rate is about 10%. When untreated, these fractures would worsen. 1 Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) has been proven accurate in the assessment of fracture and if made within 24 hours of injury, but this examination is expensive. With MRI, fractures usually appear as a fracture line in the cortex surrounded by a zone of intense edema in the medullary cavity. In a study by Quinn and McCarthy, findings on MRI 100% sensitive, specific and accurate in identifying femoral neck fractures 4. Most fractures are caused by a sudden force and excessive, which can be a clash, beating, crushing, bending or falling on his side, twisting or withdrawal when exposed to direct force on a broken bone can be affected, it is definitely damaged soft tissue 2. CASE STUDY Patient Tn.TS, age 49 years was entered to hospital June 10 2014 PGI Cikini Patients present with complaints of pain in the left groin, after the fall because of a slip and fall while walking in the sitting position, the more painful when moved. A history of head injury (-), fainting (-). The general condition of the patient at the time of hospital admission was looked ill with a blood pressure of 160/108 mmHg, Nadi92 times / min, temperature 38 ° C awareness CM. The patient had a history of hypertension. CLINICAL EVALUATION Therapy in the management of femoral neck fractures Tn.TS to suffer. Ceftriaxon given to treat bacterial infections of gram-positive and gram-negative. Remopain (ketorolac) is used for short-term treatment for post-surgical pain is moderate to severe and Propranolol for hypertension as well as with Amlodipine for hypertension, angina prophylaxis. Celexa (levofloxacin) for infection due to microorganisms Ultracet for shortterm therapy for moderate to severe acute pain. Oscal (alfacalcidol) is used for the improvement of some symptoms (bone pain, bone lesions) while Alovell (Aledronat sodium) for the treatment of osteoporosis confirmed the findings with low bone mass or by the presence or history of osteoporotic fracture. Cal 95 is used for the treatment of osteoporosis due to various reasons. Ranitidine is used for other conditions where gastric 1096 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. acid reduction will be beneficial and Novalgin (Metamizole Sodium) for pain relief after surgery. DOSAGE AND DIRECTION Dosage and how to use the drug in these patients on 13th June 2014 Ceftriaxon 2x1 grams used in injection with usual doses in severe infections 2-4 g / day. on the 13th of June 2014 Remopain (ketorolac) is given 2x1 amp and on 14 June 2014 increased the dose to 3x1 amp with standard dosing: initial dose, 10 mg, then 10-30 mg every 4-6 hours when required. On 10 June 2014 given Ranitidine injection ampoules 1x1 failed to receive the drug one time and date of 11-16 June 2014 2x1 ampoules Ranitidine injection is given at a dose of common IM / Slow IV injection: 50 mg every 6-8 hours IV infusion: 25 mg / h for 2 hours, 6-8 hours, or for the prophylaxis of stress ulceration 125-250 mcg / kg / h. On 12 June 2014 granted 1x1 Ketorolac injection ampoules with standard dosing: Awal10 mg dose, then 10-30 mg every 4-6 hours when required. On 11 June 2014 Propranolol was given at a dose of 1x10 mg prevalent: the initial oral dose of 80 mg, 2 times daily. On 1119 June 2014 1 x Amlodipine 5 mg given with standard dosing: initial dose of 5 mg once daily; a maximum of 10 mg once daily. On June 14-19, 2014 Celexa (levofloxacin) tablets given 1 x 500 mg with standard dosing: oral, 250 mg-500 mg once daily for 7-14 days, depending on the severity of the 14-17 June 2014 penyakit.pada given Ultracet 3 x1 tablet and on December 13,18 and 19, failed to receive a one-time drug with standard dosing: 1-2 pain relief tablets every 4-6 hours up to 8 tablets a day, patients with creatinine clearance <30 m / min ≤ 2 tablets every 12 hours . On 13-19 June 2014 awarded Cal 95 1 x 1 tablet with a usual dose: 1-3 / tabs / day. On May 13-19 given Oscal (alfacalcidol) 1 x1 tablet with the usual adult dose initially dose of 250 nanograms per day or 2 days, the usual dose of 0.5-1 mcg per day. On 13 Alovell (Alendronate sodium) is given 1 x 1 tablet with a usual dose of 10 mg once daily. On 13 given Novalgin (Metamizole sodium) intravenously at a dose of 1cc usual 500 mg / ml. On 17 and 19 June 2014 given Rantin 2 x 1 tablet while on the 18th June 2014 failed to receive the drug once. 1097 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. CLINICAL LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS In the laboratory test results dated 10 June 2014 entered patients obtained some abnormal results include an increase in leukocytes 13,900 mm 3 with a normal value of 510 thousand mm 3, an increase in APTT of 38.4 seconds with a normal value of 26.4 to 37.5 seconds, a decrease in potassium 3.0 mEq / L with a normal value of 3.5-5.0 mEq / L, and decreased calcium 8.2 mg / dl with normal values of 70-150 mg / dl 4. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP's) 1. Improper drug selection 7 Of laboratory examination of patients found that higher patient APTT should get antipain patients who are not at risk of bleeding 2. The indication is not handled 7 Judging from the value of potassium patients were dropped but the patient does not get the drugs that may increase potassium. 3. Failed to receive medication On 14-17 June 2014 given 3 x1 Ultracet tablets and on December 13,18 and 19, failed to receive the drug once, On 17 and 19 June 2014 given Rantin 2 x 1 tablet while on the 18th June 2014 failed to receive a one-time drug , and dated June 11-16 2014 2x1 ampulsedangkan Ranitidine injection is given on 10 June 2014 was given Ranitidine injection ampoules 1x1 failed to receive the drug once. 4. Human Error In the book list is sometimes nurses did not record drug medication that is administered to the patient. So it is advisable to nurses to always take note of what has been given to the patient. Do monitoring nurse notes on the book list of drugs. CONCLUSION Based on the results of their clinical practice in the treatment of pulmonary PGI Cikini hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) The selection of a drug that is not appropriate because of the patient's laboratory tests found that higher patient APTT should get anti-pain patients who are not at risk of bleeding, 1098 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. indications of untreated patients seen from potassium values are down, but the patient does not get the drugs that can increase potassium, failed to receive the drug ranitidine inj, Rantin ultracet tabs and tab. REFERENCES 1. Rosenthal RE. Fracture and Dislocation of the Lower Extremity. In: Early Care of the Injured Patient, ed IV. Toronto, Philadelphia: BC Decker, 2006. 2. Grace PA, Borley NR. Ataglance surgery. 3rd edition New York: McGraw; 2006.p.85 3. Kailis SG, Jellet LB, Chisnal W, Hancox DA. A rational approac h to the interpretati on blood and urine of pathology tests. Aust J Pharm 1980 (April): 221-30. 4. Rasad, S. Diagnostic Radiology. 2nd edition of Jakarta, Faculty of Medicine Hall Publishers; 2006.p.31 5. Snell RS. Clinical anatomy for medical students 6th edition Jakarta: EGC; 2004 6. Teaching staff of the Faculty of Medicine Jakarta surgery. Set of lecture surgery. Jakarta: Center School of Medicine Publisher; 2004.p.484-7. 7. SM.BOH Stein "s Pharmacy practice manual: a guide to the clinical experience. 3rd ed. 2010 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 1099 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDY ISCHIALGIA Fitriani1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : fitriani_08_91@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Ischialgia is a type of pain that is caused by the excitation of nervus ischiadicus1. Medical dictionary defines ischias as thigh sores or pain in thigh area (nervus ischiadicus)2. The patient, Ms. SL, age 32, came to RSAL Dr. Mintoharjo on June 9, 2014 with an ischialgia diagnosis. Therapy for 8 days treatment is IVFD RL 500 ml, ketorolac injection of 3 x 1 ampoules, Dexamethasone injection 3 x 5 mg, Mefenamic Acid 3 x 500 mg, Diazepam 3 x 2 mg. Based on the results of the clinical practice in physiotherapy ward at RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo, it can be concluded that there is DRPs (Drug Related Problems) such as drug interactions and conditions that need to be considered. Keywords: Ischialgia, RSAL Mintohardjo. INTRODUCTION Ischialgia is a pain which originates in the thigh lumbosacral area spreading to the buttock and then to the posterolateral upper limb, the lateral lower leg, as well as the lateral foot3. Nervus ischiadicus is located between the musculus piriformis and musculus obturator internus4. For a person who’s actively running, joint that gets a lot of burden is the hip joint, thus the bloodstream is concentrated in the area4. The bloodstream is increased to provide oxygen therefore energy production can run smoothly, however the bloodstream indeed causes swollen4. Swelling is also caused by a buildup of metabolic waste results (myogelosis)4. Because of musculus piriformis and musculus obturatoris internus are swollen, as a result nervus ischiadicus will be strangulated4. Typical complaint is cramping or pain in the buttock or in the area of hamstring muscles, ischialgia pain in the legs without back pain, and impaired sensory and motor nerve that suits Nervus ischiadicus distribution5. Patients’ complaint can also be a pain that 1100 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. is getting severe pain when bows, sitting for too long, getting up from sitting, or when internally rotate the thigh, also pain during micturition / defecation and dyspareunia5. This occurs because some disease processes such as physical trauma, electrical, infections, metabolic problems, and autoimun5. Ischialgia increases in frequency of doing so many activities5. There are several factors that lead this nerve strangulated, which include: contraction / inflammation of the muscles in buttocks area, there is calcification of the spine or circumstances referred to hernia nucleus pulposus (HNP)5. To know the main reason, physical examination needs to do carefully by a doctor, or additional screening radiology / X-ray of the spine if necessary5. CASE PRESENTATION The patient, Ms. SL, age 32, came to RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo on June 9th 2014. The patient had pain complaint in the left groin since 3 days ago. Persistent pain and sometimes the pain spread to waists. The patient also feels nausea without vomiting. The previous 2 months ago, the patient slipped with sitting position. The patient has dyspepsia past history. The result of laboratory tests showed abnormalities, hematocrit 35% (normal value: 3742%), leukocytes 10,500 / µL (normal value: 5,000-10,000 / µL), LED 45 mm / hours (normal value: < 20 mm / hour), HDL cholesterol 38 mg / dL (normal value: > 40 mg / dL), Neutrophils stem 1% (normal value: 2-6%), neutrophils segment 81% (normal value: 5070%), lymphocytes 10% (normal value : 20-40%). TREATMENT MANAGEMENT ISCHIALGIA6 1. Drugs: analgesics, NSAIDs, muscle relaxant. 2. Medical Rehabilitation Program a. Physical therapy: Diathermy, Electrotherapy, lumbar traction, manipulation therapy, Exercise. b. Occupational Therapy: Teaching proper body mechanics. c. Prosthetic orthotic: Giving lumbar corsets, a walker. d. Advice: 1101 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Avoid much bowing. Avoid lifting of heavy goods frequently. Take a break if get a pain when standing or walking. When sitting for a long time, try to rotate feet alternately right and left, or use a small seat for both of leg lean on. When sweeping or mopping floors, use a handle broom or long mop therefore the back does not bend. If you want to take things on the floor, keep your back straight, but bend your knees to reach the goods. Do back exercising regularly, to strength back muscles thus can sustain the spine nicely and optimally. 3. Operation: perform in serious case / when it very disturbs the activities, where the drugs and medical rehabilitation program do not help. EVALUATION CLINIC7 The use of RL infusion aims to restore the balance of body fluids. Ketorolac injection is used for short-term treatment for severe pain, Dexamethasone injection for antiinflammatory, Mefenamic Acid to cope with left groin pain that has experienced before by the patient, diazepam to relax the muscles and to make the patient relax. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE7 In this case the patient is treated with 500 ml RL for 8 days, ketorolac injection is given 3 x 1 amp for 8 days, Dexamethasone injection is given 3 x 5 mg for 8 days, Mefenamic Acid is given 3 x 500 mg after meals for 8 days, and Diazepam is given 3 x 2 mg for 8 days. THE RESULT OF LABORATORY TEST8 The result of laboratory test showed a decrease in hematocrit value of 35% (normal value: 37-42%) indicates the occurrence of anemia, reduction in lymphocytes of 10% (normal value: 20-40%) indicates the occurrence of anemia, reduction in HDL cholesterol 1102 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 38 mg / dL (normal value: > 40 mg / dL), reduction in neutrophils stem 1% (normal value: 2-6%), the value of leukocytes is increased 10,500 / µL (normal value: 5,000-10,000 / µL), the value of LED is increased 45 mm / hour (normal value: < 20 mm / h), and neutrophils segment is also increased 81% (normal value: 50-70%) that indicates there is an infection / inflammation. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM8,9 1. Drug Interaction9 The patient is given ketorolac injection and mefenamic acid. The two of these can lead ulcer irritation, and there is an interaction pharmacodynamicly (synergism) where the ketorolac injection increases the effect of mefenamic acid, therefore the proton pump inhibitor is recommended to be given which the purpose is to overcome ulcer irritation and nausea that patient is suffered. 2. The condition that needs to be considered8 Conditions that need to be considered in this patient where patient gets reduction in hematocrit and lymphocyte values that indicates the occurrence of anemia, hence it should be given vitamin blood booster to improve the patient's health. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the clinical practice in physiotherapy ward in RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo, it can be concluded that there is DRPs (Drug Related Problems) in form of a drug interaction, that requires the patient to get other drugs such as proton pump inhibitor drugs to reduce stomach irritation that caused by the interaction of the two drugs (ketorolac injection and mefenamic acid) and later that needs to get attention is the patient's condition which is anemia that should get the blood booster drug therapy. REFERENCES 1. Markam, Soemarmo. Neurologi, Jakarta: PT. EGC, 1982. 2. Kamali, A. Kamus Kedokteran, Jakarta: PT. Dian Rakyat, 1983. 1103 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 3. Mardjono M., and Sidharta P. Neurologi Klinis Dasar, Jakarta: PT. Dian Rakyat. 1978. 4. Sabotta. Atlas Anatomi Manusia Bagian 2, Jakarta. 1985. 5. Minaryanti, RN. Karya Tulis Ilmihah Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Ischialgia Dengan Short Wave Diathermy Dan Terapi Latihan Di RSUD Sreagen. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2009. 6. Anggriani, W. Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Ischialgia Dekstra di RS Dr Ramelan Surabaya. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2010. 7. Agency for Food and Drug Administration. Information Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 2008. 8. Ministry of Health Indonesia. Pedoman Interpretasi Data Klinik, Jakarta. 2011. 9. Medscape. Drug Interaction. 2014. 1104 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. TREATMENT OF THE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENT IN THE PGI HOSPITAL CIKINI JAKARTA Francisca Linawati Moeljono1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email: fransiscalina.1987@gmail.com ABSTRACT Renal failure is usually divided into two broad categories namely chronic and acute. Chronic renal failure is a progressive development of renal gagl and slow (usually lasting several years), whereas acute renal failure occurs within a few days or a few weeks. In both cases, the kidneys lose their ability to maintain the volume and composition of body fluids in a state of normal food intake. Although functional disability were similar in both types of terminal renal failure, but acute renal failure have a typical illustration and will be discussed separately1. Ny.SS patients, aged 64 years, entered the hospital PGI Cikini on June 2, 2014 with a diagnosis of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). Therapy treatment for the amlodipine treated, levofloxacin, meropenem, mebo oint (Radix Extract Scullaria), renxamin (amino acid), sumagesic (paracetamol). Based on the results of their clinical practice in internal medicine wards in hospitals PGI Cikini it can be deduced that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) a correlation between drug therapy with clinical conditions such as drug delivery is not as indicated, the dose is less than the actual drug and failed to receive treatment . Keywords : CKD, Hypertension dan RS PGI Cikini INTRODUCTION Chronic kidney disease is a pathophysiological process with diverse etiologies, resulting in a progressive decline in renal function and generally end up with kidney failure. 1105 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Furthermore, renal failure is a clinical condition characterized by an irreversible decline in kidney function, to the degree that requires renal replacement therapy which remains, in the form of dialysis or kidney transplantation2. Chronic renal failure or end stage renal disease (ERSD) is a progressive disorder of renal function and the irreversible metabolism and ability tubules maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, causing uremia, chronic renal failure or end stage renal disease (ERSD) is a progressive renal dysfunction and the irreversible metabolism and ability tubules maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, causing uremia3. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is damage to renal physiology is almost always can not be recovered, and can be caused by various things. The term uremia has been used as the name of this state for more than a century, although now we realize that the symptoms of chronic renal failure was not entirely due to the retention of urea in the blood4. Chronic renal failure occurs after a variety of diseases that damage the kidney nephron mass. Most of this disease is a disease of the renal parenchyma diffuse and bilateral, despite the obstructive lesions of the urinary tract can also lead to chronic renal failure. At first, some kidney disease primarily affects glomerular (glomerulonephritis), whereas other species mainly attack tubuls kidney (pyelonephritis or polycystic kidney disease) or may also interfere with blood perfusion of the renal parenchyma (Nephrosclerosis). However, when the disease process is not inhibited, then in all cases the entire nephron eventually destroyed and replaced by scar tissue1. The criteria for chronic kidney disease are: 1. Kidney damage that occurred during the 3 months or more, such as abnormalities of structure or function of the kidney, with or without decreased glomerular filtration rate (LGF), by: - Pathological abnormalities. - A sign of kidney damage, including abnormalities in the composition of the blood or urine, or abnormalities in imaging examination. 2. GFR <60 ml / min / 1.73 m2 were going for 3 months or more, with or without kidney damage. 1106 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Chronic renal failure was defined as a progressive decline in renal function were reversible and not caused by different types of diseases. Underlying disease difficult to recognize when it has severe kidney failure. When the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls below 25-30% of the normal rate, the kidneys may become unable to excrete the remains of nitrogen, adjust the volume and electrolyte, and secretes hormones6. CASE PRESENTATION Patients aged 64 years Ny.SS PGI Cikini hospitalized on 02 June 2014. Patients present with swelling in the legs, heartburn, pain from tungkak right down, the patient does not feel nausea or vomiting. Patients experienced severe infections on the feet with increased white blood cells and severely injured condition, and patients with impaired renal urea levels high. The patient had a history of hypertension and CKD.. CLINICAL EVALUATION The use of amlodipine to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) occurred in patients, Levofloxacin as a broad spectrum antibiotic, is also used as an antibiotic Meropenem, Sumagesic used to relieve pain in patients with swollen legs, and mebooint used for foot ulcers of patients for skin ulcers . Therapeutic treatment is given of the date of June 2 to June 11 by 2014. DOSAGE AND USE1 No. 1. Drugs LEVOFLOXACIN Giving method PO Dose 1X500mg daily Indications Antibiotic 2. MEROPENEM PO 3 x 500 mg daily Antibiotic 3. AMLODIPIN PO 1 x 5mg daily Hypertension 4. SUMAGESIC PO 3X1 daily Painful 5 TRAMADOL PO If pain occurs Painful 6 RENXAMIN IV 1X1 daily Electrolit 7 MEBO OINT Topical 4-5 Wounded 1107 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. CLINICAL LABORATORY VALUES Type of examination Hemoglobin Hematocrit Leukocytes Platelets Reticulocyte Type of examination Freezing period APTT PT INR Fibrinogen Total Protein Albumin Globulin Urea Creatinine Urid acid Sodium Potassium Result 11,8 *32 37600 199 *160.000 Result 10,11 53,7 14,2 1,2 271 Unit g/dL % 10^3 µL 10^3 µL µg/L Unit minutes second second Normal value 13,0-16,0 40-48 5,0-10,0 150-450 5 – 15 Normal value 10,0 – 16,0 26,4 – 37,5 11,0 – 14,2 mg/dL 180 – 350 5,9 2,1 3,8 132 4,1 6,5 129 3,6 g/dL g/dL g/dL mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL mmol/L mEq/l 6,0 – 8,0 3,4 – 4,8 1,3 – 3,7 10 – 50 0,6 – 1,1 < 6,8 135 - 147 3,5 – 5,0 GUIDELINE PAIN 1108 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. MANAGEMEN OF TREATMENT CKD (CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE) DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. The drug is not suitable indication The patient was having a medical problem that requires drug therapy but did not get the medicine according to the indication. Found CKD diagnosis but received no prescription for CKD indication, but more handlers to infections and hypertension, but found that the supporting laboratory values refer to CKD. 2. Drugs Interaction The use of the antibiotic levofloxacin tramadol drug must be in pause time drinking because It can work to lower analgesic. 3. Administered dose was less The patient was having a medical problem that requires drug therapy but the appropriate drug therapy problem is given at a dose below the recommended dose treatment is justified. Found the use of amlodipine 5 mg once daily with a blood pressure of 158/80 mmHg or less but not dose increased to 10 mg once daily. 4. Failed receiving treatment The patient was having a medical problem that requires drug therapy but can not receive treatment with economic reasons, psychology, sociology, or for reasons of 1109 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. pharmaceutical. Found that the use of antibiotics meropenem administration is not every day, for economic reasons, should be given 1x 3x or even not given. 5. Missing Right Drug Selection The use of antibiotics should not directly use the antibiotic meropenem as an antibiotic if this is the last line of antibiotic resistance occurs. And not scar tissue culture examination. CONCLUTION Based on the results of their clinical practice in internal medicine wards in hospitals PGI Cikini it can be deduced that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problem) a correlation between drug therapy with clinical conditions such as the presence of drug delivery that are not appropriate indications and dose of drugs given to patients less than that actually found the use of amlodipine 5 mg once daily with a blood pressure of 158/80 mmHg or less, but the dose was not increased to 10mg once a day and failed to receive treatment. ADVICE Need for additional anticoagulation clinic because the laboratory tests found the presence of a high APTT values. REFERENCES 1. A. Price, Sylvia & M. Wilson, Lorraine. 2005. Edisi 6. Vol.2. Gagal Ginjal Kronik. Patofisiologi Konsep Klinis Proses-proses Penyakit. Jakarta: EGC . 2. Aru W Sudoyo, dkk. 2009. Jilid 3. Edisi V. Penyakit Ginjal Kronik. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta : Interna Publishing 3. Doqi Guidelines.2002.Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hypertension and AntyhipertensionAgents.USA 4. Jay H. Stein, MD. 2001. Panduan Klinik Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta : EGC. 5. Smeltzer, Suazanne C. 2001. Edisi 8. Volume 2. Gagal Ginjal Kronik. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah Brunner & Suddarth. Jakarta: EGC. 1110 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. 6. Sibuea, W Herdin, dkk. 2005. Penanggulangan Gagal Ginjal Kronik. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta : Asdi Mahasatya 7. The British Pain Society.2013.Understanding and managing pain:information for patients, London 1111 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS OF BLADDER CANCER SUSPECT IN SURGICAL WARD PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Haerul Syam1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) Email : jeez2708@gmail.com ABSTRACT Bladder cancer is one of the common diseases founded in internal disease ward at PGI Cikini Hospital. Bladder is a hollow organ walls consist of smooth muscles called muscle detrusol1. In some cases we will get a painless gross hematuria i.e the urine always red8. Symptoms of bladder cancer such as blood mixed intermittent urination, feeling hot urination, feeling to urinate, frequent urination, especially at night and on the next phase of difficult urination, suprapubic pain that is constant, hot body and feel weak, low back pain due to nerve pressure, pain on one side because hydronefrosis9. Case presentation: SS is a 64 year old man hospitalized in internal disease wards. Patients diagnosed with Bladder cancer disease. Preclinical evaluation: In this case must be considered is the use of drugs which can be interact such as ketorolac may interact with losartan and vitamin K with ketorolac. Keywords : Bladder cancer suspect, Internal disease ward, PGI Cikini Hospital Introduction Bladder cancer is one of the common diseases founded in internal disease ward at PGI Cikini Hospital. This cancer is usually a superficial tumor10. These tumors over time can be held infiltration into the lamina phopria, muscle and perivesika fat which then spread directly to the network around10. In some cases we will get a painless gross hematuria i.e the urine always red8. Bladder is a hollow organ walls consist of smooth muscles called muscle detrusol1. This muscle is composed of the fiber direction such that when contracted causes the bladder to contract and shrink in volume. In distal part that close to the pelvic 1112 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. base (Diafgrama Urogenital) detrusor muscle forming tube and coating posterior urethral1. Carcinoma of the bladder is still early superficial tumors2. These tumors can hold over time infiltration into the lamina propria, muscle and fat perivesika which then spread directly into the surrounding tissue2. Besides, the tumor can spread and hematogenous limfogen2. The spread to the lymph glands limfogen perivesika, obturator, iliac and common iliac ekterna, while the most frequent hematogenous spread to the liver, lungs and bones7. Many factors influence the occurrence of bladder carcinoma include age, bladder carcinoma is increased in the decade 60's, carcinogens, both derived from exsogen of cigarettes or chemicals or endogenous metabolism of the results, another cause is suspected due to the use of analgesics, cytostatic and chronic irritation by stones, sistomiasis or radiation7. CASE PRESENTATION SS is a 64-year-old man hospitalized in internal disease wards. Patients diagnosed with suspected bladder cancer. Patients enter PGI Cikini hospital dated 30 April 2014. Patient feels weak, hot body and bloody urine before enter hospital. Upon entering the hospital, the patients feel back pain, fever, feeling tired and bloody urine. Clinical chemistry examination has decreased calcium of 8.4 mg / dL, whereas in hematologic examination, urine and parasitological increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate 20 mm / h, 2% basophil, eosinophil 13%, 10% monocytes, protombin past 14 , 3 seconds, the bacteria in the urine 2362 / LPB and experienced a decrease in hemoglobin of 7.3 g / dL, 3.38 10 ^ 6μL erythrocytes, hematocrit 24%, 1% neutrophils rod, segment neutrophils 47%, MCV 70 fL, MCH 21.6 pg, MCHC 30.8 g / dL, urine specific gravity of 1.010 g / mL. Drug therapy given to patients include ceftriaxon given on day 3 to day 9 as antibiotics due to bacterial infection, torasic (ketorolac) was given on day 3 to day 9 are used for short term treatment of acute moderate to severe pain after surgical procedures, vomizole (pantoprazole) was given on day 4 to day 9 was used as a pathological hypersecretion that can not be treated orally, kalnex (tranexamic acid) administered on day 3 to day 9 is used to prevent bleeding during surgery, vitamin K is given on day 3 to 9 days to be used for deficiency of vitamin K, urecolin given on day 4 to day 9 for fluid retention before and after surgery, cernevit given on day 3 to day 9 daily supplement, angioten (losartan) was 1113 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. given on day 4 to 9 days to be used for hypertension, tutofusin infusion given on day 3 to day 9 as fluid and electrolytes before, during and after surgery, Asering infusion given on day 3 to day 9 was given as a result of dehydration, trauma, acute gastroenteritis and acidosis. LABORATORY VALUE Table 1. Laboratory of Hematology, Urine and Parasitology Examination Complete Peripheral Blood Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Hemoglobin Leukocytes Erythrocytes Hematocrit Retikolosit Calculate Type Leukocytes Basophils Eosinophils Neutrophils Trunk Neutrophils Segment Lymphocytes Monocytes Platelets MCV MCH MCHC Bleeding Period (IVY) Freezing period (LeeWhite) Period protombin / INR Protombin period (PT) PT Patients PT Control Results 30 – 04 – 2014 Unit Normal Value H 20 L 7,3 5,8 L 3,38 L 24 13 mm/ja m g/dL 10^3μL 10^6μL % Permil 0 – 10 13,0 – 16,0 5,0 – 10,0 4,50 – 5,50 40 – 48 5 – 15 H2 H 13 L1 L 47 27 H 10 213 L 70 L 21,6 L 30,8 3 11 – 12 H 14,3 12,8 1,2 % % % % % % 10^3μL fL pg g/dL Menit Menit 0–1 1–3 2–6 50 – 70 20 – 40 2–8 150 – 450 81 – 92 27,0 – 32,0 32,0 – 37,0 1–6 10 – 16 11,0 – 14,2 Detik Detik 1114 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. INR Examination Complete Peripheral Blood Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Hemoglobin Leukocytes Erythrocytes Hematocrit Retikolosit Calculate Type Leukocytes Basophils Eosinophils Neutrophils Trunk Neutrophils Segment Lymphocytes Monocytes Platelets MCV MCH MCHC Examination Complete Peripheral Blood Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Hemoglobin Leukocytes Erythrocytes Hematocrit Retikolosit Calculate Type Leukocytes Basophils Eosinophils Neutrophils Trunk Neutrophils Segment Results 01 – 05 – 2014 Unit Normal Value H 43 L 7,3 8,1 L 3,52 L 25 12 mm/ja m g/dL 10^3μL 10^6μL % Permil 0 – 10 13,0 – 16,0 5,0 – 10,0 4,50 – 5,50 40 – 48 5 – 15 H2 H 15 L0 L 49 24 H 10 210 L 70 L 21,3 L 30,4 % % % % % % 10^3μL fL pg g/dL 0–1 1–3 2–6 50 – 70 20 – 40 2–8 150 – 450 81 – 92 27,0 – 32,0 32,0 – 37,0 Results 02 – 05 – 2014 Unit Normal Value H 23 L 9,6 8,1 L 4,17 L 30 L7 mm/ja m g/dL 10^3μL 10^6μL % Permil 0 – 10 13,0 – 16,0 5,0 – 10,0 4,50 – 5,50 40 – 48 5 – 15 1 H 12 L0 65 L 14 8 237 % % % % % % 0–1 1–3 2–6 50 – 70 20 – 40 2–8 150 – 450 1115 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Lymphocytes Monocytes Platelets MCV MCH MCHC Examination Complete urinalysis Density Color Clarity Leukocyte esterase Nitrite Blood pH Proteins Glucose Bilirubin Urobilinogen Ketones Sediment Leukocytes Erythrocytes Epithelial Cylinder Bacteria L 72 L 23 32,1 10^3μL fL pg g/dL 81 – 92 27,0 – 32,0 32,0 – 37,0 Results 01 – 05 – 2014 Unit Normal Value L 1,010 Yellow Clear Negatif Negatif Negatif 7,0 Negatif Negatif Negatif 0,2 Negatif g/mL 1,015 – 1,025 Yellow Clear Negatif Negatif Negatif 4,8 – 7,4 Negatif Negatif Negatif < 0,2 Negatif 1 0 0 0 H 2362 /LPB /LPB /LPB /LPK /LPB 0–2 0–3 0–1 0–1 <5 Table 2. Examination of blood pressure Date 30 april 2014 01 may 2014 02 may 2014 03 may 2014 Blood Pressure Systole and Diastole S D S D S D S D at 04.00 130 80 130 80 153 80 at 12.00 130 80 176 93 140 90 at 20.00 130 70 150 100 120 58 140 90 1116 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. S D S D S D S D S D 04 may 2014 05 may 2014 06 may 2014 07 may 2014 08 may 2014 140 80 120 90 140 90 110 80 110 80 140 80 160 110 120 80 110 70 110 80 150 80 160 90 120 80 110 70 100 80 Table 3. Laboratory of Chemical clinic Examination Sodium, Potassium Sodium (Na) blood Potassium (K) blood Calcium (Ca) Examination Sodium, Potassium Sodium (Na) blood Potassium (K) blood Results 02 – 05 – 2014 Unit Normal Value 142 4,1 mEq/L mEq/L 135 – 147 3,5 – 10,3 8,4 mg/dl 0,8 – 10,3 Results 03 – 05 – 2014 Unit Normal Value 142 3,8 mEq/L mEq/L 135 – 147 3,5 – 10,3 8,4 mg/dl 0,8 – 10,3 Calcium (Ca) Table 4. Profile Dispensing Name of Medication Ceftriaxone 1 gram Torasic 30 mg Vomizole 2 x 1 flc Date 30/4 - 1/5 - 2/5 2x1 3/5 2x1 4/5 2x1 5/5 2x1 6/5 2x1 7/5 8/5 2x1 2x1 - - 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 - - 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 1117 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. Kalnex 500 mg - - 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 Vit. K 2 x 1 amp - - 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 Cernevit 1 x 1 amp Urecolin 2 x 1 tab Angioten 25 mg - - 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 - - - 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 - - - 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 Folic iberet 3 x 1 tab Infusion tutofusin Infusion asering - - - 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 - - 2 btl 2 btl 2 btl 2 btl 2 btl 2x 1 1x 1 2x 1 1x 1 3x 1 2 btl - - 1 btl 1 btl 1 btl 1 btl 1btl 1 btl 1btl 1x1 2x1 1x1 3x1 2 btl CLINICAL EVALUATION Drug Related Problem 1 Ketorolac is NSAIDs which can reduce pain5. The use of ketorolac when administered concomitantly with losartan then ketorolac which is NSAIDs can reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins may affect fluid hemostatic and can reduce the antihypertensive effect3,6. Pharmacist Intervention: When ketorolac is still used in conjunction with losartan, better the dose of losartan should be increased to optimize treatment. Drug Related Problem 2 Vitamin K is used for deficiency of vitamin K5. The use of vitamin K when administered concurrently with ketorolac will cause bleeding and reduced anticoagulants effect3,6. Pharmacist Intervention: The use of vitamin K with ketorolac should be given a distance of administration approximately 2 hours. CONCLUSION After the assessment of the patient's treatment, it can be concluded that the use of ketorolac when administered concomitantly with losartan Ketorolac is NSAIDs which can reduce pain. The use of ketorolac when administered concomitantly with losartan then ketorolac which is NSAIDs can reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins may affect fluid 1118 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. hemostatic and can reduce the antihypertensive effect. So the dose of losartan should be increased. The use of vitamin K when administered concurrently with ketorolac will cause bleeding and reduced anticoagulants effects. So should be given a distance of administration approximately 2 hours. REFERENCES 1. Arief M.I. dkk. 2007. “Deteksi sel transisional karsinoma buli-buli dengan tes NMP-22 dan sitologi urine”. JURI. 2. Basuki B Purnomo. 2000. “Dasar-dasar Urology”, Ed I. penerbit CV Sagung Seto. Jakarta. 3. Baxter, K. 2008. “Stockley’s Drug Interaction”. Eight Edition. Pharmaceutical Press, London and Chicago. 4. Charles D.Hepler and Richard Segal. 2003. “Preventing Medication Errors and Inproving Drug Therapy Outcomes”. CRC Press LLC.Boca Raton. Florida. 5. Depkes RI. 2008. “Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia”. Dirjen Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan. Jakarta. 6. Medscape 2014. “Drugs Interaction Checker”.WebMLLC. Rheuters Helth Informaton. 7. Sjamsuhidayat R dan Jong WD. 1997. ”Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah” . Ed 4.Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. 8. Tanagho EA dan McAnnch JW.1995. “Smith's General Urologi”. Ed 14. Appleton Lange Medical Publication. 9. Wein AJ. 1998. “Urology 3” vol Ed 7.: W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia. 10. Wiley, Blackwell. 2009. “Nursing Dianoses Definition and Classification 2009-2011”. United States of America: Mosby Elsevier. 1119 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED AND TREATMENT FOR CERVICAL CANCER IN INTERNAL MEDICINE WARD IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Hendra Rahman1, Diana Laila Ramatilla2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lectuter Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA ’45 Jakarta) 2 Email : Hendrarahman.sfarm@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is a cancer that attacks the cervix (mouth of the womb). Cervical cancer begins in the lining of the cervix. The occurrence of cancer is very slow. First, some normal cells turn into precancerous cells, then transformed into cancer cells. This change is called dysplasia and usually detected with a pap smear test 3.6. Pain is a sensory and emotional experience unpleasant result of actual tissue damage or potensia5. Patients Mrs.MM 39 years old, hospitalized PGI Cikini on June 23th 2014, was diagnosed of cervical cancer. During hospitalized, she has received Vitamin K injection, Kalnex injection (tranexamic acid), Alverin Citrate 30 mg and Klordiazepoksida HCl 5 mg, Ketorolac. Based on the results of clinical secretariat at the ward of K in PGI Cikini hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) is improper drug selection, Improper use of drugs, Ketorolac is not used in accordance with the existing pain in patients. Keywords: Cervical Cancer, Pain and RS PGI Cikini INTRODUCTION The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb). This is sometimes called the uterine cervix. Body (the top) of the uterus, is where a fetus grows. The cervix connects the body of the uterus to the vagina (birth canal). Part of the cervix closest to the body of the uterus is called the endocervix. Following section to the vagina is exocervix (or ectocervix). Majority of cervical cancers start in the transformation zone. Cervical cancer (also known as cervical cancer) begins in the cells lining the cervix 7.3. Cervical cancer at an early stage does not show typical symptoms, even without symptoms. In later stages, the symptoms of 1120 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. cervical cancer include: bleeding post coitus, abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding after menopause, and abnormal discharge (yellowish, odorless and mixed blood) 3. Two main types of cells lining the cervix are squamous and glandular cells. Most cervical cancers start in the cells. These cells do not suddenly turn into cancer, and there are some processes in its path. Normal cells in the cervix gradually changes from pre-cancer to cancer. Doctors use several terms to describe the pre-cancerous changes, including cervical intraepithelial neoplastic (CIN), squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL), and dysplasia 6. CASE PRESENTATION Patients Mrs. MM, aged 39 years old came to PGI Cikini Hospital on June 23, 2014. Patient felt pain in the right side of the waist. From the results of the diagnosis of cervical cancer patients experience. Patients are people with cancer of the cervix and had a hysterectomy, 1 year SMRs (prior to hospital admission) the patient was said to have spread to the bladder occurred approximately 2 months SMRs patient began to feel pain in the right hip, Patient radiation recommended in RSCM and now waiting for the schedule . Patients taking anti-pain medication SMRs ± 1 day, the patient felt a severe pain in the back right waist, nausea, vomiting, post-micturition bladder is mounted hose from the kidney to the bladder. EVALUATION CLINIC The use of vitamin K for the treatment and prevention of bleeding1. Kalnex ampoule (tranexamic acid) as cervical conization, hereditary angioneurotic edema, abnormal bleeding after surgery 1. Spasmium (Alverin Citrate 30 mg and Klordiazepoksida HCl 5 mg) for pain spasms / seizures severe short-term (<5 days) 1. 1. Ketorolac is used as the management of acute pain is ketoprofen used for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, and acute articular disorder, fibrosis, cervical spondylitis, low back pain, painful musculoskeletal conditions 3. 1121 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF USE Dosage and how to use the drug in patients is the first day of treatment was given vitamin K on the second day of vitamin K consumption in stop and continued on the third day to day with a dosage ten 3x1 ampoules, ampoules kalnex given one ampoule at The first day and stopped on the second day and continued on the third day to day with a dosage ten 3x1, spasmium in use on the sixth day with 1 tablet and on day seven to ten days at doses used 3x1 tablet, the first day of RL (Ringer lactate) given concurrently with ketorolac where RL given IV on day two RL and ketorolac use was discontinued and resumed on the third day to the fifth day, the sixth day and seventh RL replaced with INS (Sodium Chloride) and using ketorolac, on the eighth day until RL tenth day of re-use and ketorolac, the ninth and tenth days of treatment therapies are added to profenid supposs (ketoprofen) 1x1. CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS EXAMINATION NORMAL VALUE Hemoglobin 12-16 g / Dl Hematocrit 37-47% Erythrocytes 4.3-6 million / mL Leukocyte 4800-10800 / mL Platelets 150.000-400.000/μL FULL URINISASI dated 06.28.2014 Specific gravity 1015-1025 Color Yellow Clarity Clear Leukocyte esterase Negative Nitrite Negative Blood Negative pH 4.8 - 7.4 Proteins Negative Glucose Negative Bilirubin Negative Urobilinogen <0.2 Ketones Negative 23/6 9.7 28 20,700 592,000 1,010 Yellow Clear Negative Negative Negative 6.0 Negative Negative Negative <0.2 Negative 1122 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. From the above data it can be concluded that an increase in platelet levels are where normal values while the platelet 150.000-400.000/μL on clinical laboratory results showed 592,000 / ML. Supported by the value which the normal value 4800-10800 leukocytes / mL and the results of clinical laboratory 20,700 / uL and it can be concluded that the patient had cervical cancer. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM Improper drug selection is Keterolac use an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal heterocyclic acetic acid derivative that is used as an analgesic which is supposed to opiate analgesics has experienced pain scale (VAS) 9. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical secretariat at the ward of K in PGI Cikini hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) is improper drug selection, Improper use of drugs, Ketorolac is not used in accordance with the existing pain in patients. REFERENCES 1. POM RI, 2008. Indonesian National Drug Information, Jakarta 2. Canavan TP, NR Doshi. Cervical cancer. Am Fam Physician 2000; 61:1369 -76. 3. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A pathophysiologic Approach 7 th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 4. 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DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS (GEA) AND CORONARY ARTERY DESEASE (CAD) Herna Barung1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta) 2 Email: herna_barung@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT Definition of acute gastroenteritis are diarrhea initially is a sudden and rapid, within a few hours up to 7 and 14 days.3,8 First infection is a major cause of acute diarrhea, either by bacteria, parasites or viruses. Other causes of vaccines and drugs, enteral nutrition followed by prolonged fasting, chemotherapy, faecal impaction (overlow diarrhea).7 Coronary artery disease in the desease is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries burrows because the process of atherosclerosis.5 In atherosclerosis fatty occurs on the walls of the coronary arteries that have occurred since a young age to old age.4 Case presentation: The patient is a 61 year old woman hospitalized in internal medicine wards. Patients diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis (GEA) and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Preclinical evaluation: In this case study to consider the use of medications that can cause such bisoprolol interaction with aspirin and warfarin with aspirin. Keywords: Acute gastroenteritis and Coronary Artery Disease, PGI Cikini Hospital INTRODUCTION Definition of acute gastroenteritis are diarrhea initially is sudden and rapid, within a few hours up to 7 or 14 days.3,8 First infection is a major cause of acute diarrhea, either by bacteria, parasites or viruses. Other causes of vaccines and drugs, enteral nutrition followed by prolonged fasting, chemotherapy, faecal impaction (overlow diarrhea).3 Potential complications include diarrhea, cardiac dysrhythmia due to loss of fluid and electrolytes were significantly (especially the loss of potassium), of urine less than 30 ml / hour for 2-3 days in a row, muscle weakness and parastesia. Hypotension and anorexia and sleepy because blood potassium levels below 3.0 mEq / liter (SI: 3 mmol / L) should be 1124 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol5, issue3, Supplement I, 1020-1552. reported.3,8 . Decreased levels of potassium cause cardiac dysrhythmias (atrial and ventricular tachycardia, ventricular febrilasi and premature ventricular contractions) that can cause death. Definition Coronary artery disease is a disease in which the coronary artery narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries burrows because the process of atherosclerosis. In the process of atherosclerosis occurring fatty on the walls of the coronary arteries and coronary arteries that have occurred at a young age to old age. This process is generally normal in every person.4 CASE PRESENTATION Mrs. SH is 61 year old woman hospitalized in internal medicine wards. Patients diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis and coronary artery diseases entered Cikini hospital on 30 April 2014. Patient had nausea, vomiting, hot, watery bowel movements 20 times in 2 days before entering the hospital. The patient had a history of previous disease is CAD. Patient fever 1125