
Work Rate Calendar - Term 1 2016
It is important that all students follow the WRC in conjunction with Blackboard resources and other assigned materials.
All students should be attending scheduled lessons. Students who have been approved (by DP) with a lesson exemption must ensure that weekly
contact is maintained with each teacher through email, Blackboard, phone, return of work, blogs or wikis etc.
Variations and differentiated instruction: At certain times a teacher may access different resources/make minor amendments to topics or adjust
Return of Work depending on the ability and needs of the different students in the class. Announcements about any of these minor adjustments will be
in Blackboard.
Assessment: Please be aware that summative exams need to be supervised by your official exam
Class work send in
Summative Assessment
25 Jan
29 Jan
Work to be
Area of
Tuesday- Australia Day Public Holiday
Lesson 1: Skills for the course of study: spreadsheeting; thinking skills in
Lesson 2: Introduction to accounting
Lesson 3: Factors impacting on accounting
Lesson 4: The accounting equation
1 Feb
5 Feb
CS1 Task 1
Friday, 5 Feb
Snr Sec Orientation – 3rd February
8 Feb
12 Feb
15 Feb
19 Feb
Core Studies 1 (CS1)
Lesson 5: Skills for the course of study: spreadsheeting; thinking skills in
Lesson 6: Double entry accounting
Lesson 7: Double entry accounting: revenue and expenses
Lesson 8: Transaction analysis
CS1 Tasks 2 & 3
Friday, 12 Feb
BSDE Swimming Carnival (Friday 12 Feb)
Lesson 9: Skills for the course of study: spreadsheeting; thinking skills in
Lesson 10: Goods and services tax
Lesson 11: General journal
Lesson 12: T format ledger; ledger accounts; trial balance
CS1 Task 4
Friday, 19 Feb
P-12 Goal setting due
Lesson 13: Columnar ledger; limitations of trial balance
Lesson 14: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills in accounting
Lesson 15: Payments to accounts payable
Lesson 16: Purchase of assets; purchase of assets with part payment
CS1 Task 5
Lesson 17: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills in accounting
Lesson 18: Purchase of other goods, supplies and services (expenditure)
Lesson 19: General journal consolidation
Lesson 20: Sales and sales returns of inventories
CS1 Tasks 6 & 7
CS1 Task 8 & 9
22 Feb
26 Feb
29 Feb
4 Mar
7 Mar
11 Mar
Lesson 21: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills in accounting
Lesson 22: Sale of services; cash received from accounts receivable
Lesson 23: Cash received from other revenues; sale of assets
Lesson 24: General journal consolidation
14 Mar
18 Mar
Lesson 25: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills in accounting
Lesson 26: General journal: opening entry; drawings of cash and inventories
Lesson 27: General journal: correction of errors; payment of GST to ATO
CS1 Task 10
Lesson 28: Comprehensive exercise: the accounting process; general journal;
general ledger; trial balance
Lesson 29: Comprehensive exercise: the accounting process; general journal;
general ledger; trial balance
Lesson 30: Revision: the accounting process; general journal; general ledger;
trial balance
CS1 Task 11 & 12
21 Mar
24 Mar
Friday, 26 Feb
Friday, 4 Mar
Friday, 11 Mar
Contact your exam supervisor to schedule your exam now. Notify your BSDE teacher
immediately if you are unable to sit the exam on/by the due date.
Due: Friday, 18 Mar
Due: Friday, 24 Mar
FRIDAY- Good Friday Public Holiday
Public Holidays: Australia Day (TUESDAY 26th January); Good Friday (25th March)
School Holidays: Friday 25th March – Sunday 10th April
March 25th Good Friday
Work Rate Calendar - Term 2 2016
It is important that all students follow the WRC in conjunction with Blackboard resources and other assigned materials.
All students should be attending scheduled lessons. Students who have been approved (by DP) with a lesson exemption must ensure that weekly
contact is maintained with each teacher through email, Blackboard, phone, return of work, blogs or wikis etc.
Variations and differentiated instruction: At certain times a teacher may access different resources/make minor amendments to topics or adjust
Return of Work depending on the ability and needs of the different students in the class. Announcements about any of these minor adjustments will be
in Blackboard.
Assessment: Please be aware that summative exams need to be supervised by your official exam
Class work send in
Summative Assessment
18 Apr
22 Apr
25 Apr
29 Apr
2 May
6 May
9 May
13 May
16 May
20 May
23 May
27 May
30 May
3 Jun
6 Jun
10 Jun
Core Studies 1
Accounting for Cash (ES2)
11 Apr
15 Apr
Controls (ES6)
ES 2 &
ES 6
Work to be
Area of
Area of study assessed: Core Studies 1 (CS1)
Dimension assessed: Knowledge and Procedural Practices
Exam: Practical assessment; Supervised written (short response); 90 mins
+ 10 mins perusal
Instrument #1
– Exam
Testing days:
Thursday, 14 or
Friday,15 Apr
Submissions due no
later than 5:00pm
Friday, 15 Apr
Area of Study – Accounting for Cash (ES2)
ES2 Tasks 1 & 2
Lesson 1: Skills for the course of study: spreadsheeting; thinking skills
Lesson 2: Accounting for cash: cash receipts journal
Lesson 3: Cash receipts journal posted to general ledger
Lesson 4: Revising the cash receipts journal and posting to the general ledger
Lesson 5: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Due: Friday, 22 Apr
Parent Teacher Interviews.
Lesson 6: Accounting for cash: cash payments journal
Lesson 7: Cash payments journal posted to general ledger
Lesson 8: Specialised cash journals posted to general ledger
ES2 Task 3
Due: Friday, 29 Apr
MONDAY- ANZAC DAY Public Holiday
P-12 Goal setting review
Lesson 9: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 10: Accounting for cash: bank reconciliation
Lesson 11: Bank reconciliation process: business bank account in overdraft
Lesson 12: Bank reconciliation process: previous bank reconciliation statement
ES2 Tasks 4
Due: Friday, 6 May
MONDAY- Public Holiday
BSDE Cross Country (either week 3 or 4)
Senior Camp (Mon- Friday)
Lesson 13: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 14: Bank reconciliation process: dishonoured and returned cheques
Lesson 15: Bank reconciliation process: business errors and bank errors
Lesson 16: Bank reconciliation process: consolidation exercises
Lesson 17: Bank reconciliation process: practice
ES2 Task 5 & 6
Area of Study – Internal controls: Cash and Non-current
assets (ES6)
ES6 Task 1
Due: Friday, 20 May
Due: Friday, 22 May
Lesson 1: Internal accounting controls and internal administrative controls
Lesson 2: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 3: Internal administrative controls continued: effectiveness
Lesson 4: Internal control of cash
Contact your exam supervisor to schedule your exam now. Notify your BSDE teacher
immediately if you are unable to sit the exam on/by the due date.
Lesson 5: Skills for the course of study: communication/ language skills
Lesson 6: Internal control of cash: bank reconciliation; cash budgets; petty cash
Lesson 7: Control over non-current assets
Lesson 8: Skills for the course of study: communication/ language skills
ES6 Tasks 2 & 3
Revision exercise/s
Bank reconciliation;
11/12 Exam Block
Due: Friday, 29 May
Area of study assessed: Accounting for Cash (ES2) and Internal
Controls (Cash and Non-current assets) (ES6)
Dimension assessed: Interpretation & Evaluation and Applied Practical
13 Jun
17 Jun
20 Jun
24 Jun
ES 2
Exam: Practical assessment; Supervised written (short & extended response); 120
mins + 10 mins perusal
Area of Study – Accounting for Cash: Simple Cash Flow
Statement (ES2)
Lesson 1: Cash flow statements
Lesson 2: Preparation of cash flow statement
Lesson 3: Preparation of cash flow statement continued
Lesson 4: Cash flow statements
Lesson 5: Preparation of cash flow statement
School Holidays: 25th June- 10th July
Instrument #2
– Exam
Testing days: Monday
13 or Tuesday, 14 Jun
Submissions due no
later than 5:00pm
Tuesday, 14 Jun
ES2 Task 1
Friday, 24 Jun
Work Rate Calendar - Term 3 2016
It is important that all students follow the WRC in conjunction with Blackboard resources and other assigned materials.
All students should be attending scheduled lessons. Students who have been approved (by DP) with a lesson exemption must ensure that weekly
contact is maintained with each teacher through email, Blackboard, phone, return of work, blogs or wikis etc.
Variations and differentiated instruction: At certain times a teacher may access different resources/make minor amendments to topics or adjust
Return of Work depending on the ability and needs of the different students in the class. Announcements about any of these minor adjustments will be
in Blackboard.
Assessment: Please be aware that summative exams need to be supervised by your official exam
Class work send in
Summative Assessment
11 Jul
15 Jul
Work to be
Area of
Area of Study – Core Studies 2 (CS2)
Lesson 1: Profit determination
Lesson 2: Cash vs accrual accounting; balance-day adjustment entries
Lesson 3: Balance-day adjustment entries
Lesson 4: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 5: Balance-day adjustment entries; general ledger accounts
Lesson 6: Closing entries; profit determining accounts
Lesson 7: Procedures for owner’s equity, account and liability accounts
Lesson 8: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
18 Jul
22 Jul
CS2 Task 1
Due: Friday, 15 Jul
CS2 Task 2
Due: Friday, 22 Jul
Parent Teacher Interviews
1 Aug
5 Aug
8 Aug
12 Aug
15 Aug
19 Aug
Lesson 9: Income statement
Lesson 10: Balance sheet
Lesson 11: Income statement and balance sheet
Lesson 12: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Core Studies 2 (CS 2)
25 Jul
29 Jul
CS2 Task 3
Due: Friday, 29 Jul
BSDE Athletics Carnival (Weeks 3 or 4)
Lesson 13: Income statement and balance sheet
Lesson 14: Income statement and balance sheet including balance-day adjustments
Lesson 15: Income statement and balance sheet including balance-day adjustments
Lesson 16: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
CS2 Task 4
Due: Friday, 5 Aug
P-12 Goal setting due
Lesson 17: Financial reports including balance-day adjustments from a list
Lesson 18: Financial reports including balance-day adjustments from a list
Lesson 19: Reversing entries: the final stage of the accounting process
Lesson 20: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills in accounting
CS2 Task 5
Due: Friday, 12 Aug
Show Holiday 10th August
Lesson 21: The accounting process
Lesson 22: The accounting process continued
Lesson 23: Analysis and interpretation of reports
Lesson 24: Earning capacity ratios
CS2 Task 6
Due: Friday, 19 Aug
Notify your BSDE teacher immediately if you are unable to submit the assignment by the due date.
Lesson 25: Interpretation of ratio results
Lesson 26: Analysis and interpretation of financial reports
Lesson 27: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 28: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
22 Aug
26 Aug
CS2 Task 7
Due: Friday, 26 Aug
Instrument #3
– Assignment
Distributed 3.00pm
Friday, 26 Aug
Area of study assessed: Core Studies 2 (CS2)
Dimension assessed: Interpretation & Evaluation and Applied Practical
29 Aug
2 Sep
Assignment: Practical assessment; Unsupervised written (extended response);
independent work; 1.5 weeks
Year 11 Exam Block
12 Sep
16 Sep
Area of Study – Accounts Receivable (ES3)
5 Sep
9 Sep
Lesson 1: Accounts receivable: offering credit to customers
Lesson 2: Writing off bad debts: recovery of bad debts
Lesson 3: Doubtful debts
Lesson 4: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 5: Provision for doubtful debts
Lesson 6: Adjusting for an under provision for doubtful debts
Lesson 7: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
School Holidays: Saturday 17th September- Monday 3rd October
Instrument #3
– Assignment
Submissions due
no later than:DRAFT: 5:00pm
Wednesday, 31
FINAL: 5:00pm
Monday, 5 Sep
ES3 Tasks 1 & 2
Friday, 16 Sep
Work Rate Calendar - Term 4 2016
It is important that all students follow the WRC in conjunction with Blackboard resources and other assigned materials.
All students should be attending scheduled lessons. Students who have been approved (by DP) with a lesson exemption must ensure that weekly
contact is maintained with each teacher through email, Blackboard, phone, return of work, blogs or wikis etc.
Variations and differentiated instruction: At certain times a teacher may access different resources/make minor amendments to topics or adjust
Return of Work depending on the ability and needs of the different students in the class. Announcements about any of these minor adjustments will be
in Blackboard.
Assessment: Please be aware that summative exams need to be supervised by your official exam
Class work send in
Summative Assessment
Work to be
Area of
17 Oct
21- Oct
24 Oct
28- Oct
31 Oct
4- Nov
7 Nov
11 Nov
14 Nov
18 Nov
Internal controls (ES 6)
10 Oct
14- Oct
Area of Study – Accounting for Inventories (ES4)
Lesson 1: Accounting for inventories
Lesson 2: Weighted average stock card
Lesson 3: FIFO stock card
Lesson 5: Weighted average and FIFO stock cards
Lesson 4: Skills for the course of study: spreadsheeting and thinking skills
Lesson 6: Lower of (historical) cost or net realisable value
Lesson 7: Inventory accounting methods
Lesson 8: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
MONDAY- Student Free Day
Area of Study – Internal controls: Accounts receivable,
Accounts payable and Inventories (ES6)
Lesson 1: Internal controls: accounts receivable and accounts payable
Lesson 2: Internal controls: controls over accounts receivable
Lesson 3: Internal controls: controls over accounts payable
Lesson 4: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Lesson 5: Internal controls: inventories
Lesson 6: Internal controls: inventories continued
Lesson 7: Skills for the course of study: thinking skills
Area of Study – Accounts Receivable (ES3)
ES 3, ES 4 & ES 6
3 Oct
7 Oct
Accounting for
Inventories (ES 4)
MONDAY- Public Holiday
21 Nov
25 Nov
28 Nov
2 Dec
5 Dec
9 Dec
ES4 Task 1
Due: Friday, 14 Oct
ES4 Task 2
Due: Friday, 21 Oct
ES6 Task 1
Due: Friday, 28 Oct
ES6 Task 2
Due: Friday, 4 Nov
Contact your exam supervisor to schedule your exam now. Notify your BSDE teacher
immediately if you are unable to sit the exam on/by the due date.
Year 11 Exam Block
Area of study assessed: Accounts Receivable (ES3), Accounting for
Inventories (ES4) and Internal Controls (Inventories, Accounts
receivable and Accounts payable) (ES6)
Dimension assessed: Knowledge & Procedural Practices and
Interpretation & Evaluation
Exam: Practical assessment; Supervised written (short & extended response); 120
mins + 10 mins perusal
Revision exercise/s
Accounts receivable
Year 11 QCS Practice
Friday 25th November – Year 10/11 finish
School Holidays: Saturday 10th Dec - 23rd January 2017
Revision exercise/s
Controls; Inventories;
Accounts receivable
Instrument #4
– Exam
Testing days:
Thursday, 17 or
Friday, 18 Nov
Submissions due no
later than 5:00pm
Friday, 18 Nov