Industry Resources - Sports Business

Professional Associations and Sites for Industry Information
North American Society for Sports Management (NASSM) – NASSM is actively
involved in supporting and assisting professionals working in the fields of sport, leisure and recreation. The purpose of
NASSM is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study, research, scholarly writing, and professional development in the
area of sport management - both theoretical and applied aspects. Membership includes discount to the annual NASSM
conference which offers professional development and networking opportunities, as well as the bi-monthly journal and
access to member services including job listings. Student membership is $65 per year or $55 without the Sports
Management Education Journal, and Professional Membership is $125 per year.
Sport Marketing Association – - The Sport Marketing
Association (SMA) endeavors to develop beneficial relationships between sport marketing professionals and
academicians through expansion of the field's body of knowledge and multiple forums for professional interaction.
Membership costs $100 a year for professionals and $50 for students.
National Sports Marketing Network – This is an industry
trade organization for sports business professionals, with several state chapters including New York. In order to become
a member you must have sports business work experience. This association offers members networking opportunities,
educational programs and access to job postings. There are two membership levels, Individual Membership: $100 per year
and Individual plus Membership: $150.
Women in Sports and Events (WISE) – WISE is the
leading voice and resource for professional women in the business of sports and events. Its unique vision empowers WISE
to celebrate and connect emerging and established women leaders, to promote one another in career growth and continue
to change the face of our industry. The mission of this association is to inspire and provide resources for females aspiring
to success in the sports and events industry. Membership benefits include networking opportunities, panel discussions and
events focused on relevant industry topics, job bank access and exposure to leaders in the sports and events industry.
Membership rates are as follows: one year student membership-$50, one year regular membership-$100, two year regular
membership-$175, three year regular membership-$225
Sports Link Central -
This website provides links to a variety of sports industry websites
Job/Internship Resources
Online Sports Career Center –
Teamwork On Line -
Jobs In Sports –
Work In Sports -