1. Name of Staff: AHMAD SUBAGYO
2. Date of Birth: 12 February 1972
Nationality: Indonesian
3. Education:
 Doctor in Islamic Economic Program in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, since 2011
 Master of Management Graduated of Post Graduate UNSOED Purwokerto in 1998
 Degree in Economic Management, Jenderal Soedirman University, UNSOED Purwokerto in 1996
4. Membership in Professional Associations:
 Indonesian Economic Graduates Association (ISEI)
 The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economics (IAEI)
5. Other Trainings:
 Training on Syariah Banking, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Jakarta, 1997
 Training on Syariah Banking Products, Tazkia, Jakarta, 1999
 Certified Rural Bank Director (CRBD)
 Micro Insurance and Social Protection Training, Rimansi-Manila, 2011
 International Conference of Scoring Model Credit Consumer, Bangkok-Thailand, 2015
6. Writer of Micro Enterprises and finance’s Books:
 Feasiblity Studi, PT. Elexmedia Computindo Jakarta, 2007
 Guidance Book for Account Officer Microfinance, PT. Graha Ilmu Yogyakarta, 2008
 Commercial and Grassroot Microfinance, PT. Bank Aceh, 2009
 Kamus Istilah Ekonomi Islam, PT. Elexmedia Komputindo Jakarta, 2010
 Marketing In Business (Kasus UKM dan LKM), PT. Mitra Wacana Media, Jakarta, 2011
 Data Analisis Keuangan dan Ekonomi, Edu Cipta, Jakarta, 2014
 Manajemen Koperasi Simpan Pinjam, PT. Mitra Wacana Media, Jakarta, 2014
 Keuangan Mikro Syariah: Sebuah Pengantar, PT. Mitra Wacana Media, Jakarta, 2015
 Manajemen Operasi LKMS, PT. Mitra Wacana Media, Jakarta, 2015
7. Countries of Work Experience: Indonesia
8. Languages: English: Reading - Excellent; Speaking - Excellent; Writing - Excellent
Indonesia: Mother Tongue
10. Employement Record
- STIE GICI Depok : Lecturer from 2006 – present
- Committe Board member of Risk Management and GCG in PT. Pupuk Kujang Cikampek
- NGO PUPUK (Perkumpulan Untuk Peningkatan Usaha Kecil/ The Association for Advancement of
Small Business: Senior Expert on Financial Access and Micro Finance from 2010 - present
11. Project Record:
From April 2013
Position Held
: to present
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Consultant of SMIDEP (Small Medium Enterprises Development)
From April 2012
Position Held
: to present
The World Bank
Research Analyst for Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia
Ahmad Subagyo-
From Sept 2012
Position Held
: to December 2012
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Research Analyst
“Pemetaan dan Kajian Situasi Terkini tentang Akses Keuangan dan Pengembangan
Kewirausahaan di Provinsi Papua” Institutionalizing Sustainable Livelihood Development
(PCDP Phase 2) Project
Form Juni 2010
Position Held
: to Dec 2011
e-Gen Consultant
Islamic Finance Specialist
The expanding access to Islamic Finance in Indonesia
From February 2010
Position Held
From May 2010
Position Held
From Jan 2008
Position Held
From 2005
Position Held
From Jan 2004
Position Held
From 2001
Position Held
From 1996
Position Held
: To present
Trainer/ consultant for Microfinance Institution in West Jawa
PUPUK Bandung
Health analysis to syariah saving and loan cooperation (BMT)
: to Dec 2010
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Republic Indonesia
Assessor of Certification Cooperative Manager
: To Nov 2009
Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Syariah Banda Aceh
Individual Consultant
: To 2007
BPR Tritama Tangerang
: To Dec 2004
PT. Bangun Pusaka, Jakarta
Partnership Manager
: To 2003
Al Usmani Syariah Cooperation
General Manager
: To 2000
KOSPIN JASA Pekalongan
Account Officer
12. Detailed
a. Assist the
International Islamic
banking expert in
reviewing the
proposal and
plans of the syariah
finance pilot
projects, paying
careful attention to
both the market
feasibility of the
proposal/plans and
their adherence to
both syariah
principles and
relevant laws and
regulations, if any;
b. Work, under the
immediate direction
13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks
Innovation in Sustainable Microfinance for Agriculture (ISMA)
Year : 7 January - 15 March 2008 (2 Months)
Location: Banda Aceh, NAD
Client: Bank BPD Aceh Unit Usaha Syariah
Main project features: Conducted mentoring of Innovation in Sustainable Microfinance
for Agriculture (ISMA)
Positions held: Mentor
Activities: Prepared, organized, and implemented the Innovation in Sustainable
Microfinance for Agriculture (ISMA); arranged the implementation report of technical
assistance and recommendations for next steps; prepared, organize, and implement
mentoring in the field for 2 month.
Pilot Project Implementation of Tijaroh Agribusiness Finance (PTA)
Year: 14 December 2008 - 15 February 2009 (2 Months)
Location: Banda Aceh, NAD
Client: Bank BPD Aceh Unit Usaha Syariah
Main project features: Conducted training and mentoring of Pilot Project
Implementation of Tijaroh Agribusiness Finance (PTA)
Positions held: Trainer & Mentor
Activities performed: Prepared, organized, and implemented the formal training
Ahmad Subagyo-
of the international
Islamic banking
expert and overall
supervision of the
specialist to develop
the products,
delivery systems,
ort processes
required in the
syariah microfinance
pilot projects
c. Assist in the
provision or
arrangement of
training services for
microfinance pilot
d. Assist the
International Islamic
banking expert in
making local
contacts, and
e. Accompany the
International Islamic
banking expert as
translating and/or
recording meeting
notes as needed
f. Assist the
International Islamic
banking expert in
preparing reports,
papers, and
g. Provide input, under
the direction of the
International Islamic
banking expert and
overall supervision
of the Grant
specialist, for
quarterly and/or
other reports of
Project activity.
(classical) for 4 persons (AO), 2 supervisors of branch offices, 2 project team staffs
(head office) for 5 days; Prepared, organize, and implement the pre-pilot implementing
activity to all member of project team and related party in implementing the pilot
project focusing on final preparation and marketing strategy; arranged the
implementation report of technical assistance and recommendations for next steps;
Prepared, organize, and implement mentoring in the field for 2 months.
Pilot Project of Grassroots and Commercial Microfinance
Year: January - November 2008 (6 Months)
Location:Banda Aceh, NAD
Client: Micra
Main project features: Mentoring and supervision training of Pilot Project of
Grassroots and Commercial Microfinance
Positions held: Microfinance Specialist
Activities performed: Prepared, organized, and implemented the pre-pilot
implementing activity to all member of project team and related party in implementing
the pilot project focusing on final preparation and marketing strategy; arranged the
implementation report of technical assistance and recommendations for next steps;
organized, and implemented mentoring in the field.
Year: July 2008 (1 month)
Location: Meulaboh, NAD
Client: BPRS and Baitul Qiradh
Main project features: Designed and supervision of the implementation of ISLAMIC
Positions held: Trainer
Activities performed: Prepared training design; identified training need assessment;
Made curriculum and conducted module development; Conducted and managed
training on The precise and proper way to tracking the transaction (out-in flow) base on
historically, The accounting system of MFI includes all information to use for
generating the information that guides management in its decisions and actions,
Monitor the operations of Islamic MFI that the management considers the most
significant to track, Good information is essential for MFI to perform in an efficient
and effective manner; evaluated training implementation and benefit.
Year: October 2007 (1 month)
Location : Meulaboh, NAD
Client: BPRS and BQ
Main project features: Designed and supervision study of the syariah financial of
Accounting and conducted training for study result.
Positions held: Trainer and Consultant
Activities performed: collected data on syariah financial , member participatory;
prepared research design; conducted research to identify the problem and constraint;
identified the existing competency standard; arranged questionnaire; prepared strategy
and program to develop competency standard for syariah financial, Prepared training
design; identified training need assessment; Made curriculum and conducted module
development; Conducted and managed training.
Year: August 2007 (1 month)
Location: Meulaboh, NAD
Client : BPRS and Baitul Qiradh
Main project features: Designed and supervision of the study of Accounting for Islamic
Microfinance (MFI)
Positions held: Researcher
Activities performed: collected data on Islamic Microfinance (MFI) , member
Ahmad Subagyo-
participatory; prepared research design; conducted research to identify the problem and
constraint on MFI development; identified the existing competency standard for
Islamic Microfinance (MFI); arranged questionnaire; prepared strategy and program to
develop competency standard for Islamic Microfinance (MFI).
Human Development Project of PERBARINDO
Year: March 2007 - February 2009 (24 Months)
Location: Jabodetabek, (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok dan Bekasi)
Client: Member of (PERBARINDO) Perhimpunan BPR seluruh Indonesia
Main project features: Designed and supervision of the implementation of Banking
Positions held: Team Leader
Activities performed: Coordinated and managed team; collected data on Banking,
member participatory; prepared research design; conducted research to identify the
problem and constraint on Banking development; identified the existing competency
standard for Banking sector; arranged questionnaire; prepared strategy and program to
develop competency standard for Banker and officer.
Pilot Project of Agropolitan Hybrid
Year: March 2004 - February 2005 (12 Months)
Location: Bekasi & Karawang, West Java
Client: PT. Bangun Pusaka Jakarta
Main project features: The project aim was to design and supervise of the
implementation of community participatory process activities in project of Hybrid Rice
identify and initiating required public to be company partner in developing and
implementing the pilot project of Hybrid Rice. The company worked together with
supplier production such as fertilizerstractor equipment, diesel and so forth.
Positions held: Partnership Manager.
Activities performed: Conducted permission to stakeholder of agriculture department
and local government. Met with the farmer public in period of time to inform and
mentoring and coordinating in the fields. Made weekly and monthly reports to Chief of
Project. Solved the problems risked in the working process and found out the solutions.
Identified and accessed common issues and technical problems affecting the
preparation of scheme proposals, provided recommendations to the regions for
addressing these issues and problems; Identified specific requirements for the provision
of technical specialist to assist in the preparation and review of scheme proposal.
13. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Date: February 27th, 2015
(Signature of staff member)(Day/Month/Year)
Ahmad Subagyo-