These education kits are designed and developed by NANObiz®, a METU Technopolis company, aiming “We are introducing our kids with technologies of future.” ® ® Science Education Kits CANCER GENE DETECTION WITH DNA CHIP-2 PERSON TIME AGE 1 45' 8+ exper iment pract ice In this experiment practice, you will learn how to detect the genes leading cancer by using DNA chip technique. - ® Science Education Kits ® CANCER GENE DETECTION WITH DNA CHIP-2 EDUCATION KIT DNA chip technology is one of the newest technologies used in molecular biology laboratories. By this scientific education kit, children will learn the effect of genes on diseases like cancer and find the genes responsible for cancer by examining the color changes on the chip during the experiment application with the guidance and company of the instructors. They will enter the magical world of genetic engineering with this kit. During the experiment Children will learn teoretical and practical information about; Genes and cancer cDNA (clone DNA) Following an experimental procedure... Kit content All materials are designated appropriately for children's usage. Also there are laboratory gloves in each experiment practice kit. If more carefully used materials are necessary, Material Safety Data Sheets for that materials are located in the kit's manual. Kit manual Kit manuals are aimed to give theoretical information about the experiment and the process step by step with pictures and graphics. Thus, this kit can be practiced at home with an elder as well as at school under the supervision of teachers. This manual is prepared by NANObiz's specialized personnel. Kit language In order to make children understand the topic, two smart cartoon characters are designed. All explanations are done through the ask-answer conversations of these characters named NanoCan and Professor. All the scientific terms are explained with simple concepts by speech, appropriate for children. For further information: asking, NanoCan is g. is answerin Professor m They perfor ments the experi . er th ge to nano can 6266 444 NANO Manufacturer: NANObiz Nano-Bio Technological Systems Education-IT-Consultancy R&D Limited Address: ODTÜ Teknokent Galyum Blok Kat:2 No:18 06800 ANKARA TURKEY Phone: 444 NANO (6266) Fax: +90 (312) 210 1872 Web: E-mail: