OF Revision - Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

Development of the Self-­‐Directed Search Occupa6ons Finder, Revised Edi6on Melissa A. Messer, MHS Heather Ureksoy, PhD Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. OVERVIEW OF THE SDS AND HOLLAND’S RIASEC TYPOLOGY Overview of the SDS •  The SDS was developed to: –  MulCply the number of people a counselor can serve –  Provide a career counseling experience for people who do not have, or who do not wish to have access to a vocaConal counselor. Why did you develop the SDS? “I wanted to see if I could create an inventory that would be self-­‐scored and would avoid the problems involved in separate answer sheets, mailing, scoring, and so on.”……..Holland, 1994 Overview of the SDS •  Self-­‐administered, self-­‐scored, and self-­‐
interpreted career counseling tool •  Based on Holland’s RIASEC person-­‐
environment typology: Typology Assump6ons •  Most people can be categorized as one of 6 personality types •  There are 6 types of environments. •  People search for environments that will let them exercise their skills and abiliCes, express their aTtudes and values, and take on agreeable problems and roles. •  A person’s behavior is determined by an interacCon between his or her personality and the characterisCcs of the environment. Typology Assump6ons •  The degree of congruence between a person and an occupaCon (environment) can be esCmated by a hexagonal model. •  The degree of consistency within a person or an environment is also defined by using the hexagonal model. Typology Assump6ons •  The degree of differenCaCon of a person or an environment modifies predicCons made from a person’s SDS profile, from an occupaConal code, or from the interacCon of the two. REVISING THE SDS Historical Overview 1971 First Edi6on 1971-­‐1
975 Several changes to scoring 1977 1985 Major revision to scoring 50 jobs added to OF reduce item overlap Omit items with extreme endorsement ↑ applicability to larger age range Update the instruc6ons OF increased from 501 to 1,156 1994 67 items revised + fast-­‐growing jobs -­‐ declining jobs + jobs ↑GED levels -­‐ of ↓GED levels Subs6tu6on of job 6tles Inclusion of all 3-­‐le^er Holland codes Be^er instruc6ons Reminders to explore all permuta6ons of code 2010 Revision of OF to include O*NET codes 2011-­‐2
012 Expert panel Pilot tesCng Standardiz-­‐
aCon in July 2012 SDS-­‐1994 Edi6on Assessment Booklet You and Your Career OccupaCons Finder Overview of the SDS Assessment •  Includes an assessment of: – AcCviCes – Competencies – Self-­‐concepts – VocaConal preferences Occupa6ons Finder (OF) •  Provides a list of occupaCons matched with 3-­‐lecer Holland code •  Allows for the “searching” of occupaCons –  review occupaCons under exact match of code –  review permutaCon of code –  review occupaCons based on daydream code Advantages of the OF •  Draws acenCon to occupaCons that might otherwise be overlooked. •  Show “almost” all of the possibiliCes for a specific Holland Code. •  Can be uClized by clients without a huge amount of supervision. Addi6onal SDS Materials •  DHOC •  You and Your Career •  EducaConal OpportuniCes Finder • 
Form E Form CP Form CE MulCple Languages Occupa6ons Finder •  IniCally derived from the DicConary of Holland OccupaConal Codes (DHOC) –  TranslaCon of the DOT and other occupaConal resources into the Holland occupaConal codes Development of DHOC •  Data used to develop the 4th EdiCon of the DOT was uClized •  MulCple discriminant analyses were used to develop classificatory funcCons (n = 189 occupaCons) •  FuncCons then applied to remaining 12,099 occupaCons in DOT Valida6on of DHOC •  Two independent raters then classified random sample of 289 occupaCons •  87.5% agreement was found, remaining were resolved through discussions •  87.8% of empirically assigned codes matched the judgment based codes •  Holland reviewed all (over 12,000) of the occupaCons with the goal of detecCng grossly misclassified occupaCons. This lead to idenCfying 35 occupaCons. REVISING THE OCCUPATIONS FINDER (OF) Historical Overview 1971 First EdiCon 1971-­‐
1975 Several changes to scoring 1977 Major revision to scoring 50 jobs added to OF 1985 reduce item overlap Omit items with extreme endorsement ↑ applicability to larger age range Update the instrucCons OF increased from 501 to 1,156 1994 67 items revised + fast-­‐growing jobs -­‐ declining jobs + jobs ↑GED levels -­‐ of ↓GED levels SubsCtuCon of job Ctles Inclusion of all 3-­‐
lecer Holland codes Becer instrucCons Reminders to explore all permutaCons of code 2010 Revision of OF to include O*NET codes 2011-­‐20
12 Expert panel Pilot tes6ng Standard-­‐
iza6on in July 2012 Occupa6ons Finder Revision (2010) •  Major goals of this revision: –  maintain a comprehensive list of occupaCons –  expand the exisCng occupaConal list to include contemporary occupaCons –  incorporate O*NET codes in order to allow users access to addiConal informaCon from the OccupaConal InformaCon Network. Expert Panel An expert panel provided conCnual feedback throughout the revision process. The panel included four members who are either assistant/associate professors or program directors of career counseling training programs across the U.S. Revision Process •  IdenCfying addiConal occupaCons to consider for inclusion in the revision. –  These new occupaCons came from mulCple sources (e.g., expert panel, current O*NET database, etc.) •  Once a comprehensive list was created, the expert panel was asked to provide feedback on whether the suggested occupaCons should be added. Revision Process •  Expert panel was also provided with a list of the 1,309 occupaCons that were in the 1994 version of the OF and asked to provide feedback on whether any of the occupaCons should be eliminated. Revision Process •  90 new occupaCons were idenCfied for inclusion •  20 occupaCons were idenCfied for eliminaCon •  More than 90 occupaCons were given revised Ctles Revision Process •  Throughout the process the expert panel was then asked to provide Holland Codes for each of the new occupaCons. •  During this phase, several rounds of raCngs were completed by the expert panel in order to resolve conflicts in raCngs. •  At the end of this phase, each of the 90 new occupaCons was assigned a three-­‐lecer Holland Code. Revision Process •  The final phase in revising the OF consisted of incorporaCng O*NET codes into the classificaCon system. •  The incorporaCon of O*NET codes was accomplished by using the crosswalk database that is available for DOT/O*NET codes. –  Each DOT code has been linked to an O*NET code via the NaConal Crosswalk Service Center (NCSC; hcp://www.xwalkcenter.org) •  Although the crosswalk was used to align DOT and O*NET occupaCons, the expert panel provided feedback if a more representaCve occupaConal Ctle or code should be used. •  There are several O*NET codes that do not have corresponding DOT codes, and each of these occupaCons was considered for inclusion in the OccupaCons Finder by the expert panel during its iniCal review. •  Although some occupaCons may not have a corresponding O*NET code, every occupaCon has a Summary Code. Revision Process •  Editorial and Quality Assurance staff rigorously reviewed the newly developed index: –  no occupaCons were lost –  O*NET codes were correctly linked to corresponding occupaCons –  duplicate occupaCons listed under mulCple Holland codes Addi6onal Changes •  The GED codes were replaced with O*NET EducaCon Levels •  The AlphabeCzed Index was added to the OF (as opposed to be offered separately) •  SDS-­‐SP reports were revised to include new occupaConal codes along with links to the O*NET ADVANTAGES OF THE REVISED OCCUPATIONS FINDER (OF) Advantages of the Revised OF •  Directly links to O*NET –  “Kisha’s” case study •  Face validity/relevance of occupaConal Ctles are likely to increase client engagement •  Increase likelihood of finding aspiraConal occupaCon in the OF Case Study: Kisha (1997) Ac6vi6es to help me reach my goal People or informa6on resources needed Learn more about skills, interests and values Career planning class acCviCes Learn about occupaCons Go to the career library Research relevant cerCficate programs Go to the career library Talk to an advisor Set appointment with career advisor Talk with people in occupaCons Set appointments to interview professionals Obtain a job in field to get experience Speak with internship coordinator Case study from Reardon, R. and Lentz, J. (1997) The Self-­‐Directed Search and Holland Career Materials: A Prac99oner’s Guide. Odessa, FL: PAR, Inc. Case Study: Kisha (2012) Ac6vi6es to help me reach my goal People or informa6on resources needed Resources available on O*NET Learn more about skills, interests and values Career planning class acCviCes Knowledge, Skills, AbiliCes Learn about occupaCons Go to the career library Tasks, Work AcCviCes Research relevant cerCficate programs Go to the career library Link to USDOL State ApprenCce InformaCon Talk to an advisor Set appointment with career advisor All available job code specific informaCon Talk with people in occupaCons Set appointments to interview professionals All available job code specific informaCon Obtain a job in field to get experience Speak with internship coordinator Job Zone-­‐Related Experience and Job Training Case study from Reardon, R. and Lentz, J. (1997) The Self-­‐Directed Search and Holland Career Materials: A Prac99oner’s Guide. Odessa, FL: PAR, Inc. Case Study: Good Morning America Code: ESA OccupaCon: Weatherman ü  Social Worker ü  Newspaper Editor ü  Shoe Salesman Case Study: Good Morning America hcp://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?
id=5864771 Expansion of occupa6onal 6tles •  104 occupaCons added •  Represents the advances made in science, technology and culture Green Occupa6ons Tech Occupa6ons Sustainability Specialists Electronic Commerce Specialists Climate Change Analysts Computer Network Architects Energy Brokers InformaCcs Nurse Specialists Geographic InformaCon Systems (GIS) Technicians Data Warehousing Specialists Wind Energy Project Managers InformaCon Technology Project Managers SNAPSHOT: SDS DATA FROM THE ONLINE ASSESSMENT SDS Online Data Total sample of 6040 Gender Age 24 and up Male 37% 18-­‐23 Female 63% Under 18 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 •  Majority of the sample is enrolled in school (70%) and unemployed (67%) Common Occupa6ons and Aspira6ons Most frequently held occupa6on RIASEC Code Most frequently aspired to RIASEC occupa6on Code Retail Salespersons ESA Counseling Psychologist SIA Waiters and Waitresses SEC Clinical Psychologist ISA Elementary School Teachers SAC Career Counselor SAE Cashiers CES Secondary School Teacher SAE Counselors (non-­‐specific) SIA Elementary School Teacher SAE RIASEC Codes from the SDS RealisCc InvesCgaCve ArCsCc Social Enterprising ConvenConal 1000 800 600 400 200 0 RI RA RS RE RC IR IA IS IE IC AR AI AS AE AC SR SI SA SE SC ER EI EA ES EC CR CI CA CS CE n=6040 RIASEC Codes for Current Occupa6on RealisCc InvesCgaCve ArCsCc Social Enterprising ConvenConal 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 RI RA RS RE RC IR IA IS IE IC AR AI AS AE AC SR SI SA SE SC ER EI EA ES EC CR CI CA CS CE n=2319 RIASEC Codes for Job Aspira6ons RealisCc InvesCgaCve ArCsCc Social Enterprising ConvenConal 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 RI RA RS RE RC IR IA IS IE IC AR AI AS AE AC SR SI SA SE SC ER EI EA ES EC CR CI CA CS CE n=5579 WHAT’S NEXT FOR THE SDS & OF Historical Overview 1971 First EdiCon 1971-­‐
1975 Several changes to scoring 1977 Major revision to scoring 50 jobs added to OF 1985 reduce item overlap Omit items with extreme endorsement ↑ applicability to larger age range Update the instrucCons OF increased from 501 to 1,156 1994 67 items revised + fast-­‐growing jobs -­‐ declining jobs + jobs ↑GED levels -­‐ of ↓GED levels SubsCtuCon of job Ctles Inclusion of all 3-­‐
lecer Holland codes Becer instrucCons Reminders to explore all permutaCons of code 2010 Revision of OF to include O*NET codes 2011-­‐20
12 Expert panel Pilot tes6ng Standard-­‐
iza6on in July 2012 SDS Revision •  Pilot tested in 2011 •  Expert panel assembled to provide input on exisCng items and offer suggesCons for new items •  Sample size of 206 •  StandardizaCon to begin July 2012 OF Revision •  Inclusion of new O*NET codes collected during standardizaCon •  CollecCng extensive job history and aspiraConal occupaCons data to be incorporated in the revised OF 