Shape and Measure Pathway

Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape & Space - Movement and Turns
Can you use clockwise
and anticlockwise in
Can you make whole,
half and quarter turns?
Can you distinguish
between straight and
turning movements, giving
directions using left and
Can you follow simple
directional symbols?
Go to the bookcase and
make a quarter turn
anticlockwise to face the
I can move the beebot a
half turn to face the
other way?
Go straight across the
playground and when you
reach the bin turn left.
I am going this way
because the arrow is
pointing in this direction.
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape - Position
Can you describe
position and
Can you use ordinal
numbers to describe
position in a row or line?
Can you describe
position using a wider
range of language?
Can you use everyday
words to describe
position and respond to
positional language?
The pirate has travelled 2
squares forward, made a
quarter clockwise turn and
moved 1 square forward. He is
now in C4.
The teddy is the first
object in the line, the car
is second and the
beanbag is third.
Near to, far from, next to,
At the corner of, further
away from
Next to… on top…
behind… below… under
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape - Symmetry
Can you identify all the
symmetries of 2D
shapes – reflections and
rotation symmetry?
Can you recognise
oblique lines of
symmetry in shapes?
Can you identify lines of
symmetry by folding 2D
shapes and recognise
when a shape does not
have a line of symmetry?
Can you recognise and
draw a line of symmetry or
construct patterns with a
line of symmetry?
This shape has x lines of
symmetry. I know this
If I fold my square
diagonally, I have found an
oblique line of symmetry.
I have folded this square 6
times and found lines of
symmetry using my mirror.
I have made my pattern
the same on both sides,
using a mirror to check.
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape - Angles
Can you identify alternate,
corresponding and
supplementary angles involving
parallel lines?
Can you draw angles to the
nearest 1˚ and use language
associated with angles?
This is an alternate angle
because… this is a
corresponding angle because…
Acute, obtuse, reflex,
complementary and
Can you draw angles to the
nearest 5 ˚?
Can you recognise angles as a
measure of turn and know that
one whole turn is 360˚?
Can you use the terms
acute and obtuse?
Can you identify a right angle
and explain what it is?
(2D/3D shapes, environment)
I have turned my beebot all the
way round, it has turned 360 ˚
This angle is smaller than a
right angle, it is acute.
This rectangle has 4 right
The corner of the bookcase is
a right angle.
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape - Rotation
Can you fully describe
the rotation of a shape?
Children identify the angle and
point of rotation accurately.
Can you rotate from any
given point on a grid?
I rotated the shape about
point (8,4) and the other
shape about point (7,3)
Can you rotate a simple
shape or object about
its centre or a vertex?
I made sure that the shape did
not move at the point of
rotation and rotated the shape
Can you identify
congruent shapes?
I know these shapes are
congruent because…
Can you draw common
2D shapes in different
orientations on grids?
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape - Reflection
Can you reflect shapes on
graph paper given the
equation of the mirror line?
Can you reflect shapes that
are not presented on a
Can you reflect shapes which
cross a mirror line?
Can you draw the reflection of
a shape in an oblique mirror
line when the shape is and is
not touching the mirror line?
Can you draw the reflection of
a shape with a horizontal or
vertical line when the shape is
and is not touching the mirror
Children draw the line x+2
and reflect a shape in it.
I can measure perpendicular
distances to/from the mirror line to
reflect shapes not on a grid.
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Shape - Properties
Can you use and describe
a wide range of properties
of 2D and 3D shapes?
Can you use a widening range of
mathematical vocabulary when
describing shapes and use the
properties of 2D and 3D shapes?
Can you classify a wide range
of 2D and 3D shapes in various
ways using mathematical
Can you identify, describe and
sort common shapes according
to their properties?
Can you identify, name
and describe simple 2D
and 3D shapes?
Parallel and perpendicular lines and faces,
angle sum of a triangle and straight line.
Vocab: opposite, adjacent, parallel,
perpendicular, equal, complementary,
acute, obtuse.
Horizontal, vertical, congruent, parallelogram,
convex, concave
include quadrilaterals and triangles (scalene and
Oblique lines of symmetry
Making 3D mathematical models by linking
Visualising shapes and recognising them in
different orientations
Prisms, regular and irregular
shapes, right angled and
equilateral triangles, lines of
symmetry, nets.
Faces, edges, corners, sides,
identifying lines of symmetry
and right angles.
2D: square, triangle, circle, rectangle,
3D: sphere, cube, cylinder, pyramid, cuboid
Sides, faces, corners.
Children can make patterns, pictures and
models using shapes.
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Measures – Scales & Units (L1-3)
Can you read scales with
increments of 2, 5, 10 and 25
(and their multiples e.g, 20, 40,
60… 2.5, 5, 7.5)?
Can you read scales to the
nearest division and half
division on a labelled scale?
Can you read scales to the
nearest labelled division?
Can you use standard units
to estimate measures?
Can you compare the length,
mass or capacity of two or
more objects?
“The red tower is much taller than
the blue tower of cubes.”
“I think this basket of shopping is
heavier than the pile of books.”
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Measures – Scales & Units (L3-5)
Can you convert metric units
into imperial measures?
“1km = 0.62 miles so 10km
= 6.2miles.”
“1kg = 2.2lb”
Can you convert units of
measures to solve
2.5kg + 50g
= 2.5kg + 0.05kg
= 2.55kg
Do you know and use the
relationship between familiar units of
length, mass and capacity?
“1m = 100cm so ½ m = 50cm”
“350ml = 0.35l”
“2.05km = 2050m”
Can you choose appropriate
units and instruments to
measure accurately?
“I will measure the length of the classroom
in metres using a trundle-wheel.”
“It would be best to measure the capacity of
a can using a measuring cylinder with a
smaller and more precise scale.”
Can you read scales to the
nearest division where scales
are partially numbered?
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Measures – Time (L1-3)
Can you read a clock to the
nearest minute?
“It’s 3 minutes to 12… it’s
17 minutes past 5.”
Can you read a clock to the
nearest 5 minutes?
5 past… 10 past…
to… 5 to…
Can you tell the time to o’clock,
half past and quarter past and
quarter to?
The time is 3 o’clock.
It is quarter to 4.
Lunchtime is at half past 12
Can you use a timeline to
order daily events?
“Walk to school… playtime…
lunchtime… hometime…
swimming lesson… teatime…
Can you use time related
words and start to read
o’clock times?
Order everyday events… days
of the week… phases of the
day… ordinal numbers… 1st,
2nd, 3rd
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Measures – Time (L3-4)
Can you use and interpret
Bus timetables… train timetables…
“What time would I need to be at the bus
stop for if I needed to be in town for 1.30?
How long does it take the train to reach
Can you read the 24hr
clock and convert between
12hr and 24hr clock times?
Digital… analogue…
17:00 = 5pm…
01:30 = half past one in the
Can you find a time interval
greater than 1 hour?
1 min = 60 seconds so 2
mins = 120 seconds.
3 hours = 180 minutes.
Can you calculate time
intervals less than 1 hour?
“If I catch a bus at half past 11 and arrive at
5 to 12, how long was my journey?”
“A cake needs to go in the oven for 30mins.
What time should I take it out if it went in at
20 past 2?”
Can you use units of time and
know the relationship between
1 min = 60 so 2 minutes = 120 seconds
1 hour = 60 mins so 4 hours = 240
Month, year, decade, century
Progress Challenges
Maths Pathway: Measures - Area and Perimeter
Can you find the area of a triangle,
trapezium and circle (using π)? Can
you find the volume and surface
area of a cube and cuboid?
Can you find the perimeter and
area of a compound shape with
missing measurements?
Can you find the perimeter and
area of a compound shape by
splitting into rectangles?
Can you use “length x width” to
find area of a rectangle?
Can you find the perimeter and
area of a simple shape by
counting squares and part
Area of triangle = ½ x b x h
Area of circle = πr²
Area of a trapezium = ½(a+b) ×h