EPP Enlarged Group Bureau Meeting
'Security and political stability'
01 - 02 October 2015
Copenhagen Marriott Hotel, Kalvebod Brygge 5 1560
Copenhagen, Denmark
13.00 -
Registration opens
15.30 - 16.30
Opening Session
(Vesterhavet Meeting Room – DE, FR, EN, ES, IT)
Paulo RANGEL MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP, EIN Chairman
Welcome messages:
Bendt BENDTSEN MEP, Head of the Danish EPP Delegation in the EP
Joseph DAUL, President of the European People's Party
16.30 - 19.00
Round Table - Mediterranean stability (Security, Migration and Cooperation factors)
(Vesterhavet Meeting Room - DE, FR, EN, ES, IT)
Co- Chair:
Mariya GABRIEL MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the Working Group
on Mediterranean Union, Euromed, Head of the Bulgarian EPP Delegation
Antonio TAJANI MEP, Vice-President of the EP, former Vice-President of the EC
Guest Speaker:
Per Stig MØLLER, Former Danish minister of Foreign Affairs from 2001-2010
Alojz PETERLE MEP, former Prime Minister of Slovenia
Eric B. BROWN, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Sergio PICCOLO - Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Geographical
Coordination Neighbouhood South – NEAR B.1
Walid PHARES, Co-Secretary General, Trans Atlantic Legislative Group on Counter Terrorism
Round Table - Islamic state and crash of values
(Skagerrak & Kattegat Meeting Room - FR, EN, ES- passive)
György HÖLVÉNYI MEP, Co-Chair of the EPP Working Group on Intercultural and Religious Dialogue
Sayed Kassem ELMASRY, Adviser to the OIC Secretary General and Peace Envoy to Southern Philippines
Eva SAENZ-DIEZ JACCARINI, Universite Paris-8, France
Matthias SCHÄFER, Head of the Economic Policy team, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Round Table - Russia, Ukraine and the European Union
(Oestersoen & Oeresund Meeting Room - FR, EN)
Sandra KALNIETE MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the Working Group
on Neighbourhood Policy and Euronest
Andrej PLENKOVIĆ MEP, Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Chairman of the
Delegation for Ukraine in the EP
Jeffrey GEDMIN, Senior Fellow at Georgetown University, Senior Fellow at Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Henrik BREITENBAUCH, Director, Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen
Miguel MONJARDINO, Portuguese Catholic University
Bus transfer to restaurant
(Copenhagen Admiral Hotel Toldbodgade 24-28, DK 1253 Copenhagen - DE, EN, FR, ES)
Welcome messages:
Joseph DAUL, President of the European People's Party
Manfred WEBER MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament
Paulo RANGEL MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP, EIN Chairman
Ceremony of the first EIN MERIT AWARD Francisco Lucas Pires delivered to the former EIN
chairman, Jaime MAYOR OREJA
Plenary Session I
09.00 - 11.00
Round Table- Transatlantic relations
(Vesterhavet Meeting Room - DE, FR, EN, ES, IT)
Mairead McGUINNESS MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EP
Guest Speakers:
Jose Manuel GONZALEZ-PARAMO, Chairman of Transatlantic Business Dialogue and Executive
Board Member of BBVA
John BRUTON, Former Prime- minister of Ireland
David MCALLISTER MEP, Chairman of the Delegation for relations with United States in the EP
Jon B. PERDUE, Director of Latin America Programs at The Fund for American Studies
Round Table - Financial and economic elements in post crisis European Union
(Skagerrak & Kattegat Meeting Room - FR, EN)
Burkhard BALZ MEP, Member of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in the EP
Guest Speaker:
Lim HWEE HUA, Former Minister of Finance, Singapore , Senior Advisor to Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts and
a Member of the Asia Advisory Board of Westpac Institutional Bank
Grégory CLAEYS, Research Fellow, Bruegel
Servaas DEROOSE, Deputy Director-General, DG ECFIN - Directorate-General for Economic and Financial
Affairs, EC
Miguel MARIN, Director of Economics and Public Policy at FAES Foundation
Jose SILVA PENEDA, Principal Adviser for European Social Policy
Round Table- The future of Europe. European and monetary Union
(Oestersoen & Oeresund Meeting Room - FR, EN)
Elmar BROK MEP, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the EP
Niels THYGESEN, Professor Emeritus, University of Copenhagen
Fernando NAVARRETE ROJAS, Chief Financial Officer and Director General of Strategy and Finance,
Instituto de Crédito Oficial
Michael HÜTHER, Direktor, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e. V
Ross WALKER, Senior UK Economist RBS
11.00 - 11.15
Coffee Break
Plenary Session II
11.15 - 13.00
Round Table - Migration and demography
(Vesterhavet Meeting Room - DE, FR, EN, ES, IT)
György SCHÖPFLIN MEP, EPP Group coordinator on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) in the EP
Rickard SANDELL, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Tamás MOLNÁR, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Studies
David COLEMAN, Oxford University
Dušan DRBOHLAV, Head of Geographic Migration Centre
Round-Table - Human dignity and Bioethics
(Skagerrak & Kattegat Meeting Room - FR, EN)
Miroslav MIKOLÁŠIK MEP, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
in the EP
Ana Sofia CARVALHO, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Gregor PUPPINCK, European Center for Law and Justice
Sophia KUBY, ADF International
Christoph THEN, Executive Director, Test Biotech
13.15 - 14.45
Plenary Session III
14.45 - 17.15
Round Table - Populism and the future of democracy
(Vesterhavet Meeting Room - DE, FR, EN, ES, IT)
Paulo RANGEL MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, EIN Chairman
Guest Speaker:
Jaime MAYOR OREJA, President of "Valores y Sociedad" foundation and former Vice-Chairman of the
EPP Group in the EP responsible for EIN
Jan OLBRYCHT MEP, EPP Group Vice-Coordinator - Committee on Budgets
Peter UCEN, Senior Expert
Allan S. JANIK, University of Innsbruck (UK)
Round Table- Digital Single Market, Internet and Copyright
(Skagerrak & Kattegat Meeting Room - FR, EN)
Françoise GROSSETÊTE MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the
Working Group on Economy and Environment
Pilar del CASTILLO VERA MEP, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy in the EP
Sabine VERHEYEN MEP, Vice-Chair of Delegation for relations with South Africa in the EP
Malcolm HARBOUR, Director of the Digital Policy Alliance, Former MEP
Audrey KEUKENS, Secretary General ad interim, Ecommerce Europe
Felice SIMONELLI, Researcher, CEPS
Round Table - Terrorism, Threats and Strategy
(Oestersoen & Oeresund Meeting Room - ES, EN, FR- passive)
Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the
Working Group on Legal and Home Affairs
Dietrich NEUMANN, Head of Business Area Corporate Services, EUROPOL
Yahya Sergio Yahe PALLAVICINI,Vice-president, Comunita Religiosa Islamica Italiana
Olivier KEMPF, Associate Research Fellow, IRIS
17.15 - 17.30
Coffee Break
17.30 - 19.00
Closing Session
(Vesterhavet Meeting Room - DE, FR, EN, ES, IT)
20.00 -
Working dinner with Foundations
(Restaurant at the Marriott Hotel, Kalvebod Brygge 5 1560 Copenhagen, Denmark)
Welcome message:
Paulo RANGEL MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP, EIN Chairman
Foundation prospects for 2016:
Javier ZARZALEJOS, Secretary General, FAES Foundation