PTC PCR II: Restriction Enzymes & Gel Electrophoresis Objective To apply what we’ve learned about genetics, molecular biology, and recombinant DNA to a specific human genetic trait. Background Mammals are believed to distinguish only five basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami (the taste of monosodium glutamate). Taste recognition is mediated by specialized taste cells that communicate with several brain regions through direct connections to sensory neurons. Taste perception is a two-step process. First, a taste molecule binds to a specific receptor on the surface of a taste cell. Then, the taste cell generates a nervous impulse, which is interpreted by the brain. For example, stimulation of “sweet cells” generates a perception of sweetness in the brain. Recent research has shown that taste sensation ultimately is determined by the wiring of a taste cell to the cortex, rather than the type of molecule bound by a receptor. So, for example, if a bitter taste receptor is expressed on the surface of a “sweet cell,” a bitter molecule is perceived as tasting sweet. A serendipitous observation at DuPont, in the early 1930s, first showed a genetic basis to taste. Arthur Fox had S synthesized some phenylthiocarbamide (PTC; see structure at right), and some of the PTC dust escaped into the air as he was transferring it into a bottle. Lab-mate C.R. Noller N NH 2 complained that the dust had a bitter taste, but Fox tasted H nothing—even when he directly sampled the crystals. Subsequent studies by Albert Blakeslee, at the Carnegie Department of Genetics (the forerunner of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), showed that the inability to taste PTC is a recessive trait that varies in the human population. Bitter-tasting compounds are recognized by receptor proteins on the surface of taste cells. There are approximately 30 genes for different bitter taste receptors in mammals. The gene for the PTC taste receptor, TAS2R38, was identified in 2003. Sequencing identified three nucleotide positions that vary within the human population—each variable position is termed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). One specific combination of the three SNPs, termed a haplotype, correlates most strongly with tasting ability. In this experiment, a sample of human cells is obtained by saline mouthwash. DNA is extracted by boiling with Chelex resin, which binds contaminating metal ions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is then used to amplify a short region of the TAS2R38 gene. The amplified PCR product is digested with the restriction enzyme HaeIII, whose recognition PTC II - 3 sequence includes one of the SNPs. One allele is cut by the enzyme, and one is not—producing a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) that can be separated on a 2% agarose gel. Each student scores his or her genotype, predicts their tasting ability, and then tastes PTC paper. Overview In the first of two lab sessions, a sample of human cells is obtained by saline mouthwash from each student in the lab. DNA is extracted by boiling with Chelex resin, which binds contaminating metal ions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is then used to amplify a 221 baseSingle-Nucleotide Polymorphism to Predict Bitter-Tasting Ability 17 pair (bp) region of the TAS2R38 gene. In the second session, The amplified PCR product is digested with the restriction enzyme HaeIII, whoseRESULTS recognition includes one of the SNPs. The taster allele is cut by HaeIII ANDsequence DISCUSSION to give a 44bp and a 177bp fragment, while the non-taster allele is not cut at all—producing a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) that can be separated on a 2% agarose gel. Each student scores his or diagram her genotype, predicts their tasting and then tastes PTC The following shows how PCR amplification andability, restriction paper. digestion identifies the G-C polymorphism in the TAS2R38 gene. The “C” allele, on the right, is digested by HaeIII and correlates with PTC tasting. The PCR reaction is shown schematically below: WARNINGS: 1. In general, the lab is unforgiving of mistakes like using the wrong solution or taking the wrong amount. The construction folks at “This Old House”, say “Measure twice; cut once.“ We’ll adapt this to “Check twice; pipette once”. 2. Although the chemcials we use are almost harmless, you should be careful with them. Always wear gloves, don’t eat or drink in lab, and wash your hands thoroughly when you are all done. 3. Always have a tip on the pipetman! PTC II - 4 LAB FLOW I. II. AMPLIFY DNA BY PCR ISOLATE DNA BY SALINE MOUTHWASH Procedure I. Digest PCR products with HaeIII 1. Obtain your frozen PCR product from the previous PTC lab. II. AMPLIFY DNA BY PCR 2. Label a 1.5-mL tube with your assigned number and with a “U” (undigested). III. DIGEST PCR PRODUCTS WITH HaeIII 3. Use a P20 with a fresh tip to transfer 10μL of your PCR product to the “U” tube. Store this sample on ice until you are ready to begin Part II. II. AMPLIFY DNA BY PCR III. DIGEST PCR PRODUCTS WITH HaeIII ANALYZE IV. the 4. Have your TA add 1μL of restriction enzyme HaeIII directly into PCR PCR PRODUCTS BY GEL ELECTRO product remaining in the PCR tube. Label this tube with a “D” (digested). III. DIGEST PCR PRODUCTS WITH HaeIII 5. Mix and pool reagents by pulsing in a microcentrifuge or by sharply ANALYZE PCR PRODUCTS IV.vortexing. II. tapping AMPLIFYthe DNAtube BY PCR bottom on the lab bench or by Then, spin BY GEL ELECTROPHORESIS briefly in the microfuge to bring all the drops together. IV. ANALYZE PCR PRODUCTS BY GEL ELECTROPHORESIS 6. Place your PCR tube, along with other student samples, in a thermal cycler that has been programmed for one cycle of the following profile. The profile may be linked to a 4°C hold III. DIGEST PCR PRODUCTS WITH HaeIII program. Digesting step: 37°C 30 minutes – IV. ANALYZE PCR PRODUCTS BY GEL ELECTROPHORESIS – PTC II - 5 + e-Nucleotide Polymorphism to Predict Bitter-Tasting Ability 11 III. DIGEST PCR PRODUCTS WITH HaeIII Procedure II: Analyze Digested PCR Products by Gel Electrophoresis an overly thick gel, difficult to visualize. 1. ome cloudy as it 2. Pour 2% agarose solution to a depth that covers about 1/3 the height of the open teeth of the gel comb. We will prepare a 2% agarose in TBE buffer for you. 3. Allow the gel to solidify completely. This takes approximately 20 2. Loading aminutes. gel can be challenging, so you should practice loading a sample into the practice gel before loading your gel. re buffer than 4. Place the gel into the electrophoresis chamber, and add enough 1× II. AMPLIFY DNA BY PCR much buffer above TBE bufferwith to cover the surface of the20 gel. 3. Use a micropipet a fresh tip to load uL of pBR322/BstNI size markers s electrical current ANALYZE PCR PRODUCTS BY GEL ELECTROPHORESIS IV. of the gel. creasing running left lane 5. Carefully remove the comb, and add additional 1× TBE buffer to just into the far cover and fill in wells—creating a smooth buffer surface. 6. Use a micropipet with a fresh tip to load 20 µL of pBR322/BstNI size markers into the far left lane of the gel. may also be used as – eral oil during PCR, 7. Use a micropipet with a fresh tip to add 10 µL of the undigested (U) et tip through the 4. Use a micropipet fresh tip(D)tosample/loading add 10 uL of dye the mixture undigested and 16 µLwith of theadigested into (U) r to withdraw the HaeIII III. and DIGEST PRODUCTS WITH 16 PCR uLdifferent of the digested (D) sample/loading dye mixture into wells of a 2% agarose gel, according to the diagram below. Do not pipet any different wells of a 2% agarose gel, according to the diagram below. om the tip before eful not to push the through the ample well. MARKER pBR322/ BstNI STUDENT 1 U D STUDENT 2 U D STUDENT 3 U D IV. ANALYZE PCR PRODUCTS BY GEL ELECTROPHORESIS 5. Run the gel at 130 V for approximately 30 minutes. Adequate separation will have occurred when the cresol red dye front has 8. Run the gel at 130 V for approximately 30 minutes. Adequate moved at least 50 mm from the wells. separation will have occurred when the cresol red dye front has moved at least 50 mm from the wells. gel for 5–10 water leeches ium bromide from sing background contrast of the 9. Stain the gel using ethidium bromide or CarolinaBLU™: a. For ethidium bromide, stain 10–15 minutes. Decant stain back into the storage container for reuse, and rinse the gel in tap water. Use gloves when handling ethidium bromide solution and stained gels or anything that has ethidium bromide on it. Ethidium bromide is a known mutagen, and care should be taken when using and disposing of it. b. For CarolinaBLU™, follow directions in the Instructor Planning section. on, where the light the gel, increases contrast. – 10. View the gel using transillumination, and photograph it using a digital or instant camera. PTC II - 6 Copyright © 2006, Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. All rights reserved. + 6. A chemical stain that binds specifically has been mixed into the gel. This stain fluoresces under UV light when it is bound to DNA. Using a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism to Predict Bitter-Tasting Ability 7. View the gel using transillumination, and photograph it using a digital or instant camera. Typical results are shown below: MARKER pBR322/ BstNI tt nontaster U D TT taster U D Tt taster U D MARKER 100 bp ladder 1857 bp 1058 bp 929 bp 383 bp 221 bp 177 bp 121 bp 44 bp primer dimer (if present) 1. Determine yourPTC PTC genotype. Procedure III: Determine your GenotypeObserve the photograph of the stained gel containing PCR digest and those you fromsee other 1. Scan across the photograph to get your an impression of what in each lane. You should students. thelanes photograph with thetosample at the top. Use notice that virtually allOrient student contain one three wells prominent bands. the sample gel shown above to help interpret the band(s) in each of the gel.the pBR322/BstNI markers on the left side of the sample gel. 2. Locate the lanelane containing Working froma.the well, locate bands corresponding to each restriction Scan across the the photograph to get an impression of what you see fragment: 1857 bp, 1058 bp, 929 bp, 383 bp, and 121 bp. The 1058-bp and 929-bp fragments will be very in each lane. You should notice that virtually all student lanes close together or contain may appear a single largebands. band. The 121- bp band may be very faint or one to as three prominent not visible. (Alternatively, use a 100-bp ladder as shown on the right-hand side of the b. Locate lane containing markers on the left sample gel. These DNAthe markers increasethe inpBR322/BstNI size in 100-bp increments starting with the of the sample fastest migratingside band of 100 bp.)gel. Working from the well, locate the bands corresponding to each restriction fragment: 1857 bp, 1058 bp, 929 bp, 383 bp, the and undigested 121 bp. The 1058-bp and 929-bp will bebe one 3. Locate the lane containing PCR product (U).fragments There should close together or may appear as a single large band. The 121prominent band very in this lane. Compare the migration of the undigested PCR product in this bp band may be very faint or not visible. (Alternatively, use a 100-bp lane with that of the 383-bp and 121-bp bands in the pBR322/BstNI lane. Confirm that the on the right-hand side of sample as shown undigested PCR ladder product corresponds with a size of the about 221gel. bp.These DNA markers increase in size in 100-bp increments starting with the fastest migrating band of 100 bp.)digested PCR product (D) with the uncut control. 4. To “score” your alleles, compare your c. Locate the lane containing the undigested PCR product (U). There Record your genotype here: should be one prominent band in this lane. Compare the migration of the undigested PCR product in this lane with that of the 383-bp Procedure IV: Determine yourbands PTC in phenotype. and 121-bp the pBR322/BstNI lane. Confirm that the First, place one strip of control tastecorresponds paper in the center your tongue undigested PCR product with a size of of about 221 bp. for several seconds. Note the taste. Then, remove the control paper, and place one strip of PTC taste paper d. To “score”for yourseveral alleles, compare digested product (D) with in the center of your tongue seconds.your How wouldPCR you describe the taste of the PTC You will be one of three genotypes: the uncut control. paper, as compared to the control: strongly bitter, weakly bitter, or no taste other than paper? Compare thisttwith the phenotype you’d expect shows basedaon your genotype. nontaster (homozygous recessive) single band in the same position as the uncut control. TT taster (homozygous dominant) shows two bands of 177 bp and 44 bp. The 177-bp band migrates just ahead of the uncut - 7be faint. (Incomplete digestion may control; the 44-bp PTC band II may leave a small amount of uncut product at the 221-bp position, but this band should be clearly fainter than the 177-bp band.) GFP Transformation follow-up In this last part of the lab, you will look at the plates you made in the GFP Transformation lab. By now, the bacteria that can grow will have grown to colonies and those that can produce GFP will be fluorescent under ultra-violet light. 1) What results should you expect? Discuss this as a class and fill in the table. Plate Growth? None/Colonies/”Lawn” Fluorescence None/some colonies/all colonies/”Lawn” +pGLO LB/amp +pGLO LB/amp/ara –pGLO LB/amp –pGLO LB 2) Obtain your plates from your TA. Fill in your actual results below: Plate Growth? None/Colonies/”Lawn” +pGLO LB/amp +pGLO LB/amp/ara –pGLO LB/amp –pGLO LB 3) Do they differ, why or why not? PTC II - 8 Fluorescence None/some colonies/all colonies/”Lawn” Lab Report This lab report is due as an e-mail to your TA sent during the lab period. It is a group lab report for a group grade. Your lab report must be in your own words. Your lab report must consist of the answers to these questions: 1) Give one result from your plates or that of another group that differed from the expected results. 2) Provide a plausible explanation for this difference. PTC II - 9 PTC II - 10