Science Guide-General - St. Tammany Parish Library

Notes ____________________________
Internet Resources
Internet resources are a great tool for
“off-the-hip” reference, but it is easy to
stumble onto false or inaccurate information.
Some excellent general science information
can be found on these websites:
- Internet Public Library, select science
from menu on the left
- Government Science website
- Select either, Elementary, Middle
or High Science from the menu on
the left
- Biology teaching resources
- Physics homework help
Librarians are here to help you
Covington Branch:; 893-6280x3 (Reference Librarian); 893-6280x4 (Genealogy Librarian)
REMEMBER: Many teachers check for
plagiarism, so use reliable
resources, your own words, and cite
your sources!
Slidell Branch:; 646-6470x3 (Reference Coordinator); 646-6470x4 (Teen Services/Reference); 646-6470x3 (Reference Librarian)
Mandeville Branch:; 626-4293x2 (Reference Librarian)
From Anatomy to
Your Guide
to Science
St. Tammany
Parish Library
At Your Service
More Science @ STPL
St. Tammany Parish Library has plenty of books
If you’re stuck on a topic, or are looking for other
materials, STPL has comprehensive and up-to-date
information on most major school subjects:
that can help you research and understand
Ψ Anatomy/Physiology
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and other sciences.
Ψ Computer/Information
Here are some books that can help you :
∞ World of Forensic Science
(Ref 363.2503 Wor)
∞ The New Book of Popular Science
(Ref 500 New and 500 New)
∞ McGraw-Hill Science Encyclopedia (503 McG)
∞ The Gale Encyclopedia of Science Series
(Ref 503 Gale)
∞ Science of Everyday Things Series
(Ref 500 Kni)
∞ The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
(500 Oxf)
∞ Norton History of Chemistry (540 Bro)
∞ African Americans in Science, Math, and
Invention (Ref 509.2273 Spa)
∞ Album of Science: the Biological Sciences
in the Twentieth Century (Ref 574.09 Bor)
∞ Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Medical
Science Breakthroughs (610.9 Mey)
Ψ Engineering Science
Ψ Psychology/Sociology
Ψ Animal/Plant Science
Ψ Science Fair Projects
Ψ General Medical/
Medicinal Sciences
And More!
Writing Tips From The Librarians
Everyone has their own writing style, but to compose an
“A” paper, you need to know the basics of researching
and writing.
Here are some tried and true tips that will help:
⇒ Don’t wait until the last minute, even on simple
⇒ Write out your topic sentence or thesis before
researching, to give you a clear idea of what to
look for
⇒ Use databases and reference materials; Google is
great, but not a replacement for researching in
the library
⇒ Create an outline or thinking map: get your thoughts
organized before writing
⇒ Keep track of your citations: don’t forget to cite your
sources properly, MLA, APA, Chicago Style
⇒ Use your own words: teachers often use sources to
check for plagiarized papers
24-Hour Reference Warehouse:
STPL gives you access to reference databases
(electronic copies of magazines and books). You
can use these inside the library or anywhere with
Internet access. From science and literature
(Gale, Ebsco), to automotive repair (Chilton’s),
help with school skills and test preparation
(Learning Express Library), St. Tammany Parish
Library has you covered!
REMEMBER: Databases are NOT Internet
resources!! They contain scanned or electronic
copies of magazines, professional journals,
newspapers and books. Please call or email us if
you or your teacher have any questions.
To access these databases from home:
1. Log onto
2. Click on Online Databases
3. Click on Access from Outside the Library and
enter the 14-digit number on the back of your
library card
4. From the Louisiana Library Connection, click
on the database that best fits your search
5. Start your search!!
If you have any trouble logging in, or finding what
you need, don’t hesitate to call one of STPL’s
friendly and knowledgeable librarians for help.
Tutorials on how to search the databases are also